path: root/lib/diameter/test/diameter_util.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/diameter/test/diameter_util.erl')
1 files changed, 135 insertions, 106 deletions
diff --git a/lib/diameter/test/diameter_util.erl b/lib/diameter/test/diameter_util.erl
index d249b0e4fa..cdb6fa410f 100644
--- a/lib/diameter/test/diameter_util.erl
+++ b/lib/diameter/test/diameter_util.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2017. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2022. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -31,6 +31,10 @@
+ choose/1,
+ tmpdir/0,
+ mktemp/1,
+ peer/1,
@@ -42,11 +46,6 @@
-%% common_test-specific
- read_priv/2,
- map_priv/3]).
-define(L, atom_to_list).
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -63,7 +62,7 @@ eprof(stop) ->
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% name/2
-%% Contruct and deconstruct lists of atoms as atoms to work around
+%% Construct and deconstruct lists of atoms as atoms to work around
%% group names in common_test being restricted to atoms.
@@ -102,18 +101,37 @@ consult(Path) ->
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% run/1
-%% Evaluate functions in parallel and return a list of those that
-%% failed to return. The fun takes a boolean (did the function return
-%% or not), the function that was evaluated, the return value or exit
-%% reason and the prevailing accumulator.
+%% Evaluate functions in parallel and raise an error exception if any
+%% fail to return.
run(L) ->
- fold(fun cons/4, [], L).
-cons(true, _, _, Acc) ->
- Acc;
-cons(false, F, RC, Acc) ->
- [{F, RC} | Acc].
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ AccF = fun(I, [F|T]) ->
+ Ref == (catch element(1, I))
+ orelse error(#{failed => F, reason => I}),
+ T
+ end,
+ Pid = self(),
+ Funs = [fun() -> down(Pid, self()), {Ref, eval(F)} end || F <- L],
+ [] = fold(AccF, L, Funs).
+%% down/2
+down(Parent, Worker)
+ when is_pid(Parent) ->
+ spawn(fun() ->
+ monitor(process, Worker),
+ down(monitor(process, Parent), Worker)
+ end);
+%% Die with the worker, kill the worker if the parent dies.
+down(MRef, Pid) ->
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', MRef, process, _, _} ->
+ exit(Pid, kill);
+ {'DOWN', _, process, Pid, _} ->
+ ok
+ end.
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% fold/3
@@ -121,61 +139,43 @@ cons(false, F, RC, Acc) ->
%% Parallel fold. Results are folded in the order received.
fold(Fun, Acc0, L)
- when is_function(Fun, 4) ->
- Ref = make_ref(),
- %% Spawn a middleman to collect down messages from processes
- %% spawned for each function so as not to assume that all DOWN
- %% messages are ours.
- MRef = run1([fun fold/4, Ref, Fun, Acc0, L], Ref),
- {Ref, RC} = down(MRef),
- RC.
-fold(Ref, Fun, Acc0, L) ->
- recv(run(Ref, L), Ref, Fun, Acc0).
-run(Ref, L) ->
- [{run1(F, Ref), F} || F <- L].
-run1(F, Ref) ->
- {_, MRef} = spawn_monitor(fun() -> exit({Ref, eval(F)}) end),
- MRef.
-recv([], _, _, Acc) ->
+ when is_list(L) ->
+ fold(Fun, Acc0, lists:foldl(fun(F,A) ->
+ {P,M} = spawn_eval(F),
+ A#{M => P}
+ end,
+ #{},
+ L));
+fold(_, Acc, Map)
+ when 0 == map_size(Map) ->
-recv(L, Ref, Fun, Acc) ->
- {MRef, R} = down(),
- {MRef, F} = lists:keyfind(MRef, 1, L),
- recv(lists:keydelete(MRef, 1, L),
- Ref,
- Fun,
- acc(R, Ref, F, Fun, Acc)).
-acc({Ref, RC}, Ref, F, Fun, Acc) ->
- Fun(true, F, RC, Acc);
-acc(Reason, _, F, Fun, Acc) ->
- Fun(false, F, Reason, Acc).
+fold(Fun, Acc, #{} = Map) ->
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', MRef, process, _, Info} when is_map_key(MRef, Map) ->
+ fold(Fun, Fun(Info, Acc), maps:remove(MRef, Map))
+ end.
-down(MRef) ->
- receive {'DOWN', MRef, process, _, Reason} -> Reason end.
+%% spawn_eval/1
-down() ->
- receive {'DOWN', MRef, process, _, Reason} -> {MRef, Reason} end.
+spawn_eval(F) ->
+ spawn_monitor(fun() -> exit(eval(F)) end).
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% foldl/3
%% Parallel fold. Results are folded in order of the function list.
-foldl(Fun, Acc0, L)
- when is_function(Fun, 4) ->
- Ref = make_ref(),
- recvl(run(Ref, L), Ref, Fun, Acc0).
+foldl(Fun, Acc0, L) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun(R,A) -> acc(Fun, R, A) end,
+ Acc0,
+ [M || F <- L, {_,M} <- [spawn_eval(F)]]).
-recvl([], _, _, Acc) ->
- Acc;
-recvl([{MRef, F} | L], Ref, Fun, Acc) ->
- R = down(MRef),
- recvl(L, Ref, Fun, acc(R, Ref, F, Fun, Acc)).
+%% acc/3
+acc(Fun, MRef, Acc) ->
+ receive {'DOWN', MRef, process, _, Info} -> Fun(Info, Acc) end.
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% scramble/1
@@ -186,6 +186,71 @@ scramble(L) ->
[X || {_,X} <- lists:sort([{rand:uniform(), T} || T <- L])].
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% choose/1
+%% Return a random element from a list.
+choose([_|_] = List) ->
+ hd(lists:nthtail(rand:uniform(length(List)) - 1, List)).
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% tmpdir/0
+tmpdir() ->
+ case os:getenv("TMPDIR") of
+ false ->
+ "/tmp";
+ Dir ->
+ Dir
+ end.
+%% mktemp/1
+mktemp(Prefix) ->
+ Suf = integer_to_list(erlang:monotonic_time()),
+ Tmp = filename:join(tmpdir(), Prefix ++ "." ++ Suf),
+ ok = file:make_dir(Tmp),
+ Tmp.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% peer/1
+%% Start a peer that dies with the calling process, but start it from
+%% a spawned process to make it insensitive to the exit reason of the
+%% calling process.
+peer(#{name := _} = Opts) ->
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ Pid = self(),
+ {_, MRef} = spawn_monitor(fun() -> peer(Opts, Pid, Ref) end),
+ receive
+ {Ref, T} ->
+ erlang:demonitor(MRef, [flush]),
+ T;
+ {'DOWN', MRef, process, _, T} ->
+ {error, T}
+ end;
+peer(#{} = Opts) ->
+ peer(Opts#{name => peer:random_name()}).
+%% peer/3
+peer(Opts, Pid, Ref) ->
+ Cookie = atom_to_list(erlang:get_cookie()),
+ Args = [str(B) || B <- maps:get(args, Opts, [])],
+ Pid ! {Ref, peer:start_link(Opts#{args => ["-setcookie", Cookie | Args]})},
+ MRef = monitor(process, Pid),
+ receive {'DOWN', MRef, process, _, _} -> ok end.
+%% str/1
+%% Turn possible iodata() into string().
+str(Bytes) ->
+ binary_to_list(iolist_to_binary(Bytes)).
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% unique_string/0
unique_string() ->
@@ -208,8 +273,7 @@ have_sctp(_) ->
{ok, Sock} ->
- {error, E} when E == eprotonosupport;
- E == esocktnosupport -> %% fail on any other reason
+ _ ->
@@ -218,6 +282,13 @@ have_sctp(_) ->
%% Evaluate a function in one of a number of forms.
+eval({F, infinity}) ->
+ eval(F);
+eval({F, Tmo})
+ when is_integer(Tmo) ->
+ {ok, _} = timer:exit_after(Tmo, timeout),
+ eval(F);
when is_atom(F) ->
@@ -231,55 +302,13 @@ eval([F|A])
when is_list(L) ->
- run(L);
+ [eval(F) || F <- L];
when is_function(F,0) ->
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%% write_priv/3
-%% Write an arbitrary term to a named file.
-write_priv(Config, Name, Term) ->
- write(path(Config, Name), Term).
-write(Path, Term) ->
- ok = file:write_file(Path, term_to_binary(Term)).
-%% read_priv/2
-%% Read a term from a file.
-read_priv(Config, Name) ->
- read(path(Config, Name)).
-read(Path) ->
- {ok, Bin} = file:read_file(Path),
- binary_to_term(Bin).
-%% map_priv/3
-%% Modify a term in a file and return both old and new values.
-map_priv(Config, Name, Fun1) ->
- map(path(Config, Name), Fun1).
-map(Path, Fun1) ->
- T0 = read(Path),
- T1 = Fun1(T0),
- write(Path, T1),
- {T0, T1}.
-path(Config, Name)
- when is_atom(Name) ->
- path(Config, ?L(Name));
-path(Config, Name) ->
- Dir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config),
- filename:join([Dir, Name]).
-%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% lport/2
%% Lookup the port number of a tcp/sctp listening transport.