path: root/lib/ic/src/ictk.erl
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 874 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ic/src/ictk.erl b/lib/ic/src/ictk.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 701d662776..0000000000
--- a/lib/ic/src/ictk.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,874 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2016. All Rights Reserved.
-%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% Toplevel generation functions
--export([reg_gen/3, unreg_gen/3]).
-%% Utilities
--export([get_IR_ID/3, get_IR_VSN/3, register_name/1, unregister_name/1]).
--import(ic_forms, [get_id2/1, get_body/1, get_idlist/1]).
--import(ic_util, [mk_name/2, mk_oe_name/2, to_atom/1, to_list/1]).
--import(ic_codegen, [emit/2, emit/3, nl/1]).
-%% IFR Registration Generation
--define(IFRID(G), mk_name(G, "IFR")).
--define(VARID(G), mk_name(G, "VAR")).
--define(IFRMOD, orber_ifr).
-reg_gen(G, N, X) ->
- S = ic_genobj:tktab(G),
- Light = ic_options:get_opt(G, light_ifr),
- init_var(),
- case ic_genobj:is_stubfile_open(G) of
- true when Light == false ->
- Var = ?IFRID(G),
- Fd = ic_genobj:stubfiled(G),
- nl(Fd), nl(Fd), nl(Fd),
- emit(Fd, "~p() ->\n", [to_atom(register_name(G))]),
- emit(Fd, " ~s = ~p:find_repository(),\n",
- [Var, ?IFRMOD]),
- nl(Fd),
- %% Write call function that checks if included
- %% modules and interfaces are created.
- emit(Fd, " register_tests(~s),\n",[?IFRID(G)]),
- reg2(G, S, N, Var, X),
- nl(Fd),
- emit(Fd, " ok.\n"),
- %% Write general register test function.
- register_tests(Fd,G),
- %% Write functopn that registers modules only if
- %% they are not registered.
- register_if_unregistered(Fd);
- true when Light == true ->
- Fd = ic_genobj:stubfiled(G),
- nl(Fd), nl(Fd), nl(Fd),
- Regname = to_atom(register_name(G)),
- emit(Fd, "~p() ->\n\t~p([]).\n\n", [Regname, Regname]),
- emit(Fd, "~p(OE_Options) ->\n\t~p:add_items(?MODULE, OE_Options,\n\t[",
- [Regname, ?IFRMOD]),
- reg_light(G, N, X),
- emit(Fd, "ok]),\n\tok.\n");
- false ->
- ok
- end.
-reg_light(G, N, X) when is_list(X) ->
- reg_light_list(G, N, X);
-reg_light(G, N, X) when is_record(X, module) ->
- reg_light_list(G, [get_id2(X) | N], get_body(X));
-reg_light(G, N, X) when is_record(X, struct) ->
- emit(ic_genobj:stubfiled(G), "{~p, ~p, struct},\n\t",
- [get_IR_ID(G, N, X), get_module(X, N)]);
-reg_light(G, N, X) when is_record(X, except) ->
- emit(ic_genobj:stubfiled(G), "{~p, ~p, except},\n\t",
- [get_IR_ID(G, N, X), get_module(X, N)]);
-reg_light(G, N, X) when is_record(X, union) ->
- emit(ic_genobj:stubfiled(G), "{~p, ~p, union},\n\t",
- [get_IR_ID(G, N, X), get_module(X, N)]);
-reg_light(G, N, X) when is_record(X, interface) ->
- emit(ic_genobj:stubfiled(G), "{~p, ~p, interface},\n\t",
- [get_IR_ID(G, N, X), get_module(X, N)]),
- reg_light_list(G, [get_id2(X)|N], get_body(X));
-reg_light(_G, _N, _X) ->
- ok.
-get_module(X, N) ->
- List = [get_id2(X) | N],
- list_to_atom(lists:foldl(fun(E, Acc) -> E++"_"++Acc end,
- hd(List), tl(List))).
-%% This function filters off all "#include <FileName>.idl" code that
-%% come along from preprocessor and scanner. Produces code ONLY for
-%% the actuall file. See ticket OTP-2133
-reg_light_list(_G, _N, []) -> [];
-reg_light_list(G, N, List ) ->
- CurrentFileName = ic_genobj:idlfile(G),
- reg_light_list(G, N, {CurrentFileName,true}, List).
-%% The filter function + loop
-reg_light_list(_G, _N, {_CFN, _Status}, []) -> [];
-reg_light_list(G, N, {CFN,Status}, [X | Xs]) ->
- case Status of
- true ->
- case X of
- {preproc,_,{_,_,_FileName},[{_,_,"1"}]} ->
- reg_light_list(G, N, {CFN,false}, Xs);
- _ ->
- reg_light(G, N, X),
- reg_light_list(G, N, {CFN,Status}, Xs)
- end;
- false ->
- case X of
- {preproc,_,{_,_,CFN},[{_,_,"2"}]} ->
- reg_light(G, N, X),
- reg_light_list(G, N, {CFN,true}, Xs);
- _ ->
- reg_light_list(G, N, {CFN,Status}, Xs)
- end
- end.
-%% reg2 is top level registration
-reg2(G, S, N, Var, X) ->
- reg2(G, S, N, "Repository_create_", Var, X).
-reg2(G, S, N, C, V, X) when is_list(X) -> reg2_list(G, S, N, C, V, X);
-reg2(G, S, N, C, V, X) when is_record(X, module) ->
- NewV = r_emit2(G, S, N, C, V, X, "", []),
- reg2_list(G, S, [get_id2(X) | N], "ModuleDef_create_", NewV, get_body(X));
-reg2(G, S, N, C, V, X) when is_record(X, const) ->
- r_emit2(G, S, N, C, V, X, ", ~s, ~p",
- [get_idltype(G, S, N, X), {, X#const.val}]);
-reg2(G, S, N, C, V, X) when is_record(X, struct) ->
- do_struct(G, S, N, C, V, X, ic_forms:get_tk(X));
-reg2(G, S, N, C, V, X) when is_record(X, except) ->
- do_except(G, S, N, C, V, X, ic_forms:get_tk(X));
-reg2(G, S, N, C, V, X) when is_record(X, union) ->
- do_union(G, S, N, C, V, X, ic_forms:get_tk(X));
-reg2(G, S, N, C, V, X) when is_record(X, enum) ->
- r_emit2(G, S, N, C, V, X, ", ~p",
- [get_enum_member_list(G, S, N, get_body(X))]);
-reg2(G, S, N, C, V, X) when is_record(X, typedef) ->
- do_typedef(G, S, N, C, V, X),
- look_for_types(G, S, N, C, V, get_body(X));
-reg2(G, S, N, C, V, X) when is_record(X, attr) ->
- XX = #id_of{type=X},
- lists:foreach(fun(Id) -> r_emit2(G, S, N, C, V, XX#id_of{id=Id}, ", ~s, ~p",
- [get_idltype(G, S, N, X), get_mode(G, N, X)])
- end,
- get_idlist(X));
-reg2(G, S, N, C, V, X) when is_record(X, interface) ->
- N2 = [get_id2(X) | N],
- Body = get_body(X),
- BIs = get_base_interfaces(G,X), %% produce code for the interface inheritance
- NewV = r_emit2(G, S, N, C, V, X, ", " ++ BIs,[]),
- reg2_list(G, S, N2, "InterfaceDef_create_", NewV, Body);
-reg2(G, S, N, C, V, X) when is_record(X, op) ->
- r_emit2(G, S, N, C, V, X, ", ~s, ~p, [~s], [~s], ~p",
- [get_idltype(G, S, N, X), get_mode(G, N, X),
- get_params(G, S, N, X#op.params), get_exceptions(G, S, N, X),
- get_context(G, S, N, X)]);
-reg2(_G, _S, _N, _C, _V, X) when is_record(X, preproc) -> ok;
-reg2(_G, _S, _N, _C, _V, X) when is_record(X, pragma) -> ok;
-reg2(_G, _S, _N, _C, _V, _X) -> ok.
-%% This function filters off all "#include <FileName>.idl" code that
-%% come along from preprocessor and scanner. Produces code ONLY for
-%% the actuall file. See ticket OTP-2133
-reg2_list(_G, _S, _N, _C, _V, []) -> [];
-reg2_list(G, S, N, C, V, List ) ->
- CurrentFileName = ic_genobj:idlfile(G),
- reg2_list(G, S, N, C, V, {CurrentFileName,true}, List).
-%% The filter function + loop
-reg2_list(_G, _S, _N, _C, _V, {_CFN, _Status}, []) -> [];
-reg2_list(G, S, N, C, V, {CFN,Status}, [X | Xs]) ->
- case Status of
- true ->
- case X of
- {preproc,_,{_,_,_FileName},[{_,_,"1"}]} ->
- reg2_list(G, S, N, C, V, {CFN,false}, Xs);
- _ ->
- F = reg2(G, S, N, C, V, X),
- [F | reg2_list(G, S, N, C, V, {CFN,Status}, Xs)]
- end;
- false ->
- case X of
- {preproc,_,{_,_,CFN},[{_,_,"2"}]} ->
- F = reg2(G, S, N, C, V, X),
- [F | reg2_list(G, S, N, C, V, {CFN,true}, Xs)];
- _ ->
- reg2_list(G, S, N, C, V, {CFN,Status}, Xs)
- end
- end.
-%% General registration tests
-register_tests(Fd,G) ->
- IfrId = ?IFRID(G),
- emit(Fd,"\n\n%% General IFR registration checks.\n", []),
- emit(Fd,"register_tests(~s)->\n",[IfrId]),
- emit(Fd," re_register_test(~s),\n",[IfrId]),
- emit(Fd," include_reg_test(~s).\n\n",[IfrId]),
- emit(Fd,"\n%% IFR type Re-registration checks.\n", []),
- case ic_pragma:fetchRandomLocalType(G) of
- {ok,TypeId} ->
- emit(Fd,"re_register_test(~s)->\n",[IfrId]),
- emit(Fd," case orber_ifr:'Repository_lookup_id'(~s,~p) of\n", [IfrId,TypeId]),
- emit(Fd," [] ->\n true;\n",[]),
- emit(Fd," _ ->\n exit({allready_registered,~p})\n end.\n\n", [TypeId]);
- false ->
- emit(Fd,"re_register_test(_)-> true.\n",[])
- end,
- emit(Fd,"~s",[check_include_regs(G)]).
-%% This function produces code for existance check over
-%% top level included modules and interfaces
-check_include_regs(G) ->
- IfrId = ?IFRID(G),
- case ic_pragma:get_incl_refs(G) of
- none ->
- io_lib:format("\n%% No included idl-files detected.\n", []) ++
- io_lib:format("include_reg_test(_~s) -> true.\n",[IfrId]);
- IMs ->
- io_lib:format("\n%% IFR registration checks for included idl files.\n", []) ++
- io_lib:format("include_reg_test(~s) ->\n",[IfrId]) ++
- check_incl_refs(G,IfrId,IMs)
- end.
-check_incl_refs(_,_,[]) ->
- io_lib:format(" true.\n",[]);
-check_incl_refs(G,IfrId,[[First]|Rest]) ->
- ModId = ic_pragma:scope2id(G,First),
- io_lib:format(" case orber_ifr:'Repository_lookup_id'(~s,~p) of~n", [IfrId,ModId]) ++
- io_lib:format(" [] ->~n exit({unregistered,~p});~n", [ModId]) ++
- io_lib:format(" _ ->~n true~n end,~n",[]) ++
- check_incl_refs(G,IfrId,Rest).
-%% This function will return module ref, it will
-%% also register module if not registered.
-register_if_unregistered(Fd) ->
- emit(Fd, "\n\n%% Fetch top module reference, register if unregistered.\n"),
- emit(Fd, "oe_get_top_module(OE_IFR, ID, Name, Version) ->\n"),
- emit(Fd, " case orber_ifr:'Repository_lookup_id'(OE_IFR, ID) of\n"),
- emit(Fd, " [] ->\n"),
- emit(Fd, " orber_ifr:'Repository_create_module'(OE_IFR, ID, Name, Version);\n"),
- emit(Fd, " Mod ->\n"),
- emit(Fd, " Mod\n",[]),
- emit(Fd, " end.\n\n"),
- emit(Fd, "%% Fetch module reference, register if unregistered.\n"),
- emit(Fd, "oe_get_module(OE_IFR, OE_Parent, ID, Name, Version) ->\n"),
- emit(Fd, " case orber_ifr:'Repository_lookup_id'(OE_IFR, ID) of\n"),
- emit(Fd, " [] ->\n"),
- emit(Fd, " orber_ifr:'ModuleDef_create_module'(OE_Parent, ID, Name, Version);\n"),
- emit(Fd, " Mod ->\n"),
- emit(Fd, " Mod\n",[]),
- emit(Fd, " end.\n").
-do_typedef(G, S, N, C, V, X) ->
- case ic_genobj:is_stubfile_open(G) of
- false -> ok;
- true ->
- Fd = ic_genobj:stubfiled(G),
- Thing = get_thing_name(X),
- IR_VSN = get_IR_VSN(G, N, X),
- TK = ic_forms:get_tk(X),
- lists:foreach(
- fun(Id) ->
- r_emit_raw(G, X, Fd, "", C, Thing, V,
- get_IR_ID(G, N, Id), get_id2(Id),
- IR_VSN, ", ~s",
- [get_idltype_tk(G, S, N,
- ictype:maybe_array(G, S, N,
- Id, TK))])
- end, get_idlist(X))
- end.
-do_union(G, S, N, C, V, X, {tk_union, _IFRID, _Name, DiscrTK, _DefNr, L}) ->
- N2 = [get_id2(X) | N],
- r_emit2(G, S, N, C, V, X, ", ~s, [~s]",
- [get_idltype_tk(G, S, N, DiscrTK),
- get_union_member_def(G, S, N2, L)]),
- look_for_types(G, S, N2, C, V, get_body(X)).
-do_struct(G, S, N, C, V, X, {tk_struct, _IFRID, _Name, ElemList}) ->
- N2 = [get_id2(X) | N],
- r_emit2(G, S, N, C, V, X, ", [~s]",
- [get_member_def(G, S, N, ElemList)]),
- look_for_types(G, S, N2, C, V, get_body(X)).
-do_except(G, S, N, C, V, X, {tk_except, _IFRID, _Name, ElemList}) ->
- N2 = [get_id2(X) | N],
- r_emit2(G, S, N, C, V, X, ", [~s]",
- [get_member_def(G, S, N, ElemList)]),
- look_for_types(G, S, N2, C, V, get_body(X)).
-%% new_var finds an unused Erlang variable name by increasing a
-%% counter.
-new_var(_G) ->
- lists:flatten(["_OE_", integer_to_list(put(var_count, get(var_count) + 1))]).
-init_var() ->
- put(var_count, 1).
-%% Public interface. The name of the register function.
-register_name(G) ->
- mk_oe_name(G, "register").
-unregister_name(G) ->
- mk_oe_name(G, "unregister").
-look_for_types(G, S, N, C, V, L) when is_list(L) ->
- lists:foreach(fun(X) -> look_for_types(G, S, N, C, V, X) end, L);
-look_for_types(G, S, N, C, V, {_Name, TK}) -> % member
- look_for_types(G, S, N, C, V, TK);
-look_for_types(_G, _S, _N, _C, _V, {tk_union, _IFRID, _Name, _DT, _Def, _L}) ->
- ok;
-look_for_types(G, S, N, C, V, {_Label, _Name, TK}) -> % case_dcl
- look_for_types(G, S, N, C, V, TK);
-look_for_types(_G, _S, _N, _C, _V, {tk_struct, _IFRID, _Name, _L}) ->
- ok;
-look_for_types(_G, _S, _N, _C, _V, _X) ->
- ok.
-%% This function produces code for the interface inheritance registration.
-%% It produces a string that represents a list of function calls.
-%% This list becomes a list of object references when the main function
-%% "orber_ifr:ModuleDef_create_interface" is called.
-get_base_interfaces(G,X) ->
- case element(3,X) of
- [] ->
- "[]";
- L ->
- "[" ++
- lists:flatten(
- lists:foldl(
- fun(E, Acc) -> [call_fun_str(G,E), ", " | Acc] end,
- call_fun_str(G,hd(L)),
- tl(L)
- )
- ) ++ "]"
- end.
-call_fun_str(G,S) ->
- lists:flatten(
- io_lib:format("orber_ifr:lookup_id(~s,\"~s\")",
- [ ?IFRID(G),
- ic_pragma:scope2id(G,S)] )).
-%% r_emit emits an IFR register function call. It returns a new
-%% variable (if further defs should be added to that one)
-%% G is genobj
-%% S is symbol table (ets)
-%% N is list of ids describing scope
-%% C is create stub (eg. "Repository_create_")
-%% V is variable name where current def should be added,
-%% X is the current def item,
-%% F and A is auxillary format and args that will be io_lib
-%% formatted and inserted as a string (don't forget to start with
-%% ", ")
-r_emit2(G, _S, N, C, V, X, F, A) ->
- case ic_genobj:is_stubfile_open(G) of
- false -> ok;
- true ->
- {NewV, Str} = get_assign(G, V, X),
- r_emit_raw(G, X, ic_genobj:stubfiled(G), Str,
- C, get_thing_name(X), V,
- get_IR_ID(G, N, X), get_id2(X), get_IR_VSN(G, N, X),
- F, A),
- NewV
- end.
-%% An IFR register line registers an entity (Thing) into the IFR. The
-%% thing is registered INTO something, an type is registered into a
-%% module for instance, and this is reflected in the Var parameter
-%% below. The var parameter is the name of the parent IFR object. The
-%% Thing parameter is the name of the thing we're trying to register,
-%% a typdef is called an alias and an interface is called an
-%% interface. Sometimes we need to store the thing we're registering
-%% into a variable because we're going to add other things to it
-%% later, modules and interfaces are such containers, so we must
-%% remember that variable for later use.
-%% All parameters shall be strings unless otherwise noted
-%% Fd - File descriptor
-%% AssignStr - Assign or not, empty except for interfaces and modules
-%% Create - Create has diff. names dep. on into what we register
-%% Thing - WHAT is registered, interface
-%% Var - The name of the variable we register into
-%% IR_ID - The IFR identifier (may be "")
-%% Id - The identifier (name) of the object
-%% IR_VSN - The IFR version as a string
-%% AuxStr - An auxillary string
-%%r_emit_raw(Fd, AssignStr, Create, Thing, Var, IR_ID, Id, IR_VSN) ->
-%% r_emit_raw(Fd, AssignStr, Create, Thing, Var, IR_ID, Id, IR_VSN, "", []).
-r_emit_raw(_G, X, Fd, AssignStr, "Repository_create_", Thing, Var, IR_ID, Id, IR_VSN, F, A)
- when is_record(X, module) ->
- emit(Fd, "~n ~s~p(~s, \"~s\", \"~s\", \"~s\"~s),~n",
- [AssignStr, to_atom("oe_get_top_"++Thing), Var, IR_ID, Id,
- IR_VSN, io_lib:format(F, A)]);
-r_emit_raw(G, X, Fd, AssignStr, "ModuleDef_create_", Thing, Var, IR_ID, Id, IR_VSN, F, A)
- when is_record(X, module) ->
- emit(Fd, "~n ~s~p(~s, ~s, \"~s\", \"~s\", \"~s\"~s),~n",
- [AssignStr, to_atom("oe_get_"++Thing), ?IFRID(G), Var, IR_ID, Id,
- IR_VSN, io_lib:format(F, A)]);
-r_emit_raw(_G, _X, Fd, AssignStr, Create, Thing, Var, IR_ID, Id, IR_VSN, F, A) ->
- emit(Fd, "~n ~s~p:~p(~s, \"~s\", \"~s\", \"~s\"~s),~n",
- [AssignStr, ?IFRMOD, to_atom(Create++Thing), Var, IR_ID, Id,
- IR_VSN, io_lib:format(F, A)]).
-%% Used by r_emit. Returns tuple {Var, Str} where Var is the resulting
-%% output var (if any, otherwise same as input arg) and Str is a
-%% string of the assignment if any ("" or "Var = ")
-get_assign(G, _V, X) when is_record(X, module) ->
- mk_assign(G);
-get_assign(G, _V, X) when is_record(X, interface) ->
- mk_assign(G);
-get_assign(_G, V, _X) -> {V, ""}.
-mk_assign(G) ->
- V = new_var(G),
- {V, io_lib:format("~s = ", [V])}.
-%% Returns a list of strings of all enum members (suitable for ~p)
-get_enum_member_list(_G, _S, _N, L) ->
- lists:map(fun(M) -> get_id2(M) end, L).
-%% Will output a string of the union members.
-get_union_member_def(_G, _S, _N, []) -> [];
-get_union_member_def(G, S, N, L) ->
- [union_member2str(G, S, N, hd(L)) |
- lists:map(fun(M) -> [", ", union_member2str(G, S, N, M)] end, tl(L))].
-%% lists:foldl(fun(M, Acc) ->
-%% [union_member2str(G, S, N, M),", " | Acc] end,
-%% union_member2str(G, S, N, hd(L)), tl(L)).
-union_member2str(G, S, N, {Label, Name, TK}) ->
- io_lib:format("~s{name=~p, label=~p, type=~p, type_def=~s}",
- ["#unionmember", Name, Label, TK,
- get_idltype_tk(G, S, N, TK)]).
-%% Will output a string of the struct members. Works for exceptions
-%% and structs
-get_member_def(_G, _S, _N, []) -> [];
-get_member_def(G, S, N, L) ->
- [member2str(G, S, N, hd(L)) |
- lists:map(fun(M) -> [", ", member2str(G, S, N, M)] end, tl(L))].
-member2str(G, S, N, {Id, TK}) ->
- io_lib:format("~s{name=~p, type=~p, type_def=~s}",
- ["#structmember", Id, TK, get_idltype_tk(G, S, N, TK)]).
-%% Translates between record names and create operation names.
-get_thing_name(X) when is_record(X, op) -> "operation";
-get_thing_name(X) when is_record(X, const) -> "constant";
-get_thing_name(X) when is_record(X, typedef) -> "alias";
-get_thing_name(X) when is_record(X, attr) -> "attribute";
-get_thing_name(X) when is_record(X, except) -> "exception";
-get_thing_name(X) when is_record(X, id_of) -> get_thing_name(X#id_of.type);
-get_thing_name(X) -> to_list(element(1,X)).
-%% Returns the mode (in, out, oneway etc) of ops and params. Return
-%% value is an atom.
-get_mode(_G, _N, X) when is_record(X, op) ->
- case X#op.oneway of
- {oneway, _} -> 'OP_ONEWAY';
- _ -> 'OP_NORMAL'
- end;
-get_mode(_G, _N, X) when is_record(X, attr) ->
- case X#attr.readonly of
- {readonly, _} -> 'ATTR_READONLY';
- _ -> 'ATTR_NORMAL'
- end;
-get_mode(_G, _N, X) when is_record(X, param) ->
- case X#param.inout of
- {in, _} -> 'PARAM_IN';
- {inout, _} -> 'PARAM_INOUT';
- {out, _} -> 'PARAM_OUT'
- end.
-%% Returns a string form of idltype creation.
-%%get_idltype_id(G, S, N, X, Id) ->
-%% TK = ictype:tk_lookup(G, S, N, Id),
-%% get_idltype_tk(G, S, N, TK).
-get_idltype(G, S, N, X) ->
- get_idltype_tk(G, S, N, ic_forms:get_tk(X)).
-get_idltype_tk(G, _S, _N, TK) ->
- io_lib:format("~p:~p(~s, ~p)", [orber_ifr, 'Repository_create_idltype',
- ?IFRID(G), TK]).
-%% Returns a string form of typecode creation. This shall be found in
-%% the type code symbol table.
-%%get_typecode(G, S, N, X) -> typecode.
-%%get_typecode(G, S, N, X) -> tk(G, S, N, get_type(X)).
-%% Returns the string form of a list of parameters.
-get_params(_G, _S, _N, []) -> "";
-get_params(G, S, N, L) ->
- lists:foldl(fun(X, Acc) -> param2str(G, S, N, X)++", "++Acc end,
- param2str(G, S, N, hd(L)), tl(L)).
-%% Converts a parameter to a string.
-param2str(G, S, N, X) ->
- io_lib:format("~s{name=~p, type=~p, type_def=~s, mode=~p}~n",
- ["#parameterdescription", get_id2(X),
- ic_forms:get_tk(X),
- %%tk_lookup(G, S, N, get_type(X)),
- get_idltype(G, S, N, X),
- get_mode(G, N, X)]).
-%% Public interface. Returns the IFR ID of an object. This
-%% is updated to comply with CORBA 2.0 pragma directives.
-get_IR_ID(G, N, X) ->
- ScopedId = [get_id2(X) | N],
- case ic_pragma:get_alias(G,ScopedId) of
- none ->
- case ic_pragma:pragma_id(G, N, X) of
- none ->
- case ic_pragma:pragma_prefix(G, N, X) of
- none ->
- IR_ID = lists:flatten(
- io_lib:format("IDL:~s:~s",
- [slashify(ScopedId),
- get_IR_VSN(G, N, X)])),
- ic_pragma:mk_alias(G,IR_ID,ScopedId),
- IR_ID;
- PF ->
- IR_ID = lists:flatten(
- io_lib:format("IDL:~s:~s",
- [ PF ++ "/" ++
- get_id2(X),
- get_IR_VSN(G, N, X)])),
- ic_pragma:mk_alias(G,IR_ID,ScopedId),
- end;
- PI ->
- ic_pragma:mk_alias(G,PI,ScopedId),
- PI
- end;
- Alias ->
- Alias
- end.
-%% Public interface. Returns the IFR Version of an object. This
-%% is updated to comply with CORBA 2.0 pragma directives.
-get_IR_VSN(G, N, X) ->
- ic_pragma:pragma_version(G,N,X).
-%% Returns a slashified name, [I1, M1] becomes "M1/I1"
-%slashify(List) -> lists:foldl(fun(X, Acc) -> get_id2(X)++"/"++Acc end,
-% hd(List), tl(List)).
-%% Returns a slashified name, [I1, M1] becomes "M1/I1"
-slashify(List) -> lists:foldl(fun(X, Acc) -> X++"/"++Acc end,
- hd(List), tl(List)).
-%% Returns the context literals of an op
-get_context(_G, _S, _N, X) ->
- lists:map(fun(C) -> element(3, C) end, X#op.ctx).
-%% Returns the list of the exceptions of an operation
-get_exceptions(G, S, N, X) ->
- case X#op.raises of
- [] ->
- "";
- L ->
- lists:flatten(
- lists:foldl(
- fun(E, Acc) -> [excdef(G, S, N, X, E), ", " | Acc] end,
- excdef(G, S, N, X, hd(L)),
- tl(L)
- )
- )
- end.
-%% Returns the definition of an exception of an operation
-excdef(G, S, N, X, L) ->
- io_lib:format("orber_ifr:lookup_id(~s,\"~s\")",
- [ ?IFRID(G),
- get_EXC_ID(G, S, N, X, L) ] ).
-%% This function produces code for the exception registration.
-%% It produces a string that represents a list of function calls.
-%% This list becomes a list of object references when the main function
-%% "orber_ifr:InterfaceDef_create_operation" is called.
-get_EXC_ID(G, _S, N, X, ScopedId) ->
- case ic_pragma:get_alias(G,ScopedId) of
- none ->
- case ic_pragma:pragma_id(G, N, X) of
- none ->
- case ic_pragma:pragma_prefix(G, N, X) of
- none ->
- EXC_ID = lists:flatten(
- io_lib:format("IDL:~s:~s", [slashify(ScopedId),
- get_IR_VSN(G, N, X)])),
- ic_pragma:mk_alias(G,EXC_ID,ScopedId),
- PF ->
- EXC_ID = lists:flatten(
- io_lib:format("IDL:~s:~s", [ PF ++ "/" ++
- hd(ScopedId),
- get_IR_VSN(G, N, X)])),
- ic_pragma:mk_alias(G,EXC_ID,ScopedId),
- end;
- PI ->
- ic_pragma:mk_alias(G,PI,ScopedId),
- PI
- end;
- Alias ->
- Alias
- end.
-%% unreg_gen/1 uses the information stored in pragma table
-%% to decide which modules are to be unregistered
-unreg_gen(G, N, X) ->
- Light = ic_options:get_opt(G, light_ifr),
- case ic_genobj:is_stubfile_open(G) of
- true when Light == false ->
- Var = ?IFRID(G),
- Fd = ic_genobj:stubfiled(G),
- nl(Fd), nl(Fd), nl(Fd),
- emit(Fd, "~p() ->\n", [to_atom(unregister_name(G))]),
- emit(Fd, " ~s = ~p:find_repository(),\n",
- [Var, ?IFRMOD]),
- nl(Fd),
- unreg2(G, N, X),
- emit(Fd, " ok.\n\n"),
- destroy(Fd);
- true ->
- Fd = ic_genobj:stubfiled(G),
- nl(Fd), nl(Fd),
- Unregname = to_atom(unregister_name(G)),
- emit(Fd, "~p() ->\n\t~p([]).\n\n~p(OE_Options) ->\n",
- [Unregname, Unregname, Unregname]),
- emit(Fd, "\t~p:remove(?MODULE, OE_Options),\n\tok.\n\n", [?IFRMOD]);
- false -> ok
- end.
-destroy(Fd) ->
-oe_destroy_if_empty(OE_IFR,IFR_ID) ->
- case orber_ifr:'Repository_lookup_id'(OE_IFR, IFR_ID) of
- [] ->
- ok;
- Ref ->
- case orber_ifr:contents(Ref, \'dk_All\', \'true\') of
- [] ->
- orber_ifr:destroy(Ref),
- ok;
- _ ->
- ok
- end
- end.
-oe_destroy(OE_IFR,IFR_ID) ->
- case orber_ifr:'Repository_lookup_id'(OE_IFR, IFR_ID) of
- [] ->
- ok;
- Ref ->
- orber_ifr:destroy(Ref),
- ok
- end.
-%% unreg2 is top level registration
-unreg2(G, N, X) ->
- emit(ic_genobj:stubfiled(G),"~s",[lists:flatten(unreg3(G, N, X))]).
-unreg3(G, N, X) when is_list(X) ->
- unreg3_list(G, N, X, []);
-unreg3(G, N, X) when is_record(X, module) ->
- unreg3_list(G, [get_id2(X) | N], get_body(X), [unreg_collect(G, N, X)]);
-unreg3(G, N, X) when is_record(X, const) ->
- unreg_collect(G, N, X);
-unreg3(G, N, X) when is_record(X, struct) ->
- unreg_collect(G, N, X);
-unreg3(G, N, X) when is_record(X, except) ->
- unreg_collect(G, N, X);
-unreg3(G, N, X) when is_record(X, union) ->
- unreg_collect(G, N, X);
-unreg3(G, N, X) when is_record(X, enum) ->
- unreg_collect(G, N, X);
-unreg3(G, N, X) when is_record(X, typedef) ->
- unreg_collect(G, N, X);
-unreg3(G, N, X) when is_record(X, interface) ->
- unreg_collect(G, N, X);
-unreg3(_G, _N, X) when is_record(X, op) -> [];
-unreg3(_G, _N, X) when is_record(X, attr) -> [];
-unreg3(_G, _N, X) when is_record(X, preproc) -> [];
-unreg3(_G, _N, X) when is_record(X, pragma) -> [];
-unreg3(_G, _N, _X) -> [].
-unreg3_list(_G, _N, [], Found) ->
- Found;
-unreg3_list(G, N, List, Found) ->
- CurrentFileName = ic_genobj:idlfile(G),
- unreg3_list(G, N, {CurrentFileName,true}, List, Found).
-%% The filter function + loop
-unreg3_list(_G, _N, {_CFN, _Status}, [], Found) ->
- Found;
-unreg3_list(G, N, {CFN,Status}, [X | Xs], Found) ->
- case Status of
- true ->
- case X of
- {preproc,_,{_,_,_FileName},[{_,_,"1"}]} ->
- unreg3_list(G, N, {CFN,false}, Xs, Found);
- _ ->
- unreg3_list(G, N, {CFN,Status}, Xs, [unreg3(G, N, X) | Found])
- end;
- false ->
- case X of
- {preproc,_,{_,_,CFN},[{_,_,"2"}]} ->
- unreg3_list(G, N, {CFN,true}, Xs,[unreg3(G, N, X) | Found]);
- _ ->
- unreg3_list(G, N, {CFN,Status}, Xs, Found)
- end
- end.
-unreg_collect(G, N, X) when is_record(X, module) ->
- io_lib:format(" oe_destroy_if_empty(OE_IFR, ~p),\n",
- [get_IR_ID(G, N, X)]);
-unreg_collect(G, N, X) when is_record(X, typedef) ->
- lists:map(fun(Id) ->
- io_lib:format(" oe_destroy(OE_IFR, ~p),\n",
- [get_IR_ID(G, N, Id)])
- end,
- ic_forms:get_idlist(X));
-unreg_collect(G, N, X) ->
- io_lib:format(" oe_destroy(OE_IFR, ~p),\n",
- [get_IR_ID(G, N, X)]).