path: root/lib/stdlib/src/win32reg.erl
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authorErlang/OTP <>2009-11-20 14:54:40 +0000
committerErlang/OTP <>2009-11-20 14:54:40 +0000
commit84adefa331c4159d432d22840663c38f155cd4c1 (patch)
treebff9a9c66adda4df2106dfd0e5c053ab182a12bd /lib/stdlib/src/win32reg.erl
The R13B03 release.OTP_R13B03
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/stdlib/src/win32reg.erl')
1 files changed, 386 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/win32reg.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/win32reg.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ee0d17bc94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/win32reg.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+-export([open/1, close/1,
+ current_key/1, change_key/2, change_key_create/2,
+ sub_keys/1, delete_key/1,
+ value/2, values/1, set_value/3, delete_value/2,
+ expand/1,
+ format_error/1]).
+%% Key handles (always open).
+-define(hkey_classes_root, 16#80000000).
+-define(hkey_current_user, 16#80000001).
+-define(hkey_local_machine, 16#80000002).
+-define(hkey_users, 16#80000003).
+-define(hkey_performance_data, 16#80000004).
+-define(hkey_current_config, 16#80000005).
+-define(hkey_dyn_data, 16#80000006).
+%% Driver commands.
+-define(cmd_get_current, 0).
+-define(cmd_open_key, 1).
+-define(cmd_create_key, 2).
+-define(cmd_get_all_subkeys, 3).
+-define(cmd_get_value, 4).
+-define(cmd_get_all_values, 5).
+-define(cmd_set_value, 6).
+-define(cmd_delete_key, 7).
+-define(cmd_delete_value, 8).
+%% Data types.
+-define(reg_sc, 1).
+-define(reg_expand_sc, 2).
+-define(reg_binary, 3).
+-define(reg_dword, 4).
+%% Basic types internal to this file.
+-type open_mode() :: 'read' | 'write'.
+-type reg_handle() :: {'win32reg',port()}.
+-type name() :: string() | 'default'.
+-type value() :: string() | integer() | binary().
+%%% Exported functions.
+-spec open([open_mode()]) -> {'ok', reg_handle()} | {'error', 'enotsup'}.
+open(Modes) ->
+ case os:type() of
+ {win32, _} ->
+ case open_mode(Modes, []) of
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {error, Reason};
+ ModeStr ->
+ P = open_port({spawn, "registry__drv__ " ++ ModeStr}, []),
+ {ok, {win32reg, P}}
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ {error, enotsup}
+ end.
+-spec close(reg_handle()) -> 'ok'.
+close({win32reg, Reg}) when is_port(Reg) ->
+ unlink(Reg),
+ exit(Reg, die),
+ ok.
+-spec current_key(reg_handle()) -> {'ok', string()}.
+current_key({win32reg, Reg}) when is_port(Reg) ->
+ Cmd = [?cmd_get_current],
+ Reg ! {self(), {command, Cmd}},
+ {state, Hkey, Name} = get_result(Reg),
+ Root = hkey_to_string(Hkey),
+ {ok, case Name of
+ [] -> Root;
+ _ -> Root ++ [$\\|Name]
+ end}.
+-spec change_key(reg_handle(), string()) -> 'ok' | {'error', atom()}.
+change_key({win32reg, Reg}, Key) when is_port(Reg) ->
+ change_key(Reg, ?cmd_open_key, Key).
+-spec change_key_create(reg_handle(), string()) -> 'ok' | {'error', atom()}.
+change_key_create({win32reg, Reg}, Key) when is_port(Reg) ->
+ change_key(Reg, ?cmd_create_key, Key).
+change_key(Reg, Cmd, Key) ->
+ case parse_key(Key, Reg) of
+ {ok, Hkey, Path} ->
+ Reg ! {self(), {command, [Cmd, i32(Hkey), Path, 0]}},
+ get_result(Reg);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {error, Reason}
+ end.
+-spec sub_keys(reg_handle()) -> {'ok', [string()]} | {'error', atom()}.
+sub_keys({win32reg, Reg}) when is_port(Reg) ->
+ Cmd = [?cmd_get_all_subkeys],
+ Reg ! {self(), {command, Cmd}},
+ collect_keys(Reg, []).
+-spec delete_key(reg_handle()) -> 'ok' | {'error', atom()}.
+delete_key({win32reg, Reg}) when is_port(Reg) ->
+ Cmd = [?cmd_delete_key],
+ Reg ! {self(), {command, Cmd}},
+ get_result(Reg).
+-spec set_value(reg_handle(), name(), value()) -> 'ok' | {'error', atom()}.
+set_value({win32reg, Reg}, Name0, Value) when is_port(Reg) ->
+ Name =
+ case Name0 of
+ default -> [];
+ _ -> Name0
+ end,
+ {Type, V} = term_to_value(Value),
+ Cmd = [?cmd_set_value, Type, Name, 0, V],
+ Reg ! {self(), {command, Cmd}},
+ get_result(Reg).
+-spec value(reg_handle(), name()) -> {'ok', value()} | {'error', atom()}.
+value({win32reg, Reg}, Name) when is_port(Reg) ->
+ Cmd = [?cmd_get_value, Name, 0],
+ Reg ! {self(), {command, Cmd}},
+ case get_result(Reg) of
+ {value, {Name, Value}} ->
+ {ok, Value};
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {error, Reason}
+ end.
+-spec values(reg_handle()) -> {'ok', [{name(), value()}]} | {'error', atom()}.
+values({win32reg, Reg}) when is_port(Reg) ->
+ Cmd = [?cmd_get_all_values],
+ Reg ! {self(), {command, Cmd}},
+ collect_values(Reg, []).
+-spec delete_value(reg_handle(), name()) -> 'ok' | {'error', atom()}.
+delete_value({win32reg, Reg}, Name0) when is_port(Reg) ->
+ Name =
+ case Name0 of
+ default -> [];
+ _ -> Name0
+ end,
+ Cmd = [?cmd_delete_value, Name, 0],
+ Reg ! {self(), {command, Cmd}},
+ get_result(Reg).
+-spec expand(string()) -> string().
+expand(Value) ->
+ expand(Value, [], []).
+expand([$%, $%|Rest], [], Result) ->
+ expand(Rest, [], [$%|Result]);
+expand([$%, C|Rest], [], Result) ->
+ expand(Rest, [C], Result);
+expand([C|Rest], [], Result) ->
+ expand(Rest, [], [C|Result]);
+expand([$%|Rest], Env0, Result) ->
+ Env = lists:reverse(Env0),
+ case os:getenv(Env) of
+ false ->
+ expand(Rest, [], Result);
+ Value ->
+ expand(Rest, [], lists:reverse(Value)++Result)
+ end;
+expand([C|Rest], Env, Result) ->
+ expand(Rest, [C|Env], Result);
+expand([], [], Result) ->
+ lists:reverse(Result).
+-spec format_error(atom()) -> string().
+format_error(ErrorId) ->
+ erl_posix_msg:message(ErrorId).
+%%% Implementation.
+-spec collect_values(port(), [{name(), value()}]) ->
+ {'ok', [{name(), value()}]} | {'error', atom()}.
+collect_values(P, Result) ->
+ case get_result(P) of
+ ok ->
+ {ok, lists:reverse(Result)};
+ {value, ValueData} ->
+ collect_values(P, [ValueData|Result]);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {error, Reason}
+ end.
+-spec collect_keys(port(), string()) -> {'ok', [string()]} | {'error', atom()}.
+collect_keys(P, Result) ->
+ case get_result(P) of
+ ok ->
+ {ok, lists:reverse(Result)};
+ {key, KeyData} ->
+ collect_keys(P, [KeyData|Result]);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {error, Reason}
+ end.
+get_result(P) ->
+ receive
+ {P, {data, Data}} ->
+ get_result1(Data)
+ end.
+get_result1([$e|Reason]) ->
+ {error, list_to_atom(Reason)};
+get_result1([$o]) ->
+ ok;
+get_result1([$k|Name]) ->
+ {key, Name};
+get_result1([$v|Rest0]) ->
+ {ok, Type, Rest1} = i32_on_head(Rest0),
+ {ok, Name0, Value} = get_cstring(Rest1),
+ Name =
+ case Name0 of
+ [] -> default;
+ _ -> Name0
+ end,
+ {value, {Name, encode_value(Type, Value)}};
+get_result1([$s|Rest0]) ->
+ {ok, Hkey, Name} = i32_on_head(Rest0),
+ {state, Hkey, Name}.
+encode_value(?reg_sc, Value) ->
+ Value;
+encode_value(?reg_expand_sc, Value) ->
+ Value;
+encode_value(?reg_dword, Value) ->
+ i32(Value);
+encode_value(_, Value) ->
+ list_to_binary(Value).
+term_to_value(Int) when is_integer(Int) ->
+ {i32(?reg_dword), i32(Int)};
+term_to_value(String) when is_list(String) ->
+ {i32(?reg_sc), [String, 0]};
+term_to_value(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
+ {i32(?reg_binary), Bin};
+term_to_value(_) ->
+ exit(badarg).
+get_cstring(List) ->
+ get_cstring(List, []).
+get_cstring([0|Rest], Result) ->
+ {ok, lists:reverse(Result), Rest};
+get_cstring([C|Rest], Result) ->
+ get_cstring(Rest, [C|Result]);
+get_cstring([], Result) ->
+ {ok, lists:reverse(Result), []}.
+i32(Int) when is_integer(Int) ->
+ [(Int bsr 24) band 255,
+ (Int bsr 16) band 255,
+ (Int bsr 8) band 255,
+ Int band 255];
+i32([X1, X2, X3, X4]) ->
+ (X1 bsl 24) bor (X2 bsl 16) bor (X3 bsl 8) bor X4.
+i32_on_head([X1, X2, X3, X4 | Rest]) ->
+ {ok, (X1 bsl 24) bor (X2 bsl 16) bor (X3 bsl 8) bor X4, Rest}.
+parse_key([$\\|Rest], _) ->
+ parse_root(Rest, []);
+parse_key(Key, Reg) ->
+ parse_relative(Key, Reg).
+parse_relative(Path, Reg) ->
+ Cmd = [?cmd_get_current],
+ Reg ! {self(), {command, Cmd}},
+ {state, RootHandle, Name} = get_result(Reg),
+ Original = split_key(Name),
+ Relative = lists:reverse(split_key(Path)),
+ case parse_relative1(Relative, Original) of
+ NewPath ->
+ {ok, RootHandle, NewPath}
+ %% XXX Error handling.
+ end.
+parse_relative1([".."|T1], [_|T2]) ->
+ parse_relative1(T1, T2);
+parse_relative1([Comp|Rest], Result) ->
+ parse_relative1(Rest, [Comp|Result]);
+parse_relative1([], Result) ->
+ reverse_and_join(Result, []).
+reverse_and_join([X|Rest], []) ->
+ reverse_and_join(Rest, [X]);
+reverse_and_join([X|Rest], Result) ->
+ reverse_and_join(Rest, [X, "\\" | Result]);
+reverse_and_join([], Result) ->
+ Result.
+split_key(Key) ->
+ split_key(Key, [], []).
+split_key([$\\|Rest], Current, Result) ->
+ split_key(Rest, [], [lists:reverse(Current)|Result]);
+split_key([C|Rest], Current, Result) ->
+ split_key(Rest, [C|Current], Result);
+split_key([], [], Result) ->
+ Result;
+split_key([], Current, Result) ->
+ [lists:reverse(Current)|Result].
+parse_root([$\\|Rest], Result) ->
+ Root =
+ case lists:reverse(Result) of
+ [$h, $k, $e, $y, $_|Root0] ->
+ Root0;
+ Root0 ->
+ Root0
+ end,
+ case root_to_handle(list_to_atom(Root)) of
+ false ->
+ {error, enoent};
+ Handle ->
+ {ok, Handle, Rest}
+ end;
+parse_root([C|Rest], Result) ->
+ parse_root(Rest, [C|Result]);
+parse_root([], Result) ->
+ parse_root([$\\], Result).
+root_to_handle(classes_root) -> ?hkey_classes_root;
+root_to_handle(hkcr) -> ?hkey_classes_root;
+root_to_handle(current_user) -> ?hkey_current_user;
+root_to_handle(hkcu) -> ?hkey_current_user;
+root_to_handle(local_machine) -> ?hkey_local_machine;
+root_to_handle(hklm) -> ?hkey_local_machine;
+root_to_handle(users) -> ?hkey_users;
+root_to_handle(hku) -> ?hkey_users;
+root_to_handle(current_config) -> ?hkey_current_config;
+root_to_handle(hkcc) -> ?hkey_current_config;
+root_to_handle(dyn_data) -> ?hkey_dyn_data;
+root_to_handle(hkdd) -> ?hkey_dyn_data;
+root_to_handle(performance_data) -> ?hkey_performance_data;
+root_to_handle(_) -> false.
+hkey_to_string(?hkey_classes_root) -> "\\hkey_classes_root";
+hkey_to_string(?hkey_current_user) -> "\\hkey_current_user";
+hkey_to_string(?hkey_local_machine) -> "\\hkey_local_machine";
+hkey_to_string(?hkey_users) -> "\\hkey_users";
+hkey_to_string(?hkey_performance_data) -> "\\hkey_performance_data";
+hkey_to_string(?hkey_current_config) -> "\\hkey_current_config";
+hkey_to_string(?hkey_dyn_data) -> "\\hkey_dyn_data".
+open_mode([read|Rest], Result) ->
+ open_mode(Rest, [$r|Result]);
+open_mode([write|Rest], Result) ->
+ open_mode(Rest, [$w|Result]);
+open_mode([], Result) ->
+ Result;
+open_mode(_, _) ->
+ {error, einval}.