path: root/src/scripts/pyolian/
diff options
authorDave Andreoli <>2017-12-28 16:10:04 +0100
committerDave Andreoli <>2017-12-28 16:10:04 +0100
commit15c7bbf5fab8d9d7478b906323fde2c6c147a6d7 (patch)
tree173c60b1c379a04ec666b2ee677d32df3c2e5fff /src/scripts/pyolian/
parent455f2414635237ed8cebbd1d8ab324d8ec7c167f (diff)
Pyolian template-based generator.
This is a really powerfull tool that can be used to generate anything eolian releted just providing a template file. You can then render the template with the wanted scope (class, namespace, enum, etc) For example give a try at this (from the src/srcipts/pyolian folder): ./ test_gen_class.template --cls Efl.Loop.Timer or ./ -h for the full help Next step: maybe generate the new efl API doc using this tool? @andy I think this will make your life much easier :)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/scripts/pyolian/')
1 files changed, 206 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/scripts/pyolian/ b/src/scripts/pyolian/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..b1e9bca786
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/scripts/pyolian/
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# encoding: utf-8
+Pyolian template based generator.
+This is a really powerfull template-based, output-agnostic eolian generator.
+You just need a template file and then you can render it with the
+wanted eolian scope (class, namespace, enum, struct, etc...).
+For example (from this source folder):
+./ test_gen_class.template --cls Efl.Loop.Timer
+./ test_gen_namespace.template --ns Efl.Ui
+...of course you can pass any other class or namespace to the example above.
+You can also import this module and use the provided Template class if you
+are more confortable from within python.
+The generator is based on the great pyratemp engine (THANKS!), you can find
+the full template syntax at:
+Just keep in mind the syntax is a bit different in this implementation:
+ sub_start = "${" Was "$!" in original pyratemp (and in docs)
+ sub_end = "}$" Was "!$" in original pyratemp (and in docs)
+ _block_start = "<!--("
+ _block_end = ")-->"
+ comment_start = "#!"
+ comment_end = "!#"
+import os
+import datetime
+import eolian
+import pyratemp
+# logging utils
+be_verbose = True
+def ERR(*args): print(*(('PYOLIANGEN ERROR:', ) + args))
+def WRN(*args): print(*(('PYOLIANGEN WARNING:', ) + args))
+def INF(*args): print(*(('PYOLIANGEN ', ) + args))
+# Use .eo files from the source tree (not the installed ones)
+script_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+root_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(script_path, '..', '..', '..'))
+SCAN_FOLDER = os.path.join(root_path, 'src', 'lib')
+# load the whole eolian db
+eolian_db = eolian.Eolian()
+if not isinstance(eolian_db, eolian.Eolian):
+ raise(RuntimeError('Eolian, failed to create Eolian state'))
+if not eolian_db.directory_scan(SCAN_FOLDER):
+ raise(RuntimeError('Eolian, failed to scan source directory'))
+if not eolian_db.all_eot_files_parse():
+ raise(RuntimeError('Eolian, failed to parse all EOT files'))
+if not eolian_db.all_eo_files_parse():
+ raise(RuntimeError('Eolian, failed to parse all EO files'))
+# cleanup the database on exit
+import atexit
+def cleanup_db():
+ global eolian_db
+ del eolian_db
+class Template(pyratemp.Template):
+ """ Pyolian template based generator.
+ You can directly use this class to generate custom outputs based
+ on the eolian database and your provided templates.
+ Usage is as simple as:
+ t = Template(<template_file>)
+ t.render(<output_file>, cls=..., ns=..., ...)
+ Args:
+ filename: Template file to load. (REQUIRED)
+ data: User provided context for the template.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, filename, encoding='utf-8', data=None, escape=None,
+ loader_class=pyratemp.LoaderFile,
+ parser_class=pyratemp.Parser,
+ renderer_class=pyratemp.Renderer,
+ eval_class=pyratemp.EvalPseudoSandbox):
+ # Build the global context for the template
+ global_ctx = {}
+ # user provided context (low pri)
+ if data:
+ global_ctx.update(data)
+ # standard names (not overwritables)
+ global_ctx.update({
+ # Template info
+ 'date':,
+ 'template_file': os.path.basename(filename),
+ # Eolian info
+ # 'eolian_version': eolian.__version__,
+ # 'eolian_version_info': eolian.__version_info__,
+ # Eolian Enums
+ 'Eolian_Function_Type': eolian.Eolian_Function_Type,
+ 'Eolian_Parameter_Dir': eolian.Eolian_Parameter_Dir,
+ 'Eolian_Class_Type': eolian.Eolian_Class_Type,
+ 'Eolian_Object_Scope': eolian.Eolian_Object_Scope,
+ 'Eolian_Typedecl_Type': eolian.Eolian_Typedecl_Type,
+ 'Eolian_Type_Type': eolian.Eolian_Type_Type,
+ 'Eolian_Type_Builtin_Type': eolian.Eolian_Type_Builtin_Type,
+ 'Eolian_C_Type_Type': eolian.Eolian_C_Type_Type,
+ 'Eolian_Expression_Type': eolian.Eolian_Expression_Type,
+ 'Eolian_Expression_Mask': eolian.Eolian_Expression_Mask,
+ 'Eolian_Variable_Type': eolian.Eolian_Variable_Type,
+ 'Eolian_Binary_Operator': eolian.Eolian_Binary_Operator,
+ 'Eolian_Unary_Operator': eolian.Eolian_Unary_Operator,
+ 'Eolian_Declaration_Type': eolian.Eolian_Declaration_Type,
+ 'Eolian_Doc_Token_Type': eolian.Eolian_Doc_Token_Type,
+ 'Eolian_Doc_Ref_Type': eolian.Eolian_Doc_Ref_Type,
+ })
+ # Call the parent __init__ func
+ self.template_filename = filename
+ pyratemp.Template.__init__(self, filename=filename, encoding=encoding,
+ data=global_ctx, escape=escape,
+ loader_class=loader_class,
+ parser_class=parser_class,
+ renderer_class=renderer_class,
+ eval_class=eval_class)
+ def render(self, filename=None, cls=None, ns=None,
+ struct=None, enum=None, alias=None, **kargs):
+ # Build the context for the template
+ ctx = {}
+ if kargs:
+ ctx.update(kargs)
+ if cls:
+ ctx['cls'] = eolian_db.class_get_by_name(cls)
+ if struct:
+ ctx['struct'] = eolian_db.typedecl_struct_get_by_name(struct)
+ if enum:
+ ctx['enum'] = eolian_db.typedecl_enum_get_by_name(enum)
+ if alias:
+ ctx['alias'] = eolian_db.typedecl_alias_get_by_name(alias)
+ if ns:
+ ctx['namespace'] = ns
+ ctx['namespaces'] = ns.split('.')
+ ctx['classes'] = [ c for c in eolian_db.all_classes
+ if c.full_name.startswith(ns + '.') ]
+ ctx['aliases'] = [ a for a in eolian_db.typedecl_all_aliases
+ if a.full_name.startswith(ns + '.') ]
+ ctx['structs'] = [ s for s in eolian_db.typedecl_all_structs
+ if s.full_name.startswith(ns + '.') ]
+ ctx['enums'] = [ e for e in eolian_db.typedecl_all_enums
+ if e.full_name.startswith(ns + '.') ]
+ if filename is not None:
+ INF('generating "%s" from template "%s"' % (
+ filename, self.template_filename))
+ # render with the augmented context
+ output = self(**ctx)
+ if filename is not None:
+ # create directory tree if needed
+ folder = os.path.dirname(filename)
+ if folder and not os.path.isdir(folder):
+ os.makedirs(folder)
+ # write to file
+ with open(filename, "w") as f:
+ f.write(output)
+ else:
+ # or print to stdout
+ print(output)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import argparse
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Pyolian generator.')
+ parser.add_argument('template',
+ help='The template file to use. (REQUIRED)')
+ parser.add_argument('--output', '-o', metavar='FILE', default=None,
+ help='Where to write the rendered output. '
+ 'If not given will print to stdout.')
+ parser.add_argument('--cls', metavar='CLASS_NAME', default=None,
+ help='The full name of the class to render, ex: Efl.Loop.Timer')
+ parser.add_argument('--ns', metavar='NAMESPACE', default=None,
+ help='The namespace to render, ex: Efl.Loop')
+ parser.add_argument('--struct', metavar='STRUCT_NAME', default=None,
+ help='The name of the struct to render, ex: Efl.Loop.Arguments')
+ parser.add_argument('--enum', metavar='ENUM_NAME', default=None,
+ help='The name of the enum to render, ex: Efl.Loop.Handler.Flags')
+ parser.add_argument('--alias', metavar='ALIAS_NAME', default=None,
+ help='The name of the alias to render, ex: Efl.Font.Size')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ t = Template(args.template)
+ t.render(args.output, cls=args.cls, ns=args.ns,
+ struct=args.struct, enum=args.enum, alias=args.alias)