path: root/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_typegraph.erl
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1 files changed, 109 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_typegraph.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_typegraph.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5818236fa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_typegraph.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
+%% Maps a module to those modules that depend on it
+-type type_mod_deps() :: #{module() => [module()]}.
+%% We track type dependecies so that we know which modules we ultimately
+%% depend upon for type definitions which, in turn, affect the checking
+%% of a module.
+%% Any non-local types that are used in a spec (aka contract) / callback, any
+%% locally-defined types that may depend on a non-local type, and any
+%% implementations of a behaviour, introduce type-level dependencies on other
+%% modules such that if the definition of that other module were to change,
+%% this module would need to be checked again to account for those changes.
+-spec module_type_deps(UseContracts :: boolean(), dialyzer_codeserver:codeserver(), [module()]) -> type_mod_deps().
+%% The module type deps of a module are modules that depend on the module to
+%% define types, contracts, callbacks or behaviours
+module_type_deps(UseContracts, CodeServer, Modules) ->
+ Contracts =
+ case UseContracts of
+ true -> maps:from_list(dict:to_list(dialyzer_codeserver:get_contracts(CodeServer)));
+ false -> []
+ end,
+ Callbacks = maps:from_list(dialyzer_codeserver:get_callbacks(CodeServer)),
+ TypeDefinitions =
+ maps:from_list(
+ [{M, dialyzer_codeserver:lookup_mod_records(M, CodeServer)} || M <- Modules]
+ ),
+ Behaviours =
+ maps:from_list(
+ [{M, get_behaviours_for_module(M, CodeServer)} || M <- Modules]
+ ),
+ collect_module_type_deps(Contracts, Callbacks, TypeDefinitions, Behaviours).
+-spec get_behaviours_for_module(module(), dialyzer_codeserver:codeserver()) -> [module()].
+get_behaviours_for_module(M, CodeServer) ->
+ ModCode = dialyzer_codeserver:lookup_mod_code(M, CodeServer),
+ Attrs = cerl:module_attrs(ModCode),
+ {Behaviours, _BehaviourLocations} = dialyzer_behaviours:get_behaviours(Attrs),
+ Behaviours.
+-spec collect_module_type_deps(Specs, Callbacks, TypeDefinitions, Behaviours) -> type_mod_deps() when
+ Specs :: #{mfa() => dialyzer_contracts:file_contract()},
+ Callbacks :: #{mfa() => dialyzer_contracts:file_contract()},
+ TypeDefinitions :: #{module() => erl_types:type_table()},
+ Behaviours :: #{module() => [module()]}.
+collect_module_type_deps(Specs, Callbacks, TypeDefinitions, Behaviours) ->
+ Contracts =
+ [{M, Spec} || {{M, _F, _A}, {_FileLine, Spec, _Extra}} <- maps:to_list(Specs)] ++
+ [{M, Callback} || {{M, _F, _A}, {_FileLine, Callback, _Extra}} <- maps:to_list(Callbacks)],
+ ModulesMentionedInTypeDefinitions =
+ [{FromTypeDefM, erl_types:module_type_deps_of_type_defs(TypeTable)}
+ || {FromTypeDefM, TypeTable} <- maps:to_list(TypeDefinitions)],
+ ModulesMentionedInContracts =
+ [{FromContractM, module_type_deps_of_contract(C)}
+ || {FromContractM, C} <- Contracts],
+ ModulesMentionedAsBehaviours =
+ maps:to_list(Behaviours),
+ AllDepsRaw =
+ ModulesMentionedInContracts ++
+ ModulesMentionedInTypeDefinitions ++
+ ModulesMentionedAsBehaviours,
+ %% Find the union of module dependencies from all sources, removing
+ %% self-references, and flipping the direction of the mapping to
+ %% match the expectations of Dialyzer elsewhere,
+ %% i.e., from:
+ %% module -> those modules it depends on
+ %% to
+ %% module -> those modules that depend on it
+ S0 = sofs:relation(AllDepsRaw, [{atom,[atom]}]),
+ S1 = sofs:relation_to_family(S0),
+ S2 = sofs:family_union(S1),
+ S3 = sofs:family_to_relation(S2),
+ S4 = sofs:converse(S3),
+ S5 = sofs:strict_relation(S4),
+ S6 = sofs:relation_to_family(S5),
+ S7 = sofs:to_external(S6),
+ ModuleToThoseModulesThatDependOnIt = maps:from_list(S7),
+ ModuleToThoseModulesThatDependOnIt.
+-spec module_type_deps_of_contract(#contract{}) -> [module()].
+module_type_deps_of_contract(#contract{forms = Forms}) ->
+ TypeForms = [TypeForm || {TypeForm, _Constraints} <- Forms],
+ ConstraintForms =
+ lists:append([Constraints || {_TypeForm, Constraints} <- Forms]),
+ lists:usort(
+ lists:append(
+ erl_types:type_form_to_remote_modules(TypeForms),
+ dialyzer_contracts:constraint_form_to_remote_modules(ConstraintForms))).