path: root/lib/dialyzer/test/r9c_SUITE_data/src/mnesia/mnesia_lib.erl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dialyzer/test/r9c_SUITE_data/src/mnesia/mnesia_lib.erl')
1 files changed, 1276 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/r9c_SUITE_data/src/mnesia/mnesia_lib.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/r9c_SUITE_data/src/mnesia/mnesia_lib.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..29a54936d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/r9c_SUITE_data/src/mnesia/mnesia_lib.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,1276 @@
+%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved via the world wide web at
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
+%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999, Ericsson Utvecklings
+%% AB. All Rights Reserved.''
+%% $Id: mnesia_lib.erl,v 1.3 2009/07/01 15:45:40 kostis Exp $
+%% This module contains all sorts of various which doesn't fit
+%% anywhere else. Basically everything is exported.
+ active_tables/0,
+ add/2,
+ add_list/2,
+ all_nodes/0,
+%% catch_val/1,
+ cleanup_tmp_files/1,
+ copy_file/2,
+ copy_holders/1,
+ coredump/0,
+ coredump/1,
+ create_counter/1,
+ cs_to_nodes/1,
+ cs_to_storage_type/2,
+ dets_to_ets/6,
+ db_chunk/2,
+ db_init_chunk/1,
+ db_init_chunk/2,
+ db_init_chunk/3,
+ db_erase/2,
+ db_erase/3,
+ db_erase_tab/1,
+ db_erase_tab/2,
+ db_first/1,
+ db_first/2,
+ db_last/1,
+ db_last/2,
+ db_fixtable/3,
+ db_get/2,
+ db_get/3,
+ db_match_erase/2,
+ db_match_erase/3,
+ db_match_object/2,
+ db_match_object/3,
+ db_next_key/2,
+ db_next_key/3,
+ db_prev_key/2,
+ db_prev_key/3,
+ db_put/2,
+ db_put/3,
+ db_select/2,
+ db_select/3,
+ db_slot/2,
+ db_slot/3,
+ db_update_counter/3,
+ db_update_counter/4,
+ dbg_out/2,
+ del/2,
+ dets_sync_close/1,
+ dets_sync_open/2,
+ dets_sync_open/3,
+ dir/0,
+ dir/1,
+ dir_info/0,
+ dirty_rpc_error_tag/1,
+ dist_coredump/0,
+ disk_type/1,
+ disk_type/2,
+ elems/2,
+ ensure_loaded/1,
+ error/2,
+ error_desc/1,
+ etype/1,
+ exists/1,
+ fatal/2,
+ get_node_number/0,
+ fix_error/1,
+ important/2,
+ incr_counter/1,
+ incr_counter/2,
+ intersect/2,
+ is_running/0,
+ is_running/1,
+ is_running_remote/0,
+ is_string/1,
+ key_search_delete/3,
+ key_search_all/3,
+ last_error/0,
+ local_active_tables/0,
+ lock_table/1,
+ mkcore/1,
+ not_active_here/1,
+ other_val/2,
+ pad_name/3,
+ random_time/2,
+ read_counter/1,
+ readable_indecies/1,
+ remote_copy_holders/1,
+ report_fatal/2,
+ report_system_event/1,
+ running_nodes/0,
+ running_nodes/1,
+ schema_cs_to_storage_type/2,
+ search_delete/2,
+ set/2,
+ set_counter/2,
+ set_local_content_whereabouts/1,
+ set_remote_where_to_read/1,
+ set_remote_where_to_read/2,
+ show/1,
+ show/2,
+ sort_commit/1,
+ storage_type_at_node/2,
+ swap_tmp_files/1,
+ tab2dat/1,
+ tab2dmp/1,
+ tab2tmp/1,
+ tab2dcd/1,
+ tab2dcl/1,
+ to_list/1,
+ union/2,
+ uniq/1,
+ unlock_table/1,
+ unset/1,
+ update_counter/2,
+ val/1,
+ vcore/0,
+ vcore/1,
+ verbose/2,
+ view/0,
+ view/1,
+ view/2,
+ warning/2,
+ is_debug_compiled/0,
+ activate_debug_fun/5,
+ deactivate_debug_fun/3,
+ eval_debug_fun/4,
+ scratch_debug_fun/0
+ ]).
+search_delete(Obj, List) ->
+ search_delete(Obj, List, [], none).
+search_delete(Obj, [Obj|Tail], Ack, _Res) ->
+ search_delete(Obj, Tail, Ack, Obj);
+search_delete(Obj, [H|T], Ack, Res) ->
+ search_delete(Obj, T, [H|Ack], Res);
+search_delete(_, [], Ack, Res) ->
+ {Res, Ack}.
+key_search_delete(Key, Pos, TupleList) ->
+ key_search_delete(Key, Pos, TupleList, none, []).
+key_search_delete(Key, Pos, [H|T], _Obj, Ack) when element(Pos, H) == Key ->
+ key_search_delete(Key, Pos, T, H, Ack);
+key_search_delete(Key, Pos, [H|T], Obj, Ack) ->
+ key_search_delete(Key, Pos, T, Obj, [H|Ack]);
+key_search_delete(_, _, [], Obj, Ack) ->
+ {Obj, Ack}.
+key_search_all(Key, Pos, TupleList) ->
+ key_search_all(Key, Pos, TupleList, []).
+key_search_all(Key, N, [H|T], Ack) when element(N, H) == Key ->
+ key_search_all(Key, N, T, [H|Ack]);
+key_search_all(Key, N, [_|T], Ack) ->
+ key_search_all(Key, N, T, Ack);
+key_search_all(_, _, [], Ack) -> Ack.
+intersect(L1, L2) ->
+ L2 -- (L2 -- L1).
+elems(I, [H|T]) ->
+ [element(I, H) | elems(I, T)];
+elems(_, []) ->
+ [].
+%% sort_commit see to that checkpoint info is always first in
+%% commit_work structure the other info don't need to be sorted.
+sort_commit(List) ->
+ sort_commit2(List, []).
+sort_commit2([{checkpoints, ChkpL}| Rest], Acc) ->
+ [{checkpoints, ChkpL}| Rest] ++ Acc;
+sort_commit2([H | R], Acc) ->
+ sort_commit2(R, [H | Acc]);
+sort_commit2([], Acc) -> Acc.
+is_string([H|T]) ->
+ if
+ 0 =< H, H < 256, integer(H) -> is_string(T);
+ true -> false
+ end;
+is_string([]) -> true.
+union([H|L1], L2) ->
+ case lists:member(H, L2) of
+ true -> union(L1, L2);
+ false -> [H | union(L1, L2)]
+ end;
+union([], L2) -> L2.
+uniq([]) ->
+ [];
+uniq(List) ->
+ [H|T] = lists:sort(List),
+ uniq1(H, T, []).
+uniq1(H, [H|R], Ack) ->
+ uniq1(H, R, Ack);
+uniq1(Old, [H|R], Ack) ->
+ uniq1(H, R, [Old|Ack]);
+uniq1(Old, [], Ack) ->
+ [Old| Ack].
+to_list(X) when list(X) -> X;
+to_list(X) -> atom_to_list(X).
+all_nodes() ->
+ Ns = mnesia:system_info(db_nodes) ++
+ mnesia:system_info(extra_db_nodes),
+ mnesia_lib:uniq(Ns).
+running_nodes() ->
+ running_nodes(all_nodes()).
+running_nodes(Ns) ->
+ {Replies, _BadNs} = rpc:multicall(Ns, ?MODULE, is_running_remote, []),
+ [N || {GoodState, N} <- Replies, GoodState == true].
+is_running_remote() ->
+ IsRunning = is_running(),
+ {IsRunning == yes, node()}.
+is_running(Node) when atom(Node) ->
+ case rpc:call(Node, ?MODULE, is_running, []) of
+ {badrpc, _} -> no;
+ X -> X
+ end.
+is_running() ->
+ case ?catch_val(mnesia_status) of
+ {'EXIT', _} -> no;
+ running -> yes;
+ starting -> starting;
+ stopping -> stopping
+ end.
+show(X) ->
+ show(X, []).
+show(F, A) ->
+ io:format(user, F, A).
+pad_name([Char | Chars], Len, Tail) ->
+ [Char | pad_name(Chars, Len - 1, Tail)];
+pad_name([], Len, Tail) when Len =< 0 ->
+ Tail;
+pad_name([], Len, Tail) ->
+ [$ | pad_name([], Len - 1, Tail)].
+%% Some utility functions .....
+active_here(Tab) ->
+ case val({Tab, where_to_read}) of
+ Node when Node == node() -> true;
+ _ -> false
+ end.
+not_active_here(Tab) ->
+ not active_here(Tab).
+exists(Fname) ->
+ case file:open(Fname, [raw,read]) of
+ {ok, F} ->file:close(F), true;
+ _ -> false
+ end.
+dir() -> mnesia_monitor:get_env(dir).
+dir(Fname) ->
+ filename:join([dir(), to_list(Fname)]).
+tab2dat(Tab) -> %% DETS files
+ dir(lists:concat([Tab, ".DAT"])).
+tab2tmp(Tab) ->
+ dir(lists:concat([Tab, ".TMP"])).
+tab2dmp(Tab) -> %% Dumped ets tables
+ dir(lists:concat([Tab, ".DMP"])).
+tab2dcd(Tab) -> %% Disc copies data
+ dir(lists:concat([Tab, ".DCD"])).
+tab2dcl(Tab) -> %% Disc copies log
+ dir(lists:concat([Tab, ".DCL"])).
+storage_type_at_node(Node, Tab) ->
+ search_key(Node, [{disc_copies, val({Tab, disc_copies})},
+ {ram_copies, val({Tab, ram_copies})},
+ {disc_only_copies, val({Tab, disc_only_copies})}]).
+cs_to_storage_type(Node, Cs) ->
+ search_key(Node, [{disc_copies, Cs#cstruct.disc_copies},
+ {ram_copies, Cs#cstruct.ram_copies},
+ {disc_only_copies, Cs#cstruct.disc_only_copies}]).
+schema_cs_to_storage_type(Node, Cs) ->
+ case cs_to_storage_type(Node, Cs) of
+ unknown when == schema -> ram_copies;
+ Other -> Other
+ end.
+search_key(Key, [{Val, List} | Tail]) ->
+ case lists:member(Key, List) of
+ true -> Val;
+ false -> search_key(Key, Tail)
+ end;
+search_key(_Key, []) ->
+ unknown.
+%% ops, we've got some global variables here :-)
+%% They are
+%% {Tab, setorbag}, -> set | bag
+%% {Tab, storage_type} -> disc_copies |ram_copies | unknown (**)
+%% {Tab, disc_copies} -> node list (from schema)
+%% {Tab, ram_copies}, -> node list (from schema)
+%% {Tab, arity}, -> number
+%% {Tab, attributes}, -> atom list
+%% {Tab, wild_pattern}, -> record tuple with '_'s
+%% {Tab, {index, Pos}} -> ets table
+%% {Tab, index} -> integer list
+%% {Tab, cstruct} -> cstruct structure
+%% The following fields are dynamic according to the
+%% the current node/table situation
+%% {Tab, where_to_write} -> node list
+%% {Tab, where_to_read} -> node | nowhere
+%% {schema, tables} -> tab list
+%% {schema, local_tables} -> tab list (**)
+%% {current, db_nodes} -> node list
+%% dir -> directory path (**)
+%% mnesia_status -> status | running | stopping (**)
+%% (**) == (Different on all nodes)
+val(Var) ->
+ case ?catch_val(Var) of
+ {'EXIT', _ReASoN_} -> mnesia_lib:other_val(Var, _ReASoN_);
+ _VaLuE_ -> _VaLuE_
+ end.
+set(Var, Val) ->
+ ?ets_insert(mnesia_gvar, {Var, Val}).
+unset(Var) ->
+ ?ets_delete(mnesia_gvar, Var).
+other_val(Var, Other) ->
+ case Var of
+ {_, where_to_read} -> nowhere;
+ {_, where_to_write} -> [];
+ {_, active_replicas} -> [];
+ _ ->
+ pr_other(Var, Other)
+ end.
+pr_other(Var, Other) ->
+ Why =
+ case is_running() of
+ no -> {node_not_running, node()};
+ _ -> {no_exists, Var}
+ end,
+ verbose("~p (~p) val(mnesia_gvar, ~w) -> ~p ~p ~n",
+ [self(), process_info(self(), registered_name),
+ Var, Other, Why]),
+ case Other of
+ {badarg, [{ets, lookup_element, _}|_]} ->
+ exit(Why);
+ _ ->
+ erlang:error(Why)
+ end.
+%% Some functions for list valued variables
+add(Var, Val) ->
+ L = val(Var),
+ set(Var, [Val | lists:delete(Val, L)]).
+add_list(Var, List) ->
+ L = val(Var),
+ set(Var, union(L, List)).
+del(Var, Val) ->
+ L = val(Var),
+ set(Var, lists:delete(Val, L)).
+%% This function is needed due to the fact
+%% that the application_controller enters
+%% a deadlock now and then. ac is implemented
+%% as a rather naive server.
+ensure_loaded(Appl) ->
+ case application_controller:get_loaded(Appl) of
+ {true, _} ->
+ ok;
+ false ->
+ case application:load(Appl) of
+ ok ->
+ ok;
+ {error, {already_loaded, Appl}} ->
+ ok;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {error, {application_load_error, Reason}}
+ end
+ end.
+local_active_tables() ->
+ Tabs = val({schema, local_tables}),
+ lists:zf(fun(Tab) -> active_here(Tab) end, Tabs).
+active_tables() ->
+ Tabs = val({schema, tables}),
+ F = fun(Tab) ->
+ case val({Tab, where_to_read}) of
+ nowhere -> false;
+ _ -> {true, Tab}
+ end
+ end,
+ lists:zf(F, Tabs).
+etype(X) when integer(X) -> integer;
+etype([]) -> nil;
+etype(X) when list(X) -> list;
+etype(X) when tuple(X) -> tuple;
+etype(X) when atom(X) -> atom;
+etype(_) -> othertype.
+remote_copy_holders(Cs) ->
+ copy_holders(Cs) -- [node()].
+copy_holders(Cs) when Cs#cstruct.local_content == false ->
+ cs_to_nodes(Cs);
+copy_holders(Cs) when Cs#cstruct.local_content == true ->
+ case lists:member(node(), cs_to_nodes(Cs)) of
+ true -> [node()];
+ false -> []
+ end.
+set_remote_where_to_read(Tab) ->
+ set_remote_where_to_read(Tab, []).
+set_remote_where_to_read(Tab, Ignore) ->
+ Active = val({Tab, active_replicas}),
+ Valid =
+ case mnesia_recover:get_master_nodes(Tab) of
+ [] -> Active;
+ Masters -> mnesia_lib:intersect(Masters, Active)
+ end,
+ Available = mnesia_lib:intersect(val({current, db_nodes}), Valid -- Ignore),
+ DiscOnlyC = val({Tab, disc_only_copies}),
+ Prefered = Available -- DiscOnlyC,
+ if
+ Prefered /= [] ->
+ set({Tab, where_to_read}, hd(Prefered));
+ Available /= [] ->
+ set({Tab, where_to_read}, hd(Available));
+ true ->
+ set({Tab, where_to_read}, nowhere)
+ end.
+%%% Local only
+set_local_content_whereabouts(Tab) ->
+ add({schema, local_tables}, Tab),
+ add({Tab, active_replicas}, node()),
+ set({Tab, where_to_write}, [node()]),
+ set({Tab, where_to_read}, node()).
+%%% counter routines
+create_counter(Name) ->
+ set_counter(Name, 0).
+set_counter(Name, Val) ->
+ ?ets_insert(mnesia_gvar, {Name, Val}).
+incr_counter(Name) ->
+ ?ets_update_counter(mnesia_gvar, Name, 1).
+incr_counter(Name, I) ->
+ ?ets_update_counter(mnesia_gvar, Name, I).
+update_counter(Name, Val) ->
+ ?ets_update_counter(mnesia_gvar, Name, Val).
+read_counter(Name) ->
+ ?ets_lookup_element(mnesia_gvar, Name, 2).
+cs_to_nodes(Cs) ->
+ Cs#cstruct.disc_only_copies ++
+ Cs#cstruct.disc_copies ++
+ Cs#cstruct.ram_copies.
+dist_coredump() ->
+ dist_coredump(all_nodes()).
+dist_coredump(Ns) ->
+ {Replies, _} = rpc:multicall(Ns, ?MODULE, coredump, []),
+ Replies.
+coredump() ->
+ coredump({crashinfo, {"user initiated~n", []}}).
+coredump(CrashInfo) ->
+ Core = mkcore(CrashInfo),
+ Out = core_file(),
+ important("Writing Mnesia core to file: ~p...~p~n", [Out, CrashInfo]),
+ file:write_file(Out, Core),
+ Out.
+core_file() ->
+ Integers = tuple_to_list(date()) ++ tuple_to_list(time()),
+ Fun = fun(I) when I < 10 -> ["_0", I];
+ (I) -> ["_", I]
+ end,
+ List = lists:append([Fun(I) || I <- Integers]),
+ filename:absname(lists:concat(["MnesiaCore.", node()] ++ List)).
+mkcore(CrashInfo) ->
+% dbg_out("Making a Mnesia core dump...~p~n", [CrashInfo]),
+ Nodes = [node() |nodes()],
+ TidLocks = (catch ets:tab2list(mnesia_tid_locks)),
+ Core = [
+ CrashInfo,
+ {time, {date(), time()}},
+ {self, catch process_info(self())},
+ {nodes, catch rpc:multicall(Nodes, ?MODULE, get_node_number, [])},
+ {applications, catch lists:sort(application:loaded_applications())},
+ {flags, catch init:get_arguments()},
+ {code_path, catch code:get_path()},
+ {code_loaded, catch lists:sort(code:all_loaded())},
+ {etsinfo, catch ets_info(ets:all())},
+ {version, catch mnesia:system_info(version)},
+ {schema, catch ets:tab2list(schema)},
+ {gvar, catch ets:tab2list(mnesia_gvar)},
+ {master_nodes, catch mnesia_recover:get_master_node_info()},
+ {processes, catch procs()},
+ {relatives, catch relatives()},
+ {workers, catch workers(mnesia_controller:get_workers(2000))},
+ {locking_procs, catch locking_procs(TidLocks)},
+ {held_locks, catch mnesia:system_info(held_locks)},
+ {tid_locks, TidLocks},
+ {lock_queue, catch mnesia:system_info(lock_queue)},
+ {load_info, catch mnesia_controller:get_info(2000)},
+ {trans_info, catch mnesia_tm:get_info(2000)},
+ {schema_file, catch file:read_file(tab2dat(schema))},
+ {dir_info, catch dir_info()},
+ {logfile, catch {ok, read_log_files()}}
+ ],
+ term_to_binary(Core).
+procs() ->
+ Fun = fun(P) -> {P, (catch lists:zf(fun proc_info/1, process_info(P)))} end,
+ lists:map(Fun, processes()).
+proc_info({registered_name, Val}) -> {true, Val};
+proc_info({message_queue_len, Val}) -> {true, Val};
+proc_info({status, Val}) -> {true, Val};
+proc_info({current_function, Val}) -> {true, Val};
+proc_info(_) -> false.
+get_node_number() ->
+ {node(), self()}.
+read_log_files() ->
+ [{F, catch file:read_file(F)} || F <- mnesia_log:log_files()].
+dir_info() ->
+ {ok, Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
+ Dir = dir(),
+ [{cwd, Cwd, file:read_file_info(Cwd)},
+ {mnesia_dir, Dir, file:read_file_info(Dir)}] ++
+ case file:list_dir(Dir) of
+ {ok, Files} ->
+ [{mnesia_file, F, catch file:read_file_info(dir(F))} || F <- Files];
+ Other ->
+ [Other]
+ end.
+ets_info([H|T]) ->
+ [{table, H, ets:info(H)} | ets_info(T)];
+ets_info([]) -> [].
+relatives() ->
+ Info = fun(Name) ->
+ case whereis(Name) of
+ undefined -> false;
+ Pid -> {true, {Name, Pid, catch process_info(Pid)}}
+ end
+ end,
+ lists:zf(Info, mnesia:ms()).
+workers({workers, Loader, Sender, Dumper}) ->
+ Info = fun({Name, Pid}) ->
+ case Pid of
+ undefined -> false;
+ Pid -> {true, {Name, Pid, catch process_info(Pid)}}
+ end
+ end,
+ lists:zf(Info, [{loader, Loader}, {sender, Sender}, {dumper, Dumper}]).
+locking_procs(LockList) when list(LockList) ->
+ Tids = [element(1, Lock) || Lock <- LockList],
+ UT = uniq(Tids),
+ Info = fun(Tid) ->
+ Pid =,
+ case node(Pid) == node() of
+ true ->
+ {true, {Pid, catch process_info(Pid)}};
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end
+ end,
+ lists:zf(Info, UT).
+view() ->
+ Bin = mkcore({crashinfo, {"view only~n", []}}),
+ vcore(Bin).
+%% Displays a Mnesia file on the tty. The file may be repaired.
+view(File) ->
+ case suffix([".DAT", ".RET", ".DMP", ".TMP"], File) of
+ true ->
+ view(File, dat);
+ false ->
+ case suffix([".LOG", ".BUP", ".ETS"], File) of
+ true ->
+ view(File, log);
+ false ->
+ case lists:prefix("MnesiaCore.", File) of
+ true ->
+ view(File, core);
+ false ->
+ {error, "Unknown file name"}
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+view(File, dat) ->
+ dets:view(File);
+view(File, log) ->
+ mnesia_log:view(File);
+view(File, core) ->
+ vcore(File).
+suffix(Suffixes, File) ->
+ Fun = fun(S) -> lists:suffix(S, File) end,
+ lists:any(Fun, Suffixes).
+%% View a core file
+vcore() ->
+ Prefix = lists:concat(["MnesiaCore.", node()]),
+ Filter = fun(F) -> lists:prefix(Prefix, F) end,
+ {ok, Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
+ case file:list_dir(Cwd) of
+ {ok, Files}->
+ CoreFiles = lists:sort(lists:zf(Filter, Files)),
+ show("Mnesia core files: ~p~n", [CoreFiles]),
+ vcore(lists:last(CoreFiles));
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+vcore(Bin) when binary(Bin) ->
+ Core = binary_to_term(Bin),
+ Fun = fun({Item, Info}) ->
+ show("***** ~p *****~n", [Item]),
+ case catch vcore_elem({Item, Info}) of
+ {'EXIT', Reason} ->
+ show("{'EXIT', ~p}~n", [Reason]);
+ _ -> ok
+ end
+ end,
+ lists:foreach(Fun, Core);
+vcore(File) ->
+ show("~n***** Mnesia core: ~p *****~n", [File]),
+ case file:read_file(File) of
+ {ok, Bin} ->
+ vcore(Bin);
+ _ ->
+ nocore
+ end.
+vcore_elem({schema_file, {ok, B}}) ->
+ Fname = "/tmp/schema.DAT",
+ file:write_file(Fname, B),
+ dets:view(Fname),
+ file:delete(Fname);
+vcore_elem({logfile, {ok, BinList}}) ->
+ Fun = fun({F, Info}) ->
+ show("----- logfile: ~p -----~n", [F]),
+ case Info of
+ {ok, B} ->
+ Fname = "/tmp/mnesia_vcore_elem.TMP",
+ file:write_file(Fname, B),
+ mnesia_log:view(Fname),
+ file:delete(Fname);
+ _ ->
+ show("~p~n", [Info])
+ end
+ end,
+ lists:foreach(Fun, BinList);
+vcore_elem({crashinfo, {Format, Args}}) ->
+ show(Format, Args);
+vcore_elem({gvar, L}) ->
+ show("~p~n", [lists:sort(L)]);
+vcore_elem({transactions, Info}) ->
+ mnesia_tm:display_info(user, Info);
+vcore_elem({_Item, Info}) ->
+ show("~p~n", [Info]).
+fix_error(X) ->
+ set(last_error, X), %% for debugabililty
+ case X of
+ {aborted, Reason} -> Reason;
+ {abort, Reason} -> Reason;
+ Y when atom(Y) -> Y;
+ {'EXIT', {_Reason, {Mod, _, _}}} when atom(Mod) ->
+ save(X),
+ case atom_to_list(Mod) of
+ [$m, $n, $e|_] -> badarg;
+ _ -> X
+ end;
+ _ -> X
+ end.
+last_error() ->
+ val(last_error).
+%% The following is a list of possible mnesia errors and what they
+%% actually mean
+error_desc(nested_transaction) -> "Nested transactions are not allowed";
+error_desc(badarg) -> "Bad or invalid argument, possibly bad type";
+error_desc(no_transaction) -> "Operation not allowed outside transactions";
+error_desc(combine_error) -> "Table options were ilegally combined";
+error_desc(bad_index) -> "Index already exists or was out of bounds";
+error_desc(already_exists) -> "Some schema option we try to set is already on";
+error_desc(index_exists)-> "Some ops can not be performed on tabs with index";
+error_desc(no_exists)-> "Tried to perform op on non-existing (non alive) item";
+error_desc(system_limit) -> "Some system_limit was exhausted";
+error_desc(mnesia_down) -> "A transaction involving objects at some remote "
+ "node which died while transaction was executing"
+ "*and* object(s) are no longer available elsewhere"
+ "in the network";
+error_desc(not_a_db_node) -> "A node which is non existant in "
+ "the schema was mentioned";
+error_desc(bad_type) -> "Bad type on some provided arguments";
+error_desc(node_not_running) -> "Node not running";
+error_desc(truncated_binary_file) -> "Truncated binary in file";
+error_desc(active) -> "Some delete ops require that "
+ "all active objects are removed";
+error_desc(illegal) -> "Operation not supported on object";
+error_desc({'EXIT', Reason}) ->
+ error_desc(Reason);
+error_desc({error, Reason}) ->
+ error_desc(Reason);
+error_desc({aborted, Reason}) ->
+ error_desc(Reason);
+error_desc(Reason) when tuple(Reason), size(Reason) > 0 ->
+ setelement(1, Reason, error_desc(element(1, Reason)));
+error_desc(Reason) ->
+ Reason.
+dirty_rpc_error_tag(Reason) ->
+ case Reason of
+ {'EXIT', _} -> badarg;
+ no_variable -> badarg;
+ _ -> no_exists
+ end.
+fatal(Format, Args) ->
+ catch set(mnesia_status, stopping),
+ Core = mkcore({crashinfo, {Format, Args}}),
+ report_fatal(Format, Args, Core),
+ timer:sleep(10000), % Enough to write the core dump to disc?
+ mnesia:lkill(),
+ exit(fatal).
+report_fatal(Format, Args) ->
+ report_fatal(Format, Args, nocore).
+report_fatal(Format, Args, Core) ->
+ report_system_event({mnesia_fatal, Format, Args, Core}),
+ catch exit(whereis(mnesia_monitor), fatal).
+%% We sleep longer and longer the more we try
+%% Made some testing and came up with the following constants
+random_time(Retries, _Counter0) ->
+% UpperLimit = 2000,
+% MaxIntv = trunc(UpperLimit * (1-(4/((Retries*Retries)+4)))),
+ UpperLimit = 500,
+ Dup = Retries * Retries,
+ MaxIntv = trunc(UpperLimit * (1-(50/((Dup)+50)))),
+ case get(random_seed) of
+ undefined ->
+ {X, Y, Z} = erlang:now(), %% time()
+ random:seed(X, Y, Z),
+ Time = Dup + random:uniform(MaxIntv),
+ %% dbg_out("---random_test rs ~w max ~w val ~w---~n", [Retries, MaxIntv, Time]),
+ Time;
+ _ ->
+ Time = Dup + random:uniform(MaxIntv),
+ %% dbg_out("---random_test rs ~w max ~w val ~w---~n", [Retries, MaxIntv, Time]),
+ Time
+ end.
+report_system_event(Event0) ->
+ Event = {mnesia_system_event, Event0},
+ report_system_event(catch_notify(Event), Event),
+ case ?catch_val(subscribers) of
+ {'EXIT', _} -> ignore;
+ Pids -> lists:foreach(fun(Pid) -> Pid ! Event end, Pids)
+ end,
+ ok.
+catch_notify(Event) ->
+ case whereis(mnesia_event) of
+ undefined ->
+ {'EXIT', {badarg, {mnesia_event, Event}}};
+ Pid ->
+ gen_event:notify(Pid, Event)
+ end.
+report_system_event({'EXIT', Reason}, Event) ->
+ Mod = mnesia_monitor:get_env(event_module),
+ case mnesia_sup:start_event() of
+ {ok, Pid} ->
+ link(Pid),
+ gen_event:call(mnesia_event, Mod, Event, infinity),
+ unlink(Pid),
+ %% We get an exit signal if server dies
+ receive
+ {'EXIT', Pid, _Reason} ->
+ {error, {node_not_running, node()}}
+ after 0 ->
+ gen_event:stop(mnesia_event),
+ ok
+ end;
+ Error ->
+ Msg = "Mnesia(~p): Cannot report event ~p: ~p (~p)~n",
+ error_logger:format(Msg, [node(), Event, Reason, Error])
+ end;
+report_system_event(_Res, _Event) ->
+ ignore.
+%% important messages are reported regardless of debug level
+important(Format, Args) ->
+ save({Format, Args}),
+ report_system_event({mnesia_info, Format, Args}).
+%% Warning messages are reported regardless of debug level
+warning(Format, Args) ->
+ save({Format, Args}),
+ report_system_event({mnesia_warning, Format, Args}).
+%% error messages are reported regardless of debug level
+error(Format, Args) ->
+ save({Format, Args}),
+ report_system_event({mnesia_error, Format, Args}).
+%% verbose messages are reported if debug level == debug or verbose
+verbose(Format, Args) ->
+ case mnesia_monitor:get_env(debug) of
+ none -> save({Format, Args});
+ verbose -> important(Format, Args);
+ debug -> important(Format, Args);
+ trace -> important(Format, Args)
+ end.
+%% debug message are display if debug level == 2
+dbg_out(Format, Args) ->
+ case mnesia_monitor:get_env(debug) of
+ none -> ignore;
+ verbose -> save({Format, Args});
+ _ -> report_system_event({mnesia_info, Format, Args})
+ end.
+%% Keep the last 10 debug print outs
+save(DbgInfo) ->
+ catch save2(DbgInfo).
+save2(DbgInfo) ->
+ Key = {'$$$_report', current_pos},
+ P =
+ case ?ets_lookup_element(mnesia_gvar, Key, 2) of
+ 30 -> -1;
+ I -> I
+ end,
+ set({'$$$_report', current_pos}, P+1),
+ set({'$$$_report', P+1}, {date(), time(), DbgInfo}).
+copy_file(From, To) ->
+ case file:open(From, [raw, binary, read]) of
+ {ok, F} ->
+ case file:open(To, [raw, binary, write]) of
+ {ok, T} ->
+ Res = copy_file_loop(F, T, 8000),
+ file:close(F),
+ file:close(T),
+ Res;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {error, Reason}
+ end;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {error, Reason}
+ end.
+copy_file_loop(F, T, ChunkSize) ->
+ case file:read(F, ChunkSize) of
+ {ok, {0, _}} ->
+ ok;
+ {ok, {_, Bin}} ->
+ file:write(T, Bin),
+ copy_file_loop(F, T, ChunkSize);
+ {ok, Bin} ->
+ file:write(T, Bin),
+ copy_file_loop(F, T, ChunkSize);
+ eof ->
+ ok;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {error, Reason}
+ end.
+%% versions of all the lowlevel db funcs that determine whether we
+%% shall go to disc or ram to do the actual operation.
+db_get(Tab, Key) ->
+ db_get(val({Tab, storage_type}), Tab, Key).
+db_get(ram_copies, Tab, Key) -> ?ets_lookup(Tab, Key);
+db_get(disc_copies, Tab, Key) -> ?ets_lookup(Tab, Key);
+db_get(disc_only_copies, Tab, Key) -> dets:lookup(Tab, Key).
+db_init_chunk(Tab) ->
+ db_init_chunk(val({Tab, storage_type}), Tab, 1000).
+db_init_chunk(Tab, N) ->
+ db_init_chunk(val({Tab, storage_type}), Tab, N).
+db_init_chunk(disc_only_copies, Tab, N) ->
+ dets:select(Tab, [{'_', [], ['$_']}], N);
+db_init_chunk(_, Tab, N) ->
+ ets:select(Tab, [{'_', [], ['$_']}], N).
+db_chunk(disc_only_copies, State) ->
+ dets:select(State);
+db_chunk(_, State) ->
+ ets:select(State).
+db_put(Tab, Val) ->
+ db_put(val({Tab, storage_type}), Tab, Val).
+db_put(ram_copies, Tab, Val) -> ?ets_insert(Tab, Val), ok;
+db_put(disc_copies, Tab, Val) -> ?ets_insert(Tab, Val), ok;
+db_put(disc_only_copies, Tab, Val) -> dets:insert(Tab, Val).
+db_match_object(Tab, Pat) ->
+ db_match_object(val({Tab, storage_type}), Tab, Pat).
+db_match_object(Storage, Tab, Pat) ->
+ db_fixtable(Storage, Tab, true),
+ Res = catch_match_object(Storage, Tab, Pat),
+ db_fixtable(Storage, Tab, false),
+ case Res of
+ {'EXIT', Reason} -> exit(Reason);
+ _ -> Res
+ end.
+catch_match_object(disc_only_copies, Tab, Pat) ->
+ catch dets:match_object(Tab, Pat);
+catch_match_object(_, Tab, Pat) ->
+ catch ets:match_object(Tab, Pat).
+db_select(Tab, Pat) ->
+ db_select(val({Tab, storage_type}), Tab, Pat).
+db_select(Storage, Tab, Pat) ->
+ db_fixtable(Storage, Tab, true),
+ Res = catch_select(Storage, Tab, Pat),
+ db_fixtable(Storage, Tab, false),
+ case Res of
+ {'EXIT', Reason} -> exit(Reason);
+ _ -> Res
+ end.
+catch_select(disc_only_copies, Tab, Pat) ->
+ dets:select(Tab, Pat);
+catch_select(_, Tab, Pat) ->
+ ets:select(Tab, Pat).
+db_fixtable(ets, Tab, Bool) ->
+ ets:safe_fixtable(Tab, Bool);
+db_fixtable(ram_copies, Tab, Bool) ->
+ ets:safe_fixtable(Tab, Bool);
+db_fixtable(disc_copies, Tab, Bool) ->
+ ets:safe_fixtable(Tab, Bool);
+db_fixtable(dets, Tab, Bool) ->
+ dets:safe_fixtable(Tab, Bool);
+db_fixtable(disc_only_copies, Tab, Bool) ->
+ dets:safe_fixtable(Tab, Bool).
+db_erase(Tab, Key) ->
+ db_erase(val({Tab, storage_type}), Tab, Key).
+db_erase(ram_copies, Tab, Key) -> ?ets_delete(Tab, Key), ok;
+db_erase(disc_copies, Tab, Key) -> ?ets_delete(Tab, Key), ok;
+db_erase(disc_only_copies, Tab, Key) -> dets:delete(Tab, Key).
+db_match_erase(Tab, Pat) ->
+ db_match_erase(val({Tab, storage_type}), Tab, Pat).
+db_match_erase(ram_copies, Tab, Pat) -> ?ets_match_delete(Tab, Pat), ok;
+db_match_erase(disc_copies, Tab, Pat) -> ?ets_match_delete(Tab, Pat), ok;
+db_match_erase(disc_only_copies, Tab, Pat) -> dets:match_delete(Tab, Pat).
+db_first(Tab) ->
+ db_first(val({Tab, storage_type}), Tab).
+db_first(ram_copies, Tab) -> ?ets_first(Tab);
+db_first(disc_copies, Tab) -> ?ets_first(Tab);
+db_first(disc_only_copies, Tab) -> dets:first(Tab).
+db_next_key(Tab, Key) ->
+ db_next_key(val({Tab, storage_type}), Tab, Key).
+db_next_key(ram_copies, Tab, Key) -> ?ets_next(Tab, Key);
+db_next_key(disc_copies, Tab, Key) -> ?ets_next(Tab, Key);
+db_next_key(disc_only_copies, Tab, Key) -> dets:next(Tab, Key).
+db_last(Tab) ->
+ db_last(val({Tab, storage_type}), Tab).
+db_last(ram_copies, Tab) -> ?ets_last(Tab);
+db_last(disc_copies, Tab) -> ?ets_last(Tab);
+db_last(disc_only_copies, Tab) -> dets:first(Tab). %% Dets don't have order
+db_prev_key(Tab, Key) ->
+ db_prev_key(val({Tab, storage_type}), Tab, Key).
+db_prev_key(ram_copies, Tab, Key) -> ?ets_prev(Tab, Key);
+db_prev_key(disc_copies, Tab, Key) -> ?ets_prev(Tab, Key);
+db_prev_key(disc_only_copies, Tab, Key) -> dets:next(Tab, Key). %% Dets don't have order
+db_slot(Tab, Pos) ->
+ db_slot(val({Tab, storage_type}), Tab, Pos).
+db_slot(ram_copies, Tab, Pos) -> ?ets_slot(Tab, Pos);
+db_slot(disc_copies, Tab, Pos) -> ?ets_slot(Tab, Pos);
+db_slot(disc_only_copies, Tab, Pos) -> dets:slot(Tab, Pos).
+db_update_counter(Tab, C, Val) ->
+ db_update_counter(val({Tab, storage_type}), Tab, C, Val).
+db_update_counter(ram_copies, Tab, C, Val) ->
+ ?ets_update_counter(Tab, C, Val);
+db_update_counter(disc_copies, Tab, C, Val) ->
+ ?ets_update_counter(Tab, C, Val);
+db_update_counter(disc_only_copies, Tab, C, Val) ->
+ dets:update_counter(Tab, C, Val).
+db_erase_tab(Tab) ->
+ db_erase_tab(val({Tab, storage_type}), Tab).
+db_erase_tab(ram_copies, Tab) -> ?ets_delete_table(Tab);
+db_erase_tab(disc_copies, Tab) -> ?ets_delete_table(Tab);
+db_erase_tab(disc_only_copies, _Tab) -> ignore.
+%% assuming that Tab is a valid ets-table
+dets_to_ets(Tabname, Tab, File, Type, Rep, Lock) ->
+ {Open, Close} = mkfuns(Lock),
+ case Open(Tabname, [{file, File}, {type, disk_type(Tab, Type)},
+ {keypos, 2}, {repair, Rep}]) of
+ {ok, Tabname} ->
+ Res = dets:to_ets(Tabname, Tab),
+ Close(Tabname),
+ trav_ret(Res, Tab);
+ Other ->
+ Other
+ end.
+trav_ret(Tabname, Tabname) -> loaded;
+trav_ret(Other, _Tabname) -> Other.
+mkfuns(yes) ->
+ {fun(Tab, Args) -> dets_sync_open(Tab, Args) end,
+ fun(Tab) -> dets_sync_close(Tab) end};
+mkfuns(no) ->
+ {fun(Tab, Args) -> dets:open_file(Tab, Args) end,
+ fun(Tab) -> dets:close(Tab) end}.
+disk_type(Tab) ->
+ disk_type(Tab, val({Tab, setorbag})).
+disk_type(_Tab, ordered_set) ->
+ set;
+disk_type(_, Type) ->
+ Type.
+dets_sync_open(Tab, Ref, File) ->
+ Args = [{file, File},
+ {keypos, 2},
+ {repair, mnesia_monitor:get_env(auto_repair)},
+ {type, disk_type(Tab)}],
+ dets_sync_open(Ref, Args).
+lock_table(Tab) ->
+ global:set_lock({{mnesia_table_lock, Tab}, self()}, [node()], infinity).
+% dbg_out("dets_sync_open: ~p ~p~n", [T, self()]),
+unlock_table(Tab) ->
+ global:del_lock({{mnesia_table_lock, Tab}, self()}, [node()]).
+% dbg_out("unlock_table: ~p ~p~n", [T, self()]),
+dets_sync_open(Tab, Args) ->
+ lock_table(Tab),
+ case dets:open_file(Tab, Args) of
+ {ok, Tab} ->
+ {ok, Tab};
+ Other ->
+ dets_sync_close(Tab),
+ Other
+ end.
+dets_sync_close(Tab) ->
+ catch dets:close(Tab),
+ unlock_table(Tab),
+ ok.
+cleanup_tmp_files([Tab | Tabs]) ->
+ dets_sync_close(Tab),
+ file:delete(tab2tmp(Tab)),
+ cleanup_tmp_files(Tabs);
+cleanup_tmp_files([]) ->
+ ok.
+%% Returns a list of bad tables
+swap_tmp_files([Tab | Tabs]) ->
+ dets_sync_close(Tab),
+ Tmp = tab2tmp(Tab),
+ Dat = tab2dat(Tab),
+ case file:rename(Tmp, Dat) of
+ ok ->
+ swap_tmp_files(Tabs);
+ _ ->
+ file:delete(Tmp),
+ [Tab | swap_tmp_files(Tabs)]
+ end;
+swap_tmp_files([]) ->
+ [].
+readable_indecies(Tab) ->
+ val({Tab, index}).
+%% Managing conditional debug functions
+%% The main idea with the debug_fun's is to allow test programs
+%% to control the internal behaviour of Mnesia. This is needed
+%% to make the test programs independent of system load, swapping
+%% and other circumstances that may affect the behaviour of Mnesia.
+%% First should calls to ?eval_debug_fun be inserted at well
+%% defined places in Mnesia's code. E.g. in critical situations
+%% of startup, transaction commit, backups etc.
+%% Then compile Mnesia with the compiler option 'debug'.
+%% In test programs ?activate_debug_fun should be called
+%% in order to bind a fun to the debug identifier stated
+%% in the call to ?eval_debug_fun.
+%% If eval_debug_fun finds that the fun is activated it
+%% invokes the fun as NewContext = Fun(PreviousContext, EvalContext)
+%% and replaces the PreviousContext with the NewContext.
+%% The initial context of a debug_fun is given as argument to
+%% activate_debug_fun.
+-define(DEBUG_TAB, mnesia_debug).
+-record(debug_info, {id, function, context, file, line}).
+scratch_debug_fun() ->
+ dbg_out("scratch_debug_fun(): ~p~n", [?DEBUG_TAB]),
+ (catch ?ets_delete_table(?DEBUG_TAB)),
+ ?ets_new_table(?DEBUG_TAB, [set, public, named_table, {keypos, 2}]).
+activate_debug_fun(FunId, Fun, InitialContext, File, Line) ->
+ Info = #debug_info{id = FunId,
+ function = Fun,
+ context = InitialContext,
+ file = File,
+ line = Line
+ },
+ update_debug_info(Info).
+update_debug_info(Info) ->
+ case catch ?ets_insert(?DEBUG_TAB, Info) of
+ {'EXIT', _} ->
+ scratch_debug_fun(),
+ ?ets_insert(?DEBUG_TAB, Info);
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ dbg_out("update_debug_info(~p)~n", [Info]),
+ ok.
+deactivate_debug_fun(FunId, _File, _Line) ->
+ catch ?ets_delete(?DEBUG_TAB, FunId),
+ ok.
+eval_debug_fun(FunId, EvalContext, EvalFile, EvalLine) ->
+ case catch ?ets_lookup(?DEBUG_TAB, FunId) of
+ [] ->
+ ok;
+ [Info] ->
+ OldContext = Info#debug_info.context,
+ dbg_out("~s(~p): ~w "
+ "activated in ~s(~p)~n "
+ "eval_debug_fun(~w, ~w)~n",
+ [filename:basename(EvalFile), EvalLine,,
+ filename:basename(Info#debug_info.file), Info#debug_info.line,
+ OldContext, EvalContext]),
+ Fun = Info#debug_info.function,
+ NewContext = Fun(OldContext, EvalContext),
+ case catch ?ets_lookup(?DEBUG_TAB, FunId) of
+ [Info] when NewContext /= OldContext ->
+ NewInfo = Info#debug_info{context = NewContext},
+ update_debug_info(NewInfo);
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end;
+ {'EXIT', _} -> ok
+ end.
+ is_debug_compiled() -> true.
+ is_debug_compiled() -> false.