path: root/lib/dialyzer/test/r9c_SUITE_data/src/inets/httpd_parse.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dialyzer/test/r9c_SUITE_data/src/inets/httpd_parse.erl')
1 files changed, 344 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/r9c_SUITE_data/src/inets/httpd_parse.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/r9c_SUITE_data/src/inets/httpd_parse.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2f4163de00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/r9c_SUITE_data/src/inets/httpd_parse.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved via the world wide web at
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
+%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999, Ericsson Utvecklings
+%% AB. All Rights Reserved.''
+%% $Id: httpd_parse.erl,v 1.1 2008/12/17 09:53:34 mikpe Exp $
+ request_header/1,
+ hsplit/2,
+ get_request_record/10,
+ split_lines/1,
+ tagup_header/1]).
+%% request_header
+%% Input: The request as sent from the client (list of characters)
+%% (may include part of the entity body)
+%% Returns:
+%% {ok, Info#mod}
+%% {not_implemented,Info#mod}
+%% {bad_request, Reason}
+ [RequestLine|HeaderFields] = split_lines(Header),
+ ?DEBUG("request ->"
+ "~n RequestLine: ~p"
+ "~n Header: ~p",[RequestLine,Header]),
+ ParsedHeader = tagup_header(HeaderFields),
+ ?DEBUG("request ->"
+ "~n ParseHeader: ~p",[ParsedHeader]),
+ case verify_request(string:tokens(RequestLine," ")) of
+ ["HEAD", RequestURI, [$H,$T,$T,$P,$/,$1,$.,N]] ->
+ {ok, ["HEAD", RequestURI, [$H,$T,$T,$P,$/,$1,$.,N], RequestLine,
+ ParsedHeader]};
+ ["GET", RequestURI, "HTTP/0.9"] ->
+ {ok, ["GET", RequestURI, "HTTP/0.9", RequestLine, ParsedHeader]};
+ ["GET", RequestURI, [$H,$T,$T,$P,$/,$1,$.,N]] ->
+ {ok, ["GET", RequestURI, [$H,$T,$T,$P,$/,$1,$.,N], RequestLine,
+ ParsedHeader]};
+ ["POST", RequestURI, [$H,$T,$T,$P,$/,$1,$.,N]] ->
+ {ok, ["POST", RequestURI, [$H,$T,$T,$P,$/,$1,$.,N], RequestLine,
+ ParsedHeader]};
+ %%HTTP must be 1.1 or higher
+ ["TRACE", RequestURI, [$H,$T,$T,$P,$/,$1,$.,N]] when N>48->
+ {ok, ["TRACE", RequestURI, [$H,$T,$T,$P,$/,$1,$.,N], RequestLine,
+ ParsedHeader]};
+ [Method, RequestURI] ->
+ {not_implemented, RequestLine, Method, RequestURI,ParsedHeader,"HTTP/0.9"};
+ [Method, RequestURI, HTTPVersion] ->
+ {not_implemented, RequestLine, Method, RequestURI,ParsedHeader, HTTPVersion};
+ {bad_request, Reason} ->
+ {bad_request, Reason};
+ Reason ->
+ {bad_request, "Unknown request method"}
+ end.
+%% The request is passed through the server as a record of type mod get it
+%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ HTTPVersion,RequestLine,ParsedHeader,EntityBody,InitData)->
+ PersistentConn=get_persistens(HTTPVersion,ParsedHeader,ConfigDB),
+ Info=#mod{init_data=InitData,
+ data=[],
+ socket_type=SocketType,
+ socket=Socket,
+ config_db=ConfigDB,
+ method=Method,
+ absolute_uri=formatAbsoluteURI(RequestURI,ParsedHeader),
+ request_uri=formatRequestUri(RequestURI),
+ http_version=HTTPVersion,
+ request_line=RequestLine,
+ parsed_header=ParsedHeader,
+ entity_body=maybe_remove_nl(ParsedHeader,EntityBody),
+ connection=PersistentConn},
+ {ok,Info}.
+%% Conmtrol wheater we shall maintain a persistent connection or not
+ case httpd_util:lookup(ConfigDB,persistent_conn,true) of
+ true->
+ case HTTPVersion of
+ %%If it is version prio to 1.1 kill the conneciton
+ [$H, $T, $T, $P, $\/, $1, $.,N] ->
+ case httpd_util:key1search(ParsedHeader,"connection","keep-alive")of
+ %%if the connection isnt ordered to go down let it live
+ %%The keep-alive value is the older http/1.1 might be older
+ %%Clients that use it.
+ "keep-alive" when N >= 49 ->
+ ?DEBUG("CONNECTION MODE: ~p",[true]),
+ true;
+ "close" ->
+ ?DEBUG("CONNECTION MODE: ~p",[false]),
+ false;
+ Connect ->
+ ?DEBUG("CONNECTION MODE: ~p VALUE: ~p",[false,Connect]),
+ false
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ ?DEBUG("CONNECTION MODE: ~p VERSION: ~p",[false,HTTPVersion]),
+ false
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end.
+%% Control whether the last newline of the body is a part of the message or
+%%it is a part of the multipart message.
+maybe_remove_nl(Header,Rest) ->
+ case find_content_type(Header) of
+ false ->
+ {ok,EntityBody,_}=regexp:sub(Rest,"\r\n\$",""),
+ EntityBody;
+ {ok, Value} ->
+ case string:str(Value, "multipart/form-data") of
+ 0 ->
+ {ok,EntityBody,_}=regexp:sub(Rest,"\r\n\$",""),
+ EntityBody;
+ _ ->
+ Rest
+ end
+ end.
+%% Cet the content type of the incomming request
+find_content_type([]) ->
+ false;
+find_content_type([{Name,Value}|Tail]) ->
+ case httpd_util:to_lower(Name) of
+ "content-type" ->
+ {ok, Value};
+ _ ->
+ find_content_type(Tail)
+ end.
+%% Split the header to a list of strings where each string represents a
+%% HTTP header-field
+split_lines(Request) ->
+ split_lines(Request, [], []).
+split_lines([], CAcc, Acc) ->
+ lists:reverse([lists:reverse(CAcc)|Acc]);
+%%White space in the header fields are allowed but the new line must begin with LWS se
+%%rfc2616 chap 4.2. The rfc do not say what to
+split_lines([$\r, $\n, $\t |Rest], CAcc, Acc) ->
+ split_lines(Rest, [$\r, $\n |CAcc], Acc);
+split_lines([$\r, $\n, $\s |Rest], CAcc, Acc) ->
+ split_lines(Rest, [$\r, $\n |CAcc], Acc);
+split_lines([$\r, $\n|Rest], CAcc, Acc) ->
+ split_lines(Rest, [], [lists:reverse(CAcc)|Acc]);
+split_lines([Chr|Rest], CAcc, Acc) ->
+ split_lines(Rest, [Chr|CAcc], Acc).
+%% This is a 'hack' to stop people from trying to access directories/files
+%% relative to the ServerRoot.
+verify_request([Request, RequestURI]) ->
+ verify_request([Request, RequestURI, "HTTP/0.9"]);
+verify_request([Request, RequestURI, Protocol]) ->
+ NewRequestURI =
+ case string:str(RequestURI, "?") of
+ 0 ->
+ RequestURI;
+ Ndx ->
+ string:left(RequestURI, Ndx)
+ end,
+ case string:str(NewRequestURI, "..") of
+ 0 ->
+ [Request, RequestURI, Protocol];
+ _ ->
+ {bad_request, {forbidden, RequestURI}}
+ end;
+verify_request(Request) ->
+ Request.
+%% tagup_header
+%% Parses the header of a HTTP request and returns a key,value tuple
+%% list containing Name and Value of each header directive as of:
+%% Content-Type: multipart/mixed -> {"Content-Type", "multipart/mixed"}
+%% But in http/1.1 the field-names are case insencitive so now it must be
+%% Content-Type: multipart/mixed -> {"content-type", "multipart/mixed"}
+%% The standard furthermore says that leading and traling white space
+%% is not a part of the fieldvalue and shall therefore be removed.
+tagup_header([]) -> [];
+tagup_header([Line|Rest]) -> [tag(Line, [])|tagup_header(Rest)].
+tag([], Tag) ->
+ {httpd_util:to_lower(lists:reverse(Tag)), ""};
+tag([$:|Rest], Tag) ->
+ {httpd_util:to_lower(lists:reverse(Tag)), httpd_util:strip(Rest)};
+tag([Chr|Rest], Tag) ->
+ tag(Rest, [Chr|Tag]).
+%% There are 3 possible forms of the reuqest URI
+%% 1. * When the request is not for a special assset. is is instead
+%% to the server itself
+%% 2. absoluteURI the whole servername port and asset is in the request
+%% 3. The most common form that http/1.0 used abs path that is a path
+%% to the requested asset.
+ "*";
+formatRequestUri([$h,$t,$t,$p,$:,$\/,$\/|ServerAndPath]) ->
+ removeServer(ServerAndPath);
+formatRequestUri([$H,$T,$T,$P,$:,$\/,$\/|ServerAndPath]) ->
+ removeServer(ServerAndPath);
+formatRequestUri(ABSPath) ->
+ ABSPath.
+ case Url of
+ []->
+ "/";
+ _->
+ [$\/|Url]
+ end;
+removeServer([N|Url]) ->
+ removeServer(Url).
+ [$H,$T,$T,$P,$:,$\/,$\/|Uri];
+ [$H,$T,$T,$P,$:,$\/,$\/|Uri];
+ case httpd_util:key1search(ParsedHeader,"host") of
+ undefined ->
+ nohost;
+ Host ->
+ Host++Uri
+ end.
+%%Code below is crap from an older version shall be removed when
+%%transformation to http/1.1 is finished
+%request(Request) ->
+% ?DEBUG("request -> entry with:"
+% "~n Request: ~s",[Request]),
+ % {BeforeEntityBody, Rest} = hsplit([], Request),
+ % ?DEBUG("request ->"
+% "~n BeforeEntityBody: ~p"
+% "~n Rest: ~p",[BeforeEntityBody, Rest]),
+% [RequestLine|Header] = split_lines(BeforeEntityBody),
+% ?DEBUG("request ->"
+% "~n RequestLine: ~p"
+% "~n Header: ~p",[RequestLine,Header]),
+% ParsedHeader = tagup_header(Header),
+% ?DEBUG("request ->"
+% "~n ParseHeader: ~p",[ParsedHeader]),
+% EntityBody = maybe_remove_nl(ParsedHeader,Rest),
+% ?DEBUG("request ->"
+% "~n EntityBody: ~p",[EntityBody]),
+% case verify_request(string:tokens(RequestLine," ")) of
+% ["HEAD", RequestURI, [$H,$T,$T,$P,$/,$1,$.,N]] ->
+% {ok, ["HEAD", formatRequestUri(RequestURI), [$H,$T,$T,$P,$/,$1,$.,N], RequestLine,
+% ParsedHeader, EntityBody]};
+% ["GET", RequestURI, "HTTP/0.9"] ->
+% {ok, ["GET", RequestURI, "HTTP/0.9", RequestLine, ParsedHeader,
+% EntityBody]};
+% ["GET", RequestURI, [$H,$T,$T,$P,$/,$1,$.,N]] ->
+% {ok, ["GET", formatRequestUri(RequestURI), [$H,$T,$T,$P,$/,$1,$.,N], RequestLine,
+% ParsedHeader,EntityBody]};
+%% ["POST", RequestURI, [$H,$T,$T,$P,$/,$1,$.,N]] ->
+% {ok, ["POST", formatRequestUri(RequestURI), [$H,$T,$T,$P,$/,$1,$.,N], RequestLine,
+% ParsedHeader, EntityBody]};
+% [Method, RequestURI] ->
+% {not_implemented, RequestLine, Method, RequestURI,ParsedHeader,"HTTP/0.9"};
+% [Method, RequestURI, HTTPVersion] ->
+% {not_implemented, RequestLine, Method, RequestURI,ParsedHeader, HTTPVersion};
+% {bad_request, Reason} ->
+% {bad_request, Reason};
+% Reason ->
+% {bad_request, "Unknown request method"}
+% end.
+hsplit(Accu,[]) ->
+ {lists:reverse(Accu), []};
+hsplit(Accu, [ $\r, $\n, $\r, $\n | Tail]) ->
+ {lists:reverse(Accu), Tail};
+hsplit(Accu, [H|T]) ->
+ hsplit([H|Accu],T).