path: root/lisp/emacs-lisp/elint.el
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Diffstat (limited to 'lisp/emacs-lisp/elint.el')
1 files changed, 800 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/emacs-lisp/elint.el b/lisp/emacs-lisp/elint.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6b66759948c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/emacs-lisp/elint.el
@@ -0,0 +1,800 @@
+;;; elint.el -- Lint Emacs Lisp
+;; Copyright (C) 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Peter Liljenberg <>
+;; Created: May 1997
+;; Keywords: lisp
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This is a linter for Emacs Lisp. Currently, it mainly catches
+;; mispellings and undefined variables, although it can also catch
+;; function calls with the wrong number of arguments.
+;; Before using, call `elint-initialize' to set up som argument
+;; data. This takes a while. Then call elint-current-buffer or
+;; elint-defun to lint a buffer or a defun.
+;; The linter will try to "include" any require'd libraries to find
+;; the variables defined in those. There is a fair amount of voodoo
+;; involved in this, but it seems to work in normal situations.
+;;; History:
+;;; To do:
+;; * A list of all standard Emacs variables would be nice to have...
+;; * Adding type checking. (Stop that sniggering!)
+;;; Code:
+(defvar elint-log-buffer "*Elint*"
+ "*The buffer to insert lint messages in.")
+;;; ADT: top-form
+(defsubst elint-make-top-form (form pos)
+ "Create a top form.
+FORM is the form, and POS is the point where it starts in the buffer."
+ (cons form pos))
+(defsubst elint-top-form-form (top-form)
+ "Extract the form from a TOP-FORM."
+ (car top-form))
+(defsubst elint-top-form-pos (top-form)
+ "Extract the position from a TOP-FORM."
+ (cdr top-form))
+;;; ADT: env
+(defsubst elint-make-env ()
+ "Create an empty environment."
+ (list (list nil) nil nil))
+(defsubst elint-env-add-env (env newenv)
+ "Augment ENV with NEWENV.
+None of them is modified, and the new env is returned."
+ (list (append (car env) (car newenv))
+ (append (car (cdr env)) (car (cdr newenv)))
+ (append (car (cdr (cdr env))) (car (cdr (cdr newenv))))))
+(defsubst elint-env-add-var (env var)
+ "Augment ENV with the variable VAR.
+The new environment is returned, the old is unmodified."
+ (cons (cons (list var) (car env)) (cdr env)))
+(defsubst elint-env-add-global-var (env var)
+ "Augment ENV with the variable VAR.
+ENV is modified so VAR is seen everywhere.
+ENV is returned."
+ (nconc (car env) (list (list var)))
+ env)
+(defsubst elint-env-find-var (env var)
+ "Non-nil if ENV contains the variable VAR.
+Actually, a list with VAR as a single element is returned."
+ (assq var (car env)))
+(defsubst elint-env-add-func (env func args)
+ "Augment ENV with the function FUNC, which has the arguments ARGS.
+The new environment is returned, the old is unmodified."
+ (list (car env)
+ (cons (list func args) (car (cdr env)))
+ (car (cdr (cdr env)))))
+(defsubst elint-env-find-func (env func)
+ "Non-nil if ENV contains the function FUNC.
+Actually, a list of (FUNC ARGS) is returned."
+ (assq func (car (cdr env))))
+(defsubst elint-env-add-macro (env macro def)
+ "Augment ENV with the macro named MACRO.
+DEF is the macro definition (a lambda expression or similar).
+The new environment is returned, the old is unmodified."
+ (list (car env)
+ (car (cdr env))
+ (cons (cons macro def) (car (cdr (cdr env))))))
+(defsubst elint-env-macro-env (env)
+ "Return the macro environment of ENV.
+This environment can be passed to `macroexpand'."
+ (car (cdr (cdr env))))
+(defsubst elint-env-macrop (env macro)
+ "Non-nil if ENV contains MACRO."
+ (assq macro (elint-env-macro-env env)))
+;;; User interface
+(defun elint-current-buffer ()
+ "Lint the current buffer."
+ (interactive)
+ (elint-clear-log (format "Linting %s" (if (buffer-file-name)
+ (buffer-file-name)
+ (buffer-name))))
+ (elint-display-log)
+ (mapcar 'elint-top-form (elint-update-env))
+ ;; Tell the user we're finished. This is terribly klugy: we set
+ ;; elint-top-form-logged so elint-log-message doesn't print the
+ ;; ** top form ** header...
+ (let ((elint-top-form-logged t))
+ (elint-log-message "\nLinting complete.\n")))
+(defun elint-defun ()
+ "Lint the function at point."
+ (interactive)
+ (save-excursion
+ (if (not (beginning-of-defun))
+ (error "Lint what?"))
+ (let ((pos (point))
+ (def (read (current-buffer))))
+ (elint-display-log)
+ (elint-update-env)
+ (elint-top-form (elint-make-top-form def pos)))))
+;;; Top form functions
+(defvar elint-buffer-env nil
+ "The environment of a elisp buffer.
+Will be local in linted buffers.")
+(defvar elint-buffer-forms nil
+ "The top forms in a buffer.
+Will be local in linted buffers.")
+(defvar elint-last-env-time nil
+ "The last time the buffers env was updated.
+Is measured in buffer-modified-ticks and is local in linted buffers.")
+(defun elint-update-env ()
+ "Update the elint environment in the current buffer.
+Don't do anything if the buffer hasn't been changed since this
+function was called the last time.
+Returns the forms."
+ (if (and (local-variable-p 'elint-buffer-env (current-buffer))
+ (local-variable-p 'elint-buffer-forms (current-buffer))
+ (local-variable-p 'elint-last-env-time (current-buffer))
+ (= (buffer-modified-tick) elint-last-env-time))
+ ;; Env is up to date
+ elint-buffer-forms
+ ;; Remake env
+ (set (make-local-variable 'elint-buffer-forms) (elint-get-top-forms))
+ (set (make-local-variable 'elint-buffer-env)
+ (elint-init-env elint-buffer-forms))
+ (set (make-local-variable 'elint-last-env-time) (buffer-modified-tick))
+ elint-buffer-forms))
+(defun elint-get-top-forms ()
+ "Collect all the top forms in the current buffer."
+ (save-excursion
+ (let ((tops nil))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (elint-find-next-top-form)
+ (let ((pos (point)))
+ (condition-case nil
+ (setq tops (cons
+ (elint-make-top-form (read (current-buffer)) pos)
+ tops))
+ (end-of-file
+ (goto-char pos)
+ (end-of-line)
+ (error "Missing ')' in top form: %s" (buffer-substring pos (point)))))
+ ))
+ (nreverse tops))))
+(defun elint-find-next-top-form ()
+ "Find the next top form from point.
+Returns nil if there are no more forms, T otherwise."
+ (parse-partial-sexp (point) (point-max) nil t)
+ (not (eobp)))
+(defun elint-init-env (forms)
+ "Initialise the environment from FORMS."
+ (let ((env (elint-make-env))
+ form)
+ (while forms
+ (setq form (elint-top-form-form (car forms))
+ forms (cdr forms))
+ (cond
+ ;; Add defined variable
+ ((memq (car form) '(defvar defconst defcustom))
+ (setq env (elint-env-add-var env (car (cdr form)))))
+ ;; Add function
+ ((memq (car form) '(defun defsubst))
+ (setq env (elint-env-add-func env (car (cdr form))
+ (car (cdr (cdr form))))))
+ ;; Add macro, both as a macro and as a function
+ ((eq (car form) 'defmacro)
+ (setq env (elint-env-add-macro env (car (cdr form))
+ (cons 'lambda
+ (cdr (cdr form))))
+ env (elint-env-add-func env (car (cdr form))
+ (car (cdr (cdr form))))))
+ ;; Import variable definitions
+ ((eq (car form) 'require)
+ (let ((name (eval (car (cdr form))))
+ (file (eval (car (cdr (cdr form))))))
+ (setq env (elint-add-required-env env name file))))
+ ))
+ env))
+(defun elint-add-required-env (env name file)
+ "Augment ENV with the variables definied by feature NAME in FILE."
+ (condition-case nil
+ (let* ((libname (if (stringp file)
+ file
+ (symbol-name name)))
+ ;; First try to find .el files, then the raw name
+ (lib1 (locate-library (concat libname ".el") t))
+ (lib (if lib1 lib1 (locate-library libname t))))
+ ;; Clear the messages :-/
+ (message nil)
+ (if lib
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer (find-file-noselect lib))
+ (elint-update-env)
+ (setq env (elint-env-add-env env elint-buffer-env)))
+ (error "dummy error...")))
+ (error
+ (ding)
+ (message "Can't get variables from require'd library %s" name)))
+ env)
+(defun regexp-assoc (regexp alist)
+ "Search for a key matching REGEXP in ALIST."
+ (let ((res nil))
+ (while (and alist (not res))
+ (if (and (stringp (car (car alist)))
+ (string-match regexp (car (car alist))))
+ (setq res (car alist))
+ (setq alist (cdr alist))))
+ res))
+(defvar elint-top-form nil
+ "The currently linted top form, or nil.")
+(defvar elint-top-form-logged nil
+ "T if the currently linted top form has been mentioned in the log buffer.")
+(defun elint-top-form (form)
+ "Lint a top FORM."
+ (let ((elint-top-form form)
+ (elint-top-form-logged nil))
+ (elint-form (elint-top-form-form form) elint-buffer-env)))
+;;; General form linting functions
+(defconst elint-special-forms
+ '((let . elint-check-let-form)
+ (let* . elint-check-let-form)
+ (setq . elint-check-setq-form)
+ (quote . elint-check-quote-form)
+ (cond . elint-check-cond-form)
+ (lambda . elint-check-defun-form)
+ (function . elint-check-function-form)
+ (setq-default . elint-check-setq-form)
+ (defun . elint-check-defun-form)
+ (defsubst . elint-check-defun-form)
+ (defmacro . elint-check-defun-form)
+ (defvar . elint-check-defvar-form)
+ (defconst . elint-check-defvar-form)
+ (defcustom . elint-check-defvar-form)
+ (macro . elint-check-macro-form)
+ (condition-case . elint-check-condition-case-form))
+ "Functions to call when some special form should be linted.")
+(defun elint-form (form env)
+ "Lint FORM in the environment ENV.
+The environment created by the form is returned."
+ (cond
+ ((consp form)
+ (let ((func (cdr (assq (car form) elint-special-forms))))
+ (if func
+ ;; Special form
+ (funcall func form env)
+ (let* ((func (car form))
+ (args (elint-get-args func env))
+ (argsok t))
+ (cond
+ ((eq args 'undefined)
+ (setq argsok nil)
+ (elint-error "Call to undefined function: %s" form))
+ ((eq args 'unknown) nil)
+ (t (setq argsok (elint-match-args form args))))
+ ;; Is this a macro?
+ (if (elint-env-macrop env func)
+ ;; Macro defined in buffer, expand it
+ (if argsok
+ (elint-form (macroexpand form (elint-env-macro-env env)) env)
+ env)
+ (let ((fcode (if (symbolp func)
+ (if (fboundp func)
+ (indirect-function func)
+ nil)
+ func)))
+ (if (and (listp fcode) (eq (car fcode) 'macro))
+ ;; Macro defined outside buffer
+ (if argsok
+ (elint-form (macroexpand form) env)
+ env)
+ ;; Function, lint its parameters
+ (elint-forms (cdr form) env))))
+ ))
+ ))
+ ((symbolp form)
+ ;; :foo variables are quoted
+ (if (and (/= (aref (symbol-name form) 0) ?:)
+ (elint-unbound-variable form env))
+ (elint-warning "Reference to unbound symbol: %s" form))
+ env)
+ (t env)
+ ))
+(defun elint-forms (forms env)
+ "Lint the FORMS, accumulating an environment, starting with ENV."
+ ;; grumblegrumbletailrecursiongrumblegrumble
+ (while forms
+ (setq env (elint-form (car forms) env)
+ forms (cdr forms)))
+ env)
+(defun elint-unbound-variable (var env)
+ "T if VAR is unbound in ENV."
+ (not (or (eq var nil)
+ (eq var t)
+ (elint-env-find-var env var)
+ (memq var elint-standard-variables))))
+;;; Function argument checking
+(defun elint-match-args (arglist argpattern)
+ "Match ARGLIST against ARGPATTERN."
+ (let ((state 'all)
+ (al (cdr arglist))
+ (ap argpattern)
+ (ok t))
+ (while
+ (cond
+ ((and (null al) (null ap)) nil)
+ ((eq (car ap) '&optional)
+ (setq state 'optional)
+ (setq ap (cdr ap))
+ t)
+ ((eq (car ap) '&rest)
+ nil)
+ ((or (and (eq state 'all) (or (null al) (null ap)))
+ (and (eq state 'optional) (and al (null ap))))
+ (elint-error "Wrong number of args: %s, %s" arglist argpattern)
+ (setq ok nil)
+ nil)
+ ((and (eq state 'optional) (null al))
+ nil)
+ (t (setq al (cdr al)
+ ap (cdr ap))
+ t)))
+ ok))
+(defun elint-get-args (func env)
+ "Find the args of FUNC in ENV.
+Returns `unknown' if we couldn't find arguments."
+ (let ((f (elint-env-find-func env func)))
+ (if f
+ (car (cdr f))
+ (if (symbolp func)
+ (if (fboundp func)
+ (let ((fcode (indirect-function func)))
+ (if (subrp fcode)
+ (let ((args (get func 'elint-args)))
+ (if args args 'unknown))
+ (elint-find-args-in-code fcode)))
+ 'undefined)
+ (elint-find-args-in-code func)))))
+(defun elint-find-args-in-code (code)
+ "Extract the arguments from CODE.
+CODE can be a lambda expression, a macro, or byte-compiled code."
+ (cond
+ ((byte-code-function-p code)
+ (aref code 0))
+ ((and (listp code) (eq (car code) 'lambda))
+ (car (cdr code)))
+ ((and (listp code) (eq (car code) 'macro))
+ (elint-find-args-in-code (cdr code)))
+ (t 'unknown)))
+;;; Functions to check some special forms
+(defun elint-check-cond-form (form env)
+ "Lint a cond FORM in ENV."
+ (setq form (cdr form))
+ (while form
+ (if (consp (car form))
+ (elint-forms (car form) env)
+ (elint-error "cond clause should be a list: %s" (car form)))
+ (setq form (cdr form)))
+ env)
+(defun elint-check-defun-form (form env)
+ "Lint a defun/defmacro/lambda FORM in ENV."
+ (setq form (if (eq (car form) 'lambda) (cdr form) (cdr (cdr form))))
+ (mapcar (function (lambda (p)
+ (or (memq p '(&optional &rest))
+ (setq env (elint-env-add-var env p)))
+ ))
+ (car form))
+ (elint-forms (cdr form) env))
+(defun elint-check-let-form (form env)
+ "Lint the let/let* FORM in ENV."
+ (let ((varlist (car (cdr form))))
+ (if (not varlist)
+ (progn
+ (elint-error "Missing varlist in let: %s" form)
+ env)
+ ;; Check for (let (a (car b)) ...) type of error
+ (if (and (= (length varlist) 2)
+ (symbolp (car varlist))
+ (listp (car (cdr varlist)))
+ (fboundp (car (car (cdr varlist)))))
+ (elint-warning "Suspect varlist: %s" form))
+ ;; Add variables to environment, and check the init values
+ (let ((newenv env))
+ (mapcar (function (lambda (s)
+ (cond
+ ((symbolp s)
+ (setq newenv (elint-env-add-var newenv s)))
+ ((and (consp s) (<= (length s) 2))
+ (elint-form (car (cdr s))
+ (if (eq (car form) 'let)
+ env
+ newenv))
+ (setq newenv
+ (elint-env-add-var newenv (car s))))
+ (t (elint-error
+ "Malformed `let' declaration: %s" s))
+ )))
+ varlist)
+ ;; Lint the body forms
+ (elint-forms (cdr (cdr form)) newenv)
+ ))))
+(defun elint-check-setq-form (form env)
+ "Lint the setq FORM in ENV."
+ (or (= (mod (length form) 2) 1)
+ (elint-error "Missing value in setq: %s" form))
+ (let ((newenv env)
+ sym val)
+ (setq form (cdr form))
+ (while form
+ (setq sym (car form)
+ val (car (cdr form))
+ form (cdr (cdr form)))
+ (if (symbolp sym)
+ (if (elint-unbound-variable sym newenv)
+ (elint-warning "Setting previously unbound symbol: %s" sym))
+ (elint-error "Setting non-symbol in setq: %s" sym))
+ (elint-form val newenv)
+ (if (symbolp sym)
+ (setq newenv (elint-env-add-var newenv sym))))
+ newenv))
+(defun elint-check-defvar-form (form env)
+ "Lint the defvar/defconst FORM in ENV."
+ (if (or (= (length form) 2)
+ (= (length form) 3)
+ (and (= (length form) 4) (stringp (nth 3 form))))
+ (elint-env-add-global-var (elint-form (nth 2 form) env)
+ (car (cdr form)))
+ (elint-error "Malformed variable declaration: %s" form)
+ env))
+(defun elint-check-function-form (form env)
+ "Lint the function FORM in ENV."
+ (let ((func (car (cdr-safe form))))
+ (cond
+ ((symbolp func)
+ (or (elint-env-find-func env func)
+ (fboundp func)
+ (elint-warning "Reference to undefined function: %s" form))
+ env)
+ ((and (consp func) (memq (car func) '(lambda macro)))
+ (elint-form func env))
+ ((stringp func) env)
+ (t (elint-error "Not a function object: %s" form)
+ env)
+ )))
+(defun elint-check-quote-form (form env)
+ "Lint the quote FORM in ENV."
+ env)
+(defun elint-check-macro-form (form env)
+ "Check the macro FORM in ENV."
+ (elint-check-function-form (list (car form) (cdr form)) env))
+(defun elint-check-condition-case-form (form env)
+ "Check the condition-case FORM in ENV."
+ (let ((resenv env))
+ (if (< (length form) 3)
+ (elint-error "Malformed condition-case: %s" form)
+ (or (symbolp (car (cdr form)))
+ (elint-warning "First parameter should be a symbol: %s" form))
+ (setq resenv (elint-form (nth 2 form) env))
+ (let ((newenv (elint-env-add-var env (car (cdr form))))
+ (errforms (nthcdr 3 form))
+ errlist)
+ (while errforms
+ (setq errlist (car (car errforms)))
+ (mapcar (function (lambda (s)
+ (or (get s 'error-conditions)
+ (get s 'error-message)
+ (elint-warning
+ "Not an error symbol in error handler: %s" s))))
+ (cond
+ ((symbolp errlist) (list errlist))
+ ((listp errlist) errlist)
+ (t (elint-error "Bad error list in error handler: %s"
+ errlist)
+ nil))
+ )
+ (elint-forms (cdr (car errforms)) newenv)
+ (setq errforms (cdr errforms))
+ )))
+ resenv))
+;;; Message functions
+;; elint-error and elint-warning are identical, but they might change
+;; to reflect different seriousness of linting errors
+(defun elint-error (string &rest args)
+ "Report an linting error.
+STRING and ARGS are thrown on `format' to get the message."
+ (let ((errstr (apply 'format string args)))
+ (elint-log-message errstr)
+ ))
+(defun elint-warning (string &rest args)
+ "Report an linting warning.
+STRING and ARGS are thrown on `format' to get the message."
+ (let ((errstr (apply 'format string args)))
+ (elint-log-message errstr)
+ ))
+(defun elint-log-message (errstr)
+ "Insert ERRSTR last in the lint log buffer."
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer (elint-get-log-buffer))
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (or (bolp) (newline))
+ ;; Do we have to say where we are?
+ (if elint-top-form-logged
+ nil
+ (insert
+ (let* ((form (elint-top-form-form elint-top-form))
+ (top (car form)))
+ (cond
+ ((memq top '(defun defsubst))
+ (format "\n** function %s **\n" (car (cdr form))))
+ ((eq top 'defmacro)
+ (format "\n** macro %s **\n" (car (cdr form))))
+ ((memq top '(defvar defconst))
+ (format "\n** variable %s **\n" (car (cdr form))))
+ (t "\n** top level expression **\n"))))
+ (setq elint-top-form-logged t))
+ (insert errstr)
+ (newline)))
+(defun elint-clear-log (&optional header)
+ "Clear the lint log buffer.
+Insert HEADER followed by a blank line if non-nil."
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer (elint-get-log-buffer))
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (if header
+ (progn
+ (insert header)
+ (newline))
+ )))
+(defun elint-display-log ()
+ "Display the lint log buffer."
+ (let ((pop-up-windows t))
+ (display-buffer (elint-get-log-buffer))
+ (sit-for 0)))
+(defun elint-get-log-buffer ()
+ "Return a log buffer for elint."
+ (let ((buf (get-buffer elint-log-buffer)))
+ (if buf
+ buf
+ (let ((oldbuf (current-buffer)))
+ (prog1
+ (set-buffer (get-buffer-create elint-log-buffer))
+ (setq truncate-lines t)
+ (set-buffer oldbuf)))
+ )))
+;;; Initializing code
+(defun elint-initialize ()
+ "Initialize elint."
+ (interactive)
+ (mapcar (function (lambda (x)
+ (or (not (symbolp (car x)))
+ (eq (cdr x) 'unknown)
+ (put (car x) 'elint-args (cdr x)))))
+ (elint-find-builtin-args))
+ (mapcar (function (lambda (x)
+ (put (car x) 'elint-args (cdr x))))
+ elint-unknown-builtin-args))
+(defun elint-find-builtins ()
+ "Returns a list of all built-in functions."
+ (let ((subrs nil))
+ (mapatoms (lambda (s) (if (and (fboundp s) (subrp (symbol-function s)))
+ (setq subrs (cons s subrs)))))
+ subrs
+ ))
+(defun elint-find-builtin-args (&optional list)
+ "Returns a list of the built-in functions and their arguments.
+If LIST is nil, call `elint-find-builtins' to get a list of all built-in
+functions, otherwise use LIST.
+Each functions is represented by a cons cell:
+\(function-symbol . args)
+If no documentation could be found args will be `unknown'."
+ (mapcar (function (lambda (f)
+ (let ((doc (documentation f t)))
+ (if (and doc (string-match "\n\n\\((.*)\\)" doc))
+ (read (match-string 1 doc))
+ (cons f 'unknown))
+ )))
+ (if list list
+ (elint-find-builtins))))
+;;; Data
+(defconst elint-standard-variables
+ '(abbrev-mode auto-fill-function buffer-auto-save-file-name
+ buffer-backed-up buffer-display-table buffer-file-format
+ buffer-file-name buffer-file-number buffer-file-truename
+ buffer-file-type buffer-invisibility-spec buffer-offer-save
+ buffer-read-only buffer-saved-size buffer-undo-list
+ cache-long-line-scans case-fold-search ctl-arrow comment-column
+ default-directory defun-prompt-regexp fill-column goal-column
+ left-margin local-abbrev-table local-write-file-hooks major-mode
+ mark-active mark-ring minor-modes mode-line-buffer-identification
+ mode-line-format mode-line-modified mode-line-process mode-name
+ overwrite-mode paragraph-separate paragraph-start
+ point-before-scroll require-final-newline selective-display
+ selective-display-ellipses tab-width truncate-lines vc-mode)
+ "Standard buffer local vars.")
+(defconst elint-unknown-builtin-args
+ '((while test &rest forms)
+ (insert-before-markers-and-inherit &rest text)
+ (catch tag &rest body)
+ (and &rest args)
+ (funcall func &rest args)
+ (insert-string &rest args)
+ (insert &rest args)
+ (vconcat &rest args)
+ (run-hook-with-args hook &rest args)
+ (message-or-box string &rest args)
+ (save-window-excursion &rest body)
+ (append &rest args)
+ (logior &rest args)
+ (progn &rest body)
+ (insert-and-inherit &rest args)
+ (message-box string &rest args)
+ (prog2 x y &rest body)
+ (prog1 first &rest body)
+ (ml-provide-prefix-argument prefix form)
+ (insert-before-markers &rest args)
+ (call-process-region start end program &optional delete
+ destination display &rest args)
+ (concat &rest args)
+ (vector &rest args)
+ (run-hook-with-args-until-success hook &rest args)
+ (track-mouse &rest body)
+ (unwind-protect bodyform &rest unwindforms)
+ (save-restriction &rest body)
+ (ml-prefix-argument-loop)
+ (quote arg)
+ (make-byte-code &rest args)
+ (or &rest args)
+ (cond &rest clauses)
+ (start-process name buffer program &rest args)
+ (run-hook-with-args-until-failure hook &rest args)
+ (if cond then &rest else)
+ (ml-if)
+ (apply function &rest args)
+ (format string &rest args)
+ (encode-time second minute hour day month year zone &rest args)
+ (min &rest args)
+ (logand &rest args)
+ (logxor &rest args)
+ (max &rest args)
+ (list &rest args)
+ (message string &rest args)
+ (defvar symbol init doc)
+ (call-process program &optional infile destination display &rest args)
+ (with-output-to-temp-buffer bufname &rest body)
+ (nconc &rest args)
+ (save-excursion &rest body)
+ (run-hooks &rest hooks)
+ (/ x y &rest zs)
+ (- x &rest y)
+ (+ &rest args)
+ (* &rest args)
+ (interactive &optional args))
+ "Those built-ins for which we can't find arguments.")
+(provide 'elint)
+;;; elint.el ends here