path: root/src/lib/elementary/elm_web.eo
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/elementary/elm_web.eo')
1 files changed, 37 insertions, 81 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/elementary/elm_web.eo b/src/lib/elementary/elm_web.eo
index 5c7205e059..b377cdeb84 100644
--- a/src/lib/elementary/elm_web.eo
+++ b/src/lib/elementary/elm_web.eo
@@ -16,9 +16,10 @@ enum Elm.Web.Zoom_Mode
class Elm.Web (Elm.Widget)
+ legacy_prefix: elm_web;
eo_prefix: elm_obj_web;
methods {
- @property text_matches_highlight {
+ @property text_matches_highlight @virtual_pure {
set {
[[Sets whether to highlight the matched marks.
@@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ class Elm.Web (Elm.Widget)
highlight: bool; [[Whether to highlight the marks or not.]]
- @property useragent {
+ @property useragent @virtual_pure {
set {
[[Change useragent of a elm_web object.]]
@@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ class Elm.Web (Elm.Widget)
user_agent: const(char)*; [[String for useragent.]]
- @property url {
+ @property url @virtual_pure {
set {
[[Sets the URL for the web object.
@@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ class Elm.Web (Elm.Widget)
url: const(char)*; [[The URL to set.]]
- @property bg_color {
+ @property bg_color @virtual_pure {
set {
[[Sets the background color to be used by the web object.
@@ -89,7 +90,7 @@ class Elm.Web (Elm.Widget)
a: int; [[Alpha component.]]
- @property inwin_mode {
+ @property inwin_mode @virtual_pure {
set {
[[Sets the default dialogs to use an Inwin instead of a
normal window.
@@ -106,7 +107,7 @@ class Elm.Web (Elm.Widget)
value: bool;
- @property tab_propagate {
+ @property tab_propagate @virtual_pure {
set {
[[Sets whether to use tab propagation.
@@ -124,7 +125,7 @@ class Elm.Web (Elm.Widget)
propagate: bool; [[Whether to propagate Tab keys to Elementary or not.]]
- @property history_enabled {
+ @property history_enabled @virtual_pure {
set {
[[Enables or disables the browsing history.]]
@@ -135,7 +136,7 @@ class Elm.Web (Elm.Widget)
enable: bool; [[Whether to enable or disable the browsing history.]]
- @property zoom_mode {
+ @property zoom_mode @virtual_pure {
set {
[[Sets the zoom mode to use.
@@ -162,7 +163,7 @@ class Elm.Web (Elm.Widget)
mode: Elm.Web.Zoom_Mode; [[The mode to set.]]
- @property zoom {
+ @property zoom @virtual_pure {
set {
[[Sets the zoom level of the web object.
@@ -188,7 +189,7 @@ class Elm.Web (Elm.Widget)
@property console_message_hook {
- set {
+ set @virtual_pure {
[[Sets the function to call when a console message is emitted
from JS.
@@ -203,7 +204,7 @@ class Elm.Web (Elm.Widget)
@property window_create_hook {
- set {
+ set @virtual_pure {
[[Sets the function to call when a new window is requested.
This hook will be called when a request to create a new
@@ -219,7 +220,7 @@ class Elm.Web (Elm.Widget)
@property dialog_file_selector_hook {
- set {
+ set @virtual_pure {
[[Sets the function to call when an file selector dialog.
This hook will be called when a JavaScript file selector
@@ -234,7 +235,7 @@ class Elm.Web (Elm.Widget)
@property dialog_confirm_hook {
- set {
+ set @virtual_pure {
[[Sets the function to call when an confirm dialog.
This hook will be called when a JavaScript confirm dialog is
@@ -248,7 +249,7 @@ class Elm.Web (Elm.Widget)
@property popup_selected {
- set {
+ set @virtual_pure {
[[Tells the web object which index in the currently open popup
was selected.
@@ -263,7 +264,7 @@ class Elm.Web (Elm.Widget)
@property dialog_prompt_hook {
- set {
+ set @virtual_pure {
[[Sets the function to call when an prompt dialog.
This hook will be called when a JavaScript prompt dialog is
@@ -277,7 +278,7 @@ class Elm.Web (Elm.Widget)
@property dialog_alert_hook {
- set {
+ set @virtual_pure {
[[Sets the function to call when an alert dialog.
This hook will be called when a JavaScript alert dialog is
@@ -291,13 +292,13 @@ class Elm.Web (Elm.Widget)
@property forward_possible {
- get {
+ get @virtual_pure {
[[Queries whether it's possible to go forward in history.]]
return: bool;
@property webkit_view {
- get {
+ get @virtual_pure {
[[Get internal ewk_view object from web object.
Elementary may not provide some low level features of EWebKit,
@@ -312,13 +313,13 @@ class Elm.Web (Elm.Widget)
@property back_possible {
- get {
+ get @virtual_pure {
[[Queries whether it's possible to go back in history.]]
return: bool;
@property load_progress {
- get {
+ get @virtual_pure {
[[Get the overall loading progress of the page.
Returns the estimated loading progress of the page, with a
@@ -330,7 +331,7 @@ class Elm.Web (Elm.Widget)
@property selection {
- get {
+ get @virtual_pure {
[[Get a copy of the currently selected text.
The string returned must be freed by the user when it's done
@@ -342,7 +343,7 @@ class Elm.Web (Elm.Widget)
@property title {
- get {
+ get @virtual_pure {
[[Get the current title.
The returned string must not be freed and is guaranteed to be
@@ -354,7 +355,7 @@ class Elm.Web (Elm.Widget)
- navigate {
+ navigate @virtual_pure {
[[Jumps the given number of steps in the browsing history.
The $steps value can be a negative integer to back in history,
@@ -366,14 +367,14 @@ class Elm.Web (Elm.Widget)
@in steps: int; [[The number of steps to jump.]]
- back {
+ back @virtual_pure {
[[Goes back one step in the browsing history.
This is equivalent to calling elm_web_object_navigate(obj, -1);
return: bool;
- html_string_load {
+ html_string_load @virtual_pure {
[[Loads the specified $html string as the content of the web
@@ -393,7 +394,7 @@ class Elm.Web (Elm.Widget)
@in unreachable_url: const(char)* @optional; [[URL that could not be reached (optional).]]
- text_search @const {
+ text_search @const @virtual_pure {
[[Searches the given string in a document.]]
return: bool; [[$true if the given string was found, $false if not
or failure.]]
@@ -404,7 +405,7 @@ class Elm.Web (Elm.Widget)
@in wrap: bool; [[If search should wrap at the end.]]
- popup_destroy {
+ popup_destroy @virtual_pure {
[[Dismisses an open dropdown popup
When the popup from a dropdown widget is to be dismissed, either
@@ -416,7 +417,7 @@ class Elm.Web (Elm.Widget)
return: bool; [[$true if the menu was successfully destroyed, or
$false if there was no menu to destroy.]]
- region_show {
+ region_show @virtual_pure {
[[Shows the given region in the web object.]]
params {
@in x: int; [[The x coordinate of the region to show.]]
@@ -425,7 +426,7 @@ class Elm.Web (Elm.Widget)
@in h: int; [[The height of the region to show.]]
- forward {
+ forward @virtual_pure {
[[Goes forward one step in the browsing history.
This is equivalent to calling elm_web_object_navigate(obj, 1);
@@ -435,7 +436,7 @@ class Elm.Web (Elm.Widget)
return: bool; [[$true on success, $false otherwise.]]
- text_matches_mark {
+ text_matches_mark @virtual_pure {
[[Marks matches of the given string in a document.]]
return: uint; [[Number of matched $string.]]
params {
@@ -445,7 +446,7 @@ class Elm.Web (Elm.Widget)
@in limit: uint; [[Maximum amount of matches, or zero to unlimited.]]
- region_bring_in {
+ region_bring_in @virtual_pure {
[[Brings in the region to the visible area.
Like @.region_show, but it animates the scrolling of the object
@@ -458,7 +459,7 @@ class Elm.Web (Elm.Widget)
@in h: int; [[The height of the region to show.]]
- stop {
+ stop @virtual_pure {
[[Stops loading the current page.
Cancels the loading of the current page in the web object. This
@@ -467,7 +468,7 @@ class Elm.Web (Elm.Widget)
return: bool; [[$true if the cancel was successful, $false otherwise.]]
- navigate_possible_get {
+ navigate_possible_get @virtual_pure {
[[Queries whether it's possible to jump the given number of steps.
The $steps value can be a negative integer to back in history,
@@ -479,17 +480,17 @@ class Elm.Web (Elm.Widget)
@in steps: int; [[The number of steps to check for.]]
- reload_full {
+ reload_full @virtual_pure {
[[Requests a reload of the current document, avoiding any
existing caches.
return: bool; [[$true on success, $false otherwise.]]
- text_matches_unmark_all {
+ text_matches_unmark_all @virtual_pure {
[[Clears all marked matches in the document.]]
return: bool; [[$true on success, $false otherwise.]]
- reload {
+ reload @virtual_pure {
[[Requests a reload of the current document in the object.]]
return: bool; [[$true on success, $false otherwise.]]
@@ -497,51 +498,6 @@ class Elm.Web (Elm.Widget)
implements {
- @virtual .tab_propagate.get;
- @virtual .tab_propagate.set;
- @virtual .webkit_view.get;
- @virtual .window_create_hook.set;
- @virtual .dialog_alert_hook.set;
- @virtual .dialog_confirm_hook.set;
- @virtual .dialog_prompt_hook.set;
- @virtual .dialog_file_selector_hook.set;
- @virtual .console_message_hook.set;
- @virtual .useragent.set;
- @virtual .useragent.get;
- @virtual .url.set;
- @virtual .url.get;
- @virtual .html_string_load;
- @virtual .title.get;
- @virtual .bg_color.set;
- @virtual .bg_color.get;
- @virtual .selection.get;
- @virtual .popup_selected.set;
- @virtual .popup_destroy;
- @virtual .text_search;
- @virtual .text_matches_mark;
- @virtual .text_matches_unmark_all;
- @virtual .text_matches_highlight.set;
- @virtual .text_matches_highlight.get;
- @virtual .load_progress.get;
- @virtual .stop;
- @virtual .reload;
- @virtual .reload_full;
- @virtual .back;
- @virtual .forward;
- @virtual .navigate;
- @virtual .back_possible.get;
- @virtual .forward_possible.get;
- @virtual .navigate_possible_get;
- @virtual .history_enabled.get;
- @virtual .history_enabled.set;
- @virtual .zoom.set;
- @virtual .zoom.get;
- @virtual .zoom_mode.set;
- @virtual .zoom_mode.get;
- @virtual .region_show;
- @virtual .region_bring_in;
- @virtual .inwin_mode.set;
- @virtual .inwin_mode.get;
events {