diff options
authorRaimo Niskanen <>2021-08-26 20:34:11 +0200
committerRaimo Niskanen <>2021-08-27 14:43:49 +0200
commit5cfcec8f8776f1ad43b6aea6bea781656efe76dd (patch)
parente61baae9fb990f6456f1f76474cf0851cb5d2a7d (diff)
Restructure decoding to avoid multiple clauses per RR type
* Use one clause per RR type when decoding. I.e do not use a separate error clause where a bunch of RR types needs to be repeated, and then can be missed in a future rewrite. * Introduce a macro ?MATCH_ELSE_DECODE_ERROR to throw(?DECODE_ERROR) for no match, to avoid cluttering the decode code with such throw:s. Use that macro consistently. * Group RRs into class IN vs. standard (class agnostic), for both decoding and encoding. * Remove erroneous ?S_URI clauses that remained after fixing encode/decode in 355eeac9. * Remove incorrect matching for class 'in' when encoding standard (class agnostic) RRs. * Introduce explicit clauses for ?S_OPT instead of falling through to the default clause.
1 files changed, 236 insertions, 201 deletions
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/inet_dns.erl b/lib/kernel/src/inet_dns.erl
index 8f63dfdf11..efe9ee132d 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/inet_dns.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/inet_dns.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2020. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2021. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -118,6 +118,24 @@ lists_member(H, [_|T]) -> lists_member(H, T).
%% Decode a dns buffer.
+%% Match macros that throw(?DECODE_ERROR) for no match
+ MATCH_ELSE_DECODE_ERROR(Match, Pattern, Result),
+ case begin Match end of
+ (Pattern) ->
+ begin Result end;
+ _ ->
+ throw(?DECODE_ERROR)
+ end).
+ MATCH_ELSE_DECODE_ERROR(Match, Pattern, Guard, Result),
+ case begin Match end of
+ (Pattern) when not not (Guard) ->
+ begin Result end;
+ _ ->
+ throw(?DECODE_ERROR)
+ end).
decode(Buffer) when is_binary(Buffer) ->
try do_decode(Buffer) of
DnsRec ->
@@ -136,33 +154,37 @@ do_decode(<<Id:16,
{NsBuf,AnList,AnTC} = decode_rr_section(AnBuf,AnCount,Buffer),
{ArBuf,NsList,NsTC} = decode_rr_section(NsBuf,NsCount,Buffer),
{Rest,ArList,ArTC} = decode_rr_section(ArBuf,ArCount,Buffer),
- case Rest of
- <<>> ->
- HdrTC = decode_boolean(TC),
- DnsHdr =
- #dns_header{id=Id,
- qr=decode_boolean(QR),
- opcode=decode_opcode(Opcode),
- aa=decode_boolean(AA),
- tc=HdrTC,
- rd=decode_boolean(RD),
- ra=decode_boolean(RA),
- pr=decode_boolean(PR),
- rcode=Rcode},
- case QdTC or AnTC or NsTC or ArTC of
- true when not HdrTC ->
- throw(?DECODE_ERROR);
- _ ->
- #dns_rec{header=DnsHdr,
- qdlist=QdList,
- anlist=AnList,
- nslist=NsList,
- arlist=ArList}
- end;
- _ ->
- %% Garbage data after DNS message
- throw(?DECODE_ERROR)
- end;
+ Rest,
+ <<>>,
+ begin
+ HdrTC = decode_boolean(TC),
+ DnsHdr =
+ #dns_header{id=Id,
+ qr=decode_boolean(QR),
+ opcode=decode_opcode(Opcode),
+ aa=decode_boolean(AA),
+ tc=HdrTC,
+ rd=decode_boolean(RD),
+ ra=decode_boolean(RA),
+ pr=decode_boolean(PR),
+ rcode=Rcode},
+ %% Header marked as truncated, or no section
+ %% marked as truncated.
+ %% The converse; a section marked as truncated,
+ %% but not the header - is a parse error.
+ %%
+ HdrTC or (not (QdTC or AnTC or NsTC or ArTC)),
+ true,
+ begin
+ #dns_rec{header=DnsHdr,
+ qdlist=QdList,
+ anlist=AnList,
+ nslist=NsList,
+ arlist=ArList}
+ end)
+ end);
do_decode(_) ->
%% DNS message does not even match header
@@ -175,17 +197,16 @@ decode_query_section(<<>>=Rest, N, _Buffer, Qs) ->
decode_query_section(Rest, 0, _Buffer, Qs) ->
decode_query_section(Bin, N, Buffer, Qs) ->
- case decode_name(Bin, Buffer) of
- {<<Type:16,Class:16,Rest/binary>>,Name} ->
+ decode_name(Bin, Buffer),
+ {<<Type:16,Class:16,Rest/binary>>,Name},
+ begin
DnsQuery =
- decode_query_section(Rest, N-1, Buffer, [DnsQuery|Qs]);
- _ ->
- %% Broken question
- throw(?DECODE_ERROR)
- end.
+ decode_query_section(Rest, N-1, Buffer, [DnsQuery|Qs])
+ end).
decode_rr_section(Bin, N, Buffer) ->
decode_rr_section(Bin, N, Buffer, []).
@@ -195,38 +216,37 @@ decode_rr_section(<<>>=Rest, N, _Buffer, RRs) ->
decode_rr_section(Rest, 0, _Buffer, RRs) ->
decode_rr_section(Bin, N, Buffer, RRs) ->
- case decode_name(Bin, Buffer) of
- {<<T:16/unsigned,C:16/unsigned,TTL:4/binary,
+ decode_name(Bin, Buffer),
+ {<<T:16/unsigned,C:16/unsigned,TTL:4/binary,
- Name} ->
- Type = decode_type(T),
- Class = decode_class(C),
- Data = decode_data(D, Class, Type, Buffer),
- RR =
- case Type of
- opt ->
- <<ExtRcode,Version,Z:16>> = TTL,
- #dns_rr_opt{domain=Name,
- type=Type,
- udp_payload_size=C,
- ext_rcode=ExtRcode,
- version=Version,
- z=Z,
- data=Data};
- _ ->
- <<TimeToLive:32/signed>> = TTL,
- #dns_rr{domain=Name,
- type=Type,
- class=Class,
- ttl=if TimeToLive < 0 -> 0;
- true -> TimeToLive end,
- data=Data}
- end,
- decode_rr_section(Rest, N-1, Buffer, [RR|RRs]);
- _ ->
- %% Broken RR
- throw(?DECODE_ERROR)
- end.
+ Name},
+ begin
+ Type = decode_type(T),
+ Class = decode_class(C),
+ Data = decode_data(D, Class, Type, Buffer),
+ RR =
+ case Type of
+ opt ->
+ <<ExtRcode,Version,Z:16>> = TTL,
+ #dns_rr_opt{domain=Name,
+ type=Type,
+ udp_payload_size=C,
+ ext_rcode=ExtRcode,
+ version=Version,
+ z=Z,
+ data=Data};
+ _ ->
+ <<TimeToLive:32/signed>> = TTL,
+ #dns_rr{domain=Name,
+ type=Type,
+ class=Class,
+ ttl=if TimeToLive < 0 -> 0;
+ true -> TimeToLive end,
+ data=Data}
+ end,
+ decode_rr_section(Rest, N-1, Buffer, [RR|RRs])
+ end).
%% Encode a user query
@@ -430,83 +450,100 @@ encode_boolean(B) when is_integer(B) -> B.
decode_boolean(0) -> false;
decode_boolean(I) when is_integer(I) -> true.
%% Data field -> term() content representation
-decode_data(<<A,B,C,D>>, in, ?S_A, _) -> {A,B,C,D};
-decode_data(<<A:16,B:16,C:16,D:16,E:16,F:16,G:16,H:16>>, in, ?S_AAAA, _) ->
- {A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H};
-decode_data(Dom, _, ?S_NS, Buffer) -> decode_domain(Dom, Buffer);
-decode_data(Dom, _, ?S_MD, Buffer) -> decode_domain(Dom, Buffer);
-decode_data(Dom, _, ?S_MF, Buffer) -> decode_domain(Dom, Buffer);
-decode_data(Dom, _, ?S_CNAME, Buffer) -> decode_domain(Dom, Buffer);
-decode_data(Data0, _, ?S_SOA, Buffer) ->
- {Data1,MName} = decode_name(Data0, Buffer),
- {Data,RName} = decode_name(Data1, Buffer),
- case Data of
- <<Serial:32,Refresh:32/signed,Retry:32/signed,
- Expiry:32/signed,Minimum:32>> ->
- {MName,RName,Serial,Refresh,Retry,Expiry,Minimum};
- _ ->
- %% Broken SOA RR data
- throw(?DECODE_ERROR)
- end;
-decode_data(Dom, _, ?S_MB, Buffer) -> decode_domain(Dom, Buffer);
-decode_data(Dom, _, ?S_MG, Buffer) -> decode_domain(Dom, Buffer);
-decode_data(Dom, _, ?S_MR, Buffer) -> decode_domain(Dom, Buffer);
-decode_data(Data, _, ?S_NULL, _) -> Data;
-decode_data(<<A,B,C,D,Proto,BitMap/binary>>, in, ?S_WKS, _Buffer) ->
- {{A,B,C,D},Proto,BitMap};
-decode_data(Dom, _, ?S_PTR, Buffer) -> decode_domain(Dom, Buffer);
- OsLen,OS:OsLen/binary>>, _, ?S_HINFO, _) ->
- {binary_to_list(CPU),binary_to_list(OS)};
-decode_data(Data0, _, ?S_MINFO, Buffer) ->
- {Data1,RM} = decode_name(Data0, Buffer),
- {Data,EM} = decode_name(Data1, Buffer),
- case Data of
- <<>> -> {RM,EM};
- _ ->
- %% Broken MINFO data
- throw(?DECODE_ERROR)
- end;
-decode_data(<<Prio:16,Dom/binary>>, _, ?S_MX, Buffer) ->
- {Prio,decode_domain(Dom, Buffer)};
-decode_data(<<Prio:16,Weight:16,Port:16,Dom/binary>>, _, ?S_SRV, Buffer) ->
- {Prio,Weight,Port,decode_domain(Dom, Buffer)};
-decode_data(<<Order:16,Preference:16,Data0/binary>>, _, ?S_NAPTR, Buffer) ->
- {Data1,Flags} = decode_string(Data0),
- {Data2,Services} = decode_string(Data1),
- {Data,Regexp} = decode_characters(Data2, utf8),
- Replacement = decode_domain(Data, Buffer),
- {Order,Preference,inet_db:tolower(Flags),inet_db:tolower(Services),
- Regexp,Replacement};
-%% ?S_OPT falls through to default
-decode_data(Data, _, ?S_TXT, _) ->
- decode_txt(Data);
-decode_data(Data, _, ?S_SPF, _) ->
- decode_txt(Data);
-decode_data(<<Prio:16,Weight:16,Data0/binary>>, _, ?S_URI, _) ->
- (1 =< byte_size(Data0))
- orelse throw(?DECODE_ERROR),
- Target = binary_to_list(Data0),
- {Prio,Weight,Target};
+%% Class IN RRs
+decode_data(Data, in, ?S_A, _) ->
+decode_data(Data, in, ?S_AAAA, _) ->
+ Data,
+ <<A:16,B:16,C:16,D:16,E:16,F:16,G:16,H:16>>,
+ {A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H});
+decode_data(Data, in, ?S_WKS, _) ->
+ Data,
+ <<A,B,C,D,Proto,BitMap/binary>>,
+ {{A,B,C,D},Proto,BitMap});
+%% Standard RRs (any class)
+decode_data(Data, _, ?S_SOA, Buffer) ->
+ {Data1,MName} = decode_name(Data, Buffer),
+ {Data2,RName} = decode_name(Data1, Buffer),
+ Data2,
+ <<Serial:32,Refresh:32/signed,Retry:32/signed,
+ Expiry:32/signed,Minimum:32>>,
+ {MName,RName,Serial,Refresh,Retry,Expiry,Minimum});
+decode_data(Data, _, ?S_NS, Buffer) -> decode_domain(Data, Buffer);
+decode_data(Data, _, ?S_MD, Buffer) -> decode_domain(Data, Buffer);
+decode_data(Data, _, ?S_MF, Buffer) -> decode_domain(Data, Buffer);
+decode_data(Data, _, ?S_CNAME, Buffer) -> decode_domain(Data, Buffer);
+decode_data(Data, _, ?S_MB, Buffer) -> decode_domain(Data, Buffer);
+decode_data(Data, _, ?S_MG, Buffer) -> decode_domain(Data, Buffer);
+decode_data(Data, _, ?S_MR, Buffer) -> decode_domain(Data, Buffer);
+decode_data(Data, _, ?S_PTR, Buffer) -> decode_domain(Data, Buffer);
+decode_data(Data, _, ?S_NULL, _) -> Data;
+decode_data(Data, _, ?S_HINFO, _) ->
+ Data,
+ <<CpuLen,CPU:CpuLen/binary,OsLen,OS:OsLen/binary>>,
+ {binary_to_list(CPU),binary_to_list(OS)});
+decode_data(Data, _, ?S_MINFO, Buffer) ->
+ {Data1,RM} = decode_name(Data, Buffer),
+ {Data2,EM} = decode_name(Data1, Buffer),
+decode_data(Data, _, ?S_MX, Buffer) ->
+ Data,
+ <<Prio:16,Dom/binary>>,
+ {Prio,decode_domain(Dom, Buffer)});
+decode_data(Data, _, ?S_SRV, Buffer) ->
+ Data,
+ <<Prio:16,Weight:16,Port:16,Dom/binary>>,
+ {Prio,Weight,Port,decode_domain(Dom, Buffer)});
+decode_data(Data, _, ?S_NAPTR, Buffer) ->
+ Data,
+ <<Order:16,Preference:16,Data1/binary>>,
+ begin
+ {Data2,Flags} = decode_string(Data1),
+ {Data3,Services} = decode_string(Data2),
+ {Data4,Regexp} = decode_characters(Data3, utf8),
+ Replacement = decode_domain(Data4, Buffer),
+ {Order,Preference,
+ inet_db:tolower(Flags),inet_db:tolower(Services),
+ Regexp,Replacement}
+ end);
+decode_data(Data, _, ?S_OPT, _) -> Data;
+decode_data(Data, _, ?S_TXT, _) -> decode_txt(Data);
+decode_data(Data, _, ?S_SPF, _) -> decode_txt(Data);
decode_data(Data, _, ?S_URI, _) ->
- decode_txt(Data);
-decode_data(<<Flags:8,Data0/binary>>, _, ?S_CAA, _) ->
- {Data1,Tag} = decode_string(Data0),
- L = length(Tag),
- (1 =< L andalso L =< 15)
- orelse throw(?DECODE_ERROR),
- Value = binary_to_list(Data1),
- {Flags,inet_db:tolower(Tag),Value};
-%% malformed known RR in inet domain
-decode_data(_, in, T, _) when T == ?S_A; T == ?S_AAAA; T == ?S_WKS ->
- throw(?DECODE_ERROR);
-%% malormed known RR in any domain
-decode_data(_, _, T, _) when T == ?S_HINFO; T == ?S_MX; T == ?S_SRV;
- T == ?S_NAPTR; T == ?S_URI; T == ?S_CAA ->
- throw(?DECODE_ERROR);
+ Data,
+ <<Prio:16,Weight:16,Data1/binary>>, 1 =< byte_size(Data1),
+ begin
+ Target = binary_to_list(Data1),
+ {Prio,Weight,Target}
+ end);
+decode_data(Data, _, ?S_CAA, _) ->
+ Data,
+ <<Flags:8,Data1/binary>>,
+ begin
+ {Data2,Tag} = decode_string(Data1),
+ length(Tag),
+ L, 1 =< L andalso L =< 15,
+ begin
+ Value = binary_to_list(Data2),
+ {Flags,inet_db:tolower(Tag),Value}
+ end)
+ end);
%% sofar unknown or non standard
decode_data(Data, _, _, _) ->
@@ -518,27 +555,22 @@ decode_txt(Bin) ->
{Rest,String} = decode_string(Bin),
-decode_string(<<Len,Bin:Len/binary,Rest/binary>>) ->
- {Rest,binary_to_list(Bin)};
-decode_string(_) ->
- %% Broken string
- throw(?DECODE_ERROR).
+decode_string(Data) ->
+ Data,
+ <<Len,Bin:Len/binary,Rest/binary>>,
+ {Rest,binary_to_list(Bin)}).
-decode_characters(<<Len,Bin:Len/binary,Rest/binary>>, Encoding) ->
- {Rest,unicode:characters_to_list(Bin, Encoding)};
-decode_characters(_, _) ->
- %% Broken encoded string
- throw(?DECODE_ERROR).
+decode_characters(Data, Encoding) ->
+ Data,
+ <<Len,Bin:Len/binary,Rest/binary>>,
+ {Rest,unicode:characters_to_list(Bin, Encoding)}).
%% One domain name only, there must be nothing after
decode_domain(Bin, Buffer) ->
- case decode_name(Bin, Buffer) of
- {<<>>,Name} -> Name;
- _ ->
- %% Garbage after domain name
- throw(?DECODE_ERROR)
- end.
+ ?MATCH_ELSE_DECODE_ERROR(decode_name(Bin, Buffer), {<<>>,Name}, Name).
%% Domain name -> {RestBin,Name}
@@ -561,15 +593,13 @@ decode_name(<<0:2,Len:6,Label:Len/binary,Rest/binary>>,
decode_name(<<3:2,Ptr:14,Rest/binary>>, Buffer, Labels, Tail, Cnt) ->
%% Indirection - reposition in buffer and recurse
- case Buffer of
- <<_:Ptr/binary,Bin/binary>> ->
- decode_name(Bin, Buffer, Labels,
- if Cnt =/= 0 -> Tail; true -> Rest end,
- Cnt+2); % size of indirection pointer
- _ ->
- %% Indirection pointer outside buffer
- throw(?DECODE_ERROR)
- end;
+ Buffer,
+ <<_:Ptr/binary,Bin/binary>>,
+ decode_name(
+ Bin, Buffer, Labels,
+ if Cnt =/= 0 -> Tail; true -> Rest end,
+ Cnt+2)); % size of indirection pointer
decode_name(_, _, _, _, _) -> throw(?DECODE_ERROR).
%% Reverse list of labels (binaries) -> domain name (string)
@@ -582,12 +612,13 @@ decode_name_labels([Label], Name) ->
decode_name_labels([Label|Labels], Name) ->
decode_name_labels(Labels, "."++decode_name_label(Label, Name)).
-decode_name_label(<<>>, _Name) ->
- %% Empty label is only allowed for the root domain,
- %% and that is handled above.
- throw(?DECODE_ERROR);
decode_name_label(Label, Name) ->
- decode_name_label(Label, Name, byte_size(Label)).
+ Label,
+ _, 1 =< byte_size(Label),
+ %% Empty label is only allowed for the root domain,
+ %% and that is handled above.
+ decode_name_label(Label, Name, byte_size(Label))).
%% Decode $. and $\\ to become $\\ escaped characters
%% in the string representation.
@@ -611,40 +642,42 @@ decode_name_label(Label, Name, N) ->
%% Data field -> {binary(),NewCompressionTable}
+%% Class IN RRs
encode_data(Comp, _, ?S_A, in, {A,B,C,D}) -> {<<A,B,C,D>>,Comp};
encode_data(Comp, _, ?S_AAAA, in, {A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H}) ->
-encode_data(Comp, Pos, ?S_NS, in, Domain) -> encode_name(Comp, Pos, Domain);
-encode_data(Comp, Pos, ?S_MD, in, Domain) -> encode_name(Comp, Pos, Domain);
-encode_data(Comp, Pos, ?S_MF, in, Domain) -> encode_name(Comp, Pos, Domain);
-encode_data(Comp, Pos, ?S_CNAME, in, Domain) -> encode_name(Comp, Pos, Domain);
-encode_data(Comp0, Pos, ?S_SOA, in,
- {MName,RName,Serial,Refresh,Retry,Expiry,Minimum}) ->
- {B1,Comp1} = encode_name(Comp0, Pos, MName),
- {B,Comp} = encode_name(B1, Comp1, Pos+byte_size(B1), RName),
- {<<B/binary,Serial:32,Refresh:32/signed,Retry:32/signed,
- Expiry:32/signed,Minimum:32>>,
- Comp};
-encode_data(Comp, Pos, ?S_MB, in, Domain) -> encode_name(Comp, Pos, Domain);
-encode_data(Comp, Pos, ?S_MG, in, Domain) -> encode_name(Comp, Pos, Domain);
-encode_data(Comp, Pos, ?S_MR, in, Domain) -> encode_name(Comp, Pos, Domain);
-encode_data(Comp, _, ?S_NULL, in, Data) ->
- {iolist_to_binary(Data),Comp};
encode_data(Comp, _, ?S_WKS, in, {{A,B,C,D},Proto,BitMap}) ->
BitMapBin = iolist_to_binary(BitMap),
-encode_data(Comp, Pos, ?S_PTR, in, Domain) -> encode_name(Comp, Pos, Domain);
-encode_data(Comp, _, ?S_HINFO, in, {CPU,OS}) ->
+%% Standard RRs (any class)
+encode_data(Comp, Pos, ?S_NS, _, Domain) -> encode_name(Comp, Pos, Domain);
+encode_data(Comp, Pos, ?S_MD, _, Domain) -> encode_name(Comp, Pos, Domain);
+encode_data(Comp, Pos, ?S_MF, _, Domain) -> encode_name(Comp, Pos, Domain);
+encode_data(Comp, Pos, ?S_CNAME, _, Domain) -> encode_name(Comp, Pos, Domain);
+encode_data(Comp, Pos, ?S_SOA, _,
+ {MName,RName,Serial,Refresh,Retry,Expiry,Minimum}) ->
+ {B1,Comp1} = encode_name(Comp, Pos, MName),
+ {B,Comp2} = encode_name(B1, Comp1, Pos+byte_size(B1), RName),
+ {<<B/binary,Serial:32,Refresh:32/signed,Retry:32/signed,
+ Expiry:32/signed,Minimum:32>>,
+ Comp2};
+encode_data(Comp, Pos, ?S_MB, _, Domain) -> encode_name(Comp, Pos, Domain);
+encode_data(Comp, Pos, ?S_MG, _, Domain) -> encode_name(Comp, Pos, Domain);
+encode_data(Comp, Pos, ?S_MR, _, Domain) -> encode_name(Comp, Pos, Domain);
+encode_data(Comp, _, ?S_NULL, _, Data) -> {iolist_to_binary(Data),Comp};
+encode_data(Comp, Pos, ?S_PTR, _, Domain) -> encode_name(Comp, Pos, Domain);
+encode_data(Comp, _, ?S_HINFO, _, {CPU,OS}) ->
Bin = encode_string(iolist_to_binary(CPU)),
{encode_string(Bin, iolist_to_binary(OS)),Comp};
-encode_data(Comp0, Pos, ?S_MINFO, in, {RM,EM}) ->
- {Bin,Comp} = encode_name(Comp0, Pos, RM),
- encode_name(Bin, Comp, Pos+byte_size(Bin), EM);
-encode_data(Comp, Pos, ?S_MX, in, {Pref,Exch}) ->
+encode_data(Comp, Pos, ?S_MINFO, _, {RM,EM}) ->
+ {Bin,Comp1} = encode_name(Comp, Pos, RM),
+ encode_name(Bin, Comp1, Pos+byte_size(Bin), EM);
+encode_data(Comp, Pos, ?S_MX, _, {Pref,Exch}) ->
encode_name(<<Pref:16>>, Comp, Pos+2, Exch);
-encode_data(Comp, Pos, ?S_SRV, in, {Prio,Weight,Port,Target}) ->
+encode_data(Comp, Pos, ?S_SRV, _, {Prio,Weight,Port,Target}) ->
encode_name(<<Prio:16,Weight:16,Port:16>>, Comp, Pos+2+2+2, Target);
-encode_data(Comp, Pos, ?S_NAPTR, in,
+encode_data(Comp, Pos, ?S_NAPTR, _,
{Order,Preference,Flags,Services,Regexp,Replacement}) ->
B0 = <<Order:16,Preference:16>>,
B1 = encode_string(B0, iolist_to_binary(Flags)),
@@ -654,19 +687,21 @@ encode_data(Comp, Pos, ?S_NAPTR, in,
%% Bypass name compression (RFC 2915: section 2)
{B,_} = encode_name(B3, gb_trees:empty(), Pos+byte_size(B3), Replacement),
-%% ?S_OPT falls through to default
-encode_data(Comp, _, ?S_TXT, in, Data) -> {encode_txt(Data),Comp};
-encode_data(Comp, _, ?S_SPF, in, Data) -> {encode_txt(Data),Comp};
-encode_data(Comp, _, ?S_URI, in, {Prio,Weight,Target}) ->
+encode_data(Comp, _, ?S_OPT, _, Data) -> {iolist_to_binary(Data),Comp};
+encode_data(Comp, _, ?S_TXT, _, Data) -> {encode_txt(Data),Comp};
+encode_data(Comp, _, ?S_SPF, _, Data) -> {encode_txt(Data),Comp};
+encode_data(Comp, _, ?S_URI, _, {Prio,Weight,Target}) ->
-encode_data(Comp, _, ?S_URI, in, Data) -> {encode_txt(Data),Comp};
-encode_data(Comp, _, ?S_CAA, in, {Flags,Tag,Value}) ->
+encode_data(Comp, _, ?S_CAA, _, {Flags,Tag,Value}) ->
B0 = <<Flags:8>>,
B1 = encode_string(B0, iolist_to_binary(Tag)),
B2 = iolist_to_binary(Value),
-encode_data(Comp, _, ?S_CAA, in, Data) -> {encode_txt(Data),Comp};
-encode_data(Comp, _Pos, _Type, _Class, Data) -> {iolist_to_binary(Data),Comp}.
+encode_data(Comp, _, ?S_CAA, _, Data) -> {encode_txt(Data),Comp};
+%% sofar unknown or non standard
+encode_data(Comp, _Pos, _Type, _Class, Data) ->
+ {iolist_to_binary(Data),Comp}.
%% Array of strings