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1 files changed, 285 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/megaco/test/megaco_test_lib.erl b/lib/megaco/test/megaco_test_lib.erl
index a34915ee30..97d408bee8 100644
--- a/lib/megaco/test/megaco_test_lib.erl
+++ b/lib/megaco/test/megaco_test_lib.erl
@@ -644,6 +644,8 @@ analyze_and_print_host_info() ->
{unix, netbsd} ->
+ {unix, darwin} ->
+ analyze_and_print_darwin_host_info(Version);
{unix, sunos} ->
{win32, nt} ->
@@ -1337,6 +1339,289 @@ analyze_netbsd_item(Extract, Key, Process, Default) ->
+%% Model Identifier: Macmini7,1
+%% Processor Name: Intel Core i5
+%% Processor Speed: 2,6 GHz
+%% Number of Processors: 1
+%% Total Number of Cores: 2
+%% L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB
+%% L3 Cache: 3 MB
+%% Hyper-Threading Technology: Enabled
+%% Memory: 16 GB
+analyze_and_print_darwin_host_info(Version) ->
+ %% This stuff is for macOS.
+ %% If we ever tested on a pure darwin machine,
+ %% we need to find some other way to find some info...
+ %% Also, I suppose its possible that we for some other
+ %% reason *fail* to get the info...
+ case analyze_darwin_software_info() of
+ [] ->
+ io:format("Darwin:"
+ "~n Version: ~s"
+ "~n Num Schedulers: ~s"
+ "~n", [Version, str_num_schedulers()]),
+ {num_schedulers_to_factor(), []};
+ SwInfo when is_list(SwInfo) ->
+ SystemVersion = analyze_darwin_sw_system_version(SwInfo),
+ KernelVersion = analyze_darwin_sw_kernel_version(SwInfo),
+ HwInfo = analyze_darwin_hardware_info(),
+ ModelName = analyze_darwin_hw_model_name(HwInfo),
+ ModelId = analyze_darwin_hw_model_identifier(HwInfo),
+ ProcName = analyze_darwin_hw_processor_name(HwInfo),
+ ProcSpeed = analyze_darwin_hw_processor_speed(HwInfo),
+ NumProc = analyze_darwin_hw_number_of_processors(HwInfo),
+ NumCores = analyze_darwin_hw_total_number_of_cores(HwInfo),
+ Memory = analyze_darwin_hw_memory(HwInfo),
+ io:format("Darwin:"
+ "~n System Version: ~s"
+ "~n Kernel Version: ~s"
+ "~n Model: ~s (~s)"
+ "~n Processor: ~s (~s, ~s, ~s)"
+ "~n Memory: ~s"
+ "~n Num Schedulers: ~s"
+ "~n", [SystemVersion, KernelVersion,
+ ModelName, ModelId,
+ ProcName, ProcSpeed, NumProc, NumCores,
+ Memory,
+ str_num_schedulers()]),
+ CPUFactor = analyze_darwin_cpu_to_factor(ProcName,
+ ProcSpeed,
+ NumProc,
+ NumCores),
+ MemFactor = analyze_darwin_memory_to_factor(Memory),
+ if (MemFactor =:= 1) ->
+ {CPUFactor, []};
+ true ->
+ {CPUFactor + MemFactor, []}
+ end
+ end.
+analyze_darwin_sw_system_version(SwInfo) ->
+ proplists:get_value("system version", SwInfo, "-").
+analyze_darwin_sw_kernel_version(SwInfo) ->
+ proplists:get_value("kernel version", SwInfo, "-").
+analyze_darwin_software_info() ->
+ analyze_darwin_system_profiler("SPSoftwareDataType").
+analyze_darwin_hw_model_name(HwInfo) ->
+ proplists:get_value("model name", HwInfo, "-").
+analyze_darwin_hw_model_identifier(HwInfo) ->
+ proplists:get_value("model identifier", HwInfo, "-").
+analyze_darwin_hw_processor_name(HwInfo) ->
+ proplists:get_value("processor name", HwInfo, "-").
+analyze_darwin_hw_processor_speed(HwInfo) ->
+ proplists:get_value("processor speed", HwInfo, "-").
+analyze_darwin_hw_number_of_processors(HwInfo) ->
+ proplists:get_value("number of processors", HwInfo, "-").
+analyze_darwin_hw_total_number_of_cores(HwInfo) ->
+ proplists:get_value("total number of cores", HwInfo, "-").
+analyze_darwin_hw_memory(HwInfo) ->
+ proplists:get_value("memory", HwInfo, "-").
+analyze_darwin_hardware_info() ->
+ analyze_darwin_system_profiler("SPHardwareDataType").
+%% This basically has the structure: "Key: Value"
+%% But could also be (for example):
+%% "Something:" (which we ignore)
+%% "Key: Value1:Value2"
+analyze_darwin_system_profiler(DataType) ->
+ %% First, make sure the program actually exist:
+ case os:cmd("which system_profiler") of
+ [] ->
+ [];
+ _ ->
+ D0 = os:cmd("system_profiler " ++ DataType),
+ D1 = string:tokens(D0, [$\n]),
+ D2 = [string:trim(S1) || S1 <- D1],
+ D3 = [string:tokens(S2, [$:]) || S2 <- D2],
+ analyze_darwin_system_profiler2(D3)
+ end.
+analyze_darwin_system_profiler2(L) ->
+ analyze_darwin_system_profiler2(L, []).
+analyze_darwin_system_profiler2([], Acc) ->
+ [{string:to_lower(K), V} || {K, V} <- lists:reverse(Acc)];
+analyze_darwin_system_profiler2([[_]|T], Acc) ->
+ analyze_darwin_system_profiler2(T, Acc);
+analyze_darwin_system_profiler2([[H1,H2]|T], Acc) ->
+ analyze_darwin_system_profiler2(T, [{H1, string:trim(H2)}|Acc]);
+analyze_darwin_system_profiler2([[H|TH0]|T], Acc) ->
+ %% Some value parts has ':' in them, so put them together
+ TH1 = colonize(TH0),
+ analyze_darwin_system_profiler2(T, [{H, string:trim(TH1)}|Acc]).
+%% This is only called if the length is at least 2
+colonize([L1, L2]) ->
+ L1 ++ ":" ++ L2;
+colonize([H|T]) ->
+ H ++ ":" ++ colonize(T).
+%% The memory looks like this "<size> <unit>". Example: "2 GB"
+analyze_darwin_memory_to_factor(Mem) ->
+ case [string:to_lower(S) || S <- string:tokens(Mem, [$\ ])] of
+ [_SzStr, "tb"] ->
+ 1;
+ [SzStr, "gb"] ->
+ try list_to_integer(SzStr) of
+ Sz when Sz < 2 ->
+ 20;
+ Sz when Sz < 4 ->
+ 10;
+ Sz when Sz < 8 ->
+ 5;
+ Sz when Sz < 16 ->
+ 2;
+ _ ->
+ 1
+ catch
+ _:_:_ ->
+ 20
+ end;
+ [_SzStr, "mb"] ->
+ 20;
+ _ ->
+ 20
+ end.
+%% The speed is a string: "<speed> <unit>"
+%% the speed may be a float, which we transforms into an integer of MHz.
+%% To calculate a factor based on processor speed, number of procs
+%% and number of cores is ... not an exact ... science ...
+ ProcSpeedStr, NumProcStr, NumCoresStr) ->
+ Speed =
+ case [string:to_lower(S) || S <- string:tokens(ProcSpeedStr, [$\ ])] of
+ [SpeedStr, "mhz"] ->
+ try list_to_integer(SpeedStr) of
+ SpeedI ->
+ SpeedI
+ catch
+ _:_:_ ->
+ try list_to_float(SpeedStr) of
+ SpeedF ->
+ trunc(SpeedF)
+ catch
+ _:_:_ ->
+ -1
+ end
+ end;
+ [SpeedStr, "ghz"] ->
+ try list_to_float(SpeedStr) of
+ SpeedF ->
+ trunc(1000*SpeedF)
+ catch
+ _:_:_ ->
+ try list_to_integer(SpeedStr) of
+ SpeedI ->
+ 1000*SpeedI
+ catch
+ _:_:_ ->
+ -1
+ end
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ -1
+ end,
+ NumProc = try list_to_integer(NumProcStr) of
+ NumProcI ->
+ NumProcI
+ catch
+ _:_:_ ->
+ 1
+ end,
+ NumCores = try list_to_integer(NumCoresStr) of
+ NumCoresI ->
+ NumCoresI
+ catch
+ _:_:_ ->
+ 1
+ end,
+ if
+ (Speed > 3000) ->
+ if
+ (NumProc =:= 1) ->
+ if
+ (NumCores < 2) ->
+ 5;
+ (NumCores < 4) ->
+ 3;
+ (NumCores < 6) ->
+ 2;
+ true ->
+ 1
+ end;
+ true ->
+ if
+ (NumCores < 4) ->
+ 2;
+ true ->
+ 1
+ end
+ end;
+ (Speed > 2000) ->
+ if
+ (NumProc =:= 1) ->
+ if
+ (NumCores < 2) ->
+ 8;
+ (NumCores < 4) ->
+ 5;
+ (NumCores < 6) ->
+ 3;
+ true ->
+ 1
+ end;
+ true ->
+ if
+ (NumCores < 4) ->
+ 5;
+ (NumCores < 8) ->
+ 2;
+ true ->
+ 1
+ end
+ end;
+ true ->
+ if
+ (NumProc =:= 1) ->
+ if
+ (NumCores < 2) ->
+ 10;
+ (NumCores < 4) ->
+ 7;
+ (NumCores < 6) ->
+ 5;
+ (NumCores < 8) ->
+ 3;
+ true ->
+ 1
+ end;
+ true ->
+ if
+ (NumCores < 4) ->
+ 8;
+ (NumCores < 8) ->
+ 4;
+ true ->
+ 1
+ end
+ end
+ end.
analyze_and_print_solaris_host_info(Version) ->
Release =
case file:read_file_info("/etc/release") of