path: root/lib/common_test/src/ct_property_test.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/common_test/src/ct_property_test.erl')
1 files changed, 300 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/lib/common_test/src/ct_property_test.erl b/lib/common_test/src/ct_property_test.erl
index 93642a0970..251a0a4896 100644
--- a/lib/common_test/src/ct_property_test.erl
+++ b/lib/common_test/src/ct_property_test.erl
@@ -18,26 +18,40 @@
%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%%% %%%
-%%% WARNING %%%
-%%% %%%
-%%% This is experimental code which may be changed or removed %%%
-%%% anytime without any warning. %%%
-%%% %%%
-%% API
+%%% API
+%% Main functions
- quickcheck/2]).
+ quickcheck/2
+ ]).
+%% Result presentation
+-export([present_result/4, present_result/5,
+ title/2, title/3,
+ sequential_parallel/1,
+ cmnd_names/1,
+ num_calls/1,
+ print_frequency_ranges/0,
+ print_frequency/0
+ ]).
+%%% Mandatory include
+%%% API
+%%% Search for a property tester in the lib path, and if found, compile
+%%% the property tests
init_per_suite(Config) ->
- case which_module_exists([eqc,proper,triq]) of
+ ToolsToCheck = proplists:get_value(prop_tools, Config, [eqc,proper,triq]),
+ case which_module_exists(ToolsToCheck) of
{ok,ToolModule} ->
case code:where_is_file(lists:concat([ToolModule,".beam"])) of
non_existing ->
@@ -66,12 +80,71 @@ init_per_suite(Config) ->
{skip, "No property testing tool found"}
+%%% Call the found property tester (if any)
quickcheck(Property, Config) ->
Tool = proplists:get_value(property_test_tool,Config),
F = function_name(quickcheck, Tool),
mk_ct_return( Tool:F(Property), Tool ).
+%%% Present a nice table of the statem result
+present_result(Module, Cmds, Triple, Config) ->
+ present_result(Module, Cmds, Triple, Config, []).
+present_result(Module, Cmds, {H,Sf,Result}, Config, Options0) ->
+ DefSpec =
+ if
+ is_tuple(Cmds) ->
+ [{"Distribution sequential/parallel", fun sequential_parallel/1}];
+ is_list(Cmds) ->
+ []
+ end
+ ++ [{"Function calls", fun cmnd_names/1},
+ {"Length of command sequences", fun print_frequency_ranges/0, fun num_calls/1}
+ ],
+ Options = add_default_options(Options0,
+ [{print_fun, fun ct:log/2},
+ {spec, DefSpec}
+ ]),
+ do_present_result(Module, Cmds, H, Sf, Result, Config, Options).
+title(Str, Fun) ->
+ title(Str, Fun, fun io:format/2).
+title(Str, Fun, PrintFun) ->
+ fun(L) -> PrintFun("~n~s~n~n~s~n", [Str,Fun(L)]) end.
+print_frequency() ->
+ fun(L) ->
+ [io_lib:format("~5.1f% ~p~n",[Pcnt,V])
+ || {V,_Num,Pcnt} <-
+ with_percentage(get_frequencies_no_range(L), length(L))
+ ]
+ end.
+print_frequency_ranges() ->
+ print_frequency_ranges([{ngroups,10}]).
+print_frequency_ranges(Options0) ->
+ fun([]) ->
+ io_lib:format('Empty list!~n',[]);
+ (L ) ->
+ try
+ Options = set_default_print_freq_range_opts(Options0, L),
+ do_print_frequency_ranges(L, Options)
+ catch
+ C:E:S ->
+ ct:pal("~p:~p ~p:~p~n~p~n~p",[?MODULE,?LINE,C,E,S,L])
+ end
+ end.
%%% Local functions
@@ -155,3 +228,217 @@ macro_def(triq) -> [{d, 'TRIQ'}].
function_name(quickcheck, triq) -> check;
function_name(F, _) -> F.
+%%% Result presentation part
+do_present_result(_Module, Cmds, _H, _Sf, ok, Config, Options) ->
+ [PrintFun, Spec] = [proplists:get_value(K,Options) || K <- [print_fun,spec]],
+ Tool = proplists:get_value(property_test_tool,Config),
+ AGGREGATE = function_name(aggregate, Tool),
+ lists:foldr(fun({Title, FreqFun, CollecFun}, Result) ->
+ Tool:AGGREGATE(title(Title, FreqFun(), PrintFun),
+ CollecFun(Cmds),
+ Result);
+ ({Title, CollecFun}, Result) ->
+ Tool:AGGREGATE(title(Title, print_frequency(), PrintFun),
+ CollecFun(Cmds),
+ Result)
+ end, true, Spec);
+do_present_result(Module, Cmds, H, Sf, Result, _Config, Options) ->
+ [PrintFun] = [proplists:get_value(K,Options) || K <- [print_fun]],
+ PrintFun("Module = ~p,~n"
+ "Commands = ~p,~n"
+ "History = ~p,~n"
+ "FinalDynState = ~p,~n"
+ "Result = ~p",
+ [Module, Cmds, H, Sf, Result]),
+ Result == ok. % Proper dislikes non-boolean results while eqc treats non-true as false.
+cmnd_names(Cs) -> traverse_commands(fun cmnd_name/1, Cs).
+cmnd_name(L) -> [F || {set,_Var,{call,_Mod,F,_As}} <- L].
+num_calls(Cs) -> traverse_commands(fun num_call/1, Cs).
+num_call(L) -> [length(L)].
+sequential_parallel(Cs) ->
+ traverse_commands(fun(L) -> dup_module(L, sequential) end,
+ fun(L) -> [dup_module(L1, mkmod("parallel",num(L1,L))) || L1<-L] end,
+ Cs).
+dup_module(L, ModName) -> lists:duplicate(length(L), ModName).
+mkmod(PfxStr,N) -> list_to_atom(PfxStr++"_"++integer_to_list(N)).
+%% Meta functions for the aggregate functions
+traverse_commands(Fun, L) when is_list(L) -> Fun(L);
+traverse_commands(Fun, {Seq, ParLs}) -> Fun(lists:append([Seq|ParLs])).
+traverse_commands(Fseq, _Fpar, L) when is_list(L) -> Fseq(L);
+traverse_commands(Fseq, Fpar, {Seq, ParLs}) -> lists:append([Fseq(Seq)|Fpar(ParLs)]).
+-define(middle_dot, 0183).
+set_default_print_freq_range_opts(Opts0, L) ->
+ add_default_options(Opts0, [{ngroups, 10},
+ {min, 0},
+ {max, max_in_list(L)}
+ ]).
+add_default_options(Opts0, DefaultOpts) ->
+ [set_def_opt(Key,DefVal,Opts0) || {Key,DefVal} <- DefaultOpts].
+set_def_opt(Key, DefaultValue, Opts) ->
+ {Key, proplists:get_value(Key, Opts, DefaultValue)}.
+max_in_list(L) ->
+ case lists:last(L) of
+ Max when is_integer(Max) -> Max;
+ {Max,_} -> Max
+ end.
+do_print_frequency_ranges(L0, Options) ->
+ [N,Min,Max] = [proplists:get_value(K,Options) || K <- [ngroups, min, max]],
+ L = if
+ N>Max ->
+ %% There will be less than the demanded number of classes,
+ %% insert one last with zero values in it. That will force
+ %% the generation of N classes.
+ L0++[{N,0}];
+ N=<Max ->
+ L0
+ end,
+ try
+ Interval = round((Max-Min)/N),
+ IntervalLowerLimits = lists:seq(Min,Max,Interval),
+ Ranges = [{I,I+Interval-1} || I <- IntervalLowerLimits],
+ Acc0 = [{Rng,0} || Rng <- Ranges],
+ Fs0 = get_frequencies(L, Acc0),
+ SumVal = lists:sum([V||{_,V}<-Fs0]),
+ Fs = with_percentage(Fs0, SumVal),
+ DistInfo = [{"min", lists:min(L)},
+ {"mean", mean(L)},
+ {"median", median(L)},
+ {"max", lists:max(L)}],
+ Npos_value = num_digits(SumVal),
+ Npos_range = num_digits(Max),
+ [%% Table heading:
+ io_lib:format("Range~*s: ~s~n",[2*Npos_range-2,"", "Number in range"]),
+ %% Line under heading:
+ io_lib:format("~*c:~*c~n",[2*Npos_range+3,$-, max(16,Npos_value+10),$- ]),
+ %% Lines with values:
+ [io_lib:format("~*w - ~*w: ~*w ~5.1f% ~s~n",
+ [Npos_range,Rlow,
+ Npos_range,Rhigh,
+ Npos_value,Val,
+ Percent,
+ cond_prt_vals(DistInfo, Interv)
+ ])
+ || {Interv={Rlow,Rhigh},Val,Percent} <- Fs],
+ %% Line under the table for the total number of values:
+ io_lib:format('~*c ~*c~n',[2*Npos_range,32, Npos_value+3,$-]),
+ %% The total number of values:
+ io_lib:format('~*c ~*w~n',[2*Npos_range,32, Npos_value,SumVal])
+ ]
+ catch
+ C:E ->
+ ct:pal('*** Failed printing (~p:~p) for~n~p~n',[C,E,L])
+ end.
+cond_prt_vals(LVs, CurrentInterval) ->
+ [prt_val(Label, Value, CurrentInterval) || {Label,Value} <- LVs].
+prt_val(Label, Value, CurrentInterval) ->
+ case in_interval(Value, CurrentInterval) of
+ true ->
+ io_lib:format(" <-- ~s=" ++ if
+ is_float(Value) -> "~.1f";
+ true -> "~p"
+ end,
+ [Label,Value]);
+ false ->
+ ""
+ end.
+get_frequencies([{I,Num}|T], [{{Lower,Upper},Cnt}|Acc]) when Lower=<I,I=<Upper ->
+ get_frequencies(T, [{{Lower,Upper},Cnt+Num}|Acc]);
+get_frequencies(L=[{I,_Num}|_], [Ah={{_Lower,Upper},_Cnt}|Acc]) when I>Upper ->
+ [Ah | get_frequencies(L,Acc)];
+get_frequencies([I|T], Acc) when is_integer(I) ->
+ get_frequencies([{I,1}|T], Acc);
+get_frequencies([], Acc) ->
+ Acc.
+get_frequencies_no_range([]) ->
+ io_lib:format("No values~n", []);
+get_frequencies_no_range(L) ->
+ [H|T] = lists:sort(L),
+ get_frequencies_no_range(T, H, 1, []).
+get_frequencies_no_range([H|T], H, N, Acc) ->
+ get_frequencies_no_range(T, H, N+1, Acc);
+get_frequencies_no_range([H1|T], H, N, Acc) ->
+ get_frequencies_no_range(T, H1, 1, [{H,N}|Acc]);
+get_frequencies_no_range([], H, N, Acc) ->
+ lists:reverse(
+ lists:keysort(2, [{H,N}|Acc])).
+%% get_frequencies_percent(L) ->
+%% with_percentage(get_frequencies_no_range(L), length(L)).
+with_percentage(Fs, Sum) ->
+ [{Rng,Val,100*Val/Sum} || {Rng,Val} <- Fs].
+num_digits(I) -> 1+trunc(math:log(I)/math:log(10)).
+num(Elem, List) -> length(lists:takewhile(fun(E) -> E /= Elem end, List)) + 1.
+%%%---- Just for naming an operation for readability
+is_odd(I) -> (I rem 2) == 1.
+in_interval(Value, {Rlow,Rhigh}) ->
+ try
+ Rlow=<round(Value) andalso round(Value)=<Rhigh
+ catch
+ _:_ -> false
+ end.
+%%% Statistical functions
+%%%---- Mean value
+mean(L = [X|_]) when is_number(X) ->
+ lists:sum(L) / length(L);
+mean(L = [{_Value,_Weight}|_]) ->
+ SumOfWeights = lists:sum([W||{_,W}<-L]),
+ WeightedSum = lists:sum([W*V||{V,W}<-L]),
+ WeightedSum / SumOfWeights;
+mean(_) ->
+ undefined.
+%%%---- Median
+median(L = [X|_]) when is_number(X) ->
+ Len = length(L),
+ case is_odd(Len) of
+ true ->
+ hd(lists:nthtail(Len div 2, L));
+ false ->
+ %% 1) L has at least one element (the one in the is_number test).
+ %% 2) Length is even.
+ %% => Length >= 2
+ [M1,M2|_] = lists:nthtail((Len div 2)-1, L),
+ (M1+M2) / 2
+ end;
+%% integer Weights...
+median(L = [{_Value,_Weight}|_]) ->
+ median( lists:append([lists:duplicate(W,V) || {V,W} <- L]) );
+median(_) ->
+ undefined.