path: root/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_pre_codegen.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_pre_codegen.erl')
1 files changed, 21 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_pre_codegen.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_pre_codegen.erl
index 61c42fdb6d..bf2503a2a5 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_pre_codegen.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_pre_codegen.erl
@@ -707,20 +707,30 @@ legacy_bs_is([], _Last, _IsYreg, Count, Copies, Acc) ->
exception_trampolines(#st{ssa=Blocks0}=St) ->
RPO = reverse(beam_ssa:rpo(Blocks0)),
- Blocks = et_1(RPO, #{}, Blocks0),
+ Blocks = et_1(RPO, #{}, #{}, Blocks0),
-et_1([L | Ls], Trampolines, Blocks) ->
+et_1([L | Ls], Trampolines, Exceptions, Blocks) ->
#{ L := #b_blk{is=Is,last=Last0}=Block0 } = Blocks,
case {Is, Last0} of
- {[#b_set{op=exception_trampoline}], #b_br{succ=Succ}} ->
- et_1(Ls, Trampolines#{ L => Succ }, maps:remove(L, Blocks));
+ {[#b_set{op=exception_trampoline,args=[Arg]}], #b_br{succ=Succ}} ->
+ et_1(Ls,
+ Trampolines#{ L => Succ },
+ Exceptions#{ L => Arg },
+ maps:remove(L, Blocks));
{_, #b_br{succ=Same,fail=Same}} when Same =:= ?EXCEPTION_BLOCK ->
%% The exception block is just a marker saying that we should raise
%% an exception (= {f,0}) instead of jumping to a particular fail
%% block. Since it's not a reachable block we can't allow
%% unconditional jumps to it except through a trampoline.
error({illegal_jump_to_exception_block, L});
+ {_, #b_br{succ=Same,fail=Same}}
+ when map_get(Same, Trampolines) =:= ?EXCEPTION_BLOCK ->
+ %% This block always fails at runtime (and we are not in a
+ %% try/catch); rewrite the terminator to a return.
+ Last = #b_ret{arg=map_get(Same, Exceptions)},
+ Block = Block0#b_blk{last=Last},
+ et_1(Ls, Trampolines, Exceptions, Blocks#{ L := Block });
{_, #b_br{succ=Succ0,fail=Fail0}} ->
Succ = maps:get(Succ0, Trampolines, Succ0),
Fail = maps:get(Fail0, Trampolines, Fail0),
@@ -728,14 +738,14 @@ et_1([L | Ls], Trampolines, Blocks) ->
Succ =/= Succ0; Fail =/= Fail0 ->
Last = Last0#b_br{succ=Succ,fail=Fail},
Block = Block0#b_blk{last=Last},
- et_1(Ls, Trampolines, Blocks#{ L := Block });
+ et_1(Ls, Trampolines, Exceptions, Blocks#{ L := Block });
Succ =:= Succ0, Fail =:= Fail0 ->
- et_1(Ls, Trampolines, Blocks)
+ et_1(Ls, Trampolines, Exceptions, Blocks)
{_, _} ->
- et_1(Ls, Trampolines, Blocks)
+ et_1(Ls, Trampolines, Exceptions, Blocks)
-et_1([], _Trampolines, Blocks) ->
+et_1([], _Trampolines, _Exceptions, Blocks) ->
%% sanitize(St0) -> St.
@@ -1331,14 +1341,9 @@ need_frame_1([#b_set{op=call,args=[Func|_]}|Is], Context) ->
arity=Arity} when is_atom(Mod), is_atom(Name) ->
- case erl_bifs:is_exit_bif(Mod, Name, Arity) of
- true ->
- false;
- false ->
- Context =:= body orelse
- Is =/= [] orelse
- is_trap_bif(Mod, Name, Arity)
- end;
+ Context =:= body orelse
+ Is =/= [] orelse
+ is_trap_bif(Mod, Name, Arity);
#b_remote{} ->
%% This is an apply(), which always needs a frame.