diff options
authorLukas Larsson <>2021-04-06 10:39:04 +0200
committerLukas Larsson <>2021-04-12 09:06:41 +0200
commit8ef4165cf220c79973ffce7035fe05d867622d6f (patch)
parentff12bbe382e9ad15da1693901c26dc61008ed443 (diff)
compiler: Fix parse transform column handling
Fix so that parse_transforms are handed the correct AST without columns if requested by either the user or the parse transform. Added test to verify that the column stripping works.
5 files changed, 163 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/lib/compiler/doc/src/compile.xml b/lib/compiler/doc/src/compile.xml
index 26555438b8..8906b1c2eb 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/doc/src/compile.xml
+++ b/lib/compiler/doc/src/compile.xml
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ module.beam: module.erl \
since R13B04.</p>
- <tag><c>error_location</c></tag>
+ <tag><c>{error_location,line | column}</c></tag>
<p>If the value of this flag is <c>line</c>, the location
<seeerl marker="#error_information"><c>ErrorLocation</c></seeerl>
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/compile.erl b/lib/compiler/src/compile.erl
index c9b902d8ff..515f5facd8 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/compile.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/compile.erl
@@ -1049,7 +1049,10 @@ do_parse_module(DefEncoding, #compile{ifile=File,options=Opts,dir=Dir}=St) ->
with_columns(Opts) ->
- proplists:get_value(error_location, Opts, column) =:= column.
+ case proplists:get_value(error_location, Opts, column) of
+ column -> true;
+ line -> false
+ end.
consult_abstr(_Code, St) ->
case file:consult(St#compile.ifile) of
@@ -1138,16 +1141,15 @@ foldl_transform([T|Ts], Code0, St) ->
T:parse_transform(Code, S#compile.options)
Run = runner(none, St),
- try Run({Name, Fun}, Code0, St) of
+ StrippedCode = maybe_strip_columns(Code0, T, St),
+ try Run({Name, Fun}, StrippedCode, St) of
{error,Es,Ws} ->
{error,St#compile{warnings=St#compile.warnings ++ Ws,
errors=St#compile.errors ++ Es}};
- {warning, Forms0, Ws} ->
- Forms = maybe_strip_columns(Forms0, T),
+ {warning, Forms, Ws} ->
foldl_transform(Ts, Forms,
St#compile{warnings=St#compile.warnings ++ Ws});
- Forms0 ->
- Forms = maybe_strip_columns(Forms0, T),
+ Forms ->
foldl_transform(Ts, Forms, St)
error:Reason:Stk ->
@@ -1160,28 +1162,43 @@ foldl_transform([T|Ts], Code0, St) ->
{error,St#compile{errors=St#compile.errors ++ Es}}
-foldl_transform([], Code, St) -> {ok,Code,St}.
-%%% It is possible--although unlikely--that parse transforms add
-%%% columns to the abstract code, why this function is called for
-%%% every parse transform.
-maybe_strip_columns(Code, T) ->
- case erlang:function_exported(T, parse_transform_info, 0) of
- true ->
- Info = T:parse_transform_info(),
- case maps:get(error_location, Info, column) of
- line ->
- strip_columns(Code);
- _ ->
- Code
- end;
- false ->
- Code
+foldl_transform([], Code, St) ->
+ %% We may need to strip columns added by parse transforms before returning
+ %% them back to the compiler. We pass ?MODULE as a bit of a hack to get the
+ %% correct default.
+ {ok, maybe_strip_columns(Code, ?MODULE, St), St}.
+%%% If a parse transform does not support column numbers it can say so using
+%%% the parse_transform_info callback. The error_location is taken from both
+%%% compiler options and from the parse transform and if either of them want
+%%% to only use lines, we strip columns.
+maybe_strip_columns(Code, T, St) ->
+ PTErrorLocation =
+ case erlang:function_exported(T, parse_transform_info, 0) of
+ true ->
+ maps:get(error_location, T:parse_transform_info(), column);
+ false ->
+ column
+ end,
+ ConfigErrorLocation = proplists:get_value(error_location, St#compile.options, column),
+ if
+ PTErrorLocation =:= line; ConfigErrorLocation =:= line ->
+ strip_columns(Code);
+ true -> Code
strip_columns(Code) ->
F = fun(A) -> erl_anno:set_location(erl_anno:line(A), A) end,
- [erl_parse:map_anno(F, Form) || Form <- Code].
+ [case Form of
+ {eof,{Line,_Col}} ->
+ {eof,Line};
+ {ErrorOrWarning,{{Line,_Col},Module,Reason}}
+ when ErrorOrWarning =:= error;
+ ErrorOrWarning =:= warning ->
+ {ErrorOrWarning,{Line,Module,Reason}};
+ Form ->
+ erl_parse:map_anno(F, Form)
+ end || Form <- Code].
get_core_transforms(Opts) -> [M || {core_transform,M} <- Opts].
diff --git a/lib/compiler/test/compile_SUITE.erl b/lib/compiler/test/compile_SUITE.erl
index e3f03d4959..7c47d8a289 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/test/compile_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/test/compile_SUITE.erl
@@ -1724,11 +1724,44 @@ do_transforms(Config) ->
%% Compile a file using line_pt and verify that column numbers
%% have been stripped.
Big = filename:join(DataDir, "big"),
- {[],[_|_]} = compile_partition_warnings(Big, line_pt),
+ {[],[_|_]} = compile_partition_warnings(Big, [{parse_transform,line_pt}]),
%% Compile a file using column_pt and verify that column numbers
%% have NOT been stripped.
- {[_|_],[]} = compile_partition_warnings(Big, column_pt),
+ {[_|_],[]} = compile_partition_warnings(Big, [{parse_transform,column_pt}]),
+ %% Compile a file using column_pt and error_location=line and verify
+ %% that column numbers have been stripped.
+ {[],[_|_]} = compile_partition_warnings(Big, [{error_location,line},
+ {parse_transform,column_pt}]),
+ %% Compile a file using column_pt, line_pt and verify
+ %% that column numbers have been stripped.
+ {[],[_|_]} = compile_partition_warnings(Big, [{parse_transform,column_pt},
+ {parse_transform,line_pt}]),
+ %% Compile a file using column_pt that adds columns and error_location=line and
+ %% verify that column numbers have been stripped.
+ {[],[_|_]} = compile_partition_warnings(Big, [{error_location,line},
+ add_columns,
+ {parse_transform,column_pt}]),
+ %% Compile a file using column_pt that adds columns and error_location=line and
+ %% then call column_pt again to check that columns are stripped in between calls.
+ %% and then verify that column numbers have been stripped from output.
+ {[],[_|_]} = compile_partition_warnings(Big, [{error_location,line},
+ add_columns,
+ {parse_transform,column_pt},
+ {parse_transform,column_pt}]),
+ %% Compile a file using column_pt that adds columns and en error and error_location=line and
+ %% verify that column numbers have been stripped.
+ {error,[{_What,[{Line,_,_}]}],[_|_]} =
+ compile_partition_warnings(Big, [{error_location,line},
+ add_columns,
+ add_error,
+ {parse_transform,column_pt}]),
+ true = is_integer(Line),
%% Cover transform code implementing the `time` option.
{ok,big,_} = compile:file(Big, [binary, time, report,
@@ -1754,15 +1787,18 @@ do_transforms(Config) ->
-compile_partition_warnings(Source, PT) ->
- Opts = [binary, return, {core_transform,generic_pt}, {parse_transform,PT}],
- {ok,big,<<_/binary>>,Ws0} = compile:file(Source, Opts),
- [{_SourcePath,Ws}] = Ws0,
- %% Return {[ColumnWarning], [LineWarning]}.
- lists:partition(fun({{L,C},_,_}) when is_integer(L), is_integer(C) -> true;
- ({L,_,_}) when is_integer(L) -> false
- end, Ws).
+compile_partition_warnings(Source, Opts) ->
+ case compile:file(Source, [binary, return | Opts]) of
+ {ok,big,<<_/binary>>,Ws0} ->
+ [{_SourcePath,Ws}] = Ws0,
+ %% Return {[ColumnWarning], [LineWarning]}.
+ lists:partition(fun({{L,C},_,_}) when is_integer(L), is_integer(C) -> true;
+ ({L,_,_}) when is_integer(L) -> false
+ end, Ws);
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
%% Cover the erl_compile API used by erlc.
erl_compile_api(Config) ->
diff --git a/lib/compiler/test/compile_SUITE_data/column_pt.erl b/lib/compiler/test/compile_SUITE_data/column_pt.erl
index 93d56cb5ed..bf599bb38f 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/test/compile_SUITE_data/column_pt.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/test/compile_SUITE_data/column_pt.erl
@@ -19,11 +19,68 @@
--export([parse_transform/2, parse_transform_info/0]).
+-export([parse_transform/2, parse_transform_info/0, format_error/1]).
parse_transform_info() ->
%% Will default to {error_location,column}.
-parse_transform(Forms, _Options) ->
- Forms.
+parse_transform(Forms, Options) ->
+ HasColumn =
+ case proplists:get_value(error_location, Options, column) of
+ column ->
+ true;
+ line ->
+ false
+ end,
+ AddColumns = proplists:get_value(add_columns, Options, false),
+ AddError = proplists:get_value(add_error, Options, false),
+ {eof,LastLocation} = lists:keyfind(eof, 1, Forms),
+ LastLine = erl_anno:line(erl_anno:new(LastLocation)),
+ ExtraFormsAnno =
+ if HasColumn ->
+ erl_anno:new({LastLine,1});
+ not HasColumn ->
+ erl_anno:new(LastLine)
+ end,
+ ExtraForms = [{warning,{ExtraFormsAnno,?MODULE,"injected warning"}}] ++
+ [{error,{ExtraFormsAnno,?MODULE,"injected error"}} || AddError],
+ lists:map(
+ fun
+ ({eof,Location}) ->
+ Anno = erl_anno:new(Location),
+ HasColumn = erl_anno:column(Anno) =/= undefined,
+ if AddColumns ->
+ {eof,{erl_anno:line(Anno), 1}};
+ not AddColumns ->
+ {eof,Location}
+ end;
+ ({ErrorOrWarning,{Location,Module,Text}})
+ when ErrorOrWarning =:= error;
+ ErrorOrWarning =:= warning ->
+ Anno = erl_anno:new(Location),
+ HasColumn = erl_anno:column(Anno) =/= undefined,
+ if AddColumns ->
+ {ErrorOrWarning,{{erl_anno:line(Anno), 1}, Module, Text}};
+ not AddColumns ->
+ {ErrorOrWarning, {Location, Module, Text}}
+ end;
+ (Form) ->
+ erl_parse:map_anno(
+ fun(Anno) ->
+ HasColumn = erl_anno:column(Anno) =/= undefined,
+ if AddColumns ->
+ erl_anno:set_location({erl_anno:line(Anno), 1}, Anno);
+ not AddColumns ->
+ Anno
+ end
+ end, Form)
+ end, Forms ++ ExtraForms).
+format_error(Error) ->
+ Error.
diff --git a/lib/compiler/test/compile_SUITE_data/line_pt.erl b/lib/compiler/test/compile_SUITE_data/line_pt.erl
index 0e77072d4c..32078081d2 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/test/compile_SUITE_data/line_pt.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/test/compile_SUITE_data/line_pt.erl
@@ -24,5 +24,17 @@
parse_transform_info() ->
#{error_location => line}.
-parse_transform(Forms, _Options) ->
- Forms.
+parse_transform(Forms,_Options) ->
+ lists:map(
+ fun
+ ({eof,Location}) ->
+ Anno = erl_anno:new(Location),
+ false = erl_anno:column(Anno) =/= undefined,
+ {eof,Location};
+ (Form) ->
+ erl_parse:map_anno(
+ fun(Anno) ->
+ false = erl_anno:column(Anno) =/= undefined,
+ Anno
+ end, Form)
+ end, Forms).