diff options
authorRaimo Niskanen <>2021-08-20 14:50:49 +0200
committerRaimo Niskanen <>2021-08-25 16:11:00 +0200
commitccf62d5ed0827b8072de2de35034fde1bccc21cc (patch)
parent547720ed984dd02c3541aa3e89bc23fb28d6184a (diff)
Rewrite option parsing to less messy
1 files changed, 406 insertions, 322 deletions
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/gen_tcp_socket.erl b/lib/kernel/src/gen_tcp_socket.erl
index 1841623241..f35a7549a5 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/gen_tcp_socket.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/gen_tcp_socket.erl
@@ -87,6 +87,10 @@
-define(CLOSED_SOCKET, #{rstates => [closed], wstates => [closed]}).
+%% Options that are inherited by accept/2
+-compile({inline, [socket_inherit_opts/0]}).
+socket_inherit_opts() ->
+ [priority].
%%% ========================================================================
%%% API
@@ -103,12 +107,10 @@ connect(Address, Port, Opts, Timeout) ->
%% Helpers -------
connect_lookup(Address, Port, Opts, Timer) ->
- %% ?DBG({Address, Port, Opts, Timer}),
- {EinvalOpts, Opts_1} = setopts_split(einval, Opts),
- EinvalOpts =:= [] orelse exit(badarg),
+ Opts_1 = normalize_setopts(Opts),
{Mod, Opts_2} = inet:tcp_module(Opts_1, Address),
Domain = domain(Mod),
- {StartOpts, Opts_3} = setopts_split(start, Opts_2),
+ {StartOpts, Opts_3} = split_start_opts(Opts_2),
ErrRef = make_ref(),
IPs = val(ErrRef, Mod:getaddrs(Address, Timer)),
@@ -134,38 +136,29 @@ connect_lookup(Address, Port, Opts, Timer) ->
?badarg_exit({error, Reason})
-connect_open(Addrs, Domain, ConnectOpts, Opts, ExtraOpts, Timer, BindAddr) ->
- %% ?DBG({Addrs, Domain, ConnectOpts, Opts, ExtraOpts, Timer, BindAddr}),
+ Addrs, Domain, ConnectOpts, StartOpts, ExtraOpts, Timer, BindAddr) ->
%% The {netns, File} option is passed in Fd by inet:connect_options/2,
%% and then over to ExtraOpts.
- %% The {debug, Bool} option is passed in Opts since it is
- %% subversively classified as both start and socket option.
- {SocketOpts, StartOpts} = setopts_split(socket, Opts),
- %% ?DBG([{socket, SocketOpts}, {start, StartOpts}]),
- [{timeout, inet:timeout(Timer)} | start_opts(StartOpts)],
+ [{timeout, inet:timeout(Timer)} | StartOpts],
{ok, Server} ->
- {Setopts_1, _} =
- setopts_split(
- #{socket => [], server_read => [], server_write => []},
- ConnectOpts),
- Setopts =
- default_active_true(
- [{start_opts, StartOpts}] ++ SocketOpts ++ Setopts_1),
ErrRef = make_ref(),
- ok(ErrRef, call_bind(Server, BindAddr)),
+ Setopts =
+ default_active_true(
+ [{start_opts, StartOpts} |
+ setopts_opts(ErrRef, ConnectOpts)]),
ok(ErrRef, call(Server, {setopts, Setopts})),
+ ok(ErrRef, call_bind(Server, BindAddr)),
DefaultError = {error, einval},
- Socket =
+ Socket =
connect_loop(Addrs, Server, DefaultError, Timer)),
{ok, ?MODULE_socket(Server, Socket)}
@@ -178,7 +171,6 @@ connect_open(Addrs, Domain, ConnectOpts, Opts, ExtraOpts, Timer, BindAddr) ->
connect_loop([], _Server, Error, _Timer) -> Error;
connect_loop([Addr | Addrs], Server, _Error, Timer) ->
Result = call(Server, {connect, Addr, inet:timeout(Timer)}),
@@ -255,14 +247,9 @@ default_active_true(Opts) ->
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
listen(Port, Opts) ->
- %% ?DBG({Port, Opts}),
- {EinvalOpts, Opts_1} = setopts_split(einval, Opts),
- %% ?DBG([{opts1, Opts_1}]),
- EinvalOpts =:= [] orelse exit(badarg),
+ Opts_1 = normalize_setopts(Opts),
{Mod, Opts_2} = inet:tcp_module(Opts_1),
- %% ?DBG([{mod, Mod}, {opts2, Opts_2}]),
- {StartOpts, Opts_3} = setopts_split(start, Opts_2),
- %% ?DBG([{start_opts, StartOpts}, {opts3, Opts_3}]),
+ {StartOpts, Opts_3} = split_start_opts(Opts_2),
case Mod:getserv(Port) of
{ok, TP} ->
case inet:listen_options([{port, TP} | Opts_3], Mod) of
@@ -291,33 +278,19 @@ listen(Port, Opts) ->
%% Helpers -------
-listen_open(Domain, ListenOpts, Opts, ExtraOpts, Backlog, BindAddr) ->
- %% ?DBG([{domain, Domain},
- %% {listen_opts, ListenOpts},
- %% {opts, Opts},
- %% {extra_opts, ExtraOpts},
- %% {backlog, Backlog},
- %% {bind_addr, BindAddr}]),
- {SocketOpts, StartOpts0} = setopts_split(socket, Opts),
- %% ?DBG([{socket_opts, SocketOpts}, {start_opts0, StartOpts0}]),
- StartOpts = [{timeout, infinity} | start_opts(StartOpts0)],
- %% ?DBG([{start_opts, StartOpts}]),
- case start_server(Domain, StartOpts, ExtraOpts) of
+listen_open(Domain, ListenOpts, StartOpts, ExtraOpts, Backlog, BindAddr) ->
+ case
+ start_server(Domain, [{timeout, infinity} | StartOpts], ExtraOpts)
+ of
{ok, Server} ->
- %% ?DBG([{server_started, Server}]),
- {Setopts_1, _} =
- setopts_split(
- #{socket => [], server_read => [], server_write => []},
- ListenOpts),
- %% ?DBG([{setopts, Setopts_1}]),
- Setopts =
- default_active_true(
- [{start_opts, StartOpts}] ++ SocketOpts ++ Setopts_1),
ErrRef = make_ref(),
- ok(ErrRef, call_bind(Server, default_any(Domain, BindAddr))),
+ Setopts =
+ default_active_true(
+ [{start_opts, StartOpts} |
+ setopts_opts(ErrRef, ListenOpts)]),
ok(ErrRef, call(Server, {setopts, Setopts})),
+ ok(ErrRef, call_bind(Server, default_any(Domain, BindAddr))),
Socket = val(ErrRef, call(Server, {listen, Backlog})),
{ok, ?MODULE_socket(Server, Socket)}
@@ -392,7 +365,7 @@ send_result(Server, Meta, Result) ->
case Result of
%% We should really return the rest data rather then just ignoring it.
%% In the case we get a timeout when sending and 'send_timeout_close'
- %% is set true, we close the connection and only returns the timeout.
+ %% is set true, we close the connection and only return the timeout.
%% Otherwise we return the full error.
{error, {timeout = Reason, RestData}} = E when is_binary(RestData) ->
case maps:get(send_timeout_close, Meta) of
@@ -410,7 +383,8 @@ send_result(Server, Meta, Result) ->
%% Since send data may have been lost, and there is no room
%% in this API to inform the caller, we at least close
%% the socket in the write direction
-%%% ?DBG(Result),
+ %%
+ %% ?DBG(Result),
case Reason of
econnreset ->
case maps:get(show_econnreset, Meta) of
@@ -543,13 +517,13 @@ cancel_monitor(MRef) ->
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
setopts(?MODULE_socket(Server, _Socket), Opts) when is_list(Opts) ->
- call(Server, {setopts, Opts}).
+ call(Server, {setopts, normalize_setopts(Opts)}).
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
getopts(?MODULE_socket(Server, _Socket), Opts) when is_list(Opts) ->
- call(Server, {getopts, Opts}).
+ call(Server, {getopts, normalize_getopts(Opts)}).
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -637,28 +611,19 @@ unrecv(?MODULE_socket(_Server, _Socket), _Data) ->
{error, enotsup}.
fdopen(Fd, Opts) when is_integer(Fd), 0 =< Fd, is_list(Opts) ->
- %% ?DBG({Fd, Opts}),
- {EinvalOpts, Opts_1} = setopts_split(einval, Opts),
- EinvalOpts =:= [] orelse exit(badarg),
+ Opts_1 = normalize_setopts(Opts),
{Mod, Opts_2} = inet:tcp_module(Opts_1),
Domain = domain(Mod),
- {StartOpts_1, Opts_3} = setopts_split(start, Opts_2),
- {SocketOpts, StartOpts} = setopts_split(socket, StartOpts_1),
+ {StartOpts, Opts_3} = split_start_opts(Opts_2),
ExtraOpts = extra_opts(Fd),
- start_server(
- Domain,
- [{timeout, infinity} | start_opts(StartOpts)],
- ExtraOpts)
+ start_server(Domain, [{timeout, infinity} | StartOpts], ExtraOpts)
{ok, Server} ->
- {Setopts_1, _} =
- setopts_split(
- #{socket => [], server_read => [], server_write => []},
- Opts_3),
- Setopts = [{start_opts, StartOpts}] ++ SocketOpts ++ Setopts_1,
ErrRef = make_ref(),
+ Setopts =
+ [{start_opts, StartOpts} | setopts_opts(ErrRef, Opts_3)],
ok(ErrRef, call(Server, {setopts, Setopts})),
Socket = val(ErrRef, call(Server, fdopen)),
{ok, ?MODULE_socket(Server, Socket)}
@@ -718,12 +683,12 @@ socket_send(Socket, Data, Timeout) ->
socket_recv_peek(Socket, Length) ->
Options = [peek],
Result = socket:recv(Socket, Length, Options, nowait),
-%%% ?DBG({Socket, Length, Options, Result}),
+ %% ?DBG({Socket, Length, Options, Result}),
-compile({inline, [socket_recv/2]}).
socket_recv(Socket, Length) ->
Result = socket:recv(Socket, Length, nowait),
-%%% ?DBG({Socket, Length, Result}),
+ %% ?DBG({Socket, Length, Result}),
-compile({inline, [socket_close/1]}).
@@ -803,147 +768,250 @@ sockaddrs([IP | IPs], TP, Domain) ->
| sockaddrs(IPs, TP, Domain)].
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Make all options 2-tuple options.
+%% Convert special options i.e {raw, Level, Key, Value}.
+%% Pass through 2-tuple options with atom tag.
+%% Reject all other terms by exit(badarg).
+normalize_setopts(Opts) ->
+ filtermap_opts(fun normalize_setopt/1, Opts).
+normalize_setopt(Opt) ->
+ case Opt of
+ {Tag, _Val} when is_atom(Tag) ->
+ true;
+ %%
+ binary -> {mode, binary};
+ list -> {mode, list};
+ inet -> {tcp_module, inet_tcp};
+ inet6 -> {tcp_module, inet6_tcp};
+ local -> {tcp_module, local_tcp};
+ {raw, Level, Key, Value} ->
+ {raw, {Level, Key, Value}};
+ %%
+ _ ->
+ exit(badarg)
+ end.
+normalize_getopts(Opts) ->
+ filtermap_opts(fun normalize_getopt/1, Opts).
+normalize_getopt(Opt) ->
+ case Opt of
+ Tag when is_boolean(Tag) -> exit(badarg);
+ Tag when is_atom(Tag) -> true;
+ {raw, _} -> true;
+ {raw, Level, Key, Value} -> {raw, {Level, Key, Value}};
+ _ -> exit(badarg)
+ end.
-setopts_split(FilterTags, Opts) ->
- setopts_split(FilterTags, Opts, [], []).
-setopts_split(_FilterTags, [], True, False) ->
- {reverse(True), reverse(False)};
-setopts_split(FilterTags, [Opt | Opts], True, False) ->
- %% ?DBG({FilterTags, Opt}),
- Opt_1 = conv_setopt(Opt),
- case member(FilterTags, setopt_categories(Opt_1)) of
- true ->
- setopts_split(FilterTags, Opts, [Opt_1 | True], False);
- false ->
- setopts_split(FilterTags, Opts, True, [Opt_1 | False])
+%% -------
+%% Split options into server start options and other options.
+%% Convert our {sys_debug, _} option into {debug, _} (the
+%% sys_debug option is how to pass a debug option to
+%% gen_statem:start/3). A {debug,VaL} opion is later
+%% transformed into the socket option {{otp,debug}, Val}.
+split_start_opts(Opts) ->
+ splitmap_opts(fun split_start_opt/1, Opts).
+split_start_opt(Opt) ->
+ case Opt of
+ {sys_debug, Val} -> {debug, Val};
+ _ -> false
+%% -------
+%% Verify that all options can be set with setopts/2 after
+%% opening the socket. They should be known socket options,
+%% options handled by the server, or options we should ignore.
+%% filter out the ignored options and fail for unknown options
+%% by throwing {ErrRef, badarg}.
+setopts_opts(ErrRef, Opts) ->
+ filtermap_opts(setopts_opt(ErrRef), Opts).
-%% Set operation on atom sets that are atoms or maps with atom tags.
-%% Returns true if sets have at least one common member, false otherwise.
-%% X is atom() or map(), Y is map().
-member(X, Y) when is_atom(X), is_map(Y) ->
- case Y of
- #{X := _} -> true;
- #{} -> false
+setopts_opt(ErrRef) ->
+ SocketOpts = socket_opts(),
+ ServerOpts = server_opts(),
+ fun ({Tag,_Val}) ->
+ if
+ is_map_key(Tag, SocketOpts) -> true;
+ is_map_key(Tag, ServerOpts) -> true;
+ true ->
+ case ignore_optname(Tag) of
+ true -> false; % ignore -> filter out
+ false ->
+ throw({ErrRef, badarg})
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+%% -------
+%% Pseudo-general option list functions
+%% FilterMap(Opt) ->
+%% true | % keep
+%% false | % delete
+%% Opt_1 | % keep Opt_1
+filtermap_opts(FilterMap, Opts) ->
+ case filtermap_opts_1(FilterMap, Opts) of
+ ok -> Opts;
+ Opts_1 -> Opts_1
+ end.
+filtermap_opts_1(FilterMap, [Opt | Opts]) ->
+ Opts_1 = filtermap_opts_1(FilterMap, Opts),
+ case FilterMap(Opt) of
+ true when Opts_1 =:= ok -> ok;
+ true -> [Opt | Opts_1];
+ false when Opts_1 =:= ok -> Opts;
+ false -> Opts_1;
+ Opt_1 when Opts_1 =:= ok -> [Opt_1 | Opts];
+ Opt_1 -> [Opt_1 | Opts_1]
-member(X, Y) when is_map(X), is_map(Y) ->
- maps:fold(
- fun (_, _, true) -> true;
- (Key, _, false) -> maps:is_key(Key, Y)
- end, false, X).
+filtermap_opts_1(_FilterMap, []) -> ok.
+%% splitmap_opts(SplitMap, Opts) ->
+%% {SplitOpts, OtherOpts}
+%% SplitMap(Opt) ->
+%% true -> % to be split
+%% false -> % not to split
+%% Opt_1 -> % split Opt_1
+splitmap_opts(SplitMap, Opts) ->
+ case splitmap_opts_1(SplitMap, Opts) of
+ ok -> {[], Opts};
+ [SplitOptsR | Opts_1] -> {lists:reverse(SplitOptsR), Opts_1}
+ end.
+splitmap_opts_1(SplitMap, [Opt | Opts]) ->
+ case splitmap_opts_1(SplitMap, Opts) of
+ ok ->
+ case SplitMap(Opt) of
+ false -> ok;
+ true -> [[] | Opts];
+ Opt_1 -> [[Opt_1] | Opts]
+ end;
+ [SplitOptsR | Opts_1] ->
+ case SplitMap(Opt) of
+ false -> [SplitOptsR | [Opt | Opts_1]];
+ true -> [[Opt | SplitOptsR] | Opts_1];
+ Opt_1 -> [[Opt_1 | SplitOptsR] | Opts_1]
+ end
+ end;
+splitmap_opts_1(_SplitMap, []) -> ok.
+%% -------
-conv_setopt(binary) -> {mode, binary};
-conv_setopt(list) -> {mode, list};
-conv_setopt(inet) -> {tcp_module, inet_tcp};
-conv_setopt(inet6) -> {tcp_module, inet6_tcp};
-conv_setopt(local) -> {tcp_module, local_tcp};
-conv_setopt(Other) -> Other.
%% Socket options
-socket_setopt(Socket, {raw, Level, Key, Value}) ->
- socket:setopt_native(Socket, {Level,Key}, Value);
-socket_setopt(Socket, {raw, {Level, Key, Value}}) ->
- socket:setopt_native(Socket, {Level,Key}, Value);
-socket_setopt(Socket, {Tag, Value}) ->
- %% ?DBG({Tag, Value}),
- case socket_opt() of
- #{Tag := {Domain, _} = Opt} when is_atom(Domain) ->
- %% ?DBG(Opt),
- %% socket:setopt(Socket, otp, debug, true),
- Res = socket:setopt(Socket, Opt, socket_setopt_value(Tag, Value)),
- %% socket:setopt(Socket, otp, debug, false),
- Res;
- #{Tag := DomainProps} when is_list(DomainProps) ->
- %% We need to lookup the domain of the socket,
- %% so we can select which one to use.
- %% ?DBG(Opt0),
- case socket:getopt(Socket, otp, domain) of
- {ok, Domain} ->
- case lists:keysearch(Domain, 1, DomainProps) of
- {value, {Domain, Level, OptKey}} ->
- Opt = {Level, OptKey},
- %% _ = socket:setopt(Socket, otp, debug, true),
- Res = socket:setopt(Socket,
- Opt,
- socket_setopt_value(Tag,
- Value)),
- %% _ = socket:setopt(Socket, otp, debug, false),
- Res;
- false ->
- {error, einval}
- end;
- {error, _} ->
+socket_setopt(Socket, raw, Value) ->
+ case Value of
+ {Level, Key, Val} ->
+ socket:setopt_native(Socket, {Level,Key}, Val);
+ _ ->
+ {error, einval}
+ end;
+socket_setopt(Socket, {Domain, _} = Opt, Value) when is_atom(Domain) ->
+ %% ?DBG(Opt),
+ %% socket:setopt(Socket, otp, debug, true),
+ Res = socket:setopt(Socket, Opt, socket_setopt_value(Opt, Value)),
+ %% socket:setopt(Socket, otp, debug, false),
+ Res;
+socket_setopt(Socket, DomainProps, Value) when is_list(DomainProps) ->
+ %% We need to lookup the domain of the socket,
+ %% so we can select which one to use.
+ %% ?DBG(Opt0),
+ case socket:getopt(Socket, otp, domain) of
+ {ok, Domain} ->
+ case lists:keysearch(Domain, 1, DomainProps) of
+ {value, {Domain, Opt}} ->
+ %% _ = socket:setopt(Socket, otp, debug, true),
+ Res =
+ socket:setopt(
+ Socket, Opt,
+ socket_setopt_value(Opt, Value)),
+ %% _ = socket:setopt(Socket, otp, debug, false),
+ Res;
+ false ->
{error, einval}
- #{} ->
+ {error, _} ->
{error, einval}
-socket_setopt_value(linger, {OnOff, Linger}) ->
+socket_setopt_value({socket,linger}, {OnOff, Linger}) ->
#{onoff => OnOff, linger => Linger};
-socket_setopt_value(_Tag, Value) -> Value.
-socket_getopt(Socket, {raw, Level, Key, ValueSpec}) ->
- socket:getopt_native(Socket, {Level,Key}, ValueSpec);
-socket_getopt(Socket, {raw, {Level, Key, ValueSpec}}) ->
- socket:getopt_native(Socket, {Level,Key}, ValueSpec);
-socket_getopt(Socket, Tag) when is_atom(Tag) ->
- case socket_opt() of
- #{Tag := {Domain, _} = Opt} when is_atom(Domain) ->
- %% ?DBG({'socket_getopt - match', Tag}),
- %% _ = socket:setopt(Socket, otp, debug, true),
- Res = socket:getopt(Socket, Opt),
- %% ?DBG({'socket_getopt - result', Res}),
- %% _ = socket:setopt(Socket, otp, debug, false),
- socket_getopt_value(Tag, Res);
- #{Tag := DomainProps} when is_list(DomainProps) ->
- %% We need to lookup the domain of the socket,
- %% so we can select which one to use.
- %% ?DBG({'socket_getopt - match', Tag, DomainProps}),
- case socket:getopt(Socket, otp, domain) of
- {ok, Domain} ->
- %% ?DBG({'socket_getopt - domain', Tag, Domain}),
- case lists:keysearch(Domain, 1, DomainProps) of
- {value, {Domain, Level, OptKey}} ->
- %% ?DBG({'socket_getopt - ok domain', Tag, Level, OptKey}),
- Opt = {Level, OptKey},
- %% _ = socket:setopt(Socket, otp, debug, true),
- Res = socket:getopt(Socket, Opt),
- %% _ = socket:setopt(Socket, otp, debug, false),
- %% ?DBG({'socket_getopt - result', Res}),
- socket_getopt_value(Tag, Res);
- false ->
- %% ?DBG({'socket_getopt - invalid domain', Tag, Domain, DomainProps}),
- {error, einval}
- end;
- {error, _DReason} ->
- %% ?DBG({'socket_getopt - unknown domain', Tag, _DReason}),
+socket_setopt_value(_Opt, Value) -> Value.
+socket_getopt(Socket, raw, Val) ->
+ case Val of
+ {Level, Key, ValueSpec} ->
+ socket:getopt_native(Socket, {Level,Key}, ValueSpec);
+ _ ->
+ {error, einval}
+ end;
+socket_getopt(Socket, {Domain, _} = Opt, _) when is_atom(Domain) ->
+ %% ?DBG({'socket_getopt - match', Opt}),
+ %% _ = socket:setopt(Socket, otp, debug, true),
+ Res = socket:getopt(Socket, Opt),
+ %% ?DBG({'socket_getopt - result', Res}),
+ %% _ = socket:setopt(Socket, otp, debug, false),
+ socket_getopt_value(Opt, Res);
+socket_getopt(Socket, DomainProps, _) when is_list(DomainProps) ->
+ %% We need to lookup the domain of the socket,
+ %% so we can select which one to use.
+ %% ?DBG({'socket_getopt - match', Tag, DomainProps}),
+ case socket:getopt(Socket, otp, domain) of
+ {ok, Domain} ->
+ %% ?DBG({'socket_getopt - domain', Tag, Domain}),
+ case lists:keysearch(Domain, 1, DomainProps) of
+ {value, {Domain, Opt}} ->
+ %% ?DBG({'socket_getopt - ok domain', Tag, Level, OptKey}),
+ %% _ = socket:setopt(Socket, otp, debug, true),
+ Res = socket:getopt(Socket, Opt),
+ %% _ = socket:setopt(Socket, otp, debug, false),
+ %% ?DBG({'socket_getopt - result', Res}),
+ socket_getopt_value(Opt, Res);
+ false ->
+ %% ?DBG({'socket_getopt - invalid domain', Tag, Domain, DomainProps}),
{error, einval}
- #{} = __X__ ->
- %% ?DBG({'socket_getopt - no match - 2', Tag, __X__}),
+ {error, _DReason} ->
+ %% ?DBG({'socket_getopt - unknown domain', Tag, _DReason}),
{error, einval}
-socket_getopt_value(linger, {ok, #{onoff := OnOff, linger := Linger}}) ->
+ {socket,linger}, {ok, #{onoff := OnOff, linger := Linger}}) ->
{ok, {OnOff, Linger}};
-socket_getopt_value(pktoptions, {ok, PktOpts0}) when is_list(PktOpts0) ->
- PktOpts = [{Type, Value} || #{type := Type, value := Value} <- PktOpts0],
- {ok, PktOpts};
+socket_getopt_value({Level,pktoptions}, {ok, PktOpts})
+ when Level =:= ip, is_list(PktOpts);
+ Level =:= ipv6, is_list(PktOpts) ->
+ {ok, [{Type, Value} || #{type := Type, value := Value} <- PktOpts]};
socket_getopt_value(_Tag, {ok, _Value} = Ok) -> Ok;
socket_getopt_value(_Tag, {error, _} = Error) -> Error.
socket_copy_opt(Socket, Tag, TargetSocket) when is_atom(Tag) ->
- case socket_opt() of
- #{Tag := Opt} ->
+ case socket_opts() of
+ #{Tag := {_Level,_Key} = Opt} ->
case socket:is_supported(options, Opt) of
true ->
case socket:getopt(Socket, Opt) of
@@ -966,74 +1034,26 @@ start_opts([Opt | Opts]) ->
start_opts([]) -> [].
-%% Categories: socket, ignore, start, server_read, server_write, einval
-%% returns a maps set
-setopt_categories(Opt) ->
- case Opt of
- {raw, _, _, _} -> #{socket => []};
- {raw, {_, _, _}} -> #{socket => []};
- {Tag, _} -> opt_categories(Tag);
- _ -> ignore
- end.
-getopt_categories(Opt) ->
- case Opt of
- {raw, _, _, _} -> #{socket => []};
- {raw, {_, _, _}} -> #{socket => []};
- _ -> opt_categories(Opt)
- end.
-%% setopt and getopt category
-opt_categories(Tag) when is_atom(Tag) ->
+-compile({inline, [ignore_optname/1]}).
+ignore_optname(Tag) ->
case Tag of
- sys_debug -> #{start => []};
- debug -> #{socket => [], start => []};
- _ ->
- case maps:is_key(Tag, socket_opt()) of
- true -> #{socket => []};
- false ->
- case maps:is_key(Tag, ignore_opt()) of
- true ->
- #{ignore => []};
- false ->
- maps:merge(
- case maps:is_key(Tag, server_read_opts()) of
- true ->
- #{server_read => []};
- false ->
- #{}
- end,
- case maps:is_key(Tag, server_write_opts()) of
- true ->
- #{server_write => []};
- false ->
- #{}
- end)
- end
- end
+ %% Handled by inet:tcp_module/2
+ tcp_module -> true;
+ %% Handled by inet:connect_options/2 and inet:listen_options/2
+ ip -> true;
+ backlog -> true;
+ %% XXX Some of these must probably be handled one day...
+ high_msgq_watermark -> true;
+ high_watermark -> true;
+ low_msgq_watermark -> true;
+ nopush -> true;
+ _ -> false
--compile({inline, [ignore_opt/0]}).
-ignore_opt() ->
- #{
- %% Handled by inet:tcp_module/2
- tcp_module => [],
- %% Handled by inet:connect_options/2 and inet:listen_options/2
- ip => [],
- backlog => [],
- %% XXX Some of these must probably be handled one day...
- high_msgq_watermark => [],
- high_watermark => [],
- low_msgq_watermark => [],
- nopush => []
- }.
-%% Category 'socket'
+%% 'socket' options; translation to 'level' and 'opt'
-%% Translation to 'level' and 'opt'
--compile({inline, [socket_opt/0]}).
-socket_opt() ->
+-compile({inline, [socket_opts/0]}).
+socket_opts() ->
%% Level: otp
buffer => {otp, rcvbuf},
@@ -1070,6 +1090,10 @@ socket_opt() ->
tclass => {ipv6, tclass},
+ %% Raw
+ raw => raw,
+ %%
%% Special cases
%% These are options that cannot be mapped as above,
%% as they, for instance, "belong to" several domains.
@@ -1082,13 +1106,10 @@ socket_opt() ->
%% In both cases this is *no longer valid* as the RFC which
%% introduced this, RFC 2292, is *obsoleted* by RFC 3542, where
%% this "feature" *does not exist*...
- pktoptions => [{inet, ip, pktoptions}, {inet6, ipv6, pktoptions}]
+ pktoptions =>
+ [{inet, {ip, pktoptions}}, {inet6, {ipv6, pktoptions}}]
--compile({inline, [socket_inherit_opts/0]}).
-socket_inherit_opts() ->
- [priority].
-compile({inline, [server_read_write_opts/0]}).
server_read_write_opts() ->
%% Common for read and write side
@@ -1229,11 +1250,17 @@ init({open, Domain, ExtraOpts, Owner}) ->
case socket_open(Domain, Proto, ExtraOpts, Extra) of
{ok, Socket} ->
D = server_opts(),
- ok = socket:setopt(Socket, {otp,iow}, true),
- ok = socket:setopt(Socket, {otp,meta}, meta(D)),
- P = #params{socket = Socket,
- owner = Owner,
- owner_mon = OwnerMon},
+ ok = socket:setopt(Socket, {otp,iow}, true),
+ %%
+ %% meta(server_opts()) is an expensive way to write
+ %% server_write_opts(), so, meta(D) is redundant code
+ %% until someone decides to change D
+ ok = socket:setopt(Socket, {otp,meta}, meta(D)),
+ P =
+ #params{
+ socket = Socket,
+ owner = Owner,
+ owner_mon = OwnerMon},
{ok, connect, {P, D#{type => undefined, buffer => <<>>}}};
{error, Reason} ->
%% ?DBG({open_failed, Reason}),
@@ -2482,55 +2509,76 @@ tag(Packet) ->
+%% -------
+%% setopts in server
%% -> {ok, NewD} | {{error, Reason}, D}
state_setopts(_P, D, _State, []) ->
{ok, D};
-state_setopts(P, D, State, [Opt | Opts]) ->
- %% ?DBG([{state, State}, {opt, Opt}]),
- Opt_1 = conv_setopt(Opt),
- %% ?DBG({'option converted', Opt_1}),
- case setopt_categories(Opt_1) of
- #{socket := _} ->
- %% ?DBG(socket),
+state_setopts(P, D, State, [{Tag,Val} | Opts]) ->
+ %% ?DBG([{state, State}, {opt, {Tag,Val}}]),
+ SocketOpts = socket_opts(),
+ case maps:is_key(Tag, SocketOpts) of
+ true ->
+ %% options for the 'socket' module
+ %%
case P#params.socket of
undefined ->
{{error, closed}, D};
Socket ->
- case socket_setopt(Socket, Opt_1) of
+ case
+ socket_setopt(
+ Socket, maps:get(Tag, SocketOpts), Val)
+ of
ok ->
state_setopts(P, D, State, Opts);
{error, _} = Error ->
{Error, D}
- %%
- #{server_write := _} when State =:= 'closed' ->
- %% ?DBG('server write when state closed'),
- {{error, einval}, D};
- #{server_write := _} ->
- %% ?DBG('server write'),
- state_setopts_server(P, D, State, Opts, Opt_1);
- %%
- #{server_read := _} when State =:= 'closed' ->
- %% ?DBG('server read when state closed'),
- {{error, einval}, D};
- #{server_read := _} when (State =:= 'closed_read') orelse
- (State =:= 'closed_read_write') ->
- %% ?DBG('server read when state closed-read or closed-read-write'),
- {{error, einval}, D};
- #{server_read := _} ->
- %% ?DBG('server read'),
- state_setopts_server(P, D, State, Opts, Opt_1);
- %%
- #{ignore := _} ->
- %% ?DBG(ignore),
- state_setopts(P, D, State, Opts);
- #{} = _EXTRA -> % extra | einval
- %% ?DBG({extra, _EXTRA}),
- {{error, einval}, D}
+ false ->
+ case maps:is_key(Tag, server_write_opts()) of
+ %% server options for socket send hence
+ %% duplicated in {opt,meta}
+ %%
+ true when State =:= 'closed' ->
+ %% ?DBG('server write when state closed'),
+ {{error, einval}, D};
+ true ->
+ %% ?DBG('server write'),
+ state_setopts_server(
+ P, D, State, Opts, Tag, Val);
+ false ->
+ case maps:is_key(Tag, server_read_opts()) of
+ %% server options for receive
+ %%
+ true
+ when State =:= 'closed';
+ State =:= 'closed_read';
+ State =:= 'closed_read_write' ->
+ %% ?DBG('server read when state closed*'),
+ {{error, einval}, D};
+ true ->
+ %% ?DBG('server read'),
+ state_setopts_server(
+ P, D, State, Opts, Tag, Val);
+ false ->
+ %% ignored and invalid options
+ %%
+ case ignore_optname(Tag) of
+ true ->
+ %% ?DBG(ignore),
+ state_setopts(P, D, State, Opts);
+ false ->
+ %% ?DBG({extra, Tag}),
+ {{error, einval}, D}
+ end
+ end
+ end
-state_setopts_server(P, D, State, Opts, {Tag, Value}) ->
+state_setopts_server(P, D, State, Opts, Tag, Value) ->
case Tag of
active ->
state_setopts_active(P, D, State, Opts, Value);
@@ -2590,6 +2638,11 @@ state_setopts_active(P, D, State, Opts, Active) ->
{{error, einval}, D}
+%% -------
+%% getopts in server
%% -> {ok, [Options]} | {error, einval}
state_getopts(P, D, State, Opts) ->
state_getopts(P, D, State, Opts, []).
@@ -2597,48 +2650,79 @@ state_getopts(P, D, State, Opts) ->
state_getopts(_P, _D, _State, [], Acc) ->
{ok, reverse(Acc)};
state_getopts(P, D, State, [Tag | Tags], Acc) ->
- %% ?DBG({'categorize option', Tag, State}),
- case getopt_categories(Tag) of
- #{socket := _} ->
- %% ?DBG(socket),
+ SocketOpts = socket_opts(),
+ {Key, Val} =
+ case Tag of
+ {_, _} -> Tag; % E.g the raw option
+ _ when is_atom(Tag) -> {Tag, Tag}
+ end,
+ case maps:is_key(Key, SocketOpts) of
+ true ->
+ %% options for the socket module
+ %%
case P#params.socket of
undefined ->
{error, closed};
Socket ->
%% ?DBG({'socket getopt', Tag}),
- case socket_getopt(Socket, Tag) of
+ case
+ socket_getopt(
+ Socket, maps:get(Tag, SocketOpts), Val)
+ of
{ok, Value} ->
%% ?DBG({'socket getopt', ok, Value}),
- P, D, State, Tags, [{Tag, Value} | Acc]);
+ P, D, State, Tags, [{Key, Value} | Acc]);
{error, _Reason} ->
%% ?DBG({'socket getopt', error, _Reason}),
state_getopts(P, D, State, Tags, Acc)
- #{server_write := _} when State =:= 'closed' ->
- %% ?DBG('server write when closed'),
- {error, einval};
- #{server_write := _} ->
- %% ?DBG('server write'),
- Value = maps:get(Tag, D),
- state_getopts(P, D, State, Tags, [{Tag, Value} | Acc]);
- #{server_read := _} when State =:= 'closed' ->
- %% ?DBG('server read when closed'),
- {error, einval};
- #{server_read := _} when (State =:= 'closed_read') orelse
- (State =:= 'closed_read_write') ->
- %% ?DBG('server read when closed-read or closed-read-write'),
- {error, einval};
- #{server_read := _} ->
- %% ?DBG('server read'),
- Value = maps:get(Tag, D),
- state_getopts(P, D, State, Tags, [{Tag, Value} | Acc]);
- #{} = _EXTRA -> % extra | einval
- %% ?DBG({'something else', _EXTRA}),
- {error, einval}
+ false ->
+ case maps:is_key(Key, server_write_opts()) of
+ %% server options for socket send hence
+ %% duplicated in {opt,meta}
+ %%
+ true when State =:= 'closed' ->
+ %% ?DBG('server write when closed'),
+ {error, einval};
+ true ->
+ %% ?DBG('server write'),
+ Value = maps:get(Key, D),
+ state_getopts(P, D, State, Tags, [{Key, Value} | Acc]);
+ false ->
+ case maps:is_key(Key, server_read_opts()) of
+ %% server options for receive
+ %%
+ true
+ when State =:= 'closed';
+ State =:= 'closed_read';
+ State =:= 'closed_read_write' ->
+ %% ?DBG('server read when closed*'),
+ {error, einval};
+ true ->
+ %% ?DBG('server read'),
+ Value = maps:get(Key, D),
+ state_getopts(
+ P, D, State, Tags, [{Key, Value} | Acc]);
+ false ->
+ %% ignored and invalid options
+ %%
+ case ignore_optname(Key) of
+ true ->
+ %% ?DBG({ignore, Tag}),
+ state_getopts(P, D, State, Tags, Acc);
+ false ->
+ %% ?DBG({extra, Tag}),
+ {error, einval}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+%% -------
handle_info(Socket, Owner, #{active := Active} = D) ->
%% Read counters
Counters_1 = socket_info_counters(Socket),