path: root/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_pp.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_pp.erl')
1 files changed, 138 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_pp.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_pp.erl
index b290d49e5f..4e6974385e 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_pp.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_pp.erl
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
-spec format_function(beam_ssa:b_function()) -> iolist().
@@ -115,7 +116,7 @@ format_param_info([], _Break) ->
format_type(T, Break) ->
%% Gross hack, but it's short and simple.
- Indented = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [T])),
+ Indented = unicode:characters_to_list(format_type(T)),
string:replace(Indented, [$\n], Break, all).
format_blocks(Ls, Blocks, Anno) ->
@@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ format_instrs([], _FuncAnno, _First) ->
FuncAnno, First) ->
- AnnoStr = format_anno(Anno),
+ AnnoStr = format_instr_anno(Anno, FuncAnno, Args),
LiveIntervalStr = format_live_interval(Dst, FuncAnno),
First ->
@@ -241,20 +242,37 @@ format_switch_list(List, FuncAnno) ->
format_label(L) ->
io_lib:format("^~w", [L]).
-format_anno(#{n:=_}=Anno) ->
- format_anno(maps:remove(n, Anno));
-format_anno(#{location:={File,Line}}=Anno0) ->
+format_instr_anno(#{n:=_}=Anno, FuncAnno, Args) ->
+ format_instr_anno(maps:remove(n, Anno), FuncAnno, Args);
+format_instr_anno(#{location:={File,Line}}=Anno0, FuncAnno, Args) ->
Anno = maps:remove(location, Anno0),
- [io_lib:format(" %% ~ts:~p\n", [File,Line])|format_anno(Anno)];
-format_anno(#{result_type:=T}=Anno0) ->
+ [io_lib:format(" %% ~ts:~p\n", [File,Line]) |
+ format_instr_anno(Anno, FuncAnno, Args)];
+format_instr_anno(#{result_type:=T}=Anno0, FuncAnno, Args) ->
Anno = maps:remove(result_type, Anno0),
Break = "\n %% ",
[io_lib:format(" %% Result type:~s~s\n",
- [Break, format_type(T, Break)]) | format_anno(Anno)];
-format_anno(Anno) ->
- format_anno_1(Anno).
+ [Break, format_type(T, Break)]) |
+ format_instr_anno(Anno, FuncAnno, Args)];
+format_instr_anno(#{arg_types:=Ts}=Anno0, FuncAnno, Args) ->
+ Anno = maps:remove(arg_types, Anno0),
-format_anno_1(Anno) ->
+ Break = "\n %% ",
+ Iota = lists:seq(0, length(Args) - 1),
+ Formatted0 = [[format_arg(Arg, FuncAnno), " => ",
+ format_type(map_get(Idx, Ts),
+ Break)]
+ || {Idx, Arg} <- lists:zip(Iota, Args), is_map_key(Idx, Ts)],
+ Formatted = lists:join(Break, Formatted0),
+ [io_lib:format(" %% Argument types:~s~ts\n",
+ [Break, unicode:characters_to_list(Formatted)]) |
+ format_instr_anno(Anno, FuncAnno, Args)];
+format_instr_anno(Anno, _FuncAnno, _Args) ->
+ format_instr_anno_1(Anno).
+format_instr_anno_1(Anno) ->
case map_size(Anno) of
0 ->
@@ -274,3 +292,112 @@ format_live_interval(#b_var{}=Dst, #{live_intervals:=Intervals}) ->
format_live_interval(_, _) -> [].
+format_type(any) ->
+ "any()";
+format_type(#t_atom{elements=any}) ->
+ "atom()";
+format_type(#t_atom{elements=Es}) ->
+ string:join([io_lib:format("'~p'", [E])
+ || E <- ordsets:to_list(Es)], " | ");
+format_type(#t_bs_matchable{tail_unit=U}) ->
+ io_lib:format("bs_matchable(~p)", [U]);
+format_type(#t_bitstring{size_unit=S}) ->
+ io_lib:format("bitstring(~p)", [S]);
+format_type(#t_bs_context{tail_unit=U}) ->
+ io_lib:format("bs_context(~p)", [U]);
+format_type(#t_fun{arity=any,type=any}) ->
+ "fun()";
+format_type(#t_fun{arity=any,type=T}) ->
+ ["fun((...) -> ", format_type(T), ")"];
+format_type(#t_fun{arity=A,type=any}) ->
+ ["fun((", format_fun_args(A), "))"];
+format_type(#t_fun{arity=A,type=T}) ->
+ ["fun((", format_fun_args(A), ") -> ", format_type(T), ")"];
+format_type(#t_map{super_key=any,super_value=any}) ->
+ "map()";
+format_type(#t_map{super_key=none,super_value=none}) ->
+ "#{}";
+format_type(#t_map{super_key=K,super_value=V}) ->
+ ["#{", format_type(K), "=>", format_type(V), "}"];
+format_type(number) ->
+ "number()";
+format_type(#t_float{elements=any}) ->
+ "float()";
+format_type(#t_float{elements={X,X}}) ->
+ io_lib:format("~p", [X]);
+format_type(#t_float{elements={Low,High}}) ->
+ io_lib:format("~p..~p", [Low,High]);
+format_type(#t_integer{elements=any}) ->
+ "integer()";
+format_type(#t_integer{elements={X,X}}) ->
+ io_lib:format("~p", [X]);
+format_type(#t_integer{elements={Low,High}}) ->
+ io_lib:format("~p..~p", [Low,High]);
+format_type(#t_list{type=ET,terminator=nil}) ->
+ ["list(", format_type(ET), ")"];
+format_type(#t_list{type=ET,terminator=TT}) ->
+ ["maybe_improper_list(", format_type(ET), ", ", format_type(TT), ")"];
+format_type(#t_cons{type=ET,terminator=nil}) ->
+ ["nonempty_list(", format_type(ET), ")"];
+format_type(#t_cons{type=ET,terminator=TT}) ->
+ ["nonempty_improper_list(", format_type(ET), ", ", format_type(TT), ")"];
+format_type(nil) ->
+ "nil()";
+format_type(#t_tuple{elements=Es,exact=Ex,size=S}) ->
+ ["{",
+ string:join(format_tuple_elems(S, Ex, Es, 1), ", "),
+ "}"];
+format_type(pid) ->
+ "pid()";
+format_type(port) ->
+ "pid()";
+format_type(reference) ->
+ "reference()";
+format_type(none) ->
+ "none()";
+format_type(#t_union{atom=A,list=L,number=N,tuple_set=Ts,other=O}) ->
+ Es = case A of
+ none -> [];
+ _ -> [format_type(A)]
+ end
+ ++ case L of
+ none -> [];
+ _ -> [format_type(L)]
+ end
+ ++ case N of
+ none -> [];
+ _ -> [format_type(N)]
+ end
+ ++ case Ts of
+ none -> [];
+ _ -> [format_tuple_set(Ts)]
+ end
+ ++ case O of
+ none -> [];
+ _ -> [format_type(O)]
+ end,
+ string:join(Es, " | ").
+format_fun_args(A) ->
+ string:join(lists:duplicate(A, "_"), ", ").
+format_tuple_elems(Size, true, _Elems, Idx) when Idx > Size ->
+ [];
+format_tuple_elems(Size, false, _Elems, Idx) when Idx > Size ->
+ ["..."];
+format_tuple_elems(Size, Exact, Elems, Idx) ->
+ T = case Elems of
+ #{ Idx := Ty} -> Ty;
+ _ -> any
+ end,
+ [format_type(T)|format_tuple_elems(Size, Exact, Elems, Idx + 1)].
+format_tuple_set(#t_tuple{}=T) ->
+ format_type(T);
+format_tuple_set(RecordSet) ->
+ string:join([format_tuple_set_1(T) || T <- ordsets:to_list(RecordSet)],
+ " | ").
+format_tuple_set_1({{Arity,Key},#t_tuple{size=Arity,elements=Elems}=Tuple}) ->
+ Key = map_get(1, Elems), % Assertion
+ format_type(Tuple).