diff options
authorIngela Anderton Andin <>2020-02-12 14:50:52 +0100
committerPéter Dimitrov <>2020-02-24 09:58:53 +0100
commit6aebaa11abb36a09f2b800c59b35ed59cff333b0 (patch)
parent60d3c955652cbd44e9d1e300b4834e16db565ce1 (diff)
ssl: Invalidate session on abrupt close during initial handshake
3 files changed, 228 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_connection.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_connection.erl
index 955841a7a4..6630e417f9 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_connection.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_connection.erl
@@ -53,7 +53,8 @@
%% Alert and close handling
-export([handle_own_alert/4, handle_alert/3,
- handle_trusted_certs_db/1]).
+ handle_trusted_certs_db/1,
+ maybe_invalidate_session/6]).
%% Data handling
-export([read_application_data/2, internal_renegotiation/2]).
@@ -325,6 +326,7 @@ dist_handshake_complete(ConnectionPid, DHandle) ->
prf(ConnectionPid, Secret, Label, Seed, WantedLength) ->
call(ConnectionPid, {prf, Secret, Label, Seed, WantedLength}).
%% Alert and close handling
@@ -442,6 +444,13 @@ handle_alert(#alert{level = ?WARNING} = Alert, StateName,
Alert#alert{role = opposite_role(Role)}),
Connection:next_event(StateName, no_record, State).
+maybe_invalidate_session(undefined,_, _, _, _, _) ->
+ ok;
+maybe_invalidate_session({3, 4},_, _, _, _, _) ->
+ ok;
+maybe_invalidate_session({3, N}, Type, Role, Host, Port, Session) when N < 4 ->
+ maybe_invalidate_session(Type, Role, Host, Port, Session).
%% Data handling
@@ -1492,16 +1501,23 @@ handle_call(_,_,_,_,_) ->
handle_info({ErrorTag, Socket, econnaborted}, StateName,
#state{static_env = #static_env{role = Role,
+ host = Host,
+ port = Port,
socket = Socket,
transport_cb = Transport,
error_tag = ErrorTag,
trackers = Trackers,
protocol_cb = Connection},
- start_or_recv_from = StartFrom
- } = State) when StateName =/= connection ->
+ handshake_env = #handshake_env{renegotiation = Type},
+ connection_env = #connection_env{negotiated_version = Version},
+ session = Session,
+ start_or_recv_from = StartFrom
+ } = State) when StateName =/= connection ->
+ maybe_invalidate_session(Version, Type, Role, Host, Port, Session),
Pids = Connection:pids(State),
alert_user(Pids, Transport, Trackers,Socket,
- StartFrom, ?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?CLOSE_NOTIFY), Role, StateName, Connection),
+ StartFrom, ?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?CLOSE_NOTIFY), Role, StateName, Connection),
{stop, {shutdown, normal}, State};
handle_info({ErrorTag, Socket, Reason}, StateName, #state{static_env = #static_env{
@@ -3009,6 +3025,11 @@ log_alert(Level, Role, ProtocolName, StateName, Alert) ->
alert => Alert,
alerter => peer}, Alert#alert.where).
+maybe_invalidate_session({false, first}, server = Role, Host, Port, Session) ->
+ invalidate_session(Role, Host, Port, Session);
+maybe_invalidate_session(_, _, _, _, _) ->
+ ok.
invalidate_session(client, Host, Port, Session) ->
ssl_manager:invalidate_session(Host, Port, Session);
invalidate_session(server, _, Port, Session) ->
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/tls_connection.erl b/lib/ssl/src/tls_connection.erl
index 877c6629c2..b396eb1355 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/tls_connection.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/tls_connection.erl
@@ -736,7 +736,7 @@ hello(internal, #server_hello{} = Hello,
[{next_event, internal, Hello}]}
hello(info, Event, State) ->
- gen_info(Event, ?FUNCTION_NAME, State);
+ handle_info(Event, ?FUNCTION_NAME, State);
hello(Type, Event, State) ->
gen_handshake(?FUNCTION_NAME, Type, Event, State).
@@ -1183,9 +1183,22 @@ handle_info({PassiveTag, Socket}, StateName,
handle_info({CloseTag, Socket}, StateName,
#state{static_env = #static_env{
role = Role,
+ host = Host,
+ port = Port,
socket = Socket,
close_tag = CloseTag},
+ handshake_env = #handshake_env{renegotiation = Type},
connection_env = #connection_env{negotiated_version = Version},
+ session = Session} = State) when StateName =/= connection ->
+ ssl_connection:maybe_invalidate_session(Version, Type, Role, Host, Port, Session),
+ Alert = ?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?CLOSE_NOTIFY, transport_closed),
+ ssl_connection:handle_normal_shutdown(Alert#alert{role = Role}, StateName, State),
+ {stop, {shutdown, transport_closed}, State};
+handle_info({CloseTag, Socket}, StateName,
+ #state{static_env = #static_env{
+ role = Role,
+ socket = Socket,
+ close_tag = CloseTag},
socket_options = #socket_options{active = Active},
protocol_buffers = #protocol_buffers{tls_cipher_texts = CTs},
user_data_buffer = {_,BufferSize,_},
@@ -1198,16 +1211,16 @@ handle_info({CloseTag, Socket}, StateName,
case (Active == false) andalso ((CTs =/= []) or (BufferSize =/= 0)) of
false ->
- case Version of
- {1, N} when N >= 1 ->
- ok;
- _ ->
- %% As invalidate_sessions here causes performance issues,
- %% we will conform to the widespread implementation
- %% practice and go aginst the spec
- %%invalidate_session(Role, Host, Port, Session)
- ok
- end,
+ %% As invalidate_sessions here causes performance issues,
+ %% we will conform to the widespread implementation
+ %% practice and go aginst the spec
+ %% case Version of
+ %% {3, N} when N >= 1 ->
+ %% ok;
+ %% _ ->
+ %% invalidate_session(Role, Host, Port, Session)
+ %% ok
+ %% end,
Alert = ?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?CLOSE_NOTIFY, transport_closed),
ssl_connection:handle_normal_shutdown(Alert#alert{role = Role}, StateName, State),
{stop, {shutdown, transport_closed}, State};
diff --git a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_session_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_session_SUITE.erl
index aa79698a72..f8dd633ed4 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_session_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_session_SUITE.erl
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
@@ -48,11 +49,11 @@ all() ->
groups() ->
[{'dtlsv1.2', [], session_tests()},
{'dtlsv1', [], session_tests()},
- {'tlsv1.3', [], session_tests()},
- {'tlsv1.2', [], session_tests()},
- {'tlsv1.1', [], session_tests()},
- {'tlsv1', [], session_tests()},
- {'sslv3', [], session_tests()}
+ {'tlsv1.3', [], session_tests() ++ tls_session_tests()},
+ {'tlsv1.2', [], session_tests() ++ tls_session_tests()},
+ {'tlsv1.1', [], session_tests() ++ tls_session_tests()},
+ {'tlsv1', [], session_tests() ++ tls_session_tests()},
+ {'sslv3', [], session_tests() ++ tls_session_tests()}
session_tests() ->
@@ -62,6 +63,8 @@ session_tests() ->
+tls_session_tests() ->
+ [session_table_stable_size_on_tcp_close].
init_per_suite(Config0) ->
catch crypto:stop(),
@@ -372,6 +375,177 @@ no_reuses_session_server_restart_new_cert_file(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+session_table_stable_size_on_tcp_close() ->
+ [{doc, "Check that new sessions are cleanup when connection is closed abruptly during first handshake"}].
+session_table_stable_size_on_tcp_close(Config) when is_list(Config)->
+ ServerOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_rsa_verify_opts, Config),
+ {_, ServerNode, Hostname} = ssl_test_lib:run_where(Config),
+ {status, _, _, StatusInfo} = sys:get_status(whereis(ssl_manager)),
+ [_, _,_, _, Prop] = StatusInfo,
+ State = ssl_test_lib:state(Prop),
+ ServerCache = element(3, State),
+ N = ets:info(ServerCache, size),
+ Server = ssl_test_lib:start_server_error([{node, ServerNode}, {port, 0},
+ {from, self()},
+ {options, [{reuseaddr, true} | ServerOpts]}]),
+ Port = ssl_test_lib:inet_port(Server),
+ faulty_client(Hostname, Port),
+ check_table_did_not_grow(ServerCache, N).
%% Internal functions ------------------------------------------------
+check_table_did_not_grow(ServerCache, N) ->
+ ct:sleep(500),
+ check_table_did_not_grow(ServerCache, N, 10).
+check_table_did_not_grow(_, _, 0) ->
+ ct:fail(table_grew);
+check_table_did_not_grow(ServerCache, N, Tries) ->
+ case ets:info(ServerCache, size) of
+ N ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ ct:sleep(500),
+ check_table_did_not_grow(ServerCache, N, Tries -1)
+ end.
+faulty_client(Host, Port) ->
+ {ok, Sock} = gen_tcp:connect(Host, Port, [], 10000),
+ Random = crypto:strong_rand_bytes(32),
+ CH = client_hello(Random),
+ CHBin = encode_client_hello(CH, Random),
+ gen_tcp:send(Sock, CHBin),
+ ct:sleep(100),
+ gen_tcp:close(Sock).
+server(LOpts, Port) ->
+ {ok, LSock} = ssl:listen(Port, LOpts),
+ Pid = spawn_link(?MODULE, accept_loop, [LSock]),
+ ssl:controlling_process(LSock, Pid),
+ Pid.
+accept_loop(Sock) ->
+ {ok, CSock} = ssl:transport_accept(Sock),
+ _ = ssl:handshake(CSock),
+ accept_loop(Sock).
+encode_client_hello(CH, Random) ->
+ HSBin = tls_handshake:encode_handshake(CH, {3,3}),
+ CS = connection_states(Random),
+ {Encoded, _} = tls_record:encode_handshake(HSBin, {3,3}, CS),
+ Encoded.
+client_hello(Random) ->
+ CipherSuites = [<<0,255>>, <<"À,">>, <<"À0">>, <<"À$">>, <<"À(">>,
+ <<"À.">>, <<"À2">>, <<"À&">>, <<"À*">>, <<0,159>>,
+ <<0,163>>, <<0,107>>, <<0,106>>, <<"À+">>, <<"À/">>,
+ <<"À#">>, <<"À'">>, <<"À-">>, <<"À1">>, <<"À%">>,
+ <<"À)">>, <<0,158>>, <<0,162>>, <<0,103>>, <<0,64>>,
+ <<"À\n">>, <<192,20>>, <<0,57>>, <<0,56>>, <<192,5>>,
+ <<192,15>>, <<"À\t">>, <<192,19>>, <<0,51>>, <<0,50>>,
+ <<192,4>>, <<192,14>>],
+ Extensions = #{alpn => undefined,
+ ec_point_formats =>
+ {ec_point_formats,
+ [0]},
+ elliptic_curves =>
+ {elliptic_curves,
+ [{1,3,132,0,39},
+ {1,3,132,0,38},
+ {1,3,132,0,35},
+ {1,3,36,3,3,2,
+ 8,1,1,13},
+ {1,3,132,0,36},
+ {1,3,132,0,37},
+ {1,3,36,3,3,2,
+ 8,1,1,11},
+ {1,3,132,0,34},
+ {1,3,132,0,16},
+ {1,3,132,0,17},
+ {1,3,36,3,3,2,
+ 8,1,1,7},
+ {1,3,132,0,10},
+ {1,2,840,
+ 10045,3,1,7},
+ {1,3,132,0,3},
+ {1,3,132,0,26},
+ {1,3,132,0,27},
+ {1,3,132,0,32},
+ {1,3,132,0,33},
+ {1,3,132,0,24},
+ {1,3,132,0,25},
+ {1,3,132,0,31},
+ {1,2,840,
+ 10045,3,1,1},
+ {1,3,132,0,1},
+ {1,3,132,0,2},
+ {1,3,132,0,15},
+ {1,3,132,0,9},
+ {1,3,132,0,8},
+ {1,3,132,0,
+ 30}]},
+ next_protocol_negotiation =>
+ undefined,
+ renegotiation_info =>
+ {renegotiation_info,
+ undefined},
+ signature_algs =>
+ {hash_sign_algos,
+ [{sha512,ecdsa},
+ {sha512,rsa},
+ {sha384,ecdsa},
+ {sha384,rsa},
+ {sha256,ecdsa},
+ {sha256,rsa},
+ {sha224,ecdsa},
+ {sha224,rsa},
+ {sha,ecdsa},
+ {sha,rsa},
+ {sha,dsa}]},
+ sni =>
+ {sni,
+ "localhost"},
+ srp =>
+ undefined},
+ #client_hello{client_version = {3,3},
+ random = Random,
+ session_id = crypto:strong_rand_bytes(32),
+ cipher_suites = CipherSuites,
+ compression_methods = [0],
+ extensions = Extensions
+ }.
+connection_states(Random) ->
+ #{current_write =>
+ #{beast_mitigation => one_n_minus_one,cipher_state => undefined,
+ client_verify_data => undefined,compression_state => undefined,
+ mac_secret => undefined,secure_renegotiation => undefined,
+ security_parameters =>
+ #security_parameters{
+ cipher_suite = <<0,0>>,
+ connection_end = 1,
+ bulk_cipher_algorithm = 0,
+ cipher_type = 0,
+ iv_size = 0,
+ key_size = 0,
+ key_material_length = 0,
+ expanded_key_material_length = 0,
+ mac_algorithm = 0,
+ prf_algorithm = 0,
+ hash_size = 0,
+ compression_algorithm = 0,
+ master_secret = undefined,
+ resumption_master_secret = undefined,
+ client_random = Random,
+ server_random = undefined,
+ exportable = undefined},
+ sequence_number => 0,server_verify_data => undefined}}.