path: root/inttest/neotoma1/mock/neotoma/src/neotoma.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'inttest/neotoma1/mock/neotoma/src/neotoma.erl')
1 files changed, 145 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/inttest/neotoma1/mock/neotoma/src/neotoma.erl b/inttest/neotoma1/mock/neotoma/src/neotoma.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4102f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inttest/neotoma1/mock/neotoma/src/neotoma.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+-author("Sean Cribbs <>").
+-export([file/1, file/2, bootstrap/0]).
+-define(ALL_COMBINATORS, [p_eof, p_optional, p_not, p_assert, p_seq,
+ p_choose, p_zero_or_more, p_one_or_more, p_label, p_scan,
+ p_string, p_anything, p_charclass, p_regexp, line, column]).
+-type option() :: {module, atom()} | {output, file:filename()} | {transform_module, atom()} |
+ {neotoma_priv_dir, file:filename()}.
+%% @doc Handler function for escript.
+-spec main(list()) -> ok | no_return().
+main([]) ->
+ io:format("Usage: neotoma filename [-module output_module] [-output output_dir] [-transform_module transform_module]\n");
+main([Filename | Args]) ->
+ %% code:priv_dir is unreliable when called in escript context, but
+ %% escript:script_name does what we want.
+ PrivDir = filename:join([filename:dirname(escript:script_name()), "priv"]),
+ file(Filename, [{neotoma_priv_dir, PrivDir} | parse_options(Args)]).
+%% @doc Generates a parser from the specified file.
+%% @equiv file(Filename, [])
+-spec file(file:filename()) -> ok | {error, atom()}.
+file(InputGrammar) ->
+ file(InputGrammar, []).
+%% @doc Generates a parser from the specified file with the given options.
+-spec file(file:filename(), [option()]) -> ok | {error, atom()}.
+file(InputGrammar, Options) ->
+ Basename = filename:basename(InputGrammar, ".peg"),
+ InputDir = filename:dirname(InputGrammar),
+ ModuleName = proplists:get_value(module, Options, list_to_atom(Basename)),
+ OutputDir = proplists:get_value(output, Options, InputDir),
+ OutputFilename = filename:join(OutputDir, atom_to_list(ModuleName) ++ ".erl"),
+ TransformModule = proplists:get_value(transform_module, Options, false),
+ validate_params(filename:absname(InputGrammar),
+ ModuleName,
+ TransformModule,
+ filename:absname(OutputFilename)),
+ Parsed = parse_grammar(InputGrammar),
+ Rules = proplists:get_value(rules, Parsed),
+ Root = proplists:get_value(root, Parsed),
+ Code = proplists:get_value(code, Parsed),
+ GenTransform = proplists:get_value(transform, Parsed),
+ Combinators = proplists:get_value(combinators, Parsed, ?ALL_COMBINATORS),
+ ModuleAttrs = generate_module_attrs(ModuleName, Combinators),
+ EntryFuns = generate_entry_functions(Root),
+ TransformFun = create_transform(TransformModule, OutputDir, GenTransform),
+ PrivDir = proplists:get_value(neotoma_priv_dir, Options, code:priv_dir(neotoma)),
+ {ok, PegIncludes} = file:read_file(filename:join([PrivDir, "peg_includes.hrl"])),
+ file:write_file(OutputFilename, [ModuleAttrs, "\n", Code, "\n", EntryFuns, "\n", Rules, "\n", TransformFun, "\n", PegIncludes]).
+-spec validate_params(file:filename(),atom(),atom(),file:filename()) -> 'ok'.
+validate_params(InputGrammar, _, _, OutputFile) when InputGrammar =:= OutputFile ->
+ throw({badarg, "Input and output file are the same!"});
+validate_params(_,_, false, _) -> ok;
+validate_params(_,_, TransformModule, _) when not is_atom(TransformModule) ->
+ throw({badarg, "transform_module option must be an atom"});
+validate_params(_,Basename, TransformModule, _) when Basename =:= TransformModule ->
+ throw({badarg, "Transform module named same as parser module!"});
+validate_params(_,_, TransformModule, OutputFile) ->
+ OutMod = list_to_atom(filename:basename(OutputFile, ".erl")),
+ case OutMod of
+ TransformModule -> throw({badarg, "Transform module file same as parser output file!"});
+ _ -> ok
+ end.
+-spec generate_module_attrs(atom(), [atom()]) -> iolist().
+generate_module_attrs(ModName, Combinators) ->
+ ["-module(", atom_to_list(ModName) ,").\n",
+ "-export([parse/1,file/1]).\n",
+ [ generate_combinator_macro(C) || Combinators /= undefined, C <- Combinators ],
+ "\n"
+ ].
+generate_combinator_macro(C) ->
+ ["-define(", atom_to_list(C), ",true).\n"].
+-spec generate_entry_functions({iodata(),_}) -> iolist().
+generate_entry_functions(Root) ->
+ {RootRule,_} = Root,
+ ["-spec file(file:name()) -> any().\n",
+ "file(Filename) -> case file:read_file(Filename) of {ok,Bin} -> parse(Bin); Err -> Err end.\n\n",
+ "-spec parse(binary() | list()) -> any().\n",
+ "parse(List) when is_list(List) -> parse(unicode:characters_to_binary(List));\n",
+ "parse(Input) when is_binary(Input) ->\n",
+ " _ = setup_memo(),\n",
+ " Result = case '",RootRule,"'(Input,{{line,1},{column,1}}) of\n",
+ " {AST, <<>>, _Index} -> AST;\n",
+ " Any -> Any\n"
+ " end,\n",
+ " release_memo(), Result.\n"].
+-spec parse_grammar(file:filename()) -> any().
+parse_grammar(InputFile) ->
+ case neotoma_parse:file(InputFile) of
+ {fail, Index} ->
+ throw({grammar_error, {fail, Index}});
+ {Parsed, Remainder, Index} ->
+ io:format("WARNING: Grammar parse ended unexpectedly at ~p, generated parser may be incorrect.~nRemainder:~n~p",
+ [Index, Remainder]),
+ Parsed;
+ L when is_list(L) -> L;
+ _ -> throw({error, {unknown, grammar, InputFile}})
+ end.
+-spec create_transform(atom() | boolean(),file:filename(),_) -> iolist().
+create_transform(_,_,[]) -> [];
+create_transform(false,_,_) ->
+ "transform(_,Node,_Index) -> Node.";
+create_transform(ModName,Dir,_) when is_atom(ModName) ->
+ XfFile = filename:join(Dir, atom_to_list(ModName) ++ ".erl"),
+ case filelib:is_regular(XfFile) of
+ true -> io:format("'~s' already exists, skipping generation.~n", [XfFile]);
+ false -> generate_transform_stub(XfFile, ModName)
+ end,
+ ["transform(Symbol,Node,Index) -> ",atom_to_list(ModName),":transform(Symbol, Node, Index)."].
+-spec generate_transform_stub(file:filename(), atom()) -> 'ok' | {'error',atom()}.
+generate_transform_stub(XfFile,ModName) ->
+ Data = ["-module(",atom_to_list(ModName),").\n",
+ "-export([transform/3]).\n\n",
+ "%% Add clauses to this function to transform syntax nodes\n",
+ "%% from the parser into semantic output.\n",
+ "transform(Symbol, Node, _Index) when is_atom(Symbol) ->\n Node."],
+ file:write_file(XfFile, Data).
+%% @doc Bootstraps the neotoma metagrammar. Intended only for internal development!
+%% @equiv file("src/neotoma_parse.peg")
+-spec bootstrap() -> 'ok'.
+bootstrap() ->
+ file("priv/neotoma_parse.peg", [{output, "src/"}, {neotoma_priv_dir, "priv"}]).
+%% @doc Parses arguments passed to escript
+-spec parse_options(list()) -> list().
+parse_options(["-module", ModName | Rest]) ->
+ [{module, list_to_atom(ModName)} | parse_options(Rest)];
+parse_options(["-output", Dir | Rest]) ->
+ [{output, Dir} | parse_options(Rest)];
+parse_options(["-transform_module", ModName | Rest]) ->
+ [{transform_module, list_to_atom(ModName)} | parse_options(Rest)];
+parse_options([]) ->
+ [].