path: root/erts/test/z_SUITE.erl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'erts/test/z_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 72 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/erts/test/z_SUITE.erl b/erts/test/z_SUITE.erl
index 536212af2e..38b43d50f0 100644
--- a/erts/test/z_SUITE.erl
+++ b/erts/test/z_SUITE.erl
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ all() ->
core_files(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
case os:type() of
{win32, _} ->
- {skipped, "No idea searching for core-files on windows"};
+ win32_search(true, os:getenv("OTP_DAILY_BUILD_TOP_DIR"));
{unix, darwin} ->
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ core_files(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
search_for_core_files(Dir) ->
case os:type() of
{win32, _} ->
- io:format("No idea searching for core-files on windows");
+ win32_search(false, Dir);
{unix, darwin} ->
core_file_search(core_search_conf(false, Dir, "/cores"));
_ ->
@@ -103,18 +103,7 @@ core_search_conf(RunByTS, DBTop) ->
core_search_conf(RunByTS, DBTop, false).
core_search_conf(RunByTS, DBTop, XDir) ->
- SearchDir = case is_dir(DBTop) of
- false ->
- case code:which(test_server) of
- non_existing ->
- {ok, CWD} = file:get_cwd(),
- CWD;
- TS ->
- filename:dirname(filename:dirname(TS))
- end;
- true ->
- DBTop
- end,
+ SearchDir = search_dir(DBTop),
XSearchDir = case is_dir(XDir) of
false ->
@@ -130,6 +119,20 @@ core_search_conf(RunByTS, DBTop, XDir) ->
file = os:find_executable("file"),
run_by_ts = RunByTS}.
+search_dir(DBTop) ->
+ case is_dir(DBTop) of
+ false ->
+ case code:which(test_server) of
+ non_existing ->
+ {ok, CWD} = file:get_cwd(),
+ CWD;
+ TS ->
+ filename:dirname(filename:dirname(TS))
+ end;
+ true ->
+ DBTop
+ end.
file_inspect(#core_search_conf{file = File}, Core) ->
FRes0 = os:cmd(File ++ " " ++ Core),
FRes = case string:split(FRes0, Core) of
@@ -186,15 +189,14 @@ dump_core(#core_search_conf{ cerl = false }, _) ->
dump_core(_, {ignore, _Core}) ->
dump_core(#core_search_conf{ cerl = Cerl }, Core) ->
- Dump = case test_server:is_debug() of
- true ->
- os:cmd(Cerl ++ " -debug -dump " ++ Core);
- _ ->
- os:cmd(Cerl ++ " -dump " ++ Core)
- end,
+ Dump = case erlang:system_info(build_type) of
+ opt ->
+ os:cmd(Cerl ++ " -dump " ++ Core);
+ Type ->
+ os:cmd(lists:concat([Cerl," -",Type," -dump ",Core]))
+ end,
format_core(Conf, {ignore, Core}) ->
format_core(Conf, Core, "[ignored] ");
format_core(Conf, Core) ->
@@ -230,17 +232,24 @@ core_file_search(#core_search_conf{search_dir = Base,
extra_search_dir = XBase,
cerl = Cerl,
run_by_ts = RunByTS} = Conf) ->
- case {Cerl,test_server:is_debug()} of
+ case {Cerl,erlang:system_info(build_type)} of
{false,_} -> ok;
- {_,true} ->
+ {_,opt} ->
catch io:format("A cerl script that probably can be used for "
- "inspection of emulator cores:~n ~s -debug~n",
+ "inspection of emulator cores:~n ~s~n",
- _ ->
+ {_,Type} ->
catch io:format("A cerl script that probably can be used for "
- "inspection of emulator cores:~n ~s~n",
- [Cerl])
+ "inspection of emulator cores:~n ~s -emu_type ~p~n",
+ [Cerl,Type])
+ case os:getenv("DOCKER_BUILD_INFO") of
+ false -> ok;
+ Info ->
+ io:format(Info)
+ end,
io:format("Searching for core-files in: ~s~s~n",
[case XBase of
false -> "";
@@ -321,3 +330,39 @@ core_file_search(#core_search_conf{search_dir = Base,
_ -> Res
+win32_search(RunByTS, DBTop) ->
+ case os:getenv("WSLENV") of
+ false when RunByTS ->
+ {skipped, "No idea searching for core-files on old windows"};
+ false ->
+ io:format("No idea searching for core-files on old windows");
+ _ ->
+ win32_search_2(RunByTS, DBTop)
+ end.
+win32_search_2(true, DBTop0) ->
+ DBTop = search_dir(DBTop0),
+ Dir = "c:/ldisk/daily_build",
+ io:format("Find and move 'dmp' files in: ~s to ~s~n",[Dir, DBTop]),
+ case filelib:wildcard("*.dmp", Dir) of
+ [] -> ok;
+ Dumps ->
+ %% We move the "daily" dmp files to this test-run
+ Str = lists:flatten(["Core-files found:", lists:join($\s, lists:reverse(Dumps))]),
+ Rename = fun(File) ->
+ FP = filename:join(Dir, File),
+ _ = file:rename(FP, filename:join(DBTop, File))
+ end,
+ [Rename(File) || File <- Dumps],
+ ct:fail(Str)
+ end;
+win32_search_2(false, _DBTop0) ->
+ DBTop = search_dir("c:/ldisk/daily_build"),
+ io:format("Search for 'dmp' files in: ~s~n",[DBTop]),
+ case filelib:wildcard("*.dmp", DBTop) of
+ [] -> "Core-files found: Ignored core-files found:";
+ Dumps ->
+ io:format("The dmp files must be removed manually\n", []),
+ lists:flatten(["Core-files found:", lists:join($\s, lists:reverse(Dumps))])
+ end.