path: root/src/lib/elementary
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/elementary')
14 files changed, 2253 insertions, 570 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/elementary/elm_list.c b/src/lib/elementary/elm_list.c
index 0119a66633..f705436627 100644
--- a/src/lib/elementary/elm_list.c
+++ b/src/lib/elementary/elm_list.c
@@ -3213,5 +3213,5 @@ ELM_WIDGET_KEY_DOWN_DEFAULT_IMPLEMENT(elm_list, Elm_List_Data)
-#include "elm_list.eo.c"
-#include "elm_list_item.eo.c"
+#include "elm_list_eo.c"
+#include "elm_list_item_eo.c"
diff --git a/src/lib/elementary/elm_list.eo b/src/lib/elementary/elm_list.eo
deleted file mode 100644
index 67efc7703e..0000000000
--- a/src/lib/elementary/elm_list.eo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-import elm_general;
-class Elm.List extends Efl.Ui.Layout_Base implements Elm.Interface_Scrollable,
- Efl.Access.Widget.Action, Efl.Access.Selection, Efl.Access.Object,
- Efl.Ui.Clickable, Efl.Ui.Selectable, Efl.Ui.Legacy, Elm.Widget_Item_Container
- [[Elementary list class]]
- legacy_prefix: elm_list;
- eo_prefix: elm_obj_list;
- event_prefix: elm_list;
- methods {
- @property horizontal {
- [[Control horizontal mode on the list object.
- Note: Vertical mode is set by default.
- On horizontal mode items are displayed on list from left to right,
- instead of from top to bottom. Also, the list will scroll horizontally.
- Each item will presents left icon on top and right icon, or end, at
- the bottom.]]
- set {
- }
- get {
- }
- values {
- horizontal: bool; [[$true to enable horizontal or $false to disable it, i.e., to enable vertical mode.]]
- }
- }
- @property select_mode {
- [[Control the list select mode.
- elm_list_select_mode_set() changes item select mode in the list widget.
- - #ELM_OBJECT_SELECT_MODE_DEFAULT : Items will only call their selection func and
- callback when first becoming selected. Any further clicks will
- do nothing, unless you set always select mode.
- - #ELM_OBJECT_SELECT_MODE_ALWAYS : This means that, even if selected,
- every click will make the selected callbacks be called.
- - #ELM_OBJECT_SELECT_MODE_NONE : This will turn off the ability to select items
- entirely and they will neither appear selected nor call selected
- callback functions.]]
- set {
- }
- get {
- }
- values {
- mode: Elm.Object.Select_Mode(Elm.Object.Select_Mode.max); [[The select mode]]
- }
- }
- @property focus_on_selection {
- [[Control focus upon items selection mode
- When enabled, every selection of an item inside the genlist will automatically set focus to
- its first focusable widget from the left. This is true of course if the selection was made by
- clicking an unfocusable area in an item or selecting it with a key movement. Clicking on a
- focusable widget inside an item will cause this particular item to get focus as usual.]]
- set {
- }
- get {
- }
- values {
- enabled: bool; [[The tree effect status ($true = enabled, $false = disabled)]]
- }
- }
- @property multi_select {
- [[Control multiple items selection on the list object.
- Disabled by default. If disabled, the user can select a single item of
- the list each time. Selected items are highlighted on list.
- If enabled, many items can be selected.
- If a selected item is selected again, it will be unselected.]]
- set {
- }
- get {
- }
- values {
- multi: bool; [[$true to enable multi selection or $false to disable it.]]
- }
- }
- @property multi_select_mode {
- [[Control the list multi select mode.
- - #ELM_OBJECT_MULTI_SELECT_MODE_DEFAULT : select/unselect items whenever each
- item is clicked.
- - #ELM_OBJECT_MULTI_SELECT_MODE_WITH_CONTROL : Only one item will be selected
- although multi-selection is enabled, if clicked without pressing control
- key. This mode is only available with multi-selection.
- See: @.multi_select
- @since 1.8]]
- set {
- }
- get {
- }
- values {
- mode: Elm.Object.Multi_Select_Mode(Elm.Object.Multi_Select_Mode.max); [[The multi select mode]]
- }
- }
- @property mode {
- [[Control which mode to use for the list object.
- Set list's resize behavior, transverse axis scroll and
- items cropping. See each mode's description for more details.
- Note: Default value is #ELM_LIST_SCROLL.
- Only one mode at a time can be set. If a previous one was set, it
- will be changed by the new mode after this call. Bitmasks won't
- work here as well.
- Warning: This function's behavior will clash with those of
- elm_scroller_content_min_limit(), so use either one of them, but
- not both.]]
- set {
- }
- get {
- }
- values {
- mode: Elm.List.Mode(Elm.List.Mode.last); [[One of #Elm_List_Mode: #ELM_LIST_COMPRESS, #ELM_LIST_SCROLL, #ELM_LIST_LIMIT or #ELM_LIST_EXPAND.]]
- }
- }
- @property selected_item {
- get {
- [[Get the selected item.
- The selected item can be unselected with function
- elm_list_item_selected_set().
- The selected item always will be highlighted on list.]]
- return: Elm.Widget.Item; [[The selected list item.]]
- }
- }
- @property items {
- get {
- [[Get a list of all the list items.]]
- return: const(list<Elm.Widget.Item>); [[A $list of list items, #Elm.Widget.Item, or $NULL on failure.]]
- }
- }
- @property first_item {
- get {
- [[Get the first item in the list
- This returns the first item in the list.]]
- return: Elm.Widget.Item; [[The first item, or NULL if none]]
- }
- }
- @property selected_items {
- get {
- [[Return a list of the currently selected list items.
- Multiple items can be selected if multi select is enabled. It can be
- done with elm_list_multi_select_set().]]
- return: const(list<Elm.Widget.Item>); [[An $list of list items, #Elm.Widget.Item, or $NULL on failure.]]
- }
- }
- @property last_item {
- get {
- [[Get the last item in the list
- This returns the last item in the list.]]
- return: Elm.Widget.Item; [[The last item, or NULL if none]]
- }
- }
- item_insert_before {
- [[Insert a new item into the list object before item $before.
- A new item will be created and added to the list. Its position in
- this list will be just before item $before.
- Items created with this method can be deleted with elm_object_item_del().
- Associated $data can be properly freed when item is deleted if a
- callback function is set with elm_object_item_del_cb_set().
- If a function is passed as argument, it will be called every time this item
- is selected, i.e., the user clicks over an unselected item.
- If always select is enabled it will call this function every time
- user clicks over an item (already selected or not).
- If such function isn't needed, just passing
- $NULL as $func is enough. The same should be done for $data.
- Note: Remember that the label parameter is copied inside the list. So if an
- application dynamically allocated the label, the application should free the
- label after this call.]]
- return: Elm.Widget.Item; [[The created item or $NULL upon failure.]]
- params {
- @in before: Elm.Widget.Item; [[The list item to insert before.]]
- @in label: string; [[The label of the list item.]]
- @in icon: Efl.Canvas.Object @optional; [[The icon object to use for the left side of the item. An icon can be any Evas object, but usually it is an icon created with elm_icon_add().]]
- @in end: Efl.Canvas.Object @optional; [[The icon object to use for the right side of the item. An icon can be any Evas object.]]
- @in func: Evas_Smart_Cb @optional; [[The function to call when the item is clicked.]]
- @in data: const(void_ptr) @optional; [[The data to associate with the item for related callbacks.]]
- }
- }
- go {
- [[Starts the list.
- Note: Call before running show() on the list object.
- Warning: If not called, it won't display the list properly.]]
- /* FIXME-doc
- @code
- li = elm_list_add(win);
- elm_list_item_append(li, "First", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- elm_list_item_append(li, "Second", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- elm_list_go(li);
- evas_object_show(li);
- @endcode */
- }
- item_insert_after {
- [[Insert a new item into the list object after item $after.
- A new item will be created and added to the list. Its position in
- this list will be just after item $after.
- Items created with this method can be deleted with elm_object_item_del().
- Associated $data can be properly freed when item is deleted if a
- callback function is set with elm_object_item_del_cb_set().
- If a function is passed as argument, it will be called every time this item
- is selected, i.e., the user clicks over an unselected item.
- If always select is enabled it will call this function every time
- user clicks over an item (already selected or not).
- If such function isn't needed, just passing
- $NULL as $func is enough. The same should be done for $data.
- Note: Remember that the label parameter is copied inside the list. So if an
- application dynamically allocated the label, the application should free the
- label after this call.]]
- return: Elm.Widget.Item; [[The created item or $NULL upon failure.]]
- params {
- @in after: Elm.Widget.Item; [[The list item to insert after.]]
- @in label: string; [[The label of the list item.]]
- @in icon: Efl.Canvas.Object @optional; [[The icon object to use for the left side of the item. An icon can be any Evas object, but usually it is an icon created with elm_icon_add().]]
- @in end: Efl.Canvas.Object @optional; [[The icon object to use for the right side of the item. An icon can be any Evas object.]]
- @in func: Evas_Smart_Cb @optional; [[The function to call when the item is clicked.]]
- @in data: const(void_ptr) @optional; [[The data to associate with the item for related callbacks.]]
- }
- }
- at_xy_item_get @const {
- [[Get the item that is at the x, y canvas coords.
- This returns the item at the given coordinates (which are canvas
- relative, not object-relative). If an item is at that coordinate,
- that item handle is returned, and if $posret is not NULL, the
- integer pointed to is set to a value of -1, 0 or 1, depending if
- the coordinate is on the upper portion of that item (-1), on the
- middle section (0) or on the lower part (1). If NULL is returned as
- an item (no item found there), then posret may indicate -1 or 1
- based if the coordinate is above or below all items respectively in
- the list.]]
- return: Elm.Widget.Item; [[The item at the coordinates or NULL if none]]
- params {
- @in x: int; [[The input x coordinate]]
- @in y: int; [[The input y coordinate]]
- @out posret: int; [[The position relative to the item returned here]]
- }
- }
- item_append {
- [[Append a new item to the list object.
- A new item will be created and appended to the list, i.e., will
- be set as last item.
- Items created with this method can be deleted with elm_object_item_del().
- Associated $data can be properly freed when item is deleted if a
- callback function is set with elm_object_item_del_cb_set().
- If a function is passed as argument, it will be called every time this item
- is selected, i.e., the user clicks over an unselected item.
- If always select is enabled it will call this function every time
- user clicks over an item (already selected or not).
- If such function isn't needed, just passing
- $NULL as $func is enough. The same should be done for $data.
- Note: Remember that the label parameter is copied inside the list. So if an
- application dynamically allocated the label, the application should free the
- label after this call.]]
- /* FIXME-doc
- Simple example (with no function callback or data associated):
- @code
- li = elm_list_add(win);
- ic = elm_icon_add(win);
- elm_image_file_set(ic, "path/to/image", NULL);
- elm_icon_resizable_set(ic, true, true);
- elm_list_item_append(li, "label", ic, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- elm_list_go(li);
- evas_object_show(li);
- @endcode
- @see elm_list_select_mode_set()
- @see elm_object_item_del()
- @see elm_object_item_del_cb_set()
- @see elm_list_clear()
- @see elm_icon_add()
- */
- return: Elm.Widget.Item; [[The created item or $NULL upon failure.]]
- params {
- @in label: string; [[The label of the list item.]]
- @in icon: Efl.Canvas.Object @optional; [[The icon object to use for the left side of the item. An icon can be any Evas object, but usually it is an icon created with elm_icon_add().]]
- @in end: Efl.Canvas.Object @optional; [[The icon object to use for the right side of the item. An icon can be any Evas object.]]
- @in func: Evas_Smart_Cb @optional; [[The function to call when the item is clicked.]]
- @in data: const(void_ptr) @optional; [[The data to associate with the item for related callbacks.]]
- }
- }
- item_prepend {
- [[Prepend a new item to the list object.
- A new item will be created and prepended to the list, i.e., will
- be set as first item.
- Items created with this method can be deleted with elm_object_item_del().
- Associated $data can be properly freed when item is deleted if a
- callback function is set with elm_object_item_del_cb_set().
- If a function is passed as argument, it will be called every time this item
- is selected, i.e., the user clicks over an unselected item.
- If always select is enabled it will call this function every time
- user clicks over an item (already selected or not).
- If such function isn't needed, just passing
- $NULL as $func is enough. The same should be done for $data.
- Note: Remember that the label parameter is copied inside the list. So if an
- application dynamically allocated the label, the application should free the
- label after this call.]]
- return: Elm.Widget.Item; [[The created item or $NULL upon failure.]]
- params {
- @in label: string; [[The label of the list item.]]
- @in icon: Efl.Canvas.Object @optional; [[The icon object to use for the left side of the item. An icon can be any Evas object, but usually it is an icon created with elm_icon_add().]]
- @in end: Efl.Canvas.Object @optional; [[The icon object to use for the right side of the item. An icon can be any Evas object.]]
- @in func: Evas_Smart_Cb @optional; [[The function to call when the item is clicked.]]
- @in data: const(void_ptr) @optional; [[The data to associate with the item for related callbacks.]]
- }
- }
- clear {
- [[Remove all list's items.]]
- }
- item_sorted_insert {
- [[Insert a new item into the sorted list object.
- Note: This function inserts values into a list object assuming it was
- sorted and the result will be sorted.
- A new item will be created and added to the list. Its position in
- this list will be found comparing the new item with previously inserted
- items using function $cmp_func.
- Items created with this method can be deleted with elm_object_item_del().
- Associated $data can be properly freed when item is deleted if a
- callback function is set with elm_object_item_del_cb_set().
- If a function is passed as argument, it will be called every time this item
- is selected, i.e., the user clicks over an unselected item.
- If always select is enabled it will call this function every time
- user clicks over an item (already selected or not).
- If such function isn't needed, just passing
- $NULL as $func is enough. The same should be done for $data.
- Note: Remember that the label parameter is copied inside the list. So if an
- application dynamically allocated the label, the application should free the
- label after this call.]]
- return: Elm.Widget.Item; [[The created item or $NULL upon failure.]]
- params {
- @in label: string; [[The label of the list item.]]
- @in icon: Efl.Canvas.Object @optional; [[The icon object to use for the left side of the item. An icon can be any Evas object, but usually it is an icon created with elm_icon_add().]]
- @in end: Efl.Canvas.Object @optional; [[The icon object to use for the right side of the item. An icon can be any Evas object.]]
- @in func: Evas_Smart_Cb @optional; [[The function to call when the item is clicked.]]
- @in data: const(void_ptr) @optional; [[The data to associate with the item for related callbacks.]]
- @in cmp_func: Eina_Compare_Cb; [[The comparing function to be used to sort list
- items by #Elm.Widget.Item item handles. This function will
- receive two items and compare them, returning a non-negative integer
- if the second item should be place after the first, or negative value
- if should be placed before.]]
- }
- }
- }
- implements {
- class.constructor;
- Efl.Object.constructor;
- Efl.Gfx.Entity.position { set; }
- Efl.Gfx.Entity.size { set; }
- Efl.Canvas.Group.group_member_add;
- Efl.Ui.Widget.theme_apply;
- Efl.Ui.Widget.on_access_update;
- Efl.Ui.Widget.focus_highlight_geometry { get; }
- Efl.Ui.Widget.disabled {set;}
- Efl.Ui.Focus.Object.on_focus_update;
- Efl.Ui.L10n.translation_update;
- Efl.Ui.Widget.widget_sub_object_del;
- Efl.Ui.Widget.widget_input_event_handler;
- Elm.Widget_Item_Container.focused_item { get; }
- Efl.Ui.Widget.focus_state_apply;
- Elm.Interface_Scrollable.item_loop_enabled { get; set; }
- Elm.Interface_Scrollable.policy { set; }
- Efl.Access.Widget.Action.elm_actions { get; }
- Efl.Access.Object.access_children { get; }
- Efl.Access.Selection.selected_children_count { get; }
- Efl.Access.Selection.selected_child { get; }
- Efl.Access.Selection.selected_child_deselect;
- Efl.Access.Selection.child_select;
- Efl.Access.Selection.child_deselect;
- Efl.Access.Selection.is_child_selected;
- Efl.Access.Selection.all_children_select;
- Efl.Access.Selection.access_selection_clear;
- }
- events {
- activated: Efl.Object; [[Called when activated]]
- edge,top: void; [[Called when top edge was reached]]
- edge,bottom: void; [[Called when bottom edge was reached]]
- edge,left: void; [[Called when left edge was reached]]
- edge,right: void; [[Called when right edge was reached]]
- swipe: Efl.Object; [[Called when swipe is detected]]
- highlighted: Efl.Object; [[Called when highlighted]]
- unhighlighted: Efl.Object; [[Called when no longer highlighted]]
- item,focused: Efl.Object; [[Called when item got focus]]
- item,unfocused: Efl.Object; [[Called when item no longer has focus]]
- /* FIXME: Nobody emits these
- item,reorder,anim,start; [[Called when item reorder animation started]]
- item,reorder,anim,stop; [[Called when item reorder animation stopped]]
- */
- }
diff --git a/src/lib/elementary/elm_list_eo.c b/src/lib/elementary/elm_list_eo.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..077fcac301
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/elementary/elm_list_eo.c
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+EWAPI const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_LIST_EVENT_ACTIVATED =
+EWAPI const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_LIST_EVENT_EDGE_TOP =
+EWAPI const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_LIST_EVENT_EDGE_BOTTOM =
+ EFL_EVENT_DESCRIPTION("edge,bottom");
+EWAPI const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_LIST_EVENT_EDGE_LEFT =
+EWAPI const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_LIST_EVENT_EDGE_RIGHT =
+ EFL_EVENT_DESCRIPTION("edge,right");
+EWAPI const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_LIST_EVENT_SWIPE =
+EWAPI const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_LIST_EVENT_HIGHLIGHTED =
+ EFL_EVENT_DESCRIPTION("highlighted");
+EWAPI const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_LIST_EVENT_UNHIGHLIGHTED =
+ EFL_EVENT_DESCRIPTION("unhighlighted");
+EWAPI const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_LIST_EVENT_ITEM_FOCUSED =
+ EFL_EVENT_DESCRIPTION("item,focused");
+EWAPI const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_LIST_EVENT_ITEM_UNFOCUSED =
+ EFL_EVENT_DESCRIPTION("item,unfocused");
+void _elm_list_horizontal_set(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd, Eina_Bool horizontal);
+static Eina_Error
+__eolian_elm_list_horizontal_set_reflect(Eo *obj, Eina_Value val)
+ Eina_Error r = 0; Eina_Bool cval;
+ if (!eina_value_bool_convert(&val, &cval))
+ {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ elm_obj_list_horizontal_set(obj, cval);
+ end:
+ eina_value_flush(&val);
+ return r;
+EOAPI EFL_VOID_FUNC_BODYV(elm_obj_list_horizontal_set, EFL_FUNC_CALL(horizontal), Eina_Bool horizontal);
+Eina_Bool _elm_list_horizontal_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd);
+static Eina_Value
+__eolian_elm_list_horizontal_get_reflect(Eo *obj)
+ Eina_Bool val = elm_obj_list_horizontal_get(obj);
+ return eina_value_bool_init(val);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODY_CONST(elm_obj_list_horizontal_get, Eina_Bool, 0);
+void _elm_list_select_mode_set(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd, Elm_Object_Select_Mode mode);
+EOAPI EFL_VOID_FUNC_BODYV(elm_obj_list_select_mode_set, EFL_FUNC_CALL(mode), Elm_Object_Select_Mode mode);
+Elm_Object_Select_Mode _elm_list_select_mode_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODY_CONST(elm_obj_list_select_mode_get, Elm_Object_Select_Mode, 4 /* Elm.Object.Select_Mode.max */);
+void _elm_list_focus_on_selection_set(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd, Eina_Bool enabled);
+static Eina_Error
+__eolian_elm_list_focus_on_selection_set_reflect(Eo *obj, Eina_Value val)
+ Eina_Error r = 0; Eina_Bool cval;
+ if (!eina_value_bool_convert(&val, &cval))
+ {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ elm_obj_list_focus_on_selection_set(obj, cval);
+ end:
+ eina_value_flush(&val);
+ return r;
+EOAPI EFL_VOID_FUNC_BODYV(elm_obj_list_focus_on_selection_set, EFL_FUNC_CALL(enabled), Eina_Bool enabled);
+Eina_Bool _elm_list_focus_on_selection_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd);
+static Eina_Value
+__eolian_elm_list_focus_on_selection_get_reflect(Eo *obj)
+ Eina_Bool val = elm_obj_list_focus_on_selection_get(obj);
+ return eina_value_bool_init(val);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODY_CONST(elm_obj_list_focus_on_selection_get, Eina_Bool, 0);
+void _elm_list_multi_select_set(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd, Eina_Bool multi);
+static Eina_Error
+__eolian_elm_list_multi_select_set_reflect(Eo *obj, Eina_Value val)
+ Eina_Error r = 0; Eina_Bool cval;
+ if (!eina_value_bool_convert(&val, &cval))
+ {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ elm_obj_list_multi_select_set(obj, cval);
+ end:
+ eina_value_flush(&val);
+ return r;
+EOAPI EFL_VOID_FUNC_BODYV(elm_obj_list_multi_select_set, EFL_FUNC_CALL(multi), Eina_Bool multi);
+Eina_Bool _elm_list_multi_select_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd);
+static Eina_Value
+__eolian_elm_list_multi_select_get_reflect(Eo *obj)
+ Eina_Bool val = elm_obj_list_multi_select_get(obj);
+ return eina_value_bool_init(val);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODY_CONST(elm_obj_list_multi_select_get, Eina_Bool, 0);
+void _elm_list_multi_select_mode_set(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd, Elm_Object_Multi_Select_Mode mode);
+EOAPI EFL_VOID_FUNC_BODYV(elm_obj_list_multi_select_mode_set, EFL_FUNC_CALL(mode), Elm_Object_Multi_Select_Mode mode);
+Elm_Object_Multi_Select_Mode _elm_list_multi_select_mode_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODY_CONST(elm_obj_list_multi_select_mode_get, Elm_Object_Multi_Select_Mode, 2 /* Elm.Object.Multi_Select_Mode.max */);
+void _elm_list_mode_set(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd, Elm_List_Mode mode);
+EOAPI EFL_VOID_FUNC_BODYV(elm_obj_list_mode_set, EFL_FUNC_CALL(mode), Elm_List_Mode mode);
+Elm_List_Mode _elm_list_mode_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODY_CONST(elm_obj_list_mode_get, Elm_List_Mode, 4 /* Elm.List.Mode.last */);
+Elm_Widget_Item *_elm_list_selected_item_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODY_CONST(elm_obj_list_selected_item_get, Elm_Widget_Item *, NULL);
+const Eina_List *_elm_list_items_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODY_CONST(elm_obj_list_items_get, const Eina_List *, NULL);
+Elm_Widget_Item *_elm_list_first_item_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODY_CONST(elm_obj_list_first_item_get, Elm_Widget_Item *, NULL);
+const Eina_List *_elm_list_selected_items_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODY_CONST(elm_obj_list_selected_items_get, const Eina_List *, NULL);
+Elm_Widget_Item *_elm_list_last_item_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODY_CONST(elm_obj_list_last_item_get, Elm_Widget_Item *, NULL);
+Elm_Widget_Item *_elm_list_item_insert_before(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd, Elm_Widget_Item *before, const char *label, Efl_Canvas_Object *icon, Efl_Canvas_Object *end, Evas_Smart_Cb func, const void *data);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODYV(elm_obj_list_item_insert_before, Elm_Widget_Item *, NULL, EFL_FUNC_CALL(before, label, icon, end, func, data), Elm_Widget_Item *before, const char *label, Efl_Canvas_Object *icon, Efl_Canvas_Object *end, Evas_Smart_Cb func, const void *data);
+void _elm_list_go(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd);
+EOAPI EFL_VOID_FUNC_BODY(elm_obj_list_go);
+Elm_Widget_Item *_elm_list_item_insert_after(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd, Elm_Widget_Item *after, const char *label, Efl_Canvas_Object *icon, Efl_Canvas_Object *end, Evas_Smart_Cb func, const void *data);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODYV(elm_obj_list_item_insert_after, Elm_Widget_Item *, NULL, EFL_FUNC_CALL(after, label, icon, end, func, data), Elm_Widget_Item *after, const char *label, Efl_Canvas_Object *icon, Efl_Canvas_Object *end, Evas_Smart_Cb func, const void *data);
+Elm_Widget_Item *_elm_list_at_xy_item_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd, int x, int y, int *posret);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODYV_CONST(elm_obj_list_at_xy_item_get, Elm_Widget_Item *, NULL, EFL_FUNC_CALL(x, y, posret), int x, int y, int *posret);
+Elm_Widget_Item *_elm_list_item_append(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd, const char *label, Efl_Canvas_Object *icon, Efl_Canvas_Object *end, Evas_Smart_Cb func, const void *data);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODYV(elm_obj_list_item_append, Elm_Widget_Item *, NULL, EFL_FUNC_CALL(label, icon, end, func, data), const char *label, Efl_Canvas_Object *icon, Efl_Canvas_Object *end, Evas_Smart_Cb func, const void *data);
+Elm_Widget_Item *_elm_list_item_prepend(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd, const char *label, Efl_Canvas_Object *icon, Efl_Canvas_Object *end, Evas_Smart_Cb func, const void *data);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODYV(elm_obj_list_item_prepend, Elm_Widget_Item *, NULL, EFL_FUNC_CALL(label, icon, end, func, data), const char *label, Efl_Canvas_Object *icon, Efl_Canvas_Object *end, Evas_Smart_Cb func, const void *data);
+void _elm_list_clear(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd);
+EOAPI EFL_VOID_FUNC_BODY(elm_obj_list_clear);
+Elm_Widget_Item *_elm_list_item_sorted_insert(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd, const char *label, Efl_Canvas_Object *icon, Efl_Canvas_Object *end, Evas_Smart_Cb func, const void *data, Eina_Compare_Cb cmp_func);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODYV(elm_obj_list_item_sorted_insert, Elm_Widget_Item *, NULL, EFL_FUNC_CALL(label, icon, end, func, data, cmp_func), const char *label, Efl_Canvas_Object *icon, Efl_Canvas_Object *end, Evas_Smart_Cb func, const void *data, Eina_Compare_Cb cmp_func);
+Efl_Object *_elm_list_efl_object_constructor(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd);
+void _elm_list_efl_gfx_entity_position_set(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd, Eina_Position2D pos);
+void _elm_list_efl_gfx_entity_size_set(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd, Eina_Size2D size);
+void _elm_list_efl_canvas_group_group_member_add(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd, Efl_Canvas_Object *sub_obj);
+Eina_Error _elm_list_efl_ui_widget_theme_apply(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd);
+void _elm_list_efl_ui_widget_on_access_update(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd, Eina_Bool enable);
+Eina_Rect _elm_list_efl_ui_widget_focus_highlight_geometry_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd);
+void _elm_list_efl_ui_widget_disabled_set(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd, Eina_Bool disabled);
+Eina_Bool _elm_list_efl_ui_focus_object_on_focus_update(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd);
+void _elm_list_efl_ui_l10n_translation_update(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd);
+Eina_Bool _elm_list_efl_ui_widget_widget_sub_object_del(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd, Efl_Canvas_Object *sub_obj);
+Eina_Bool _elm_list_efl_ui_widget_widget_input_event_handler(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd, const Efl_Event *eo_event, Efl_Canvas_Object *source);
+Elm_Widget_Item *_elm_list_elm_widget_item_container_focused_item_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd);
+Eina_Bool _elm_list_efl_ui_widget_focus_state_apply(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd, Efl_Ui_Widget_Focus_State current_state, Efl_Ui_Widget_Focus_State *configured_state, Efl_Ui_Widget *redirect);
+void _elm_list_elm_interface_scrollable_item_loop_enabled_set(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd, Eina_Bool enable);
+Eina_Bool _elm_list_elm_interface_scrollable_item_loop_enabled_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd);
+void _elm_list_elm_interface_scrollable_policy_set(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd, Elm_Scroller_Policy hbar, Elm_Scroller_Policy vbar);
+const Efl_Access_Action_Data *_elm_list_efl_access_widget_action_elm_actions_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd);
+Eina_List *_elm_list_efl_access_object_access_children_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd);
+int _elm_list_efl_access_selection_selected_children_count_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd);
+Efl_Object *_elm_list_efl_access_selection_selected_child_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd, int selected_child_index);
+Eina_Bool _elm_list_efl_access_selection_selected_child_deselect(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd, int child_index);
+Eina_Bool _elm_list_efl_access_selection_child_select(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd, int child_index);
+Eina_Bool _elm_list_efl_access_selection_child_deselect(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd, int child_index);
+Eina_Bool _elm_list_efl_access_selection_is_child_selected(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd, int child_index);
+Eina_Bool _elm_list_efl_access_selection_all_children_select(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd);
+Eina_Bool _elm_list_efl_access_selection_access_selection_clear(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Data *pd);
+static Eina_Bool
+_elm_list_class_initializer(Efl_Class *klass)
+ const Efl_Object_Ops *opsp = NULL;
+ const Efl_Object_Property_Reflection_Ops *ropsp = NULL;
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_list_horizontal_set, _elm_list_horizontal_set),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_list_horizontal_get, _elm_list_horizontal_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_list_select_mode_set, _elm_list_select_mode_set),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_list_select_mode_get, _elm_list_select_mode_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_list_focus_on_selection_set, _elm_list_focus_on_selection_set),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_list_focus_on_selection_get, _elm_list_focus_on_selection_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_list_multi_select_set, _elm_list_multi_select_set),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_list_multi_select_get, _elm_list_multi_select_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_list_multi_select_mode_set, _elm_list_multi_select_mode_set),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_list_multi_select_mode_get, _elm_list_multi_select_mode_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_list_mode_set, _elm_list_mode_set),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_list_mode_get, _elm_list_mode_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_list_selected_item_get, _elm_list_selected_item_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_list_items_get, _elm_list_items_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_list_first_item_get, _elm_list_first_item_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_list_selected_items_get, _elm_list_selected_items_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_list_last_item_get, _elm_list_last_item_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_list_item_insert_before, _elm_list_item_insert_before),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_list_go, _elm_list_go),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_list_item_insert_after, _elm_list_item_insert_after),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_list_at_xy_item_get, _elm_list_at_xy_item_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_list_item_append, _elm_list_item_append),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_list_item_prepend, _elm_list_item_prepend),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_list_clear, _elm_list_clear),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_list_item_sorted_insert, _elm_list_item_sorted_insert),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_constructor, _elm_list_efl_object_constructor),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_gfx_entity_position_set, _elm_list_efl_gfx_entity_position_set),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_gfx_entity_size_set, _elm_list_efl_gfx_entity_size_set),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_canvas_group_member_add, _elm_list_efl_canvas_group_group_member_add),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_ui_widget_theme_apply, _elm_list_efl_ui_widget_theme_apply),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_ui_widget_on_access_update, _elm_list_efl_ui_widget_on_access_update),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_ui_widget_focus_highlight_geometry_get, _elm_list_efl_ui_widget_focus_highlight_geometry_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_ui_widget_disabled_set, _elm_list_efl_ui_widget_disabled_set),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_ui_focus_object_on_focus_update, _elm_list_efl_ui_focus_object_on_focus_update),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_ui_l10n_translation_update, _elm_list_efl_ui_l10n_translation_update),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_ui_widget_sub_object_del, _elm_list_efl_ui_widget_widget_sub_object_del),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_ui_widget_input_event_handler, _elm_list_efl_ui_widget_widget_input_event_handler),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_widget_item_container_focused_item_get, _elm_list_elm_widget_item_container_focused_item_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_ui_widget_focus_state_apply, _elm_list_efl_ui_widget_focus_state_apply),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_interface_scrollable_item_loop_enabled_set, _elm_list_elm_interface_scrollable_item_loop_enabled_set),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_interface_scrollable_item_loop_enabled_get, _elm_list_elm_interface_scrollable_item_loop_enabled_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_interface_scrollable_policy_set, _elm_list_elm_interface_scrollable_policy_set),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_access_widget_action_elm_actions_get, _elm_list_efl_access_widget_action_elm_actions_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_access_object_access_children_get, _elm_list_efl_access_object_access_children_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_access_selection_selected_children_count_get, _elm_list_efl_access_selection_selected_children_count_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_access_selection_selected_child_get, _elm_list_efl_access_selection_selected_child_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_access_selection_selected_child_deselect, _elm_list_efl_access_selection_selected_child_deselect),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_access_selection_child_select, _elm_list_efl_access_selection_child_select),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_access_selection_child_deselect, _elm_list_efl_access_selection_child_deselect),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_access_selection_is_child_selected, _elm_list_efl_access_selection_is_child_selected),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_access_selection_all_children_select, _elm_list_efl_access_selection_all_children_select),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_access_selection_clear, _elm_list_efl_access_selection_access_selection_clear),
+ );
+ opsp = &ops;
+ static const Efl_Object_Property_Reflection refl_table[] = {
+ {"horizontal", __eolian_elm_list_horizontal_set_reflect, __eolian_elm_list_horizontal_get_reflect},
+ {"focus_on_selection", __eolian_elm_list_focus_on_selection_set_reflect, __eolian_elm_list_focus_on_selection_get_reflect},
+ {"multi_select", __eolian_elm_list_multi_select_set_reflect, __eolian_elm_list_multi_select_get_reflect},
+ };
+ static const Efl_Object_Property_Reflection_Ops rops = {
+ refl_table, EINA_C_ARRAY_LENGTH(refl_table)
+ };
+ ropsp = &rops;
+ return efl_class_functions_set(klass, opsp, ropsp);
+static const Efl_Class_Description _elm_list_class_desc = {
+ "Elm.List",
+ sizeof(Elm_List_Data),
+ _elm_list_class_initializer,
+ _elm_list_class_constructor,
+#include "elm_list_eo.legacy.c"
diff --git a/src/lib/elementary/elm_list_eo.h b/src/lib/elementary/elm_list_eo.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4587ed0744
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/elementary/elm_list_eo.h
@@ -0,0 +1,640 @@
+#ifndef _ELM_LIST_EO_H_
+#define _ELM_LIST_EO_H_
+typedef Eo Elm_List;
+/** Elementary list class
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List
+ */
+#define ELM_LIST_CLASS elm_list_class_get()
+EWAPI const Efl_Class *elm_list_class_get(void);
+ * @brief Control horizontal mode on the list object.
+ *
+ * @note Vertical mode is set by default.
+ *
+ * On horizontal mode items are displayed on list from left to right, instead
+ * of from top to bottom. Also, the list will scroll horizontally. Each item
+ * will presents left icon on top and right icon, or end, at the bottom.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] horizontal @c true to enable horizontal or @c false to disable
+ * it, i.e., to enable vertical mode.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List
+ */
+EOAPI void elm_obj_list_horizontal_set(Eo *obj, Eina_Bool horizontal);
+ * @brief Control horizontal mode on the list object.
+ *
+ * @note Vertical mode is set by default.
+ *
+ * On horizontal mode items are displayed on list from left to right, instead
+ * of from top to bottom. Also, the list will scroll horizontally. Each item
+ * will presents left icon on top and right icon, or end, at the bottom.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return @c true to enable horizontal or @c false to disable it, i.e., to
+ * enable vertical mode.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List
+ */
+EOAPI Eina_Bool elm_obj_list_horizontal_get(const Eo *obj);
+ * @brief Control the list select mode.
+ *
+ * elm_list_select_mode_set() changes item select mode in the list widget. -
+ * #ELM_OBJECT_SELECT_MODE_DEFAULT : Items will only call their selection func
+ * and callback when first becoming selected. Any further clicks will do
+ * nothing, unless you set always select mode. - #ELM_OBJECT_SELECT_MODE_ALWAYS
+ * : This means that, even if selected, every click will make the selected
+ * callbacks be called. - #ELM_OBJECT_SELECT_MODE_NONE : This will turn off the
+ * ability to select items entirely and they will neither appear selected nor
+ * call selected callback functions.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] mode The select mode
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List
+ */
+EOAPI void elm_obj_list_select_mode_set(Eo *obj, Elm_Object_Select_Mode mode);
+ * @brief Control the list select mode.
+ *
+ * elm_list_select_mode_set() changes item select mode in the list widget. -
+ * #ELM_OBJECT_SELECT_MODE_DEFAULT : Items will only call their selection func
+ * and callback when first becoming selected. Any further clicks will do
+ * nothing, unless you set always select mode. - #ELM_OBJECT_SELECT_MODE_ALWAYS
+ * : This means that, even if selected, every click will make the selected
+ * callbacks be called. - #ELM_OBJECT_SELECT_MODE_NONE : This will turn off the
+ * ability to select items entirely and they will neither appear selected nor
+ * call selected callback functions.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return The select mode
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List
+ */
+EOAPI Elm_Object_Select_Mode elm_obj_list_select_mode_get(const Eo *obj);
+ * @brief Control focus upon items selection mode
+ *
+ * When enabled, every selection of an item inside the genlist will
+ * automatically set focus to its first focusable widget from the left. This is
+ * true of course if the selection was made by clicking an unfocusable area in
+ * an item or selecting it with a key movement. Clicking on a focusable widget
+ * inside an item will cause this particular item to get focus as usual.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] enabled The tree effect status ($true = enabled, @c false =
+ * disabled)
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List
+ */
+EOAPI void elm_obj_list_focus_on_selection_set(Eo *obj, Eina_Bool enabled);
+ * @brief Control focus upon items selection mode
+ *
+ * When enabled, every selection of an item inside the genlist will
+ * automatically set focus to its first focusable widget from the left. This is
+ * true of course if the selection was made by clicking an unfocusable area in
+ * an item or selecting it with a key movement. Clicking on a focusable widget
+ * inside an item will cause this particular item to get focus as usual.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return The tree effect status ($true = enabled, @c false = disabled)
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List
+ */
+EOAPI Eina_Bool elm_obj_list_focus_on_selection_get(const Eo *obj);
+ * @brief Control multiple items selection on the list object.
+ *
+ * Disabled by default. If disabled, the user can select a single item of the
+ * list each time. Selected items are highlighted on list. If enabled, many
+ * items can be selected.
+ *
+ * If a selected item is selected again, it will be unselected.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] multi @c true to enable multi selection or @c false to disable
+ * it.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List
+ */
+EOAPI void elm_obj_list_multi_select_set(Eo *obj, Eina_Bool multi);
+ * @brief Control multiple items selection on the list object.
+ *
+ * Disabled by default. If disabled, the user can select a single item of the
+ * list each time. Selected items are highlighted on list. If enabled, many
+ * items can be selected.
+ *
+ * If a selected item is selected again, it will be unselected.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return @c true to enable multi selection or @c false to disable it.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List
+ */
+EOAPI Eina_Bool elm_obj_list_multi_select_get(const Eo *obj);
+ * @brief Control the list multi select mode.
+ *
+ * - #ELM_OBJECT_MULTI_SELECT_MODE_DEFAULT : select/unselect items whenever
+ * each item is clicked. - #ELM_OBJECT_MULTI_SELECT_MODE_WITH_CONTROL : Only
+ * one item will be selected although multi-selection is enabled, if clicked
+ * without pressing control key. This mode is only available with
+ * multi-selection.
+ *
+ * See: @ref elm_obj_list_multi_select_get
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] mode The multi select mode
+ *
+ * @since 1.8
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List
+ */
+EOAPI void elm_obj_list_multi_select_mode_set(Eo *obj, Elm_Object_Multi_Select_Mode mode);
+ * @brief Control the list multi select mode.
+ *
+ * - #ELM_OBJECT_MULTI_SELECT_MODE_DEFAULT : select/unselect items whenever
+ * each item is clicked. - #ELM_OBJECT_MULTI_SELECT_MODE_WITH_CONTROL : Only
+ * one item will be selected although multi-selection is enabled, if clicked
+ * without pressing control key. This mode is only available with
+ * multi-selection.
+ *
+ * See: @ref elm_obj_list_multi_select_get
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return The multi select mode
+ *
+ * @since 1.8
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List
+ */
+EOAPI Elm_Object_Multi_Select_Mode elm_obj_list_multi_select_mode_get(const Eo *obj);
+ * @brief Control which mode to use for the list object.
+ *
+ * Set list's resize behavior, transverse axis scroll and items cropping. See
+ * each mode's description for more details.
+ *
+ * @note Default value is #ELM_LIST_SCROLL.
+ *
+ * Only one mode at a time can be set. If a previous one was set, it will be
+ * changed by the new mode after this call. Bitmasks won't work here as well.
+ *
+ * @warning This function's behavior will clash with those of
+ * elm_scroller_content_min_limit(), so use either one of them, but not both.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] mode One of #Elm_List_Mode: #ELM_LIST_COMPRESS, #ELM_LIST_SCROLL,
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List
+ */
+EOAPI void elm_obj_list_mode_set(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Mode mode);
+ * @brief Control which mode to use for the list object.
+ *
+ * Set list's resize behavior, transverse axis scroll and items cropping. See
+ * each mode's description for more details.
+ *
+ * @note Default value is #ELM_LIST_SCROLL.
+ *
+ * Only one mode at a time can be set. If a previous one was set, it will be
+ * changed by the new mode after this call. Bitmasks won't work here as well.
+ *
+ * @warning This function's behavior will clash with those of
+ * elm_scroller_content_min_limit(), so use either one of them, but not both.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return One of #Elm_List_Mode: #ELM_LIST_COMPRESS, #ELM_LIST_SCROLL,
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List
+ */
+EOAPI Elm_List_Mode elm_obj_list_mode_get(const Eo *obj);
+ * @brief Get the selected item.
+ *
+ * The selected item can be unselected with function
+ * elm_list_item_selected_set().
+ *
+ * The selected item always will be highlighted on list.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return The selected list item.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List
+ */
+EOAPI Elm_Widget_Item *elm_obj_list_selected_item_get(const Eo *obj);
+ * @brief Get a list of all the list items.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return A @c list of list items, #Elm.Widget.Item, or @c NULL on failure.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List
+ */
+EOAPI const Eina_List *elm_obj_list_items_get(const Eo *obj);
+ * @brief Get the first item in the list
+ *
+ * This returns the first item in the list.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return The first item, or NULL if none
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List
+ */
+EOAPI Elm_Widget_Item *elm_obj_list_first_item_get(const Eo *obj);
+ * @brief Return a list of the currently selected list items.
+ *
+ * Multiple items can be selected if multi select is enabled. It can be done
+ * with elm_list_multi_select_set().
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return An @c list of list items, #Elm.Widget.Item, or @c NULL on failure.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List
+ */
+EOAPI const Eina_List *elm_obj_list_selected_items_get(const Eo *obj);
+ * @brief Get the last item in the list
+ *
+ * This returns the last item in the list.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return The last item, or NULL if none
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List
+ */
+EOAPI Elm_Widget_Item *elm_obj_list_last_item_get(const Eo *obj);
+ * @brief Insert a new item into the list object before item @c before.
+ *
+ * A new item will be created and added to the list. Its position in this list
+ * will be just before item @c before.
+ *
+ * Items created with this method can be deleted with elm_object_item_del().
+ *
+ * Associated @c data can be properly freed when item is deleted if a callback
+ * function is set with elm_object_item_del_cb_set().
+ *
+ * If a function is passed as argument, it will be called every time this item
+ * is selected, i.e., the user clicks over an unselected item. If always select
+ * is enabled it will call this function every time user clicks over an item
+ * (already selected or not). If such function isn't needed, just passing
+ * @c NULL as @c func is enough. The same should be done for @c data.
+ *
+ * @note Remember that the label parameter is copied inside the list. So if an
+ * application dynamically allocated the label, the application should free the
+ * label after this call.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] before The list item to insert before.
+ * @param[in] label The label of the list item.
+ * @param[in] icon The icon object to use for the left side of the item. An
+ * icon can be any Evas object, but usually it is an icon created with
+ * elm_icon_add().
+ * @param[in] end The icon object to use for the right side of the item. An
+ * icon can be any Evas object.
+ * @param[in] func The function to call when the item is clicked.
+ * @param[in] data The data to associate with the item for related callbacks.
+ *
+ * @return The created item or @c NULL upon failure.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List
+ */
+EOAPI Elm_Widget_Item *elm_obj_list_item_insert_before(Eo *obj, Elm_Widget_Item *before, const char *label, Efl_Canvas_Object *icon, Efl_Canvas_Object *end, Evas_Smart_Cb func, const void *data);
+ * @brief Starts the list.
+ *
+ * @note Call before running show() on the list object. Warning: If not called,
+ * it won't display the list properly.
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List
+ */
+EOAPI void elm_obj_list_go(Eo *obj);
+ * @brief Insert a new item into the list object after item @c after.
+ *
+ * A new item will be created and added to the list. Its position in this list
+ * will be just after item @c after.
+ *
+ * Items created with this method can be deleted with elm_object_item_del().
+ *
+ * Associated @c data can be properly freed when item is deleted if a callback
+ * function is set with elm_object_item_del_cb_set().
+ *
+ * If a function is passed as argument, it will be called every time this item
+ * is selected, i.e., the user clicks over an unselected item. If always select
+ * is enabled it will call this function every time user clicks over an item
+ * (already selected or not). If such function isn't needed, just passing
+ * @c NULL as @c func is enough. The same should be done for @c data.
+ *
+ * @note Remember that the label parameter is copied inside the list. So if an
+ * application dynamically allocated the label, the application should free the
+ * label after this call.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] after The list item to insert after.
+ * @param[in] label The label of the list item.
+ * @param[in] icon The icon object to use for the left side of the item. An
+ * icon can be any Evas object, but usually it is an icon created with
+ * elm_icon_add().
+ * @param[in] end The icon object to use for the right side of the item. An
+ * icon can be any Evas object.
+ * @param[in] func The function to call when the item is clicked.
+ * @param[in] data The data to associate with the item for related callbacks.
+ *
+ * @return The created item or @c NULL upon failure.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List
+ */
+EOAPI Elm_Widget_Item *elm_obj_list_item_insert_after(Eo *obj, Elm_Widget_Item *after, const char *label, Efl_Canvas_Object *icon, Efl_Canvas_Object *end, Evas_Smart_Cb func, const void *data);
+ * @brief Get the item that is at the x, y canvas coords.
+ *
+ * This returns the item at the given coordinates (which are canvas relative,
+ * not object-relative). If an item is at that coordinate, that item handle is
+ * returned, and if @c posret is not NULL, the integer pointed to is set to a
+ * value of -1, 0 or 1, depending if the coordinate is on the upper portion of
+ * that item (-1), on the middle section (0) or on the lower part (1). If NULL
+ * is returned as an item (no item found there), then posret may indicate -1 or
+ * 1 based if the coordinate is above or below all items respectively in the
+ * list.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] x The input x coordinate
+ * @param[in] y The input y coordinate
+ * @param[out] posret The position relative to the item returned here
+ *
+ * @return The item at the coordinates or NULL if none
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List
+ */
+EOAPI Elm_Widget_Item *elm_obj_list_at_xy_item_get(const Eo *obj, int x, int y, int *posret);
+ * @brief Append a new item to the list object.
+ *
+ * A new item will be created and appended to the list, i.e., will be set as
+ * last item.
+ *
+ * Items created with this method can be deleted with elm_object_item_del().
+ *
+ * Associated @c data can be properly freed when item is deleted if a callback
+ * function is set with elm_object_item_del_cb_set().
+ *
+ * If a function is passed as argument, it will be called every time this item
+ * is selected, i.e., the user clicks over an unselected item. If always select
+ * is enabled it will call this function every time user clicks over an item
+ * (already selected or not). If such function isn't needed, just passing
+ * @c NULL as @c func is enough. The same should be done for @c data.
+ *
+ * @note Remember that the label parameter is copied inside the list. So if an
+ * application dynamically allocated the label, the application should free the
+ * label after this call.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] label The label of the list item.
+ * @param[in] icon The icon object to use for the left side of the item. An
+ * icon can be any Evas object, but usually it is an icon created with
+ * elm_icon_add().
+ * @param[in] end The icon object to use for the right side of the item. An
+ * icon can be any Evas object.
+ * @param[in] func The function to call when the item is clicked.
+ * @param[in] data The data to associate with the item for related callbacks.
+ *
+ * @return The created item or @c NULL upon failure.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List
+ */
+EOAPI Elm_Widget_Item *elm_obj_list_item_append(Eo *obj, const char *label, Efl_Canvas_Object *icon, Efl_Canvas_Object *end, Evas_Smart_Cb func, const void *data);
+ * @brief Prepend a new item to the list object.
+ *
+ * A new item will be created and prepended to the list, i.e., will be set as
+ * first item.
+ *
+ * Items created with this method can be deleted with elm_object_item_del().
+ *
+ * Associated @c data can be properly freed when item is deleted if a callback
+ * function is set with elm_object_item_del_cb_set().
+ *
+ * If a function is passed as argument, it will be called every time this item
+ * is selected, i.e., the user clicks over an unselected item. If always select
+ * is enabled it will call this function every time user clicks over an item
+ * (already selected or not). If such function isn't needed, just passing
+ * @c NULL as @c func is enough. The same should be done for @c data.
+ *
+ * @note Remember that the label parameter is copied inside the list. So if an
+ * application dynamically allocated the label, the application should free the
+ * label after this call.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] label The label of the list item.
+ * @param[in] icon The icon object to use for the left side of the item. An
+ * icon can be any Evas object, but usually it is an icon created with
+ * elm_icon_add().
+ * @param[in] end The icon object to use for the right side of the item. An
+ * icon can be any Evas object.
+ * @param[in] func The function to call when the item is clicked.
+ * @param[in] data The data to associate with the item for related callbacks.
+ *
+ * @return The created item or @c NULL upon failure.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List
+ */
+EOAPI Elm_Widget_Item *elm_obj_list_item_prepend(Eo *obj, const char *label, Efl_Canvas_Object *icon, Efl_Canvas_Object *end, Evas_Smart_Cb func, const void *data);
+/** Remove all list's items.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List
+ */
+EOAPI void elm_obj_list_clear(Eo *obj);
+ * @brief Insert a new item into the sorted list object.
+ *
+ * @note This function inserts values into a list object assuming it was sorted
+ * and the result will be sorted.
+ *
+ * A new item will be created and added to the list. Its position in this list
+ * will be found comparing the new item with previously inserted items using
+ * function @c cmp_func.
+ *
+ * Items created with this method can be deleted with elm_object_item_del().
+ *
+ * Associated @c data can be properly freed when item is deleted if a callback
+ * function is set with elm_object_item_del_cb_set().
+ *
+ * If a function is passed as argument, it will be called every time this item
+ * is selected, i.e., the user clicks over an unselected item. If always select
+ * is enabled it will call this function every time user clicks over an item
+ * (already selected or not). If such function isn't needed, just passing
+ * @c NULL as @c func is enough. The same should be done for @c data.
+ *
+ * @note Remember that the label parameter is copied inside the list. So if an
+ * application dynamically allocated the label, the application should free the
+ * label after this call.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] label The label of the list item.
+ * @param[in] icon The icon object to use for the left side of the item. An
+ * icon can be any Evas object, but usually it is an icon created with
+ * elm_icon_add().
+ * @param[in] end The icon object to use for the right side of the item. An
+ * icon can be any Evas object.
+ * @param[in] func The function to call when the item is clicked.
+ * @param[in] data The data to associate with the item for related callbacks.
+ * @param[in] cmp_func The comparing function to be used to sort list items by
+ * #Elm.Widget.Item item handles. This function will receive two items and
+ * compare them, returning a non-negative integer if the second item should be
+ * place after the first, or negative value if should be placed before.
+ *
+ * @return The created item or @c NULL upon failure.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List
+ */
+EOAPI Elm_Widget_Item *elm_obj_list_item_sorted_insert(Eo *obj, const char *label, Efl_Canvas_Object *icon, Efl_Canvas_Object *end, Evas_Smart_Cb func, const void *data, Eina_Compare_Cb cmp_func);
+EWAPI extern const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_LIST_EVENT_ACTIVATED;
+/** Called when activated
+ * @return Efl_Object *
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List
+ */
+EWAPI extern const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_LIST_EVENT_EDGE_TOP;
+/** Called when top edge was reached
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List
+ */
+EWAPI extern const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_LIST_EVENT_EDGE_BOTTOM;
+/** Called when bottom edge was reached
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List
+ */
+EWAPI extern const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_LIST_EVENT_EDGE_LEFT;
+/** Called when left edge was reached
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List
+ */
+EWAPI extern const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_LIST_EVENT_EDGE_RIGHT;
+/** Called when right edge was reached
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List
+ */
+EWAPI extern const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_LIST_EVENT_SWIPE;
+/** Called when swipe is detected
+ * @return Efl_Object *
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List
+ */
+EWAPI extern const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_LIST_EVENT_HIGHLIGHTED;
+/** Called when highlighted
+ * @return Efl_Object *
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List
+ */
+EWAPI extern const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_LIST_EVENT_UNHIGHLIGHTED;
+/** Called when no longer highlighted
+ * @return Efl_Object *
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List
+ */
+EWAPI extern const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_LIST_EVENT_ITEM_FOCUSED;
+/** Called when item got focus
+ * @return Efl_Object *
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List
+ */
+EWAPI extern const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_LIST_EVENT_ITEM_UNFOCUSED;
+/** Called when item no longer has focus
+ * @return Efl_Object *
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List
+ */
diff --git a/src/lib/elementary/elm_list_eo.legacy.c b/src/lib/elementary/elm_list_eo.legacy.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..40f09ef183
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/elementary/elm_list_eo.legacy.c
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+EAPI void
+elm_list_horizontal_set(Elm_List *obj, Eina_Bool horizontal)
+ elm_obj_list_horizontal_set(obj, horizontal);
+EAPI Eina_Bool
+elm_list_horizontal_get(const Elm_List *obj)
+ return elm_obj_list_horizontal_get(obj);
+EAPI void
+elm_list_select_mode_set(Elm_List *obj, Elm_Object_Select_Mode mode)
+ elm_obj_list_select_mode_set(obj, mode);
+EAPI Elm_Object_Select_Mode
+elm_list_select_mode_get(const Elm_List *obj)
+ return elm_obj_list_select_mode_get(obj);
+EAPI void
+elm_list_focus_on_selection_set(Elm_List *obj, Eina_Bool enabled)
+ elm_obj_list_focus_on_selection_set(obj, enabled);
+EAPI Eina_Bool
+elm_list_focus_on_selection_get(const Elm_List *obj)
+ return elm_obj_list_focus_on_selection_get(obj);
+EAPI void
+elm_list_multi_select_set(Elm_List *obj, Eina_Bool multi)
+ elm_obj_list_multi_select_set(obj, multi);
+EAPI Eina_Bool
+elm_list_multi_select_get(const Elm_List *obj)
+ return elm_obj_list_multi_select_get(obj);
+EAPI void
+elm_list_multi_select_mode_set(Elm_List *obj, Elm_Object_Multi_Select_Mode mode)
+ elm_obj_list_multi_select_mode_set(obj, mode);
+EAPI Elm_Object_Multi_Select_Mode
+elm_list_multi_select_mode_get(const Elm_List *obj)
+ return elm_obj_list_multi_select_mode_get(obj);
+EAPI void
+elm_list_mode_set(Elm_List *obj, Elm_List_Mode mode)
+ elm_obj_list_mode_set(obj, mode);
+EAPI Elm_List_Mode
+elm_list_mode_get(const Elm_List *obj)
+ return elm_obj_list_mode_get(obj);
+EAPI Elm_Widget_Item *
+elm_list_selected_item_get(const Elm_List *obj)
+ return elm_obj_list_selected_item_get(obj);
+EAPI const Eina_List *
+elm_list_items_get(const Elm_List *obj)
+ return elm_obj_list_items_get(obj);
+EAPI Elm_Widget_Item *
+elm_list_first_item_get(const Elm_List *obj)
+ return elm_obj_list_first_item_get(obj);
+EAPI const Eina_List *
+elm_list_selected_items_get(const Elm_List *obj)
+ return elm_obj_list_selected_items_get(obj);
+EAPI Elm_Widget_Item *
+elm_list_last_item_get(const Elm_List *obj)
+ return elm_obj_list_last_item_get(obj);
+EAPI Elm_Widget_Item *
+elm_list_item_insert_before(Elm_List *obj, Elm_Widget_Item *before, const char *label, Efl_Canvas_Object *icon, Efl_Canvas_Object *end, Evas_Smart_Cb func, const void *data)
+ return elm_obj_list_item_insert_before(obj, before, label, icon, end, func, data);
+EAPI void
+elm_list_go(Elm_List *obj)
+ elm_obj_list_go(obj);
+EAPI Elm_Widget_Item *
+elm_list_item_insert_after(Elm_List *obj, Elm_Widget_Item *after, const char *label, Efl_Canvas_Object *icon, Efl_Canvas_Object *end, Evas_Smart_Cb func, const void *data)
+ return elm_obj_list_item_insert_after(obj, after, label, icon, end, func, data);
+EAPI Elm_Widget_Item *
+elm_list_at_xy_item_get(const Elm_List *obj, int x, int y, int *posret)
+ return elm_obj_list_at_xy_item_get(obj, x, y, posret);
+EAPI Elm_Widget_Item *
+elm_list_item_append(Elm_List *obj, const char *label, Efl_Canvas_Object *icon, Efl_Canvas_Object *end, Evas_Smart_Cb func, const void *data)
+ return elm_obj_list_item_append(obj, label, icon, end, func, data);
+EAPI Elm_Widget_Item *
+elm_list_item_prepend(Elm_List *obj, const char *label, Efl_Canvas_Object *icon, Efl_Canvas_Object *end, Evas_Smart_Cb func, const void *data)
+ return elm_obj_list_item_prepend(obj, label, icon, end, func, data);
+EAPI void
+elm_list_clear(Elm_List *obj)
+ elm_obj_list_clear(obj);
+EAPI Elm_Widget_Item *
+elm_list_item_sorted_insert(Elm_List *obj, const char *label, Efl_Canvas_Object *icon, Efl_Canvas_Object *end, Evas_Smart_Cb func, const void *data, Eina_Compare_Cb cmp_func)
+ return elm_obj_list_item_sorted_insert(obj, label, icon, end, func, data, cmp_func);
diff --git a/src/lib/elementary/elm_list_eo.legacy.h b/src/lib/elementary/elm_list_eo.legacy.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6885674baf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/elementary/elm_list_eo.legacy.h
@@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
+typedef Eo Elm_List;
+ * @brief Control horizontal mode on the list object.
+ *
+ * @note Vertical mode is set by default.
+ *
+ * On horizontal mode items are displayed on list from left to right, instead
+ * of from top to bottom. Also, the list will scroll horizontally. Each item
+ * will presents left icon on top and right icon, or end, at the bottom.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] horizontal @c true to enable horizontal or @c false to disable
+ * it, i.e., to enable vertical mode.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Group
+ */
+EAPI void elm_list_horizontal_set(Elm_List *obj, Eina_Bool horizontal);
+ * @brief Control horizontal mode on the list object.
+ *
+ * @note Vertical mode is set by default.
+ *
+ * On horizontal mode items are displayed on list from left to right, instead
+ * of from top to bottom. Also, the list will scroll horizontally. Each item
+ * will presents left icon on top and right icon, or end, at the bottom.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return @c true to enable horizontal or @c false to disable it, i.e., to
+ * enable vertical mode.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Group
+ */
+EAPI Eina_Bool elm_list_horizontal_get(const Elm_List *obj);
+ * @brief Control the list select mode.
+ *
+ * elm_list_select_mode_set() changes item select mode in the list widget. -
+ * #ELM_OBJECT_SELECT_MODE_DEFAULT : Items will only call their selection func
+ * and callback when first becoming selected. Any further clicks will do
+ * nothing, unless you set always select mode. - #ELM_OBJECT_SELECT_MODE_ALWAYS
+ * : This means that, even if selected, every click will make the selected
+ * callbacks be called. - #ELM_OBJECT_SELECT_MODE_NONE : This will turn off the
+ * ability to select items entirely and they will neither appear selected nor
+ * call selected callback functions.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] mode The select mode
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Group
+ */
+EAPI void elm_list_select_mode_set(Elm_List *obj, Elm_Object_Select_Mode mode);
+ * @brief Control the list select mode.
+ *
+ * elm_list_select_mode_set() changes item select mode in the list widget. -
+ * #ELM_OBJECT_SELECT_MODE_DEFAULT : Items will only call their selection func
+ * and callback when first becoming selected. Any further clicks will do
+ * nothing, unless you set always select mode. - #ELM_OBJECT_SELECT_MODE_ALWAYS
+ * : This means that, even if selected, every click will make the selected
+ * callbacks be called. - #ELM_OBJECT_SELECT_MODE_NONE : This will turn off the
+ * ability to select items entirely and they will neither appear selected nor
+ * call selected callback functions.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return The select mode
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Group
+ */
+EAPI Elm_Object_Select_Mode elm_list_select_mode_get(const Elm_List *obj);
+ * @brief Control focus upon items selection mode
+ *
+ * When enabled, every selection of an item inside the genlist will
+ * automatically set focus to its first focusable widget from the left. This is
+ * true of course if the selection was made by clicking an unfocusable area in
+ * an item or selecting it with a key movement. Clicking on a focusable widget
+ * inside an item will cause this particular item to get focus as usual.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] enabled The tree effect status ($true = enabled, @c false =
+ * disabled)
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Group
+ */
+EAPI void elm_list_focus_on_selection_set(Elm_List *obj, Eina_Bool enabled);
+ * @brief Control focus upon items selection mode
+ *
+ * When enabled, every selection of an item inside the genlist will
+ * automatically set focus to its first focusable widget from the left. This is
+ * true of course if the selection was made by clicking an unfocusable area in
+ * an item or selecting it with a key movement. Clicking on a focusable widget
+ * inside an item will cause this particular item to get focus as usual.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return The tree effect status ($true = enabled, @c false = disabled)
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Group
+ */
+EAPI Eina_Bool elm_list_focus_on_selection_get(const Elm_List *obj);
+ * @brief Control multiple items selection on the list object.
+ *
+ * Disabled by default. If disabled, the user can select a single item of the
+ * list each time. Selected items are highlighted on list. If enabled, many
+ * items can be selected.
+ *
+ * If a selected item is selected again, it will be unselected.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] multi @c true to enable multi selection or @c false to disable
+ * it.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Group
+ */
+EAPI void elm_list_multi_select_set(Elm_List *obj, Eina_Bool multi);
+ * @brief Control multiple items selection on the list object.
+ *
+ * Disabled by default. If disabled, the user can select a single item of the
+ * list each time. Selected items are highlighted on list. If enabled, many
+ * items can be selected.
+ *
+ * If a selected item is selected again, it will be unselected.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return @c true to enable multi selection or @c false to disable it.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Group
+ */
+EAPI Eina_Bool elm_list_multi_select_get(const Elm_List *obj);
+ * @brief Control the list multi select mode.
+ *
+ * - #ELM_OBJECT_MULTI_SELECT_MODE_DEFAULT : select/unselect items whenever
+ * each item is clicked. - #ELM_OBJECT_MULTI_SELECT_MODE_WITH_CONTROL : Only
+ * one item will be selected although multi-selection is enabled, if clicked
+ * without pressing control key. This mode is only available with
+ * multi-selection.
+ *
+ * See: @ref elm_list_multi_select_get
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] mode The multi select mode
+ *
+ * @since 1.8
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Group
+ */
+EAPI void elm_list_multi_select_mode_set(Elm_List *obj, Elm_Object_Multi_Select_Mode mode);
+ * @brief Control the list multi select mode.
+ *
+ * - #ELM_OBJECT_MULTI_SELECT_MODE_DEFAULT : select/unselect items whenever
+ * each item is clicked. - #ELM_OBJECT_MULTI_SELECT_MODE_WITH_CONTROL : Only
+ * one item will be selected although multi-selection is enabled, if clicked
+ * without pressing control key. This mode is only available with
+ * multi-selection.
+ *
+ * See: @ref elm_list_multi_select_get
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return The multi select mode
+ *
+ * @since 1.8
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Group
+ */
+EAPI Elm_Object_Multi_Select_Mode elm_list_multi_select_mode_get(const Elm_List *obj);
+ * @brief Control which mode to use for the list object.
+ *
+ * Set list's resize behavior, transverse axis scroll and items cropping. See
+ * each mode's description for more details.
+ *
+ * @note Default value is #ELM_LIST_SCROLL.
+ *
+ * Only one mode at a time can be set. If a previous one was set, it will be
+ * changed by the new mode after this call. Bitmasks won't work here as well.
+ *
+ * @warning This function's behavior will clash with those of
+ * elm_scroller_content_min_limit(), so use either one of them, but not both.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] mode One of #Elm_List_Mode: #ELM_LIST_COMPRESS, #ELM_LIST_SCROLL,
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Group
+ */
+EAPI void elm_list_mode_set(Elm_List *obj, Elm_List_Mode mode);
+ * @brief Control which mode to use for the list object.
+ *
+ * Set list's resize behavior, transverse axis scroll and items cropping. See
+ * each mode's description for more details.
+ *
+ * @note Default value is #ELM_LIST_SCROLL.
+ *
+ * Only one mode at a time can be set. If a previous one was set, it will be
+ * changed by the new mode after this call. Bitmasks won't work here as well.
+ *
+ * @warning This function's behavior will clash with those of
+ * elm_scroller_content_min_limit(), so use either one of them, but not both.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return One of #Elm_List_Mode: #ELM_LIST_COMPRESS, #ELM_LIST_SCROLL,
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Group
+ */
+EAPI Elm_List_Mode elm_list_mode_get(const Elm_List *obj);
+ * @brief Get the selected item.
+ *
+ * The selected item can be unselected with function
+ * elm_list_item_selected_set().
+ *
+ * The selected item always will be highlighted on list.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return The selected list item.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Group
+ */
+EAPI Elm_Widget_Item *elm_list_selected_item_get(const Elm_List *obj);
+ * @brief Get a list of all the list items.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return A @c list of list items, #Elm.Widget.Item, or @c NULL on failure.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Group
+ */
+EAPI const Eina_List *elm_list_items_get(const Elm_List *obj);
+ * @brief Get the first item in the list
+ *
+ * This returns the first item in the list.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return The first item, or NULL if none
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Group
+ */
+EAPI Elm_Widget_Item *elm_list_first_item_get(const Elm_List *obj);
+ * @brief Return a list of the currently selected list items.
+ *
+ * Multiple items can be selected if multi select is enabled. It can be done
+ * with elm_list_multi_select_set().
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return An @c list of list items, #Elm.Widget.Item, or @c NULL on failure.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Group
+ */
+EAPI const Eina_List *elm_list_selected_items_get(const Elm_List *obj);
+ * @brief Get the last item in the list
+ *
+ * This returns the last item in the list.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return The last item, or NULL if none
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Group
+ */
+EAPI Elm_Widget_Item *elm_list_last_item_get(const Elm_List *obj);
+ * @brief Insert a new item into the list object before item @c before.
+ *
+ * A new item will be created and added to the list. Its position in this list
+ * will be just before item @c before.
+ *
+ * Items created with this method can be deleted with elm_object_item_del().
+ *
+ * Associated @c data can be properly freed when item is deleted if a callback
+ * function is set with elm_object_item_del_cb_set().
+ *
+ * If a function is passed as argument, it will be called every time this item
+ * is selected, i.e., the user clicks over an unselected item. If always select
+ * is enabled it will call this function every time user clicks over an item
+ * (already selected or not). If such function isn't needed, just passing
+ * @c NULL as @c func is enough. The same should be done for @c data.
+ *
+ * @note Remember that the label parameter is copied inside the list. So if an
+ * application dynamically allocated the label, the application should free the
+ * label after this call.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] before The list item to insert before.
+ * @param[in] label The label of the list item.
+ * @param[in] icon The icon object to use for the left side of the item. An
+ * icon can be any Evas object, but usually it is an icon created with
+ * elm_icon_add().
+ * @param[in] end The icon object to use for the right side of the item. An
+ * icon can be any Evas object.
+ * @param[in] func The function to call when the item is clicked.
+ * @param[in] data The data to associate with the item for related callbacks.
+ *
+ * @return The created item or @c NULL upon failure.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Group
+ */
+EAPI Elm_Widget_Item *elm_list_item_insert_before(Elm_List *obj, Elm_Widget_Item *before, const char *label, Efl_Canvas_Object *icon, Efl_Canvas_Object *end, Evas_Smart_Cb func, const void *data);
+ * @brief Starts the list.
+ *
+ * @note Call before running show() on the list object. Warning: If not called,
+ * it won't display the list properly.
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Group
+ */
+EAPI void elm_list_go(Elm_List *obj);
+ * @brief Insert a new item into the list object after item @c after.
+ *
+ * A new item will be created and added to the list. Its position in this list
+ * will be just after item @c after.
+ *
+ * Items created with this method can be deleted with elm_object_item_del().
+ *
+ * Associated @c data can be properly freed when item is deleted if a callback
+ * function is set with elm_object_item_del_cb_set().
+ *
+ * If a function is passed as argument, it will be called every time this item
+ * is selected, i.e., the user clicks over an unselected item. If always select
+ * is enabled it will call this function every time user clicks over an item
+ * (already selected or not). If such function isn't needed, just passing
+ * @c NULL as @c func is enough. The same should be done for @c data.
+ *
+ * @note Remember that the label parameter is copied inside the list. So if an
+ * application dynamically allocated the label, the application should free the
+ * label after this call.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] after The list item to insert after.
+ * @param[in] label The label of the list item.
+ * @param[in] icon The icon object to use for the left side of the item. An
+ * icon can be any Evas object, but usually it is an icon created with
+ * elm_icon_add().
+ * @param[in] end The icon object to use for the right side of the item. An
+ * icon can be any Evas object.
+ * @param[in] func The function to call when the item is clicked.
+ * @param[in] data The data to associate with the item for related callbacks.
+ *
+ * @return The created item or @c NULL upon failure.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Group
+ */
+EAPI Elm_Widget_Item *elm_list_item_insert_after(Elm_List *obj, Elm_Widget_Item *after, const char *label, Efl_Canvas_Object *icon, Efl_Canvas_Object *end, Evas_Smart_Cb func, const void *data);
+ * @brief Get the item that is at the x, y canvas coords.
+ *
+ * This returns the item at the given coordinates (which are canvas relative,
+ * not object-relative). If an item is at that coordinate, that item handle is
+ * returned, and if @c posret is not NULL, the integer pointed to is set to a
+ * value of -1, 0 or 1, depending if the coordinate is on the upper portion of
+ * that item (-1), on the middle section (0) or on the lower part (1). If NULL
+ * is returned as an item (no item found there), then posret may indicate -1 or
+ * 1 based if the coordinate is above or below all items respectively in the
+ * list.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] x The input x coordinate
+ * @param[in] y The input y coordinate
+ * @param[out] posret The position relative to the item returned here
+ *
+ * @return The item at the coordinates or NULL if none
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Group
+ */
+EAPI Elm_Widget_Item *elm_list_at_xy_item_get(const Elm_List *obj, int x, int y, int *posret);
+ * @brief Append a new item to the list object.
+ *
+ * A new item will be created and appended to the list, i.e., will be set as
+ * last item.
+ *
+ * Items created with this method can be deleted with elm_object_item_del().
+ *
+ * Associated @c data can be properly freed when item is deleted if a callback
+ * function is set with elm_object_item_del_cb_set().
+ *
+ * If a function is passed as argument, it will be called every time this item
+ * is selected, i.e., the user clicks over an unselected item. If always select
+ * is enabled it will call this function every time user clicks over an item
+ * (already selected or not). If such function isn't needed, just passing
+ * @c NULL as @c func is enough. The same should be done for @c data.
+ *
+ * @note Remember that the label parameter is copied inside the list. So if an
+ * application dynamically allocated the label, the application should free the
+ * label after this call.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] label The label of the list item.
+ * @param[in] icon The icon object to use for the left side of the item. An
+ * icon can be any Evas object, but usually it is an icon created with
+ * elm_icon_add().
+ * @param[in] end The icon object to use for the right side of the item. An
+ * icon can be any Evas object.
+ * @param[in] func The function to call when the item is clicked.
+ * @param[in] data The data to associate with the item for related callbacks.
+ *
+ * @return The created item or @c NULL upon failure.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Group
+ */
+EAPI Elm_Widget_Item *elm_list_item_append(Elm_List *obj, const char *label, Efl_Canvas_Object *icon, Efl_Canvas_Object *end, Evas_Smart_Cb func, const void *data);
+ * @brief Prepend a new item to the list object.
+ *
+ * A new item will be created and prepended to the list, i.e., will be set as
+ * first item.
+ *
+ * Items created with this method can be deleted with elm_object_item_del().
+ *
+ * Associated @c data can be properly freed when item is deleted if a callback
+ * function is set with elm_object_item_del_cb_set().
+ *
+ * If a function is passed as argument, it will be called every time this item
+ * is selected, i.e., the user clicks over an unselected item. If always select
+ * is enabled it will call this function every time user clicks over an item
+ * (already selected or not). If such function isn't needed, just passing
+ * @c NULL as @c func is enough. The same should be done for @c data.
+ *
+ * @note Remember that the label parameter is copied inside the list. So if an
+ * application dynamically allocated the label, the application should free the
+ * label after this call.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] label The label of the list item.
+ * @param[in] icon The icon object to use for the left side of the item. An
+ * icon can be any Evas object, but usually it is an icon created with
+ * elm_icon_add().
+ * @param[in] end The icon object to use for the right side of the item. An
+ * icon can be any Evas object.
+ * @param[in] func The function to call when the item is clicked.
+ * @param[in] data The data to associate with the item for related callbacks.
+ *
+ * @return The created item or @c NULL upon failure.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Group
+ */
+EAPI Elm_Widget_Item *elm_list_item_prepend(Elm_List *obj, const char *label, Efl_Canvas_Object *icon, Efl_Canvas_Object *end, Evas_Smart_Cb func, const void *data);
+/** Remove all list's items.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Group
+ */
+EAPI void elm_list_clear(Elm_List *obj);
+ * @brief Insert a new item into the sorted list object.
+ *
+ * @note This function inserts values into a list object assuming it was sorted
+ * and the result will be sorted.
+ *
+ * A new item will be created and added to the list. Its position in this list
+ * will be found comparing the new item with previously inserted items using
+ * function @c cmp_func.
+ *
+ * Items created with this method can be deleted with elm_object_item_del().
+ *
+ * Associated @c data can be properly freed when item is deleted if a callback
+ * function is set with elm_object_item_del_cb_set().
+ *
+ * If a function is passed as argument, it will be called every time this item
+ * is selected, i.e., the user clicks over an unselected item. If always select
+ * is enabled it will call this function every time user clicks over an item
+ * (already selected or not). If such function isn't needed, just passing
+ * @c NULL as @c func is enough. The same should be done for @c data.
+ *
+ * @note Remember that the label parameter is copied inside the list. So if an
+ * application dynamically allocated the label, the application should free the
+ * label after this call.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] label The label of the list item.
+ * @param[in] icon The icon object to use for the left side of the item. An
+ * icon can be any Evas object, but usually it is an icon created with
+ * elm_icon_add().
+ * @param[in] end The icon object to use for the right side of the item. An
+ * icon can be any Evas object.
+ * @param[in] func The function to call when the item is clicked.
+ * @param[in] data The data to associate with the item for related callbacks.
+ * @param[in] cmp_func The comparing function to be used to sort list items by
+ * #Elm.Widget.Item item handles. This function will receive two items and
+ * compare them, returning a non-negative integer if the second item should be
+ * place after the first, or negative value if should be placed before.
+ *
+ * @return The created item or @c NULL upon failure.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Group
+ */
+EAPI Elm_Widget_Item *elm_list_item_sorted_insert(Elm_List *obj, const char *label, Efl_Canvas_Object *icon, Efl_Canvas_Object *end, Evas_Smart_Cb func, const void *data, Eina_Compare_Cb cmp_func);
diff --git a/src/lib/elementary/elm_list_item.eo b/src/lib/elementary/elm_list_item.eo
deleted file mode 100644
index c3d18ba99f..0000000000
--- a/src/lib/elementary/elm_list_item.eo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-class Elm.List.Item extends Elm.Widget.Item implements Efl.Ui.Legacy
- [[Elementary list item class]]
- legacy_prefix: elm_list_item;
- eo_prefix: elm_obj_list_item;
- methods {
- @property separator {
- get {
- [[Get a value whether item is a separator or not.]]
- }
- set {
- [[Set or unset item as a separator.
- Items aren't set as separator by default.
- If set as separator it will display separator theme,
- so won't display icons or label.
- ]]
- }
- values {
- setting: bool; [[$true means item $it is a separator.
- $false indicates it's not.]]
- }
- }
- @property selected {
- get {
- [[Get whether the item is selected or not.]]
- }
- set {
- [[Set the selected state of an item.
- This sets the selected state of the given item.
- If a new item is selected the previously selected
- will be unselected, unless multiple selection is
- enabled with \@ref elm_list_multi_select_set.
- Previously selected item can be get with function
- \@ref elm_list_selected_item_get.
- Selected items will be highlighted.
- ]]
- }
- values {
- selected: bool; [[The selected state.]]
- }
- }
- @property object {
- get {
- [[Get the real Evas(Edje) object created to implement
- the view of a given list item.
- Base object is the $Evas_Object that represents that
- item.
- ]]
- }
- values {
- obj: Efl.Canvas.Object; [[The base Edje object associated with the item.]]
- }
- }
- @property prev {
- get {
- [[Get the item before the item in list.
- Note: If it is the first item, $null will be returned.
- ]]
- legacy: elm_list_item_prev;
- }
- values {
- item: Elm.Widget.Item; [[The item before or $null.]]
- }
- }
- @property next {
- get {
- [[Get the item after the item in list.
- Note: If it is the last item, $null will be returned.
- ]]
- legacy: elm_list_item_next;
- }
- values {
- item: Elm.Widget.Item; [[The item after or $null.]]
- }
- }
- /* init { FIXME
- params {
- Evas_Smart_Cb func;
- const(void_ptr) data;
- }
- }*/
- show {
- [[Show item in the list view.
- It won't animate list until item is visible. If such
- behavior is wanted, use @.bring_in instead.
- ]]
- }
- bring_in {
- [[Bring in the given item to list view.
- This causes list to jump to the given item and show it
- (by scrolling), if it is not fully visible.
- This may use animation to do so and take a period of time.
- If animation isn't wanted, can be used.
- ]]
- }
- }
- implements {
- Efl.Object.constructor;
- Efl.Object.invalidate;
- Efl.Object.destructor;
- Elm.Widget.Item.disable;
- Elm.Widget.Item.del_pre;
- Elm.Widget.Item.signal_emit;
- Elm.Widget.Item.item_focus { get; set; }
- Elm.Widget.Item.part_text { get; set; }
- Elm.Widget.Item.part_content { get; set; }
- Elm.Widget.Item.part_content_unset;
- Efl.Access.Object.i18n_name { get; }
- Efl.Access.Object.state_set { get; }
- }
diff --git a/src/lib/elementary/elm_list_item_eo.c b/src/lib/elementary/elm_list_item_eo.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..358b9a2284
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/elementary/elm_list_item_eo.c
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+void _elm_list_item_separator_set(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Item_Data *pd, Eina_Bool setting);
+static Eina_Error
+__eolian_elm_list_item_separator_set_reflect(Eo *obj, Eina_Value val)
+ Eina_Error r = 0; Eina_Bool cval;
+ if (!eina_value_bool_convert(&val, &cval))
+ {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ elm_obj_list_item_separator_set(obj, cval);
+ end:
+ eina_value_flush(&val);
+ return r;
+EOAPI EFL_VOID_FUNC_BODYV(elm_obj_list_item_separator_set, EFL_FUNC_CALL(setting), Eina_Bool setting);
+Eina_Bool _elm_list_item_separator_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_List_Item_Data *pd);
+static Eina_Value
+__eolian_elm_list_item_separator_get_reflect(Eo *obj)
+ Eina_Bool val = elm_obj_list_item_separator_get(obj);
+ return eina_value_bool_init(val);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODY_CONST(elm_obj_list_item_separator_get, Eina_Bool, 0);
+void _elm_list_item_selected_set(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Item_Data *pd, Eina_Bool selected);
+static Eina_Error
+__eolian_elm_list_item_selected_set_reflect(Eo *obj, Eina_Value val)
+ Eina_Error r = 0; Eina_Bool cval;
+ if (!eina_value_bool_convert(&val, &cval))
+ {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ elm_obj_list_item_selected_set(obj, cval);
+ end:
+ eina_value_flush(&val);
+ return r;
+EOAPI EFL_VOID_FUNC_BODYV(elm_obj_list_item_selected_set, EFL_FUNC_CALL(selected), Eina_Bool selected);
+Eina_Bool _elm_list_item_selected_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_List_Item_Data *pd);
+static Eina_Value
+__eolian_elm_list_item_selected_get_reflect(Eo *obj)
+ Eina_Bool val = elm_obj_list_item_selected_get(obj);
+ return eina_value_bool_init(val);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODY_CONST(elm_obj_list_item_selected_get, Eina_Bool, 0);
+Efl_Canvas_Object *_elm_list_item_object_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_List_Item_Data *pd);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODY_CONST(elm_obj_list_item_object_get, Efl_Canvas_Object *, NULL);
+Elm_Widget_Item *_elm_list_item_prev_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_List_Item_Data *pd);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODY_CONST(elm_obj_list_item_prev_get, Elm_Widget_Item *, NULL);
+Elm_Widget_Item *_elm_list_item_next_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_List_Item_Data *pd);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODY_CONST(elm_obj_list_item_next_get, Elm_Widget_Item *, NULL);
+void _elm_list_item_show(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Item_Data *pd);
+EOAPI EFL_VOID_FUNC_BODY(elm_obj_list_item_show);
+void _elm_list_item_bring_in(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Item_Data *pd);
+EOAPI EFL_VOID_FUNC_BODY(elm_obj_list_item_bring_in);
+Efl_Object *_elm_list_item_efl_object_constructor(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Item_Data *pd);
+void _elm_list_item_efl_object_invalidate(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Item_Data *pd);
+void _elm_list_item_efl_object_destructor(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Item_Data *pd);
+void _elm_list_item_elm_widget_item_disable(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Item_Data *pd);
+void _elm_list_item_elm_widget_item_del_pre(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Item_Data *pd);
+void _elm_list_item_elm_widget_item_signal_emit(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Item_Data *pd, const char *emission, const char *source);
+void _elm_list_item_elm_widget_item_item_focus_set(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Item_Data *pd, Eina_Bool focused);
+Eina_Bool _elm_list_item_elm_widget_item_item_focus_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_List_Item_Data *pd);
+void _elm_list_item_elm_widget_item_part_text_set(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Item_Data *pd, const char *part, const char *label);
+const char *_elm_list_item_elm_widget_item_part_text_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_List_Item_Data *pd, const char *part);
+void _elm_list_item_elm_widget_item_part_content_set(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Item_Data *pd, const char *part, Efl_Canvas_Object *content);
+Efl_Canvas_Object *_elm_list_item_elm_widget_item_part_content_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_List_Item_Data *pd, const char *part);
+Efl_Canvas_Object *_elm_list_item_elm_widget_item_part_content_unset(Eo *obj, Elm_List_Item_Data *pd, const char *part);
+const char *_elm_list_item_efl_access_object_i18n_name_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_List_Item_Data *pd);
+Efl_Access_State_Set _elm_list_item_efl_access_object_state_set_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_List_Item_Data *pd);
+static Eina_Bool
+_elm_list_item_class_initializer(Efl_Class *klass)
+ const Efl_Object_Ops *opsp = NULL;
+ const Efl_Object_Property_Reflection_Ops *ropsp = NULL;
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_list_item_separator_set, _elm_list_item_separator_set),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_list_item_separator_get, _elm_list_item_separator_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_list_item_selected_set, _elm_list_item_selected_set),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_list_item_selected_get, _elm_list_item_selected_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_list_item_object_get, _elm_list_item_object_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_list_item_prev_get, _elm_list_item_prev_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_list_item_next_get, _elm_list_item_next_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_list_item_show, _elm_list_item_show),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_list_item_bring_in, _elm_list_item_bring_in),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_constructor, _elm_list_item_efl_object_constructor),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_invalidate, _elm_list_item_efl_object_invalidate),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_destructor, _elm_list_item_efl_object_destructor),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_wdg_item_disable, _elm_list_item_elm_widget_item_disable),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_wdg_item_del_pre, _elm_list_item_elm_widget_item_del_pre),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_wdg_item_signal_emit, _elm_list_item_elm_widget_item_signal_emit),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_wdg_item_focus_set, _elm_list_item_elm_widget_item_item_focus_set),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_wdg_item_focus_get, _elm_list_item_elm_widget_item_item_focus_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_wdg_item_part_text_set, _elm_list_item_elm_widget_item_part_text_set),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_wdg_item_part_text_get, _elm_list_item_elm_widget_item_part_text_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_wdg_item_part_content_set, _elm_list_item_elm_widget_item_part_content_set),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_wdg_item_part_content_get, _elm_list_item_elm_widget_item_part_content_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_wdg_item_part_content_unset, _elm_list_item_elm_widget_item_part_content_unset),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_access_object_i18n_name_get, _elm_list_item_efl_access_object_i18n_name_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_access_object_state_set_get, _elm_list_item_efl_access_object_state_set_get),
+ );
+ opsp = &ops;
+ static const Efl_Object_Property_Reflection refl_table[] = {
+ {"separator", __eolian_elm_list_item_separator_set_reflect, __eolian_elm_list_item_separator_get_reflect},
+ {"selected", __eolian_elm_list_item_selected_set_reflect, __eolian_elm_list_item_selected_get_reflect},
+ };
+ static const Efl_Object_Property_Reflection_Ops rops = {
+ refl_table, EINA_C_ARRAY_LENGTH(refl_table)
+ };
+ ropsp = &rops;
+ return efl_class_functions_set(klass, opsp, ropsp);
+static const Efl_Class_Description _elm_list_item_class_desc = {
+ "Elm.List.Item",
+ sizeof(Elm_List_Item_Data),
+ _elm_list_item_class_initializer,
+EFL_DEFINE_CLASS(elm_list_item_class_get, &_elm_list_item_class_desc, ELM_WIDGET_ITEM_CLASS, EFL_UI_LEGACY_INTERFACE, NULL);
+#include "elm_list_item_eo.legacy.c"
diff --git a/src/lib/elementary/elm_list_item_eo.h b/src/lib/elementary/elm_list_item_eo.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8aef9230a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/elementary/elm_list_item_eo.h
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+#ifndef _ELM_LIST_ITEM_EO_H_
+#define _ELM_LIST_ITEM_EO_H_
+typedef Eo Elm_List_Item;
+/** Elementary list item class
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Item
+ */
+#define ELM_LIST_ITEM_CLASS elm_list_item_class_get()
+EWAPI const Efl_Class *elm_list_item_class_get(void);
+ * @brief Set or unset item as a separator.
+ *
+ * Items aren't set as separator by default.
+ *
+ * If set as separator it will display separator theme, so won't display icons
+ * or label.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] setting @c true means item @c it is a separator. @c false
+ * indicates it's not.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Item
+ */
+EOAPI void elm_obj_list_item_separator_set(Eo *obj, Eina_Bool setting);
+ * @brief Get a value whether item is a separator or not.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return @c true means item @c it is a separator. @c false indicates it's
+ * not.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Item
+ */
+EOAPI Eina_Bool elm_obj_list_item_separator_get(const Eo *obj);
+ * @brief Set the selected state of an item.
+ *
+ * This sets the selected state of the given item.
+ *
+ * If a new item is selected the previously selected will be unselected, unless
+ * multiple selection is enabled with @ref elm_list_multi_select_set.
+ * Previously selected item can be get with function @ref
+ * elm_list_selected_item_get.
+ *
+ * Selected items will be highlighted.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] selected The selected state.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Item
+ */
+EOAPI void elm_obj_list_item_selected_set(Eo *obj, Eina_Bool selected);
+ * @brief Get whether the item is selected or not.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return The selected state.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Item
+ */
+EOAPI Eina_Bool elm_obj_list_item_selected_get(const Eo *obj);
+ * @brief Get the real Evas(Edje) object created to implement the view of a
+ * given list item.
+ *
+ * Base object is the @c Evas_Object that represents that item.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return The base Edje object associated with the item.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Item
+ */
+EOAPI Efl_Canvas_Object *elm_obj_list_item_object_get(const Eo *obj);
+ * @brief Get the item before the item in list.
+ *
+ * @note If it is the first item, @c null will be returned.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return The item before or @c null.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Item
+ */
+EOAPI Elm_Widget_Item *elm_obj_list_item_prev_get(const Eo *obj);
+ * @brief Get the item after the item in list.
+ *
+ * @note If it is the last item, @c null will be returned.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return The item after or @c null.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Item
+ */
+EOAPI Elm_Widget_Item *elm_obj_list_item_next_get(const Eo *obj);
+ * @brief Show item in the list view.
+ *
+ * It won't animate list until item is visible. If such behavior is wanted, use
+ * @ref elm_obj_list_item_bring_in instead.
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Item
+ */
+EOAPI void elm_obj_list_item_show(Eo *obj);
+ * @brief Bring in the given item to list view.
+ *
+ * This causes list to jump to the given item and show it (by scrolling), if it
+ * is not fully visible.
+ *
+ * This may use animation to do so and take a period of time.
+ *
+ * If animation isn't wanted, @ref elm_obj_list_item_show can be used.
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Item
+ */
+EOAPI void elm_obj_list_item_bring_in(Eo *obj);
diff --git a/src/lib/elementary/elm_list_item_eo.legacy.c b/src/lib/elementary/elm_list_item_eo.legacy.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..609a9fbd5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/elementary/elm_list_item_eo.legacy.c
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+EAPI void
+elm_list_item_separator_set(Elm_List_Item *obj, Eina_Bool setting)
+ elm_obj_list_item_separator_set(obj, setting);
+EAPI Eina_Bool
+elm_list_item_separator_get(const Elm_List_Item *obj)
+ return elm_obj_list_item_separator_get(obj);
+EAPI void
+elm_list_item_selected_set(Elm_List_Item *obj, Eina_Bool selected)
+ elm_obj_list_item_selected_set(obj, selected);
+EAPI Eina_Bool
+elm_list_item_selected_get(const Elm_List_Item *obj)
+ return elm_obj_list_item_selected_get(obj);
+EAPI Efl_Canvas_Object *
+elm_list_item_object_get(const Elm_List_Item *obj)
+ return elm_obj_list_item_object_get(obj);
+EAPI Elm_Widget_Item *
+elm_list_item_prev(const Elm_List_Item *obj)
+ return elm_obj_list_item_prev_get(obj);
+EAPI Elm_Widget_Item *
+elm_list_item_next(const Elm_List_Item *obj)
+ return elm_obj_list_item_next_get(obj);
+EAPI void
+elm_list_item_show(Elm_List_Item *obj)
+ elm_obj_list_item_show(obj);
+EAPI void
+elm_list_item_bring_in(Elm_List_Item *obj)
+ elm_obj_list_item_bring_in(obj);
diff --git a/src/lib/elementary/elm_list_item_eo.legacy.h b/src/lib/elementary/elm_list_item_eo.legacy.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..af74d6ea03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/elementary/elm_list_item_eo.legacy.h
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+typedef Eo Elm_List_Item;
+ * @brief Set or unset item as a separator.
+ *
+ * Items aren't set as separator by default.
+ *
+ * If set as separator it will display separator theme, so won't display icons
+ * or label.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] setting @c true means item @c it is a separator. @c false
+ * indicates it's not.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Item_Group
+ */
+EAPI void elm_list_item_separator_set(Elm_List_Item *obj, Eina_Bool setting);
+ * @brief Get a value whether item is a separator or not.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return @c true means item @c it is a separator. @c false indicates it's
+ * not.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Item_Group
+ */
+EAPI Eina_Bool elm_list_item_separator_get(const Elm_List_Item *obj);
+ * @brief Set the selected state of an item.
+ *
+ * This sets the selected state of the given item.
+ *
+ * If a new item is selected the previously selected will be unselected, unless
+ * multiple selection is enabled with @ref elm_list_multi_select_set.
+ * Previously selected item can be get with function @ref
+ * elm_list_selected_item_get.
+ *
+ * Selected items will be highlighted.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] selected The selected state.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Item_Group
+ */
+EAPI void elm_list_item_selected_set(Elm_List_Item *obj, Eina_Bool selected);
+ * @brief Get whether the item is selected or not.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return The selected state.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Item_Group
+ */
+EAPI Eina_Bool elm_list_item_selected_get(const Elm_List_Item *obj);
+ * @brief Get the real Evas(Edje) object created to implement the view of a
+ * given list item.
+ *
+ * Base object is the @c Evas_Object that represents that item.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return The base Edje object associated with the item.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Item_Group
+ */
+EAPI Efl_Canvas_Object *elm_list_item_object_get(const Elm_List_Item *obj);
+ * @brief Get the item before the item in list.
+ *
+ * @note If it is the first item, @c null will be returned.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return The item before or @c null.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Item_Group
+ */
+EAPI Elm_Widget_Item *elm_list_item_prev(const Elm_List_Item *obj);
+ * @brief Get the item after the item in list.
+ *
+ * @note If it is the last item, @c null will be returned.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return The item after or @c null.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Item_Group
+ */
+EAPI Elm_Widget_Item *elm_list_item_next(const Elm_List_Item *obj);
+ * @brief Show item in the list view.
+ *
+ * It won't animate list until item is visible. If such behavior is wanted, use
+ * @ref elm_list_item_bring_in instead.
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Item_Group
+ */
+EAPI void elm_list_item_show(Elm_List_Item *obj);
+ * @brief Bring in the given item to list view.
+ *
+ * This causes list to jump to the given item and show it (by scrolling), if it
+ * is not fully visible.
+ *
+ * This may use animation to do so and take a period of time.
+ *
+ * If animation isn't wanted, @ref elm_list_item_show can be used.
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_List_Item_Group
+ */
+EAPI void elm_list_item_bring_in(Elm_List_Item *obj);
diff --git a/src/lib/elementary/elm_list_legacy.h b/src/lib/elementary/elm_list_legacy.h
index a99532dfd2..0cdb591984 100644
--- a/src/lib/elementary/elm_list_legacy.h
+++ b/src/lib/elementary/elm_list_legacy.h
@@ -11,5 +11,5 @@
EAPI Evas_Object *elm_list_add(Evas_Object *parent);
-#include "elm_list_item.eo.legacy.h"
-#include "elm_list.eo.legacy.h"
+#include "elm_list_item_eo.legacy.h"
+#include "elm_list_eo.legacy.h"
diff --git a/src/lib/elementary/elm_widget_list.h b/src/lib/elementary/elm_widget_list.h
index 707f170e92..a92807de0f 100644
--- a/src/lib/elementary/elm_widget_list.h
+++ b/src/lib/elementary/elm_widget_list.h
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
#include "elm_interface_scrollable.h"
#include "elm_widget_layout.h"
-#include "elm_list.eo.h"
-#include "elm_list_item.eo.h"
+#include "elm_list_eo.h"
+#include "elm_list_item_eo.h"
diff --git a/src/lib/elementary/ b/src/lib/elementary/
index 52da8ea4b5..5880680949 100644
--- a/src/lib/elementary/
+++ b/src/lib/elementary/
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
pub_legacy_eo_files = [
- 'elm_list.eo',
@@ -17,7 +16,6 @@ pub_legacy_eo_files = [
- 'elm_list_item.eo',
@@ -766,6 +764,10 @@ elementary_pub_headers = [
+ 'elm_list_eo.h',
+ 'elm_list_eo.legacy.h',
+ 'elm_list_item_eo.h',
+ 'elm_list_item_eo.legacy.h',
elementary_header_src = [