path: root/lisp/net/telnet.el
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Diffstat (limited to 'lisp/net/telnet.el')
1 files changed, 261 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/net/telnet.el b/lisp/net/telnet.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..557d00534d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/net/telnet.el
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+;;; telnet.el --- run a telnet session from within an Emacs buffer
+;; Copyright (C) 1985, 1988, 1992, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: William F. Schelter
+;; Maintainer: FSF
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This mode is intended to be used for telnet or rsh to a remote host;
+;; `telnet' and `rsh' are the two entry points. Multiple telnet or rsh
+;; sessions are supported.
+;; Normally, input is sent to the remote telnet/rsh line-by-line, as you
+;; type RET or LFD. C-c C-c sends a C-c to the remote immediately;
+;; C-c C-z sends C-z immediately. C-c C-q followed by any character
+;; sends that character immediately.
+;; All RET characters are filtered out of the output coming back from the
+;; remote system. The mode tries to do other useful translations based
+;; on what it sees coming back from the other system before the password
+;; query. It knows about UNIX, ITS, TOPS-20 and Explorer systems.
+;; You can use the global telnet-host-properties to associate a telnet
+;; program and login name with each host you regularly telnet to.
+;;; Code:
+;; to do fix software types for lispm:
+;; to eval current expression. Also to try to send escape keys correctly.
+;; essentially we'll want the rubout-handler off.
+;; filter is simplistic but should be okay for typical shell usage.
+;; needs hacking if it is going to deal with asynchronous output in a sane
+;; manner
+(require 'comint)
+(defvar telnet-host-properties ()
+ "Specify which telnet program to use for particular hosts.
+Each element has the form (HOSTNAME PROGRAM [LOGIN-NAME])
+HOSTNAME says which machine the element applies to.
+PROGRAM says which program to run, to talk to that machine.
+LOGIN-NAME, which is optional, says what to log in as on that machine.")
+(defvar telnet-new-line "\r")
+(defvar telnet-mode-map nil)
+(defvar telnet-prompt-pattern "^[^#$%>\n]*[#$%>] *")
+(defvar telnet-replace-c-g nil)
+ (defvar telnet-remote-echoes t
+ "True if the telnet process will echo input."))
+ (defvar telnet-interrupt-string "\C-c" "String sent by C-c."))
+(defvar telnet-count 0
+ "Number of output strings from telnet process while looking for password.")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'telnet-count)
+(defvar telnet-program "telnet"
+ "Program to run to open a telnet connection.")
+(defvar telnet-initial-count -50
+ "Initial value of `telnet-count'. Should be set to the negative of the
+number of terminal writes telnet will make setting up the host connection.")
+(defvar telnet-maximum-count 4
+ "Maximum value `telnet-count' can have.
+After this many passes, we stop looking for initial setup data.
+Should be set to the number of terminal writes telnet will make
+rejecting one login and prompting again for a username and password.")
+(defun telnet-interrupt-subjob ()
+ (interactive)
+ "Interrupt the program running through telnet on the remote host."
+ (send-string nil telnet-interrupt-string))
+(defun telnet-c-z ()
+ (interactive)
+ (send-string nil "\C-z"))
+(defun send-process-next-char ()
+ (interactive)
+ (send-string nil
+ (char-to-string
+ (let ((inhibit-quit t))
+ (prog1 (read-char)
+ (setq quit-flag nil))))))
+; initialization on first load.
+(if telnet-mode-map
+ nil
+ (setq telnet-mode-map (nconc (make-sparse-keymap) comint-mode-map))
+ (define-key telnet-mode-map "\C-m" 'telnet-send-input)
+; (define-key telnet-mode-map "\C-j" 'telnet-send-input)
+ (define-key telnet-mode-map "\C-c\C-q" 'send-process-next-char)
+ (define-key telnet-mode-map "\C-c\C-c" 'telnet-interrupt-subjob)
+ (define-key telnet-mode-map "\C-c\C-z" 'telnet-c-z))
+;;maybe should have a flag for when have found type
+(defun telnet-check-software-type-initialize (string)
+ "Tries to put correct initializations in. Needs work."
+ (let ((case-fold-search t))
+ (cond ((string-match "unix" string)
+ (setq telnet-prompt-pattern comint-prompt-regexp)
+ (setq telnet-new-line "\n"))
+ ((string-match "tops-20" string) ;;maybe add telnet-replace-c-g
+ (setq telnet-prompt-pattern "[@>]*"))
+ ((string-match "its" string)
+ (setq telnet-prompt-pattern "^[^*>\n]*[*>] *"))
+ ((string-match "explorer" string) ;;explorer telnet needs work
+ (setq telnet-replace-c-g ?\n))))
+ (setq comint-prompt-regexp telnet-prompt-pattern))
+(defun telnet-initial-filter (proc string)
+ ;For reading up to and including password; also will get machine type.
+ (save-current-buffer
+ (set-buffer (process-buffer proc))
+ (let ((case-fold-search t))
+ (cond ((string-match "No such host" string)
+ (kill-buffer (process-buffer proc))
+ (error "No such host"))
+ ((string-match "passw" string)
+ (telnet-filter proc string)
+ (setq telnet-count 0)
+ (send-string proc (concat (comint-read-noecho "Password: " t)
+ telnet-new-line))
+ (clear-this-command-keys))
+ (t (telnet-check-software-type-initialize string)
+ (telnet-filter proc string)
+ (cond ((> telnet-count telnet-maximum-count)
+ (set-process-filter proc 'telnet-filter))
+ (t (setq telnet-count (1+ telnet-count)))))))))
+;; Identical to comint-simple-send, except that it sends telnet-new-line
+;; instead of "\n".
+(defun telnet-simple-send (proc string)
+ (comint-send-string proc string)
+ (comint-send-string proc telnet-new-line))
+(defun telnet-filter (proc string)
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer (process-buffer proc))
+ (let* ((last-insertion (marker-position (process-mark proc)))
+ (delta (- (point) last-insertion))
+ (ie (and comint-last-input-end
+ (marker-position comint-last-input-end)))
+ (w (get-buffer-window (current-buffer)))
+ (ws (and w (window-start w))))
+ (goto-char last-insertion)
+ (insert-before-markers string)
+ (set-marker comint-last-output-start last-insertion)
+ (set-marker (process-mark proc) (point))
+ (if ws (set-window-start w ws t))
+ (if ie (set-marker comint-last-input-end ie))
+ (while (progn (skip-chars-backward "^\C-m" last-insertion)
+ (> (point) last-insertion))
+ (delete-region (1- (point)) (point)))
+ (goto-char (process-mark proc))
+ (and telnet-replace-c-g
+ (subst-char-in-region last-insertion (point) ?\C-g
+ telnet-replace-c-g t))
+ ;; If point is after the insertion place, move it
+ ;; along with the text.
+ (if (> delta 0)
+ (goto-char (+ (process-mark proc) delta))))))
+(defun telnet-send-input ()
+ (interactive)
+; (comint-send-input telnet-new-line telnet-remote-echoes)
+ (comint-send-input)
+ (if telnet-remote-echoes
+ (delete-region comint-last-input-start
+ comint-last-input-end)))
+;;;###autoload (add-hook 'same-window-regexps "\\*telnet-.*\\*\\(\\|<[0-9]+>\\)")
+(defun telnet (host)
+ "Open a network login connection to host named HOST (a string).
+Communication with HOST is recorded in a buffer `*PROGRAM-HOST*'
+where PROGRAM is the telnet program being used. This program
+is controlled by the contents of the global variable `telnet-host-properties',
+falling back on the value of the global variable `telnet-program'.
+Normally input is edited in Emacs and sent a line at a time."
+ (interactive "sOpen connection to host: ")
+ (let* ((comint-delimiter-argument-list '(?\ ?\t))
+ (properties (cdr (assoc host telnet-host-properties)))
+ (telnet-program (if properties (car properties) telnet-program))
+ (name (concat telnet-program "-" (comint-arguments host 0 nil) ))
+ (buffer (get-buffer (concat "*" name "*")))
+ (telnet-options (if (cdr properties) (cons "-l" (cdr properties))))
+ process)
+ (if (and buffer (get-buffer-process buffer))
+ (pop-to-buffer (concat "*" name "*"))
+ (pop-to-buffer
+ (apply 'make-comint name telnet-program nil telnet-options))
+ (setq process (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))
+ (set-process-filter process 'telnet-initial-filter)
+ ;; Don't send the `open' cmd till telnet is ready for it.
+ (accept-process-output process)
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (send-string process (concat "open " host "\n"))
+ (telnet-mode)
+ (setq comint-input-sender 'telnet-simple-send)
+ (setq telnet-count telnet-initial-count))))
+(put 'telnet-mode 'mode-class 'special)
+(defun telnet-mode ()
+ "This mode is for using telnet (or rsh) from a buffer to another host.
+It has most of the same commands as comint-mode.
+There is a variable ``telnet-interrupt-string'' which is the character
+sent to try to stop execution of a job on the remote host.
+Data is sent to the remote host when RET is typed.
+ (interactive)
+ (comint-mode)
+ (setq major-mode 'telnet-mode
+ mode-name "Telnet"
+ comint-prompt-regexp telnet-prompt-pattern)
+ (use-local-map telnet-mode-map)
+ (run-hooks 'telnet-mode-hook))
+;;;###autoload (add-hook 'same-window-regexps "\\*rsh-[^-]*\\*\\(\\|<[0-9]*>\\)")
+(defun rsh (host)
+ "Open a network login connection to host named HOST (a string).
+Communication with HOST is recorded in a buffer `*rsh-HOST*'.
+Normally input is edited in Emacs and sent a line at a time."
+ (interactive "sOpen rsh connection to host: ")
+ (require 'shell)
+ (let ((name (concat "rsh-" host )))
+ (pop-to-buffer (make-comint name remote-shell-program nil host))
+ (set-process-filter (get-process name) 'telnet-initial-filter)
+ (telnet-mode)
+ (setq telnet-count -16)))
+(provide 'telnet)
+;;; telnet.el ends here