path: root/lib/hipe/test/erl_types_SUITE.erl
diff options
authorSean Cribbs <>2018-04-03 11:01:42 -0500
committerSean Cribbs <>2018-04-26 11:45:34 -0500
commite92eb8f4bd35c603b5a1b4c24beca01c93d17fe8 (patch)
treec9b82a4ed6f3058ee48c5c42dad02261bcb38857 /lib/hipe/test/erl_types_SUITE.erl
parent8313eae72dd170d2f4502d225b74dbf543198313 (diff)
Move erl_types test into a common_test suite
The existing test/0 function in erl_types was not being run in the OTP test suite, and it had not been updated to match the implementation in the module (maps vs. dict). This commit removes the macros that excluded some functions, exports the functions now included in the module, and extracts the test into a new common_test suite, erl_types_SUITE.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/hipe/test/erl_types_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 197 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/hipe/test/erl_types_SUITE.erl b/lib/hipe/test/erl_types_SUITE.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7d7c144b69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/test/erl_types_SUITE.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4 -*-
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+ consistency_and_to_string/1]).
+%% Simplify calls into erl_types and avoid importing the entire module.
+-define(M, erl_types).
+all() ->
+ [consistency_and_to_string].
+consistency_and_to_string(_Config) ->
+ %% Check consistency of types
+ Atom1 = ?M:t_atom(),
+ Atom2 = ?M:t_atom(foo),
+ Atom3 = ?M:t_atom(bar),
+ true = ?M:t_is_atom(Atom2),
+ True = ?M:t_atom(true),
+ False = ?M:t_atom(false),
+ Bool = ?M:t_boolean(),
+ true = ?M:t_is_boolean(True),
+ true = ?M:t_is_boolean(Bool),
+ false = ?M:t_is_boolean(Atom1),
+ Binary = ?M:t_binary(),
+ true = ?M:t_is_binary(Binary),
+ Bitstr = ?M:t_bitstr(),
+ true = ?M:t_is_bitstr(Bitstr),
+ Bitstr1 = ?M:t_bitstr(7, 3),
+ true = ?M:t_is_bitstr(Bitstr1),
+ false = ?M:t_is_binary(Bitstr1),
+ Bitstr2 = ?M:t_bitstr(16, 8),
+ true = ?M:t_is_bitstr(Bitstr2),
+ true = ?M:t_is_binary(Bitstr2),
+ BitStr816 = ?M:t_bitstr(8,16),
+ BitStr816 = ?M:t_subtract(?M:t_bitstr(4, 12), ?M:t_bitstr(8, 12)),
+ Int1 = ?M:t_integer(),
+ Int2 = ?M:t_integer(1),
+ Int3 = ?M:t_integer(16#ffffffff),
+ true = ?M:t_is_integer(Int2),
+ true = ?M:t_is_byte(Int2),
+ false = ?M:t_is_byte(Int3),
+ false = ?M:t_is_byte(?M:t_from_range(-1, 1)),
+ true = ?M:t_is_byte(?M:t_from_range(1, 255)),
+ Tuple1 = ?M:t_tuple(),
+ Tuple2 = ?M:t_tuple(3),
+ Tuple3 = ?M:t_tuple([Atom1, Int1]),
+ Tuple4 = ?M:t_tuple([Tuple1, Tuple2]),
+ Tuple5 = ?M:t_tuple([Tuple3, Tuple4]),
+ Tuple6 = ?M:t_limit(Tuple5, 2),
+ Tuple7 = ?M:t_limit(Tuple5, 3),
+ true = ?M:t_is_tuple(Tuple1),
+ Port = ?M:t_port(),
+ Pid = ?M:t_pid(),
+ Ref = ?M:t_reference(),
+ Identifier = ?M:t_identifier(),
+ false = ?M:t_is_reference(Port),
+ true = ?M:t_is_identifier(Port),
+ Function1 = ?M:t_fun(),
+ Function2 = ?M:t_fun(Pid),
+ Function3 = ?M:t_fun([], Pid),
+ Function4 = ?M:t_fun([Port, Pid], Pid),
+ Function5 = ?M:t_fun([Pid, Atom1], Int2),
+ true = ?M:t_is_fun(Function3),
+ List1 = ?M:t_list(),
+ List2 = ?M:t_list(?M:t_boolean()),
+ List3 = ?M:t_cons(?M:t_boolean(), List2),
+ List4 = ?M:t_cons(?M:t_boolean(), ?M:t_atom()),
+ List5 = ?M:t_cons(?M:t_boolean(), ?M:t_nil()),
+ List6 = ?M:t_cons_tl(List5),
+ List7 = ?M:t_sup(List4, List5),
+ List8 = ?M:t_inf(List7, ?M:t_list()),
+ List9 = ?M:t_cons(),
+ List10 = ?M:t_cons_tl(List9),
+ true = ?M:t_is_boolean(?M:t_cons_hd(List5)),
+ true = ?M:t_is_list(List5),
+ false = ?M:t_is_list(List4),
+ Product1 = ?M:t_product([Atom1, Atom2]),
+ Product2 = ?M:t_product([Atom3, Atom1]),
+ Product3 = ?M:t_product([Atom3, Atom2]),
+ Union1 = ?M:t_sup(Atom2, Atom3),
+ Union2 = ?M:t_sup(Tuple2, Tuple3),
+ Union3 = ?M:t_sup(Int2, Atom3),
+ Union4 = ?M:t_sup(Port, Pid),
+ Union5 = ?M:t_sup(Union4, Int1),
+ Union6 = ?M:t_sup(Function1, Function2),
+ Union7 = ?M:t_sup(Function4, Function5),
+ Union8 = ?M:t_sup(True, False),
+ true = ?M:t_is_boolean(Union8),
+ Union9 = ?M:t_sup(Int2, ?M:t_integer(2)),
+ true = ?M:t_is_byte(Union9),
+ Union10 = ?M:t_sup(?M:t_tuple([?M:t_atom(true), ?M:t_any()]),
+ ?M:t_tuple([?M:t_atom(false), ?M:t_any()])),
+ Any = ?M:t_any(),
+ Any = ?M:t_sup(Product3, Function5),
+ Atom3 = ?M:t_inf(Union3, Atom1),
+ Union2 = ?M:t_inf(Union2, Tuple1),
+ Int2 = ?M:t_inf(Int1, Union3),
+ Union4 = ?M:t_inf(Union4, Identifier),
+ Port = ?M:t_inf(Union5, Port),
+ Function4 = ?M:t_inf(Union7, Function4),
+ None = ?M:t_none(),
+ None = ?M:t_inf(Product2, Atom1),
+ Product3 = ?M:t_inf(Product1, Product2),
+ Function5 = ?M:t_inf(Union7, Function5),
+ true = ?M:t_is_byte(?M:t_inf(Union9, ?M:t_number())),
+ true = ?M:t_is_char(?M:t_inf(Union9, ?M:t_number())),
+ RecDict = #{{record, foo} => {{?FILE, ?LINE}, [{2, [{bar, [], ?M:t_any()},
+ {baz, [], ?M:t_any()}]}]}},
+ Record1 = ?M:t_from_term({foo, [1,2], {1,2,3}}),
+ %% Check string representations
+ "atom()" = ?M:t_to_string(Atom1),
+ "'foo'" = ?M:t_to_string(Atom2),
+ "'bar'" = ?M:t_to_string(Atom3),
+ "binary()" = ?M:t_to_string(Binary),
+ "integer()" = ?M:t_to_string(Int1),
+ "1" = ?M:t_to_string(Int2),
+ "tuple()" = ?M:t_to_string(Tuple1),
+ "{_,_,_}" = ?M:t_to_string(Tuple2),
+ "{atom(),integer()}" = ?M:t_to_string(Tuple3),
+ "{tuple(),{_,_,_}}" = ?M:t_to_string(Tuple4),
+ "{{atom(),integer()},{tuple(),{_,_,_}}}" = ?M:t_to_string(Tuple5),
+ "{{_,_},{_,_}}" = ?M:t_to_string(Tuple6),
+ "{{atom(),integer()},{tuple(),{_,_,_}}}" = ?M:t_to_string(Tuple7),
+ "reference()" = ?M:t_to_string(Ref),
+ "port()" = ?M:t_to_string(Port),
+ "pid()" = ?M:t_to_string(Pid),
+ "identifier()" = ?M:t_to_string(Identifier),
+ "[any()]" = ?M:t_to_string(List1),
+ "[boolean()]" = ?M:t_to_string(List2),
+ "[boolean(),...]" = ?M:t_to_string(List3),
+ "nonempty_improper_list(boolean(),atom())" = ?M:t_to_string(List4),
+ "[boolean(),...]" = ?M:t_to_string(List5),
+ "[boolean()]" = ?M:t_to_string(List6),
+ "nonempty_maybe_improper_list(boolean(),atom() | [])" = ?M:t_to_string(List7),
+ "[boolean(),...]" = ?M:t_to_string(List8),
+ "nonempty_maybe_improper_list()" = ?M:t_to_string(List9),
+ "any()" = ?M:t_to_string(List10),
+ "fun()" = ?M:t_to_string(Function1),
+ "fun((...) -> pid())" = ?M:t_to_string(Function2),
+ "fun(() -> pid())" = ?M:t_to_string(Function3),
+ "fun((port(),pid()) -> pid())" = ?M:t_to_string(Function4),
+ "fun((pid(),atom()) -> 1)" = ?M:t_to_string(Function5),
+ "<atom(),'foo'>" = ?M:t_to_string(Product1),
+ "<'bar',atom()>" = ?M:t_to_string(Product2),
+ "#foo{bar::[1 | 2,...],baz::{1,2,3}}" = ?M:t_to_string(Record1, RecDict),
+ "'bar' | 'foo'" = ?M:t_to_string(Union1),
+ "{atom(),integer()} | {_,_,_}" = ?M:t_to_string(Union2),
+ "'bar' | 1" = ?M:t_to_string(Union3),
+ "pid() | port()" = ?M:t_to_string(Union4),
+ "pid() | port() | integer()" = ?M:t_to_string(Union5),
+ "fun()" = ?M:t_to_string(Union6),
+ "fun((pid() | port(),atom() | pid()) -> pid() | 1)" = ?M:t_to_string(Union7),
+ "boolean()" = ?M:t_to_string(Union8),
+ "{'false',_} | {'true',_}" = ?M:t_to_string(Union10),
+ "{'true',integer()}" = ?M:t_to_string(?M:t_inf(Union10, ?M:t_tuple([?M:t_atom(true), ?M:t_integer()]))).