path: root/lib/compiler/src/cerl_inline.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/compiler/src/cerl_inline.erl')
1 files changed, 30 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/cerl_inline.erl b/lib/compiler/src/cerl_inline.erl
index caff47dbcb..8a2ea77b99 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/cerl_inline.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/cerl_inline.erl
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
map_pair_op/1, map_pair_key/1, map_pair_val/1
--import(lists, [foldl/3, foldr/3, mapfoldl/3, reverse/1]).
+-import(lists, [foldl/3, foldr/3, member/2, mapfoldl/3, reverse/1]).
%% Constants
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ weight(module) -> 1. % Like a letrec with a constant body
%% environment, the state location, and the effort counter at the call
%% site (cf. `visit').
--record(opnd, {expr, ren, env, loc, effort}).
+-record(opnd, {expr, ren, env, loc, effort, no_inline}).
%% Since expressions are only visited in `effect' context when they are
%% not bound to a referenced variable, only expressions visited in
@@ -903,10 +903,14 @@ i_fun(E, Ctxt, Ren, Env, S) ->
%% side of each definition.
i_letrec(E, Ctxt, Ren, Env, S) ->
+ %% We must turn off inlining if this `letrec' is specially
+ %% implemented.
+ NoInline = member(letrec_goto, get_ann(E)),
%% Note that we pass an empty list for the auto-referenced
%% (exported) functions here.
{Es, B, _, S1} = i_letrec(letrec_defs(E), letrec_body(E), [], Ctxt,
- Ren, Env, S),
+ Ren, Env, NoInline, S),
%% If no bindings remain, only the body is returned.
case Es of
@@ -920,12 +924,13 @@ i_letrec(E, Ctxt, Ren, Env, S) ->
%% The major part of this is shared by letrec-expressions and module
%% definitions alike.
-i_letrec(Es, B, Xs, Ctxt, Ren, Env, S) ->
+i_letrec(Es, B, Xs, Ctxt, Ren, Env, NoInline, S) ->
%% First, we create operands with dummy renamings and environments,
%% and with fresh store locations for cached expressions and operand
%% info.
{Opnds, S1} = mapfoldl(fun ({_, E}, S) ->
- make_opnd(E, undefined, undefined, S)
+ make_opnd(E, undefined, undefined,
+ NoInline, S)
S, Es),
@@ -1277,7 +1282,7 @@ i_module(E, Ctxt, Ren, Env, S) ->
%% "body" parameter.
Exps = i_module_exports(E),
{Es, _, Xs1, S1} = i_letrec(module_defs(E), void(),
- Exps, Ctxt, Ren, Env, S),
+ Exps, Ctxt, Ren, Env, false, S),
%% Sanity check:
case Es of
[] ->
@@ -1500,23 +1505,15 @@ inline(E, #app{opnds = Opnds, ctxt = Ctxt, loc = L}, Ren, Env, S) ->
%% respective operand structures from the app-structure.
{Rs, Ren1, Env1, S1} = bind_locals(Vs, Opnds, Ren, Env, S),
- %% function_clause exceptions that have been inlined
- %% into another function (or even into the same function)
- %% will not work properly. The v3_kernel pass will
- %% take care of it, but we will need to help it by
- %% removing any function_name annotations on match_fail
- %% primops that we inline.
- E1 = kill_function_name_anns(fun_body(E)),
%% Visit the body in the context saved in the structure.
- {E2, S2} = i(E1, Ctxt, Ren1, Env1, S1),
+ {E1, S2} = i(fun_body(E), Ctxt, Ren1, Env1, S1),
%% Create necessary bindings and/or set flags.
- {E3, S3} = make_let_bindings(Rs, E2, S2),
+ {E2, S3} = make_let_bindings(Rs, E1, S2),
%% Lastly, flag the application as inlined, since the inlining
%% attempt was not aborted before we reached this point.
- {E3, st__set_app_inlined(L, S3)}
+ {E2, st__set_app_inlined(L, S3)}
%% For the (possibly renamed) argument variables to an inlined call,
@@ -1674,6 +1671,8 @@ copy_var(R, Ctxt, Env, S) ->
+copy_1(R, #opnd{no_inline = true}, _E, _Ctxt, _Env, S) ->
+ residualize_var(R, S);
copy_1(R, Opnd, E, Ctxt, Env, S) ->
case type(E) of
'fun' ->
@@ -2075,9 +2074,13 @@ ref_to_var(#ref{name = Name}) ->
%% passive, the operands will also be processed with a passive counter.
make_opnd(E, Ren, Env, S) ->
+ make_opnd(E, Ren, Env, false, S).
+make_opnd(E, Ren, Env, NoInline, S) ->
{L, S1} = st__new_opnd_loc(S),
C = st__get_effort(S1),
- Opnd = #opnd{expr = E, ren = Ren, env = Env, loc = L, effort = C},
+ Opnd = #opnd{expr = E, ren = Ren, env = Env, loc = L,
+ effort = C, no_inline = NoInline},
{Opnd, S1}.
keep_referenced(Rs, S) ->
@@ -2469,19 +2472,6 @@ kill_id_anns([A | As]) ->
kill_id_anns([]) ->
-kill_function_name_anns(Body) ->
- F = fun(P) ->
- case type(P) of
- primop ->
- Ann = get_ann(P),
- Ann1 = lists:keydelete(function_name, 1, Ann),
- set_ann(P, Ann1);
- _ ->
- P
- end
- end,
- cerl_trees:map(F, Body).
%% =====================================================================
%% General utilities
@@ -2526,21 +2516,19 @@ set_clause_bodies([], _) ->
%% Abstract datatype: renaming()
ren__identity() ->
- dict:new().
+ #{}.
ren__add(X, Y, Ren) ->
- dict:store(X, Y, Ren).
+ Ren#{X=>Y}.
ren__map(X, Ren) ->
- case dict:find(X, Ren) of
- {ok, Y} ->
- Y;
- error ->
- X
+ case Ren of
+ #{X:=Y} -> Y;
+ #{} -> X
ren__add_identity(X, Ren) ->
- dict:erase(X, Ren).
+ maps:remove(X, Ren).
%% =====================================================================
@@ -2633,7 +2621,7 @@ st__new(Effort, Size, Unroll) ->
size = counter__new_passive(Size),
effort = counter__new_passive(Effort),
unroll = Unroll,
- cache = dict:new(),
+ cache = maps:new(),
var_flags = ets:new(var, EtsOpts),
opnd_flags = ets:new(opnd, EtsOpts),
app_flags = ets:new(app, EtsOpts)}.
@@ -2664,12 +2652,12 @@ st__get_var_referenced(L, S) ->
ets:lookup_element(S#state.var_flags, L, #var_flags.referenced).
st__lookup_opnd_cache(L, S) ->
- dict:find(L, S#state.cache).
+ maps:find(L, S#state.cache).
%% Note that setting the cache should only be done once.
st__set_opnd_cache(L, C, S) ->
- S#state{cache = dict:store(L, C, S#state.cache)}.
+ S#state{cache = maps:put(L, C, S#state.cache)}.
st__set_opnd_effect(L, S) ->
T = S#state.opnd_flags,