path: root/src/bindings/lua/eina/accessor.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/bindings/lua/eina/accessor.lua')
1 files changed, 132 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/bindings/lua/eina/accessor.lua b/src/bindings/lua/eina/accessor.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d2068fc8b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/lua/eina/accessor.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+-- EFL LuaJIT bindings: Eina (accessor module)
+-- For use with Elua
+local ffi = require("ffi")
+local C = ffi.C
+ffi.cdef [[
+ typedef struct _Eina_Accessor Eina_Accessor;
+ typedef unsigned char Eina_Bool;
+ void eina_accessor_free (Eina_Accessor *accessor);
+ Eina_Bool eina_accessor_data_get (Eina_Accessor *accessor,
+ unsigned int position,
+ void **data);
+ Eina_Bool eina_accessor_lock (Eina_Accessor *accessor);
+ Eina_Bool eina_accessor_unlock (Eina_Accessor *accessor);
+ Eina_Accessor *eina_accessor_clone (Eina_Accessor *accessor);
+ void *eina_accessor_container_get(Eina_Accessor *accessor);
+local cutil = require("cutil")
+local util = require("util")
+local M = {}
+local eina
+local init = function()
+ eina = util.lib_load("eina")
+local shutdown = function()
+ util.lib_unload("eina")
+ffi.metatype("Eina_Accessor", {
+ __index = {
+ free = function(self) eina.eina_accessor_free(ffi.gc(self, nil)) end,
+ data_get = function(self, position)
+ local data ="void*[1]")
+ local r = eina.eina_accessor_data_get(self, position - 1, data)
+ if r == 0 then return nil end
+ return data[0]
+ end,
+ lock = function(self) return eina.eina_accessor_lock (self) ~= 0 end,
+ unlock = function(self) return eina.eina_accessor_unlock(self) ~= 0 end,
+ clone = function(self)
+ local v = eina.eina_accessor_clone(self)
+ if v == ffi.nullptr then return nil end
+ return v
+ end,
+ container_get = function(self)
+ local v = eina.eina_accessor_container_get(self)
+ if v == ffi.nullptr then return nil end
+ return v
+ end
+ }
+cutil.init_module(init, shutdown)
+local dgetmt = debug.getmetatable
+M.Accessor = util.Readonly_Object:clone {
+ __ctor = function(self, selfmt, acc)
+ -- prevent null stuff
+ if acc == ffi.nullptr then acc = nil end
+ if acc then ffi.gc(acc, end
+ selfmt.__eq = function(self, other)
+ return selfmt.__accessor == dgetmt(other).__accessor
+ end
+ selfmt.__call = function(self)
+ return self:next()
+ end
+ local oi = selfmt.__index
+ selfmt.__index = function(self, name)
+ if type(name) == "number" then return self:data_get(name) end
+ return oi[name]
+ end
+ selfmt.__accessor = acc
+ end,
+ free = function(self)
+ self = dgetmt(self)
+ if not self.__accessor then return end
+ self.__accessor:free()
+ self.__accessor = nil
+ end,
+ lock = function(self)
+ self = dgetmt(self)
+ if not self.__accessor then return false end
+ return self.__accessor:lock()
+ end,
+ unlock = function(self)
+ self = dgetmt(self)
+ if not self.__accessor then return false end
+ return self.__accessor:unlock()
+ end,
+ clone = function(self)
+ self = dgetmt(self)
+ if not self.__accessor then return nil end
+ return self.__protos[1](self.__accessor:clone())
+ end,
+ data_get = function(self, pos)
+ self = dgetmt(self)
+ if not self.__accessor then return nil end
+ return self.__accessor:data_get(pos)
+ end,
+ container_get = function(self)
+ self = dgetmt(self)
+ if not self.__accessor then return end
+ return self.__accessor:container_get()
+ end,
+ each = function(self)
+ local acc = dgetmt(self).__accessor
+ if not acc then return nil end
+ local cnt = 0
+ return function()
+ cnt = cnt + 1
+ local v = self:data_get(cnt)
+ if v then return cnt, v end
+ end
+ end
+return M