diff options
authorMicael Karlberg <>2012-01-12 12:04:08 +0100
committerMicael Karlberg <>2012-01-12 12:13:18 +0100
commit9f0191d456ae36a887ba08e689670aa78d3de20d (patch)
parentc2de50f0acc5f30579d0ca0a03cbaf42847dfa9e (diff)
[snmp/agent] Removed the (unused) serializer part
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 97 deletions
diff --git a/lib/snmp/src/agent/snmpa_agent.erl b/lib/snmp/src/agent/snmpa_agent.erl
index 5db3eab012..d3eeca2290 100644
--- a/lib/snmp/src/agent/snmpa_agent.erl
+++ b/lib/snmp/src/agent/snmpa_agent.erl
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
terminate/2, code_change/3, tr_var/2, tr_varbind/1,
handle_pdu/7, worker/2, worker_loop/1,
- do_send_trap/7, do_send_trap/8, serialize/2, serialize/3]).
+ do_send_trap/7, do_send_trap/8]).
@@ -271,14 +271,6 @@ update_mibs_cache_age(Agent, Age) ->
call(Agent, {mibs_cache_request, {update_age, Age}}).
-serialize(Tag, Exec) ->
- serialize(snmp_master_agent, Tag, Exec).
-serialize(Agent, Tag, Exec)
- when (is_pid(Agent) orelse is_atom(Agent)) andalso is_function(Exec, 0) ->
- call(Agent, {serialize, Tag, Exec}).
increment_counter(Counter, Initial, Max) ->
%% This is to make sure no one else increments our counter
Key = {Counter, self()},
@@ -950,11 +942,6 @@ handle_info({'DOWN', Ref, process, Pid, {mibs_cache_reply, Reply}},
gen_server:reply(From, Reply),
{noreply, S#state{mibs_cache_request = undefined}};
-handle_info({'DOWN', Mon, process, _Pid, {serializer_done, Tag}}, S) ->
- ?vlog("handle_info(DOWN) -> serializer done (~w)", [Tag]),
- handle_serializer_down(Mon, Tag),
- {noreply, S};
handle_info(Info, S) ->
warning_msg("received unexpected info: ~n~p", [Info]),
{noreply, S}.
@@ -1318,12 +1305,6 @@ handle_call({set_request_limit, NewLimit}, _From, S) ->
Reply = handle_set_request_limit(S, NewLimit),
{reply, Reply, S};
-handle_call({serialize, Tag, Exec}, From, S) ->
- ?vlog("handle_call(serialize) -> entry with"
- "~n Tag: ~p", [Tag]),
- handle_serialize(Tag, Exec, From),
- {noreply, S};
handle_call(stop, _From, S) ->
{stop, normal, ok, S};
@@ -4004,83 +3985,6 @@ handle_set_request_limit(_, _) ->
{error, not_supported}.
-%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%% Funtions handling the serialize mechanism
-%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-serialize_key(Mon) -> {Mon, serialize}.
-storage_key(Tag) -> {Tag, storage}.
-start_serializer(Exec, Tag) ->
- Serializer = fun() ->
- (catch Exec()),
- exit({serializer_done, Tag})
- end,
- {_Pid, Mon} = erlang:spawn_opt(Serializer, [monitor]),
- Mon.
-handle_serialize(Tag, Exec, From) ->
- StorageKey = storage_key(Tag),
- case ets:lookup(snmp_agent_table, StorageKey) of
- [] ->
- %% We are first
- ?vtrace("handle_serialize -> nothing found"
- "~n (for ~p)", [StorageKey]),
- Mon = start_serializer(Exec, Tag),
- SerializeKey = serialize_key(Mon),
- %% These are waiting for reply
- ets:insert(snmp_agent_table, {SerializeKey, [From]}),
- %% These are waiting for exec: That is none at the moment
- ets:insert(snmp_agent_table, {StorageKey, {Exec, []}}),
- ok;
- [{_StorageKey, {_Exec, Froms}}] ->
- %% There is a process already running, so store the request
- ?vtrace("handle_serialize -> found"
- "~n (for ~p)"
- "~n Forms: ~p", [StorageKey]),
- NewStorage = {Exec, [From|Froms]},
- ets:insert(snmp_agent_table, {StorageKey, NewStorage}),
- ok
- end.
-deliver_serialize_reply([From]) ->
- %% This is the normal case, so we handle it here to optimize
- gen_server:reply(From, ok);
-deliver_serialize_reply(SerializeReqs) ->
- lists:foreach(fun(From) -> gen_server:reply(From, ok) end,
- lists:reverse(SerializeReqs)).
-handle_serializer_down(Mon, Tag) ->
- SerializeKey = serialize_key(Mon),
- [{_, SerializeReqs}] = ets:lookup(snmp_agent_table, SerializeKey),
- ?vtrace("handle_serializer_down -> found"
- "~n (for ~p)"
- "~n ~p",
- [SerializeKey, SerializeReqs]),
- deliver_serialize_reply(SerializeReqs),
- ets:delete(snmp_agent_table, SerializeKey),
- StorageKey = storage_key(Tag),
- case ets:lookup(snmp_agent_table, StorageKey) of
- [{_StorageKey, {_Exec, []}}] ->
- %% We are done
- ?vtrace("handle_serializer_down -> we are done", []),
- ets:delete(snmp_agent_table, StorageKey),
- ok;
- [{_StorageKey, {Exec, Froms}}] ->
- %% We have some waiting, so start a new one
- ?vtrace("handle_serializer_down -> waiting requests for ~p: "
- "~n ~p", [StorageKey, Froms]),
- Mon2 = start_serializer(Exec, Tag),
- SerializeKey2 = serialize_key(Mon2),
- ets:insert(snmp_agent_table, {SerializeKey2, Froms}),
- ets:insert(snmp_agent_table, {StorageKey, {Exec, []}}),
- ok
- end.
-%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
agent_info(#state{worker = W, set_worker = SW}) ->
case (catch get_agent_info(W, SW)) of
Info when is_list(Info) ->