path: root/lib/dialyzer/test/r9c_SUITE_data/src/mnesia/mnesia_registry.erl
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1 files changed, 276 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/r9c_SUITE_data/src/mnesia/mnesia_registry.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/r9c_SUITE_data/src/mnesia/mnesia_registry.erl
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+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/r9c_SUITE_data/src/mnesia/mnesia_registry.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved via the world wide web at
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
+%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999, Ericsson Utvecklings
+%% AB. All Rights Reserved.''
+%% $Id: mnesia_registry.erl,v 1.2 2010/03/04 13:54:19 maria Exp $
+%%% File : mnesia_registry.erl
+%%% Purpose : Support dump and restore of a registry on a C-node
+%%% This is an OTP internal module and is not public available.
+%%% Example : Dump some hardcoded records into the Mnesia table Tab
+%%% case rpc:call(Node, mnesia_registry, start_dump, [Tab, self()]) of
+%%% Pid when pid(Pid) ->
+%%% Pid ! {write, key1, key_size1, val_type1, val_size1, val1},
+%%% Pid ! {delete, key3},
+%%% Pid ! {write, key2, key_size2, val_type2, val_size2, val2},
+%%% Pid ! {write, key4, key_size4, val_type4, val_size4, val4},
+%%% Pid ! {commit, self()},
+%%% receive
+%%% {ok, Pid} ->
+%%% ok;
+%%% {'EXIT', Pid, Reason} ->
+%%% exit(Reason)
+%%% end;
+%%% {badrpc, Reason} ->
+%%% exit(Reason)
+%%% end.
+%%% Example : Restore the corresponding Mnesia table Tab
+%%% case rpc:call(Node, mnesia_registry, start_restore, [Tab, self()]) of
+%%% {size, Pid, N, LargestKey, LargestVal} ->
+%%% Pid ! {send_records, self()},
+%%% Fun = fun() ->
+%%% receive
+%%% {restore, KeySize, ValSize, ValType, Key, Val} ->
+%%% {Key, Val};
+%%% {'EXIT', Pid, Reason} ->
+%%% exit(Reason)
+%%% end
+%%% end,
+%%% lists:map(Fun, lists:seq(1, N));
+%%% {badrpc, Reason} ->
+%%% exit(Reason)
+%%% end.
+%% External exports
+-export([start_dump/2, start_restore/2]).
+-export([create_table/1, create_table/2]).
+%% Internal exports
+-record(state, {table, ops = [], link_to}).
+-record(registry_entry, {key, key_size, val_type, val_size, val}).
+-record(size, {pid = self(), n_values = 0, largest_key = 0, largest_val = 0}).
+%%% Client
+start(Type, Tab, LinkTo) ->
+ Starter = self(),
+ Args = [Type, Starter, LinkTo, Tab],
+ Pid = spawn_link(?MODULE, init, Args),
+ %% The receiver process may unlink the current process
+ receive
+ {ok, Res} ->
+ Res;
+ {'EXIT', Pid, Reason} when LinkTo == Starter ->
+ exit(Reason)
+ end.
+%% Starts a receiver process and optionally creates a Mnesia table
+%% with suitable default values. Returns the Pid of the receiver process
+%% The receiver process accumulates Mnesia operations and performs
+%% all operations or none at commit. The understood messages are:
+%% {write, Key, KeySize, ValType, ValSize, Val} ->
+%% accumulates mnesia:write({Tab, Key, KeySize, ValType, ValSize, Val})
+%% (no reply)
+%% {delete, Key} ->
+%% accumulates mnesia:delete({Tab, Key}) (no reply)
+%% {commit, ReplyTo} ->
+%% commits all accumulated operations
+%% and stops the process (replies {ok, Pid})
+%% abort ->
+%% stops the process (no reply)
+%% The receiver process is linked to the process with the process identifier
+%% LinkTo. If some error occurs the receiver process will invoke exit(Reason)
+%% and it is up to he LinkTo process to act properly when it receives an exit
+%% signal.
+start_dump(Tab, LinkTo) ->
+ start(dump, Tab, LinkTo).
+%% Starts a sender process which sends restore messages back to the
+%% LinkTo process. But first are some statistics about the table
+%% determined and returned as a 5-tuple:
+%% {size, SenderPid, N, LargestKeySize, LargestValSize}
+%% where N is the number of records in the table. Then the sender process
+%% waits for a 2-tuple message:
+%% {send_records, ReplyTo}
+%% At last N 6-tuple messages is sent to the ReplyTo process:
+%% ReplyTo ! {restore, KeySize, ValSize, ValType, Key, Val}
+%% If some error occurs the receiver process will invoke exit(Reason)
+%% and it is up to he LinkTo process to act properly when it receives an
+%% exit signal.
+start_restore(Tab, LinkTo) ->
+ start(restore, Tab, LinkTo).
+%% Optionally creates the Mnesia table Tab with suitable default values.
+%% Returns ok or EXIT's
+create_table(Tab) ->
+ Storage = mnesia:table_info(schema, storage_type),
+ create_table(Tab, [{Storage, [node()]}]).
+create_table(Tab, TabDef) ->
+ Attrs = record_info(fields, registry_entry),
+ case mnesia:create_table(Tab, [{attributes, Attrs} | TabDef]) of
+ {'atomic', ok} ->
+ ok;
+ {aborted, {already_exists, Tab}} ->
+ ok;
+ {aborted, Reason} ->
+ exit(Reason)
+ end.
+%%% Server
+init(Type, Starter, LinkTo, Tab) ->
+ if
+ LinkTo /= Starter ->
+ link(LinkTo),
+ unlink(Starter);
+ true ->
+ ignore
+ end,
+ case Type of
+ dump ->
+ Starter ! {ok, self()},
+ dump_loop(#state{table = Tab, link_to = LinkTo});
+ restore ->
+ restore_table(Tab, Starter, LinkTo)
+ end.
+%%% Dump loop
+dump_loop(S) ->
+ Tab = S#state.table,
+ Ops = S#state.ops,
+ receive
+ {write, Key, KeySize, ValType, ValSize, Val} ->
+ RE = #registry_entry{key = Key,
+ key_size = KeySize,
+ val_type = ValType,
+ val_size = ValSize,
+ val = Val},
+ dump_loop(S#state{ops = [{write, RE} | Ops]});
+ {delete, Key} ->
+ dump_loop(S#state{ops = [{delete, Key} | Ops]});
+ {commit, ReplyTo} ->
+ create_table(Tab),
+ RecName = mnesia:table_info(Tab, record_name),
+ %% The Ops are in reverse order, but there is no need
+ %% for reversing the list of accumulated operations
+ case mnesia:transaction(fun handle_ops/3, [Tab, RecName, Ops]) of
+ {'atomic', ok} ->
+ ReplyTo ! {ok, self()},
+ stop(S#state.link_to);
+ {aborted, Reason} ->
+ exit({aborted, Reason})
+ end;
+ abort ->
+ stop(S#state.link_to);
+ BadMsg ->
+ exit({bad_message, BadMsg})
+ end.
+stop(LinkTo) ->
+ unlink(LinkTo),
+ exit(normal).
+%% Grab a write lock for the entire table
+%% and iterate over all accumulated operations
+handle_ops(Tab, RecName, Ops) ->
+ mnesia:write_lock_table(Tab),
+ do_handle_ops(Tab, RecName, Ops).
+do_handle_ops(Tab, RecName, [{write, RegEntry} | Ops]) ->
+ Record = setelement(1, RegEntry, RecName),
+ mnesia:write(Tab, Record, write),
+ do_handle_ops(Tab, RecName, Ops);
+do_handle_ops(Tab, RecName, [{delete, Key} | Ops]) ->
+ mnesia:delete(Tab, Key, write),
+ do_handle_ops(Tab, RecName, Ops);
+do_handle_ops(_Tab, _RecName, []) ->
+ ok.
+%%% Restore table
+restore_table(Tab, Starter, LinkTo) ->
+ Pat = mnesia:table_info(Tab, wild_pattern),
+ Fun = fun() -> mnesia:match_object(Tab, Pat, read) end,
+ case mnesia:transaction(Fun) of
+ {'atomic', AllRecords} ->
+ Size = calc_size(AllRecords, #size{}),
+ Starter ! {ok, Size},
+ receive
+ {send_records, ReplyTo} ->
+ send_records(AllRecords, ReplyTo),
+ unlink(LinkTo),
+ exit(normal);
+ BadMsg ->
+ exit({bad_message, BadMsg})
+ end;
+ {aborted, Reason} ->
+ exit(Reason)
+ end.
+calc_size([H | T], S) ->
+ KeySize = max(element(#registry_entry.key_size, H), S#size.largest_key),
+ ValSize = max(element(#registry_entry.val_size, H), S#size.largest_val),
+ N = S#size.n_values + 1,
+ calc_size(T, S#size{n_values = N, largest_key = KeySize, largest_val = ValSize});
+calc_size([], Size) ->
+ Size.
+max(New, Old) when New > Old -> New;
+max(_New, Old) -> Old.
+send_records([H | T], ReplyTo) ->
+ KeySize = element(#registry_entry.key_size, H),
+ ValSize = element(#registry_entry.val_size, H),
+ ValType = element(#registry_entry.val_type, H),
+ Key = element(#registry_entry.key, H),
+ Val = element(#registry_entry.val, H),
+ ReplyTo ! {restore, KeySize, ValSize, ValType, Key, Val},
+ send_records(T, ReplyTo);
+send_records([], _ReplyTo) ->
+ ok.