diff options
authorRickard Green <>2023-04-29 00:30:12 +0200
committerRickard Green <>2023-04-29 00:59:16 +0200
commit330b119be68f95f6f8fbdef8bf16bba314783973 (patch)
parent3002f55f409f44122d3a45ac53bfd453e9aa2cb2 (diff)
[erts] ensure no mix of external and internal identifiers
Silently reject proposed creation and select another one when a node goes alive if there are external identifiers in the system with the proposed creation and the same node name that are to be used. Such identifiers would not work as expected in various situations, and are not from the instance of the node that are about to go alive.
4 files changed, 154 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/erts/emulator/beam/dist.c b/erts/emulator/beam/dist.c
index c79c0834f6..f3b702ed78 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/beam/dist.c
+++ b/erts/emulator/beam/dist.c
@@ -4636,6 +4636,19 @@ BIF_RETTYPE setnode_2(BIF_ALIST_2)
success = (!ERTS_PROC_IS_EXITING(net_kernel)
& !ERTS_PROC_GET_DIST_ENTRY(net_kernel));
if (success) {
+ /*
+ * Ensure we don't use a nodename-creation pair with
+ * external identifiers existing in the system.
+ */
+ while (!0) {
+ ErlNode *nep;
+ if (creation < 4)
+ creation = 4;
+ nep = erts_find_node(BIF_ARG_1, creation);
+ if (!nep || erts_node_refc(nep) == 0)
+ break;
+ creation++;
+ }
erts_set_this_node(BIF_ARG_1, (Uint32) creation);
erts_this_dist_entry->creation = creation;
diff --git a/erts/emulator/beam/erl_node_tables.c b/erts/emulator/beam/erl_node_tables.c
index 75c6b6abce..9784e17660 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/beam/erl_node_tables.c
+++ b/erts/emulator/beam/erl_node_tables.c
@@ -881,6 +881,18 @@ erts_node_table_info(fmtfn_t to, void *to_arg)
+ErlNode *erts_find_node(Eterm sysname, Uint32 creation)
+ ErlNode *res;
+ ErlNode ne;
+ ne.sysname = sysname;
+ ne.creation = creation;
+ erts_rwmtx_rlock(&erts_node_table_rwmtx);
+ res = hash_get(&erts_node_table, (void *) &ne);
+ erts_rwmtx_runlock(&erts_node_table_rwmtx);
+ return res;
ErlNode *erts_find_or_insert_node(Eterm sysname, Uint32 creation, Eterm book)
diff --git a/erts/emulator/beam/erl_node_tables.h b/erts/emulator/beam/erl_node_tables.h
index 937bfb1d9e..c3ee2eaa36 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/beam/erl_node_tables.h
+++ b/erts/emulator/beam/erl_node_tables.h
@@ -258,6 +258,7 @@ void erts_set_dist_entry_not_connected(DistEntry *);
void erts_set_dist_entry_pending(DistEntry *);
void erts_set_dist_entry_connected(DistEntry *, Eterm, Uint64);
ErlNode *erts_find_or_insert_node(Eterm, Uint32, Eterm);
+ErlNode *erts_find_node(Eterm, Uint32);
void erts_schedule_delete_node(ErlNode *);
void erts_set_this_node(Eterm, Uint32);
Uint erts_node_table_size(void);
@@ -285,6 +286,7 @@ ERTS_GLB_INLINE void erts_deref_node_entry__(ErlNode *np, Eterm term, char *file
ERTS_GLB_INLINE erts_aint_t erts_ref_node_entry(ErlNode *np, int min_val, Eterm term);
ERTS_GLB_INLINE void erts_deref_node_entry(ErlNode *np, Eterm term);
+ERTS_GLB_INLINE erts_aint_t erts_node_refc(ErlNode *np);
ERTS_GLB_INLINE void erts_de_rlock(DistEntry *dep);
ERTS_GLB_INLINE void erts_de_runlock(DistEntry *dep);
ERTS_GLB_INLINE void erts_de_rwlock(DistEntry *dep);
@@ -335,6 +337,12 @@ erts_deref_node_entry(ErlNode *np, Eterm term)
+ERTS_GLB_INLINE erts_aint_t
+erts_node_refc(ErlNode *np)
+ return erts_refc_read(&np->refc, 0);
diff --git a/erts/emulator/test/distribution_SUITE.erl b/erts/emulator/test/distribution_SUITE.erl
index 128c9b07e0..61d9ced3b5 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/test/distribution_SUITE.erl
+++ b/erts/emulator/test/distribution_SUITE.erl
@@ -75,7 +75,9 @@
- huge_iovec/1]).
+ huge_iovec/1,
+ creation_selection/1,
+ creation_selection_test/1]).
%% Internal exports.
-export([sender/3, receiver2/2, dummy_waiter/0, dead_process/0,
@@ -106,7 +108,7 @@ all() ->
{group, bad_dist}, {group, bad_dist_ext},
start_epmd_false, epmd_module, system_limit,
hopefull_data_encoding, hopefull_export_fun_bug,
- huge_iovec].
+ huge_iovec, creation_selection].
groups() ->
[{bulk_send, [], [bulk_send_small, bulk_send_big, bulk_send_bigbig]},
@@ -2810,9 +2812,126 @@ mk_rand_bin(0, Data) ->
mk_rand_bin(N, Data) ->
mk_rand_bin(N-1, [rand:uniform(256) - 1 | Data]).
+creation_selection(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ register(creation_selection_test_supervisor, self()),
+ Name = atom_to_list(?FUNCTION_NAME) ++ "-"
+ ++ integer_to_list(erlang:system_time()),
+ Host = hostname(),
+ Cmd = lists:append(
+ [ct:get_progname(),
+ " -noshell",
+ " -setcookie ", atom_to_list(erlang:get_cookie()),
+ " -pa ", filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)),
+ " -s ", atom_to_list(?MODULE), " ",
+ " creation_selection_test ", atom_to_list(node()), " ",
+ atom_to_list(net_kernel:longnames()), " ", Name, " ", Host]),
+ ct:pal("Node command: ~p~n", [Cmd]),
+ Port = open_port({spawn, Cmd}, [exit_status]),
+ Node = list_to_atom(lists:append([Name, "@", Host])),
+ ok = receive_creation_selection_info(Port, Node).
+receive_creation_selection_info(Port, Node) ->
+ receive
+ {creation_selection_test, Node, Creations, InvalidCreation,
+ ClashResolvedCreation} = Msg ->
+ ct:log("Test result: ~p~n", [Msg]),
+ %% Verify that creation values are created as expected. The
+ %% list of creations is in reverse start order...
+ MaxC = (1 bsl 32) - 1,
+ MinC = 4,
+ StartOrderCreations = lists:reverse(Creations),
+ InvalidCreation = lists:foldl(fun (C, C) when is_integer(C),
+ MinC =< C,
+ C =< MaxC ->
+ %% Return next expected
+ %% creation...
+ if C == MaxC -> MinC;
+ true -> C+1
+ end
+ end,
+ hd(StartOrderCreations),
+ StartOrderCreations),
+ false = lists:member(ClashResolvedCreation, [InvalidCreation
+ | Creations]),
+ receive
+ {Port, {exit_status, 0}} ->
+ Port ! {self(), close},
+ ok;
+ {Port, {exit_status, EStat}} ->
+ ct:fail({"node exited abnormally: ", EStat})
+ end;
+ {Port, {exit_status, EStat}} ->
+ ct:fail({"node prematurely exited: ", EStat});
+ {Port, {data, Data}} ->
+ ct:log("~ts", [Data]),
+ receive_creation_selection_info(Port, Node)
+ end,
+ ok.
+creation_selection_test([TestSupNode, LongNames, Name, Host]) ->
+ try
+ StartArgs = [Name,
+ case LongNames of
+ true -> longnames;
+ false -> shortnames
+ end],
+ Node = list_to_atom(lists:append([atom_to_list(Name),
+ "@", atom_to_list(Host)])),
+ GoDistributed = fun (F) ->
+ {ok, _} = net_kernel:start(StartArgs),
+ Node = node(),
+ Creation = erlang:system_info(creation),
+ _ = F(Creation),
+ net_kernel:stop(),
+ Creation
+ end,
+ %% We start multiple times to verify that the creation values
+ %% we get from epmd are delivered in sequence. This is a
+ %% must for the test case such as it is written now, but can be
+ %% changed. If changed, this test case must be updated...
+ {Creations,
+ LastCreation} = lists:foldl(fun (_, {Cs, _LC}) ->
+ CFun = fun (X) -> X end,
+ C = GoDistributed(CFun),
+ {[C|Cs], C}
+ end, {[], 0}, lists:seq(1, 5)),
+ %% We create a pid with the creation that epmd will offer us the next
+ %% time we start the distribution and then start the distribution
+ %% once more. The node should avoid this creation, since this would
+ %% cause external identifiers in the system with same
+ %% nodename/creation pair as used by the local node, which in turn
+ %% would cause these identifers not to work as expected. That is, the
+ %% node should silently reject this creation and chose another one when
+ %% starting the distribution.
+ InvalidCreation = LastCreation+1,
+ Pid = erts_test_utils:mk_ext_pid({Node, InvalidCreation}, 4711, 0),
+ true = erts_debug:size(Pid) > 0, %% External pid
+ ResultFun = fun (ClashResolvedCreation) ->
+ pong = net_adm:ping(TestSupNode),
+ Msg = {creation_selection_test, node(), Creations,
+ InvalidCreation, ClashResolvedCreation},
+ {creation_selection_test_supervisor, TestSupNode}
+ ! Msg,
+ %% Wait a bit so the message have time to get
+ %% through before we take down the distribution...
+ receive after 500 -> ok end
+ end,
+ _ = GoDistributed(ResultFun),
+ %% Ensure Pid is not garbage collected before starting the
+ %% distribution...
+ _ = id(Pid),
+ erlang:halt(0)
+ catch
+ Class:Reason:StackTrace ->
+ erlang:display({Class, Reason, StackTrace}),
+ erlang:halt(17)
+ end.
%%% Utilities
+id(X) ->
+ X.
timestamp() ->