path: root/lib/dialyzer/test/r9c_SUITE_data/src/inets/mod_cgi.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dialyzer/test/r9c_SUITE_data/src/inets/mod_cgi.erl')
1 files changed, 692 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/r9c_SUITE_data/src/inets/mod_cgi.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/r9c_SUITE_data/src/inets/mod_cgi.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d3f67eb77a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/r9c_SUITE_data/src/inets/mod_cgi.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,692 @@
+%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved via the world wide web at
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
+%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999, Ericsson Utvecklings
+%% AB. All Rights Reserved.''
+%% $Id: mod_cgi.erl,v 1.1 2008/12/17 09:53:35 mikpe Exp $
+%%Exports to the interface for sending chunked data
+%% to http/1.1 users and full responses to http/1.0
+-export([send/5,final_send/4, update_status_code/2,get_new_size/2]).
+%% do
+do(Info) ->
+ ?vtrace("do",[]),
+ case httpd_util:key1search(,status) of
+ %% A status code has been generated!
+ {StatusCode, PhraseArgs, Reason} ->
+ {proceed,};
+ %% No status code has been generated!
+ undefined ->
+ ?vtrace("do -> no status code has been generated", []),
+ case httpd_util:key1search(,response) of
+ %% No response has been generated!
+ undefined ->
+ ?vtrace("do -> no response has been generated", []),
+ RequestURI =
+ case httpd_util:key1search(,
+ new_request_uri) of
+ undefined ->
+ Info#mod.request_uri;
+ Value ->
+ Value
+ end,
+ ?vtrace("do -> RequestURI: ~p", [RequestURI]),
+ ScriptAliases =
+ httpd_util:multi_lookup(Info#mod.config_db,
+ script_alias),
+ ?vtrace("do -> ScriptAliases: ~p", [ScriptAliases]),
+ case mod_alias:real_script_name(Info#mod.config_db,
+ RequestURI,
+ ScriptAliases) of
+ {Script, AfterScript} ->
+ exec_script(Info, Script, AfterScript, RequestURI);
+ not_a_script ->
+ {proceed,}
+ end;
+ %% A response has been generated or sent!
+ Response ->
+ {proceed,}
+ end
+ end.
+%% is_executable(File) ->
+%% ?DEBUG("is_executable -> entry with~n"
+%% " File: ~s",[File]),
+%% Dir = filename:dirname(File),
+%% FileName = filename:basename(File),
+%% is_executable(FileName,Dir).
+%% is_executable(FileName,Dir) ->
+%% ?DEBUG("is_executable -> entry with~n"
+%% " Dir: ~s~n"
+%% " FileName: ~s",[Dir,FileName]),
+%% case os:find_executable(FileName, Dir) of
+%% false ->
+%% false;
+%% _ ->
+%% true
+%% end.
+%% -------------------------
+%% Start temporary (hopefully) fix for win32
+%% OTP-3627
+is_executable(File) ->
+ Dir = filename:dirname(File),
+ FileName = filename:basename(File),
+ case os:type() of
+ {win32,_} ->
+ is_win32_executable(Dir,FileName);
+ _ ->
+ is_other_executable(Dir,FileName)
+ end.
+is_win32_executable(D,F) ->
+ case ends_with(F,[".bat",".exe",".com"]) of
+ false ->
+ %% This is why we cant use 'os:find_executable' directly.
+ %% It assumes that executable files is given without extension
+ case os:find_executable(F,D) of
+ false ->
+ false;
+ _ ->
+ true
+ end;
+ true ->
+ case file:read_file_info(D ++ "/" ++ F) of
+ {ok,_} ->
+ true;
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end
+ end.
+is_other_executable(D,F) ->
+ case os:find_executable(F,D) of
+ false ->
+ false;
+ _ ->
+ true
+ end.
+ends_with(File,[]) ->
+ false;
+ends_with(File,[Ext|Rest]) ->
+ case ends_with1(File,Ext) of
+ true ->
+ true;
+ false ->
+ ends_with(File,Rest)
+ end.
+ends_with1(S,E) when length(S) >= length(E) ->
+ case to_lower(string:right(S,length(E))) of
+ E ->
+ true;
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end;
+ends_with1(_S,_E) ->
+ false.
+to_lower(S) -> to_lower(S,[]).
+to_lower([],L) -> lists:reverse(L);
+to_lower([H|T],L) -> to_lower(T,[to_lower1(H)|L]).
+to_lower1(C) when C >= $A, C =< $Z ->
+ C + ($a - $A);
+to_lower1(C) ->
+ C.
+%% End fix
+%% ---------------------------------
+env(VarName, Value) ->
+ {VarName, Value}.
+env(Info, Script, AfterScript) ->
+ ?vtrace("env -> entry with"
+ "~n Script: ~p"
+ "~n AfterScript: ~p",
+ [Script, AfterScript]),
+ {_, RemoteAddr} = (Info#mod.init_data)#init_data.peername,
+ ServerName = (Info#mod.init_data)#init_data.resolve,
+ PH = parsed_header(Info#mod.parsed_header),
+ Env =
+ env("SERVER_NAME",ServerName),
+ env("SERVER_PORT",
+ integer_to_list(httpd_util:lookup(Info#mod.config_db,port,80))),
+ env("REQUEST_METHOD",Info#mod.method),
+ env("REMOTE_ADDR",RemoteAddr),
+ env("SCRIPT_NAME",Script)],
+ Env1 =
+ case Info#mod.method of
+ "GET" ->
+ case AfterScript of
+ {[], QueryString} ->
+ [env("QUERY_STRING", QueryString)|Env];
+ {PathInfo, []} ->
+ Aliases = httpd_util:multi_lookup(
+ Info#mod.config_db,alias),
+ {_, PathTranslated, _} =
+ mod_alias:real_name(
+ Info#mod.config_db, PathInfo, Aliases),
+ [Env|
+ [env("PATH_INFO","/"++httpd_util:decode_hex(PathInfo)),
+ env("PATH_TRANSLATED",PathTranslated)]];
+ {PathInfo, QueryString} ->
+ Aliases = httpd_util:multi_lookup(
+ Info#mod.config_db,alias),
+ {_, PathTranslated, _} =
+ mod_alias:real_name(
+ Info#mod.config_db, PathInfo, Aliases),
+ [Env|
+ [env("PATH_INFO",
+ httpd_util:decode_hex(PathInfo)),
+ env("PATH_TRANSLATED",PathTranslated),
+ env("QUERY_STRING", QueryString)]];
+ [] ->
+ Env
+ end;
+ "POST" ->
+ integer_to_list(httpd_util:flatlength(
+ Info#mod.entity_body)))|Env];
+ _ ->
+ Env
+ end,
+ Env2 =
+ case httpd_util:key1search(,remote_user) of
+ undefined ->
+ Env1;
+ RemoteUser ->
+ [env("REMOTE_USER",RemoteUser)|Env1] %% OTP-4416
+ end,
+ lists:flatten([Env2|PH]).
+parsed_header(List) ->
+ parsed_header(List, []).
+parsed_header([], SoFar) ->
+ SoFar;
+parsed_header([{Name,[Value|R1]}|R2], SoFar) when list(Value)->
+ NewName=lists:map(fun(X) -> if X == $- -> $_; true -> X end end,Name),
+ Env = env("HTTP_"++httpd_util:to_upper(NewName),
+ multi_value([Value|R1])),
+ parsed_header(R2, [Env|SoFar]);
+parsed_header([{Name,Value}|Rest], SoFar) ->
+ {ok,NewName,_} = regexp:gsub(Name, "-", "_"),
+ Env=env("HTTP_"++httpd_util:to_upper(NewName),Value),
+ parsed_header(Rest, [Env|SoFar]).
+multi_value([]) ->
+ [];
+multi_value([Value]) ->
+ Value;
+multi_value([Value|Rest]) ->
+ Value++", "++multi_value(Rest).
+exec_script(Info, Script, AfterScript, RequestURI) ->
+ ?vdebug("exec_script -> entry with"
+ "~n Script: ~p"
+ "~n AfterScript: ~p",
+ [Script,AfterScript]),
+ exec_script(is_executable(Script),Info,Script,AfterScript,RequestURI).
+exec_script(true, Info, Script, AfterScript, RequestURI) ->
+ ?vtrace("exec_script -> entry when script is executable",[]),
+ process_flag(trap_exit,true),
+ Dir = filename:dirname(Script),
+ [Script_Name|_] = string:tokens(RequestURI, "?"),
+ Env = env(Info, Script_Name, AfterScript),
+ Port = (catch open_port({spawn,Script},[stream,{cd, Dir},{env, Env}])),
+ ?vtrace("exec_script -> Port: ~w",[Port]),
+ case Port of
+ P when port(P) ->
+ %% Send entity_body to port.
+ Res = case Info#mod.entity_body of
+ [] ->
+ true;
+ EntityBody ->
+ (catch port_command(Port, EntityBody))
+ end,
+ case Res of
+ {'EXIT',Reason} ->
+ ?vlog("port send failed:"
+ "~n Port: ~p"
+ "~n URI: ~p"
+ "~n Reason: ~p",
+ [Port,Info#mod.request_uri,Reason]),
+ exit({open_cmd_failed,Reason,
+ [{mod,?MODULE},{port,Port},
+ {uri,Info#mod.request_uri},
+ {script,Script},{env,Env},{dir,Dir},
+ {ebody_size,sz(Info#mod.entity_body)}]});
+ true ->
+ proxy(Info, Port)
+ end;
+ {'EXIT',Reason} ->
+ ?vlog("open port failed: exit"
+ "~n URI: ~p"
+ "~n Reason: ~p",
+ [Info#mod.request_uri,Reason]),
+ exit({open_port_failed,Reason,
+ [{mod,?MODULE},{uri,Info#mod.request_uri},{script,Script},
+ {env,Env},{dir,Dir}]});
+ O ->
+ ?vlog("open port failed: unknown result"
+ "~n URI: ~p"
+ "~n O: ~p",
+ [Info#mod.request_uri,O]),
+ exit({open_port_failed,O,
+ [{mod,?MODULE},{uri,Info#mod.request_uri},{script,Script},
+ {env,Env},{dir,Dir}]})
+ end;
+exec_script(false,Info,Script,_AfterScript,_RequestURI) ->
+ ?vlog("script ~s not executable",[Script]),
+ {proceed,
+ [{status,
+ {404,Info#mod.request_uri,
+ ?NICE("You don't have permission to execute " ++
+ Info#mod.request_uri ++ " on this server")}}|
+%% Socket <-> Port communication
+proxy(#mod{config_db = ConfigDb} = Info, Port) ->
+ Timeout = httpd_util:lookup(ConfigDb, cgi_timeout, ?DEFAULT_CGI_TIMEOUT),
+ proxy(Info, Port, 0, undefined,[], Timeout).
+proxy(Info, Port, Size, StatusCode, AccResponse, Timeout) ->
+ ?vdebug("proxy -> entry with"
+ "~n Size: ~p"
+ "~n StatusCode ~p"
+ "~n Timeout: ~p",
+ [Size, StatusCode, Timeout]),
+ receive
+ {Port, {data, Response}} when port(Port) ->
+ ?vtrace("proxy -> got some data from the port",[]),
+ NewStatusCode = update_status_code(StatusCode, Response),
+ ?vtrace("proxy -> NewStatusCode: ~p",[NewStatusCode]),
+ case send(Info, NewStatusCode, Response, Size, AccResponse) of
+ socket_closed ->
+ ?vtrace("proxy -> socket closed: kill port",[]),
+ (catch port_close(Port)), % KILL the port !!!!
+ process_flag(trap_exit,false),
+ {proceed,
+ [{response,{already_sent,200,Size}}|]};
+ head_sent ->
+ ?vtrace("proxy -> head sent: kill port",[]),
+ (catch port_close(Port)), % KILL the port !!!!
+ process_flag(trap_exit,false),
+ {proceed,
+ [{response,{already_sent,200,Size}}|]};
+ {http_response, NewAccResponse} ->
+ ?vtrace("proxy -> head response: continue",[]),
+ NewSize = get_new_size(Size, Response),
+ proxy(Info, Port, NewSize, NewStatusCode,
+ NewAccResponse, Timeout);
+ _ ->
+ ?vtrace("proxy -> continue",[]),
+ %% The data is sent and the socket is not closed, continue
+ NewSize = get_new_size(Size, Response),
+ proxy(Info, Port, NewSize, NewStatusCode,
+ "nonempty", Timeout)
+ end;
+ {'EXIT', Port, normal} when port(Port) ->
+ ?vtrace("proxy -> exit signal from port: normal",[]),
+ NewStatusCode = update_status_code(StatusCode,AccResponse),
+ final_send(Info,NewStatusCode,Size,AccResponse),
+ process_flag(trap_exit,false),
+ {proceed, [{response,{already_sent,200,Size}}|]};
+ {'EXIT', Port, Reason} when port(Port) ->
+ ?vtrace("proxy -> exit signal from port: ~p",[Reason]),
+ process_flag(trap_exit, false),
+ {proceed, [{status,{400,none,reason(Reason)}}|]};
+ {'EXIT', Pid, Reason} when pid(Pid) ->
+ %% This is the case that a linked process has died,
+ %% It would be nice to response with a server error
+ %% but since the heade alredy is sent
+ ?vtrace("proxy -> exit signal from ~p: ~p",[Pid, Reason]),
+ proxy(Info, Port, Size, StatusCode, AccResponse, Timeout);
+ %% This should not happen
+ WhatEver ->
+ ?vinfo("proxy -> received garbage: ~n~p", [WhatEver]),
+ NewStatusCode = update_status_code(StatusCode, AccResponse),
+ final_send(Info, StatusCode, Size, AccResponse),
+ process_flag(trap_exit, false),
+ {proceed, [{response,{already_sent,200,Size}}|]}
+ after Timeout ->
+ ?vlog("proxy -> timeout",[]),
+ (catch port_close(Port)), % KILL the port !!!!
+ httpd_socket:close(Info#mod.socket_type, Info#mod.socket),
+ process_flag(trap_exit,false),
+ {proceed,[{response,{already_sent,200,Size}}|]}
+ end.
+%% %%
+%% The functions that handles the sending of the data to the client %%
+%% %%
+%% Send the header the first time the size of the body is Zero
+send(#mod{method = "HEAD"} = Info, StatusCode, Response, 0, []) ->
+ first_handle_head_request(Info, StatusCode, Response);
+send(Info, StatusCode, Response, 0, []) ->
+ first_handle_other_request(Info, StatusCode, Response);
+%% The size of the body is bigger than zero =>
+%% we have a part of the body to send
+send(Info, StatusCode, Response, Size, AccResponse) ->
+ handle_other_request(Info, StatusCode, Response).
+%% The function is called the last time when the port has closed
+final_send(Info, StatusCode, Size, AccResponse)->
+ final_handle_other_request(Info, StatusCode).
+%% %%
+%% The code that handles the head requests %%
+%% %%
+%% The request is a head request if its a HTPT/1.1 request answer to it
+%% otherwise we must collect the size of hte body before we can answer.
+%% Return Values:
+%% head_sent
+first_handle_head_request(Info, StatusCode, Response)->
+ case Info#mod.http_version of
+ "HTTP/1.1" ->
+ %% Since we have all we need to create the header create it
+ %% send it and return head_sent.
+ case httpd_util:split(Response,"\r\n\r\n|\n\n",2) of
+ {ok, [HeadEnd, Rest]} ->
+ HeadEnd1 = removeStatus(HeadEnd),
+ httpd_socket:deliver(Info#mod.socket_type,Info#mod.socket,
+ [create_header(Info,StatusCode),
+ HeadEnd1,"\r\n\r\n"]);
+ _ ->
+ httpd_socket:deliver(Info#mod.socket_type,Info#mod.socket,
+ [create_header(Info, StatusCode),
+ "Content-Type:text/html\r\n\r\n"])
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ Response1= case regexp:split(Response,"\r\n\r\n|\n\n") of
+ {ok,[HeadEnd|Rest]} ->
+ removeStatus(HeadEnd);
+ _ ->
+ ["Content-Type:text/html"]
+ end,
+ H1 = httpd_util:header(StatusCode,Info#mod.connection),
+ httpd_socket:deliver(Info#mod.socket_type,Info#mod.socket,
+ [H1,Response1,"\r\n\r\n"])
+ end,
+ head_sent.
+%% %%
+%% Handle the requests that is to the other methods %%
+%% %%
+%% Create the http-response header and send it to the user if it is
+%% a http/1.1 request otherwise we must accumulate it
+ Header = create_header(Info,StatusCode),
+ Response1 =
+ case httpd_util:split(Response,"\r\n\r\n|\n\n",2) of
+ {ok,[HeadPart,[]]} ->
+ [Header, removeStatus(HeadPart),"\r\n\r\n"];
+ {ok,[HeadPart,BodyPart]} ->
+ [Header, removeStatus(HeadPart), "\r\n\r\n",
+ httpd_util:integer_to_hexlist(length(BodyPart)),
+ "\r\n", BodyPart];
+ _WhatEver ->
+ %% No response header field from the cgi-script,
+ %% Just a body
+ [Header, "Content-Type:text/html","\r\n\r\n",
+ httpd_util:integer_to_hexlist(length(Response)),
+ "\r\n", Response]
+ end,
+ httpd_socket:deliver(Info#mod.socket_type,Info#mod.socket, Response1).
+handle_other_request(#mod{http_version = "HTTP/1.1",
+ socket_type = Type, socket = Sock} = Info,
+ StatusCode, Response0) ->
+ Response = create_chunk(Info, Response0),
+ httpd_socket:deliver(Type, Sock, Response);
+handle_other_request(#mod{socket_type = Type, socket = Sock} = Info,
+ StatusCode, Response) ->
+ httpd_socket:deliver(Type, Sock, Response).
+final_handle_other_request(#mod{http_version = "HTTP/1.1",
+ socket_type = Type, socket = Sock},
+ StatusCode) ->
+ httpd_socket:deliver(Type, Sock, "0\r\n");
+final_handle_other_request(#mod{socket_type = Type, socket = Sock},
+ StatusCode) ->
+ httpd_socket:close(Type, Sock),
+ socket_closed.
+create_chunk(_Info, Response) ->
+ HEXSize = httpd_util:integer_to_hexlist(length(lists:flatten(Response))),
+ HEXSize++"\r\n"++Response++"\r\n".
+%% %%
+%% The various helper functions %%
+%% %%
+update_status_code(undefined, Response) ->
+ case status_code(Response) of
+ {ok, StatusCode1} ->
+ StatusCode1;
+ _ ->
+ ?vlog("invalid response from script:~n~p", [Response]),
+ 500
+ end;
+ StatusCode.
+ case httpd_util:split(Response,"\r\n\r\n|\n\n",2) of
+ {ok,[Head,Body]}->
+ length(lists:flatten(Body));
+ _ ->
+ %%No header in the respone
+ length(lists:flatten(Response))
+ end;
+ Size+length(lists:flatten(Response)).
+%% Creates the http-header for a response
+ Cache=case httpd_util:lookup(Info#mod.config_db,script_nocache,false) of
+ true->
+ Date=httpd_util:rfc1123_date(),
+ "Cache-Control:no-cache\r\nPragma:no-cache\r\nExpires:"++ Date ++ "\r\n";
+ false ->
+ []
+ end,
+ case Info#mod.http_version of
+ "HTTP/1.1" ->
+ Header=httpd_util:header(StatusCode, Info#mod.connection),
+ Header++"Transfer-encoding:chunked\r\n"++Cache;
+ _ ->
+ httpd_util:header(StatusCode,Info#mod.connection)++Cache
+ end.
+%% status_code
+status_code(Response) ->
+ case httpd_util:split(Response,"\n\n|\r\n\r\n",2) of
+ {ok,[Header,Body]} ->
+ case regexp:split(Header,"\n|\r\n") of
+ {ok,HeaderFields} ->
+ {ok,extract_status_code(HeaderFields)};
+ {error,_} ->
+ {error, bad_script_output(Response)}
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ %% No header field in the returned data return 200 the standard code
+ {ok, 200}
+ end.
+bad_script_output(Bad) ->
+ lists:flatten(io_lib:format("Bad script output ~s",[Bad])).
+extract_status_code([]) ->
+ 200;
+extract_status_code([[$L,$o,$c,$a,$t,$i,$o,$n,$:,$ |_]|_]) ->
+ 302;
+extract_status_code([[$S,$t,$a,$t,$u,$s,$:,$ |CodeAndReason]|_]) ->
+ case httpd_util:split(CodeAndReason," ",2) of
+ {ok,[Code,_]} ->
+ list_to_integer(Code);
+ {ok,_} ->
+ 200
+ end;
+extract_status_code([_|Rest]) ->
+ extract_status_code(Rest).
+sz(B) when binary(B) -> {binary,size(B)};
+sz(L) when list(L) -> {list,length(L)};
+sz(_) -> undefined.
+%% Convert error to printable string
+reason({error,emfile}) -> ": To many open files";
+reason({error,{enfile,_}}) -> ": File/port table overflow";
+reason({error,enomem}) -> ": Not enough memory";
+reason({error,eagain}) -> ": No more available OS processes";
+reason(_) -> "".
+ case httpd_util:split(Head,"Status:.\r\n",2) of
+ {ok,[HeadPart,HeadEnd]}->
+ HeadPart++HeadEnd;
+ _ ->
+ Head
+ end.
+%% %%
+%% There are 2 config directives for mod_cgi: %%
+%% ScriptNoCache true|false, defines whether the server shall add %%
+%% header fields to stop proxies and %%
+%% clients from saving the page in history %%
+%% or cache %%
+%% %%
+%% ScriptTimeout Seconds, The number of seconds that the server %%
+%% maximum will wait for the script to %%
+%% generate a part of the document %%
+%% %%
+load([$S,$c,$r,$i,$p,$t,$N,$o,$C,$a,$c,$h,$e |CacheArg],[])->
+ case catch list_to_atom(httpd_conf:clean(CacheArg)) of
+ true ->
+ {ok, [], {script_nocache,true}};
+ false ->
+ {ok, [], {script_nocache,false}};
+ _ ->
+ {error, ?NICE(httpd_conf:clean(CacheArg)++
+ " is an invalid ScriptNoCache directive")}
+ end;
+load([$S,$c,$r,$i,$p,$t,$T,$i,$m,$e,$o,$u,$t,$ |Timeout],[])->
+ case catch list_to_integer(httpd_conf:clean(Timeout)) of
+ TimeoutSec when integer(TimeoutSec) ->
+ {ok, [], {script_timeout,TimeoutSec*1000}};
+ _ ->
+ {error, ?NICE(httpd_conf:clean(Timeout)++
+ " is an invalid ScriptTimeout")}
+ end.