path: root/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia_sext.erl
diff options
authorDan Gudmundsson <>2015-11-04 16:07:50 +0100
committerDan Gudmundsson <>2015-11-05 13:04:31 +0100
commite7c90c3b0e94b12ff83cb97fa5ac650793f10942 (patch)
tree91223fe895b5a2a4e4343a4885c68141370a0a00 /lib/mnesia/src/mnesia_sext.erl
parent33f5ac1cb639e2976c072fe67bfda4723ecf931d (diff)
Add mnesia_sext module
Should it be included at all nothing uses it? Should it be moved to stdlib? Maps support is not in it, is there a newer version?
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/mnesia/src/mnesia_sext.erl')
1 files changed, 1097 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia_sext.erl b/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia_sext.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..315d46423a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia_sext.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,1097 @@
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil
+%% Copyright 2014-2015 Ulf Wiger
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% @author Ulf Wiger <>
+%% @doc Sortable serialization library
+%% @end
+-export([encode/1, encode/2, decode/1, decode_next/1]).
+-export([encode_hex/1, decode_hex/1]).
+-export([encode_sb32/1, decode_sb32/1]).
+ partial_decode/1]).
+-export([to_sb32/1, from_sb32/1]).
+-export([to_hex/1, from_hex/1]).
+-define(negbig , 8).
+-define(neg4 , 9).
+-define(pos4 , 10).
+-define(posbig , 11).
+-define(atom , 12).
+-define(reference, 13).
+-define(port , 14).
+-define(pid , 15).
+-define(tuple , 16).
+-define(list , 17).
+-define(binary , 18).
+-define(bin_tail , 19).
+ X==?negbig;
+ X==?neg4;
+ X==?pos4;
+ X==?posbig;
+ X==?atom;
+ X==?reference;
+ X==?port;
+ X==?pid;
+ X==?tuple;
+ X==?list;
+ X==?binary;
+ X==?bin_tail).
+-define(IMAX1, 16#ffffFFFFffffFFFF).
+ case get(dbg) of
+ true -> io:fwrite("~p: " ++ Fmt, [?LINE|Args]);
+ _ -> ok
+ end).
+-define(dbg(F,A), ok).
+%% @spec encode(T::term()) -> binary()
+%% @doc Encodes any Erlang term into a binary.
+%% The lexical sorting properties of the encoded binary match those of the
+%% original Erlang term. That is, encoded terms sort the same way as the
+%% original terms would.
+%% @end
+encode(X) -> encode(X, false).
+%% @spec encode(T::term(), Legacy::boolean()) -> binary()
+%% @doc Encodes an Erlang term using legacy bignum encoding.
+%% On March 4 2013, Basho noticed that encoded bignums didn't always sort
+%% properly. This bug has been fixed, but the encoding of bignums necessarily
+%% changed in an incompatible way.
+%% The new decode/1 version can read the old bignum format, but the old
+%% version obviously cannot read the new. Using `encode(Term, true)', the term
+%% will be encoded using the old format.
+%% Use only as transition support. This function will be deprecated in time.
+%% @end
+encode(X, Legacy) when is_tuple(X) -> encode_tuple(X, Legacy);
+encode(X, Legacy) when is_list(X) -> encode_list(X, Legacy);
+encode(X, _) when is_pid(X) -> encode_pid(X);
+encode(X, _) when is_port(X) -> encode_port(X);
+encode(X, _) when is_reference(X) -> encode_ref(X);
+encode(X, Legacy) when is_number(X) -> encode_number(X, Legacy);
+encode(X, _) when is_binary(X) -> encode_binary(X);
+encode(X, _) when is_bitstring(X) -> encode_bitstring(X);
+encode(X, _) when is_atom(X) -> encode_atom(X).
+%% @spec encode_sb32(Term::any()) -> binary()
+%% @doc Encodes any Erlang term into an sb32-encoded binary.
+%% This is similar to {@link encode/1}, but produces an octet string that
+%% can be used without escaping in file names (containing only the characters
+%% 0..9, A..V and '-'). The sorting properties are preserved.
+%% Note: The encoding used is inspired by the base32 encoding described in
+%% RFC3548, but uses a different alphabet in order to preserve the sort order.
+%% @end
+encode_sb32(Term) ->
+ to_sb32(encode(Term)).
+%% @spec encode_hex(Term::any()) -> binary()
+%% @doc Encodes any Erlang term into a hex-encoded binary.
+%% This is similar to {@link encode/1}, but produces an octet string that
+%% can be used without escaping in file names (containing only the characters
+%% 0..9 and A..F). The sorting properties are preserved.
+%% Note: The encoding used is regular hex-encoding, with the proviso that only
+%% capital letters are used (mixing upper- and lowercase characters would break
+%% the sorting property).
+%% @end
+encode_hex(Term) ->
+ to_hex(encode(Term)).
+%% @spec prefix(X::term()) -> binary()
+%% @doc Encodes a binary for prefix matching of similar encoded terms.
+%% Lists and tuples can be prefixed by using the <code>'_'</code> marker,
+%% similarly to Erlang match specifications. For example:
+%% <ul>
+%% <li><code>prefix({1,2,'_','_'})</code> will result in a binary that is
+%% the same as the first part of any encoded 4-tuple with the first two
+%% elements being 1 and 2. The prefix algorithm will search for the
+%% first <code>'_'</code>, and treat all following elements as if they
+%% were <code>'_'</code>.</li>
+%% <li><code>prefix([1,2|'_'])</code> will result in a binary that is the
+%% same as the first part of any encoded list where the first two elements
+%% are 1 and 2. <code>prefix([1,2,'_'])</code> will give the same result,
+%% as the prefix pattern is the same for all lists starting with
+%% `[1,2|...]'.</li>
+%% <li>`prefix(Binary)' will result in a binary that is the same as the
+%% encoded version of Binary, except that, instead of padding and
+%% terminating, the encoded binary is truncated to the longest byte-aligned
+%% binary. The same is done for bitstrings.</li>
+%% <li><code>prefix({1,[1,2|'_'],'_'})</code> will prefix-encode the second
+%% element, and let it end the resulting binary. This prefix will match
+%% any 3-tuple where the first element is 1 and the second element is a
+%% list where the first two elements are 1 and 2.</li>
+%% <li><code>prefix([1,[1|'_']|'_'])</code> will result in a prefix that
+%% matches all lists where the first element is 1 and the second element is
+%% a list where the first element is 1.</li>
+%% <li>For all other data types, the prefix is the same as the encoded term.
+%% </li>
+%% </ul>
+%% @end
+prefix(X) ->
+ {_, P} = enc_prefix(X),
+ P.
+enc_prefix(X) when is_tuple(X) -> prefix_tuple(X);
+enc_prefix(X) when is_list(X) -> prefix_list(X);
+enc_prefix(X) when is_pid(X) -> {false, encode_pid(X)};
+enc_prefix(X) when is_port(X) -> {false, encode_port(X)};
+enc_prefix(X) when is_reference(X) -> {false, encode_ref(X)};
+enc_prefix(X) when is_number(X) -> {false, encode_number(X)};
+enc_prefix(X) when is_binary(X) -> prefix_binary(X);
+enc_prefix(X) when is_bitstring(X) -> prefix_bitstring(X);
+enc_prefix(X) when is_atom(X) ->
+ case is_wild(X) of
+ true ->
+ {true, <<>>};
+ false ->
+ {false, encode_atom(X)}
+ end.
+%% @spec prefix_sb32(X::term()) -> binary()
+%% @doc Generates an sb32-encoded binary for prefix matching.
+%% This is similar to {@link prefix/1}, but generates a prefix for binaries
+%% encoded with {@link encode_sb32/1}, rather than {@link encode/1}.
+%% @end
+prefix_sb32(X) ->
+ chop_prefix_tail(to_sb32(prefix(X))).
+%% @spec prefix_hex(X::term()) -> binary()
+%% @doc Generates a hex-encoded binary for prefix matching.
+%% This is similar to {@link prefix/1}, but generates a prefix for binaries
+%% encoded with {@link encode_hex/1}, rather than {@link encode/1}.
+%% @end
+prefix_hex(X) ->
+ to_hex(prefix(X)).
+%% Must chop of the pad character and the last encoded unit (which, if pad
+%% characters are present, is not a whole byte)
+chop_prefix_tail(Bin) ->
+ Sz = byte_size(Bin),
+ Sz6 = Sz-7, Sz4 = Sz - 5, Sz3 = Sz - 4, Sz1 = Sz - 2,
+ case Bin of
+ << P:Sz6/binary, _, "------" >> -> P;
+ << P:Sz4/binary, _, "----" >> -> P;
+ << P:Sz3/binary, _, "---" >> -> P;
+ << P:Sz1/binary, _, "-" >> -> P;
+ _ -> Bin
+ end.
+%% @spec decode(B::binary()) -> term()
+%% @doc Decodes a binary generated using the function {@link sext:encode/1}.
+%% @end
+decode(Elems) ->
+ case decode_next(Elems) of
+ {Term, <<>>} -> Term;
+ Other -> erlang:error(badarg, Other)
+ end.
+%% spec decode_sb32(B::binary()) -> term()
+%% @doc Decodes a binary generated using the function {@link encode_sb32/1}.
+%% @end
+decode_sb32(Data) ->
+ decode(from_sb32(Data)).
+decode_hex(Data) ->
+ decode(from_hex(Data)).
+encode_tuple(T, Legacy) ->
+ Sz = size(T),
+ encode_tuple_elems(1, Sz, T, <<?tuple, Sz:32>>, Legacy).
+prefix_tuple(T) ->
+ Sz = size(T),
+ Elems = tuple_to_list(T),
+ prefix_tuple_elems(Elems, <<?tuple, Sz:32>>).
+%% It's easier to iterate over a tuple by converting it to a list, but
+%% since the tuple /can/ be huge, let's do it this way.
+encode_tuple_elems(P, Sz, T, Acc, Legacy) when P =< Sz ->
+ E = encode(element(P,T), Legacy),
+ encode_tuple_elems(P+1, Sz, T, <<Acc/binary, E/binary>>, Legacy);
+encode_tuple_elems(_, _, _, Acc, _) ->
+ Acc.
+prefix_tuple_elems([A|T], Acc) when is_atom(A) ->
+ case is_wild(A) of
+ true ->
+ {true, Acc};
+ false ->
+ E = encode(A),
+ prefix_tuple_elems(T, <<Acc/binary, E/binary>>)
+ end;
+prefix_tuple_elems([H|T], Acc) ->
+ case enc_prefix(H) of
+ {true, P} ->
+ {true, <<Acc/binary, P/binary>>};
+ {false, E} ->
+ prefix_tuple_elems(T, <<Acc/binary, E/binary>>)
+ end;
+prefix_tuple_elems([], Acc) ->
+ {false, Acc}.
+encode_list(L, Legacy) ->
+ encode_list_elems(L, <<?list>>, Legacy).
+prefix_list(L) ->
+ prefix_list_elems(L, <<?list>>).
+encode_binary(B) ->
+ Enc = encode_bin_elems(B),
+ <<?binary:8, Enc/binary>>.
+prefix_binary(B) ->
+ Enc = encode_bin_elems(B),
+ {false, <<?binary:8, Enc/binary>>}.
+encode_bitstring(B) ->
+ Enc = encode_bits_elems(B),
+ <<?binary:8, Enc/binary>>.
+prefix_bitstring(B) ->
+ Enc = encode_bits_elems(B),
+ {false, <<?binary:8, Enc/binary>>}.
+encode_pid(P) ->
+ PBin = term_to_binary(P),
+ <<131,103,100,ALen:16,Name:ALen/binary,Rest:9/binary>> = PBin,
+ NameEnc = encode_bin_elems(Name),
+ <<?pid, NameEnc/binary, Rest/binary>>.
+encode_port(P) ->
+ PBin = term_to_binary(P),
+ <<131,102,100,ALen:16,Name:ALen/binary,Rest:5/binary>> = PBin,
+ NameEnc = encode_bin_elems(Name),
+ <<?port, NameEnc/binary, Rest/binary>>.
+encode_ref(R) ->
+ RBin = term_to_binary(R),
+ <<131,114,_Len:16,100,NLen:16,Name:NLen/binary,Rest/binary>> = RBin,
+ NameEnc = encode_bin_elems(Name),
+ RestEnc = encode_bin_elems(Rest),
+ <<?reference, NameEnc/binary, RestEnc/binary>>.
+encode_atom(A) ->
+ Bin = list_to_binary(atom_to_list(A)),
+ Enc = encode_bin_elems(Bin),
+ <<?atom, Enc/binary>>.
+encode_number(N) ->
+ encode_number(N, false).
+encode_number(N, Legacy) when is_integer(N) ->
+ encode_int(N, none, Legacy);
+encode_number(F, _Legacy) when is_float(F) ->
+ encode_float(F).
+%% IEEE 764 Binary 64 standard representation
+%% |12345678 12345678 12345678 12345678 12345678 12345678 12345678 12345678
+%% |iEEEEEEE EEEEffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff|
+%% i: sign bit
+%% E: Exponent, 11 bits
+%% f: fraction, 52 bits
+%% We perform the following operations:
+%% - if E < 1023 (see Exponent bias), the integer part is 0
+encode_float(F) ->
+ <<Sign:1, Exp0:11, Frac:52>> = <<F/float>>,
+ ?dbg("F = ~p | Exp0 = ~p | Frac = ~p~n", [cF, Exp0, Frac]),
+ {Int0, Fraction} =
+ case Exp0 - 1023 of
+ NegExp when NegExp < 0 ->
+ Offs = -NegExp,
+ ?dbg("NegExp = ~p, Offs = ~p~n"
+ "Frac = ~p~n", [NegExp, Offs, Frac]),
+ {0, << 0:Offs, 1:1,Frac:52 >>};
+ Exp1 ->
+ ?dbg("Exp1 = ~p~n", [Exp1]),
+ if Exp1 >= 52 ->
+ %% Decimal part will be zero
+ {trunc(F), <<0:52>>};
+ true ->
+ R = 52-Exp1,
+ ?dbg("R = ~p~n", [R]),
+ Exp2 = Exp1 + 1, % add the leading 1-bit
+ ?dbg("Exp2 = ~p~n", [Exp2]),
+ <<I:Exp2, Frac1:R>> = <<1:1, Frac:52>>,
+ ?dbg("I = ~p, Frac1 = ~p~n", [I,Frac1]),
+ {I, <<Frac1:R>>}
+ end
+ end,
+ if Sign == 1 ->
+ %% explicitly encode a negative int, since Int0 can be zero.
+ Int = if Int0 >= 0 -> -Int0;
+ true -> Int0
+ end,
+ encode_neg_int(Int, Fraction);
+ Sign == 0 ->
+ encode_int(Int0, Fraction)
+ end.
+encode_int(I, R) ->
+ encode_int(I, R, false).
+encode_int(I,R, _Legacy) when I >= 0, I =< 16#7fffffff ->
+ ?dbg("encode_int(~p, ~p)~n", [I,R]),
+ if R == none ->
+ << ?pos4, I:31, 0:1 >>;
+ true ->
+ RSz = bit_size(R),
+ <<Fraction:RSz>> = R,
+ ?dbg("Fraction = ~p~n", [Fraction]),
+ if Fraction == 0 ->
+ << ?pos4, I:31, 1:1, 8:8 >>;
+ true ->
+ Rbits = encode_bits_elems(R),
+ << ?pos4, I:31, 1:1, Rbits/binary >>
+ end
+ end;
+encode_int(I,R, Legacy) when I > 16#7fffffff ->
+ ?dbg("encode_int(~p, ~p)~n", [I,R]),
+ Bytes = encode_big(I, Legacy),
+ if R == none ->
+ <<?posbig, Bytes/binary, 0:8>>;
+ true ->
+ RSz = bit_size(R),
+ <<Fraction:RSz>> = R,
+ ?dbg("Fraction = ~p~n", [Fraction]),
+ if Fraction == 0 ->
+ << ?posbig, Bytes/binary, 1:8, 8:8 >>;
+ true ->
+ Rbits = encode_bits_elems(R),
+ <<?posbig, Bytes/binary, 1:8, Rbits/binary>>
+ end
+ end;
+encode_int(I, R, _Legacy) when I < 0 ->
+ encode_neg_int(I, R).
+encode_neg_int(I,R) when I =< 0, I >= -16#7fffffff ->
+ ?dbg("encode_neg_int(~p, ~p [sz: ~p])~n", [I,pp(R), try bit_size(R) catch error:_ -> "***" end]),
+ Adj = max_value(31) + I, % keep in mind that I < 0
+ ?dbg("Adj = ~p~n", [erlang:integer_to_list(Adj,2)]),
+ if R == none ->
+ << ?neg4, Adj:31, 1:1 >>;
+ true ->
+ Rbits = encode_neg_bits(R),
+ ?dbg("R = ~p -> RBits = ~p~n", [pp(R), pp(Rbits)]),
+ << ?neg4, Adj:31, 0:1, Rbits/binary >>
+ end;
+encode_neg_int(I,R) when I < -16#7fFFffFF ->
+ ?dbg("encode_neg_int(BIG ~p)~n", [I]),
+ Bytes = encode_big_neg(I),
+ ?dbg("Bytes = ~p~n", [Bytes]),
+ if R == none ->
+ <<?negbig, Bytes/binary, 16#ff:8>>;
+ true ->
+ Rbits = encode_neg_bits(R),
+ ?dbg("R = ~p -> RBits = ~p~n", [pp(R), pp(Rbits)]),
+ <<?negbig, Bytes/binary, 0, Rbits/binary>>
+ end.
+encode_big(I, Legacy) ->
+ Bl = encode_big1(I),
+ ?dbg("Bl = ~p~n", [Bl]),
+ Bb = case Legacy of
+ false ->
+ prepend_size(list_to_binary(Bl));
+ true ->
+ list_to_binary(Bl)
+ end,
+ ?dbg("Bb = ~p~n", [Bb]),
+ encode_bin_elems(Bb).
+prepend_size(B) ->
+ Sz = byte_size(B),
+ <<255, (encode_size(Sz))/binary, B/binary>>.
+remove_size_bits(<<255, T/binary>>) ->
+ {_, Rest} = untag_7bits(T, <<>>),
+ Rest;
+remove_size_bits(B) ->
+ %% legacy bignum
+ B.
+encode_size(I) when I > 127 ->
+ B = int_to_binary(I),
+ tag_7bits(B);
+encode_size(I) ->
+ <<I>>.
+tag_7bits(B) when bit_size(B) > 7 ->
+ <<H:7, T/bitstring>> = B,
+ <<1:1, H:7, (tag_7bits(T))/binary>>;
+tag_7bits(B) ->
+ Sz = bit_size(B),
+ <<I:Sz>> = B,
+ <<0:1, I:7>>.
+untag_7bits(<<1:1, H:7, T/binary>>, Acc) ->
+ untag_7bits(T, <<Acc/bitstring, H:7>>);
+untag_7bits(<<0:1, H:7, T/binary>>, Acc) ->
+ AccBits = bit_size(Acc),
+ HBits = 8 - (AccBits rem 8),
+ {<<Acc/bitstring, H:HBits>>, T}.
+int_to_binary(I) when I =< 16#ff -> <<I:8>>;
+int_to_binary(I) when I =< 16#ffff -> <<I:16>>;
+int_to_binary(I) when I =< 16#ffffff -> <<I:24>>;
+int_to_binary(I) when I =< 16#ffffffff -> <<I:32>>;
+int_to_binary(I) when I =< 16#ffffffffff -> <<I:40>>;
+int_to_binary(I) when I =< 16#ffffffffffff -> <<I:48>>;
+int_to_binary(I) when I =< 16#ffffffffffffff -> <<I:56>>;
+int_to_binary(I) when I =< 16#ffffffffffffffff -> <<I:64>>;
+int_to_binary(I) ->
+ %% Realm of the ridiculous
+ list_to_binary(
+ lists:dropwhile(fun(X) -> X==0 end, binary_to_list(<<I:256>>))).
+%% This function exists for documentation, but not used right now.
+%% It's the reverse of encode_size/1, used for encoding bignums.
+%% decode_size(<<1:1, _/bitstring>> = T) ->
+%% {SzBin, Rest} = untag_7bits(T, <<>>),
+%% Bits = bit_size(SzBin),
+%% <<Sz:Bits>> = SzBin,
+%% {Sz, Rest};
+%% decode_size(<<0:1, H:7, T/binary>>) ->
+%% {H, T}.
+encode_big_neg(I) ->
+ {Words, Max} = get_max(-I),
+ ?dbg("Words = ~p | Max = ~p~n", [Words,Max]),
+ Iadj = Max + I, % keep in mind that I < 0
+ ?dbg("IAdj = ~p~n", [Iadj]),
+ Bin = encode_bin_elems(list_to_binary(encode_big1(Iadj))),
+ ?dbg("Bin = ~p~n", [Bin]),
+ WordsAdj = 16#ffffFFFF - Words,
+ ?dbg("WordsAdj = ~p~n", [WordsAdj]),
+ <<WordsAdj:32, Bin/binary>>.
+encode_big1(I) ->
+ encode_big1(I, []).
+encode_big1(I, Acc) when I < 16#ff ->
+ [I|Acc];
+encode_big1(I, Acc) ->
+ encode_big1(I bsr 8, [I band 16#ff | Acc]).
+encode_list_elems([], Acc, _) ->
+ <<Acc/binary, 2>>;
+encode_list_elems(B, Acc, Legacy) when is_bitstring(B) ->
+ %% improper list
+ <<Acc/binary, ?bin_tail, (encode(B, Legacy))/binary>>;
+encode_list_elems(E, Acc, Legacy) when not(is_list(E)) ->
+ %% improper list
+ <<Acc/binary, 1, (encode(E, Legacy))/binary>>;
+encode_list_elems([H|T], Acc, Legacy) ->
+ Enc = encode(H,Legacy),
+ encode_list_elems(T, <<Acc/binary, Enc/binary>>, Legacy).
+prefix_list_elems([], Acc) ->
+ {false, <<Acc/binary, 2>>};
+prefix_list_elems(E, Acc) when not(is_list(E)) ->
+ case is_wild(E) of
+ true ->
+ {true, Acc};
+ false ->
+ Marker = if is_bitstring(E) -> ?bin_tail;
+ true -> 1
+ end,
+ {Bool, P} = enc_prefix(E),
+ {Bool, <<Acc/binary, Marker, P/binary>>}
+ end;
+prefix_list_elems([H|T], Acc) ->
+ case enc_prefix(H) of
+ {true, P} ->
+ {true, <<Acc/binary, P/binary>>};
+ {false, E} ->
+ prefix_list_elems(T, <<Acc/binary, E/binary>>)
+ end.
+is_wild('_') ->
+ true;
+is_wild(A) when is_atom(A) ->
+ case atom_to_list(A) of
+ "\$" ++ S ->
+ try begin
+ _ = list_to_integer(S),
+ true
+ end
+ catch
+ error:_ ->
+ false
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end;
+is_wild(_) ->
+ false.
+encode_bin_elems(<<>>) ->
+ <<8>>;
+encode_bin_elems(B) ->
+ Pad = 8 - (size(B) rem 8),
+ << (<< <<1:1, B1:8>> || <<B1>> <= B >>)/bitstring, 0:Pad, 8 >>.
+encode_neg_bits(<<>>) ->
+ <<247>>;
+encode_neg_bits(B) ->
+ {Padded, TailBits} = pad_neg_bytes(B),
+ ?dbg("TailBits = ~p~n", [TailBits]),
+ TailSz0 = bit_size(TailBits),
+ TailSz = 16#ff - TailSz0,
+ if TailSz0 == 0 ->
+ Pad = 8 - (bit_size(Padded) rem 8),
+ Ip = max_value(Pad), % e.g. max_value(3) -> 2#111
+ <<Padded/bitstring, Ip:Pad, TailSz:8>>;
+ true ->
+ ?dbg("TailSz0 = ~p~n", [TailSz0]),
+ TailPad = 8 - TailSz0,
+ ?dbg("TailPad = ~p~n", [TailPad]),
+ Itp = (1 bsl TailPad)-1,
+ ?dbg("Itp = ~p~n", [Itp]),
+ Pad = 8 - ((bit_size(Padded) + 1) rem 8),
+ ?dbg("Pad = ~p~n", [Pad]),
+ Ip = max_value(Pad),
+ ?dbg("Ip = ~p~n", [Ip]),
+ ?dbg("Pad = ~p~n", [Pad]),
+ ?dbg("TailSz = ~p~n", [TailSz]),
+ <<Padded/bitstring, 0:1, TailBits/bitstring,
+ Itp:TailPad, Ip:Pad, TailSz:8>>
+ end.
+pad_neg_bytes(Bin) ->
+ pad_neg_bytes(Bin, <<>>).
+pad_neg_bytes(<<H:8, T/bitstring>>, Acc) ->
+ H1 = 16#ff - H,
+ pad_neg_bytes(T, <<Acc/bitstring, 0:1, H1>>);
+pad_neg_bytes(Bits, Acc) when is_bitstring(Bits) ->
+ Sz = bit_size(Bits),
+ Max = (1 bsl Sz) - 1,
+ <<I0:Sz>> = Bits,
+ I1 = Max - I0,
+ {Acc, <<I1:Sz>>}.
+encode_bits_elems(B) ->
+ {Padded, TailBits} = pad_bytes(B),
+ TailSz = bit_size(TailBits),
+ TailPad = 8-TailSz,
+ Pad = 8 - ((TailSz + TailPad + bit_size(Padded) + 1) rem 8),
+ <<Padded/bitstring, 1:1, TailBits/bitstring, 0:TailPad, 0:Pad, TailSz:8>>.
+pad_bytes(Bin) ->
+ pad_bytes(Bin, <<>>).
+pad_bytes(<<H:8, T/bitstring>>, Acc) ->
+ pad_bytes(T, <<Acc/bitstring, 1:1, H>>);
+pad_bytes(Bits, Acc) when is_bitstring(Bits) ->
+ {Acc, Bits}.
+%% ------------------------------------------------------
+%% Decoding routines
+-spec decode_next(binary()) -> {any(), binary()}.
+%% @spec decode_next(Bin) -> {N, Rest}
+%% @doc Decode a binary stream, returning the next decoded term and the
+%% stream remainder
+%% This function will raise an exception if the beginning of `Bin' is not
+%% a valid sext-encoded term.
+%% @end
+decode_next(<<?atom,Rest/binary>>) -> decode_atom(Rest);
+decode_next(<<?pid, Rest/binary>>) -> decode_pid(Rest);
+decode_next(<<?port, Rest/binary>>) -> decode_port(Rest);
+decode_next(<<?reference,Rest/binary>>) -> decode_ref(Rest);
+decode_next(<<?tuple,Sz:32, Rest/binary>>) -> decode_tuple(Sz,Rest);
+decode_next(<<?list, Rest/binary>>) -> decode_list(Rest);
+decode_next(<<?negbig, Rest/binary>>) -> decode_neg_big(Rest);
+decode_next(<<?posbig, Rest/binary>>) -> decode_pos_big(Rest);
+decode_next(<<?neg4, I:31, F:1, Rest/binary>>) -> decode_neg(I,F,Rest);
+decode_next(<<?pos4, I:31, F:1, Rest/binary>>) -> decode_pos(I,F,Rest);
+decode_next(<<?binary, Rest/binary>>) -> decode_binary(Rest).
+-spec partial_decode(binary()) -> {full | partial, any(), binary()}.
+%% @spec partial_decode(Bytes) -> {full | partial, DecodedTerm, Rest}
+%% @doc Decode a sext-encoded term or prefix embedded in a byte stream.
+%% Example:
+%% ```
+%% 1&gt; T = sext:encode({a,b,c}).
+%% &lt;&lt;16,0,0,0,3,12,176,128,8,12,177,0,8,12,177,128,8&gt;&gt;
+%% 2&gt; sext:partial_decode(&lt;&lt;T/binary, "tail"&gt;&gt;).
+%% {full,{a,b,c},&lt;&lt;"tail"&gt;&gt;}
+%% 3&gt; P = sext:prefix({a,b,'_'}).
+%% &lt;&lt;16,0,0,0,3,12,176,128,8,12,177,0,8&gt;&gt;
+%% 4&gt; sext:partial_decode(&lt;&lt;P/binary, "tail"&gt;&gt;).
+%% {partial,{a,b,'_'},&lt;&lt;"tail"&gt;&gt;}
+%% '''
+%% Note that a decoded prefix may not be exactly like the encoded prefix.
+%% For example, <code>['_']</code> will be encoded as
+%% <code>&lt;&lt;17&gt;&gt;</code>, i.e. only the 'list' opcode. The
+%% decoded prefix will be <code>'_'</code>, since the encoded prefix would
+%% also match the empty list. The decoded prefix will always be a prefix to
+%% anything to which the original prefix is a prefix.
+%% For tuples, <code>{1,'_',3}</code> encoded and decoded, will result in
+%% <code>{1,'_','_'}</code>, i.e. the tuple size is kept, but the elements
+%% after the first wildcard are replaced with wildcards.
+%% @end
+partial_decode(<<?tuple, Sz:32, Rest/binary>>) ->
+ partial_decode_tuple(Sz, Rest);
+partial_decode(<<?list, Rest/binary>>) ->
+ partial_decode_list(Rest);
+partial_decode(Other) ->
+ try decode_next(Other) of
+ {Dec, Rest} ->
+ {full, Dec, Rest}
+ catch
+ error:function_clause ->
+ {partial, '_', Other}
+ end.
+decode_atom(B) ->
+ {Bin, Rest} = decode_binary(B),
+ {list_to_atom(binary_to_list(Bin)), Rest}.
+decode_tuple(Sz, Elems) ->
+ decode_tuple(Sz,Elems,[]).
+decode_tuple(0, Rest, Acc) ->
+ {list_to_tuple(lists:reverse(Acc)), Rest};
+decode_tuple(N, Elems, Acc) ->
+ {Term, Rest} = decode_next(Elems),
+ decode_tuple(N-1, Rest, [Term|Acc]).
+partial_decode_tuple(Sz, Elems) ->
+ partial_decode_tuple(Sz, Elems, []).
+partial_decode_tuple(0, Rest, Acc) ->
+ {full, list_to_tuple(lists:reverse(Acc)), Rest};
+partial_decode_tuple(N, Elems, Acc) ->
+ case partial_decode(Elems) of
+ {partial, Term, Rest} ->
+ {partial, list_to_tuple(
+ lists:reverse([Term|Acc]) ++ pad_(N-1)), Rest};
+ {full, Dec, Rest} ->
+ partial_decode_tuple(N-1, Rest, [Dec|Acc])
+ end.
+pad_(0) ->
+ [];
+pad_(N) when N > 0 ->
+ ['_'|pad_(N-1)].
+partial_decode_list(Elems) ->
+ partial_decode_list(Elems, []).
+partial_decode_list(<<>>, Acc) ->
+ {partial, lists:reverse(Acc) ++ '_', <<>>};
+partial_decode_list(<<2, Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
+ {full, lists:reverse(Acc), Rest};
+partial_decode_list(<<?bin_tail, Next/binary>>, Acc) ->
+ %% improper list, binary tail
+ {Term, Rest} = decode_next(Next),
+ {full, lists:reverse(Acc) ++ Term, Rest};
+partial_decode_list(<<1, Next/binary>>, Acc) ->
+ {Result, Term, Rest} = partial_decode(Next),
+ {Result, lists:reverse(Acc) ++ Term, Rest};
+partial_decode_list(<<X,_/binary>> = Next, Acc) when ?is_sext(X) ->
+ case partial_decode(Next) of
+ {full, Term, Rest} ->
+ partial_decode_list(Rest, [Term|Acc]);
+ {partial, Term, Rest} ->
+ {partial, lists:reverse([Term|Acc]) ++ '_', Rest}
+ end;
+partial_decode_list(Rest, Acc) ->
+ {partial, lists:reverse(Acc) ++ '_', Rest}.
+decode_list(Elems) ->
+ decode_list(Elems, []).
+decode_list(<<2, Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
+ {lists:reverse(Acc), Rest};
+decode_list(<<?bin_tail, Next/binary>>, Acc) ->
+ %% improper list, binary tail
+ {Term, Rest} = decode_next(Next),
+ {lists:reverse(Acc) ++ Term, Rest};
+decode_list(<<1, Next/binary>>, Acc) ->
+ %% improper list, non-binary tail
+ {Term, Rest} = decode_next(Next),
+ {lists:reverse(Acc) ++ Term, Rest};
+decode_list(Elems, Acc) ->
+ {Term, Rest} = decode_next(Elems),
+ decode_list(Rest, [Term|Acc]).
+decode_pid(Bin) ->
+ {Name, Rest} = decode_binary(Bin),
+ <<Tail:9/binary, Rest1/binary>> = Rest,
+ NameSz = size(Name),
+ {binary_to_term(<<131,103,100,NameSz:16,Name/binary,Tail/binary>>), Rest1}.
+decode_port(Bin) ->
+ {Name, Rest} = decode_binary(Bin),
+ <<Tail:5/binary, Rest1/binary>> = Rest,
+ NameSz = size(Name),
+ {binary_to_term(<<131,102,100,NameSz:16,Name/binary,Tail/binary>>), Rest1}.
+decode_ref(Bin) ->
+ {Name, Rest} = decode_binary(Bin),
+ {Tail, Rest1} = decode_binary(Rest),
+ NLen = size(Name),
+ Len = (size(Tail)-1) div 4,
+ RefBin = <<131,114,Len:16,100,NLen:16,Name/binary,Tail/binary>>,
+ {binary_to_term(RefBin), Rest1}.
+decode_neg(I, 1, Rest) ->
+ {(I - 16#7fffFFFF), Rest};
+decode_neg(I0, 0, Bin) -> % for negative numbers, 0 means that it's a float
+ I = 16#7fffFFFF - I0,
+ ?dbg("decode_neg()... I = ~p | Bin = ~p~n", [I, Bin]),
+ decode_neg_float(I, Bin).
+decode_neg_float(0, Bin) ->
+ {R, Rest} = decode_neg_binary(Bin),
+ ?dbg("Bin = ~p~n", [pp(Bin)]),
+ ?dbg("R = ~p | Rest = ~p~n", [pp(R), Rest]),
+ Sz = bit_size(R),
+ Offs = Sz - 53,
+ ?dbg("Offs = ~p | Sz - ~p~n", [Offs, Sz]),
+ <<_:Offs, 1:1, I:52>> = R,
+ Exp = 1023 - Offs,
+ <<F/float>> = <<1:1, Exp:11, I:52>>,
+ {F, Rest};
+decode_neg_float(I, Bin) ->
+ {R, Rest} = decode_neg_binary(Bin),
+ ?dbg("decode_neg_float: I = ~p | R = ~p~n", [I, R]),
+ Sz = bit_size(R),
+ ?dbg("Sz = ~p~n", [Sz]),
+ <<Ri:Sz>> = R,
+ ?dbg("Ri = ~p~n", [Ri]),
+ if Ri == 0 ->
+ %% special case
+ {0.0-I, Rest};
+ true ->
+ IBits = strip_first_one(I),
+ ?dbg("IBits = ~p~n", [pp(IBits)]),
+ Bits = <<IBits/bitstring, Ri:Sz>>,
+ ?dbg("Bits = ~p (Sz: ~p)~n", [pp(Bits), bit_size(Bits)]),
+ Exp = bit_size(IBits) + 1023,
+ ?dbg("Exp = ~p~n", [Exp]),
+ <<Frac:52, _/bitstring>> = <<Bits/bitstring, 0:52>>,
+ ?dbg("Frac = ~p~n", [Frac]),
+ <<F/float>> = <<1:1, Exp:11, Frac:52>>,
+ {F, Rest}
+ end.
+decode_pos(I, 0, Rest) ->
+ {I, Rest};
+decode_pos(0, 1, Bin) ->
+ {Real, Rest} = decode_binary(Bin),
+ Offs = bit_size(Real) - 53,
+ <<0:Offs, 1:1, Frac:52>> = Real,
+ Exp = 1023 - Offs,
+ <<F/float>> = <<0:1, Exp:11, Frac:52>>,
+ {F, Rest};
+decode_pos(I, 1, Bin) -> % float > 1
+ ?dbg("decode_pos(~p, 1, ~p)~n", [I, Bin]),
+ {Real, Rest} = decode_binary(Bin),
+ case decode_binary(Bin) of
+ {<<>>, Rest} ->
+ <<F/float>> = <<I/float>>,
+ {F, Rest};
+ {Real, Rest} ->
+ ?dbg("Real = ~p~n", [Real]),
+ Exp = 52 - bit_size(Real) + 1023,
+ ?dbg("Exp = ~p~n", [Exp]),
+ Bits0 = <<I:31, Real/bitstring>>,
+ ?dbg("Bits0 = ~p~n", [Bits0]),
+ Bits = strip_one(Bits0),
+ <<Frac:52>> = Bits,
+ <<F/float>> = <<0:1, Exp:11, Frac:52>>,
+ {F, Rest}
+ end.
+decode_pos_big(Bin) ->
+ ?dbg("decode_pos_big(~p)~n", [Bin]),
+ {Ib0, Rest} = decode_binary(Bin),
+ Ib = remove_size_bits(Ib0),
+ ?dbg("Ib = ~p~n", [Ib]),
+ ISz = size(Ib) * 8,
+ ?dbg("ISz = ~p~n", [ISz]),
+ <<I:ISz>> = Ib,
+ ?dbg("I = ~p~n", [I]),
+ <<F:8, Rest1/binary>> = Rest,
+ ?dbg("Rest1 = ~p~n", [Rest1]),
+ decode_pos(I, F, Rest1).
+decode_neg_big(Bin) ->
+ ?dbg("decode_neg_big(~p)~n", [Bin]),
+ <<WordsAdj:32, Rest/binary>> = Bin,
+ Words = 16#ffffFFFF - WordsAdj,
+ ?dbg("Words = ~p~n", [Words]),
+ {Ib, Rest1} = decode_binary(Rest),
+ ?dbg("Ib = ~p | Rest1 = ~p~n", [Ib, Rest1]),
+ ISz = size(Ib) * 8,
+ <<I0:ISz>> = Ib,
+ ?dbg("I0 = ~p~n", [I0]),
+ Max = imax(Words),
+ ?dbg("Max = ~p~n", [Max]),
+ I = Max - I0,
+ ?dbg("I = ~p~n", [I]),
+ <<F:8, Rest2/binary>> = Rest1,
+ ?dbg("F = ~p | Rest2 = ~p~n", [F, Rest2]),
+ if F == 0 ->
+ decode_neg_float(I, Rest2);
+ F == 16#ff ->
+ {-I, Rest2}
+ end.
+%% optimization - no need to loop through a very large number of zeros.
+strip_first_one(I) ->
+ Sz = if I < 16#ff -> 8;
+ I < 16#ffff -> 16;
+ I < 16#ffffff -> 24;
+ I < 16#ffffffff -> 32;
+ true -> 52
+ end,
+ strip_one(<<I:Sz>>).
+strip_one(<<0:1, Rest/bitstring>>) -> strip_one(Rest);
+strip_one(<<1:1, Rest/bitstring>>) -> Rest.
+decode_binary(<<8, Rest/binary>>) -> {<<>>, Rest};
+decode_binary(B) -> decode_binary(B, 0, <<>>).
+decode_binary(<<1:1,H:8,Rest/bitstring>>, N, Acc) ->
+ case Rest of
+ <<1:1,_/bitstring>> ->
+ decode_binary(Rest, N+9, << Acc/binary, H >>);
+ _ ->
+ Pad = 8 - ((N+9) rem 8),
+ <<0:Pad,EndBits,Rest1/binary>> = Rest,
+ TailPad = 8-EndBits,
+ <<Tail:EndBits,0:TailPad>> = <<H>>,
+ {<< Acc/binary, Tail:EndBits >>, Rest1}
+ end.
+decode_neg_binary(<<247, Rest/binary>>) -> {<<>>, Rest}; % 16#ff - 8
+decode_neg_binary(B) -> decode_neg_binary(B, 0, <<>>).
+decode_neg_binary(<<0:1,H:8,Rest/bitstring>>, N, Acc) ->
+ case Rest of
+ <<0:1,_/bitstring>> ->
+ decode_neg_binary(Rest, N+9, << Acc/binary, (16#ff - H) >>);
+ _ ->
+ Pad = 8 - ((N+9) rem 8),
+ ?dbg("Pad = ~p~n", [Pad]),
+ IPad = (1 bsl Pad) - 1,
+ <<IPad:Pad,EndBits0,Rest1/binary>> = Rest,
+ ?dbg("EndBits0 = ~p~n", [EndBits0]),
+ EndBits = 16#ff - EndBits0,
+ ?dbg("EndBits = ~p~n", [EndBits]),
+ if EndBits == 0 ->
+ {<< Acc/binary, (16#ff - H)>>, Rest1};
+ true ->
+ <<Tail:EndBits,_/bitstring>> = <<(16#ff - H)>>,
+ ?dbg("Tail = ~p~n", [Tail]),
+ {<< Acc/binary, Tail:EndBits >>, Rest1}
+ end
+ end.
+%% The largest value that fits in Sz bits
+max_value(Sz) ->
+ (1 bsl Sz) - 1.
+%% The largest value that fits in Words*64 bits.
+imax(1) -> max_value(64);
+imax(2) -> max_value(128);
+imax(Words) -> max_value(Words*64).
+%% Get the smallest imax/1 value that's larger than I.
+get_max(I) -> get_max(I, 1, imax(1)).
+get_max(I, W, Max) when I > Max ->
+ get_max(I, W+1, (Max bsl 64) bor ?IMAX1);
+get_max(_, W, Max) ->
+ {W, Max}.
+%% @spec to_sb32(Bits::bitstring()) -> binary()
+%% @doc Converts a bitstring into an sb-encoded bitstring
+%% sb32 (Sortable base32) is a variant of RFC3548, slightly rearranged to
+%% preserve the lexical sorting properties. Base32 was chosen to avoid
+%% filename-unfriendly characters. Also important is that the padding
+%% character be less than any character in the alphabet
+%% sb32 alphabet:
+%% <pre>
+%% 0 0 6 6 12 C 18 I 24 O 30 U
+%% 1 1 7 7 13 D 19 J 25 P 31 V
+%% 2 2 8 8 14 E 20 K 26 Q (pad) -
+%% 3 3 9 9 15 F 21 L 27 R
+%% 4 4 10 A 16 G 22 M 28 S
+%% 5 5 11 B 17 H 23 N 29 T
+%% </pre>
+%% @end
+to_sb32(Bits) when is_bitstring(Bits) ->
+ Sz = bit_size(Bits),
+ {Chunk, Rest, Pad} =
+ case Sz rem 5 of
+ 0 -> {Bits, <<>>, <<>>};
+ R -> sb32_encode_chunks(Sz, R, Bits)
+ end,
+ Enc = << << (c2sb32(C1)) >> ||
+ <<C1:5>> <= Chunk >>,
+ if Rest == << >> ->
+ Enc;
+ true ->
+ << Enc/bitstring, (c2sb32(Rest)):8, Pad/binary >>
+ end.
+sb32_encode_chunks(Sz, Rem, Bits) ->
+ ChunkSz = Sz - Rem,
+ << C:ChunkSz/bitstring, Rest:Rem >> = Bits,
+ Pad = encode_pad(Rem),
+ {C, Rest, Pad}.
+encode_pad(3) -> <<"------">>;
+encode_pad(1) -> <<"----">>;
+encode_pad(4) -> <<"---">>;
+encode_pad(2) -> <<"-">>.
+%% @spec from_sb32(Bits::bitstring()) -> bitstring()
+%% @doc Converts from an sb32-encoded bitstring into a 'normal' bitstring
+%% This function is the reverse of {@link to_sb32/1}.
+%% @end
+from_sb32(<< C:8, "------" >>) -> << (sb322c(C)):3 >>;
+from_sb32(<< C:8, "----" >> ) -> << (sb322c(C)):1 >>;
+from_sb32(<< C:8, "---" >> ) -> << (sb322c(C)):4 >>;
+from_sb32(<< C:8, "-" >> ) -> << (sb322c(C)):2 >>;
+from_sb32(<< C:8, Rest/bitstring >>) ->
+ << (sb322c(C)):5, (from_sb32(Rest))/bitstring >>;
+from_sb32(<< >>) ->
+ << >>.
+c2sb32(I) when 0 =< I, I =< 9 -> $0 + I;
+c2sb32(I) when 10 =< I, I =< 31 -> $A + I - 10.
+sb322c(I) when $0 =< I, I =< $9 -> I - $0;
+sb322c(I) when $A =< I, I =< $V -> I - $A + 10.
+%% @spec to_hex(Bin::binary()) -> binary()
+%% @doc Converts a binary into a hex-encoded binary
+%% This is conventional hex encoding, with the proviso that
+%% only capital letters are used, e.g. `0..9A..F'.
+%% @end
+to_hex(Bin) ->
+ << << (nib2hex(N)):8 >> || <<N:4>> <= Bin >>.
+%% @spec from_hex(Bin::binary()) -> binary()
+%% @doc Converts from a hex-encoded binary into a 'normal' binary
+%% This function is the reverse of {@link to_hex/1}.
+from_hex(Bin) ->
+ << << (hex2nib(H)):4 >> || <<H:8>> <= Bin >>.
+nib2hex(N) when 0 =< N, N =< 9 -> $0 + N;
+nib2hex(N) when 10 =< N, N =< 15-> $A + N - 10.
+hex2nib(C) when $0 =< C, C =< $9 -> C - $0;
+hex2nib(C) when $A =< C, C =< $F -> C - $A + 10.
+pp(none) -> "<none>";
+pp(B) when is_bitstring(B) ->
+ [ $0 + I || <<I:1>> <= B ].
+encode_test() ->
+ L = test_list(),
+ [{I,I} = {I,catch decode(encode(I))} || I <- L].
+test_list() ->
+ [-456453453477456464.45456,
+ -5.23423564,
+ -1.234234,
+ -1.23423,
+ -0.345,
+ -0.34567,
+ -0.0034567,
+ 0,
+ 0.00012345,
+ 0.12345,
+ 1.2345,
+ 123.45,
+ 456453453477456464.45456,
+ a,
+ aaa,
+ {},
+ {1},
+ {1,2},
+ {"","123"},
+ {"1","234"},
+ <<>>,
+ <<1>>,
+ <<1,5:3>>,
+ <<1,5:4>>,
+ [1,2,3],
+ [],
+ self(),
+ spawn(fun() -> ok end),
+ make_ref(),
+ make_ref()|
+ lists:sublist(erlang:ports(),1,2)].