diff options
19 files changed, 467 insertions, 520 deletions
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_clean.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_clean.erl
index e771818d10..30d6670bf6 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_clean.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_clean.erl
@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ module({Mod,Exp,Attr,Fs0,_}, Opts) ->
Fs1 = remove_unused(Order, Used, All),
{Fs2,Lc} = clean_labels(Fs1),
Fs3 = fix_swap(Fs2, Opts),
- Fs = maybe_remove_lines(Fs3, Opts),
+ Fs4 = fix_bs_create_bin(Fs3, Opts),
+ Fs = maybe_remove_lines(Fs4, Opts),
%% Determine the rootset, i.e. exported functions and
@@ -178,6 +179,146 @@ remove_lines_block([I|Is]) ->
remove_lines_block([]) -> [].
+%%% If compatibility with a previous release (OTP 24 or earlier) has
+%%% been requested, eliminate bs_create_bin instructions by translating
+%%% them to the old binary syntax instructions.
+fix_bs_create_bin(Fs, Opts) ->
+ %% Force translation to old instructions before we have actually
+ %% implemented the `bs_create_bin` instruction.
+ case true orelse proplists:get_bool(no_bs_create_bin, Opts) of
+ false -> Fs;
+ true -> fold_functions(fun fix_bs_create_bin/1, Fs)
+ end.
+fix_bs_create_bin([{bs_create_bin,Fail,Alloc,Live,Unit,Dst,{list,List}}|Is]) ->
+ Tail = fix_bs_create_bin(Is),
+ Flags = {field_flags,[]},
+ try bs_pre_size_calc(List) of
+ SizeCalc0 ->
+ SizeCalc = fold_size_calc(SizeCalc0, 0, []),
+ TmpDst = SizeReg = {x,Live},
+ SizeIs0 = bs_size_calc(SizeCalc, Fail, SizeReg, {x,Live+1}),
+ SizeIs = [{move,{integer,0},SizeReg}|SizeIs0],
+ RestIs = bs_puts(List, Fail) ++ [{move,TmpDst,Dst}|Tail],
+ case List of
+ [{atom,append},_,_,_,Src|_] ->
+ SizeIs ++ [{bs_append,Fail,SizeReg,Alloc,Live+1,Unit,Src,Flags,TmpDst}|RestIs];
+ [{atom,private_append},_,_,_,Src|_] ->
+ TestHeap = {test_heap,Alloc,Live+1},
+ SizeIs ++ [TestHeap,{bs_private_append,Fail,SizeReg,Unit,Src,Flags,TmpDst}|RestIs];
+ _ ->
+ SizeIs ++ [{bs_init_bits,Fail,SizeReg,Alloc,Live+1,Flags,TmpDst}|RestIs]
+ end
+ catch
+ throw:invalid_size ->
+ [{move,{atom,badarg},{x,0}},
+ {call_ext_only,1,{extfunc,erlang,error,1}}|Tail]
+ end;
+fix_bs_create_bin([I|Is]) ->
+ [I|fix_bs_create_bin(Is)];
+fix_bs_create_bin([]) -> [].
+bs_pre_size_calc([Type,_Seg,Unit,_Flags,Src,Size|Segs]) ->
+ case Type of
+ {atom,T} when T =:= append; T =:= private_append ->
+ bs_pre_size_calc(Segs);
+ _ ->
+ [bs_pre_size_calc_1(Type, Unit, Src, Size)|bs_pre_size_calc(Segs)]
+ end;
+bs_pre_size_calc([]) -> [].
+bs_pre_size_calc_1({atom,Type}, Unit, Src, Size) ->
+ case {Unit,Size} of
+ {0,{atom,undefined}} ->
+ %% No size/unit given.
+ {8,case Type of
+ utf8 -> {{instr,bs_utf8_size},Src};
+ utf16 -> {{instr,bs_utf16_size},Src};
+ utf32 -> {term,{integer,4}}
+ end};
+ {Unit,_} ->
+ case {Type,Size} of
+ {binary,{atom,all}} ->
+ case Unit rem 8 of
+ 0 -> {8,{{bif,byte_size},Src}};
+ _ -> {1,{{bif,bit_size},Src}}
+ end;
+ {_,_} ->
+ ensure_valid_size(Size),
+ {Unit,{term,Size}}
+ end
+ end.
+ensure_valid_size({x,_}) -> ok;
+ensure_valid_size({y,_}) -> ok;
+ensure_valid_size({integer,Size}) when Size >= 0 -> ok;
+ensure_valid_size(_) -> throw(invalid_size).
+fold_size_calc([{Unit,{term,{integer,Size}}}|T], Bits, Acc) ->
+ fold_size_calc(T, Bits + Unit*Size, Acc);
+fold_size_calc([{Unit,{{bif,Bif},{literal,Lit}}}=H|T], Bits, Acc) ->
+ try erlang:Bif(Lit) of
+ Result ->
+ fold_size_calc([{Unit,{term,{integer,Result}}}|T], Bits, Acc)
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ fold_size_calc(T, Bits, [H|Acc])
+ end;
+fold_size_calc([{U,_}=H|T], Bits, Acc) when U =:= 1; U =:= 8 ->
+ fold_size_calc(T, Bits, [H|Acc]);
+fold_size_calc([{U,Var}|T], Bits, Acc) ->
+ fold_size_calc(T, Bits, [{1,{'*',{term,{integer,U}},Var}}|Acc]);
+fold_size_calc([], Bits, Acc) ->
+ Bytes = Bits div 8,
+ RemBits = Bits rem 8,
+ Sizes = [{1,{term,{integer,RemBits}}},{8,{term,{integer,Bytes}}}|Acc],
+ [Pair || {_,Sz}=Pair <- Sizes, Sz =/= {term,{integer,0}}].
+bs_size_calc([{Unit,{{bif,Bif},Reg}}|T], Fail, SizeReg, TmpReg) ->
+ Live = element(2, SizeReg) + 1,
+ [{gc_bif,Bif,Fail,Live,[Reg],TmpReg},
+ {bs_add,Fail,[SizeReg,TmpReg,Unit],SizeReg}|bs_size_calc(T, Fail, SizeReg, TmpReg)];
+bs_size_calc([{Unit,{'*',{term,Term1},{term,Term2}}}|T], Fail, SizeReg, TmpReg) ->
+ Live = element(2, SizeReg) + 1,
+ [{gc_bif,'*',Fail,Live,[Term1,Term2],TmpReg},
+ {bs_add,Fail,[SizeReg,TmpReg,Unit],SizeReg}|bs_size_calc(T, Fail, SizeReg, TmpReg)];
+bs_size_calc([{Unit,{{instr,Instr},Reg}}|T], Fail, SizeReg, TmpReg) ->
+ [{Instr,Fail,Reg,TmpReg},
+ {bs_add,Fail,[SizeReg,TmpReg,Unit],SizeReg}|bs_size_calc(T, Fail, SizeReg, TmpReg)];
+bs_size_calc([{Unit,{term,Term}}|T], Fail, SizeReg, TmpReg) ->
+ [{bs_add,Fail,[SizeReg,Term,Unit],SizeReg}|bs_size_calc(T, Fail, SizeReg, TmpReg)];
+bs_size_calc([], _Fail, _SizeReg, _TmpReg) -> [].
+bs_puts([{atom,string},_Seg,_Unit,_Flags,{string,_}=Str,{integer,Size}|Is], Fail) ->
+ [{bs_put_string,Size,Str}|bs_puts(Is, Fail)];
+bs_puts([{atom,append},_,_,_,_,_|Is], Fail) ->
+ bs_puts(Is, Fail);
+bs_puts([{atom,private_append},_,_,_,_,_|Is], Fail) ->
+ bs_puts(Is, Fail);
+bs_puts([{atom,Type},_Seg,Unit,Flags0,Src,Size|Is], Fail) ->
+ Op = case Type of
+ integer -> bs_put_integer;
+ float -> bs_put_float;
+ binary -> bs_put_binary;
+ utf8 -> bs_put_utf8;
+ utf16 -> bs_put_utf16;
+ utf32 -> bs_put_utf32
+ end,
+ Flags = case Flags0 of
+ nil -> [];
+ {literal,Fs} -> Fs
+ end,
+ I = if
+ Unit =:= 0 ->
+ {bs_put,Fail,{Op,{field_flags,Flags}},[Src]};
+ true ->
+ {bs_put,Fail,{Op,Unit,{field_flags,Flags}},[Size,Src]}
+ end,
+ [I|bs_puts(Is, Fail)];
+bs_puts([], _Fail) -> [].
%%% Helpers.
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_jump.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_jump.erl
index d060978a52..0c4ad8fae5 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_jump.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_jump.erl
@@ -896,6 +896,8 @@ instr_labels({bif,_Name,Lbl,_As,_R}) ->
instr_labels({gc_bif,_Name,Lbl,_Live,_As,_R}) ->
+instr_labels({bs_create_bin,Lbl,_,_,_,_,_}) ->
+ do_instr_labels(Lbl);
instr_labels({bs_init,Lbl,_,_,_,_}) ->
instr_labels({bs_put,Lbl,_,_}) ->
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_kernel_to_ssa.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_kernel_to_ssa.erl
index aa66d4c418..7270be7066 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_kernel_to_ssa.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_kernel_to_ssa.erl
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
-import(lists, [all/2,append/1,flatmap/2,foldl/3,
- keysort/2,mapfoldl/3,map/2,member/2,
- reverse/1,reverse/2,sort/1]).
+ keysort/2,mapfoldl/3,member/2,
+ reverse/1,sort/1]).
@@ -1048,167 +1048,54 @@ put_cg_map(LineAnno, Op, SrcMap, Dst, List, St0) ->
cg_binary(Dst, Segs0, FailCtx, Le, St0) ->
- {PutCode0,SzCalc0,St1} = cg_bin_put(Segs0, FailCtx, St0),
+ Segs1 = cg_bin_segments(Segs0, St0),
+ Segs = case Segs1 of
+ [#b_literal{val=binary},UnitFlags,Val,#b_literal{val=all}|Segs2] ->
+ Op = case member(single_use, Le) of
+ true -> private_append;
+ false -> append
+ end,
+ [#b_literal{val=Op},UnitFlags,Val,#b_literal{val=all}|Segs2];
+ _ ->
+ Segs1
+ end,
LineAnno = line_anno(Le),
- Anno = Le,
- case PutCode0 of
- [#b_set{op=bs_put,dst=Bin,args=[_,_,Src,#b_literal{val=all}|_]},
- #b_set{op={succeeded,_},dst=Bool,args=[Bin]},
- #b_br{bool=Bool},
- {label,_}|_] ->
- #k_bin_seg{unit=Unit0,next=Segs} = Segs0,
- Unit = #b_literal{val=Unit0},
- {PutCode,SzCalc1,St2} = cg_bin_put(Segs, FailCtx, St1),
- {_,SzVar,SzCode0,St3} = cg_size_calc(1, SzCalc1, FailCtx, St2),
- SzCode = cg_bin_anno(SzCode0, LineAnno),
- Args = case member(single_use, Anno) of
- true ->
- [#b_literal{val=private_append},Src,SzVar,Unit];
- false ->
- [#b_literal{val=append},Src,SzVar,Unit]
- end,
- BsInit = #b_set{anno=LineAnno,op=bs_init,dst=Dst,args=Args},
- {TestIs,St} = make_succeeded(Dst, FailCtx, St3),
- {SzCode ++ [BsInit] ++ TestIs ++ PutCode,St};
- [#b_set{op=bs_put}|_] ->
- {Unit,SzVar,SzCode0,St2} = cg_size_calc(8, SzCalc0, FailCtx, St1),
- SzCode = cg_bin_anno(SzCode0, LineAnno),
- Args = [#b_literal{val=new},SzVar,Unit],
- BsInit = #b_set{anno=LineAnno,op=bs_init,dst=Dst,args=Args},
- {TestIs,St} = make_succeeded(Dst, FailCtx, St2),
- {SzCode ++ [BsInit] ++ TestIs ++ PutCode0,St}
- end.
-cg_bin_anno([Set|Sets], Anno) ->
- [Set#b_set{anno=Anno}|Sets];
-cg_bin_anno([], _) -> [].
-%% cg_size_calc(PreferredUnit, SzCalc, FailCtx, St0) ->
-%% {ActualUnit,SizeVariable,SizeCode,St}.
-%% Generate size calculation code.
-cg_size_calc(Unit, error, _FailCtx, St) ->
- {#b_literal{val=Unit},#b_literal{val=badarg},[],St};
-cg_size_calc(8, [{1,_}|_]=SzCalc, FailCtx, St) ->
- cg_size_calc(1, SzCalc, FailCtx, St);
-cg_size_calc(8, SzCalc, FailCtx, St0) ->
- {Var,Pre,St} = cg_size_calc_1(SzCalc, FailCtx, St0),
- {#b_literal{val=8},Var,Pre,St};
-cg_size_calc(1, SzCalc0, FailCtx, St0) ->
- SzCalc = map(fun({8,#b_literal{val=Size}}) ->
- {1,#b_literal{val=8*Size}};
- ({8,{{bif,byte_size},Src}}) ->
- {1,{{bif,bit_size},Src}};
- ({8,{_,_}=UtfCalc}) ->
- {1,{'*',#b_literal{val=8},UtfCalc}};
- ({_,_}=Pair) ->
- Pair
- end, SzCalc0),
- {Var,Pre,St} = cg_size_calc_1(SzCalc, FailCtx, St0),
- {#b_literal{val=1},Var,Pre,St}.
-cg_size_calc_1(SzCalc, FailCtx, St0) ->
- cg_size_calc_2(SzCalc, #b_literal{val=0}, FailCtx, St0).
-cg_size_calc_2([{_,{'*',Unit,{_,_}=Bif}}|T], Sum0, FailCtx, St0) ->
- {Sum1,Pre0,St1} = cg_size_calc_2(T, Sum0, FailCtx, St0),
- {BifDst,Pre1,St2} = cg_size_bif(Bif, FailCtx, St1),
- {Sum,Pre2,St} = cg_size_add(Sum1, BifDst, Unit, FailCtx, St2),
- {Sum,Pre0++Pre1++Pre2,St};
-cg_size_calc_2([{_,#b_literal{}=Sz}|T], Sum0, FailCtx, St0) ->
- {Sum1,Pre0,St1} = cg_size_calc_2(T, Sum0, FailCtx, St0),
- {Sum,Pre,St} = cg_size_add(Sum1, Sz, #b_literal{val=1}, FailCtx, St1),
- {Sum,Pre0++Pre,St};
-cg_size_calc_2([{_,#b_var{}=Sz}|T], Sum0, FailCtx, St0) ->
- {Sum1,Pre0,St1} = cg_size_calc_2(T, Sum0, FailCtx, St0),
- {Sum,Pre,St} = cg_size_add(Sum1, Sz, #b_literal{val=1}, FailCtx, St1),
- {Sum,Pre0++Pre,St};
-cg_size_calc_2([{_,{_,_}=Bif}|T], Sum0, FailCtx, St0) ->
- {Sum1,Pre0,St1} = cg_size_calc_2(T, Sum0, FailCtx, St0),
- {BifDst,Pre1,St2} = cg_size_bif(Bif, FailCtx, St1),
- {Sum,Pre2,St} = cg_size_add(Sum1, BifDst, #b_literal{val=1}, FailCtx, St2),
- {Sum,Pre0++Pre1++Pre2,St};
-cg_size_calc_2([], Sum, _FailCtx, St) ->
- {Sum,[],St}.
-cg_size_bif(#b_var{}=Var, _FailCtx, St) ->
- {Var,[],St};
-cg_size_bif({Name,Src}, FailCtx, St0) ->
- {Dst,St1} = new_ssa_var('@ssa_bif', St0),
- Bif = #b_set{op=Name,dst=Dst,args=[Src]},
- {TestIs,St} = make_succeeded(Dst, FailCtx, St1),
- {Dst,[Bif|TestIs],St}.
-cg_size_add(#b_literal{val=0}, Val, #b_literal{val=1}, _FailCtx, St) ->
- {Val,[],St};
-cg_size_add(#b_literal{val=A}, #b_literal{val=B}, #b_literal{val=U}, _FailCtx, St) ->
- {#b_literal{val=A+B*U},[],St};
-cg_size_add(A, B, Unit, FailCtx, St0) ->
- {Dst,St1} = new_ssa_var('@ssa_sum', St0),
- {TestIs,St} = make_succeeded(Dst, FailCtx, St1),
- BsAdd = #b_set{op=bs_add,dst=Dst,args=[A,B,Unit]},
- {Dst,[BsAdd|TestIs],St}.
-cg_bin_put(Seg, FailCtx, St) ->
- cg_bin_put_1(Seg, FailCtx, [], [], St).
- FailCtx, Acc, SzCalcAcc, St0) ->
- [Src,Size] = ssa_args([Src0,Size0], St0),
- NeedSize = bs_need_size(T),
- TypeArg = #b_literal{val=T},
- Flags = #b_literal{val=Fs},
- Unit = #b_literal{val=U},
- Args = case NeedSize of
- true -> [TypeArg,Flags,Src,Size,Unit];
- false -> [TypeArg,Flags,Src]
+ Build = #b_set{anno=LineAnno,op=bs_create_bin,args=Segs,dst=Dst},
+ {TestIs,St} = make_succeeded(Dst, FailCtx, St0),
+ {[Build|TestIs],St}.
+cg_bin_segments(#k_bin_seg{anno=Anno,type=Type,flags=Flags0,seg=Src0,size=Size0,unit=U,next=Next}, St) ->
+ Seg = case lists:keyfind(segment, 1,Anno) of
+ false -> [];
+ {segment,_}=Seg0 -> [Seg0]
+ end,
+ [Src,Size] = ssa_args([Src0,Size0], St),
+ TypeArg = #b_literal{val=Type},
+ Unit = case U of
+ undefined -> 0;
+ _ -> U
- {Dst,St1} = new_ssa_var('@ssa_bs_put', St0),
- {TestIs,St} = make_succeeded(Dst, FailCtx, St1),
- Is = [#b_set{op=bs_put,dst=Dst,args=Args}|TestIs],
- SzCalc = bin_size_calc(T, Src, Size, U),
- cg_bin_put_1(Next, FailCtx, reverse(Is, Acc), [SzCalc|SzCalcAcc], St);
-cg_bin_put_1(#k_bin_end{}, _, Acc, SzCalcAcc, St) ->
- SzCalc = fold_size_calc(SzCalcAcc, 0, []),
- {reverse(Acc),SzCalc,St}.
+ Flags = strip_bs_construct_flags(Flags0),
+ UnitFlags = #b_literal{val=[Unit|Flags++Seg]},
+ [TypeArg,UnitFlags,Src,Size|cg_bin_segments(Next, St)];
+cg_bin_segments(#k_bin_end{}, _St) -> [].
bs_need_size(utf8) -> false;
bs_need_size(utf16) -> false;
bs_need_size(utf32) -> false;
bs_need_size(_) -> true.
-bin_size_calc(utf8, Src, _Size, _Unit) ->
- {8,{bs_utf8_size,Src}};
-bin_size_calc(utf16, Src, _Size, _Unit) ->
- {8,{bs_utf16_size,Src}};
-bin_size_calc(utf32, _Src, _Size, _Unit) ->
- {8,#b_literal{val=4}};
-bin_size_calc(binary, Src, #b_literal{val=all}, Unit) ->
- case Unit rem 8 of
- 0 -> {8,{{bif,byte_size},Src}};
- _ -> {1,{{bif,bit_size},Src}}
- end;
-bin_size_calc(_Type, _Src, Size, Unit) ->
- {Unit,Size}.
-fold_size_calc([{Unit,#b_literal{val=Size}}|T], Bits, Acc) ->
- if
- is_integer(Size) ->
- fold_size_calc(T, Bits + Unit*Size, Acc);
- true ->
- error
- end;
-fold_size_calc([{U,#b_var{}}=H|T], Bits, Acc) when U =:= 1; U =:= 8 ->
- fold_size_calc(T, Bits, [H|Acc]);
-fold_size_calc([{U,#b_var{}=Var}|T], Bits, Acc) ->
- fold_size_calc(T, Bits, [{1,{'*',#b_literal{val=U},Var}}|Acc]);
-fold_size_calc([{_,_}=H|T], Bits, Acc) ->
- fold_size_calc(T, Bits, [H|Acc]);
-fold_size_calc([], Bits, Acc) ->
- Bytes = Bits div 8,
- RemBits = Bits rem 8,
- Sizes = sort([{1,#b_literal{val=RemBits}},{8,#b_literal{val=Bytes}}|Acc]),
- [Pair || {_,Sz}=Pair <- Sizes, Sz =/= #b_literal{val=0}].
+%% Only keep the flags that have a meaning for binary construction and
+%% are distinct from the default value.
+strip_bs_construct_flags(Flags) ->
+ [Flag || Flag <- Flags,
+ case Flag of
+ little -> true;
+ native -> true;
+ big -> false;
+ signed -> false;
+ unsigned -> false
+ end].
%%% Utilities for creating the SSA types.
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa.erl
index 0163f59ae7..37d0b4b364 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa.erl
@@ -105,10 +105,9 @@
%% To avoid the collapsing, change the value of SET_LIMIT to 50 in the
%% file erl_types.erl in the dialyzer application.
--type prim_op() :: 'bs_add' | 'bs_extract' | 'bs_get_tail' |
- 'bs_init' | 'bs_init_writable' |
- 'bs_match' | 'bs_put' | 'bs_start_match' | 'bs_test_tail' |
- 'bs_utf16_size' | 'bs_utf8_size' | 'build_stacktrace' |
+-type prim_op() :: 'bs_extract' | 'bs_get_tail' | 'bs_init_writable' |
+ 'bs_match' | 'bs_start_match' | 'bs_test_tail' |
+ 'build_stacktrace' |
'call' | 'catch_end' |
'extract' |
'get_hd' | 'get_map_element' | 'get_tl' | 'get_tuple_element' |
@@ -197,17 +196,13 @@ no_side_effect(#b_set{op=Op}) ->
case Op of
{bif,_} -> true;
{float,get} -> true;
- bs_add -> true;
- bs_init -> true;
+ bs_create_bin -> true;
bs_init_writable -> true;
bs_extract -> true;
bs_match -> true;
bs_start_match -> true;
bs_test_tail -> true;
bs_get_tail -> true;
- bs_put -> true;
- bs_utf16_size -> true;
- bs_utf8_size -> true;
build_stacktrace -> true;
extract -> true;
get_hd -> true;
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_bc_size.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_bc_size.erl
index f795641592..9646408cc9 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_bc_size.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_bc_size.erl
@@ -276,32 +276,13 @@ calc_size_is([I|Is], Bs0) ->
calc_size_is(Is, Bs);
calc_size_is([], Bs) -> Bs.
-calc_size_instr(#b_set{op=bs_add,args=[A,B,U],dst=Dst}, Bs) ->
- %% We must make sure that the value of bs_add only depends on literals
- %% and arguments passed from the function that created the writable
- %% binary.
- case {get_value(A, Bs),get_arg_value(B, Bs)} of
- {#b_literal{}=Lit,Val} ->
- Bs#{Dst => {expr,{{bif,'+'},[Lit,{{bif,'*'},[Val,U]}]}}};
- {{expr,Expr},Val} ->
- Bs#{Dst => {expr,{{bif,'+'},[Expr,{{bif,'*'},[Val,U]}]}}};
- {_,_} ->
- %% The value depends on a variable of which we know nothing.
- Bs#{Dst => any}
- end;
- Writable,Size,Unit],
+ args=[#b_literal{val=private_append},_,Writable,_|Args],
dst=Dst}, Bs) ->
- case get_value(Size, Bs) of
- {arg,SizeOrigin} ->
- Expr = {{bif,'*'},[SizeOrigin,Unit]},
- update_writable(Dst, Writable, Expr, Bs);
- #b_literal{} ->
- Expr = {{bif,'*'},[Size,Unit]},
- update_writable(Dst, Writable, Expr, Bs);
+ case calc_create_bin_size(Args, Bs) of
{expr,Expr} ->
update_writable(Dst, Writable, Expr, Bs);
- _ ->
+ any ->
Bs#{Dst => any}
@@ -347,6 +328,26 @@ calc_size_instr(#b_set{op={succeeded,_},args=[Arg],dst=Dst}, Bs) ->
calc_size_instr(#b_set{dst=Dst}, Bs) ->
Bs#{Dst => any}.
+calc_create_bin_size(Args, Bs) ->
+ calc_create_bin_size(Args, Bs, #b_literal{val=0}).
+calc_create_bin_size([_,#b_literal{val=[0|_]},_,_|_], _Bs, _Acc) ->
+ %% Construction without size (utf8/utf16/utf32).
+ any;
+calc_create_bin_size([_,#b_literal{val=[U|_]},_,Size|T], Bs, Acc0) when is_integer(U) ->
+ case get_value(Size, Bs) of
+ #b_literal{val=Val} when is_integer(Val) ->
+ Acc = {{bif,'+'},[Acc0,#b_literal{val=U*Val}]},
+ calc_create_bin_size(T, Bs, Acc);
+ {arg,Var} ->
+ Acc = {{bif,'+'},[Acc0,{{bif,'*'},[Var,#b_literal{val=U}]}]},
+ calc_create_bin_size(T, Bs, Acc);
+ _ ->
+ any
+ end;
+calc_create_bin_size([], _Bs, Acc) ->
+ {expr,Acc}.
update_writable(Dst, Writable, Expr, Bs) ->
case get_value(Writable, Bs) of
{writable,#b_literal{val=0}} ->
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_codegen.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_codegen.erl
index c929b65aa3..8454d02944 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_codegen.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_codegen.erl
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ need_heap_blks([], H, Acc) ->
need_heap_is([#cg_alloc{words=Words}=Alloc0|Is], N, Acc) ->
Alloc = Alloc0#cg_alloc{words=add_heap_words(N, Words)},
need_heap_is(Is, #need{}, [Alloc|Acc]);
-need_heap_is([#cg_set{anno=Anno,op=bs_init}=I0|Is], N, Acc) ->
+need_heap_is([#cg_set{anno=Anno,op=bs_create_bin}=I0|Is], N, Acc) ->
Alloc = case need_heap_need(N) of
[#cg_alloc{words=Need}] -> alloc(Need);
[] -> 0
@@ -284,13 +284,11 @@ need_heap_terminator([{_,#cg_blk{is=Is,last=#cg_br{succ=L}}}|_], L, N) ->
[] ->
[_|_]=Alloc ->
- %% If the preceding instructions are a binary construction,
- %% hoist the allocation and incorporate into the bs_init
+ %% If the preceding instruction is a bs_create_bin instruction,
+ %% hoist the allocation and incorporate into the bs_create_bin
%% instruction.
case reverse(Is) of
- [#cg_set{op=succeeded},#cg_set{op=bs_init}|_] ->
- {[],N};
- [#cg_set{op=succeeded},#cg_set{op=bs_put}|_] ->
+ [#cg_set{op=succeeded},#cg_set{op=bs_create_bin}|_] ->
_ ->
%% Not binary construction. Must emit an allocation
@@ -371,20 +369,16 @@ classify_heap_need(Name, _Args) ->
%% Note: Only handle operations in this function that are not handled
%% by classify_heap_need/2.
-classify_heap_need(bs_add) -> gc;
classify_heap_need(bs_get) -> gc;
classify_heap_need(bs_get_tail) -> gc;
-classify_heap_need(bs_init) -> gc;
classify_heap_need(bs_init_writable) -> gc;
classify_heap_need(bs_match_string) -> gc;
-classify_heap_need(bs_put) -> neutral;
+classify_heap_need(bs_create_bin) -> gc;
classify_heap_need(bs_get_position) -> gc;
classify_heap_need(bs_set_position) -> neutral;
classify_heap_need(bs_skip) -> gc;
classify_heap_need(bs_start_match) -> gc;
classify_heap_need(bs_test_tail) -> neutral;
-classify_heap_need(bs_utf16_size) -> neutral;
-classify_heap_need(bs_utf8_size) -> neutral;
classify_heap_need(build_stacktrace) -> gc;
classify_heap_need(call) -> gc;
classify_heap_need(catch_end) -> gc;
@@ -677,8 +671,8 @@ get_live(#cg_set{anno=#{live:=Live}}) ->
need_live_anno(Op) ->
case Op of
{bif,_} -> true;
+ bs_create_bin -> true;
bs_get -> true;
- bs_init -> true;
bs_get_position -> true;
bs_get_tail -> true;
bs_start_match -> true;
@@ -801,7 +795,7 @@ need_y_init(#cg_set{anno=#{clobbers:=Clobbers}}) -> Clobbers;
need_y_init(#cg_set{op=bs_get}) -> true;
need_y_init(#cg_set{op=bs_get_position}) -> true;
need_y_init(#cg_set{op=bs_get_tail}) -> true;
-need_y_init(#cg_set{op=bs_init}) -> true;
+need_y_init(#cg_set{op=bs_create_bin}) -> true;
need_y_init(#cg_set{op=bs_skip,args=[#b_literal{val=Type}|_]}) ->
case Type of
utf8 -> true;
@@ -1108,30 +1102,21 @@ cg_block([#cg_set{anno=Anno,op={bif,Name},dst=Dst0,args=Args0}=I|T],
Is = [{bif,Name,{f,0},Args,Dst}|Is0],
#cg_set{op=succeeded,dst=Bool}], {Bool,Fail0}, St) ->
Fail = bif_fail(Fail0),
Line = line(Anno),
Alloc = map_get(alloc, Anno),
- [#b_literal{val=Kind}|Args1] = Args0,
Live = get_live(I),
- case Kind of
- new ->
- [Dst,Size,{integer,Unit}] = beam_args([Dst0|Args1], St),
- {[Line|cg_bs_init(Dst, Size, Alloc, Unit, Live, Fail)],St};
- private_append ->
- [Dst,Src,Bits,{integer,Unit}] = beam_args([Dst0|Args1], St),
- Flags = {field_flags,[]},
- TestHeap = {test_heap,Alloc,Live},
- BsPrivateAppend = {bs_private_append,Fail,Bits,Unit,Src,Flags,Dst},
- Is = [TestHeap,Line,BsPrivateAppend],
- {Is,St};
- append ->
- [Dst,Src,Bits,{integer,Unit}] = beam_args([Dst0|Args1], St),
- Flags = {field_flags,[]},
- Is = [Line,{bs_append,Fail,Bits,Alloc,Live,Unit,Src,Flags,Dst}],
- {Is,St}
- end;
+ [Dst|Args1] = beam_args([Dst0|Args0], St),
+ Args = bs_args(Args1),
+ Unit = case Args of
+ [{atom,append},_Seg,U|_] -> U;
+ [{atom,private_append},_Seg,U|_] -> U;
+ _ -> 1
+ end,
+ Is = [Line,{bs_create_bin,Fail,Alloc,Live,Unit,Dst,{list,Args}}],
+ {Is,St};
@@ -1156,10 +1141,6 @@ cg_block([#cg_set{op=bs_match_string,args=[CtxVar,#b_literal{val=String0}]},
Is = [{test,bs_match_string,Fail,[CtxReg,Bits,{string,String}]}],
- #cg_set{op=succeeded,dst=Bool}], {Bool,Fail}, St) ->
- Args = beam_args(Args0, St),
- {cg_bs_put(bif_fail(Fail), Args),St};
cg_block([#cg_set{dst=Dst0,op=landingpad,args=Args0}|T], Context, St0) ->
[Dst,{atom,Kind},Tag] = beam_args([Dst0|Args0], St0),
case Kind of
@@ -1329,6 +1310,32 @@ cg_block([], {Bool0,Fail}, St) ->
[Bool] = beam_args([Bool0], St),
+ when bit_size(Bs) =:= 0 ->
+ bs_args(Args);
+ when is_bitstring(Bs) ->
+ Bits = bit_size(Bs),
+ Bytes = Bits div 8,
+ case Bits rem 8 of
+ 0 ->
+ [{atom,string},0,8,nil,{string,Bs},{integer,byte_size(Bs)}|bs_args(Args0)];
+ Rem ->
+ <<Binary:Bytes/bytes,Int:Rem>> = Bs,
+ Args = [{atom,binary},UFs,{literal,Binary},{atom,all},
+ {atom,integer},{literal,[1]},{integer,Int},{integer,Rem}|Args0],
+ bs_args(Args)
+ end;
+bs_args([Type,{literal,[Unit|Fs0]},Val,Size|Args]) ->
+ Segment = proplists:get_value(segment, Fs0, 0),
+ Fs1 = proplists:delete(segment, Fs0),
+ Fs = case Fs1 of
+ [] -> nil;
+ [_|_] -> {literal,Fs1}
+ end,
+ [Type,Segment,Unit,Fs,Val,Size|bs_args(Args)];
+bs_args([]) -> [].
cg_copy(T0, St) ->
{Copies,T} = splitwith(fun(#cg_set{op=copy}) -> true;
(_) -> false
@@ -1716,14 +1723,8 @@ cg_instr(remove_message, [], _Dst) ->
cg_instr(resume, [A,B], _Dst) ->
-cg_test(bs_add=Op, Fail, [Src1,Src2,{integer,Unit}], Dst, _I) ->
- [{Op,Fail,[Src1,Src2,Unit],Dst}];
cg_test(bs_skip, Fail, Args, _Dst, I) ->
cg_bs_skip(Fail, Args, I);
-cg_test(bs_utf8_size=Op, Fail, [Src], Dst, _I) ->
- [{Op,Fail,Src,Dst}];
-cg_test(bs_utf16_size=Op, Fail, [Src], Dst, _I) ->
- [{Op,Fail,Src,Dst}];
cg_test({float,convert}, Fail, [Src], Dst, #cg_set{anno=Anno}) ->
{f,0} = Fail, %Assertion.
@@ -1793,34 +1794,6 @@ field_flags(Flags, #cg_set{anno=#{location:={File,Line}}}) ->
field_flags(Flags, _) ->
-cg_bs_put(Fail, [{atom,Type},{literal,Flags}|Args]) ->
- Op = case Type of
- integer -> bs_put_integer;
- float -> bs_put_float;
- binary -> bs_put_binary;
- utf8 -> bs_put_utf8;
- utf16 -> bs_put_utf16;
- utf32 -> bs_put_utf32
- end,
- case Args of
- [Src,Size,{integer,Unit}] ->
- [{Op,Fail,Size,Unit,{field_flags,Flags},Src}];
- [Src] ->
- [{Op,Fail,{field_flags,Flags},Src}]
- end.
-cg_bs_init(Dst, Size0, Alloc, Unit, Live, Fail) ->
- Op = case Unit of
- 1 -> bs_init_bits;
- 8 -> bs_init2
- end,
- Size = cg_bs_init_size(Size0),
- [{Op,Fail,Size,Alloc,Live,{field_flags,[]},Dst}].
-cg_bs_init_size({x,_}=R) -> R;
-cg_bs_init_size({y,_}=R) -> R;
-cg_bs_init_size({integer,Int}) -> Int.
cg_catch(Agg, T0, Context, St0) ->
{Moves,T1} = cg_extract(T0, Agg, St0),
{T,St} = cg_block(T1, Context, St0),
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_opt.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_opt.erl
index 72e320749e..123edb868c 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_opt.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_opt.erl
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ module_passes(Opts) ->
repeated_passes(Opts) ->
Ps = [?PASS(ssa_opt_live),
- ?PASS(ssa_opt_bs_puts),
+ ?PASS(ssa_opt_bs_create_bin),
@@ -1788,101 +1788,63 @@ bsm_shortcut([], _PosMap) -> [].
%%% If an integer segment or a float segment has a literal size and
%%% a literal value, convert to a binary segment. Coalesce adjacent
%%% literal binary segments. Literal binary segments will be converted
-%%% to bs_put_string instructions in later pass.
+%%% to bs_put_string instructions in a later pass.
-ssa_opt_bs_puts({#opt_st{ssa=Linear0,cnt=Count0}=St, FuncDb}) ->
- {Linear,Count} = opt_bs_puts(Linear0, Count0, []),
- {St#opt_st{ssa=Linear,cnt=Count}, FuncDb}.
-opt_bs_puts([{L,#b_blk{is=Is}=Blk0}|Bs], Count0, Acc0) ->
- case Is of
- [#b_set{op=bs_put},#b_set{op={succeeded,_}}]=Is ->
- case opt_bs_put(L, Is, Blk0, Count0, Acc0) of
- not_possible ->
- opt_bs_puts(Bs, Count0, [{L,Blk0}|Acc0]);
- {Count,Acc1} ->
- Acc = opt_bs_puts_merge(Acc1),
- opt_bs_puts(Bs, Count, Acc)
- end;
- _ ->
- opt_bs_puts(Bs, Count0, [{L,Blk0}|Acc0])
- end;
-opt_bs_puts([], Count, Acc) ->
- {reverse(Acc),Count}.
-opt_bs_puts_merge([{L1,#b_blk{is=Is}=Blk0},{L2,#b_blk{is=AccIs}}=BAcc|Acc]) ->
- case {AccIs,Is} of
- {[#b_set{op=bs_put,
- args=[#b_literal{val=binary},
- #b_literal{},
- #b_literal{val=Bin0},
- #b_literal{val=all},
- #b_literal{val=1}]},
- #b_set{op={succeeded,_}}],
- [#b_set{op=bs_put,
- args=[#b_literal{val=binary},
- #b_literal{},
- #b_literal{val=Bin1},
- #b_literal{val=all},
- #b_literal{val=1}]}=I0,
- #b_set{op={succeeded,_}}=Succeeded]} ->
- %% Coalesce the two segments to one.
- Bin = <<Bin0/bitstring,Bin1/bitstring>>,
- I = I0#b_set{args=bs_put_args(binary, Bin, all)},
- Blk = Blk0#b_blk{is=[I,Succeeded]},
- [{L2,Blk}|Acc];
- {_,_} ->
- [{L1,Blk0},BAcc|Acc]
- end.
+ssa_opt_bs_create_bin({#opt_st{ssa=Linear0}=St, FuncDb}) ->
+ Linear = opt_create_bin_fs(Linear0),
+ {St#opt_st{ssa=Linear}, FuncDb}.
-opt_bs_put(L, [I0,Succeeded], #b_blk{last=Br0}=Blk0, Count0, Acc) ->
- case opt_bs_put(I0) of
- [Bin] when is_bitstring(Bin) ->
- Args = bs_put_args(binary, Bin, all),
- I = I0#b_set{args=Args},
- Blk = Blk0#b_blk{is=[I,Succeeded]},
- {Count0,[{L,Blk}|Acc]};
- [{int,Int,Size},Bin] when is_bitstring(Bin) ->
- %% Construct a bs_put_integer instruction following
- %% by a bs_put_binary instruction.
- IntArgs = bs_put_args(integer, Int, Size),
- BinArgs = bs_put_args(binary, Bin, all),
- {BinL,BinVarNum,BinBoolNum} = {Count0,Count0+1,Count0+2},
- Count = Count0 + 3,
- BinVar = #b_var{name={'@ssa_bs_put',BinVarNum}},
- BinBool = #b_var{name={'@ssa_bool',BinBoolNum}},
- BinI = I0#b_set{dst=BinVar,args=BinArgs},
- BinSucceeded = Succeeded#b_set{dst=BinBool,args=[BinVar]},
- BinBlk = Blk0#b_blk{is=[BinI,BinSucceeded],
- last=Br0#b_br{bool=BinBool}},
- IntI = I0#b_set{args=IntArgs},
- IntBlk = Blk0#b_blk{is=[IntI,Succeeded],last=Br0#b_br{succ=BinL}},
- {Count,[{BinL,BinBlk},{L,IntBlk}|Acc]};
+opt_create_bin_fs([{L,#b_blk{is=Is0}=Blk0}|Bs]) ->
+ Is = opt_create_bin_is(Is0),
+ Blk = Blk0#b_blk{is=Is},
+ [{L,Blk}|opt_create_bin_fs(Bs)];
+opt_create_bin_fs([]) -> [].
+opt_create_bin_is([#b_set{op=bs_create_bin,args=Args0}=I0|Is]) ->
+ Args = opt_create_bin_args(Args0),
+ I = I0#b_set{args=Args},
+ [I|opt_create_bin_is(Is)];
+opt_create_bin_is([I|Is]) ->
+ [I|opt_create_bin_is(Is)];
+opt_create_bin_is([]) -> [].
+ #b_literal{val=Bin0},#b_literal{val=all},
+ #b_literal{val=binary},#b_literal{val=[1|_]},
+ #b_literal{val=Bin1},#b_literal{val=all}|Args0]) ->
+ %% Coalesce two litary binary segments to one.
+ Bin = <<Bin0/bitstring,Bin1/bitstring>>,
+ Args = [#b_literal{val=binary},#b_literal{val=[1]},
+ #b_literal{val=Bin},#b_literal{val=all}|Args0],
+ opt_create_bin_args(Args);
+opt_create_bin_args([#b_literal{val=Type}=Type0,#b_literal{val=UFs}=UFs0,Val,Size|Args0]) ->
+ [Unit|Flags] = UFs,
+ case opt_create_bin_arg(Type, Unit, UFs, Val, Size) of
not_possible ->
- not_possible
- end.
- #b_literal{val=all},#b_literal{val=Unit}]})
- when is_bitstring(Val) ->
- if
- bit_size(Val) rem Unit =:= 0 ->
- [Val];
- true ->
- not_possible
- end;
- #b_literal{val=Val},#b_literal{val=Size},
- #b_literal{val=Unit}]}=I0) when is_integer(Size) ->
+ [Type0,UFs0,Val,Size|opt_create_bin_args(Args0)];
+ [Bin] when is_bitstring(Bin) ->
+ Args = [#b_literal{val=binary},#b_literal{val=[1]},
+ #b_literal{val=Bin},#b_literal{val=all}|Args0],
+ opt_create_bin_args(Args);
+ [{int,Int,IntSize},Bin] when is_bitstring(Bin) ->
+ Args = [#b_literal{val=integer},#b_literal{val=[1|Flags]},
+ #b_literal{val=Int},#b_literal{val=IntSize},
+ #b_literal{val=binary},#b_literal{val=[1]},
+ #b_literal{val=Bin},#b_literal{val=all}|Args0],
+ opt_create_bin_args(Args)
+ end;
+opt_create_bin_args([]) -> [].
+opt_create_bin_arg(binary, Unit, _Flags, #b_literal{val=Val}, #b_literal{val=all})
+ when Unit =/= 1, bit_size(Val) rem Unit =:= 0 ->
+ [Val];
+opt_create_bin_arg(Type, Unit, Flags, #b_literal{val=Val}, #b_literal{val=Size})
+ when is_integer(Size), is_integer(Unit) ->
EffectiveSize = Size * Unit,
EffectiveSize > 0 ->
- case {Type,opt_bs_put_endian(Flags)} of
+ case {Type,opt_create_bin_endian(Flags)} of
{integer,big} when is_integer(Val) ->
EffectiveSize < 64 ->
@@ -1894,9 +1856,8 @@ opt_bs_put(#b_set{args=[#b_literal{val=Type},#b_literal{val=Flags},
%% To avoid an explosion in code size, we only try
%% to optimize relatively small fields.
<<Int:EffectiveSize>> = <<Val:EffectiveSize/little>>,
- Args = bs_put_args(Type, Int, EffectiveSize),
- I = I0#b_set{args=Args},
- opt_bs_put(I);
+ opt_create_bin_arg(Type, 1, [], #b_literal{val=Int},
+ #b_literal{val=EffectiveSize});
{binary,_} when is_bitstring(Val) ->
case Val of
<<Bitstring:EffectiveSize/bits,_/bits>> ->
@@ -1907,8 +1868,14 @@ opt_bs_put(#b_set{args=[#b_literal{val=Type},#b_literal{val=Flags},
{float,Endian} ->
- [opt_bs_put_float(Val, EffectiveSize, Endian)]
- catch error:_ ->
+ case Endian of
+ big ->
+ [<<Val:EffectiveSize/big-float-unit:1>>];
+ little ->
+ [<<Val:EffectiveSize/little-float-unit:1>>]
+ end
+ catch
+ error:_ ->
{_,_} ->
@@ -1917,25 +1884,12 @@ opt_bs_put(#b_set{args=[#b_literal{val=Type},#b_literal{val=Flags},
true ->
-opt_bs_put(#b_set{}) -> not_possible.
-opt_bs_put_float(N, Sz, Endian) ->
- case Endian of
- big -> <<N:Sz/big-float-unit:1>>;
- little -> <<N:Sz/little-float-unit:1>>
- end.
-bs_put_args(Type, Val, Size) ->
- [#b_literal{val=Type},
- #b_literal{val=[unsigned,big]},
- #b_literal{val=Val},
- #b_literal{val=Size},
- #b_literal{val=1}].
+opt_create_bin_arg(_, _, _, _, _) -> not_possible.
-opt_bs_put_endian([big=E|_]) -> E;
-opt_bs_put_endian([little=E|_]) -> E;
-opt_bs_put_endian([native=E|_]) -> E;
-opt_bs_put_endian([_|Fs]) -> opt_bs_put_endian(Fs).
+opt_create_bin_endian([little=E|_]) -> E;
+opt_create_bin_endian([native=E|_]) -> E;
+opt_create_bin_endian([_|Fs]) -> opt_create_bin_endian(Fs);
+opt_create_bin_endian([]) -> big.
opt_bs_put_split_int(Int, Size) ->
Pos = opt_bs_put_split_int_1(Int, 0, Size - 1),
@@ -2512,7 +2466,6 @@ unsuitable(Linear, Blocks) ->
unsuitable_1([{L,#b_blk{is=[#b_set{op=Op}=I|_]}}|Bs]) ->
Unsuitable = case Op of
bs_extract -> true;
- bs_put -> true;
{float,_} -> true;
landingpad -> true;
_ -> beam_ssa:is_loop_header(I)
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_pre_codegen.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_pre_codegen.erl
index 23890447c5..2e804462ea 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_pre_codegen.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_pre_codegen.erl
@@ -634,36 +634,7 @@ sanitize_is([#b_set{op=get_map_element,args=Args0}=I0|Is],
I = I0#b_set{args=Args},
sanitize_is(Is, Last, Count0, Values, true, [I|Acc])
- #b_br{bool=Dst}=Last, Count, Values, _Changed, Acc0) ->
- %% We no longer need to distinguish between guard and body checks, so we'll
- %% rewrite this as a plain 'succeeded'.
- case sanitize_arg(Arg0, Values) of
- #b_var{}=Arg ->
- case Acc0 of
- [#b_set{op=call,
- args=[#b_remote{mod=#b_literal{val=erlang},
- name=#b_literal{val=error},
- arity=1},_],
- dst=Arg0}|Acc] ->
- %% This erlang:error/1 is the result from a
- %% sanitized bs_add or bs_init instruction. Calls
- %% to erlang:error/1 in receive is not allowed, so
- %% we will have to rewrite this instruction
- %% sequence to an unconditional branch to the
- %% failure label.
- Fail =,
- Br = #b_br{bool=#b_literal{val=true},succ=Fail,fail=Fail},
- {reverse(Acc), Br, Count, Values};
- _ ->
- I = I0#b_set{op=succeeded,args=[Arg]},
- {reverse(Acc0, [I]), Last, Count, Values}
- end;
- #b_literal{} ->
- Value = #b_literal{val=true},
- {reverse(Acc0), Last, Count, Values#{ Dst => Value }}
- end;
#b_br{bool=Dst}=Last, Count, Values, _Changed, Acc) ->
%% We no longer need to distinguish between guard and body checks, so we'll
%% rewrite this as a plain 'succeeded'.
@@ -803,31 +774,9 @@ sanitize_instr(is_tagged_tuple, [#b_literal{val=Tuple},
true ->
-sanitize_instr(bs_add, [Arg1,Arg2,_|_], I0) ->
- case all(fun(#b_literal{val=Size}) -> is_integer(Size) andalso Size >= 0;
- (#b_var{}) -> true
- end, [Arg1,Arg2]) of
- true -> ok;
- false -> {ok,sanitize_badarg(I0)}
- end;
-sanitize_instr(bs_init, [#b_literal{val=new},#b_literal{val=Sz}|_], I0) ->
- if
- is_integer(Sz), Sz >= 0 -> ok;
- true -> {ok,sanitize_badarg(I0)}
- end;
-sanitize_instr(bs_init, [#b_literal{},_,#b_literal{val=Sz}|_], I0) ->
- if
- is_integer(Sz), Sz >= 0 -> ok;
- true -> {ok,sanitize_badarg(I0)}
- end;
sanitize_instr(_, _, _) ->
-sanitize_badarg(I) ->
- Func = #b_remote{mod=#b_literal{val=erlang},
- name=#b_literal{val=error},arity=1},
- I#b_set{op=call,args=[Func,#b_literal{val=badarg}]}.
remove_unreachable([L|Ls], Blocks, Reachable, Acc) ->
#b_blk{is=Is0} = Blk0 = map_get(L, Blocks),
case split_phis(Is0) of
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_type.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_type.erl
index 63dfa64199..b1ffd46255 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_type.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_type.erl
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
--import(lists, [all/2,any/2,duplicate/2,foldl/3,member/2,
+-import(lists, [any/2,duplicate/2,foldl/3,member/2,
%% The maximum number of #b_ret{} terminators a function can have before
@@ -1122,36 +1122,12 @@ will_succeed_1(#b_set{op=get_tuple_element}, _Src, _Ts, _Sub) ->
will_succeed_1(#b_set{op=put_tuple}, _Src, _Ts, _Sub) ->
-%% Remove the success branch from binary operations with invalid
-%% sizes. That will remove subsequent bs_put and bs_match instructions,
-%% which are probably not loadable.
- _Src, _Ts, _Sub) ->
- case all(fun(#b_literal{val=Size}) -> is_integer(Size) andalso Size >= 0;
- (#b_var{}) -> true
- end, [Arg1,Arg2]) of
- true -> maybe;
- false -> no
- end;
- args=[#b_literal{val=new},#b_literal{val=Size},_Unit]},
- _Src, _Ts, _Sub) ->
- if
- is_integer(Size), Size >= 0 ->
- maybe;
- true ->
- no
- end;
- args=[#b_literal{},_,#b_literal{val=Size},_Unit]},
- _Src, _Ts, _Sub) ->
- if
- is_integer(Size), Size >= 0 ->
- maybe;
- true ->
- no
- end;
+will_succeed_1(#b_set{op=bs_create_bin}, _Src, _Ts, _Sub) ->
+ %% Intentionally don't try to determine whether construction will
+ %% fail. Construction is unlikely to fail, and if it fails, the
+ %% instruction in the runtime system will generate an exception with
+ %% better information of what went wrong.
+ maybe;
_Src, _Ts, _Sub) ->
@@ -1741,7 +1717,7 @@ type({bif,Bif}, Args, _Anno, Ts, _Ds) ->
ArgTypes = normalized_types(Args, Ts),
{RetType, _, _} = beam_call_types:types(erlang, Bif, ArgTypes),
-type(bs_init, _Args, _Anno, _Ts, _Ds) ->
+type(bs_create_bin, _Args, _Anno, _Ts, _Ds) ->
type(bs_extract, [Ctx], _Anno, _Ts, Ds) ->
#b_set{op=bs_match,args=Args} = map_get(Ctx, Ds),
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_trim.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_trim.erl
index 2be10832b9..a22753ddc4 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_trim.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_trim.erl
@@ -270,14 +270,6 @@ remap([{get_map_elements,Fail,M,{list,L0}}|Is], Map, Acc) ->
L = [Map(E) || E <- L0],
I = {get_map_elements,Fail,Map(M),{list,L}},
remap(Is, Map, [I|Acc]);
-remap([{bs_init,Fail,Info,Live,Ss0,Dst0}|Is], Map, Acc) ->
- Ss = [Map(Src) || Src <- Ss0],
- Dst = Map(Dst0),
- I = {bs_init,Fail,Info,Live,Ss,Dst},
- remap(Is, Map, [I|Acc]);
-remap([{bs_put=Op,Fail,Info,Ss}|Is], Map, Acc) ->
- I = {Op,Fail,Info,[Map(S) || S <- Ss]},
- remap(Is, Map, [I|Acc]);
remap([{init_yregs,{list,Yregs0}}|Is], Map, Acc) ->
Yregs = sort([Map(Y) || Y <- Yregs0]),
I = {init_yregs,{list,Yregs}},
@@ -418,10 +410,6 @@ frame_size([{test,_,{f,L},_}|Is], Safe) ->
frame_size_branch(L, Is, Safe);
frame_size([{test,_,{f,L},_,_,_}|Is], Safe) ->
frame_size_branch(L, Is, Safe);
-frame_size([{bs_init,{f,L},_,_,_,_}|Is], Safe) ->
- frame_size_branch(L, Is, Safe);
-frame_size([{bs_put,{f,L},_,_}|Is], Safe) ->
- frame_size_branch(L, Is, Safe);
frame_size([{init_yregs,_}|Is], Safe) ->
frame_size(Is, Safe);
frame_size([{make_fun2,_,_,_,_}|Is], Safe) ->
@@ -480,10 +468,6 @@ is_not_used(Y, [{block,Bl}|Is]) ->
is_not_used(Y, [{bs_get_tail,Src,Dst,_}|Is]) ->
is_not_used_ss_dst(Y, [Src], Dst, Is);
-is_not_used(Y, [{bs_init,_,_,_,Ss,Dst}|Is]) ->
- is_not_used_ss_dst(Y, Ss, Dst, Is);
-is_not_used(Y, [{bs_put,{f,_},_,Ss}|Is]) ->
- not member(Y, Ss) andalso is_not_used(Y, Is);
is_not_used(Y, [{bs_start_match4,_Fail,_Live,Src,Dst}|Is]) ->
Y =/= Src andalso Y =/= Dst andalso
is_not_used(Y, Is);
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_utils.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_utils.erl
index 816c29bc55..e81868beae 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_utils.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_utils.erl
@@ -97,6 +97,10 @@ replace_labels_1([{make_fun2,{f,Lbl},U1,U2,U3}|Is], Acc, D, Fb) ->
replace_labels_1(Is, [{make_fun2,{f,label(Lbl, D, Fb)},U1,U2,U3}|Acc], D, Fb);
replace_labels_1([{make_fun3,{f,Lbl},U1,U2,U3,U4}|Is], Acc, D, Fb) ->
replace_labels_1(Is, [{make_fun3,{f,label(Lbl, D, Fb)},U1,U2,U3,U4}|Acc], D, Fb);
+replace_labels_1([{bs_create_bin,{f,Lbl},Alloc,Live,Unit,Dst,{list,List}}|Is], Acc, D, Fb)
+ when Lbl =/= 0 ->
+ replace_labels_1(Is, [{bs_create_bin,{f,label(Lbl, D, Fb)},
+ Alloc,Live,Unit,Dst,{list,List}}|Acc], D, Fb);
replace_labels_1([{bs_init,{f,Lbl},Info,Live,Ss,Dst}|Is], Acc, D, Fb) when Lbl =/= 0 ->
replace_labels_1(Is, [{bs_init,{f,label(Lbl, D, Fb)},Info,Live,Ss,Dst}|Acc], D, Fb);
replace_labels_1([{bs_put,{f,Lbl},Info,Ss}|Is], Acc, D, Fb) when Lbl =/= 0 ->
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_validator.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_validator.erl
index 4c9122d2c6..050dc563eb 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_validator.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_validator.erl
@@ -995,6 +995,18 @@ vi(raw_raise=I, Vst0) ->
vi(bs_init_writable=I, Vst) ->
validate_body_call(I, 1, Vst);
+vi({bs_create_bin,{f,Fail},Heap,Live,Unit,Dst,{list,List}}, Vst0) ->
+ verify_live(Live, Vst0),
+ verify_y_init(Vst0),
+ verify_create_bin_list(List, Vst0),
+ Vst = heap_alloc(Heap, Vst0),
+ branch(Fail, Vst,
+ fun(SuccVst0) ->
+ SuccVst1 = update_create_bin_list(List, SuccVst0),
+ SuccVst = prune_x_regs(Live, SuccVst1),
+ create_term(#t_bitstring{size_unit=Unit}, bs_create_bin, [], Dst,
+ SuccVst, SuccVst1)
+ end);
vi({bs_init2,{f,Fail},Sz,Heap,Live,_,Dst}, Vst0) ->
verify_live(Live, Vst0),
@@ -1305,6 +1317,54 @@ pmt_1([Key0, Value0 | List], Vst, Acc0) ->
pmt_1([], _Vst, Acc) ->
+verify_create_bin_list([{atom,string},_Seg,Unit,Flags,Val,Size|Args], Vst) ->
+ assert_bs_unit({atom,string}, Unit),
+ assert_term(Flags, Vst),
+ case Val of
+ {string,Bs} when is_binary(Bs) -> ok;
+ _ -> error({not_string,Val})
+ end,
+ assert_term(Flags, Vst),
+ assert_term(Size, Vst),
+ verify_create_bin_list(Args, Vst);
+verify_create_bin_list([Type,_Seg,Unit,Flags,Val,Size|Args], Vst) ->
+ assert_term(Type, Vst),
+ assert_bs_unit(Type, Unit),
+ assert_term(Flags, Vst),
+ assert_term(Val, Vst),
+ assert_term(Size, Vst),
+ verify_create_bin_list(Args, Vst);
+verify_create_bin_list([], _Vst) -> ok.
+update_create_bin_list([{atom,string},_Seg,_Unit,_Flags,_Val,_Size|T], Vst) ->
+ update_create_bin_list(T, Vst);
+update_create_bin_list([{atom,Op},_Seg,_Unit,_Flags,Val,_Size|T], Vst0) ->
+ Type = update_create_bin_type(Op),
+ Vst = update_type(fun meet/2, Type, Val, Vst0),
+ update_create_bin_list(T, Vst);
+update_create_bin_list([], Vst) -> Vst.
+update_create_bin_type(append) -> #t_bitstring{};
+update_create_bin_type(private_append) -> #t_bitstring{};
+update_create_bin_type(binary) -> #t_bitstring{};
+update_create_bin_type(float) -> #t_float{};
+update_create_bin_type(integer) -> #t_integer{};
+update_create_bin_type(utf8) -> #t_integer{};
+update_create_bin_type(utf16) -> #t_integer{};
+update_create_bin_type(utf32) -> #t_integer{}.
+assert_bs_unit({atom,Type}, 0) ->
+ case Type of
+ utf8 -> ok;
+ utf16 -> ok;
+ utf32 -> ok;
+ _ -> error({zero_unit_invalid_for_type,Type})
+ end;
+assert_bs_unit({atom,_Type}, Unit) when is_integer(Unit), 0 < Unit, Unit =< 256 ->
+ ok;
+assert_bs_unit(_, Unit) ->
+ error({invalid,Unit}).
%% Common code for validating returns, whether naked or as part of a tail call.
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_z.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_z.erl
index 84f18a2d41..0ca67f0a72 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_z.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_z.erl
@@ -87,32 +87,6 @@ undo_renames([{get_hd,Src,Hd},{get_tl,Src,Tl}|Is]) ->
get_list(Src, Hd, Tl, Is);
undo_renames([{get_tl,Src,Tl},{get_hd,Src,Hd}|Is]) ->
get_list(Src, Hd, Tl, Is);
- [{atom,all},{literal,<<>>}]}|Is]) ->
- undo_renames(Is);
- [{atom,all},{literal,BinString}]}|Is0])
- when is_bitstring(BinString)->
- Bits = bit_size(BinString),
- Bytes = Bits div 8,
- case Bits rem 8 of
- 0 ->
- I = {bs_put_string,byte_size(BinString),
- {string,BinString}},
- [undo_rename(I)|undo_renames(Is0)];
- Rem ->
- <<Binary:Bytes/bytes,Int:Rem>> = BinString,
- PutInt = {bs_put_integer,Fail,{integer,Rem},1,
- {field_flags,[unsigned,big]},{integer,Int}},
- Is = [PutInt|undo_renames(Is0)],
- case Binary of
- <<>> ->
- Is;
- _ ->
- [{bs_put_string,byte_size(Binary),
- {string,Binary}}|Is]
- end
- end;
undo_renames([I|Is]) ->
undo_renames([]) -> [].
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/compile.erl b/lib/compiler/src/compile.erl
index faed60e938..2eeff21714 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/compile.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/compile.erl
@@ -272,9 +272,13 @@ expand_opt(no_bsm4, Os) ->
%% that a match instruction won't fail.
expand_opt(no_type_opt, Os);
expand_opt(r22, Os) ->
- expand_opt(r23, [no_shared_fun_wrappers, no_swap | expand_opt(no_bsm4, Os)]);
+ expand_opt(r23, [no_bs_create_bin, no_shared_fun_wrappers,
+ no_swap | expand_opt(no_bsm4, Os)]);
expand_opt(r23, Os) ->
- expand_opt(no_make_fun3, [no_ssa_opt_float, no_recv_opt, no_init_yregs | Os]);
+ expand_opt(no_make_fun3, [no_bs_create_bin, no_ssa_opt_float,
+ no_recv_opt, no_init_yregs | Os]);
+expand_opt(r24, Os) ->
+ [no_bs_create_bin | Os];
expand_opt(no_make_fun3, Os) ->
[no_make_fun3, no_fun_opt | Os];
expand_opt({debug_info_key,_}=O, Os) ->
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_core.erl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_core.erl
index ffdcea18a2..08f26ef5bd 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_core.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_core.erl
@@ -1162,7 +1162,7 @@ is_iexprs_small_2(_, Threshold) ->
%% record whereas c_literal should not have a wrapped annotation
expr_bin(Es0, Anno, St0) ->
- Es1 = [bin_element(E) || E <- Es0],
+ Es1 = bin_elements(Es0, 1),
case constant_bin(Es1) of
error ->
case expr_bin_1(Es1, St0) of
@@ -1202,12 +1202,12 @@ bitstrs([E0|Es0], St0) ->
bitstrs([], St) ->
-bitstr({bin_element,Line,{string,_,S},{integer,_,8},_}, St) ->
- bitstrs(bin_expand_string(S, Line, 0, 0, []), St);
-bitstr({bin_element,Line,{string,_,[]},Sz0,Ts}, St0) ->
+bitstr({bin_element,{sl,_,Line},{string,_,S},{integer,_,8},_}, St) ->
+ bitstrs(bin_expand_string(S, {sl,0,Line}, 0, 0, []), St);
+bitstr({bin_element,{sl,_,Line},{string,_,[]},Sz0,Ts}, St0) ->
%% Empty string. We must make sure that the type is correct.
{[#c_bitstr{size=Sz}],Eps0,St1} =
- bitstr({bin_element,Line,{char,Line,0},Sz0,Ts}, St0),
+ bitstr({bin_element,{sl,0,Line},{char,Line,0},Sz0,Ts}, St0),
%% At this point, the type is either a correct literal or
%% an expression.
@@ -1234,12 +1234,12 @@ bitstr({bin_element,Line,{string,_,[]},Sz0,Ts}, St0) ->
Eps = Eps0 ++ Eps1,
-bitstr({bin_element,Line,{string,_,S},Sz0,Ts}, St0) ->
- {[Bitstr],Eps,St1} = bitstr({bin_element,Line,{char,Line,0},Sz0,Ts}, St0),
+bitstr({bin_element,{sl,_,Line},{string,_,S},Sz0,Ts}, St0) ->
+ {[Bitstr],Eps,St1} = bitstr({bin_element,{sl,0,Line},{char,Line,0},Sz0,Ts}, St0),
Es = [Bitstr#c_bitstr{val=#c_literal{anno=full_anno(Line, St1),val=C}} ||
C <- S],
-bitstr({bin_element,Line,E0,Size0,[Type,{unit,Unit}|Flags]}, St0) ->
+bitstr({bin_element,{sl,Seg,Line},E0,Size0,[Type,{unit,Unit}|Flags]}, St0) ->
{E1,Eps0,St1} = safe(E0, St0),
{Size1,Eps1,St2} = safe(Size0, St1),
Eps = Eps0 ++ Eps1,
@@ -1263,16 +1263,30 @@ bitstr({bin_element,Line,E0,Size0,[Type,{unit,Unit}|Flags]}, St0) ->
#c_literal{val=all} -> ok;
_ -> throw({bad_binary,Eps,St2})
- {[#c_bitstr{anno=lineno_anno(Line, St2),
+ Anno0 = lineno_anno(Line, St2),
+ %% We will add a 'segment' annotation to segments that could
+ %% fail. There is no need to add it to literal segments of fixed
+ %% sized. The annotation will be used by the runtime system to
+ %% provide extended error information if construction of the
+ %% binary fails.
+ Anno = if Seg =:= 0 ->
+ Anno0;
+ true ->
+ [{segment,Seg}|Anno0]
+ end,
+ {[#c_bitstr{anno=Anno,
-bin_element({bin_element,Line,Expr,Size0,Type0}) ->
+bin_elements([{bin_element,Line,Expr,Size0,Type0}|Es], Seg) ->
{Size,Type} = make_bit_type(Line, Size0, Type0),
- {bin_element,Line,Expr,Size,Type}.
+ [{bin_element,{sl,Seg,Line},Expr,Size,Type}|bin_elements(Es, Seg+1)];
+bin_elements([], _) -> [].
make_bit_type(Line, default, Type0) ->
case erl_bits:set_bit_type(default, Type0) of
@@ -1392,8 +1406,12 @@ bin_expand_string([H|T], Line, Val, Size, Last) ->
bin_expand_string([], Line, Val, Size, Last) ->
[make_combined(Line, Val, Size) | Last].
-make_combined(Line, Val, Size) ->
- {bin_element,Line,{integer,Line,Val},
+make_combined(SegLine, Val, Size) ->
+ Line = case SegLine of
+ {sl,_,Line0} -> Line0;
+ _ -> SegLine
+ end,
+ {bin_element,SegLine,{integer,Line,Val},
diff --git a/lib/compiler/test/Makefile b/lib/compiler/test/Makefile
index 467a2be6e3..5ee52c7cb3 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/test/Makefile
+++ b/lib/compiler/test/Makefile
@@ -106,6 +106,11 @@ INLINE= \
R23= \
+R24= \
+ bs_construct \
+ bs_utf \
+ bs_bincomp
DIALYZER = bs_match
@@ -128,6 +133,8 @@ INLINE_MODULES= $(INLINE:%=%_inline_SUITE)
R23_MODULES= $(R23:%=%_r23_SUITE)
R23_ERL_FILES= $(R23_MODULES:%=%.erl)
+R24_MODULES= $(R24:%=%_r24_SUITE)
+R24_ERL_FILES= $(R24_MODULES:%=%.erl)
NO_MOD_OPT_MODULES= $(NO_MOD_OPT:%=%_no_module_opt_SUITE)
@@ -169,7 +176,7 @@ DISABLE_SSA_OPT = +no_bool_opt +no_share_opt +no_bsm_opt +no_fun_opt +no_ssa_opt
$(ERL_TOP)/make/make_emakefile $(ERL_COMPILE_FLAGS) -o$(EBIN) $(MODULES) \
$(ERL_TOP)/make/make_emakefile +no_copt $(DISABLE_SSA_OPT) +no_postopt \
@@ -184,6 +191,8 @@ make_emakefile: $(NO_OPT_ERL_FILES) $(POST_OPT_ERL_FILES) $(NO_SSA_OPT_ERL_FILES
$(ERL_TOP)/make/make_emakefile +r23 $(ERL_COMPILE_FLAGS) \
+ $(ERL_TOP)/make/make_emakefile +r24 $(ERL_COMPILE_FLAGS) \
+ -o$(EBIN) $(R24_MODULES) >> $(EMAKEFILE)
$(ERL_TOP)/make/make_emakefile +no_module_opt $(ERL_COMPILE_FLAGS) \
$(ERL_TOP)/make/make_emakefile +from_core $(ERL_COMPILE_FLAGS) \
@@ -225,6 +234,9 @@ docs:
%_r23_SUITE.erl: %_SUITE.erl
sed -e 's;-module($(basename $<));-module($(basename $@));' $< > $@
+%_r24_SUITE.erl: %_SUITE.erl
+ sed -e 's;-module($(basename $<));-module($(basename $@));' $< > $@
%_no_module_opt_SUITE.erl: %_SUITE.erl
sed -e 's;-module($(basename $<));-module($(basename $@));' $< > $@
@@ -246,7 +258,9 @@ release_tests_spec: make_emakefile
$(INSTALL_DATA) compiler.spec compiler.cover \
+ $(R23_ERL_FILES) \
+ $(R24_ERL_FILES) \
diff --git a/lib/compiler/test/bs_bincomp_SUITE.erl b/lib/compiler/test/bs_bincomp_SUITE.erl
index e27c668e81..b855d91bc3 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/test/bs_bincomp_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/test/bs_bincomp_SUITE.erl
@@ -387,6 +387,12 @@ sizes(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
<<>> = Fun6([], 42),
<<42,43:20>> = Fun6([42], 20),
+ Fun7 = fun(B) ->
+ cs_default(<< <<C/utf8>> || C <- B >>)
+ end,
+ <<"Foundation"/utf8>> = Fun7("Foundation"),
+ <<"Основание"/utf8>> = Fun7("Основание"),
%% Binary generators.
Fun10 = fun(Bin) ->
@@ -437,6 +443,12 @@ sizes(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
<<$a:32,$b:32,$c:32,($a bsl 8 bor $b):32>> = Fun14([8,16], <<"abc">>),
<<$a:32,$b:32,$c:32>> = Fun14([8,bad], <<"abc">>),
+ Fun15 = fun(B) ->
+ cs_default(<< <<C/utf8>> || << C:32 >> <= id(B) >>)
+ end,
+ <<"Foundation"/utf8>> = Fun15(<<"Foundation"/utf32>>),
+ <<"Основание"/utf8>> = Fun15(<<"Основание"/utf32>>),
{'EXIT',_} = (catch << <<C:4>> || <<C:8>> <= {1,2,3} >>),
diff --git a/lib/compiler/test/bs_construct_SUITE.erl b/lib/compiler/test/bs_construct_SUITE.erl
index a5f59e8bc3..7bf8bac2d9 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/test/bs_construct_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/test/bs_construct_SUITE.erl
@@ -72,10 +72,10 @@ end_per_testcase(Case, Config) when is_atom(Case), is_list(Config) ->
verify_highest_opcode(_Config) ->
case ?MODULE of
- bs_construct_r21_SUITE ->
+ bs_construct_r24_SUITE ->
{ok,Beam} = file:read_file(code:which(?MODULE)),
case test_lib:highest_opcode(Beam) of
- Highest when Highest =< 163 ->
+ Highest when Highest =< 176 ->
TooHigh ->
diff --git a/lib/compiler/test/test_lib.erl b/lib/compiler/test/test_lib.erl
index 8a6071e71f..edfc9b00ec 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/test/test_lib.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/test/test_lib.erl
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ opt_opts(Mod) ->
(debug_info) -> true;
(dialyzer) -> true;
(inline) -> true;
- (no_bsm3) -> true;
+ (no_bs_create_bin) -> true;
(no_bsm_opt) -> true;
(no_copt) -> true;
(no_fun_opt) -> true;
@@ -95,11 +95,10 @@ opt_opts(Mod) ->
(no_make_fun3) -> true;
(no_module_opt) -> true;
(no_postopt) -> true;
- (no_put_tuple2) -> true;
(no_recv_opt) -> true;
(no_share_opt) -> true;
(no_shared_fun_wrappers) -> true;
- (no_ssa_float) -> true;
+ (no_ssa_opt_float) -> true;
(no_ssa_opt) -> true;
(no_stack_trimming) -> true;
(no_swap) -> true;
@@ -136,7 +135,8 @@ is_cloned_mod_1("_no_copt_SUITE") -> true;
is_cloned_mod_1("_no_ssa_opt_SUITE") -> true;
is_cloned_mod_1("_post_opt_SUITE") -> true;
is_cloned_mod_1("_inline_SUITE") -> true;
-is_cloned_mod_1("_21_SUITE") -> true;
+is_cloned_mod_1("_23_SUITE") -> true;
+is_cloned_mod_1("_24_SUITE") -> true;
is_cloned_mod_1("_no_module_opt_SUITE") -> true;
is_cloned_mod_1([_|T]) -> is_cloned_mod_1(T);
is_cloned_mod_1([]) -> false.