path: root/lisp/term
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Diffstat (limited to 'lisp/term')
28 files changed, 1445 insertions, 2111 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/term/COPYING b/lisp/term/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9a170375811
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/term/COPYING
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+ Version 1, February 1989
+ Copyright (C) 1989 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The license agreements of most software companies try to keep users
+at the mercy of those companies. By contrast, our General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. The
+General Public License applies to the Free Software Foundation's
+software and to any other program whose authors commit to using it.
+You can use it for your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Specifically, the General Public License is designed to make
+sure that you have the freedom to give away or sell copies of free
+software, that you receive source code or can get it if you want it,
+that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free
+programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of a such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must tell them their rights.
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License Agreement applies to any program or other work which
+contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be
+distributed under the terms of this General Public License. The
+"Program", below, refers to any such program or work, and a "work based
+on the Program" means either the Program or any work containing the
+Program or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications. Each
+licensee is addressed as "you".
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's source
+code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
+appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and
+disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this
+General Public License and to the absence of any warranty; and give any
+other recipients of the Program a copy of this General Public License
+along with the Program. You may charge a fee for the physical act of
+transferring a copy.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of
+it, and copy and distribute such modifications under the terms of Paragraph
+1 above, provided that you also do the following:
+ a) cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that
+ you changed the files and the date of any change; and
+ b) cause the whole of any work that you distribute or publish, that
+ in whole or in part contains the Program or any part thereof, either
+ with or without modifications, to be licensed at no charge to all
+ third parties under the terms of this General Public License (except
+ that you may choose to grant warranty protection to some or all
+ third parties, at your option).
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when
+ run, you must cause it, when started running for such interactive use
+ in the simplest and most usual way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a notice
+ that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide a
+ warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under these
+ conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this General
+ Public License.
+ d) You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a
+ copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection in
+ exchange for a fee.
+Mere aggregation of another independent work with the Program (or its
+derivative) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring
+the other work under the scope of these terms.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a portion or derivative of
+it, under Paragraph 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Paragraphs 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of
+ Paragraphs 1 and 2 above; or,
+ b) accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party free (except for a nominal charge
+ for the cost of distribution) a complete machine-readable copy of the
+ corresponding source code, to be distributed under the terms of
+ Paragraphs 1 and 2 above; or,
+ c) accompany it with the information you received as to where the
+ corresponding source code may be obtained. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form alone.)
+Source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making
+modifications to it. For an executable file, complete source code means
+all the source code for all modules it contains; but, as a special
+exception, it need not include source code for modules which are standard
+libraries that accompany the operating system on which the executable
+file runs, or for standard header files or definitions files that
+accompany that operating system.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, distribute or transfer the
+Program except as expressly provided under this General Public License.
+Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, distribute or transfer
+the Program is void, and will automatically terminate your rights to use
+the Program under this License. However, parties who have received
+copies, or rights to use copies, from you under this General Public
+License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties
+remain in full compliance.
+ 5. By copying, distributing or modifying the Program (or any work based
+on the Program) you indicate your acceptance of this license to do so,
+and all its terms and conditions.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original
+licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to these
+terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the
+recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+ 7. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of the license which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+the license, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 8. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to humanity, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest to
+attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively convey
+the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the
+"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) 19yy <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19xx name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the
+appropriate parts of the General Public License. Of course, the
+commands you use may be called something other than `show w' and `show
+c'; they could even be mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the
+ program `Gnomovision' (a program to direct compilers to make passes
+ at assemblers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+That's all there is to it!
diff --git a/lisp/term/apollo.el b/lisp/term/apollo.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3b75d654c50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/term/apollo.el
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+(load "term/vt100")
diff --git a/lisp/term/at386.el b/lisp/term/at386.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..65848affb74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/term/at386.el
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+;;; Dell 325D (UNIX SVR4) as AT386 UNIX PC keyboard definitions
+;;; Based on Brant Cheikes (, manta!brant)
+;;; unixpc.el.
+;;; Mark J. Hewitt (
+;;; 8-apr-91
+;;; The AT386 keyboard mapping has three types of prefix keys:
+;;; <esc> [ for cursor positioning and keypad
+;;; <esc> O for function keys
+;;; <esc> N for ALT keys
+;;; *NOTE* Care is required when using ALT bound as a simple META key.
+;;; It works for most normal key sequences, but some ALT-CTRL
+;;; (aka M-C-x) are intercepted locally. F'rinstance M-C-d would
+;;; break to the kernel debugger, kdb (!).
+(require 'keypad) ; for keypad-defaults
+(defvar Dell-map-1 nil
+ "The <esc>O keys (Function) on the Dell Unix PC.")
+(defvar Dell-map-3 nil
+ "The <esc>[ keys (Right-hand keypads) on the Dell Unix PC.")
+(defun enable-function-keys ()
+ "Enable the use of the keypad and function keys.
+Because of the nature of the PC keyboard under Unix,
+this unavoidably breaks a standard Emacs command (M-[);
+therefore, it is not done by default, but only if you give this command."
+ (interactive)
+ (global-set-key "\eO" Dell-map-1)
+ (global-set-key "\eN" 'ESC-prefix)
+ (global-set-key "\e[" Dell-map-3)
+;;; Create a few new keypad defaults.
+(keypad-default "5" 'set-mark-command)
+(keypad-default "I" 'yank)
+(keypad-default "x" 'call-last-kbd-macro)
+(keypad-default "\C-f" 'info)
+(keypad-default "\C-g" 'overwrite-mode)
+(keypad-default "\C-h" 'auto-fill-mode)
+(keypad-default "\C-i" 'abbrev-mode)
+(keypad-default "\C-j" 'browse-yank)
+; There are no definitions for these functions.
+;(keypad-default "\C-l" 'Dell-132)
+;(keypad-default "\C-m" 'Dell-80)
+(keypad-default "\C-n" 'scroll-other-window)
+(keypad-default "\C-o" 'other-window)
+(keypad-default "\C-p" 'repeat-complex-command)
+;; Now populate the maps, if they are enabled.
+(if Dell-map-1
+ nil
+ (setq Dell-map-1 (make-keymap)) ; <ESC>O (function key) commands
+ (setup-terminal-keymap Dell-map-1
+ '(("P" . ??) ; F1 (help)
+ ("p" . ?\^f) ; Shift F1 (info)
+ ("Q" . ?\^g) ; F2 (overwrite-mode)
+ ("q" . ?\^g) ; Shift F2 (overwrite-mode)
+ ("R" . ?\^h) ; F3 (auto-fill-mode)
+ ("r" . ?\^h) ; Shift F3 (auto-fill-mode)
+ ("S" . ?\^i) ; F4 (abbrev-mode)
+ ("s" . ?\^i) ; Shift F4 (abbrev-mode)
+ ("T" . ?\^j) ; F5 (browse-yank)
+ ("t" . ?\^j) ; Shift F5 (browse-yank)
+ ("U" . ?\^l) ; F6 (Dell-132)
+ ("u" . ?\^m) ; Shift F6 (Dell-80)
+ ("V" . nil) ; F7
+ ("v" . nil) ; Shift F7
+ ("W" . ?\^n) ; F8 (scroll-other-window)
+ ("w" . ?\^o) ; Shift F8 (other-window)
+ ("X" . nil) ; F9
+ ("x" . nil) ; Shift F9
+ ("Y" . nil) ; F10
+ ("y" . nil) ; Shift F10
+ ("Z" . ?\^p) ; F11 (repeat-complex-command)
+ ("z" . ?\^p) ; Shift F11 (repeat-complex-command)
+ ("A" . ?x) ; F12 (call-last-kbd-macro)
+ ("a" . ?x) ; Shift F12 (call-last-kbd-macro)
+ )))
+(if Dell-map-3
+ nil
+ (setq Dell-map-3 (make-sparse-keymap)) ; <ESC>[ commands
+ (setup-terminal-keymap Dell-map-3
+ '(("A" . ?u) ; Up Arrow (previous-line)
+ ("B" . ?d) ; Down Arrow (next-line)
+ ("C" . ?r) ; Right Arrow (forward-char)
+ ("D" . ?l) ; Left Arrow (backward-char)
+ ("H" . ?\^a) ; Home (beginning-of-line)
+ ("Y" . ?\^b) ; End (end-of-line)
+ ("@" . ?I) ; Insert (yank)
+ ("U" . ?N) ; Page Up (scroll-up)
+ ("V" . ?P) ; Shift-Page (scroll-down)
+ ("G" . ?5) ; pad 5 (set-mark-command)
+ )))
diff --git a/lisp/term/bbn.el b/lisp/term/bbn.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9affcc21281
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/term/bbn.el
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+(load (concat term-file-prefix "bg") nil t)
diff --git a/lisp/term/bg-mouse.el b/lisp/term/bg-mouse.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b83f5f6c2a..00000000000
--- a/lisp/term/bg-mouse.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
-;; GNU Emacs code for BBN Bitgraph mouse.
-;; Copyright (C) Free Software Foundation, Inc. Oct 1985.
-;; Time stamp <89/03/21 14:27:08 gildea>
-;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
-;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
-;; any later version.
-;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-;; the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-;;; Original version by John Robinson (, bbncca!jr), Oct 1985
-;;; Modularized and enhanced by Nov 1987
-(provide 'bg-mouse)
-;;; User customization option:
-(defvar bg-mouse-fast-select-window nil
- "*Non-nil for mouse hits to select new window, then execute; else just select.")
-;;; These numbers are summed to make the index into the mouse-map.
-;;; The low three bits correspond to what the mouse actually sends.
-(defconst bg-button-r 1)
-(defconst bg-button-m 2)
-(defconst bg-button-c 2)
-(defconst bg-button-l 4)
-(defconst bg-in-modeline 8)
-(defconst bg-in-scrollbar 16)
-(defconst bg-in-minibuf 24)
-;;; semicolon screws up indenting, so use this instead
-(defconst semicolon ?\;)
-;;; Defuns:
-(defun bg-mouse-report (prefix-arg)
- "Read, parse, and execute a BBN BitGraph mouse click.
-L-- move point | These apply for mouse click in a window.
---R set mark | If bg-mouse-fast-select-window is nil,
-L-R kill region | these commands on a nonselected window
--C- move point and yank | just select that window.
-LC- yank-pop |
--CR or LCR undo | \"Scroll bar\" is right-hand window column.
-on modeline: on \"scroll bar\": in minibuffer:
-L-- scroll-up line to top execute-extended-command
---R scroll-down line to bottom eval-expression
--C- proportional goto-char line to middle suspend-emacs
-To reinitialize the mouse if the terminal is reset, type ESC : RET"
- (interactive "P")
- (bg-get-tty-num semicolon)
- (let*
- ((screen-mouse-x (min (1- (screen-width)) ;don't hit column 86!
- (/ (bg-get-tty-num semicolon) 9)))
- (screen-mouse-y (- (1- (screen-height)) ;assume default font size.
- (/ (bg-get-tty-num semicolon) 16)))
- (bg-mouse-buttons (% (bg-get-tty-num ?c) 8))
- (bg-mouse-window (bg-window-from-x-y screen-mouse-x screen-mouse-y))
- (bg-cursor-window (selected-window))
- (edges (window-edges bg-mouse-window))
- (minibuf-p (= screen-mouse-y (1- (screen-height))))
- (in-modeline-p (and (not minibuf-p)
- (= screen-mouse-y (1- (nth 3 edges)))))
- (in-scrollbar-p (and (not minibuf-p) (not in-modeline-p)
- (>= screen-mouse-x (1- (nth 2 edges)))))
- (same-window-p (eq bg-mouse-window bg-cursor-window))
- (in-minibuf-p (and minibuf-p
- (not bg-mouse-window))) ;minibuf must be inactive
- (bg-mode-bits (+ (if in-minibuf-p bg-in-minibuf 0)
- (if in-modeline-p bg-in-modeline 0)
- (if in-scrollbar-p bg-in-scrollbar 0)))
- (bg-command
- (lookup-key mouse-map
- (char-to-string (+ bg-mode-bits bg-mouse-buttons))))
- (bg-mouse-x (- screen-mouse-x (nth 0 edges)))
- (bg-mouse-y (- screen-mouse-y (nth 1 edges))))
- (cond ((or in-modeline-p in-scrollbar-p)
- (select-window bg-mouse-window)
- (bg-command-execute bg-command)
- (select-window bg-cursor-window))
- ((or same-window-p in-minibuf-p)
- (bg-command-execute bg-command))
- (t ;in another window
- (select-window bg-mouse-window)
- (if bg-mouse-fast-select-window
- (bg-command-execute bg-command)))
- )))
-;;; Library of commands:
-(defun bg-set-point ()
- "Move point to location of BitGraph mouse."
- (interactive)
- (bg-move-point-to-x-y bg-mouse-x bg-mouse-y)
- (setq this-command 'next-line) ;make subsequent line moves work
- (setq temporary-goal-column bg-mouse-x))
-(defun bg-set-mark ()
- "Set mark at location of BitGraph mouse."
- (interactive)
- (push-mark)
- (bg-move-point-to-x-y bg-mouse-x bg-mouse-y)
- (exchange-point-and-mark))
-(defun bg-yank ()
- "Move point to location of BitGraph mouse and yank."
- (interactive "*")
- (bg-move-point-to-x-y bg-mouse-x bg-mouse-y)
- (setq this-command 'yank)
- (yank))
-(defun yank-pop-1 ()
- (interactive "*")
- (yank-pop 1))
-(defun bg-yank-or-pop ()
- "Move point to location of BitGraph mouse and yank. If last command
-was a yank, do a yank-pop."
- (interactive "*")
- (if (eql last-command 'yank)
- (yank-pop 1)
- (bg-yank)))
-;;; In 18.51, Emacs Lisp doesn't provide most-positive-fixnum
-(defconst bg-most-positive-fixnum 8388607)
-(defun bg-move-by-percentage ()
- "Go to location in buffer that is the same percentage of the way
-through the buffer as the BitGraph mouse's X position in the window."
- (interactive)
- ;; check carefully for overflow in intermediate calculations
- (goto-char
- (cond ((zerop bg-mouse-x)
- 0)
- ((< (buffer-size) (/ bg-most-positive-fixnum bg-mouse-x))
- ;; no danger of overflow: compute it exactly
- (/ (* bg-mouse-x (buffer-size))
- (1- (window-width))))
- (t
- ;; overflow possible: approximate
- (* (/ (buffer-size) (1- (window-width)))
- bg-mouse-x))))
- (beginning-of-line)
- (what-cursor-position))
-(defun bg-mouse-line-to-top ()
- "Scroll the line pointed to by the BitGraph mouse to the top of the window."
- (interactive)
- (scroll-up bg-mouse-y))
-(defun bg-mouse-line-to-center ()
- "Scroll the line pointed to by the BitGraph mouse to the center
-of the window"
- (interactive)
- (scroll-up (/ (+ 2 bg-mouse-y bg-mouse-y (- (window-height))) 2)))
-(defun bg-mouse-line-to-bottom ()
- "Scroll the line pointed to by the mouse to the bottom of the window."
- (interactive)
- (scroll-up (+ bg-mouse-y (- 2 (window-height)))))
-(defun bg-kill-region ()
- (interactive "*")
- (kill-region (region-beginning) (region-end)))
-(defun bg-insert-moused-sexp ()
- "Insert a copy of the word (actually sexp) that the mouse is pointing at.
-Sexp is inserted into the buffer at point (where the text cursor is)."
- (interactive)
- (let ((moused-text
- (save-excursion
- (bg-move-point-to-x-y bg-mouse-x bg-mouse-y)
- (if (looking-at "\\s)")
- (forward-char 1)
- (forward-sexp 1))
- (buffer-substring (save-excursion (backward-sexp 1) (point))
- (point)))))
- (select-window bg-cursor-window)
- (delete-horizontal-space)
- (cond
- ((bolp)
- (indent-according-to-mode))
- ;; In Lisp assume double-quote is closing; in Text assume opening.
- ;; Why? Because it does the right thing most often.
- ((save-excursion (forward-char -1)
- (and (not (looking-at "\\s\""))
- (looking-at "[`'\"\\]\\|\\s(")))
- nil)
- (t
- (insert-string " ")))
- (insert-string moused-text)
- (or (eolp)
- (looking-at "\\s.\\|\\s)")
- (and (looking-at "'") (looking-at "\\sw")) ;hack for text mode
- (save-excursion (insert-string " ")))))
-;;; Utility functions:
-(defun bg-get-tty-num (term-char)
- "Read from terminal until TERM-CHAR is read, and return intervening number.
-If non-numeric not matching TERM-CHAR, reprogram the mouse and signal an error."
- (let
- ((num 0)
- (char (- (read-char) 48)))
- (while (and (>= char 0)
- (<= char 9))
- (setq num (+ (* num 10) char))
- (setq char (- (read-char) 48)))
- (or (eq term-char (+ char 48))
- (progn
- (bg-program-mouse)
- (error
- "Invalid data format in bg-mouse command: mouse reinitialized.")))
- num))
-;;; Note that this fails in the minibuf because move-to-column doesn't
-;;; allow for the width of the prompt.
-(defun bg-move-point-to-x-y (x y)
- "Position cursor in window coordinates.
-X and Y are 0-based character positions in the window."
- (move-to-window-line y)
- ;; if not on a wrapped line, zero-column will be 0
- (let ((zero-column (current-column))
- (scroll-offset (window-hscroll)))
- ;; scrolling takes up column 0 to display the $
- (if (> scroll-offset 0)
- (setq scroll-offset (1- scroll-offset)))
- (move-to-column (+ zero-column scroll-offset x))
- ))
-;;; Returns the window that screen position (x, y) is in or nil if none,
-;;; meaning we are in the echo area with a non-active minibuffer.
-;;; If coordinates-in-window-p were not in an X-windows-specific file
-;;; we could use that. In Emacs 19 can even use locate-window-from-coordinates
-(defun bg-window-from-x-y (x y)
- "Find window corresponding to screen coordinates.
-X and Y are 0-based character positions on the screen."
- (let ((edges (window-edges))
- (window nil))
- (while (and (not (eq window (selected-window)))
- (or (< y (nth 1 edges))
- (>= y (nth 3 edges))
- (< x (nth 0 edges))
- (>= x (nth 2 edges))))
- (setq window (next-window window))
- (setq edges (window-edges window)))
- (cond ((eq window (selected-window))
- nil) ;we've looped: not found
- ((not window)
- (selected-window)) ;just starting: current window
- (t
- window))
- ))
-(defun bg-command-execute (bg-command)
- (if (commandp bg-command)
- (command-execute bg-command)
- (ding)))
-(defun bg-program-mouse ()
- (send-string-to-terminal "\e:0;7;;;360;512;9;16;9;16c"))
-;;; Note that the doc string for mouse-map (as defined in subr.el)
-;;; says it is for the X-window mouse. This is wrong; that keymap
-;;; should be used for your mouse no matter what terminal you have.
-(or (keymapp mouse-map)
- (setq mouse-map (make-keymap)))
-(defun bind-bg-mouse-click (click-code function)
- "Bind bg-mouse CLICK-CODE to run FUNCTION."
- (define-key mouse-map (char-to-string click-code) function))
-(bind-bg-mouse-click bg-button-l 'bg-set-point)
-(bind-bg-mouse-click bg-button-m 'bg-yank)
-(bind-bg-mouse-click bg-button-r 'bg-set-mark)
-(bind-bg-mouse-click (+ bg-button-l bg-button-m) 'yank-pop-1)
-(bind-bg-mouse-click (+ bg-button-l bg-button-r) 'bg-kill-region)
-(bind-bg-mouse-click (+ bg-button-m bg-button-r) 'undo)
-(bind-bg-mouse-click (+ bg-button-l bg-button-m bg-button-r) 'undo)
-(bind-bg-mouse-click (+ bg-in-modeline bg-button-l) 'scroll-up)
-(bind-bg-mouse-click (+ bg-in-modeline bg-button-m) 'bg-move-by-percentage)
-(bind-bg-mouse-click (+ bg-in-modeline bg-button-r) 'scroll-down)
-(bind-bg-mouse-click (+ bg-in-scrollbar bg-button-l) 'bg-mouse-line-to-top)
-(bind-bg-mouse-click (+ bg-in-scrollbar bg-button-m) 'bg-mouse-line-to-center)
-(bind-bg-mouse-click (+ bg-in-scrollbar bg-button-r) 'bg-mouse-line-to-bottom)
-(bind-bg-mouse-click (+ bg-in-minibuf bg-button-l) 'execute-extended-command)
-(bind-bg-mouse-click (+ bg-in-minibuf bg-button-m) 'suspend-emacs)
-(bind-bg-mouse-click (+ bg-in-minibuf bg-button-r) 'eval-expression)
diff --git a/lisp/term/bg.el b/lisp/term/bg.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c1b98910861
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/term/bg.el
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+;; BBN bitgraph terminal.
+(load (concat term-file-prefix "vt100") nil t) ;BG keyboard is VT100 clone
+(autoload 'bg-mouse-report "bg-mouse")
+(global-set-key "\e:" 'bg-mouse-report)
+(send-string-to-terminal "\e:0;7;;;360;512;9;16;9;16c")
diff --git a/lisp/term/bgnv.el b/lisp/term/bgnv.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9affcc21281
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/term/bgnv.el
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+(load (concat term-file-prefix "bg") nil t)
diff --git a/lisp/term/bgrv.el b/lisp/term/bgrv.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9affcc21281
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/term/bgrv.el
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+(load (concat term-file-prefix "bg") nil t)
diff --git a/lisp/term/bobcat.el b/lisp/term/bobcat.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7abe538ef77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/term/bobcat.el
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+;;; HP terminals usually encourage using ^H as the rubout character
+(let ((the-table (make-string 128 0)))
+ (let ((i 0))
+ (while (< i 128)
+ (aset the-table i i)
+ (setq i (1+ i))))
+ ;; Swap ^H and DEL
+ (aset the-table ?\177 ?\^h)
+ (aset the-table ?\^h ?\177)
+ (setq keyboard-translate-table the-table))
diff --git a/lisp/term/news.el b/lisp/term/news.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 16b79e291c9..00000000000
--- a/lisp/term/news.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-;; keypad and function key bindings for the Sony NEWS keyboard.
-;; Copyright (C) 1989 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
-;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor
-;; accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
-;; or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
-;; unless he says so in writing. Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public
-;; License for full details.
-;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
-;; GNU Emacs, but only under the conditions described in the
-;; GNU Emacs General Public License. A copy of this license is
-;; supposed to have been given to you along with GNU Emacs so you
-;; can know your rights and responsibilities. It should be in a
-;; file named COPYING. Among other things, the copyright notice
-;; and this notice must be preserved on all copies.
-;; This file effects a mapping from the raw escape sequences of various
-;; keypad and function keys to the symbols used by emacs to represent
-;; those keys. The mapping from key symbol to the function performed
-;; when that key is pressed is handled keyboard-independently by the file
-;; ../keypad.el.
-;; Note that his file is also used under X11. For this to work, the variable
-;; names must not change from keyboard file to keyboard file, nor can the
-;; structure of keypad-maps change.
-(require 'keypad)
-(defvar keypads nil
- "Keypad and function keys keymap for Sony News machine.")
-(defvar keypad-maps nil
- "A list of strings sent by the keypad and function keys on the Sony News.
-There is an element for each unique prefix. Each element is of the form
-(PREFIX map map ...), each map being (string . symbol).")
-(setq keypad-maps '(("\eO"
- ("P" . function-1)
- ("Q" . function-2)
- ("R" . function-3)
- ("S" . function-4)
- ("T" . function-5)
- ("U" . function-6)
- ("V" . function-7)
- ("W" . function-8)
- ("X" . function-9)
- ("Y" . function-10)
- ("m" . keypad-subtract)
- ("k" . keypad-add)
- ("l" . keypad-comma)
- ("n" . keypad-period)
- ("M" . keypad-enter)
- ("p" . keypad-0)
- ("q" . keypad-1)
- ("r" . keypad-2)
- ("s" . keypad-3)
- ("t" . keypad-4)
- ("u" . keypad-5)
- ("v" . keypad-6)
- ("w" . keypad-7)
- ("x" . keypad-8)
- ("y" . keypad-9)
- ; These three strings are just made up.
- ("a" . execute) ; enter
- ("b" . select) ; nfer
- ("c" . cancel)))) ; xfer
-(let ((pads keypad-maps))
- (while pads
- (unwind-protect
- (let* ((prefix (car (car pads)))
- (stringmap (cdr (car pads)))
- (padmap (if (lookup-key global-map prefix)
- (error "Keymap entry for keypad prefix already exisists")
- (make-sparse-keymap))))
- (define-key global-map prefix padmap)
- (setup-terminal-keymap padmap stringmap))
- (setq pads (cdr pads)))))
diff --git a/lisp/term/s4.el b/lisp/term/s4.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ab81a3bd7c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/term/s4.el
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+;; Map s4 function key escape sequences
+;; into the standard slots in function-keymap where we can;
+;; set up terminal-specific bindings where we must
+;; by: Eric S. Raymond,
+(require 'keypad)
+;; First, map as many keys as possible to terminal-independent keycaps
+(defvar META-RB-map nil
+ "The META-RB-map maps the ESC-[ function keys on the s4 keyboard.")
+(if (not META-RB-map)
+ (progn
+ (setq META-RB-map (lookup-key global-map "\e["))
+ (if (not (keymapp META-RB-map))
+ (setq META-RB-map (make-sparse-keymap))) ;; <ESC>[ commands
+ (setup-terminal-keymap META-RB-map
+ '(("A" . ?u) ; up arrow
+ ("B" . ?d) ; down-arrow
+ ("C" . ?r) ; right-arrow
+ ("D" . ?l) ; left-arrow
+ ("U" . ?N) ; 'Page' -> next page
+ ("V" . ?P) ; 'Shift-Page' -> prev page
+ ("H" . ?h) ; 'Home' -> home-key
+ ;; ("J" . ??) ; 'Clear' -> unmapped
+ ))))
+(defun enable-arrow-keys ()
+ "Enable the use of the s4 arrow keys for cursor motion.
+Because of the nature of the s4, this unavoidably breaks
+the standard Emacs command ESC [; therefore, it is not done by default,
+but only if you give this command in your .emacs."
+ (global-set-key "\e[" META-RB-map))
+(defvar META-N-map nil
+ "META-N-map maps the ESC-N function keys on the s4 keyboard.")
+(if (not META-N-map)
+ (progn
+ (setq META-N-map (lookup-key global-map "\eN"))
+ (if (not (keymapp META-N-map))
+ (setq META-N-map (make-sparse-keymap))) ;; <ESC>N commands
+ (setup-terminal-keymap META-N-map '(
+ ("a" . ?C) ; 'Rfrsh' -> redraw screen
+ ;; ("A" . ??) ; 'Clear' -> unmapped
+ ;; ("c" . ??) ; 'Move' -> unmapped
+ ;; ("d" . ??) ; 'Copy' -> unmapped
+ ;; ("B" . ??) ; 'Shift-Beg' -> unmapped
+ ;; ("M" . ??) ; 'Shift-Home' -> unmapped
+ ;; ("N" . ??) ; 'Shift-End' -> unmapped
+ ("e" . ?k) ; 'Dlete' -> generic delete (kill-region)
+ ("f" . ?.) ; 'Dlete Char' -> keypad .
+ ("g" . ?1) ; 'Prev' -> keypad 1 (backward-word)
+ ("h" . ?3) ; 'Next' -> keypad 3 (forward-word)
+ ("i" . ?s) ; 'Mark' -> select
+ ;; ("I" . ??) ; 'Select' -> MAPPED BELOW
+ ;; ("j" . ??) ; 'Input Mode' -> unmapped
+ ))
+ (define-key global-map "\eN" META-N-map)))
+(defvar META-O-map nil
+ "META-O-map maps the META-O function keys on the s4 keyboard.")
+(if (not META-O-map)
+ (progn
+ (setq META-O-map (lookup-key global-map "\eO"))
+ (if (not (keymapp META-O-map))
+ (setq META-O-map (make-sparse-keymap))) ;; <ESC>O commands
+ (setup-terminal-keymap META-O-map '(
+ ("a" . ?E) ; 'Clear-Line' -> Clear to EOL
+ ("A" . ?S) ; 'Shift-Clear-Line' -> Clear to EOS
+ ("b" . ?\C-@) ; 'Ref' -> function key 0
+ ("c" . ?\C-a) ; 'F1' -> function key 1
+ ("d" . ?\C-b) ; 'F2' -> function key 2
+ ("e" . ?\C-c) ; 'F3' -> function key 3
+ ("f" . ?\C-d) ; 'F4' -> function key 4
+ ("g" . ?\C-e) ; 'F5' -> function key 5
+ ("h" . ?\C-f) ; 'F6' -> function key 6
+ ("i" . ?\C-g) ; 'F7' -> function key 7
+ ("j" . ?\C-h) ; 'F8' -> function key 8
+ ;; ("k" . ??) ; 'Exit' -> MAPPED BELOW
+ ("m" . ??) ; 'Help' -> help-command
+ ;; ("n" . ??) ; 'Creat' -> unmapped
+ ;; ("o" . ??) ; 'Save' -> MAPPED BELOW
+ ;; ("r" . ??) ; 'Opts' -> unmapped
+ ;; ("s" . ??) ; 'Undo' -> MAPPED BELOW
+ ("t" . ?x) ; 'Redo' -> 'do' key
+ ;; ("u" . ??) ; 'Cmd' -> MAPPED BELOW
+ ;; ("v" . ??) ; 'Open' -> MAPPED BELOW
+ ;; ("V" . ??) ; 'Close' -> unmapped
+ ;; ("w" . ??) ; 'Cancel' -> MAPPED BELOW
+ ("x" . ?f) ; 'Find' -> find/replace
+ ;; ("y" . ??) ; 'Rplac' -> MAPPED BELOW
+ ;; ("z" . ??) ; 'Print' -> MAPPED BELOW
+ ))
+ (define-key global-map "\eO" META-O-map)))
+(defvar META-P-map nil
+ "META-P-map maps the META-P function keys on the s4 keyboard.")
+(if (not META-P-map)
+ (progn
+ (setq META-P-map (lookup-key global-map "\eP"))
+ (if (not (keymapp META-P-map))
+ (setq META-P-map (make-sparse-keymap))) ;; <ESC>P commands
+ (setup-terminal-keymap META-P-map '(
+ ("a" . ?1) ; Ctrl-1 -> keypad 1
+ ("b" . ?2) ; Ctrl-2 -> keypad 2
+ ("c" . ?3) ; Ctrl-3 -> keypad 3
+ ("d" . ?4) ; Ctrl-4 -> keypad 4
+ ("e" . ?5) ; Ctrl-5 -> keypad 5
+ ("f" . ?6) ; Ctrl-6 -> keypad 6
+ ("g" . ?7) ; Ctrl-7 -> keypad 7
+ ("h" . ?8) ; Ctrl-8 -> keypad 8
+ ("i" . ?9) ; Ctrl-9 -> keypad 9
+ ("j" . ?0) ; Ctrl-0 -> keypad 0
+ ("k" . ?-) ; Ctrl-- -> keypad -
+ ))
+ (define-key global-map "\eP" META-P-map)))
+;; Now do terminal-specific mappings of keys with no standard-keycap equivalent
+;;;(define-key esc-map "9" 'beginning-of-buffer) ;'Begin'
+;;;(define-key esc-map "0" 'end-of-buffer) ;'End'
+(define-key META-N-map "I" 'narrow-to-region) ;'Select'
+(define-key META-O-map "k" 'save-buffers-kill-emacs) ;'Exit'
+(define-key META-O-map "o" 'save-buffer) ;'Save'
+(define-key META-O-map "s" 'undo) ;'Undo'
+(define-key META-O-map "u" 'execute-extended-command) ;'Cmd'
+(define-key META-O-map "v" 'find-file) ;'Open'
+(define-key META-O-map "w" 'keyboard-quit) ;'Cancl'
+(define-key META-O-map "y" 'replace-regexp) ;'Rplac'
+(define-key META-O-map "z" 'lpr-buffer) ;'Print'
diff --git a/lisp/term/sun-mouse.el b/lisp/term/sun-mouse.el
deleted file mode 100644
index bed2b416c1f..00000000000
--- a/lisp/term/sun-mouse.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,668 +0,0 @@
-;; Mouse handling for Sun windows
-;; Copyright (C) 1987 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
-;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
-;; any later version.
-;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-;; the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-;;; Jeff Peck, Sun Microsystems, Jan 1987.
-;;; Original idea by Stan Jefferson
-(provide 'sun-mouse)
-;;; Modelled after the GNUEMACS keymap interface.
-;;; User Functions:
-;;; make-mousemap, copy-mousemap,
-;;; define-mouse, global-set-mouse, local-set-mouse,
-;;; use-global-mousemap, use-local-mousemap,
-;;; mouse-lookup, describe-mouse-bindings
-;;; Options:
-;;; extra-click-wait, scrollbar-width
-(defvar extra-click-wait 150
- "*Number of milliseconds to wait for an extra click.
-Set this to zero if you don't want chords or double clicks.")
-(defvar scrollbar-width 5
- "*The character width of the scrollbar.
-The cursor is deemed to be in the right edge scrollbar if it is this near the
-right edge, and more than two chars past the end of the indicated line.
-Setting to nil limits the scrollbar to the edge or vertical dividing bar.")
-;;; Mousemaps
-(defun make-mousemap ()
- "Returns a new mousemap."
- (cons 'mousemap nil))
-(defun copy-mousemap (mousemap)
- "Return a copy of mousemap."
- (copy-alist mousemap))
-(defun define-mouse (mousemap mouse-list def)
-MOUSE-LIST is a list of atoms specifing a mouse hit according to these rules:
- * One of these atoms specifies the active region of the definition.
- text, scrollbar, modeline, minibuffer
- * One or two or these atoms specify the button or button combination.
- left, middle, right, double
- * Any combination of these atoms specify the active shift keys.
- control, shift, meta
- * With a single unshifted button, you can add
- up
- to indicate an up-click.
-The atom `double' is used with a button designator to denote a double click.
-Two button chords are denoted by listing the two buttons.
-See sun-mouse-handler for the treatment of the form DEF."
- (mousemap-set (mouse-list-to-mouse-code mouse-list) mousemap def))
-(defun global-set-mouse (mouse-list def)
- "Give MOUSE-EVENT-LIST a local definition of DEF.
-See define-mouse for a description of MOUSE-EVENT-LIST and DEF.
-Note that if MOUSE-EVENT-LIST has a local definition in the current buffer,
-that local definition will continue to shadow any global definition."
- (interactive "xMouse event: \nxDefinition: ")
- (define-mouse current-global-mousemap mouse-list def))
-(defun local-set-mouse (mouse-list def)
- "Give MOUSE-EVENT-LIST a local definition of DEF.
-See define-mouse for a description of the arguments.
-The definition goes in the current buffer's local mousemap.
-Normally buffers in the same major mode share a local mousemap."
- (interactive "xMouse event: \nxDefinition: ")
- (if (null current-local-mousemap)
- (setq current-local-mousemap (make-mousemap)))
- (define-mouse current-local-mousemap mouse-list def))
-(defun use-global-mousemap (mousemap)
- "Selects MOUSEMAP as the global mousemap."
- (setq current-global-mousemap mousemap))
-(defun use-local-mousemap (mousemap)
- "Selects MOUSEMAP as the local mousemap.
-nil for MOUSEMAP means no local mousemap."
- (setq current-local-mousemap mousemap))
-;;; Interface to the Mouse encoding defined in Emacstool.c
-;;; Called when mouse-prefix is sent to emacs, additional
-;;; information is read in as a list (button x y time-delta)
-;;; First, some generally useful functions:
-(defun logtest (x y)
- "True if any bits set in X are also set in Y.
-Just like the Common Lisp function of the same name."
- (not (zerop (logand x y))))
-;;; Hit accessors.
-(defconst sm::ButtonBits 7) ; Lowest 3 bits.
-(defconst sm::ShiftmaskBits 56) ; Second lowest 3 bits (56 = 63 - 7).
-(defconst sm::DoubleBits 64) ; Bit 7.
-(defconst sm::UpBits 128) ; Bit 8.
-;;; All the useful code bits
-(defmacro sm::hit-code (hit)
- (` (nth 0 (, hit))))
-;;; The button, or buttons if a chord.
-(defmacro sm::hit-button (hit)
- (` (logand sm::ButtonBits (nth 0 (, hit)))))
-;;; The shift, control, and meta flags.
-(defmacro sm::hit-shiftmask (hit)
- (` (logand sm::ShiftmaskBits (nth 0 (, hit)))))
-;;; Set if a double click (but not a chord).
-(defmacro sm::hit-double (hit)
- (` (logand sm::DoubleBits (nth 0 (, hit)))))
-;;; Set on button release (as opposed to button press).
-(defmacro sm::hit-up (hit)
- (` (logand sm::UpBits (nth 0 (, hit)))))
-;;; Screen x position.
-(defmacro sm::hit-x (hit) (list 'nth 1 hit))
-;;; Screen y position.
-(defmacro sm::hit-y (hit) (list 'nth 2 hit))
-;;; Millisconds since last hit.
-(defmacro sm::hit-delta (hit) (list 'nth 3 hit))
-(defmacro sm::hit-up-p (hit) ; A predicate.
- (` (not (zerop (sm::hit-up (, hit))))))
-;;; Loc accessors. for sm::window-xy
-(defmacro sm::loc-w (loc) (list 'nth 0 loc))
-(defmacro sm::loc-x (loc) (list 'nth 1 loc))
-(defmacro sm::loc-y (loc) (list 'nth 2 loc))
-(defmacro eval-in-buffer (buffer &rest forms)
- "Macro to switches to BUFFER, evaluates FORMS, returns to original buffer."
- ;; When you don't need the complete window context of eval-in-window
- (` (let ((StartBuffer (current-buffer)))
- (unwind-protect
- (progn
- (set-buffer (, buffer))
- (,@ forms))
- (set-buffer StartBuffer)))))
-(put 'eval-in-buffer 'lisp-indent-function 1)
-;;; this is used extensively by sun-fns.el
-(defmacro eval-in-window (window &rest forms)
- "Switch to WINDOW, evaluate FORMS, return to original window."
- (` (let ((OriginallySelectedWindow (selected-window)))
- (unwind-protect
- (progn
- (select-window (, window))
- (,@ forms))
- (select-window OriginallySelectedWindow)))))
-(put 'eval-in-window 'lisp-indent-function 1)
-;;; handy utility, generalizes window_loop
-;;; It's a macro (and does not evaluate its arguments).
-(defmacro eval-in-windows (form &optional yesmini)
- "Switches to each window and evaluates FORM. Optional argument
-YESMINI says to include the minibuffer as a window.
-This is a macro, and does not evaluate its arguments."
- (` (let ((OriginallySelectedWindow (selected-window)))
- (unwind-protect
- (while (progn
- (, form)
- (not (eq OriginallySelectedWindow
- (select-window
- (next-window nil (, yesmini)))))))
- (select-window OriginallySelectedWindow)))))
-(put 'eval-in-window 'lisp-indent-function 0)
-(defun move-to-loc (x y)
- "Move cursor to window location X, Y.
-Handles wrapped and horizontally scrolled lines correctly."
- (move-to-window-line y)
- ;; window-line-end expects this to return the window column it moved to.
- (let ((cc (current-column))
- (nc (move-to-column
- (if (zerop (window-hscroll))
- (+ (current-column)
- (min (- (window-width) 2) ; To stay on the line.
- x))
- (+ (window-hscroll) -1
- (min (1- (window-width)) ; To stay on the line.
- x))))))
- (- nc cc)))
-(defun minibuffer-window-p (window)
- "True iff this WINDOW is minibuffer."
- (= (screen-height)
- (nth 3 (window-edges window)) ; The bottom edge.
- ))
-(defun sun-mouse-handler (&optional hit)
- "Evaluates the function or list associated with a mouse hit.
-Expecting to read a hit, which is a list: (button x y delta).
-A form bound to button by define-mouse is found by mouse-lookup.
-The variables: *mouse-window*, *mouse-x*, *mouse-y* are bound.
-If the form is a symbol (symbolp), it is funcall'ed with *mouse-window*,
-*mouse-x*, and *mouse-y* as arguments; if the form is a list (listp),
-the form is eval'ed; if the form is neither of these, it is an error.
-Returns nil."
- (interactive)
- (if (null hit) (setq hit (sm::combined-hits)))
- (let ((loc (sm::window-xy (sm::hit-x hit) (sm::hit-y hit))))
- (let ((*mouse-window* (sm::loc-w loc))
- (*mouse-x* (sm::loc-x loc))
- (*mouse-y* (sm::loc-y loc))
- (mouse-code (mouse-event-code hit loc)))
- (let ((form (eval-in-buffer (window-buffer *mouse-window*)
- (mouse-lookup mouse-code))))
- (cond ((null form)
- (if (not (sm::hit-up-p hit)) ; undefined up hits are ok.
- (error "Undefined mouse event: %s"
- (prin1-to-string
- (mouse-code-to-mouse-list mouse-code)))))
- ((symbolp form)
- (setq this-command form)
- (funcall form *mouse-window* *mouse-x* *mouse-y*))
- ((listp form)
- (setq this-command (car form))
- (eval form))
- (t
- (error "Mouse action must be symbol or list, but was: %s"
- form))))))
- ;; Don't let 'sun-mouse-handler get on last-command,
- ;; since this function should be transparent.
- (if (eq this-command 'sun-mouse-handler)
- (setq this-command last-command))
- ;; (message (prin1-to-string this-command)) ; to see what your buttons did
- nil)
-(defun sm::combined-hits ()
- "Read and return next mouse-hit, include possible double click"
- (let ((hit1 (mouse-hit-read)))
- (if (not (sm::hit-up-p hit1)) ; Up hits dont start doubles or chords.
- (let ((hit2 (mouse-second-hit extra-click-wait)))
- (if hit2 ; we cons'd it, we can smash it.
- ; (setf (sm::hit-code hit1) (logior (sm::hit-code hit1) ...))
- (setcar hit1 (logior (sm::hit-code hit1)
- (sm::hit-code hit2)
- (if (= (sm::hit-button hit1)
- (sm::hit-button hit2))
- sm::DoubleBits 0))))))
- hit1))
-(defun mouse-hit-read ()
- "Read mouse-hit list from keyboard. Like (read 'read-char),
-but that uses minibuffer, and mucks up last-command."
- (let ((char-list nil) (char nil))
- (while (not (equal 13 ; Carriage return.
- (prog1 (setq char (read-char))
- (setq char-list (cons char char-list))))))
- (read (mapconcat 'char-to-string (nreverse char-list) ""))
- ))
-;;; Second Click Hackery....
-;;; if prefix is not mouse-prefix, need a way to unread the char...
-;;; or else have mouse flush input queue, or else need a peek at next char.
-;;; There is no peek, but since one character can be unread, we only
-;;; have to flush the queue when the command after a mouse click
-;;; starts with mouse-prefix1 (see below).
-;;; Something to do later: We could buffer the read commands and
-;;; execute them ourselves after doing the mouse command (using
-;;; lookup-key ??).
-(defvar mouse-prefix1 24 ; C-x
- "First char of mouse-prefix. Used to detect double clicks and chords.")
-(defvar mouse-prefix2 0 ; C-@
- "Second char of mouse-prefix. Used to detect double clicks and chords.")
-(defun mouse-second-hit (hit-wait)
- "Returns the next mouse hit occurring within HIT-WAIT milliseconds."
- (if (sit-for-millisecs hit-wait) nil ; No input within hit-wait millisecs.
- (let ((pc1 (read-char)))
- (if (or (not (equal pc1 mouse-prefix1))
- (sit-for-millisecs 3)) ; a mouse prefix will have second char
- (progn (setq unread-command-char pc1) ; Can get away with one unread.
- nil) ; Next input not mouse event.
- (let ((pc2 (read-char)))
- (if (not (equal pc2 mouse-prefix2))
- (progn (setq unread-command-char pc1) ; put back the ^X
-;;; Too bad can't do two: (setq unread-command-char (list pc1 pc2))
- (ding) ; user will have to retype that pc2.
- nil) ; This input is not a mouse event.
- ;; Next input has mouse prefix and is within time limit.
- (let ((new-hit (mouse-hit-read))) ; Read the new hit.
- (if (sm::hit-up-p new-hit) ; Ignore up events when timing.
- (mouse-second-hit (- hit-wait (sm::hit-delta new-hit)))
- new-hit ; New down hit within limit, return it.
- ))))))))
-(defun sm::window-xy (x y)
- "Find window containing screen coordinates X and Y.
-Returns list (window x y) where x and y are relative to window."
- (or
- (catch 'found
- (eval-in-windows
- (let ((we (window-edges (selected-window))))
- (let ((le (nth 0 we))
- (te (nth 1 we))
- (re (nth 2 we))
- (be (nth 3 we)))
- (if (= re (screen-width))
- ;; include the continuation column with this window
- (setq re (1+ re)))
- (if (= be (screen-height))
- ;; include partial line at bottom of screen with this window
- ;; id est, if window is not multple of char size.
- (setq be (1+ be)))
- (if (and (>= x le) (< x re)
- (>= y te) (< y be))
- (throw 'found
- (list (selected-window) (- x le) (- y te))))))
- t)) ; include minibuffer in eval-in-windows
- ;;If x,y from a real mouse click, we shouldn't get here.
- (list nil x y)
- ))
-(defun sm::window-region (loc)
- "Parse LOC into a region symbol.
-Returns one of (text scrollbar modeline minibuffer)"
- (let ((w (sm::loc-w loc))
- (x (sm::loc-x loc))
- (y (sm::loc-y loc)))
- (let ((right (1- (window-width w)))
- (bottom (1- (window-height w))))
- (cond ((minibuffer-window-p w) 'minibuffer)
- ((>= y bottom) 'modeline)
- ((>= x right) 'scrollbar)
- ;; far right column (window seperator) is always a scrollbar
- ((and scrollbar-width
- ;; mouse within scrollbar-width of edge.
- (>= x (- right scrollbar-width))
- ;; mouse a few chars past the end of line.
- (>= x (+ 2 (window-line-end w x y))))
- 'scrollbar)
- (t 'text)))))
-(defun window-line-end (w x y)
- "Return WINDOW column (ignore X) containing end of line Y"
- (eval-in-window w (save-excursion (move-to-loc (screen-width) y))))
-;;; The encoding of mouse events into a mousemap.
-;;; These values must agree with coding in emacstool:
-(defconst sm::keyword-alist
- '((left . 1) (middle . 2) (right . 4)
- (shift . 8) (control . 16) (meta . 32) (double . 64) (up . 128)
- (text . 256) (scrollbar . 512) (modeline . 1024) (minibuffer . 2048)
- ))
-(defun mouse-event-code (hit loc)
- "Maps MOUSE-HIT and LOC into a mouse-code."
-;;;Region is a code for one of text, modeline, scrollbar, or minibuffer.
- (logior (sm::hit-code hit)
- (mouse-region-to-code (sm::window-region loc))))
-(defun mouse-region-to-code (region)
- "Returns partial mouse-code for specified REGION."
- (cdr (assq region sm::keyword-alist)))
-(defun mouse-list-to-mouse-code (mouse-list)
- "Map a MOUSE-LIST to a mouse-code."
- (apply 'logior
- (mapcar (function (lambda (x)
- (cdr (assq x sm::keyword-alist))))
- mouse-list)))
-(defun mouse-code-to-mouse-list (mouse-code)
- "Map a MOUSE-CODE to a mouse-list."
- (apply 'nconc (mapcar
- (function (lambda (x)
- (if (logtest mouse-code (cdr x))
- (list (car x)))))
- sm::keyword-alist)))
-(defun mousemap-set (code mousemap value)
- (let* ((alist (cdr mousemap))
- (assq-result (assq code alist)))
- (if assq-result
- (setcdr assq-result value)
- (setcdr mousemap (cons (cons code value) alist)))))
-(defun mousemap-get (code mousemap)
- (cdr (assq code (cdr mousemap))))
-(defun mouse-lookup (mouse-code)
- "Look up MOUSE-EVENT and return the definition. nil means undefined."
- (or (mousemap-get mouse-code current-local-mousemap)
- (mousemap-get mouse-code current-global-mousemap)))
-;;; I (jpeck) don't understand the utility of the next four functions
-;;; ask Steven Greenbaum <froud@kestrel>
-(defun mouse-mask-lookup (mask list)
- "Args MASK (a bit mask) and LIST (a list of (code . form) pairs).
-Returns a list of elements of LIST whose code or'ed with MASK is non-zero."
- (let ((result nil))
- (while list
- (if (logtest mask (car (car list)))
- (setq result (cons (car list) result)))
- (setq list (cdr list)))
- result))
-(defun mouse-union (l l-unique)
- "Return the union of list of mouse (code . form) pairs L and L-UNIQUE,
-where L-UNIQUE is considered to be union'ized already."
- (let ((result l-unique))
- (while l
- (let ((code-form-pair (car l)))
- (if (not (assq (car code-form-pair) result))
- (setq result (cons code-form-pair result))))
- (setq l (cdr l)))
- result))
-(defun mouse-union-first-prefered (l1 l2)
- "Return the union of lists of mouse (code . form) pairs L1 and L2,
-based on the code's, with preference going to elements in L1."
- (mouse-union l2 (mouse-union l1 nil)))
-(defun mouse-code-function-pairs-of-region (region)
- "Return a list of (code . function) pairs, where each code is
-currently set in the REGION."
- (let ((mask (mouse-region-to-code region)))
- (mouse-union-first-prefered
- (mouse-mask-lookup mask (cdr current-local-mousemap))
- (mouse-mask-lookup mask (cdr current-global-mousemap))
- )))
-;;; And other mouse documentation functions
-;;; Still need a good procedure to print out a help sheet in readable format.
-(defun one-line-doc-string (function)
- "Returns first line of documentation string for FUNCTION.
-If there is no documentation string, then the string
-\"No documentation\" is returned."
- (while (consp function) (setq function (car function)))
- (let ((doc (documentation function)))
- (if (null doc)
- "No documentation."
- (string-match "^.*$" doc)
- (substring doc 0 (match-end 0)))))
-(defun print-mouse-format (binding)
- (princ (car binding))
- (princ ": ")
- (mapcar (function
- (lambda (mouse-list)
- (princ mouse-list)
- (princ " ")))
- (cdr binding))
- (terpri)
- (princ " ")
- (princ (one-line-doc-string (car binding)))
- (terpri)
- )
-(defun print-mouse-bindings (region)
- "Prints mouse-event bindings for REGION."
- (mapcar 'print-mouse-format (sm::event-bindings region)))
-(defun sm::event-bindings (region)
- "Returns an alist of (function . (mouse-list1 ... mouse-listN)) for REGION,
-where each mouse-list is bound to the function in REGION."
- (let ((mouse-bindings (mouse-code-function-pairs-of-region region))
- (result nil))
- (while mouse-bindings
- (let* ((code-function-pair (car mouse-bindings))
- (current-entry (assoc (cdr code-function-pair) result)))
- (if current-entry
- (setcdr current-entry
- (cons (mouse-code-to-mouse-list (car code-function-pair))
- (cdr current-entry)))
- (setq result (cons (cons (cdr code-function-pair)
- (list (mouse-code-to-mouse-list
- (car code-function-pair))))
- result))))
- (setq mouse-bindings (cdr mouse-bindings))
- )
- result))
-(defun describe-mouse-bindings ()
- "Lists all current mouse-event bindings."
- (interactive)
- (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Help*"
- (princ "Text Region") (terpri)
- (princ "---- ------") (terpri)
- (print-mouse-bindings 'text) (terpri)
- (princ "Modeline Region") (terpri)
- (princ "-------- ------") (terpri)
- (print-mouse-bindings 'modeline) (terpri)
- (princ "Scrollbar Region") (terpri)
- (princ "--------- ------") (terpri)
- (print-mouse-bindings 'scrollbar)))
-(defun describe-mouse-briefly (mouse-list)
- "Print a short description of the function bound to MOUSE-LIST."
- (interactive "xDescibe mouse list briefly: ")
- (let ((function (mouse-lookup (mouse-list-to-mouse-code mouse-list))))
- (if function
- (message "%s runs the command %s" mouse-list function)
- (message "%s is undefined" mouse-list))))
-(defun mouse-help-menu (function-and-binding)
- (cons (prin1-to-string (car function-and-binding))
- (menu-create ; Two sub-menu items of form ("String" . nil)
- (list (list (one-line-doc-string (car function-and-binding)))
- (list (prin1-to-string (cdr function-and-binding)))))))
-(defun mouse-help-region (w x y &optional region)
- "Displays a menu of mouse functions callable in this region."
- (let* ((region (or region (sm::window-region (list w x y))))
- (mlist (mapcar (function mouse-help-menu)
- (sm::event-bindings region)))
- (menu (menu-create (cons (list (symbol-name region)) mlist)))
- (item (sun-menu-evaluate w 0 y menu))
- )))
-;;; Menu interface functions
-;;; use defmenu, because this interface is subject to change
-;;; really need a menu-p, but we use vectorp and the context...
-(defun menu-create (items)
- "Functional form for defmenu, given a list of ITEMS returns a menu.
-Each ITEM is a (STRING . VALUE) pair."
- (apply 'vector items)
- )
-(defmacro defmenu (menu &rest itemlist)
- "Defines MENU to be a menu, the ITEMS are (STRING . VALUE) pairs.
-See sun-menu-evaluate for interpretation of ITEMS."
- (list 'defconst menu (funcall 'menu-create itemlist))
- )
-(defun sun-menu-evaluate (*menu-window* *menu-x* *menu-y* menu)
- "Display a pop-up menu in WINDOW at X Y and evaluate selected item
-of MENU. MENU (or its symbol-value) should be a menu defined by defmenu.
- A menu ITEM is a (STRING . FORM) pair;
-the FORM associated with the selected STRING is evaluated,
-and the resulting value is returned. Generally these FORMs are
-evaluated for their side-effects rather than their values.
- If the selected form is a menu or a symbol whose value is a menu,
-then it is displayed and evaluated as a pullright menu item.
- If the the FORM of the first ITEM is nil, the STRING of the item
-is used as a label for the menu, i.e. it's inverted and not selectible."
- (if (symbolp menu) (setq menu (symbol-value menu)))
- (eval (sun-menu-internal *menu-window* *menu-x* *menu-y* 4 menu)))
-(defun sun-get-frame-data (code)
- "Sends the tty-sub-window escape sequence CODE to terminal,
-and returns a cons of the two numbers in returned escape sequence.
-That is it returns (cons <car> <cdr>) from \"\\E[n;<car>;<cdr>t\".
-CODE values: 13 = Tool-Position, 14 = Size-in-Pixels, 18 = Size-in-Chars."
- (send-string-to-terminal (concat "\033[" (int-to-string code) "t"))
- (let (char str x y)
- (while (not (equal 116 (setq char (read-char)))) ; #\t = 116
- (setq str (cons char str)))
- (setq str (mapconcat 'char-to-string (nreverse str) ""))
- (string-match ";[0-9]*" str)
- (setq y (substring str (1+ (match-beginning 0)) (match-end 0)))
- (setq str (substring str (match-end 0)))
- (string-match ";[0-9]*" str)
- (setq x (substring str (1+ (match-beginning 0)) (match-end 0)))
- (cons (string-to-int y) (string-to-int x))))
-(defun sm::font-size ()
- "Returns font size in pixels: (cons Ysize Xsize)"
- (let ((pix (sun-get-frame-data 14)) ; returns size in pixels
- (chr (sun-get-frame-data 18))) ; returns size in chars
- (cons (/ (car pix) (car chr)) (/ (cdr pix) (cdr chr)))))
-(defvar sm::menu-kludge-x nil
- "Cached frame-to-window X-Offset for sm::menu-kludge")
-(defvar sm::menu-kludge-y nil
- "Cached frame-to-window Y-Offset for sm::menu-kludge")
-(defun sm::menu-kludge ()
- "If sunfns.c uses <Menu_Base_Kludge> this function must be here!"
- (or sm::menu-kludge-y
- (let ((fs (sm::font-size)))
- (setq sm::menu-kludge-y (+ 8 (car fs)) ; a title line and borders
- sm::menu-kludge-x 4))) ; best values depend on .defaults/Menu
- (let ((wl (sun-get-frame-data 13))) ; returns frame location
- (cons (+ (car wl) sm::menu-kludge-y)
- (+ (cdr wl) sm::menu-kludge-x))))
-;;; Function interface to selection/region
-;;; primative functions are defined in sunfns.c
-(defun sun-yank-selection ()
- "Set mark and yank the contents of the current sunwindows selection
-into the current buffer at point."
- (interactive "*")
- (set-mark-command nil)
- (insert-string (sun-get-selection)))
-(defun sun-select-region (beg end)
- "Set the sunwindows selection to the region in the current buffer."
- (interactive "r")
- (sun-set-selection (buffer-substring beg end)))
-;;; Support for emacstool
-;;; This closes the window instead of stopping emacs.
-(defun suspend-emacstool (&optional stuffstring)
- "If running under as a detached process emacstool,
-you don't want to suspend (there is no way to resume),
-just close the window, and wait for reopening."
- (interactive)
- (run-hooks 'suspend-hook)
- (if stuffstring (send-string-to-terminal stuffstring))
- (send-string-to-terminal "\033[2t") ; To close EmacsTool window.
- (run-hooks 'suspend-resume-hook))
-;;; initialize mouse maps
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'current-local-mousemap)
-(setq-default current-local-mousemap nil)
-(defvar current-global-mousemap (make-mousemap))
diff --git a/lisp/term/sun.el b/lisp/term/sun.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..171bc1c4488
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/term/sun.el
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+;; keybinding for standard default sunterm keys
+;; Copyright (C) 1987 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+;; the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+;; Jeff Peck, Sun Microsystems Inc <>
+;; Mar, 91 better integration with X windows
+(defun ignore-key ()
+ "interactive version of ignore"
+ (interactive)
+ (ignore))
+(defun unbound-key ()
+ "filler for compound keymaps"
+ (interactive)
+ (error "unbound-key"))
+(defun on-window-line-p (n)
+ (save-excursion
+ (beginning-of-line 1)
+ (let ((p (point)))
+ (move-to-window-line n)
+ (equal (point) p))))
+(defun scroll-down-in-place (n)
+ (interactive "p")
+ (if (on-window-line-p 0)
+ (progn (scroll-down n) (previous-line n))
+ (previous-line n) (scroll-down n)))
+(defun scroll-up-in-place (n)
+ (interactive "p")
+ (if (on-window-line-p -1)
+ (progn (scroll-up n) (next-line n))
+ (next-line n) (scroll-up n)))
+(defun kill-region-and-unmark (beg end)
+ "Like kill-region, but pops the mark [which equals point, anyway.]"
+ (interactive "r")
+ (kill-region beg end)
+ (setq this-command 'kill-region-and-unmark)
+ (set-mark-command t))
+(defun rerun-prev-command ()
+ "Repeat Previous-complex-command."
+ (interactive)
+ (eval (nth 0 command-history)))
+(defvar grep-arg nil "Default arg for RE-search")
+;; not sure this all works... or works at all...
+(defun search-command-arg ()
+ ;; if previous minibuf command specified a search string, return it.
+ ;; this way, a call to M-x re-search-forward can pass its arg.
+ (let* ((command (car command-history))
+ (command-name (symbol-name (car command)))
+ (search-arg (car (cdr command)))
+ (search-command
+ (and command-name (string-match "search" command-name))))
+ (and search-command (stringp search-arg) search-arg)))
+(defun grep-arg (&optional prompt)
+ "helper function used by research-{backward,forward}"
+ (if (memq last-command '(research-forward research-backward)) grep-arg
+ (let ((this-command this-command) ; save this binding from read-string
+ (default (or (search-command-arg)
+ search-last-regexp
+ grep-arg)))
+ (read-string (or prompt "Regexp arg: ") default))))
+(defun research-forward ()
+ "Repeat regexp search forward, using previous search arg if available."
+ (interactive) ;
+ (if (re-search-forward (grep-arg "Regexp search: "))
+ (setq search-last-regexp grep-arg)))
+(defun research-backward ()
+ "Repeat regexp search backward, using previous search arg if available."
+ (interactive) ;
+ (if (re-search-backward (grep-arg "Regexp search backward: "))
+ (setq search-last-regexp grep-arg)))
+(defun help-for-dummies ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((char ?\C-h))
+ (if (or (= char ?\C-h) (= char ??))
+ (save-window-excursion
+ (switch-to-buffer "*Help*")
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (insert (documentation 'help-for-help))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (memq char '(?\C-h ?? ?\C-v ?\ ?\177 ?\M-v))
+ (if (memq char '(?\C-v ?\ ))
+ (scroll-up))
+ (if (memq char '(?\177 ?\M-v))
+ (scroll-down))
+ (message "A B C F I K L M N S T V W C-c C-d C-n C-w%s: "
+ (if (pos-visible-in-window-p (point-max))
+ "" " or Space to scroll"))
+ (let ((cursor-in-echo-area t))
+ (setq char (read-char))))))
+ (let ((defn (cdr (assq (downcase char) (cdr help-map)))))
+ (if defn (call-interactively defn) (ding)))))
+;;; handle sun's extra function keys
+;;; this version for those who run with standard .ttyswrc and no emacstool
+;;; sunview picks up expose and open on the way UP,
+;;; so we ignore them on the way down
+;;; Since .emacs gets loaded before this file, a hook is supplied
+;;; for you to put your own bindings in. Example:
+;(setq sun-esc-bracket t)
+;(setq sun-raw-map-hooks '( ; not your usual hook list
+; (define-key sun-raw-map "211z" 'goto-line) ; R4
+; (define-key sun-raw-map "212z" 'other-window) ; R5
+; (define-key sun-raw-map "213z" 'scroll-other-window) ; R6
+; ))
+(defvar sun-esc-bracket nil
+ "*If non-nil, rebind ESC [ as prefix for Sun function keys.")
+(defvar sun-raw-map (make-sparse-keymap) "*Keymap for ESC-[ encoded keyboard")
+(define-key sun-raw-map "208z" 'unbound-key) ; R1
+(define-key sun-raw-map "209z" 'unbound-key) ; R2
+(define-key sun-raw-map "210z" 'backward-page) ; R3
+(define-key sun-raw-map "213z" 'forward-page) ; R6
+(define-key sun-raw-map "214z" 'beginning-of-buffer) ; R7
+(define-key sun-raw-map "216z" 'scroll-down) ; R9
+(define-key sun-raw-map "215z" 'previous-line) ; R8 (up-arrow)
+(define-key sun-raw-map "217z" 'backward-char) ; R10 (rt-arrow)
+(define-key sun-raw-map "219z" 'forward-char) ; R12 (dn-arrow)
+(define-key sun-raw-map "221z" 'next-line) ; R14 (lf-arrow)
+(define-key sun-raw-map "218z" 'recenter) ; R11
+(define-key sun-raw-map "220z" 'end-of-buffer) ; R13
+(define-key sun-raw-map "222z" 'scroll-up) ; R15
+(define-key sun-raw-map "193z" 'redraw-display) ; Again L1
+(define-key sun-raw-map "194z" 'list-buffers) ; Props L2
+(define-key sun-raw-map "195z" 'undo) ; Undo L3
+(define-key sun-raw-map "196z" 'ignore-key) ; Expose-down L4
+(define-key sun-raw-map "197z" 'sun-select-region) ; Put L5
+(define-key sun-raw-map "198z" 'ignore-key) ; Open-down L6
+(define-key sun-raw-map "199z" 'sun-yank-selection) ; Get L7
+(define-key sun-raw-map "200z" 'exchange-point-and-mark); Find L8
+(define-key sun-raw-map "201z" 'kill-region-and-unmark) ; Delete L9
+(define-key sun-raw-map "207z" 'help-for-help) ; Help Key on Type-4 KBD
+(define-key sun-raw-map "225z" 'toggle-selective-display); T2
+(define-key sun-raw-map "226z" 'scroll-down-in-place) ; T3
+(define-key sun-raw-map "227z" 'scroll-up-in-place) ; T4
+(define-key sun-raw-map "228z" 'shell) ; T5
+(define-key sun-raw-map "229z" 'shrink-window) ; T6
+(define-key sun-raw-map "230z" 'enlarge-window) ; T7
+(if sun-esc-bracket
+ (progn
+ (define-key esc-map "[" sun-raw-map) ; Install sun-raw-map
+ (define-key esc-map "[A" 'previous-line ) ; R8
+ (define-key esc-map "[B" 'next-line) ; R14
+ (define-key esc-map "[C" 'forward-char) ; R12
+ (define-key esc-map "[D" 'backward-char) ; R10
+ (define-key esc-map "[[" 'backward-paragraph) ; the original esc-[
+ ))
+;;; Since .emacs gets loaded before this file, a hook is supplied
+;;; for you to put your own bindings in.
+(defvar sun-raw-map-hooks nil
+ "List of forms to evaluate after setting sun-raw-map.
+This list is processed by: (mapcar 'eval sun-raw-map-hooks)")
+(mapcar 'eval sun-raw-map-hooks)
+;;; This section adds defintions for the emacstool users
+;;; emacstool event filter converts function keys to C-x*{c}{lrt}
+;;; for example the Open key (L7) would be encoded as "\C-x*gl"
+;;; the control, meta, and shift keys modify the character {lrt}
+;;; note that (unshifted) C-l is ",", C-r is "2", and C-t is "4"
+;;; {c} is [a-j] for LEFT, [a-i] for TOP, [a-o] for RIGHT.
+;;; A higher level insists on encoding {h,j,l,n}{r} (the arrow keys)
+;;; as ANSI escape sequences. Use the shell command
+;;; % setkeys noarrows
+;;; if you want these to come through for emacstool.
+;;; If you are not using EmacsTool,
+;;; you can also use this by creating a .ttyswrc file to do the conversion.
+;;; but it won't include the CONTROL, META, or SHIFT keys!
+;;; Note: al (STOP), el (EXPOSE) and gl (OPEN) are trapped by EmacsTool,
+;;; so they never make it here.
+(defvar meta-flag t)
+(defvar suntool-map (make-sparse-keymap)
+ "*Keymap for Emacstool bindings.")
+(define-key suntool-map "ar" 'unbound-key) ; R1
+(define-key suntool-map "br" 'unbound-key) ; R2
+(define-key suntool-map "hr" 'previous-line) ; R8 (up-arrow)
+(define-key suntool-map "jr" 'backward-char) ; R10 (rt-arrow)
+(define-key suntool-map "lr" 'forward-char) ; R12 (dn-arrow)
+(define-key suntool-map "nr" 'next-line) ; R14 (lf-arrow)
+(define-key suntool-map "gr" 'beginning-of-buffer) ; r7
+(define-key suntool-map "iR" 'backward-page) ; R9
+(define-key suntool-map "ir" 'scroll-down) ; r9
+(define-key suntool-map "kr" 'recenter) ; r11
+(define-key suntool-map "mr" 'end-of-buffer) ; r13
+(define-key suntool-map "oR" 'forward-page) ; R15
+(define-key suntool-map "or" 'scroll-up) ; r15
+(define-key suntool-map "b\M-L" 'rerun-prev-command) ; M-AGAIN
+(define-key suntool-map "b\M-l" 'repeat-complex-command); M-Again
+(define-key repeat-complex-command-map "\C-x*b\M-l" 'previous-complex-command)
+(define-key suntool-map "bl" 'redraw-display) ; Again L1
+(define-key suntool-map "cl" 'list-buffers) ; Props L2
+(define-key suntool-map "dl" 'undo) ; Undo L3
+(define-key suntool-map "el" 'ignore-key) ; Expose-Top L4
+(define-key suntool-map "fl" 'sun-select-region) ; Put L5
+(define-key suntool-map "f," 'copy-region-as-kill) ; C-Put L5
+(define-key suntool-map "gl" 'ignore-key) ; Open-Open L6
+(define-key suntool-map "hl" 'sun-yank-selection) ; Get L7
+(define-key suntool-map "h\M-l" 'sunview-yank-any-selection) ; M-Get L7
+(define-key suntool-map "h," 'yank) ; C-Get
+;; interactive regexp search ; Find L8
+(define-key suntool-map "iL" 're-isearch-forward) ; FIND (shift-Find)
+(define-key suntool-map "i\M-L" 're-isearch-backward) ; M-FIND (M-shift-Find)
+;; non-interactive versions:
+;; search again, using previous search arg as regexp.
+(define-key suntool-map "il" 'research-forward) ; Find
+(define-key suntool-map "i\M-l" 'research-backward) ; M-Find
+;; supply new arg
+(define-key suntool-map "i," 're-search-forward) ; C-Find
+(define-key suntool-map "i\M-," 're-search-backward) ; C-M-Find
+(define-key suntool-map "jL" 'yank) ; DELETE L9
+(define-key suntool-map "jl" 'kill-region-and-unmark) ; Delete
+(define-key suntool-map "j\M-l" 'exchange-point-and-mark); M-Delete
+(define-key suntool-map "j,"
+ '(lambda () (interactive) (pop-mark 1))) ; C-Delete
+(define-key suntool-map "pl" 'describe-mode) ; Help
+(define-key suntool-map "p\M-l" 'command-apropos) ; M-Help
+(define-key suntool-map "pL" 'describe-bindings) ; HELP
+;; Oops, Help is preempted by Xview, may need to modify xvetool
+(define-key suntool-map "p," 'help-for-help) ; C-Help
+(define-key suntool-map "p," 'help-for-dummies) ; C-Help
+(define-key suntool-map "bt" 'toggle-selective-display) ; t2
+(define-key suntool-map "cT" '(lambda(n) (interactive "p") (scroll-down n)))
+(define-key suntool-map "dT" '(lambda(n) (interactive "p") (scroll-up n)))
+(define-key suntool-map "ct" 'scroll-down-in-place) ; t3
+(define-key suntool-map "dt" 'scroll-up-in-place) ; t4
+(define-key suntool-map "et" 'shell) ; t5
+(define-key suntool-map "fT" 'shrink-window-horizontally) ; T6
+(define-key suntool-map "gT" 'enlarge-window-horizontally) ; T7
+(define-key suntool-map "ft" 'shrink-window) ; t6
+(define-key suntool-map "gt" 'enlarge-window) ; t7
+(define-key ctl-x-map "*" suntool-map)
+;;; Since .emacs gets loaded before this file, a hook is supplied
+;;; for you to put your own bindings in.
+;;; Example:
+;(setq suntool-map-hooks '( ; not your usual hook list
+; (define-key suntool-map "c\M-l" 'browse) ; Meta-Props
+; (define-key suntool-map "dr" 'goto-line) ; R4
+; (define-key suntool-map "d2" 'what-line) ; Control-R4
+; ))
+(defvar suntool-map-hooks nil
+ "List of forms to evaluate after setting suntool-map.
+This variable is processed by: (mapcar 'eval suntool-map-hooks)")
+(mapcar 'eval suntool-map-hooks)
+;;; If running under emacstool, arrange to call suspend-emacstool
+;;; instead of suspend-emacs.
+;;; First mouse blip is a clue that we are in emacstool.
+;;; C-x C-@ is the mouse command prefix.
+(autoload 'sun-mouse-handler "sun-mouse"
+ "Sun Emacstool handler for mouse blips (not loaded)." t)
+(defun sun-mouse-once ()
+ "Converts to emacstool and sun-mouse-handler on first mouse hit."
+ (interactive)
+ (emacstool-init)
+ (sun-mouse-handler) ; Now, execute this mouse blip.
+ )
+(if (not window-system) ; don't do this for X!
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "\C-@" 'sun-mouse-once))
+(defun emacstool-init ()
+ "Set up Emacstool window, if you know you are in an emacstool."
+ ;; Make sure sun-mouse and sun-fns are loaded.
+ (require 'sun-fns)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "\C-@" 'sun-mouse-handler)
+ (if (fboundp 'sun-window-init) ()
+ (error "SunWindows support not compiled in: #define HAVE_SUN_WINDOWS in config.h"))
+ (if (and (not (getenv "DISPLAY")) (< (sun-window-init) 0))
+ (message "Not a SunView Window"))
+ (progn
+ (substitute-key-definition 'suspend-emacs 'suspend-emacstool global-map)
+ (substitute-key-definition 'suspend-emacs 'suspend-emacstool esc-map)
+ (substitute-key-definition 'suspend-emacs 'suspend-emacstool ctl-x-map)
+ (send-string-to-terminal
+ (concat "\033]lEmacstool - GNU Emacs " emacs-version "\033\\")))
+ )
+;;; If Emacstool is being nice, and informs us of its presence:
+(if (getenv "IN_EMACSTOOL") (emacstool-init))
diff --git a/lisp/term/sup-mouse.el b/lisp/term/sup-mouse.el
deleted file mode 100644
index d03b009136d..00000000000
--- a/lisp/term/sup-mouse.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-;; ;;
-;; File: sup-mouse.el ;;
-;; Author: Wolfgang Rupprecht ;;
-;; Created: Fri Nov 21 19:22:22 1986 ;;
-;; Contents: supdup mouse support for lisp machines ;;
-;; ;;
-;; (from code originally written by John Robinson@bbn for the bitgraph) ;;
-;; ;;
-;; $Log$ ;;
-;; GNU Emacs code for lambda/supdup mouse
-;; Copyright (C) Free Software Foundation 1985, 1986
-;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
-;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
-;; any later version.
-;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-;; the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-;;; User customization option:
-(defvar sup-mouse-fast-select-window nil
- "*Non-nil for mouse hits to select new window, then execute; else just select.")
-(defconst mouse-left 0)
-(defconst mouse-center 1)
-(defconst mouse-right 2)
-(defconst mouse-2left 4)
-(defconst mouse-2center 5)
-(defconst mouse-2right 6)
-(defconst mouse-3left 8)
-(defconst mouse-3center 9)
-(defconst mouse-3right 10)
-;;; Defuns:
-(defun sup-mouse-report ()
- "This function is called directly by the mouse, it parses and
-executes the mouse commands.
- L move point * |---- These apply for mouse click in a window.
-2L delete word |
-3L copy word | If sup-mouse-fast-select-window is nil,
- C move point and yank * | just selects that window.
-2C yank pop |
- R set mark * |
-2R delete region |
-3R copy region |
-on modeline on \"scroll bar\" in minibuffer
- L scroll-up line to top execute-extended-command
- C proportional goto-char line to middle mouse-help
- R scroll-down line to bottom eval-expression"
- (interactive)
- (let*
-;; expect a string of <esc>:<buttons>;<x-pos>;<y-pos>c
- ((buttons (sup-get-tty-num ?\;))
- (x (sup-get-tty-num ?\;))
- (y (sup-get-tty-num ?c))
- (window (sup-pos-to-window x y))
- (edges (window-edges window))
- (old-window (selected-window))
- (in-minibuf-p (eq y (1- (screen-height))))
- (same-window-p (and (not in-minibuf-p) (eq window old-window)))
- (in-modeline-p (eq y (1- (nth 3 edges))))
- (in-scrollbar-p (>= x (1- (nth 2 edges)))))
- (setq x (- x (nth 0 edges)))
- (setq y (- y (nth 1 edges)))
-; (error "mouse-hit %d %d %d" buttons x y) ;;;; debug
- (cond (in-modeline-p
- (select-window window)
- (cond ((= buttons mouse-left)
- (scroll-up))
- ((= buttons mouse-right)
- (scroll-down))
- ((= buttons mouse-center)
- (goto-char (/ (* x
- (- (point-max) (point-min)))
- (1- (window-width))))
- (beginning-of-line)
- (what-cursor-position)))
- (select-window old-window))
- (in-scrollbar-p
- (select-window window)
- (scroll-up
- (cond ((= buttons mouse-left)
- y)
- ((= buttons mouse-right)
- (+ y (- 2 (window-height))))
- ((= buttons mouse-center)
- (/ (+ 2 y y (- (window-height))) 2))
- (t
- 0)))
- (select-window old-window))
- (same-window-p
- (cond ((= buttons mouse-left)
- (sup-move-point-to-x-y x y))
- ((= buttons mouse-2left)
- (sup-move-point-to-x-y x y)
- (kill-word 1))
- ((= buttons mouse-3left)
- (sup-move-point-to-x-y x y)
- (save-excursion
- (copy-region-as-kill
- (point) (progn (forward-word 1) (point))))
- (setq this-command 'yank)
- )
- ((= buttons mouse-right)
- (push-mark)
- (sup-move-point-to-x-y x y)
- (exchange-point-and-mark))
- ((= buttons mouse-2right)
- (push-mark)
- (sup-move-point-to-x-y x y)
- (kill-region (mark) (point)))
- ((= buttons mouse-3right)
- (push-mark)
- (sup-move-point-to-x-y x y)
- (copy-region-as-kill (mark) (point))
- (setq this-command 'yank))
- ((= buttons mouse-center)
- (sup-move-point-to-x-y x y)
- (setq this-command 'yank)
- (yank))
- ((= buttons mouse-2center)
- (yank-pop 1))
- )
- )
- (in-minibuf-p
- (cond ((= buttons mouse-right)
- (call-interactively 'eval-expression))
- ((= buttons mouse-left)
- (call-interactively 'execute-extended-command))
- ((= buttons mouse-center)
- (describe-function 'sup-mouse-report)); silly self help
- ))
- (t ;in another window
- (select-window window)
- (cond ((not sup-mouse-fast-select-window))
- ((= buttons mouse-left)
- (sup-move-point-to-x-y x y))
- ((= buttons mouse-right)
- (push-mark)
- (sup-move-point-to-x-y x y)
- (exchange-point-and-mark))
- ((= buttons mouse-center)
- (sup-move-point-to-x-y x y)
- (setq this-command 'yank)
- (yank))
- ))
- )))
-(defun sup-get-tty-num (term-char)
- "Read from terminal until TERM-CHAR is read, and return intervening number.
-Upon non-numeric not matching TERM-CHAR signal an error."
- (let
- ((num 0)
- (char (read-char)))
- (while (and (>= char ?0)
- (<= char ?9))
- (setq num (+ (* num 10) (- char ?0)))
- (setq char (read-char)))
- (or (eq term-char char)
- (error "Invalid data format in mouse command"))
- num))
-(defun sup-move-point-to-x-y (x y)
- "Position cursor in window coordinates.
-X and Y are 0-based character positions in the window."
- (move-to-window-line y)
- (move-to-column x)
- )
-(defun sup-pos-to-window (x y)
- "Find window corresponding to screen coordinates.
-X and Y are 0-based character positions on the screen."
- (let ((edges (window-edges))
- (window nil))
- (while (and (not (eq window (selected-window)))
- (or (< y (nth 1 edges))
- (>= y (nth 3 edges))
- (< x (nth 0 edges))
- (>= x (nth 2 edges))))
- (setq window (next-window window))
- (setq edges (window-edges window))
- )
- (or window (selected-window))
- )
- )
diff --git a/lisp/term/supdup.el b/lisp/term/supdup.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4e7ac2ab602
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/term/supdup.el
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+;; Losing unix doesn't know about the -real- control bit
+;; there should be some way to conditionalize this on the basis
+;; of %TOFCI -- except that the existing supdup server loses this information!
+;; It isn't clear-cut what to do in the server, as %tofci means that the user
+;; can generate full 9-bit MIT characters, which isn't what the `km' termcap
+;; flag means. On the other hand, being able to generate 8-bit characters
+;; (which is sort of what `km' is) isn't the same as %tofci.
+;; I think the problem is fundamental and cultural and irresolvable.
+;; unix supdup server uses 0237 as a control escape.
+;; c-a 001
+;; m-a 341
+;; c-m-a 201
+;; c-1 237 061
+;; m-1 261
+;; c-m-1 237 261
+;; c-m-_ 237 237
+(defvar supdup-control-map (make-keymap))
+(fillarray supdup-control-map 'ascii-loses)
+(defvar supdup-control-meta-map (make-keymap))
+(fillarray supdup-control-meta-map 'ascii-loses)
+(define-key supdup-control-meta-map "\C-_" nil) ; this is c-m-_
+(define-key supdup-control-map "\e" supdup-control-meta-map)
+(define-key global-map "\e\C-_" supdup-control-map)
+(let ((n ?0))
+ (while (<= n ?9)
+ (define-key supdup-control-map (char-to-string n) 'supdup-digit-argument)
+ (define-key supdup-control-meta-map (char-to-string n) 'supdup-digit-argument)
+ (setq n (1+ n)))
+ (define-key supdup-control-map "-" 'supdup-digit-argument)
+ (define-key supdup-control-meta-map "-" 'supdup-digit-argument))
+(defun ascii-loses ()
+ (interactive)
+ (if (= (aref (this-command-keys) 0) meta-prefix-char)
+ ;; loser typed <esc> c-_ <char>
+ (error "Undefined command: %s"
+ (mapconcat 'text-char-description (this-command-keys) " "))
+ ;; Get here from m-c-_ <char> for c-<char> or m-c-_ m-<char>
+ (error "Ascii loses: c-%s%c"
+ (if (> last-input-char ?\200) "m-" "")
+ (logand last-input-char ?\177))))
+(defun supdup-digit-argument (p)
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let ((n last-input-char))
+ (if (and (<= (+ ?\200 ?0) n) (<= n (+ ?\200 ?9)))
+ (setq n (- n ?\200)))
+ (cond ((or (= n ?-) (= n ?\M--))
+ (message "Arg: %s" (setq prefix-arg '-)))
+ ((or (< n ?0) (> n ?9))
+ (error "Lossage: %s" (this-command-keys)))
+ (t
+ (setq n (- n ?0))
+ (message "Arg: %d"
+ (setq prefix-arg
+ (cond ((listp p)
+ n)
+ ((eq p '-)
+ (- n))
+ ((>= p 0)
+ (+ (* p 10) n))
+ (t
+ (- (* p 10) n)))))))))
+;; Attempt to detect slimebollix machine serving as terminal.
+(if (let ((termcap (getenv "TERMCAP")))
+ (and termcap
+ (string-match ":co#131:li#52:\\|:co#135:li#50:" termcap)))
+ (message "In doing business with Symbolics, you are rewarding a wrong."))
+;; Mouse support works with Lambdas.
+;(autoload 'sup-mouse-report "sup-mouse"
+; "This command is sent by a special version of Supdup on the LMI Lambda
+;when the mouse is clicked." t)
+;(global-set-key "\C-x\C-@" 'sup-mouse-report)
diff --git a/lisp/term/unixpc.el b/lisp/term/unixpc.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3ebf4d25566
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/term/unixpc.el
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+;;; AT&T UnixPC keyboard definitions
+;;; Brant Cheikes (, manta!brant)
+;;; 4 August 1987
+;;; Tested on: GNU Emacs 18.47.1 of Fri Jul 24 1987 on manta (usg-unix-v)
+;;; The AT&T Unix PC (aka PC7300, 3B1) has a bizarre keyboard with
+;;; lots of interestingly labeled function keys. This file tries to
+;;; assign useful actions to the function keys. Note that the Shift
+;;; and Ctrl keys have the same effect on function keys, so Shift-F1
+;;; is the same as Ctrl-F1.
+;;; Most of the information needed to create this file was taken from
+;;; documentation found in lisp/keypad.el
+;;; Bug: The "Beg" and "End" (unshifted) keys are not supported because
+;;; they generate <esc>9 and <esc>0 respectively, and I know not how to
+;;; deal with them.
+(require 'keypad)
+;;; There seem to be three prefixes for AT&T UnixPC function keys:
+;;; "<esc>O", "<esc>N", and "<esc>[". There seem to be a couple
+;;; keys that just generate "<esc><digit>".
+;;; Note: for each mapping, I indicate the key on the Unix PC followed
+;;; by the Emacs command it is bound to (if any). Note that when I
+;;; couldn't figure out anything useful to do with a key, I simply bound
+;;; it to 'previous-line, arbitrarily. My goal was to get keys to do
+;;; "mnemonic" things.
+(defvar ATT-map-1 nil
+ "The bulk of the function keys on the AT&T Unix PC.")
+(defvar ATT-map-2 nil
+ "A few other random function keys on the AT&T Unix PC.")
+(defvar ATT-map-3 nil
+ "Some really random function keys on the AT&T Unix PC.")
+(defun enable-unixpc-keys ()
+ "Enable the use of the AT&T Unix PC function keys. Because of the
+nature of the Unix PC, this unavoidably breaks several standard Emacs
+prefixes; therefore, it is not done by default, but only if you give
+this command."
+ (interactive)
+ (global-set-key "\eO" ATT-map-1)
+ (global-set-key "\eN" ATT-map-2)
+ (global-set-key "\e[" ATT-map-3))
+;;; Create a few new keypad defaults. Here's what I think I'm doing here:
+;;; I look through "keypad.el" to find any unused entries in function-keymap
+;;; and then create my own bindings for them here. Then I use the newly
+;;; created ?x string in the setup-terminal-keymap.
+(keypad-default "2" 'advertised-undo)
+(keypad-default "4" 'save-buffers-kill-emacs)
+(keypad-default "5" 'save-buffer)
+(keypad-default "6" 'beginning-of-buffer)
+(keypad-default "8" 'end-of-buffer)
+(keypad-default "w" 'kill-word)
+(keypad-default "p" 'fill-paragraph)
+(keypad-default "," 'copy-region-as-kill)
+(if ATT-map-1
+ nil
+ (setq ATT-map-1 (make-keymap)) ; <ESC>O commands
+ (setup-terminal-keymap ATT-map-1
+ '(("a" . ?\^d) ; Clear Line (kill-line)
+ ("A" . ?\^d) ; Shift-Clear Line (kill-line)
+ ("b" . ?u) ; Ref
+ ("B" . ?u) ; Rstrt
+ ("c" . ?u) ; F1
+ ("d" . ?u) ; F2
+ ("e" . ?u) ; F3
+ ("f" . ?u) ; F4
+ ("g" . ?u) ; F5
+ ("h" . ?u) ; F6
+ ("i" . ?u) ; F7
+ ("j" . ?u) ; F8
+ ("k" . ?4) ; Exit (save-buffers-kill-emacs)
+ ("K" . ?4) ; Shift-Exit (save-buffers-kill-emacs)
+ ("m" . ??) ; Help (help-command)
+ ("M" . ??) ; Shift-Help (help-command)
+ ("n" . ?u) ; Creat
+ ("N" . ?u) ; Shift-Creat
+ ("o" . ?5) ; Save (save-buffer)
+ ("O" . ?5) ; Shift-Save (save-buffer)
+ ("r" . ?u) ; Opts
+ ("R" . ?u) ; Shift-Opts
+ ("s" . ?2) ; Undo (advertised-undo)
+ ("S" . ?2) ; Shift-Undo (advertised-undo)
+ ("t" . ?p) ; Redo (fill-paragraph)
+ ("T" . ?p) ; Shift-Redo (fill-paragraph)
+ ("u" . ?u) ; Cmd
+ ("U" . ?u) ; Shift-Cmd
+ ("v" . ?e) ; Open (open-line)
+ ("V" . ?\^d) ; Close (kill-line)
+ ("w" . ?u) ; Cancl
+ ("W" . ?u) ; Shift-Cancl
+ ("x" . ?\^c) ; Find (isearch-forward)
+ ("X" . ?f) ; Shift-Find (re-search-forward)
+ ("y" . ?0) ; Rplac (yank)
+ ("Y" . ?0) ; Shift-Rplac (yank)
+ ("z" . ?u) ; Print
+ )))
+(if ATT-map-2
+ nil
+ (setq ATT-map-2 (make-keymap)) ; <ESC>N commands
+ (setup-terminal-keymap ATT-map-2
+ '(("a" . ?C) ; Rfrsh (recenter)
+ ("B" . ?6) ; Shift-Beg (beginning-of-buffer)
+ ("c" . ?0) ; Move (yank)
+ ("C" . ?0) ; Shift-Move (yank)
+ ("d" . ?,) ; Copy (copy-region-as-kill)
+ ("D" . ?,) ; Shift-Copy (copy-region-as-kill)
+ ("e" . ?k) ; Dlete (kill-region)
+ ("E" . ?k) ; Shift-Dlete (kill-region)
+ ("f" . ?.) ; Dlete Char (delete-char)
+ ("F" . ?w) ; Shift-Dlete Char (kill-word)
+ ("g" . ?P) ; Prev (scroll-down)
+ ("G" . ?P) ; Shift-Prev (scroll-down)
+ ("h" . ?N) ; Next (scroll-up)
+ ("H" . ?N) ; Shift-Next (scroll-up)
+ ("i" . ?s) ; Mark (set-mark-command)
+ ("I" . ?s) ; Slect (set-mark-command)
+ ("j" . ?u) ; Input Mode
+ ("J" . ?u) ; Shift-Input Mode
+ ("K" . ?1) ; Shift-LeftArrow (backward-word)
+ ("L" . ?3) ; Shift-RightArrow (forward-word)
+ ("M" . ?h) ; Shift-Home (move-to-window-line)
+ ("N" . ?8) ; Shift-End (end-of-buffer)
+ )))
+(if ATT-map-3
+ nil
+ (setq ATT-map-3 (make-keymap)) ; <ESC>[ commands
+ (setup-terminal-keymap ATT-map-3
+ '(("A" . ?u) ; Up Arrow (previous-line)
+ ("B" . ?d) ; Down Arrow (next-line)
+ ("C" . ?r) ; Right Arrow (forward-char)
+ ("D" . ?l) ; Left Arrow (backward-char)
+ ("H" . ?h) ; Home (move-to-window-line)
+ ("J" . ?C) ; Clear (recenter)
+ ("S" . ?9) ; Shift-DownArrow (forward-paragraph)
+ ("T" . ?7) ; Shift-UpArrow (backward-paragraph)
+ ("U" . ?N) ; Page (scroll-up)
+ ("V" . ?P) ; Shift-Page (scroll-down)
+ )))
diff --git a/lisp/term/vt100.el b/lisp/term/vt100.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..435157c9663
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/term/vt100.el
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+;; Map VT100 function key escape sequences
+;; into the standard slots in function-keymap.
+(require 'keypad)
+(defvar CSI-map nil
+ "The CSI-map maps the CSI function keys on the VT100 keyboard.
+The CSI keys are the arrow keys.")
+(if (not CSI-map)
+ (progn
+ (setq CSI-map (lookup-key global-map "\e["))
+ (if (not (keymapp CSI-map))
+ (setq CSI-map (make-sparse-keymap))) ;; <ESC>[ commands
+ (setup-terminal-keymap CSI-map
+ '(("A" . ?u) ; up arrow
+ ("B" . ?d) ; down-arrow
+ ("C" . ?r) ; right-arrow
+ ("D" . ?l))))) ; left-arrow
+(defun enable-arrow-keys ()
+ "Enable the use of the VT100 arrow keys for cursor motion.
+Because of the nature of the VT100, this unavoidably breaks
+the standard Emacs command ESC [; therefore, it is not done by default,
+but only if you give this command."
+ (interactive)
+ (global-set-key "\e[" CSI-map))
+(defvar SS3-map nil
+ "SS3-map maps the SS3 function keys on the VT100 keyboard.
+The SS3 keys are the numeric keypad keys in keypad application mode
+\(DECKPAM). SS3 is DEC's name for the sequence <ESC>O which is
+the common prefix of what these keys transmit.")
+(if (not SS3-map)
+ (progn
+ (setq SS3-map (lookup-key global-map "\eO"))
+ (if (not (keymapp SS3-map))
+ (setq SS3-map (make-keymap))) ;; <ESC>O commands
+ (setup-terminal-keymap SS3-map
+ '(("A" . ?u) ; up arrow
+ ("B" . ?d) ; down-arrow
+ ("C" . ?r) ; right-arrow
+ ("D" . ?l) ; left-arrow
+ ("M" . ?e) ; Enter
+ ("P" . ?\C-a) ; PF1
+ ("Q" . ?\C-b) ; PF2
+ ("R" . ?\C-c) ; PF3
+ ("S" . ?\C-d) ; PF4
+ ("l" . ?,) ; ,
+ ("m" . ?-) ; -
+ ("n" . ?.) ; .
+ ("p" . ?0) ; 0
+ ("q" . ?1) ; 1
+ ("r" . ?2) ; 2
+ ("s" . ?3) ; 3
+ ("t" . ?4) ; 4
+ ("u" . ?5) ; 5
+ ("v" . ?6) ; 6
+ ("w" . ?7) ; 7
+ ("x" . ?8) ; 8
+ ("y" . ?9))) ; 9
+ (define-key global-map "\eO" SS3-map)))
diff --git a/lisp/term/vt101.el b/lisp/term/vt101.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c35790b72c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/term/vt101.el
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+(load (concat term-file-prefix "vt100") nil t)
diff --git a/lisp/term/vt102.el b/lisp/term/vt102.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c35790b72c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/term/vt102.el
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+(load (concat term-file-prefix "vt100") nil t)
diff --git a/lisp/term/vt125.el b/lisp/term/vt125.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c35790b72c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/term/vt125.el
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+(load (concat term-file-prefix "vt100") nil t)
diff --git a/lisp/term/vt131.el b/lisp/term/vt131.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c35790b72c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/term/vt131.el
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+(load (concat term-file-prefix "vt100") nil t)
diff --git a/lisp/term/vt200.el b/lisp/term/vt200.el
index 162baecd7c1..a394de1cc3d 100644
--- a/lisp/term/vt200.el
+++ b/lisp/term/vt200.el
@@ -1,9 +1,85 @@
-(defun terminal-80-columns ()
- (interactive)
- (send-string-to-terminal "\033[?3l")
- (set-screen-width 80))
+;; vt200 series terminal stuff.
+;; April 1985, Joe Kelsey
+(require 'keypad)
-(defun terminal-132-columns ()
+(defvar CSI-map nil
+ "The CSI-map maps the CSI function keys on the VT200 keyboard.
+The CSI keys are the dark function keys, and are only active in
+VT200-mode, except for the arrow keys.")
+(defun enable-arrow-keys ()
+ "Enable the use of the VT200 arrow keys and dark function keys.
+Because of the nature of the VT200, this unavoidably breaks
+the standard Emacs command ESC [; therefore, it is not done by default,
+but only if you give this command."
- (send-string-to-terminal "\033[?3h")
- (set-screen-width 132))
+ (global-set-key "\e[" CSI-map))
+;; I suggest that someone establish standard mappings for all of
+;; the VT200 CSI function keys into the function-keymap.
+(if CSI-map
+ nil
+ (setq CSI-map (make-keymap)) ; <ESC>[ commands
+ (setup-terminal-keymap CSI-map
+ '(("A" . ?u) ; up arrow
+ ("B" . ?d) ; down-arrow
+ ("C" . ?r) ; right-arrow
+ ("D" . ?l) ; left-arrow
+ ("1~" . ?f) ; Find
+ ("2~" . ?I) ; Insert Here
+ ("3~" . ?k) ; Re-move
+ ("4~" . ?s) ; Select
+ ("5~" . ?P) ; Prev Screen
+ ("6~" . ?N) ; Next Screen
+ ("17~" . ?\C-f) ; F6
+ ("18~" . ?\C-g) ; F7
+ ("19~" . ?\C-h) ; F8
+ ("20~" . ?\C-i) ; F9
+ ("21~" . ?\C-j) ; F10
+ ("23~" . ESC-prefix) ; F11 (ESC)
+ ("24~" . ?\C-l) ; F12
+ ("25~" . ?\C-m) ; F13
+ ("26~" . ?\C-n) ; F14
+ ("31~" . ?\C-q) ; F17
+ ("32~" . ?\C-r) ; F18
+ ("33~" . ?\C-s) ; F19
+ ("34~" . ?\C-t) ; F20
+ ("28~" . ??) ; Help
+ ("29~" . ?x)))) ; Do
+(defvar SS3-map nil
+ "SS3-map maps the SS3 function keys on the VT200 keyboard.
+The SS3 keys are the numeric keypad keys in keypad application mode
+\(DECKPAM). SS3 is DEC's name for the sequence <ESC>O which is
+the common prefix of what these keys transmit.")
+(if SS3-map
+ nil
+ (setq SS3-map (make-keymap)) ; <ESC>O commands
+ (setup-terminal-keymap SS3-map
+ '(("A" . ?u) ; up arrow
+ ("B" . ?d) ; down-arrow
+ ("C" . ?r) ; right-arrow
+ ("D" . ?l) ; left-arrow
+ ("M" . ?e) ; Enter
+ ("P" . ?\C-a) ; PF1
+ ("Q" . ?\C-b) ; PF2
+ ("R" . ?\C-c) ; PF3
+ ("S" . ?\C-d) ; PF4
+ ("l" . ?,) ; ,
+ ("m" . ?-) ; -
+ ("n" . ?.) ; .
+ ("p" . ?0) ; 0
+ ("q" . ?1) ; 1
+ ("r" . ?2) ; 2
+ ("s" . ?3) ; 3
+ ("t" . ?4) ; 4
+ ("u" . ?5) ; 5
+ ("v" . ?6) ; 6
+ ("w" . ?7) ; 7
+ ("x" . ?8) ; 8
+ ("y" . ?9))) ; 9
+ (define-key global-map "\eO" SS3-map))
diff --git a/lisp/term/vt220.el b/lisp/term/vt220.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fdfa64d4f9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/term/vt220.el
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+(load (concat term-file-prefix "vt200") nil t)
diff --git a/lisp/term/vt240.el b/lisp/term/vt240.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fdfa64d4f9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/term/vt240.el
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+(load (concat term-file-prefix "vt200") nil t)
diff --git a/lisp/term/vt300.el b/lisp/term/vt300.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fdfa64d4f9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/term/vt300.el
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+(load (concat term-file-prefix "vt200") nil t)
diff --git a/lisp/term/wyse50.el b/lisp/term/wyse50.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 712e1062d00..00000000000
--- a/lisp/term/wyse50.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-; Like all the other files in this dir, this one needs to be redone
-; for the new way of handling function keys.
-; Terminal mode for Wyse 50
-; should work well for Televideo Tvi 925 though it's an overkill
-; Author Daniel Pfeiffer <> january 1991
-(require 'keypad)
-; at least some of these should be transferred to keypad.el
-(keypad-default "A" '(lambda () (interactive)
- ; actually insert an empty line
- (beginning-of-line)
- (open-line 1)))
-(keypad-default "E" 'kill-line)
-; (keypad-default "h" 'execute-extended-command)
-(define-key function-keymap "h" 'execute-extended-command) ; bad, bad !!
-(keypad-default "H" 'shell-command)
-(keypad-default "I" '(lambda () (interactive)
- (insert ? ))) ; works even in overwrite-mode
-(keypad-default "L" '(lambda () (interactive)
- ; delete the whole line
- (beginning-of-line)
- (kill-line 1)))
-(keypad-default "M" 'overwrite-mode)
-(keypad-default "\^e" 'shell) ; F5
-(keypad-default "\^f" 'dired) ; F6
-(keypad-default "\^g" 'rnews) ; F7
-(keypad-default "\^h" 'rmail) ; F8
-(keypad-default "\^i" 'delete-other-windows) ; F9
-(keypad-default "\^j" 'other-window) ; F10
-(keypad-default "\^k" 'split-window-vertically) ; F11
-(keypad-default "\^m" 'help-for-help) ; F13
-(keypad-default "\^n" 'toggle-screen-width) ; F14
-(keypad-default "\^o" 'set-function-key) ; F15
-; Keys that don't conflict with Emacs defaults
-; I write \M-x and \C-x for what the user types, \ex and \^x for key sequences
-(setup-terminal-keymap global-map
- '(("\M-?" . ?\?) ; Esc ?
- ("\eI" . ?T) ; Shift Tab
- ("\eJ" . ?P) ; Shift Prev PAGE
- ("\eK" . ?N) ; PAGE Next
- ("\eY" . ?C) ; Shift Scrn CLR
- ("\eT" . ?E) ; CLR Line
- ("\^^" . ?h) ; Home
- ("\M-\^^" . ?H) ; Esc Home
- ("\eQ" . ?I) ; INS Char
- ("\eE" . ?A) ; Shift Line INS
- ("\eW" . ?D) ; DEL Char
- ("\eR" . ?L))) ; Shift Line DEL
-; Print -- put in some extra security
-(global-set-key "\eP" '(lambda () (interactive)
- (if (y-or-n-p
- (concat "Print buffer "
- (buffer-name) "? "))
- (print-buffer))))
-; this is an ugly hack for a nasty problem:
-; Wyse 50 takes one character cell to store video attributes (which seems to
-; explain width 79 rather than 80, column 1 is not used!!!).
-; On killing (C-x C-c) the end inverse code (on column 1 of line 24)
-; of the mode line is overwritten AFTER all the y-or-n questions.
-; This causes the attribute to remain in effect until the mode line has
-; scrolled of the screen. Suspending (C-z) does not cause this problem.
-; On such terminals, Emacs should sacrifice the first and last character of
-; each mode line, rather than a whole screen column!
-(setq kill-emacs-hook '(lambda () (interactive)
- (send-string-to-terminal
- (concat "\ea23R" (1+ (screen-width)) "C\eG0"))))
-; This function does more than its name which was copied from term/vt100.el
-; Some more neutral name should be used thru-out term/*.el to simplify
-; programming term-setup-hook
-(defun enable-arrow-keys ()
- "To be called by term-setup-hook. Overrides 6 Emacs standard keys
-whose functions are then typed as follows:
-C-a Funct left-arrow, C-a C-a
-C-h M-?
-LFD Funct Return, some modes override down-arrow via LFD
-C-k CLR Line
-C-l Shift Scrn CLR
-M-r M-x move-to-window-line, Funct up-arrow or down-arrow are similar
-All special keys except Send, Shift Ins, Shift Home and shifted functions keys
-are assigned some hopefully useful meaning."
- (interactive)
- ; Function keys
- (define-key global-map "\^a" (define-prefix-command 'Funct-prefix))
- ; Arrow keys
- (setup-terminal-keymap global-map
- '(("\C-a\C-a" . beginning-of-line) ; for auld lang syne
- ("\^a\^m\^m" . newline-and-indent)
- ("\^k" . ?u) ; up-arrow
- ("\^j" . ?d) ; down-arrow
- ("\^l" . ?r) ; right-arrow
- ("\^h" . ?l) ; left-arrow
- ; Terminal needs both Ins and Repl but Emacs knows how to toggle
- ; with just one key. No need to override Ins which is "\eq".
- ("\er" . ?M) ; Repl
- ("\^a\^i\^m" . ?t) ; Funct Tab
- ; Function keys F1 thru F16 (we don't define shifted function keys,
- ; they send the same code with the middle character in lowercase.
- ; eg. "Shift F2" is the same as "Funct a" which is more mnemonic but
- ; keypad.el doesn't provide enough codes to accomodate all these)
- ("\^a@\^m" . 1) ("\^aH\^m" . 9)
- ("\^aA\^m" . 2) ("\^aI\^m" . 10)
- ("\^aB\^m" . 3) ("\^aJ\^m" . 11)
- ("\^aC\^m" . 4) ("\^aK\^m" . 12)
- ("\^aD\^m" . 5) ("\^aL\^m" . 13)
- ("\^aE\^m" . 6) ("\^aM\^m" . 14)
- ("\^aF\^m" . 7) ("\^aN\^m" . 15)
- ("\^aG\^m" . 8) ("\^aO\^m" . 16)
- ; Funct Arrow keys
- ("\^a\^k\^m" . (lambda (n) (interactive "p")
- (move-to-window-line (1- n))))
- ("\^a\^j\^m" . (lambda (n) (interactive "p")
- (move-to-window-line (- n))))
- ("\^a\^h\^m" . beginning-of-line)
- ("\^a\^l\^m" . end-of-line)))
- ; forget self to put memory to some serious use
- (fmakunbound 'enable-arrow-keys))
-(defun toggle-screen-width ()
- "Alternate between 80 and 132 columns."
- (interactive)
- (if (<= (screen-width) 80)
- (progn
- (send-string-to-terminal "\e`;")
- (set-screen-width 131))
- (send-string-to-terminal "\e`:")
- (set-screen-width 79)))
-; this function is completely independent of wyse, it should be auto-loadable
-; (presumably from keypad.el) for use in ~/emacs. It should be the only thing
-; users need to know about all this unintelligible "forwarding" gibberish.
-; This paves the way for a save-function-keys (some day or sleepless night)
-; that will edit calls like (set-function-key ?x 'do-whatever) in ~/.emacs.
-(defun set-function-key (key &optional def)
- "Prompt for a function or other special key and assign it a meaning.
-The key must have been \"forwarded\" to a character by term/*.el.
-As a function takes two args CHAR and DEF, with DEF as in define-key.
-If your terminals term/*.el forwards a physical key to CHAR (before or after
-calling this function), then that key will mean DEF, else it is ignored.
-CHAR is one of the following:
-For numbered function keys
- 0, 1, ..., 24 (or ?\\^@, ?\\^a, ..., ?\\^x which is the same)
-For keypad keys in application mode
- ?0, ?1, ..., ?9 -- keypad key labelled with that digit,
- but only if that key is not an arrow key (see ?u, ?d, ?r, ?l).
- ?- -- keypad key labelled `-'.
- ?. -- keypad key labelled `.'.
- ?, -- keypad key labelled `,'.
- ?e -- key labelled enter.
-For keys labelled with some words or a symbol
- ?a -- clear all tabs key.
- ?A -- insert line key.
- ?C -- clear screen key.
- ?c -- erase key.
- ?D -- delete character key.
- ?d -- down-arrow.
- ?E -- clear to end of line key.
- ?e -- key labelled enter.
- ?f -- find key or search key.
- ?F -- scroll forward key.
- ?H -- home-down.
- ?h -- home-position key.
- ?I -- insert character key
- If there is just an \"insert\" key, it should be this.
- ?k -- delete key or remove key.
- ?L -- delete line key.
- ?l -- left-arrow.
- ?M -- exit insert mode key.
- ?N -- next page key.
- ?p -- portrait mode.
- ?P -- previous page key.
- ?q -- landscape mode.
- ?r -- right-arrow.
- ?R -- scroll reverse key.
- ?S -- clear to end of screen key.
- ?s -- select key.
- ?t -- clear tab this column key.
- ?T -- set tab this column key.
- ?u -- up-arrow.
- ?x -- do key.
- ?\\? -- help."
- (interactive "kHit key to redefine")
- (let ((map function-keymap))
- (if (integerp key)
- ()
- ; reinvent lookup-key to get (map . char) instead of def of char in map
- (setq map (or (lookup-key global-map
- (substring key 0 (1- (length key))))
- global-map)
- key (string-to-char (substring key (1- (length key)))))
- (while (symbolp map)
- (setq map (symbol-function map)))
- (setq map (if (listp map)
- (cdr (assq key (cdr map)))
- (aref map key)))
- (if (and (consp map)
- (integerp (cdr map)))
- (setq key (cdr map)
- map (car map)) ; function-keymap usually
- (error "Key is not a \"forwarded\" definition.")))
- (if def
- ()
- (setq def (read-command "command (default last keyboard macro): "))
- (if (string-equal (symbol-name def) "")
- (setq def last-kbd-macro))
- (setq command-history ; nonsense really, since you don't see
- (cons ; key as in a function call (?char)
- (list 'set-function-key key
- (if (stringp def) def (list 'quote def)))
- command-history)))
- ; all we do when called as a function
- (define-key map (char-to-string key) def)))
diff --git a/lisp/term/x-win.el b/lisp/term/x-win.el
index feff6de1865..5d7670a66ac 100644
--- a/lisp/term/x-win.el
+++ b/lisp/term/x-win.el
@@ -1,615 +1,222 @@
;; Parse switches controlling how Emacs interfaces with X window system.
-;; Copyright (C) 1990 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 1986, 1988 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
-;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor
-;; accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
-;; or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
-;; unless he says so in writing. Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public
-;; License for full details.
-;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
-;; GNU Emacs, but only under the conditions described in the
-;; GNU Emacs General Public License. A copy of this license is
-;; supposed to have been given to you along with GNU Emacs so you
-;; can know your rights and responsibilities. It should be in a
-;; file named COPYING. Among other things, the copyright notice
-;; and this notice must be preserved on all copies.
-;; X-win.el: this file is loaded from ../lisp/startup.el when it recognizes
-;; that X windows are to be used. Command line switches are parsed and those
-;; pertaining to X are processed and removed from the command line. The
-;; X display is opened and hooks are set for popping up the initial window.
-;; startup.el will then examine startup files, and eventually call the hooks
-;; which create the first window (s).
-;; These are the standard X switches from the Xt Initialize.c file of
-;; Release 4.
-;; Command line Resource Manager string
-;; +rv *reverseVideo
-;; +synchronous *synchronous
-;; -background *background
-;; -bd *borderColor
-;; -bg *background
-;; -bordercolor *borderColor
-;; -borderwidth .borderWidth
-;; -bw .borderWidth
-;; -display .display
-;; -fg *foreground
-;; -fn *font
-;; -font *font
-;; -foreground *foreground
-;; -geometry .geometry
-;; -iconic .iconic
-;; -name .name
-;; -reverse *reverseVideo
-;; -rv *reverseVideo
-;; -selectionTimeout .selectionTimeout
-;; -synchronous *synchronous
-;; -title .title
-;; -xrm
-;; An alist of X options and the function which handles them. See
-;; ../startup.el.
-;; This is a temporary work-around while we the separate keymap
-;; stuff isn't yet fixed. These variables aren't used anymore,
-;; but the lisp code wants them to exist. -JimB
-(setq global-mouse-map (make-sparse-keymap))
-(setq global-function-map (make-sparse-keymap))
-(setq command-switch-alist
- (append '(("-dm" . x-establish-daemon-mode)
- ("-bw" . x-handle-numeric-switch)
- ("-d" . x-handle-display)
- ("-display" . x-handle-display)
- ("-name" . x-handle-switch)
- ("-T" . x-handle-switch)
- ("-r" . x-handle-switch)
- ("-rv" . x-handle-switch)
- ("-reverse" . x-handle-switch)
- ("-fn" . x-handle-switch)
- ("-font" . x-handle-switch)
- ("-ib" . x-handle-switch)
- ("-g" . x-handle-geometry)
- ("-geometry" . x-handle-geometry)
- ("-fg" . x-handle-switch)
- ("-foreground" . x-handle-switch)
- ("-bg" . x-handle-switch)
- ("-background" . x-handle-switch)
- ("-ms" . x-handle-switch)
- ("-ib" . x-handle-switch)
- ("-iconic" . x-handle-switch)
- ("-cr" . x-handle-switch)
- ("-vb" . x-handle-switch)
- ("-hb" . x-handle-switch)
- ("-bd" . x-handle-switch))
- command-switch-alist))
-(defvar x-switches-specified nil)
+;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
-(defconst x-switch-definitions
- '(("-name" name)
- ("-T" name)
- ("-r" lose)
- ("-rv" lose)
- ("-reverse" lose)
- ("-fn" font)
- ("-font" font)
- ("-ib" internal-border-width)
- ("-fg" foreground-color)
- ("-foreground" foreground-color)
- ("-bg" background-color)
- ("-background" background-color)
- ("-ms" mouse-color)
- ("-cr" cursor-color)
- ("-ib" icon-type t)
- ("-iconic" iconic-startup t)
- ("-vb" vertical-scroll-bar t)
- ("-hb" horizontal-scroll-bar t)
- ("-bd" border-color)
- ("-bw" border-width)))
-;; Handler for switches of the form "-switch value" or "-switch".
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+;; the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+(defconst window-system-version window-system-version
+ "*Window system version number now in use.")
+(defvar x-sigio-bug nil
+ "Non-NIL means don't use interrupts for input when using X.")
+(defvar x-processed-defaults nil
+ "Non-NIL means that user's X defaults have already been processed.")
+(defvar x-switches nil
+ "Alist of command switches and values for X window system interface.
+You can set this in your init file, if you want some defaults
+for these switches. Example:
+ (setq x-switches '((\"-r\" . t) (\"-font\" . \"foo\") (\"-b\" . \"8\")))
+This feature is currently broken for X11.")
+(if (= window-system-version 10)
+ (setq command-switch-alist
+ (append '(("-r" . x-handle-switch)
+ ("-i" . x-handle-switch)
+ ("-font" . x-handle-switch)
+ ("-w" . x-handle-switch)
+ ("-b" . x-handle-switch)
+ ("-ib" . x-handle-switch)
+ ("-fg" . x-handle-switch)
+ ("-bg" . x-handle-switch)
+ ("-bd" . x-handle-switch)
+ ("-cr" . x-handle-switch)
+ ("-ms" . x-handle-switch))
+ command-switch-alist))
+ (setq command-switch-alist
+ (append '(("-rn" . x-ignore-arg)
+ ("-xrm" . x-ignore-arg)
+ ("-r" . ignore)
+ ("-i" . ignore)
+ ("-rn" . x-ignore-arg)
+ ("-font" . x-ignore-arg)
+ ("-fn" . x-ignore-arg)
+ ("-wn" . x-ignore-arg)
+ ("-in" . x-ignore-arg)
+ ("-w" . x-ignore-arg)
+ ("-geometry" . x-ignore-arg)
+ ("-b" . x-ignore-arg)
+ ("-ib" . x-ignore-arg)
+ ("-fg" . x-ignore-arg)
+ ("-bg" . x-ignore-arg)
+ ("-bd" . x-ignore-arg)
+ ("-cr" . x-ignore-arg)
+ ("-ms" . x-ignore-arg))
+ command-switch-alist)))
+(defun x-ignore-arg (&rest ignore)
+ (setq command-line-args-left (cdr command-line-args-left)))
+;; This is run after the command args are parsed.
(defun x-handle-switch (switch)
- (let ((aelt (assoc switch x-switch-definitions)))
- (if aelt
- (if (nth 2 aelt)
- (setq x-switches-specified
- (cons (cons (nth 1 aelt) (nth 2 aelt))
- x-switches-specified))
- (setq x-switches-specified
- (cons (cons (nth 1 aelt)
- (car x-invocation-args))
- x-switches-specified)
- x-invocation-args (cdr x-invocation-args))))))
-;; Handler for switches of the form "-switch n"
-(defun x-handle-numeric-switch (switch)
- (let ((aelt (assoc switch x-switch-definitions)))
- (if aelt
- (setq x-switches-specified
- (cons (cons (nth 1 aelt)
- (string-to-int (car x-invocation-args)))
- x-switches-specified)
- x-invocation-args
- (cdr x-invocation-args)))))
-;; Handle the geometry option
-(defun x-handle-geometry (switch)
- (setq x-switches-specified (append x-switches-specified
- (x-geometry (car x-invocation-args)))
- x-invocation-args (cdr x-invocation-args)))
-;; The daemon stuff isn't really useful at the moment.
-(defvar x-daemon-mode nil
- "When set, means initially create just a minibuffer.")
-(defun x-establish-daemon-mode (switch)
- (setq x-daemon-mode t))
-(defvar x-display-name nil
- "The X display name specifying server and X screen.")
-(defun x-handle-display (switch)
- (setq x-display-name (car x-invocation-args)
- x-invocation-args (cdr x-invocation-args)))
-;; Here the X-related command line options are processed, before the user's
-;; startup file is loaded. These are present in ARGS (see startup.el).
-;; They are copied to x-invocation args from which the X-related things
-;; are extracted, first the switch (e.g., "-fg") in the following code,
-;; and possible values (e.g., "black") in the option handler code
-;; (e.g., x-handle-switch).
-;; When finished, only things not pertaining to X (e.g., "-q", filenames)
-;; are left in ARGS
-(defvar x-invocation-args nil)
+ (if (x-handle-switch-1 switch (car command-line-args-left))
+ (setq command-line-args-left (cdr command-line-args-left))))
+(defun x-handle-switch-1 (switch arg)
+ (cond ((string= switch "-r")
+ (x-flip-color)
+ nil)
+ ((string= switch "-i")
+ (x-set-icon t)
+ nil)
+ ((string= switch "-font")
+ (x-set-font arg)
+ t)
+ ((string= switch "-b")
+ (x-set-border-width (string-to-int arg))
+ t)
+ ((string= switch "-ib")
+ (x-set-internal-border-width (string-to-int arg))
+ t)
+ ((string= switch "-w")
+ (x-create-x-window arg)
+ t)
+ ((string= switch "-fg")
+ (x-set-foreground-color arg)
+ t)
+ ((string= switch "-bg")
+ (x-set-background-color arg)
+ t)
+ ((string= switch "-bd")
+ (x-set-border-color arg)
+ t)
+ ((string= switch "-cr")
+ (x-set-cursor-color arg)
+ t)
+ ((string= switch "-ms")
+ (x-set-mouse-color arg)
+ t)))
+;; Convert a string of the form "WWxHH+XO+YO",
+;; where WW, HH, XO and YO are numerals,
+;; into a list (WW HH XO YO).
+;; "xHH" may be omitted; then 0 is used for HH.
+;; XO and YO may be preceded by - instead of + to make them negative.
+;; Either YO or both XO and YO may be omitted; zero is used.
+(defun x-parse-edge-spec (arg)
+ (let ((cols-by-font 0)
+ (rows-by-font 0)
+ (xoffset 0)
+ (yoffset 0))
+ (if (string-match "^=" arg)
+ (setq cols-by-font (x-extract-number))
+ (error "Invalid X window size/position spec"))
+ (if (string-match "^x" arg) ;get rows-by-font
+ (setq rows-by-font (x-extract-number)))
+ (if (string-match "^[-+]" arg)
+ (setq xoffset (x-extract-number)))
+ (if (string-match "^[-+]" arg)
+ (setq yoffset (x-extract-number)))
+ (or (equal arg "")
+ (error "Invalid X window size/position spec"))
+ (list cols-by-font rows-by-font xoffset yoffset)))
+;; Subroutine to extract the next numeral from the front of arg,
+;; returning it and shortening arg to remove its text.
+;; If arg is negative, subtract 1 before returning it.
+(defun x-extract-number ()
+ (if (string-match "^[x=]" arg)
+ (setq arg (substring arg 1)))
+ (or (string-match "[-+]?[0-9]+" arg)
+ (error "Invalid X window size/position spec"))
+ (prog1
+ (+ (string-to-int arg)
+ (if (string-match "^-" arg) -1 0))
+ (setq arg
+ (substring arg
+ (or (string-match "[^0-9]" arg 1)
+ (length arg))))))
+(defun x-get-default-args ()
+ (setq x-processed-defaults t)
+ (let (value)
+ (if (not (string= (setq value (x-get-default "bodyfont")) ""))
+ (x-handle-switch-1 "-font" value))
+ (if (string-match "on" (x-get-default "bitmapicon"))
+ (x-handle-switch-1 "-i" t))
+ (if (not (string= (setq value (x-get-default "borderwidth")) ""))
+ (x-handle-switch-1 "-b" value))
+ (if (not (string= (setq value (x-get-default "internalborder")) ""))
+ (x-handle-switch-1 "-ib" value))
+ (if (not (string= (setq value (x-get-default "foreground")) ""))
+ (x-handle-switch-1 "-fg" value))
+ (if (not (string= (setq value (x-get-default "background")) ""))
+ (x-handle-switch-1 "-bg" value))
+ (if (not (string= (setq value (x-get-default "border")) ""))
+ (x-handle-switch-1 "-bd" value))
+ (if (not (string= (setq value (x-get-default "cursor")) ""))
+ (x-handle-switch-1 "-cr" value))
+ (if (not (string= (setq value (x-get-default "mouse")) ""))
+ (x-handle-switch-1 "-ms" value))
+ (if (string-match "on" (x-get-default "reversevideo"))
+ (x-handle-switch-1 "-r" t))))
+;; So far we have only defined some functions.
+;; Now we start processing X-related switches
+;; and redefining commands and variables,
+;; only if Emacs has been compiled to support direct interface to X.
(if (eq window-system 'x)
- (setq window-setup-hook 'x-pop-initial-window
- x-invocation-args args
- args nil)
(require 'x-mouse)
- (require 'screen)
- (setq suspend-hook
- '(lambda ()
- (error "Suspending an emacs running under X makes no sense")))
- (define-key global-map "" 'iconify-emacs)
- (while x-invocation-args
- (let* ((this-switch (car x-invocation-args))
- (aelt (assoc this-switch command-switch-alist)))
- (setq x-invocation-args (cdr x-invocation-args))
- (if aelt
- (funcall (cdr aelt) this-switch)
- (setq args (cons this-switch args)))))
- (setq args (nreverse args))
- (x-open-connection (or x-display-name
- (setq x-display-name (getenv "DISPLAY"))))
- ;;
- ;; This is the place to handle Xresources
- ;;
- )
- (error "Loading x-win.el but not compiled for X"))
-;; This is the function which creates the first X window. It is called
-;; from startup.el after the user's init file is processed.
-(defun x-pop-initial-window ()
- ;; xterm.c depends on using interrupt-driven input.
- (set-input-mode t nil t)
- (setq mouse-motion-handler 'x-track-pointer)
- (setq x-switches-specified (append x-switches-specified
- initial-screen-alist
- screen-default-alist))
- ;; see screen.el for this function
- (pop-initial-screen x-switches-specified)
- (delete-screen terminal-screen))
-;; Standard X cursor shapes, courtesy of Mr. Fox, who wanted ALL of them.
-(defconst x-pointer-X-cursor 0)
-(defconst x-pointer-arrow 2)
-(defconst x-pointer-based-arrow-down 4)
-(defconst x-pointer-based-arrow-up 6)
-(defconst x-pointer-boat 8)
-(defconst x-pointer-bogosity 10)
-(defconst x-pointer-bottom-left-corner 12)
-(defconst x-pointer-bottom-right-corner 14)
-(defconst x-pointer-bottom-side 16)
-(defconst x-pointer-bottom-tee 18)
-(defconst x-pointer-box-spiral 20)
-(defconst x-pointer-center-ptr 22)
-(defconst x-pointer-circle 24)
-(defconst x-pointer-clock 26)
-(defconst x-pointer-coffee-mug 28)
-(defconst x-pointer-cross 30)
-(defconst x-pointer-cross-reverse 32)
-(defconst x-pointer-crosshair 34)
-(defconst x-pointer-diamond-cross 36)
-(defconst x-pointer-dot 38)
-(defconst x-pointer-dotbox 40)
-(defconst x-pointer-double-arrow 42)
-(defconst x-pointer-draft-large 44)
-(defconst x-pointer-draft-small 46)
-(defconst x-pointer-draped-box 48)
-(defconst x-pointer-exchange 50)
-(defconst x-pointer-fleur 52)
-(defconst x-pointer-gobbler 54)
-(defconst x-pointer-gumby 56)
-(defconst x-pointer-hand1 58)
-(defconst x-pointer-hand2 60)
-(defconst x-pointer-heart 62)
-(defconst x-pointer-icon 64)
-(defconst x-pointer-iron-cross 66)
-(defconst x-pointer-left-ptr 68)
-(defconst x-pointer-left-side 70)
-(defconst x-pointer-left-tee 72)
-(defconst x-pointer-leftbutton 74)
-(defconst x-pointer-ll-angle 76)
-(defconst x-pointer-lr-angle 78)
-(defconst x-pointer-man 80)
-(defconst x-pointer-middlebutton 82)
-(defconst x-pointer-mouse 84)
-(defconst x-pointer-pencil 86)
-(defconst x-pointer-pirate 88)
-(defconst x-pointer-plus 90)
-(defconst x-pointer-question-arrow 92)
-(defconst x-pointer-right-ptr 94)
-(defconst x-pointer-right-side 96)
-(defconst x-pointer-right-tee 98)
-(defconst x-pointer-rightbutton 100)
-(defconst x-pointer-rtl-logo 102)
-(defconst x-pointer-sailboat 104)
-(defconst x-pointer-sb-down-arrow 106)
-(defconst x-pointer-sb-h-double-arrow 108)
-(defconst x-pointer-sb-left-arrow 110)
-(defconst x-pointer-sb-right-arrow 112)
-(defconst x-pointer-sb-up-arrow 114)
-(defconst x-pointer-sb-v-double-arrow 116)
-(defconst x-pointer-shuttle 118)
-(defconst x-pointer-sizing 120)
-(defconst x-pointer-spider 122)
-(defconst x-pointer-spraycan 124)
-(defconst x-pointer-star 126)
-(defconst x-pointer-target 128)
-(defconst x-pointer-tcross 130)
-(defconst x-pointer-top-left-arrow 132)
-(defconst x-pointer-top-left-corner 134)
-(defconst x-pointer-top-right-corner 136)
-(defconst x-pointer-top-side 138)
-(defconst x-pointer-top-tee 140)
-(defconst x-pointer-trek 142)
-(defconst x-pointer-ul-angle 144)
-(defconst x-pointer-umbrella 146)
-(defconst x-pointer-ur-angle 148)
-(defconst x-pointer-watch 150)
-(defconst x-pointer-xterm 152)
-;; Available colors
-(defvar x-colors '("aquamarine"
- "Aquamarine"
- "medium aquamarine"
- "MediumAquamarine"
- "black"
- "Black"
- "blue"
- "Blue"
- "cadet blue"
- "CadetBlue"
- "cornflower blue"
- "CornflowerBlue"
- "dark slate blue"
- "DarkSlateBlue"
- "light blue"
- "LightBlue"
- "light steel blue"
- "LightSteelBlue"
- "medium blue"
- "MediumBlue"
- "medium slate blue"
- "MediumSlateBlue"
- "midnight blue"
- "MidnightBlue"
- "navy blue"
- "NavyBlue"
- "navy"
- "Navy"
- "sky blue"
- "SkyBlue"
- "slate blue"
- "SlateBlue"
- "steel blue"
- "SteelBlue"
- "coral"
- "Coral"
- "cyan"
- "Cyan"
- "firebrick"
- "Firebrick"
- "brown"
- "Brown"
- "gold"
- "Gold"
- "goldenrod"
- "Goldenrod"
- "medium goldenrod"
- "MediumGoldenrod"
- "green"
- "Green"
- "dark green"
- "DarkGreen"
- "dark olive green"
- "DarkOliveGreen"
- "forest green"
- "ForestGreen"
- "lime green"
- "LimeGreen"
- "medium forest green"
- "MediumForestGreen"
- "medium sea green"
- "MediumSeaGreen"
- "medium spring green"
- "MediumSpringGreen"
- "pale green"
- "PaleGreen"
- "sea green"
- "SeaGreen"
- "spring green"
- "SpringGreen"
- "yellow green"
- "YellowGreen"
- "dark slate grey"
- "DarkSlateGrey"
- "dark slate gray"
- "DarkSlateGray"
- "dim grey"
- "DimGrey"
- "dim gray"
- "DimGray"
- "light grey"
- "LightGrey"
- "light gray"
- "LightGray"
- "gray"
- "grey"
- "Gray"
- "Grey"
- "khaki"
- "Khaki"
- "magenta"
- "Magenta"
- "maroon"
- "Maroon"
- "orange"
- "Orange"
- "orchid"
- "Orchid"
- "dark orchid"
- "DarkOrchid"
- "medium orchid"
- "MediumOrchid"
- "pink"
- "Pink"
- "plum"
- "Plum"
- "red"
- "Red"
- "indian red"
- "IndianRed"
- "medium violet red"
- "MediumVioletRed"
- "orange red"
- "OrangeRed"
- "violet red"
- "VioletRed"
- "salmon"
- "Salmon"
- "sienna"
- "Sienna"
- "tan"
- "Tan"
- "thistle"
- "Thistle"
- "turquoise"
- "Turquoise"
- "dark turquoise"
- "DarkTurquoise"
- "medium turquoise"
- "MediumTurquoise"
- "violet"
- "Violet"
- "blue violet"
- "BlueViolet"
- "wheat"
- "Wheat"
- "white"
- "White"
- "yellow"
- "Yellow"
- "green yellow"
- "GreenYellow")
- "The full list of X colors from the rgb.text file.")
-(defun x-defined-colors ()
- "Return a list of colors supported by the current X-Display."
- (let ((all-colors x-colors)
- (this-color nil)
- (defined-colors nil))
- (while all-colors
- (setq this-color (car all-colors)
- all-colors (cdr all-colors))
- (and (x-defined-color this-color)
- (setq defined-colors (cons this-color defined-colors))))
- defined-colors))
-;; Function key processing under X. Function keys are received through
-;; in the input stream as Lisp symbols.
-(defun define-function-key (map sym definition)
- (let ((exist (assq sym (cdr map))))
- (if exist
- (setcdr exist definition)
- (setcdr map
- (cons (cons sym definition)
- (cdr map))))))
-;; For unused keysyms. If this happens, it's probably a server or
-;; Xlib bug.
-(defun weird-x-keysym ()
- (interactive)
- (error "Bizarre X keysym received."))
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-not-serious 'weird-x-keysym)
-;; Keypad type things
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-home 'beginning-of-line)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-left 'backward-char)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-up 'previous-line)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-right 'forward-char)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-down 'next-line)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-prior 'previous-line)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-next 'next-line)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-end 'end-of-line)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-begin 'beginning-of-line)
- ;; IsMiscFunctionKey
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-select nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-print nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-execute nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-insert nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-undo nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-redo nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-menu nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-find nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-cancel nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-help nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-break nil)
- ;; IsKeypadKey
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-kp-space
- '(lambda nil (interactive)
- (insert " ")))
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-kp-tab
- '(lambda nil (interactive)
- (insert "\t")))
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-kp-enter
- '(lambda nil (interactive)
- (insert "\n")))
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-kp-f1 nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-kp-f2 nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-kp-f3 nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-kp-f4 nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-kp-equal
- '(lambda nil (interactive)
- (insert "=")))
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-kp-multiply
- '(lambda nil (interactive)
- (insert "*")))
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-kp-add
- '(lambda nil (interactive)
- (insert "+")))
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-kp-separator
- '(lambda nil (interactive)
- (insert ";")))
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-kp-subtract
- '(lambda nil (interactive)
- (insert "-")))
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-kp-decimal
- '(lambda nil (interactive)
- (insert ".")))
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-kp-divide
- '(lambda nil (interactive)
- (insert "/")))
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-kp-0
- '(lambda nil (interactive)
- (insert "0")))
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-kp-1
- '(lambda nil (interactive)
- (insert "1")))
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-kp-2
- '(lambda nil (interactive)
- (insert "2")))
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-kp-3
- '(lambda nil (interactive)
- (insert "3")))
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-kp-4
- '(lambda nil (interactive)
- (insert "4")))
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-kp-5
- '(lambda nil (interactive)
- (insert "5")))
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-kp-6
- '(lambda nil (interactive)
- (insert "6")))
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-kp-7
- '(lambda nil (interactive)
- (insert "7")))
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-kp-8
- '(lambda nil (interactive)
- (insert "8")))
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-kp-9
- '(lambda nil (interactive)
- (insert "9")))
- ;; IsFunctionKey
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-f1 'rmail)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-f2 nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-f3 nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-f4 nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-f5 nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-f6 nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-f7 nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-f8 nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-f9 nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-f10 nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-f11 nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-f12 nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-f13 nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-f14 nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-f15 nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-f16 nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-f17 nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-f18 nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-f19 nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-f20 nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-f21 nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-f22 nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-f23 nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-f24 nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-f25 nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-f26 nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-f27 nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-f28 nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-f29 nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-f30 nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-f31 nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-f32 nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-f33 nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-f34 nil)
-(define-function-key global-function-map 'xk-f35 nil)
+ (if (= window-system-version 10)
+ (progn
+ ;; xterm.c depends on using interrupt-driven input.
+ (set-input-mode t nil)
+ (defun x-new-display (display)
+ "This function takes one argument, the display where you wish to
+continue your editing session. Your current window will be unmapped and
+the current display will be closed. The new X display will be opened and
+the rubber-band outline of the new window will appear on the new X display."
+ (interactive "sDisplay to switch emacs to: ")
+ (x-change-display display)
+ (x-get-default-args))
+ ;; Not defvar! This is not DEFINING this variable, just specifying
+ ;; a value for it.
+ (setq window-setup-hook 'x-pop-up-window)
+ ;; Process switch settings made by .emacs file.
+ (while x-switches
+ (x-handle-switch-1 (car (car x-switches)) (cdr (car x-switches)))
+ (setq x-switches (cdr x-switches)))))
+ ;; On certain systems, turn off use of sigio, because it's broken.
+ (if x-sigio-bug
+ (set-input-mode nil nil))
+ (put 'suspend-emacs 'disabled
+ "Suspending a program running in an X window is silly
+and you would not be able to start it again. Just switch windows instead.\n")
+ (setq suspend-hook '(lambda () (error "Suspending an emacs running under X makes no sense")))
+ (substitute-key-definition 'suspend-emacs nil global-map)
+ (substitute-key-definition 'suspend-emacs nil esc-map)
+ (substitute-key-definition 'suspend-emacs nil ctl-x-map)
+ ;; Not needed any more -- done in C.
+ ;; (if (not x-processed-defaults) (x-get-default-args))
diff --git a/lisp/term/xterm.el b/lisp/term/xterm.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..abb8a85ce0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/term/xterm.el
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+;; Don't send the `ti' string when screen is cleared.
+(setq reset-terminal-on-clear nil)