path: root/lib/erl_docgen
diff options
authorLukas Larsson <>2020-02-24 09:13:14 +0100
committerLukas Larsson <>2020-02-24 10:02:51 +0100
commit1b7e3b964c5c9da82520059c816461501c883b32 (patch)
treef18a25f6729f13e2dcd72538abd55b3fdc6362f8 /lib/erl_docgen
parent8be60020d26a1e89ccea174e14510a19769fdc76 (diff)
Move chunk into erlang module for speed
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/erl_docgen')
4 files changed, 764 insertions, 734 deletions
diff --git a/lib/erl_docgen/priv/bin/chunk.escript b/lib/erl_docgen/priv/bin/chunk.escript
index 4762a2e95b..a9ea6b9b73 100644
--- a/lib/erl_docgen/priv/bin/chunk.escript
+++ b/lib/erl_docgen/priv/bin/chunk.escript
@@ -23,737 +23,8 @@
%% Created : 1 Nov 2018 by Kenneth Lundin <uabkeld@elxa31hr002>
-%% Does translation of Erlang XML docs to EEP-48 doc chunks.
+%% Trampoline to xml to chunk creation.
-main([FromBeam, _Escript, ToChunk]) ->
- %% This module is not documented, generate an empty beam chunk file
- Name = filename:basename(filename:rootname(FromBeam)) ++ ".erl",
- EmptyDocs = #docs_v1{ anno = erl_anno:set_file(Name, erl_anno:new(0)),
- module_doc = hidden, docs = []},
- file:write_file(ToChunk, term_to_binary(EmptyDocs,[compressed])),
- ok;
-main([FromXML, FromBeam, _Escript, ToChunk]) ->
- erlang:process_flag(max_heap_size,20 * 1000 * 1000),
- case docs(FromXML, FromBeam) of
- {error, Reason} ->
- io:format("Failed to create chunks: ~p~n",[Reason]),
- erlang:halt(1);
- {docs_v1,_,_,_,_,#{ source := S },[]} when
- S =/= "../xml/gen_fsm.xml",
- S =/= "../xml/shell_default.xml",
- S =/= "../xml/user.xml",
- S =/= "../xml/wxClipboardTextEvent.xml",
- S =/= "../xml/wxDisplayChangedEvent.xml",
- S =/= "../xml/wxGBSizerItem.xml",
- S =/= "../xml/wxGraphicsBrush.xml",
- S =/= "../xml/wxGraphicsFont.xml",
- S =/= "../xml/wxGraphicsPen.xml",
- S =/= "../xml/wxInitDialogEvent.xml",
- S =/= "../xml/wxMaximizeEvent.xml",
- S =/= "../xml/wxMouseCaptureLostEvent.xml",
- S =/= "../xml/wxPaintEvent.xml",
- S =/= "../xml/wxPreviewCanvas.xml",
- S =/= "../xml/wxSysColourChangedEvent.xml",
- S =/= "../xml/wxTaskBarIconEvent.xml",
- S =/= "../xml/wxWindowCreateEvent.xml",
- S =/= "../xml/wxWindowDestroyEvent.xml",
- S =/= "../xml/wxDataObject.xml"
- ->
- io:format("Failed to create chunks: no functions found ~s~n",[S]),
- erlang:halt(1),
- ok;
- Docs ->
- ok = file:write_file(ToChunk, term_to_binary(Docs,[compressed]))
- end.
-%% Error handling
- throw({dom_error, Reason})).
-%% Records
-%% State record for the validator
--record(state, {
- tags=[], %% Tag stack
- cno=[], %% Current node number
- namespaces = [], %% NameSpace stack
- dom=[] %% DOM structure
- }).
-%% External functions
-%% Function: initial_state() -> Result
-%% Parameters:
-%% Result:
-%% Description:
-initial_state() ->
- #state{}.
-%% Function: get_dom(State) -> Result
-%% Parameters:
-%% Result:
-%% Description:
-get_dom(#state{dom=Dom}) ->
- Dom.
-%% Function: event(Event, LineNo, State) -> Result
-%% Parameters:
-%% Result:
-%% Description:
-event(Event, _LineNo, State) ->
- build_dom(Event, State).
-%% Internal functions
-%% Function : build_dom(Event, State) -> Result
-%% Parameters: Event = term()
-%% State = #xmerl_sax_simple_dom_state{}
-%% Result : #xmerl_sax_simple_dom_state{} |
-%% Description:
-%% Document
-build_dom(startDocument, State) ->
- State#state{dom=[startDocument]};
- #state{dom=[{Tag, Attributes, Content} |D]} = State) ->
- case D of
- [startDocument] ->
- State#state{dom=[{Tag, Attributes,
- lists:reverse(Content)}]};
- [Decl, startDocument] ->
- State#state{dom=[Decl, {Tag, Attributes,
- lists:reverse(Content)}]};
- _ ->
- %% endDocument is also sent by the parser when a fault occur to tell
- %% the event receiver that no more input will be sent
- State
- end;
-%% Element
-build_dom({startElement, _Uri, LocalName, _QName, Attributes},
- #state{tags=T, dom=D} = State) ->
- A = parse_attributes(LocalName, Attributes),
- CName = list_to_atom(LocalName),
- State#state{tags=[CName |T],
- dom=[{CName,
- lists:reverse(A),
- []
- } | D]};
-build_dom({endElement, _Uri, LocalName, _QName},
- #state{tags=[_ |T],
- dom=[{CName, CAttributes, CContent},
- {PName, PAttributes, PContent} = _Parent | D]} = State) ->
- case list_to_atom(LocalName) of
- CName ->
- SectionDepth = length([E || E <- T, E =:= section]),
- MappedCName =
- case CName of
- title ->
- lists:nth(SectionDepth+1,[h1,h2,h3]);
- section when SectionDepth > 0 ->
- p;
- CName -> CName
- end,
- State#state{tags=T,
- dom=[{PName, PAttributes,
- [{MappedCName, CAttributes,
- lists:reverse(CContent)}
- |PContent]
- } | D]};
- _ ->
- ?error("Got end of element: " ++ LocalName ++ " but expected: " ++
- CName)
- end;
-%% Text
-build_dom({characters, String},
- #state{dom=[{Name, Attributes, Content}| D]} = State) ->
- HtmlEnts = [{"&nbsp;",[160]},
- {"&times;",[215]},
- {"&plusmn;",[177]},
- {"&ouml;","ö"},
- {"&auml;","ä"},
- {"&aring;","å"}
- ],
- NoHtmlEnt =
- lists:foldl(
- fun({Pat,Sub},Str) ->
- re:replace(Str,Pat,Sub,[global,unicode])
- end,String,HtmlEnts),
- case re:run(NoHtmlEnt,"&[a-z]*;",[{capture,first,binary},unicode]) of
- nomatch -> ok;
- {match,[<<"&lt;">>]} -> ok;
- {match,[<<"&gt;">>]} -> ok;
- Else -> throw({found_illigal_thing,Else,String})
- end,
- NewContent =
- [unicode:characters_to_binary(NoHtmlEnt,utf8)| Content],
- State#state{dom=[{Name, Attributes, NewContent} | D]};
-build_dom({ignorableWhitespace, String},
- #state{dom=[{Name,_,_} = _E|_]} = State) ->
- case lists:member(Name,
- [p,pre,input,code,quote,warning,
- note,dont,do,c,i,em,strong,
- seealso,tag,item]) of
- true ->
-% io:format("Keep ign white: ~p ~p~n",[String, _E]),
- build_dom({characters, String}, State);
- false ->
- State
- end;
-build_dom({startEntity, SysId}, State) ->
- io:format("startEntity:~p~n",[SysId]),
- State;
-%% Default
-build_dom(_E, State) ->
- State.
-%% Function : parse_attributes(ElName, Attributes) -> Result
-%% Parameters:
-%% Result :
-%% Description:
-parse_attributes(ElName, Attributes) ->
- parse_attributes(ElName, Attributes, 1, []).
-parse_attributes(_, [], _, Acc) ->
- Acc;
-parse_attributes(ElName, [{_Uri, _Prefix, LocalName, AttrValue} |As], N, Acc) ->
- parse_attributes(ElName, As, N+1, [{list_to_atom(LocalName), AttrValue} |Acc]).
-docs(OTPXml, FromBEAM)->
- case xmerl_sax_parser:file(OTPXml,
- [skip_external_dtd,
- {event_fun,fun event/3},
- {event_state,initial_state()}]) of
- {ok,Tree,_} ->
- {ok, {Module, Chunks}} = beam_lib:chunks(FromBEAM,[exports,abstract_code]),
- Dom = get_dom(Tree),
- NewDom = transform(Dom,[]),
- Chunk = to_chunk(NewDom, OTPXml, Module, proplists:get_value(abstract_code, Chunks)),
- verify_chunk(Module,proplists:get_value(exports, Chunks), Chunk),
- Chunk;
- Else ->
- {error,Else}
- end.
-verify_chunk(M, Exports, #docs_v1{ docs = Docs } = Doc) ->
- %% Make sure that each documented function actually is exported
- Exported = [begin
- FA = {F,A},
- {M,F,A,lists:member(FA,Exports)}
- end || {{function,F,A},_,_,_,_} <- Docs],
- lists:map(fun({_M,_F,_A,true}) ->
- ok
- end,Exported),
- try
- shell_docs:validate(Doc)
- catch Err ->
- throw({binary_to_term(maps:get(<<"en">>,Doc#docs_v1.module_doc)), Err})
- end.
-%% skip <erlref> but transform and keep its content
-transform([{erlref,_Attr,Content}|T],Acc) ->
- Module = [Mod || Mod = {module,_,_} <- Content],
- NewContent = Content -- Module,
- [{module,SinceAttr,[Mname]}] = Module,
- Since = case proplists:get_value(since,SinceAttr) of
- undefined -> [];
- [] -> [];
- Vsn -> [{since,Vsn}]
- end,
- transform([{module,[{name,Mname}|Since],NewContent}|T],Acc);
-%% skip <header> and all of its content
-transform([{header,_Attr,_Content}|T],Acc) ->
- transform(T,Acc);
-transform([{section,Attr,Content}|T],Acc) ->
- transform(T,[{section,Attr,transform(Content,[])}|Acc]);
-%% transform <list><item> to <ul><li> or <ol><li> depending on type attribute
-transform([{list,Attr,Content}|T],Acc) ->
- transform([transform_list(Attr,Content)|T],Acc);
-%% transform <taglist>(tag,item+)+ to <dl>(dt,item+)+
-transform([{taglist,Attr,Content}|T],Acc) ->
- transform([transform_taglist(Attr,Content)|T],Acc);
-%% remove <anno> as it is only used to validate specs vs xml src
-transform([{anno,[],Content}|T],Acc) ->
- transform([Content|T],Acc);
-%% transform <c> to <code>
-transform([{c,[],Content}|T],Acc) ->
- transform(T, [{code,[],transform(Content,[])}|Acc]);
-%% transform <code> to <pre><code>
-transform([{code,Attr,Content}|T],Acc) ->
- transform(T, [{pre,[],[{code,Attr,transform(Content,[])}]}|Acc]);
-%% transform <pre> to <pre><code>
-transform([{pre,Attr,Content}|T],Acc) ->
- transform(T, [{pre,[],[{code,Attr,transform(Content,[])}]}|Acc]);
-%% transform <funcs> with <func> as children
-transform([{funcs,_Attr,Content}|T],Acc) ->
- Fns = {functions,[],transform_funcs(Content, [])},
- transform(T,[Fns|Acc]);
-%% transform <datatypes> with <datatype> as children
-transform([{datatypes,_Attr,Content}|T],Acc) ->
- Dts = transform(Content, []),
- transform(T,[{datatypes,[],Dts}|Acc]);
-transform([{datatype,_Attr,Content}|T],Acc) ->
- transform(T,transform_datatype(Content, []) ++ Acc);
-%% Ignore <datatype_title>
-transform([{datatype_title,_Attr,_Content}|T],Acc) ->
- transform(T,Acc);
-%% transform <desc>Content</desc> to Content
-transform([{desc,_Attr,Content}|T],Acc) ->
- transform(T,[transform(Content,[])|Acc]);
-transform([{strong,Attr,Content}|T],Acc) ->
- transform([{em,Attr,Content}|T],Acc);
-%% transform <marker id="name"/> to <a id="name"/>....
-transform([{marker,Attr,Content}|T],Acc) ->
- transform(T,[{a,Attr,transform(Content,[])}|Acc]);
-%% transform <url href="external URL"> Content</url> to <a href....
-transform([{url,Attr,Content}|T],Acc) ->
- transform(T,[{a,Attr,transform(Content,[])}|Acc]);
-%% transform note/warning/do/don't to <p class="thing">
- when What =:= note; What =:= warning; What =:= do; What =:= dont ->
- WhatP = {p,[{class,atom_to_list(What)}], transform(Content,[])},
- transform(T,[WhatP|Acc]);
-transform([{type,_,[]}|_] = Dom,Acc) ->
- %% Types are laid out sequentially in the source xml so we need to
- %% parse them like that here too.
- case transform_types(Dom,[]) of
- {[],T} ->
- transform(T,Acc);
- {Types,T} ->
- %% We sort the types here because in the source xml
- %% the description and the declaration do not have
- %% to be next to each other. But we want to have that
- %% for the doc chunks.
- NameSort = fun({li,A,_},{li,B,_}) ->
- NameA = proplists:get_value(name,A),
- NameB = proplists:get_value(name,B),
- if NameA == NameB ->
- length(A) =< length(B);
- true ->
- NameA < NameB
- end
- end,
- transform(T,[{ul,[{class,"types"}],lists:sort(NameSort,Types)}|Acc])
- end;
-transform([{type_desc,Attr,_Content}|T],Acc) ->
- %% We skip any type_desc with the variable attribute
- true = proplists:is_defined(variable, Attr),
- transform(T,Acc);
-transform([{type,[],Content}|T],Acc) ->
- transform(T,[{ul,[{class,"types"}],transform(Content,[])}|Acc]);
-transform([{v,[],Content}|T],Acc) ->
- transform(T, [{li,[{class,"type"}],transform(Content,[])}|Acc]);
-transform([{d,[],Content}|T],Acc) ->
- transform(T, [{li,[{class,"description"}],transform(Content,[])}|Acc]);
-transform([Tag = {seealso,_Attr,_Content}|T],Acc) ->
- transform([transform_seealso(Tag)|T],Acc);
-transform([{term,Attr,[]}|T],Acc) ->
- transform([list_to_binary(proplists:get_value(id,Attr))|T],Acc);
-transform([{fsummary,_,_}|T],Acc) ->
- %% We skip fsummary as it many times is just a duplicate of the
- %% first line of the docs.
- transform(T,Acc);
-transform([{input,_,Content}|T],Acc) ->
- %% Just remove input as it is not used by anything
- transform(T,[transform(Content,[])|Acc]);
-%% Tag and Attr is used as is but Content is transformed
-transform([{Tag,Attr,Content}|T],Acc) ->
- transform(T,[{Tag,Attr,transform(Content,[])}|Acc]);
-transform([Binary|T],Acc) ->
- transform(T,[Binary|Acc]);
-transform([],Acc) ->
- lists:flatten(lists:reverse(Acc)).
-transform_list([{type,"ordered"}],Content) ->
- {ol,[],[{li,A2,C2}||{item,A2,C2}<-Content]};
-transform_list(_,Content) ->
- {ul,[],[{li,A2,C2}||{item,A2,C2}<-Content]}.
-transform_types([{type,Attr,[]}|T],Acc) ->
- case proplists:is_defined(name,Attr) of
- true ->
- transform_types(T, [{li,Attr,[]}|Acc]);
- false ->
- true = proplists:is_defined(variable, Attr),
- transform_types(T, Acc)
- end;
-transform_types([{type_desc,Attr,Content}|T],Acc) ->
- case proplists:is_defined(name,Attr) of
- true ->
- TypeDesc = transform(Content,[]),
- transform_types(T, [{li,Attr ++ [{class,"description"}],TypeDesc}|Acc]);
- false ->
- true = proplists:is_defined(variable, Attr),
- transform_types(T, Acc)
- end;
-transform_types([{type,_,_}|_T],_Acc) ->
- throw(mixed_type_declarations);
-transform_types(Dom,Acc) ->
- {lists:reverse(Acc),Dom}.
-transform_taglist(Attr,Content) ->
- Items =
- lists:map(fun({tag,A,C}) ->
- {dt,A,C};
- ({item,A,C}) ->
- {dd,A,C}
- end, Content),
- {dl,Attr,Items}.
-%% if we have {func,[],[{name,...},{name,....},...]}
-%% we convert it to one {func,[],[{name,...}] per arity lowest first.
-transform_funcs([Func|T],Acc) ->
- transform_funcs(T,func2func(Func) ++ Acc);
-transform_funcs([],Acc) ->
- lists:reverse(Acc).
-func2func({func,Attr,Contents}) ->
- ContentsNoName = [NC||NC <- Contents, element(1,NC) /= name],
- EditLink =
- case proplists:get_value(ghlink,Attr) of
- undefined ->
- #{};
- GhLink ->
- #{ edit_url =>
- iolist_to_binary(["",GhLink]) }
- end,
- VerifyNameList =
- fun(NameList, Test) ->
- %% Assert that we don't mix ways to write <name>
- _ =
- [begin
- ok = Test(C),
- {proplists:get_value(name,T),proplists:get_value(arity,T)}
- end || {name,T,C} <- NameList]
- end,
- NameList = [Name || {name,_,_} = Name <- Contents],
- %% "Since" is hard to accurately as there can be multiple <name> per <func> and they
- %% can refer to the same or other arities. This should be improved in the future but
- %% for now we set since to a comma separated list of all since attributes.
- SinceMD =
- case [proplists:get_value(since, SinceAttr) ||
- {name,SinceAttr,_} <- NameList, proplists:get_value(since, SinceAttr) =/= []] of
- [] -> EditLink;
- Sinces ->
- EditLink#{ since => unicode:characters_to_binary(
- lists:join(",",lists:usort(Sinces))) }
- end,
- Functions =
- case NameList of
- [{name,_,[]}|_] ->
- %% Spec style function docs
- TagsToFA =
- fun(Tags) ->
- {proplists:get_value(name,Tags),
- proplists:get_value(arity,Tags)}
- end,
- VerifyNameList(NameList,fun([]) -> ok end),
- FAs = [TagsToFA(FAttr) || {name,FAttr,[]} <- NameList ],
- FAClauses = lists:usort([{TagsToFA(FAttr),proplists:get_value(clause_i,FAttr)}
- || {name,FAttr,[]} <- NameList ]),
- Signature = [iolist_to_binary([F,"/",A]) || {F,A} <- FAs],
- lists:map(
- fun({F,A}) ->
- Specs = [{func_to_atom(CF),list_to_integer(CA),C}
- || {{CF,CA},C} <- FAClauses,
- F =:= CF, A =:= CA],
- {function,[{name,F},{arity,list_to_integer(A)},
- {signature,Signature},
- {meta,SinceMD#{ signature => Specs }}],
- ContentsNoName}
- end, lists:usort(FAs));
- NameList ->
- %% Manual style function docs
- FAs = lists:flatten([func_to_tuple(NameString) || {name, _Attr, NameString} <- NameList]),
- VerifyNameList(NameList,fun([_|_]) -> ok end),
- Signature = [strip_tags(NameString) || {name, _Attr, NameString} <- NameList],
- [{function,[{name,F},{arity,A},
- {signature,Signature},
- {meta,SinceMD}],ContentsNoName}
- || {F,A} <- lists:usort(FAs)]
- end,
- transform(Functions,[]).
-func_to_tuple(Chars) ->
- try
- [Name,Args] = string:split(strip_tags(Chars),"("),
- Arities = parse_args(unicode:characters_to_list(Args)),
- [{unicode:characters_to_list(Name),Arity} || Arity <- Arities]
- catch E:R:ST ->
- io:format("Failed to parse: ~p~n",[Chars]),
- erlang:raise(E,R,ST)
- end.
-%% This function parses a documentation <name> attribute to figure
-%% out the arities if that function. Example:
-%% "start([go,Mode] [,Extra])" returns [1, 2].
-%% This assumes that when a single <name> describes many arities
-%% the arities are listed with [, syntax.
-parse_args(")" ++ _) ->
- [0];
-parse_args(Args) ->
- parse_args(unicode:characters_to_list(Args),1,[]).
-parse_args([$[,$,|T],Arity,[]) ->
- parse_args(T,Arity,[$[]) ++ parse_args(T,Arity+1,[]);
-parse_args([$,|T],Arity,[]) ->
- parse_args(T,Arity+1,[]);
- when Open =:= $[; Open =:= ${; Open =:= $( ->
- parse_args(T,Arity,[Open|Stack]);
-parse_args([$]|T],Arity,[$[|Stack]) ->
- parse_args(T,Arity,Stack);
-parse_args([$}|T],Arity,[${|Stack]) ->
- parse_args(T,Arity,Stack);
-parse_args([$)|T],Arity,[$(|Stack]) ->
- parse_args(T,Arity,Stack);
-parse_args([$)|_T],Arity,[]) ->
- [Arity];
-parse_args([_H|T],Arity,Stack) ->
- parse_args(T,Arity,Stack).
-strip_tags([{_Tag,_Attr,Content}|T]) ->
- [Content | strip_tags(T)];
-strip_tags([H|T]) when not is_tuple(H) ->
- [H | strip_tags(T)];
-strip_tags([]) ->
- [].
-transform_datatype(Dom,_Acc) ->
- ContentsNoName = transform([NC||NC <- Dom, element(1,NC) /= name],[]),
- [case N of
- {name,NameAttr,[]} ->
- {datatype,NameAttr,ContentsNoName};
- {name,[],Content} ->
- [{Name,Arity}] = func_to_tuple(Content),
- Signature = strip_tags(Content),
- {datatype,[{name,Name},{n_vars,integer_to_list(Arity)},
- {signature,Signature}],ContentsNoName}
- end || N = {name,_,_} <- Dom].
-transform_seealso({seealso,Attr,_Content}) ->
- {a, Attr, _Content}.
-to_chunk(Dom, Source, Module, AST) ->
- [{module,MAttr,Mcontent}] = Dom,
- ModuleDocs = lists:flatmap(
- fun({Tag,_,Content}) when Tag =:= description;
- Tag =:= section ->
- Content;
- ({_,_,_}) ->
- []
- end, Mcontent),
- TypeMeta = add_types(AST, maps:from_list([{source,Source}|MAttr])),
- TypeMap = maps:get(types, TypeMeta, []),
- Anno = erl_anno:set_file(atom_to_list(Module)++".erl",erl_anno:new(0)),
- Types = lists:flatten([Types || {datatypes,[],Types} <- Mcontent]),
- TypeEntries =
- lists:map(
- fun({datatype,Attr,Descr}) ->
- TypeName = func_to_atom(proplists:get_value(name,Attr)),
- TypeArity = case proplists:get_value(n_vars,Attr) of
- undefined ->
- find_type_arity(TypeName, TypeMap);
- Arity ->
- list_to_integer(Arity)
- end,
- TypeArgs = lists:join(",",[lists:concat(["Arg",I]) || I <- lists:seq(1,TypeArity)]),
- PlaceholderSig = io_lib:format("-type ~p(~s) :: term().",[TypeName,TypeArgs]),
- TypeSignature = proplists:get_value(
- signature,Attr,[iolist_to_binary(PlaceholderSig)]),
- MetaSig =
- case maps:get({TypeName, TypeArity}, TypeMap, undefined) of
- undefined ->
- #{};
- Sig ->
- #{ signature => [Sig] }
- end,
- docs_v1_entry(type, Anno, TypeName, TypeArity, TypeSignature, MetaSig, Descr)
- end, Types),
- Functions = lists:flatten([Functions || {functions,[],Functions} <- Mcontent]),
- FuncEntrys =
- lists:flatmap(
- fun({function,Attr,Fdoc}) ->
- case func_to_atom(proplists:get_value(name,Attr)) of
- callback ->
- [];
- Name ->
- Arity = proplists:get_value(arity,Attr),
- Signature = proplists:get_value(signature,Attr),
- FMeta = proplists:get_value(meta,Attr),
- MetaWSpec = add_spec(AST,FMeta),
- [docs_v1_entry(function, Anno, Name, Arity, Signature, MetaWSpec, Fdoc)]
- end
- end, Functions),
- docs_v1(ModuleDocs, Anno, TypeMeta, FuncEntrys ++ TypeEntries).
-docs_v1(DocContents, Anno, Metadata, Docs) ->
- #docs_v1{ anno = Anno,
- module_doc = #{<<"en">> => shell_docs:normalize(DocContents)},
- metadata = maps:merge(Metadata, (#docs_v1{})#docs_v1.metadata),
- docs = Docs }.
-docs_v1_entry(Kind, Anno, Name, Arity, Signature, Metadata, DocContents) ->
- AnnoWLine =
- case Metadata of
- #{ signature := [Sig|_] } ->
- erl_anno:set_line(element(2, Sig), Anno);
- _NoSignature ->
- Anno
- end,
- {{Kind, Name, Arity}, AnnoWLine, lists:flatten(Signature),
- #{ <<"en">> => shell_docs:normalize(DocContents)}, Metadata}.
-%% A special list_to_atom that handles
-%% 'and'
-%% Destroy
-%% 'begin'
-func_to_atom(List) ->
- case erl_scan:string(List) of
- {ok,[{atom,_,Fn}],_} -> Fn;
- {ok,[{var,_,Fn}],_} -> Fn;
- {ok,[{Fn,_}],_} -> Fn;
- {ok,[{var,_,_},{':',_},_],_} ->
- callback
- end.
--define(IS_TYPE(TO),(TO =:= type orelse TO =:= opaque)).
-add_spec(no_abstract_code, Meta) ->
- Meta;
-add_spec({raw_abstract_v1, AST}, Meta = #{ signature := Specs } ) ->
- Meta#{ signature := add_spec_clauses(AST, merge_clauses(Specs,#{})) };
-add_spec(_, Meta) ->
- Meta.
-add_types(no_abstract_code, Meta) ->
- Meta;
-add_types({raw_abstract_v1, AST}, Meta) ->
- Meta#{ types =>
- maps:from_list(
- [{{Name,length(Args)},T} || T = {attribute,_,TO,{Name, _, Args}} <- AST,
- ?IS_TYPE(TO)]) }.
-add_spec_clauses(AST, [{{F,A},Clauses}|T]) ->
- [filter_clauses(find_spec(AST,F,A),Clauses) | add_spec_clauses(AST,T)];
-add_spec_clauses(_AST, []) ->
- [].
-filter_clauses(Spec,[undefined]) ->
- Spec;
-filter_clauses({attribute,Ln,spec,{FA,Clauses}},ClauseIds) ->
- {_,FilteredClauses} =
- lists:foldl(
- fun({TO,_,_,_} = C,{Cnt,Acc}) when ?IS_TYPE(TO) ->
- case lists:member(integer_to_list(Cnt),ClauseIds) of
- true ->
- {Cnt+1,[C | Acc]};
- false ->
- {Cnt+1,Acc}
- end
- end, {1, []}, Clauses),
- {attribute,Ln,spec,{FA,lists:reverse(FilteredClauses)}}.
-merge_clauses([{F,A,Clause}|T],Acc) ->
- merge_clauses(T,Acc#{ {F,A} => [Clause | maps:get({F,A},Acc,[])]});
-merge_clauses([],Acc) ->
- maps:to_list(Acc).
-find_type_arity(Name, [{{Name,_},{attribute,_,TO,{Name,_,Args}}}|_T]) when ?IS_TYPE(TO) ->
- length(Args);
-find_type_arity(Name, [_|T]) ->
- find_type_arity(Name,T);
-find_type_arity(Name, Map) when is_map(Map) ->
- find_type_arity(Name, maps:to_list(Map)).
-find_spec(AST, Func, Arity) ->
- Specs = lists:filter(fun({attribute,_,spec,{{F,A},_}}) ->
- F =:= Func andalso A =:= Arity;
- ({attribute,_,spec,{{_,F,A},_}}) ->
- F =:= Func andalso A =:= Arity;
- (_) ->
- false
- end, AST),
- case Specs of
- [S] ->
- S;
- [] ->
- io:format("Could not find spec for ~p/~p~n",[Func,Arity]),
- exit(1)
- end.
+main(Args) ->
+ docgen_xml_to_chunk:main(Args).
diff --git a/lib/erl_docgen/src/Makefile b/lib/erl_docgen/src/Makefile
index 82d051e9bb..4c6f542ebb 100644
--- a/lib/erl_docgen/src/Makefile
+++ b/lib/erl_docgen/src/Makefile
@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ RELSYSDIR = $(RELEASE_PATH)/lib/erl_docgen-$(VSN)
docgen_otp_specs \
docgen_edoc_xml_cb \
- docgen_xmerl_xml_cb
+ docgen_xmerl_xml_cb \
+ docgen_xml_to_chunk
diff --git a/lib/erl_docgen/src/docgen_xml_to_chunk.erl b/lib/erl_docgen/src/docgen_xml_to_chunk.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..32bfe980ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/erl_docgen/src/docgen_xml_to_chunk.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,757 @@
+%% -*- erlang -*-
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2020. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% File : docgen_xml_to_chunk
+%% Created : 1 Nov 2018 by Kenneth Lundin <uabkeld@elxa31hr002>
+%% Does translation of Erlang XML docs to EEP-48 doc chunks.
+main([FromBeam, _Escript, ToChunk]) ->
+ %% The given module is not documented, generate a hidden beam chunk file
+ Name = filename:basename(filename:rootname(FromBeam)) ++ ".erl",
+ EmptyDocs = #docs_v1{ anno = erl_anno:set_file(Name, erl_anno:new(0)),
+ module_doc = hidden, docs = []},
+ ok = file:write_file(ToChunk, term_to_binary(EmptyDocs,[compressed])),
+ ok;
+main([FromXML, FromBeam, _Escript, ToChunk]) ->
+ _ = erlang:process_flag(max_heap_size,20 * 1000 * 1000),
+ case docs(FromXML, FromBeam) of
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ io:format("Failed to create chunks: ~p~n",[Reason]),
+ erlang:halt(1);
+ {docs_v1,_,_,_,_,#{ source := S },[]} when
+ %% This is a list of all modules that do are known not have any functions
+ S =/= "../xml/gen_fsm.xml",
+ S =/= "../xml/shell_default.xml",
+ S =/= "../xml/user.xml",
+ S =/= "../xml/wxClipboardTextEvent.xml",
+ S =/= "../xml/wxDisplayChangedEvent.xml",
+ S =/= "../xml/wxGBSizerItem.xml",
+ S =/= "../xml/wxGraphicsBrush.xml",
+ S =/= "../xml/wxGraphicsFont.xml",
+ S =/= "../xml/wxGraphicsPen.xml",
+ S =/= "../xml/wxInitDialogEvent.xml",
+ S =/= "../xml/wxMaximizeEvent.xml",
+ S =/= "../xml/wxMouseCaptureLostEvent.xml",
+ S =/= "../xml/wxPaintEvent.xml",
+ S =/= "../xml/wxPreviewCanvas.xml",
+ S =/= "../xml/wxSysColourChangedEvent.xml",
+ S =/= "../xml/wxTaskBarIconEvent.xml",
+ S =/= "../xml/wxWindowCreateEvent.xml",
+ S =/= "../xml/wxWindowDestroyEvent.xml",
+ S =/= "../xml/wxDataObject.xml"
+ ->
+ io:format("Failed to create chunks: no functions found ~s~n",[S]),
+ erlang:halt(1),
+ ok;
+ Docs ->
+ ok = file:write_file(ToChunk, term_to_binary(Docs,[compressed]))
+ end.
+%% Error handling
+ throw({dom_error, Reason})).
+%% Records
+%% State record for the validator
+-record(state, {
+ tags=[], %% Tag stack
+ cno=[], %% Current node number
+ namespaces = [], %% NameSpace stack
+ dom=[] %% DOM structure
+ }).
+%% External functions
+%% Function: initial_state() -> Result
+%% Parameters:
+%% Result:
+%% Description:
+initial_state() ->
+ #state{}.
+%% Function: get_dom(State) -> Result
+%% Parameters:
+%% Result:
+%% Description:
+get_dom(#state{dom=Dom}) ->
+ Dom.
+%% Function: event(Event, LineNo, State) -> Result
+%% Parameters:
+%% Result:
+%% Description:
+event(Event, _LineNo, State) ->
+ build_dom(Event, State).
+%% Internal functions
+%% Function : build_dom(Event, State) -> Result
+%% Parameters: Event = term()
+%% State = #xmerl_sax_simple_dom_state{}
+%% Result : #xmerl_sax_simple_dom_state{} |
+%% Description:
+%% Document
+build_dom(startDocument, State) ->
+ State#state{dom=[startDocument]};
+ #state{dom=[{Tag, Attributes, Content} |D]} = State) ->
+ case D of
+ [startDocument] ->
+ State#state{dom=[{Tag, Attributes,
+ lists:reverse(Content)}]};
+ [Decl, startDocument] ->
+ State#state{dom=[Decl, {Tag, Attributes,
+ lists:reverse(Content)}]};
+ _ ->
+ %% endDocument is also sent by the parser when a fault occur to tell
+ %% the event receiver that no more input will be sent
+ State
+ end;
+%% Element
+build_dom({startElement, _Uri, LocalName, _QName, Attributes},
+ #state{tags=T, dom=D} = State) ->
+ A = parse_attributes(LocalName, Attributes),
+ CName = list_to_atom(LocalName),
+ State#state{tags=[CName |T],
+ dom=[{CName,
+ lists:reverse(A),
+ []
+ } | D]};
+build_dom({endElement, _Uri, LocalName, _QName},
+ #state{tags=[_ |T],
+ dom=[{CName, CAttributes, CContent},
+ {PName, PAttributes, PContent} = _Parent | D]} = State) ->
+ case list_to_atom(LocalName) of
+ CName ->
+ SectionDepth = length([E || E <- T, E =:= section]),
+ MappedCName =
+ case CName of
+ title ->
+ lists:nth(SectionDepth+1,[h1,h2,h3]);
+ section when SectionDepth > 0 ->
+ p;
+ CName -> CName
+ end,
+ State#state{tags=T,
+ dom=[{PName, PAttributes,
+ [{MappedCName, CAttributes,
+ lists:reverse(CContent)}
+ |PContent]
+ } | D]};
+ _ ->
+ ?error("Got end of element: " ++ LocalName ++ " but expected: " ++
+ CName)
+ end;
+%% Text
+build_dom({characters, String},
+ #state{dom=[{Name, Attributes, Content}| D]} = State) ->
+ HtmlEnts = [{"&nbsp;",[160]},
+ {"&times;",[215]},
+ {"&plusmn;",[177]},
+ {"&ouml;","ö"},
+ {"&auml;","ä"},
+ {"&aring;","å"}
+ ],
+ NoHtmlEnt =
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun({Pat,Sub},Str) ->
+ re:replace(Str,Pat,Sub,[global,unicode])
+ end,String,HtmlEnts),
+ case re:run(NoHtmlEnt,"&[a-z]*;",[{capture,first,binary},unicode]) of
+ nomatch -> ok;
+ {match,[<<"&lt;">>]} -> ok;
+ {match,[<<"&gt;">>]} -> ok;
+ Else -> throw({found_illigal_thing,Else,String})
+ end,
+ NewContent =
+ [unicode:characters_to_binary(NoHtmlEnt,utf8)| Content],
+ State#state{dom=[{Name, Attributes, NewContent} | D]};
+build_dom({ignorableWhitespace, String},
+ #state{dom=[{Name,_,_} = _E|_]} = State) ->
+ case lists:member(Name,
+ [p,pre,input,code,quote,warning,
+ note,dont,do,c,i,em,strong,
+ seealso,tag,item]) of
+ true ->
+% io:format("Keep ign white: ~p ~p~n",[String, _E]),
+ build_dom({characters, String}, State);
+ false ->
+ State
+ end;
+build_dom({startEntity, SysId}, State) ->
+ io:format("startEntity:~p~n",[SysId]),
+ State;
+%% Default
+build_dom(_E, State) ->
+ State.
+%% Function : parse_attributes(ElName, Attributes) -> Result
+%% Parameters:
+%% Result :
+%% Description:
+parse_attributes(ElName, Attributes) ->
+ parse_attributes(ElName, Attributes, 1, []).
+parse_attributes(_, [], _, Acc) ->
+ Acc;
+parse_attributes(ElName, [{_Uri, _Prefix, LocalName, AttrValue} |As], N, Acc) ->
+ parse_attributes(ElName, As, N+1, [{list_to_atom(LocalName), AttrValue} |Acc]).
+docs(OTPXml, FromBEAM)->
+ case xmerl_sax_parser:file(OTPXml,
+ [skip_external_dtd,
+ {event_fun,fun event/3},
+ {event_state,initial_state()}]) of
+ {ok,Tree,_} ->
+ {ok, {Module, Chunks}} = beam_lib:chunks(FromBEAM,[exports,abstract_code]),
+ Dom = get_dom(Tree),
+ NewDom = transform(Dom,[]),
+ Chunk = to_chunk(NewDom, OTPXml, Module, proplists:get_value(abstract_code, Chunks)),
+ verify_chunk(Module,proplists:get_value(exports, Chunks), Chunk),
+ Chunk;
+ Else ->
+ {error,Else}
+ end.
+verify_chunk(M, Exports, #docs_v1{ docs = Docs } = Doc) ->
+ %% Make sure that each documented function actually is exported
+ Exported = [begin
+ FA = {F,A},
+ {M,F,A,lists:member(FA,Exports)}
+ end || {{function,F,A},_,_,_,_} <- Docs],
+ lists:foreach(fun({_M,_F,_A,true}) ->
+ ok
+ end,Exported),
+ try
+ shell_docs:validate(Doc)
+ catch Err ->
+ throw({maps:get(<<"en">>,Doc#docs_v1.module_doc), Err})
+ end.
+%% skip <erlref> but transform and keep its content
+transform([{erlref,_Attr,Content}|T],Acc) ->
+ Module = [Mod || Mod = {module,_,_} <- Content],
+ NewContent = Content -- Module,
+ [{module,SinceAttr,[Mname]}] = Module,
+ Since = case proplists:get_value(since,SinceAttr) of
+ undefined -> [];
+ [] -> [];
+ Vsn -> [{since,Vsn}]
+ end,
+ transform([{module,[{name,Mname}|Since],NewContent}|T],Acc);
+%% skip <header> and all of its content
+transform([{header,_Attr,_Content}|T],Acc) ->
+ transform(T,Acc);
+transform([{section,Attr,Content}|T],Acc) ->
+ transform(T,[{section,Attr,transform(Content,[])}|Acc]);
+%% transform <list><item> to <ul><li> or <ol><li> depending on type attribute
+transform([{list,Attr,Content}|T],Acc) ->
+ transform([transform_list(Attr,Content)|T],Acc);
+%% transform <taglist>(tag,item+)+ to <dl>(dt,item+)+
+transform([{taglist,Attr,Content}|T],Acc) ->
+ transform([transform_taglist(Attr,Content)|T],Acc);
+%% remove <anno> as it is only used to validate specs vs xml src
+transform([{anno,[],Content}|T],Acc) ->
+ transform([Content|T],Acc);
+%% transform <c> to <code>
+transform([{c,[],Content}|T],Acc) ->
+ transform(T, [{code,[],transform(Content,[])}|Acc]);
+%% transform <code> to <pre><code>
+transform([{code,Attr,Content}|T],Acc) ->
+ transform(T, [{pre,[],[{code,Attr,transform(Content,[])}]}|Acc]);
+%% transform <pre> to <pre><code>
+transform([{pre,Attr,Content}|T],Acc) ->
+ transform(T, [{pre,[],[{code,Attr,transform(Content,[])}]}|Acc]);
+%% transform <funcs> with <func> as children
+transform([{funcs,_Attr,Content}|T],Acc) ->
+ Fns = {functions,[],transform_funcs(Content, [])},
+ transform(T,[Fns|Acc]);
+%% transform <datatypes> with <datatype> as children
+transform([{datatypes,_Attr,Content}|T],Acc) ->
+ Dts = transform(Content, []),
+ transform(T,[{datatypes,[],Dts}|Acc]);
+transform([{datatype,_Attr,Content}|T],Acc) ->
+ transform(T,transform_datatype(Content, []) ++ Acc);
+%% Ignore <datatype_title>
+transform([{datatype_title,_Attr,_Content}|T],Acc) ->
+ transform(T,Acc);
+%% transform <desc>Content</desc> to Content
+transform([{desc,_Attr,Content}|T],Acc) ->
+ transform(T,[transform(Content,[])|Acc]);
+transform([{strong,Attr,Content}|T],Acc) ->
+ transform([{em,Attr,Content}|T],Acc);
+%% transform <marker id="name"/> to <a id="name"/>....
+transform([{marker,Attr,Content}|T],Acc) ->
+ transform(T,[{a,Attr,transform(Content,[])}|Acc]);
+%% transform <url href="external URL"> Content</url> to <a href....
+transform([{url,Attr,Content}|T],Acc) ->
+ transform(T,[{a,Attr,transform(Content,[])}|Acc]);
+%% transform note/warning/do/don't to <p class="thing">
+ when What =:= note; What =:= warning; What =:= do; What =:= dont ->
+ WhatP = {p,[{class,atom_to_list(What)}], transform(Content,[])},
+ transform(T,[WhatP|Acc]);
+transform([{type,_,[]}|_] = Dom,Acc) ->
+ %% Types are laid out sequentially in the source xml so we need to
+ %% parse them like that here too.
+ case transform_types(Dom,[]) of
+ {[],T} ->
+ transform(T,Acc);
+ {Types,T} ->
+ %% We sort the types here because in the source xml
+ %% the description and the declaration do not have
+ %% to be next to each other. But we want to have that
+ %% for the doc chunks.
+ NameSort = fun({li,A,_},{li,B,_}) ->
+ NameA = proplists:get_value(name,A),
+ NameB = proplists:get_value(name,B),
+ if NameA == NameB ->
+ length(A) =< length(B);
+ true ->
+ NameA < NameB
+ end
+ end,
+ transform(T,[{ul,[{class,"types"}],lists:sort(NameSort,Types)}|Acc])
+ end;
+transform([{type_desc,Attr,_Content}|T],Acc) ->
+ %% We skip any type_desc with the variable attribute
+ true = proplists:is_defined(variable, Attr),
+ transform(T,Acc);
+transform([{type,[],Content}|T],Acc) ->
+ transform(T,[{ul,[{class,"types"}],transform(Content,[])}|Acc]);
+transform([{v,[],Content}|T],Acc) ->
+ transform(T, [{li,[{class,"type"}],transform(Content,[])}|Acc]);
+transform([{d,[],Content}|T],Acc) ->
+ transform(T, [{li,[{class,"description"}],transform(Content,[])}|Acc]);
+transform([Tag = {seealso,_Attr,_Content}|T],Acc) ->
+ transform([transform_seealso(Tag)|T],Acc);
+transform([{term,Attr,[]}|T],Acc) ->
+ transform([list_to_binary(proplists:get_value(id,Attr))|T],Acc);
+transform([{fsummary,_,_}|T],Acc) ->
+ %% We skip fsummary as it many times is just a duplicate of the
+ %% first line of the docs.
+ transform(T,Acc);
+transform([{input,_,Content}|T],Acc) ->
+ %% Just remove input as it is not used by anything
+ transform(T,[transform(Content,[])|Acc]);
+%% Tag and Attr is used as is but Content is transformed
+transform([{Tag,Attr,Content}|T],Acc) ->
+ transform(T,[{Tag,Attr,transform(Content,[])}|Acc]);
+transform([Binary|T],Acc) ->
+ transform(T,[Binary|Acc]);
+transform([],Acc) ->
+ lists:flatten(lists:reverse(Acc)).
+transform_list([{type,"ordered"}],Content) ->
+ {ol,[],[{li,A2,C2}||{item,A2,C2}<-Content]};
+transform_list(_,Content) ->
+ {ul,[],[{li,A2,C2}||{item,A2,C2}<-Content]}.
+transform_types([{type,Attr,[]}|T],Acc) ->
+ case proplists:is_defined(name,Attr) of
+ true ->
+ transform_types(T, [{li,Attr,[]}|Acc]);
+ false ->
+ true = proplists:is_defined(variable, Attr),
+ transform_types(T, Acc)
+ end;
+transform_types([{type_desc,Attr,Content}|T],Acc) ->
+ case proplists:is_defined(name,Attr) of
+ true ->
+ TypeDesc = transform(Content,[]),
+ transform_types(T, [{li,Attr ++ [{class,"description"}],TypeDesc}|Acc]);
+ false ->
+ true = proplists:is_defined(variable, Attr),
+ transform_types(T, Acc)
+ end;
+transform_types([{type,_,_}|_T],_Acc) ->
+ throw(mixed_type_declarations);
+transform_types(Dom,Acc) ->
+ {lists:reverse(Acc),Dom}.
+transform_taglist(Attr,Content) ->
+ Items =
+ lists:map(fun({tag,A,C}) ->
+ {dt,A,C};
+ ({item,A,C}) ->
+ {dd,A,C}
+ end, Content),
+ {dl,Attr,Items}.
+%% if we have {func,[],[{name,...},{name,....},...]}
+%% we convert it to one {func,[],[{name,...}] per arity lowest first.
+transform_funcs([Func|T],Acc) ->
+ transform_funcs(T,func2func(Func) ++ Acc);
+transform_funcs([],Acc) ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc).
+func2func({func,Attr,Contents}) ->
+ ContentsNoName = [NC||NC <- Contents, element(1,NC) /= name],
+ EditLink =
+ case proplists:get_value(ghlink,Attr) of
+ undefined ->
+ #{};
+ GhLink ->
+ #{ edit_url =>
+ iolist_to_binary(["",GhLink]) }
+ end,
+ VerifyNameList =
+ fun(NameList, Test) ->
+ %% Assert that we don't mix ways to write <name>
+ [begin
+ ok = Test(C),
+ {proplists:get_value(name,T),proplists:get_value(arity,T)}
+ end || {name,T,C} <- NameList]
+ end,
+ NameList = [Name || {name,_,_} = Name <- Contents],
+ %% "Since" is hard to accurately as there can be multiple <name> per <func> and they
+ %% can refer to the same or other arities. This should be improved in the future but
+ %% for now we set since to a comma separated list of all since attributes.
+ SinceMD =
+ case [proplists:get_value(since, SinceAttr) ||
+ {name,SinceAttr,_} <- NameList, proplists:get_value(since, SinceAttr) =/= []] of
+ [] -> EditLink;
+ Sinces ->
+ EditLink#{ since => unicode:characters_to_binary(
+ lists:join(",",lists:usort(Sinces))) }
+ end,
+ Functions =
+ case NameList of
+ [{name,_,[]}|_] ->
+ %% Spec style function docs
+ TagsToFA =
+ fun(Tags) ->
+ {proplists:get_value(name,Tags),
+ proplists:get_value(arity,Tags)}
+ end,
+ _ = VerifyNameList(NameList,fun([]) -> ok end),
+ FAs = [TagsToFA(FAttr) || {name,FAttr,[]} <- NameList ],
+ FAClauses = lists:usort([{TagsToFA(FAttr),proplists:get_value(clause_i,FAttr)}
+ || {name,FAttr,[]} <- NameList ]),
+ Signature = [iolist_to_binary([F,"/",A]) || {F,A} <- FAs],
+ lists:map(
+ fun({F,A}) ->
+ Specs = [{func_to_atom(CF),list_to_integer(CA),C}
+ || {{CF,CA},C} <- FAClauses,
+ F =:= CF, A =:= CA],
+ {function,[{name,F},{arity,list_to_integer(A)},
+ {signature,Signature},
+ {meta,SinceMD#{ signature => Specs }}],
+ ContentsNoName}
+ end, lists:usort(FAs));
+ NameList ->
+ %% Manual style function docs
+ FAs = lists:flatten([func_to_tuple(NameString) || {name, _Attr, NameString} <- NameList]),
+ _ = VerifyNameList(NameList,fun([_|_]) -> ok end),
+ Signature = [strip_tags(NameString) || {name, _Attr, NameString} <- NameList],
+ [{function,[{name,F},{arity,A},
+ {signature,Signature},
+ {meta,SinceMD}],ContentsNoName}
+ || {F,A} <- lists:usort(FAs)]
+ end,
+ transform(Functions,[]).
+func_to_tuple(Chars) ->
+ try
+ [Name,Args] = string:split(strip_tags(Chars),"("),
+ Arities = parse_args(unicode:characters_to_list(Args)),
+ [{unicode:characters_to_list(Name),Arity} || Arity <- Arities]
+ catch E:R:ST ->
+ io:format("Failed to parse: ~p~n",[Chars]),
+ erlang:raise(E,R,ST)
+ end.
+%% This function parses a documentation <name> attribute to figure
+%% out the arities if that function. Example:
+%% "start([go,Mode] [,Extra])" returns [1, 2].
+%% This assumes that when a single <name> describes many arities
+%% the arities are listed with [, syntax.
+parse_args(")" ++ _) ->
+ [0];
+parse_args(Args) ->
+ parse_args(unicode:characters_to_list(Args),1,[]).
+parse_args([$[,$,|T],Arity,[]) ->
+ parse_args(T,Arity,[$[]) ++ parse_args(T,Arity+1,[]);
+parse_args([$,|T],Arity,[]) ->
+ parse_args(T,Arity+1,[]);
+ when Open =:= $[; Open =:= ${; Open =:= $( ->
+ parse_args(T,Arity,[Open|Stack]);
+parse_args([$]|T],Arity,[$[|Stack]) ->
+ parse_args(T,Arity,Stack);
+parse_args([$}|T],Arity,[${|Stack]) ->
+ parse_args(T,Arity,Stack);
+parse_args([$)|T],Arity,[$(|Stack]) ->
+ parse_args(T,Arity,Stack);
+parse_args([$)|_T],Arity,[]) ->
+ [Arity];
+parse_args([_H|T],Arity,Stack) ->
+ parse_args(T,Arity,Stack).
+strip_tags([{_Tag,_Attr,Content}|T]) ->
+ [Content | strip_tags(T)];
+strip_tags([H|T]) when not is_tuple(H) ->
+ [H | strip_tags(T)];
+strip_tags([]) ->
+ [].
+transform_datatype(Dom,_Acc) ->
+ ContentsNoName = transform([NC||NC <- Dom, element(1,NC) /= name],[]),
+ [case N of
+ {name,NameAttr,[]} ->
+ {datatype,NameAttr,ContentsNoName};
+ {name,[],Content} ->
+ [{Name,Arity}] = func_to_tuple(Content),
+ Signature = strip_tags(Content),
+ {datatype,[{name,Name},{n_vars,integer_to_list(Arity)},
+ {signature,Signature}],ContentsNoName}
+ end || N = {name,_,_} <- Dom].
+transform_seealso({seealso,Attr,_Content}) ->
+ {a, Attr, _Content}.
+to_chunk(Dom, Source, Module, AST) ->
+ [{module,MAttr,Mcontent}] = Dom,
+ ModuleDocs = lists:flatmap(
+ fun({Tag,_,Content}) when Tag =:= description;
+ Tag =:= section ->
+ Content;
+ ({_,_,_}) ->
+ []
+ end, Mcontent),
+ TypeMeta = add_types(AST, maps:from_list([{source,Source}|MAttr])),
+ TypeMap = maps:get(types, TypeMeta, []),
+ Anno = erl_anno:set_file(atom_to_list(Module)++".erl",erl_anno:new(0)),
+ Types = lists:flatten([Types || {datatypes,[],Types} <- Mcontent]),
+ TypeEntries =
+ lists:map(
+ fun({datatype,Attr,Descr}) ->
+ TypeName = func_to_atom(proplists:get_value(name,Attr)),
+ TypeArity = case proplists:get_value(n_vars,Attr) of
+ undefined ->
+ find_type_arity(TypeName, TypeMap);
+ Arity ->
+ list_to_integer(Arity)
+ end,
+ TypeArgs = lists:join(",",[lists:concat(["Arg",I]) || I <- lists:seq(1,TypeArity)]),
+ PlaceholderSig = io_lib:format("-type ~p(~s) :: term().",[TypeName,TypeArgs]),
+ TypeSignature = proplists:get_value(
+ signature,Attr,[iolist_to_binary(PlaceholderSig)]),
+ MetaSig =
+ case maps:get({TypeName, TypeArity}, TypeMap, undefined) of
+ undefined ->
+ #{};
+ Sig ->
+ #{ signature => [Sig] }
+ end,
+ docs_v1_entry(type, Anno, TypeName, TypeArity, TypeSignature, MetaSig, Descr)
+ end, Types),
+ Functions = lists:flatten([Functions || {functions,[],Functions} <- Mcontent]),
+ FuncEntrys =
+ lists:flatmap(
+ fun({function,Attr,Fdoc}) ->
+ case func_to_atom(proplists:get_value(name,Attr)) of
+ callback ->
+ [];
+ Name ->
+ Arity = proplists:get_value(arity,Attr),
+ Signature = proplists:get_value(signature,Attr),
+ FMeta = proplists:get_value(meta,Attr),
+ MetaWSpec = add_spec(AST,FMeta),
+ [docs_v1_entry(function, Anno, Name, Arity, Signature, MetaWSpec, Fdoc)]
+ end
+ end, Functions),
+ docs_v1(ModuleDocs, Anno, TypeMeta, FuncEntrys ++ TypeEntries).
+docs_v1(DocContents, Anno, Metadata, Docs) ->
+ #docs_v1{ anno = Anno,
+ module_doc = #{<<"en">> => shell_docs:normalize(DocContents)},
+ metadata = maps:merge(Metadata, (#docs_v1{})#docs_v1.metadata),
+ docs = Docs }.
+docs_v1_entry(Kind, Anno, Name, Arity, Signature, Metadata, DocContents) ->
+ AnnoWLine =
+ case Metadata of
+ #{ signature := [Sig|_] } ->
+ erl_anno:set_line(element(2, Sig), Anno);
+ _NoSignature ->
+ Anno
+ end,
+ {{Kind, Name, Arity}, AnnoWLine, lists:flatten(Signature),
+ #{ <<"en">> => shell_docs:normalize(DocContents)}, Metadata}.
+%% A special list_to_atom that handles
+%% 'and'
+%% Destroy
+%% 'begin'
+func_to_atom(List) ->
+ case erl_scan:string(List) of
+ {ok,[{atom,_,Fn}],_} -> Fn;
+ {ok,[{var,_,Fn}],_} -> Fn;
+ {ok,[{Fn,_}],_} -> Fn;
+ {ok,[{var,_,_},{':',_},_],_} ->
+ callback
+ end.
+-define(IS_TYPE(TO),(TO =:= type orelse TO =:= opaque)).
+add_spec(no_abstract_code, Meta) ->
+ Meta;
+add_spec({raw_abstract_v1, AST}, Meta = #{ signature := Specs } ) ->
+ Meta#{ signature := add_spec_clauses(AST, merge_clauses(Specs,#{})) };
+add_spec(_, Meta) ->
+ Meta.
+add_types(no_abstract_code, Meta) ->
+ Meta;
+add_types({raw_abstract_v1, AST}, Meta) ->
+ Meta#{ types =>
+ maps:from_list(
+ [{{Name,length(Args)},T} || T = {attribute,_,TO,{Name, _, Args}} <- AST,
+ ?IS_TYPE(TO)]) }.
+add_spec_clauses(AST, [{{F,A},Clauses}|T]) ->
+ [filter_clauses(find_spec(AST,F,A),Clauses) | add_spec_clauses(AST,T)];
+add_spec_clauses(_AST, []) ->
+ [].
+filter_clauses(Spec,[undefined]) ->
+ Spec;
+filter_clauses({attribute,Ln,spec,{FA,Clauses}},ClauseIds) ->
+ {_,FilteredClauses} =
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun({TO,_,_,_} = C,{Cnt,Acc}) when ?IS_TYPE(TO) ->
+ case lists:member(integer_to_list(Cnt),ClauseIds) of
+ true ->
+ {Cnt+1,[C | Acc]};
+ false ->
+ {Cnt+1,Acc}
+ end
+ end, {1, []}, Clauses),
+ {attribute,Ln,spec,{FA,lists:reverse(FilteredClauses)}}.
+merge_clauses([{F,A,Clause}|T],Acc) ->
+ merge_clauses(T,Acc#{ {F,A} => [Clause | maps:get({F,A},Acc,[])]});
+merge_clauses([],Acc) ->
+ maps:to_list(Acc).
+find_type_arity(Name, [{{Name,_},{attribute,_,TO,{Name,_,Args}}}|_T]) when ?IS_TYPE(TO) ->
+ length(Args);
+find_type_arity(Name, [_|T]) ->
+ find_type_arity(Name,T);
+find_type_arity(Name, Map) when is_map(Map) ->
+ find_type_arity(Name, maps:to_list(Map)).
+find_spec(AST, Func, Arity) ->
+ Specs = lists:filter(fun({attribute,_,spec,{{F,A},_}}) ->
+ F =:= Func andalso A =:= Arity;
+ ({attribute,_,spec,{{_,F,A},_}}) ->
+ F =:= Func andalso A =:= Arity;
+ (_) ->
+ false
+ end, AST),
+ case Specs of
+ [S] ->
+ S;
+ [] ->
+ io:format("Could not find spec for ~p/~p~n",[Func,Arity]),
+ exit(1)
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/erl_docgen/src/ b/lib/erl_docgen/src/
index 171c697585..c2641f30df 100644
--- a/lib/erl_docgen/src/
+++ b/lib/erl_docgen/src/
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
{vsn, "%VSN%"},
{modules, [docgen_otp_specs,
- docgen_xmerl_xml_cb
+ docgen_xmerl_xml_cb,
+ docgen_xml_to_chunk