diff options
authorMicael Karlberg <>2019-09-10 15:49:07 +0200
committerMicael Karlberg <>2019-09-12 16:09:10 +0200
commit4e5a593041a8aa1f616dfcb3357238c78f56a54c (patch)
parentdb6059a9217767a6e42e93cec05089c0ec977d20 (diff)
[snmp|manager] Server callback proxy process config
Callback Proxy for the SNMP manager server. Each callback was previously done in an newly created temporary process (it did the call and then exited). This has now been made configurable with the new (server) option cbproxy. It has the values: temporary (default) and permanent. OTP-15947
3 files changed, 378 insertions, 87 deletions
diff --git a/lib/snmp/src/manager/snmpm_config.erl b/lib/snmp/src/manager/snmpm_config.erl
index 118cdcd1df..7711dacedf 100644
--- a/lib/snmp/src/manager/snmpm_config.erl
+++ b/lib/snmp/src/manager/snmpm_config.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2016. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2019. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -147,7 +147,12 @@
-define(USER_MOD_DEFAULT, snmpm_user_default).
-define(USER_DATA_DEFAULT, undefined).
-%% -define(DEF_ADDR_TAG, default_addr_tag).
+-define(SERVER_OPT_VERB_DEFAULT, silence).
+-define(SERVER_OPT_GCT_DEFAULT, 30000).
+-define(SERVER_OPT_MT_DEFAULT, true).
+-define(SERVER_OPT_CBP_DEFAULT, temporary). % permanent
+%% -define(DEF_ADDR_TAG, default_addr_tag).
-define(DEFAULT_TARGETNAME, default_agent).
-define(DEF_PORT_TAG, default_port_tag).
-define(SUPPORTED_DOMAINS, [transportDomainUdpIpv4, transportDomainUdpIpv6]).
@@ -1117,12 +1122,14 @@ do_init(Opts) ->
%% -- Server (optional) --
ServerOpts = get_opt(server, Opts, []),
- ServerVerb = get_opt(verbosity, ServerOpts, silence),
- ServerGct = get_opt(timeout, ServerOpts, 30000),
- ServerMt = get_opt(multi_threaded, ServerOpts, true),
+ ServerVerb = get_opt(verbosity, ServerOpts, ?SERVER_OPT_VERB_DEFAULT),
+ ServerGct = get_opt(timeout, ServerOpts, ?SERVER_OPT_GCT_DEFAULT),
+ ServerMt = get_opt(multi_threaded, ServerOpts, ?SERVER_OPT_MT_DEFAULT),
+ ServerCBP = get_opt(cbproxy, ServerOpts, ?SERVER_OPT_CBP_DEFAULT),
ets:insert(snmpm_config_table, {server_verbosity, ServerVerb}),
ets:insert(snmpm_config_table, {server_timeout, ServerGct}),
ets:insert(snmpm_config_table, {server_multi_threaded, ServerMt}),
+ ets:insert(snmpm_config_table, {server_cbproxy, ServerCBP}),
%% -- Mibs (optional) --
?vdebug("initiate mini mib", []),
@@ -1415,6 +1422,11 @@ verify_server_opts([{verbosity, Verbosity}|Opts]) ->
verify_server_opts([{timeout, Timeout}|Opts]) ->
+verify_server_opts([{multi_threaded, MT}|Opts]) when is_boolean(MT) ->
+ verify_server_opts(Opts);
+verify_server_opts([{cbproxy, CBP}|Opts]) ->
+ verify_server_cbproxy(CBP),
+ verify_server_opts(Opts);
verify_server_opts([Opt|_]) ->
error({invalid_server_option, Opt}).
@@ -1423,6 +1435,13 @@ verify_server_timeout(T) when is_integer(T) andalso (T > 0) ->
verify_server_timeout(T) ->
error({invalid_server_timeout, T}).
+verify_server_cbproxy(temporary) ->
+ ok;
+verify_server_cbproxy(permanent) ->
+ ok;
+verify_server_cbproxy(CBP) ->
+ error({invalid_server_cbproxy, CBP}).
verify_net_if_opts([]) ->
verify_net_if_opts([{module, Mod}|Opts]) ->
@@ -1794,14 +1813,14 @@ order_agent(ItemA, ItemB) ->
snmp_conf:keyorder(1, ItemA, ItemB, [tdomain, port]).
fix_agent_config(Conf) ->
- ?vdebug("fix_agent_config -> entry with~n~n"
- " Conf: ~p", [Conf]),
+ ?vdebug("fix_agent_config -> entry with"
+ "~n Conf: ~p", [Conf]),
fix_agent_config(lists:sort(fun order_agent/2, Conf), []).
fix_agent_config([], FixedConf) ->
Ret = lists:reverse(FixedConf),
- ?vdebug("fix_agent_config -> returns:~n"
- " ~p", [Ret]),
+ ?vdebug("fix_agent_config -> done when (fixed config):"
+ "~n ~p", [Ret]),
fix_agent_config([{taddress = Item, Address} = Entry|Conf], FixedConf) ->
{value, {tdomain, TDomain}} = lists:keysearch(tdomain, 1, FixedConf),
diff --git a/lib/snmp/src/manager/snmpm_mpd.erl b/lib/snmp/src/manager/snmpm_mpd.erl
index 191dc2c281..89fb9005f9 100644
--- a/lib/snmp/src/manager/snmpm_mpd.erl
+++ b/lib/snmp/src/manager/snmpm_mpd.erl
@@ -869,8 +869,20 @@ get_agent_max_message_size(Domain, Addr) ->
{ok, MMS} ->
_Error ->
- ?vlog("unknown agent: ~s",
- [snmp_conf:mk_addr_string({Domain, Addr})]),
+ TAddr = fun(TN) ->
+ case snmpm_config:agent_info(TN, taddress) of
+ {ok, TA} ->
+ TA;
+ {error, _} ->
+ undefined
+ end
+ end,
+ KnownAgents =
+ [{TargetName, TAddr(TargetName)} ||
+ TargetName <- snmpm_config:which_agents()],
+ ?vlog("[agent engine max msg size lookup] unknown agent: ~s"
+ "~n Known Agents: ~p",
+ [snmp_conf:mk_addr_string({Domain, Addr}), KnownAgents]),
%% get_agent_max_message_size(Addr, Port) ->
diff --git a/lib/snmp/src/manager/snmpm_server.erl b/lib/snmp/src/manager/snmpm_server.erl
index c8d7fa1e8b..ea7091cf38 100644
--- a/lib/snmp/src/manager/snmpm_server.erl
+++ b/lib/snmp/src/manager/snmpm_server.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2015. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2019. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -77,6 +77,15 @@
%% GCT exports
-export([gct_init/1, gct/2]).
+%% CallBack Proxy exports
+ do_handle_error/4,
+ do_handle_pdu/5,
+ do_handle_agent/9,
+ do_handle_trap/9,
+ do_handle_inform/10,
+ do_handle_report/9]).
@@ -134,6 +143,9 @@
+-define(CBP_AWT_MAX, 60*60*1000*1000).
+-define(CBP_CNT_MAX, 16#FFFFFFFF).
@@ -147,7 +159,16 @@
req, %% ???? Last request id in outgoing message
oid, %% ???? Last oid in request outgoing message
- mini_mib
+ mini_mib,
+ %% temporary: create a new (temporary) proxy process for each callback.
+ %% transient: create one proxy process per known agent
+ %% Its created "on the fly" and lives for as long as
+ %% there is activity (inactivity for a "long" time,
+ %% will cause it to terminate).
+ %% Not currently used!
+ %% permanent: create one (named) static callback proxy process.
+ cbproxy :: temporary | permanent,
+ cbproxy_pid % Pid of the callback proxy *if* cbp = permanent
@@ -183,6 +204,9 @@
+-define(CBPROXY, snmpm_server_cbproxy).
%%% API
@@ -544,6 +568,16 @@ do_init() ->
{ok, Timeout} = snmpm_config:system_info(server_timeout),
{ok, GCT} = gct_start(Timeout),
+ %% What kind of CallBack Proxy (temporary by default)
+ {CBProxy, CBPPid} =
+ case snmpm_config:system_info(server_cbproxy) of
+ {ok, permanent = CBP} ->
+ %% Start CallBack Proxy process
+ {CBP, cbproxy_start()};
+ {ok, CBP} ->
+ {CBP, undefined}
+ end,
%% -- Create request table --
[set, protected, named_table, {keypos,}]),
@@ -553,7 +587,7 @@ do_init() ->
[set, protected, named_table, {keypos,}]),
%% -- Start the note-store and net-if processes --
- {NoteStore, NoteStoreRef} = do_init_note_store(Prio),
+ {NoteStore, NoteStoreRef} = do_init_note_store(Prio),
{NetIf, NetIfModule, NetIfRef} = do_init_net_if(NoteStore),
MiniMIB = snmpm_config:make_mini_mib(),
@@ -563,7 +597,9 @@ do_init() ->
note_store_ref = NoteStoreRef,
net_if = NetIf,
net_if_mod = NetIfModule,
- net_if_ref = NetIfRef},
+ net_if_ref = NetIfRef,
+ cbproxy = CBProxy,
+ cbproxy_pid = CBPPid},
?vlog("started", []),
{ok, State}.
@@ -1075,6 +1111,13 @@ handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, Reason}, #state{gct = Pid} = State) ->
{noreply, State#state{gct = GCT}};
+handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, Reason}, #state{cbproxy_pid = Pid} = State) ->
+ warning_msg("CallBack Proxy (~w) process crashed: "
+ "~n ~p", [Pid, Reason]),
+ NewCBP = cbproxy_start(),
+ {noreply, State#state{cbproxy_pid = NewCBP}};
handle_info(Info, State) ->
warning_msg("received unknown info: ~n~p", [Info]),
{noreply, State}.
@@ -1103,8 +1146,9 @@ code_change(_Vsn, #state{gct = Pid} = State0, _Extra) ->
%% Terminate
-terminate(Reason, #state{gct = GCT}) ->
+terminate(Reason, #state{gct = GCT, cbproxy = CBP}) ->
?vdebug("terminate: ~p",[Reason]),
+ cbproxy_stop(CBP),
@@ -1746,23 +1790,26 @@ handle_snmp_error(Domain, Addr, ReqId, Reason, State) ->
-handle_error(_UserId, Mod, Reason, ReqId, Data, _State) ->
+handle_error(_UserId, Mod, Reason, ReqId, Data,
+ #state{cbproxy = CBP} = _State) ->
?vtrace("handle_error -> entry when"
"~n Mod: ~p", [Mod]),
- F = fun() ->
- try
- begin
- Mod:handle_error(ReqId, Reason, Data)
- end
- catch
- T:E ->
- CallbackArgs = [ReqId, Reason, Data],
- handle_invalid_result(handle_error, CallbackArgs, T, E)
- end
- end,
- handle_callback(F),
+ handle_callback(CBP,
+ do_handle_error,
+ [Mod, ReqId, Reason, Data]),
+do_handle_error(Mod, ReqId, Reason, Data) ->
+ try
+ begin
+ Mod:handle_error(ReqId, Reason, Data)
+ end
+ catch
+ C:E ->
+ CallbackArgs = [ReqId, Reason, Data],
+ handle_invalid_result(handle_error, CallbackArgs, C, E)
+ end.
handle_snmp_pdu(#pdu{type = 'get-response', request_id = ReqId} = Pdu,
Domain, Addr, State) ->
@@ -1939,45 +1986,49 @@ handle_snmp_pdu(CrapPdu, Domain, Addr, _State) ->
_UserId, Mod, target_name = _RegType, TargetName, _Domain, _Addr,
- ReqId, SnmpResponse, Data, _State) ->
+ ReqId, SnmpResponse, Data, #state{cbproxy = CBP} = _State) ->
?vtrace("handle_pdu(target_name) -> entry when"
"~n Mod: ~p", [Mod]),
- F = fun() ->
- try
- begin
- Mod:handle_pdu(TargetName, ReqId, SnmpResponse, Data)
- end
- catch
- T:E ->
- CallbackArgs = [TargetName, ReqId, SnmpResponse, Data],
- handle_invalid_result(handle_pdu, CallbackArgs, T, E)
- end
- end,
- handle_callback(F),
+ handle_callback(CBP,
+ do_handle_pdu,
+ [Mod, TargetName, ReqId, SnmpResponse, Data]),
_UserId, Mod, addr_port = _RegType, _TargetName, _Domain, Addr,
- ReqId, SnmpResponse, Data, _State) ->
+ ReqId, SnmpResponse, Data, #state{cbproxy = CBP} = _State) ->
?vtrace("handle_pdu(addr_port) -> entry when"
"~n Mod: ~p", [Mod]),
- F = fun() ->
- {Ip, Port} = Addr,
- (catch Mod:handle_pdu(Ip, Port, ReqId, SnmpResponse, Data))
- end,
- handle_callback(F),
+ handle_callback(CBP,
+ do_handle_pdu,
+ [Mod, Addr, ReqId, SnmpResponse, Data]),
+do_handle_pdu(Mod, TargetName, ReqId, SnmpResponse, Data) ->
+ try
+ begin
+ Mod:handle_pdu(TargetName, ReqId, SnmpResponse, Data)
+ end
+ catch
+ C:E ->
+ CallbackArgs = [TargetName, ReqId, SnmpResponse, Data],
+ handle_invalid_result(handle_pdu, CallbackArgs, C, E)
+ end;
+do_handle_pdu(Mod, {Ip, Port}, ReqId, SnmpResponse, Data) ->
+ %% This is a deprecated version of the callback API, we skip handle
+ %% errors for this.
+ (catch Mod:handle_pdu(Ip, Port, ReqId, SnmpResponse, Data)).
-handle_agent(UserId, Mod, Domain, Addr, Type, Ref, SnmpInfo, Data, State) ->
+handle_agent(UserId, Mod, Domain, Addr, Type, Ref, SnmpInfo, Data,
+ #state{cbproxy = CBP} = State) ->
?vtrace("handle_agent -> entry when"
"~n UserId: ~p"
"~n Type: ~p"
"~n Mod: ~p", [UserId, Type, Mod]),
- F = fun() ->
- do_handle_agent(UserId, Mod, Domain, Addr,
- Type, Ref, SnmpInfo, Data, State)
- end,
- handle_callback(F),
+ handle_callback(CBP,
+ do_handle_agent,
+ [UserId, Mod, Domain, Addr,
+ Type, Ref, SnmpInfo, Data, State]),
do_handle_agent(DefUserId, DefMod,
@@ -2245,17 +2296,16 @@ do_handle_snmp_trap(SnmpTrapInfo, Domain, Addr, State) ->
- UserId, Mod, RegType, Target, Domain, Addr, SnmpTrapInfo, Data, State) ->
+ UserId, Mod, RegType, Target, Domain, Addr, SnmpTrapInfo, Data,
+ #state{cbproxy = CBP} = State) ->
?vtrace("handle_trap -> entry with"
"~n UserId: ~p"
"~n Mod: ~p", [UserId, Mod]),
- F = fun() ->
- do_handle_trap(
- UserId, Mod,
- RegType, Target, Domain, Addr,
- SnmpTrapInfo, Data, State)
- end,
- handle_callback(F),
+ handle_callback(CBP,
+ do_handle_trap,
+ [UserId, Mod,
+ RegType, Target, Domain, Addr,
+ SnmpTrapInfo, Data, State]),
@@ -2423,17 +2473,16 @@ handle_snmp_inform(_Ref, CrapInform, Domain, Addr, _State) ->
UserId, Mod, Ref,
- RegType, Target, Domain, Addr, SnmpInform, Data, State) ->
+ RegType, Target, Domain, Addr, SnmpInform, Data,
+ #state{cbproxy = CBP} = State) ->
?vtrace("handle_inform -> entry with"
"~n UserId: ~p"
"~n Mod: ~p", [UserId, Mod]),
- F = fun() ->
- do_handle_inform(
- UserId, Mod, Ref,
- RegType, Target, Domain, Addr, SnmpInform,
- Data, State)
- end,
- handle_callback(F),
+ handle_callback(CBP,
+ do_handle_inform,
+ [UserId, Mod, Ref,
+ RegType, Target, Domain, Addr, SnmpInform,
+ Data, State]),
@@ -2746,16 +2795,15 @@ handle_snmp_report(CrapReqId, CrapReport, CrapInfo, Domain, Addr, _State) ->
handle_report(UserId, Mod, RegType, Target, Domain, Addr,
- SnmpReport, Data, State) ->
+ SnmpReport, Data,
+ #state{cbproxy = CBP} = State) ->
?vtrace("handle_report -> entry with"
"~n UserId: ~p"
"~n Mod: ~p", [UserId, Mod]),
- F = fun() ->
- do_handle_report(
- UserId, Mod, RegType, Target, Domain, Addr,
- SnmpReport, Data, State)
- end,
- handle_callback(F),
+ handle_callback(CBP,
+ do_handle_report,
+ [UserId, Mod, RegType, Target, Domain, Addr,
+ SnmpReport, Data, State]),
@@ -2844,17 +2892,217 @@ do_handle_report(
-handle_callback(F) ->
+%% Handle Callback
+handle_callback(temporary, Func, Args) ->
V = get(verbosity),
fun() ->
put(sname, msew),
put(verbosity, V),
- F()
- end).
+ apply(?MODULE, Func, Args)
+ end);
+%% handle_callback(transient, MFA) ->
+%% Pid = which_transient_callback_proxy(ProxyID),
+%% Pid ! {?MODULE, self(), {callback, MFA}};
+handle_callback(permanent, Func, Args) ->
+ case whereis(?CBPROXY) of
+ Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
+ Pid ! {?MODULE, self(), {callback, {?MODULE, Func, Args}}};
+ _ ->
+ %% We should really either die or restart (the cbproxy).
+ %% It could also be a race, in which case spawning a temporary
+ %% process is better than nothing...
+ %% ...but we should inform someone...
+ warning_msg("Permanent Callback Proxy could not be found - "
+ "using temporary"),
+ handle_callback(temporary, Func, Args)
+ end.
+cbproxy_start() ->
+ cbproxy_start(infinity).
+cbproxy_start(IdleTimeout) ->
+ cbproxy_start(self(), IdleTimeout).
+cbproxy_start(Parent, IdleTimeout) ->
+ Pid = spawn_link(fun() -> cbproxy_init(Parent, IdleTimeout) end),
+ receive
+ {?MODULE, Pid, ready} ->
+ Pid
+ end.
+cbproxy_stop(permanent) ->
+ case whereis(?CBPROXY) of
+ Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
+ Pid ! {?MODULE, self(), stop},
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end;
+cbproxy_stop(_) ->
+ ok.
+cbproxy_info() ->
+ case whereis(?CBPROXY) of
+ Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
+ Pid ! {?MODULE, self(), info},
+ receive
+ {?MODULE, Pid, {info, Info}} ->
+ Info
+ after 5000 ->
+ %% If a callback function takes a long time,
+ %% the cb proxy may be busy. But we only wait for
+ %% a "short" time. No point in making things
+ %% complicated when all we do is collecting "info".
+ [{timeout, process_info(Pid)}]
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ []
+ end.
+%% The timeout is future proofing (intended to be used for
+%% "when" we introduce a transient callback proxy).
+cbproxy_init(Parent, _IdleTimeout) ->
+ ?snmpm_info("CallBack Proxy: starting", []),
+ erlang:register(?CBPROXY, self()),
+ State = #{parent => Parent,
+ cnt => 0,
+ max_work => 0,
+ awork => 0},
+ Parent ! {?MODULE, self(), ready},
+ cbproxy_loop(State).
+%% * Every time a "counter" wraps, we send a message regarding this
+%% (to the server) and resets the counter.
+%% * Every time the AWT (accumulated work time) exceeds or is equal to 1h,
+%% we send a message regarding this (to the server) and resets the AWT.
+cbproxy_loop(#{parent := Pid} = State) ->
+ receive
+ {?MODULE, Pid, stop} ->
+ cbp_handle_stop(State),
+ exit(normal);
+ {?MODULE, Pid, info} ->
+ Info = cbp_handle_info(State),
+ Pid ! {?MODULE, self(), {info, Info}},
+ ?MODULE:cbproxy_loop(State);
+ %% And this is what we are here for:
+ {?MODULE, Pid, {callback, {Mod, Func, Args}}} ->
+ F = fun() -> apply(Mod, Func, Args) end,
+ ?MODULE:cbproxy_loop(cbp_handle_callback(State, F));
+ %% And this is what we are here for:
+ {?MODULE, Pid, {callback, F}} when is_function(F, 0) ->
+ ?MODULE:cbproxy_loop(cbp_handle_callback(State, F))
+ after 5000 ->
+ %% This is for code upgrade
+ ?MODULE:cbproxy_loop(State)
+ end.
+cbp_handle_stop(#{activity := AT,
+ cnt := CNT,
+ max_work := MWT,
+ awork := AWT}) ->
+ ?snmpm_info("CallBack Proxy: stop =>"
+ "~n Number of Calls: ~w"
+ "~n Last Activity: ~s"
+ "~n Max Work Time: ~s"
+ "~n Accumulated Work Time: ~s",
+ [CNT, cbp_fts(cbp_ts(AT)), cbp_ft(MWT), cbp_ft(AWT)]);
+cbp_handle_stop(_) ->
+ ?snmpm_info("CallBack Proxy: stop =>"
+ "~n Number of Calls: 0", []).
+cbp_handle_info(#{activity := AT,
+ cnt := CNT,
+ max_work := MWT,
+ awork := AWT}) ->
+ ATS = cbp_ts(AT),
+ [{cnt, CNT},
+ {activity, ATS},
+ {max_work, MWT},
+ {work, AWT}];
+cbp_handle_info(_) ->
+ [{cnt, 0}, {awork, 0}, {max_work, 0}].
+cbp_handle_callback(#{cnt := CNT1,
+ max_work := MWT,
+ awork := AWT1} = State, F) ->
+ T1 = cbp_t(),
+ (catch F()),
+ T2 = cbp_t(),
+ CallbackWT = T2 - T1,
+ NewMWT = cbp_max(CallbackWT, MWT),
+ AWT2 = cbp_inc(awt, AWT1, CallbackWT, ?CBP_AWT_MAX),
+ CNT2 = cbp_inc(cnt, CNT1, 1, ?CBP_CNT_MAX),
+ State#{cnt => CNT2,
+ max_work => NewMWT,
+ awork => AWT2,
+ activity => T2}.
+cbp_t() ->
+ erlang:system_time(microsecond).
+cbp_max(A, B) when (A > B) ->
+ A;
+cbp_max(_, B) ->
+ B.
+cbp_inc(awt, Val, Inc, Max) when (Val + Inc) > Max ->
+ ?snmpm_info("CallBack Proxy: Accumulated Work Time wrapped 1 hour", []),
+ (Val+Inc) - Max;
+cbp_inc(cnt, Val, Inc, Max) when (Val + Inc) > Max ->
+ ?snmpm_info("CallBack Proxy: work counter wrapped", []),
+ (Val+Inc) - Max;
+cbp_inc(_, Val, Inc, _) ->
+ Val + Inc.
+cbp_ts(T) ->
+ MegaSecs = T div 1000000000000,
+ Secs = T div 1000000 - MegaSecs*1000000,
+ MicroSecs = T rem 1000000,
+ {MegaSecs, Secs, MicroSecs}.
+cbp_fts({_, _, N3} = TS) ->
+ {Date, Time} = calendar:now_to_datetime(TS),
+ {YYYY,MM,DD} = Date,
+ {Hour,Min,Sec} = Time,
+ FormatDate =
+ io_lib:format("~.4w:~.2.0w:~.2.0w ~.2.0w:~.2.0w:~.2.0w ~w",
+ [YYYY,MM,DD,Hour,Min,Sec,round(N3/1000)]),
+ lists:flatten(FormatDate).
+cbp_ft(T) when T < 1000 ->
+ cbp_f("~w usec", [T]);
+cbp_ft(T) when T < 1000000 ->
+ cbp_f("~w msec", [T div 1000]);
+cbp_ft(T) when T < 60000000 ->
+ cbp_f("~w sec", [T div (1000*1000)]);
+cbp_ft(T) ->
+ cbp_f("~w min", [T div (60*1000*1000)]).
+cbp_f(F, A) ->
+ lists:flatten(io_lib:format(F, A)).
handle_invalid_result(Func, Args, T, E) ->
Stacktrace = ?STACK(),
error_msg("Callback function failed: "
@@ -3410,6 +3658,8 @@ call(Req) ->
call(Req, To) ->
gen_server:call(?SERVER, Req, To).
+warning_msg(F) ->
+ warning_msg(F, []).
warning_msg(F, A) ->
?snmpm_warning("Server: " ++ F, A).
@@ -3419,23 +3669,33 @@ error_msg(F, A) ->
-get_info(#state{gct = GCT,
- net_if = NI, net_if_mod = NIMod,
- note_store = NS}) ->
- Info = [{server, server_info(GCT)},
+get_info(#state{gct = GCT,
+ net_if = NI,
+ net_if_mod = NIMod,
+ note_store = NS,
+ cbproxy = CBP}) ->
+ Info = [{server, server_info(GCT, CBP)},
{config, config_info()},
{net_if, net_if_info(NI, NIMod)},
{note_store, note_store_info(NS)},
{stats_counters, get_stats_counters()}],
-server_info(GCT) ->
+server_info(GCT, CBP) ->
+ {CBPInfo, CBPSz} =
+ if
+ (CBP =:= permanent) ->
+ {[{cbp, cbproxy_info()}],
+ [{cbp, proc_mem(whereis(?CBPROXY))}]};
+ true ->
+ {[], []}
+ end,
ProcSize = proc_mem(self()),
GCTSz = proc_mem(GCT),
RTSz = tab_size(snmpm_request_table),
MTSz = tab_size(snmpm_monitor_table),
- [{process_memory, [{server, ProcSize}, {gct, GCTSz}]},
- {db_memory, [{request, RTSz}, {monitor, MTSz}]}].
+ [{process_memory, [{server, ProcSize}, {gct, GCTSz}] ++ CBPSz},
+ {db_memory, [{request, RTSz}, {monitor, MTSz}]}] ++ CBPInfo.
proc_mem(P) when is_pid(P) ->
case (catch erlang:process_info(P, memory)) of