path: root/lisp/cedet/semantic/db-el.el
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Diffstat (limited to 'lisp/cedet/semantic/db-el.el')
1 files changed, 347 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/cedet/semantic/db-el.el b/lisp/cedet/semantic/db-el.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f98226906c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/cedet/semantic/db-el.el
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+;;; semantic/db-el.el --- Semantic database extensions for Emacs Lisp
+;;; Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
+;;; Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Eric M. Ludlam <>
+;; Keywords: tags
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; There are a lot of Emacs Lisp functions and variables available for
+;; the asking. This adds on to the semanticdb programming interface to
+;; allow all loaded Emacs Lisp functions to be queried via semanticdb.
+;; This allows you to use programs written for Semantic using the database
+;; to also work in Emacs Lisp with no compromises.
+(require 'semantic/db)
+ ;; For generic function searching.
+ (require 'eieio)
+ (require 'eieio-opt)
+ (require 'eieio-base))
+(declare-function semantic-elisp-desymbolify "semantic/bovine/el")
+;;; Code:
+;;; Classes:
+(defclass semanticdb-table-emacs-lisp (semanticdb-abstract-table)
+ ((major-mode :initform emacs-lisp-mode)
+ )
+ "A table for returning search results from Emacs.")
+(defmethod semanticdb-refresh-table ((obj semanticdb-table-emacs-lisp) &optional force)
+ "Do not refresh Emacs Lisp table.
+It does not need refreshing."
+ nil)
+(defmethod semanticdb-needs-refresh-p ((obj semanticdb-table-emacs-lisp))
+ "Return nil, we never need a refresh."
+ nil)
+(defclass semanticdb-project-database-emacs-lisp
+ (semanticdb-project-database eieio-singleton)
+ ((new-table-class :initform semanticdb-table-emacs-lisp
+ :type class
+ :documentation
+ "New tables created for this database are of this class.")
+ )
+ "Database representing Emacs core.")
+;; Create the database, and add it to searchable databases for Emacs Lisp mode.
+(defvar-mode-local emacs-lisp-mode semanticdb-project-system-databases
+ (list
+ (semanticdb-project-database-emacs-lisp "Emacs"))
+ "Search Emacs core for symbols.")
+(defvar-mode-local emacs-lisp-mode semanticdb-find-default-throttle
+ '(project omniscience)
+ "Search project files, then search this omniscience database.
+It is not necessary to to system or recursive searching because of
+the omniscience database.")
+;;; Filename based methods
+(defmethod semanticdb-get-database-tables ((obj semanticdb-project-database-emacs-lisp))
+ "For an Emacs Lisp database, there are no explicit tables.
+Create one of our special tables that can act as an intermediary."
+ ;; We need to return something since there is always the "master table"
+ ;; The table can then answer file name type questions.
+ (when (not (slot-boundp obj 'tables))
+ (let ((newtable (semanticdb-table-emacs-lisp "Emacs System Table")))
+ (oset obj tables (list newtable))
+ (oset newtable parent-db obj)
+ (oset newtable tags nil)
+ ))
+ (call-next-method))
+(defmethod semanticdb-file-table ((obj semanticdb-project-database-emacs-lisp) filename)
+ "From OBJ, return FILENAME's associated table object.
+For Emacs Lisp, creates a specialized table."
+ (car (semanticdb-get-database-tables obj))
+ )
+(defmethod semanticdb-get-tags ((table semanticdb-table-emacs-lisp ))
+ "Return the list of tags belonging to TABLE."
+ ;; specialty table ? Probably derive tags at request time.
+ nil)
+(defmethod semanticdb-equivalent-mode ((table semanticdb-table-emacs-lisp) &optional buffer)
+ "Return non-nil if TABLE's mode is equivalent to BUFFER.
+Equivalent modes are specified by by `semantic-equivalent-major-modes'
+local variable."
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer buffer)
+ (eq (or mode-local-active-mode major-mode) 'emacs-lisp-mode)))
+(defmethod semanticdb-full-filename ((obj semanticdb-table-emacs-lisp))
+ "Fetch the full filename that OBJ refers to.
+For Emacs Lisp system DB, there isn't one."
+ nil)
+;;; Conversion
+(defmethod semanticdb-normalize-tags ((obj semanticdb-table-emacs-lisp) tags)
+ "Convert tags, originating from Emacs OBJ, into standardized form."
+ (let ((newtags nil))
+ (dolist (T tags)
+ (let* ((ot (semanticdb-normalize-one-tag obj T))
+ (tag (cdr ot)))
+ (setq newtags (cons tag newtags))))
+ ;; There is no promise to have files associated.
+ (nreverse newtags)))
+(defmethod semanticdb-normalize-one-tag ((obj semanticdb-table-emacs-lisp) tag)
+ "Convert one TAG, originating from Emacs OBJ, into standardized form.
+If Emacs cannot resolve this symbol to a particular file, then return nil."
+ ;; Here's the idea. For each tag, get the name, then use
+ ;; Emacs' `symbol-file' to get the source. Once we have that,
+ ;; we can use more typical semantic searching techniques to
+ ;; get a regularly parsed tag.
+ (let* ((type (cond ((semantic-tag-of-class-p tag 'function)
+ 'defun)
+ ((semantic-tag-of-class-p tag 'variable)
+ 'defvar)
+ ))
+ (sym (intern (semantic-tag-name tag)))
+ (file (condition-case err
+ (symbol-file sym type)
+ ;; Older [X]Emacs don't have a 2nd argument.
+ (error (symbol-file sym))))
+ )
+ (if (or (not file) (not (file-exists-p file)))
+ ;; The file didn't exist. Return nil.
+ ;; We can't normalize this tag. Fake it out.
+ (cons obj tag)
+ (when (string-match "\\.elc" file)
+ (setq file (concat (file-name-sans-extension file)
+ ".el"))
+ (when (and (not (file-exists-p file))
+ (file-exists-p (concat file ".gz")))
+ ;; Is it a .gz file?
+ (setq file (concat file ".gz"))))
+ (let* ((tab (semanticdb-file-table-object file))
+ (alltags (semanticdb-get-tags tab))
+ (newtags (semanticdb-find-tags-by-name-method
+ tab (semantic-tag-name tag)))
+ (match nil))
+ ;; Find the best match.
+ (dolist (T newtags)
+ (when (semantic-tag-similar-p T tag)
+ (setq match T)))
+ ;; Backup system.
+ (when (not match)
+ (setq match (car newtags)))
+ ;; Return it.
+ (cons tab match)))))
+(defun semanticdb-elisp-sym-function-arglist (sym)
+ "Get the argument list for SYM.
+Deal with all different forms of function.
+This was snarfed out of eldoc."
+ (let* ((prelim-def
+ (let ((sd (and (fboundp sym)
+ (symbol-function sym))))
+ (and (symbolp sd)
+ (condition-case err
+ (setq sd (indirect-function sym))
+ (error (setq sd nil))))
+ sd))
+ (def (if (eq (car-safe prelim-def) 'macro)
+ (cdr prelim-def)
+ prelim-def))
+ (arglist (cond ((null def) nil)
+ ((byte-code-function-p def)
+ ;; This is an eieio compatibility function.
+ ;; We depend on EIEIO, so use this.
+ (eieio-compiled-function-arglist def))
+ ((eq (car-safe def) 'lambda)
+ (nth 1 def))
+ (t nil))))
+ arglist))
+(defun semanticdb-elisp-sym->tag (sym &optional toktype)
+ "Convert SYM into a semantic tag.
+TOKTYPE is a hint to the type of tag desired."
+ (if (stringp sym)
+ (setq sym (intern-soft sym)))
+ (when sym
+ (cond ((and (eq toktype 'function) (fboundp sym))
+ (require 'semantic/bovine/el)
+ (semantic-tag-new-function
+ (symbol-name sym)
+ nil ;; return type
+ (semantic-elisp-desymbolify
+ (semanticdb-elisp-sym-function-arglist sym)) ;; arg-list
+ :user-visible-flag (condition-case nil
+ (interactive-form sym)
+ (error nil))
+ ))
+ ((and (eq toktype 'variable) (boundp sym))
+ (semantic-tag-new-variable
+ (symbol-name sym)
+ nil ;; type
+ nil ;; value - ignore for now
+ ))
+ ((and (eq toktype 'type) (class-p sym))
+ (semantic-tag-new-type
+ (symbol-name sym)
+ "class"
+ (semantic-elisp-desymbolify
+ (aref (class-v semanticdb-project-database)
+ class-public-a)) ;; slots
+ (semantic-elisp-desymbolify (class-parents sym)) ;; parents
+ ))
+ ((not toktype)
+ ;; Figure it out on our own.
+ (cond ((class-p sym)
+ (semanticdb-elisp-sym->tag sym 'type))
+ ((fboundp sym)
+ (semanticdb-elisp-sym->tag sym 'function))
+ ((boundp sym)
+ (semanticdb-elisp-sym->tag sym 'variable))
+ (t nil))
+ )
+ (t nil))))
+;;; Search Overrides
+(defvar semanticdb-elisp-mapatom-collector nil
+ "Variable used to collect mapatoms output.")
+(defmethod semanticdb-find-tags-by-name-method
+ ((table semanticdb-table-emacs-lisp) name &optional tags)
+ "Find all tags name NAME in TABLE.
+Uses `inter-soft' to match NAME to emacs symbols.
+Return a list of tags."
+ (if tags (call-next-method)
+ ;; No need to search. Use `intern-soft' which does the same thing for us.
+ (let* ((sym (intern-soft name))
+ (fun (semanticdb-elisp-sym->tag sym 'function))
+ (var (semanticdb-elisp-sym->tag sym 'variable))
+ (typ (semanticdb-elisp-sym->tag sym 'type))
+ (taglst nil)
+ )
+ (when (or fun var typ)
+ ;; If the symbol is any of these things, build the search table.
+ (when var (setq taglst (cons var taglst)))
+ (when typ (setq taglst (cons typ taglst)))
+ (when fun (setq taglst (cons fun taglst)))
+ taglst
+ ))))
+(defmethod semanticdb-find-tags-by-name-regexp-method
+ ((table semanticdb-table-emacs-lisp) regex &optional tags)
+ "Find all tags with name matching REGEX in TABLE.
+Optional argument TAGS is a list of tags to search.
+Uses `apropos-internal' to find matches.
+Return a list of tags."
+ (if tags (call-next-method)
+ (delq nil (mapcar 'semanticdb-elisp-sym->tag
+ (apropos-internal regex)))))
+(defmethod semanticdb-find-tags-for-completion-method
+ ((table semanticdb-table-emacs-lisp) prefix &optional tags)
+ "In TABLE, find all occurances of tags matching PREFIX.
+Optional argument TAGS is a list of tags to search.
+Returns a table of all matching tags."
+ (if tags (call-next-method)
+ (delq nil (mapcar 'semanticdb-elisp-sym->tag
+ (all-completions prefix obarray)))))
+(defmethod semanticdb-find-tags-by-class-method
+ ((table semanticdb-table-emacs-lisp) class &optional tags)
+ "In TABLE, find all occurances of tags of CLASS.
+Optional argument TAGS is a list of tags to search.
+Returns a table of all matching tags."
+ (if tags (call-next-method)
+ ;; We could implement this, but it could be messy.
+ nil))
+;;; Deep Searches
+;; For Emacs Lisp deep searches are like top level searches.
+(defmethod semanticdb-deep-find-tags-by-name-method
+ ((table semanticdb-table-emacs-lisp) name &optional tags)
+ "Find all tags name NAME in TABLE.
+Optional argument TAGS is a list of tags to search.
+Like `semanticdb-find-tags-by-name-method' for Emacs Lisp."
+ (semanticdb-find-tags-by-name-method table name tags))
+(defmethod semanticdb-deep-find-tags-by-name-regexp-method
+ ((table semanticdb-table-emacs-lisp) regex &optional tags)
+ "Find all tags with name matching REGEX in TABLE.
+Optional argument TAGS is a list of tags to search.
+Like `semanticdb-find-tags-by-name-method' for Emacs Lisp."
+ (semanticdb-find-tags-by-name-regexp-method table regex tags))
+(defmethod semanticdb-deep-find-tags-for-completion-method
+ ((table semanticdb-table-emacs-lisp) prefix &optional tags)
+ "In TABLE, find all occurances of tags matching PREFIX.
+Optional argument TAGS is a list of tags to search.
+Like `semanticdb-find-tags-for-completion-method' for Emacs Lisp."
+ (semanticdb-find-tags-for-completion-method table prefix tags))
+;;; Advanced Searches
+(defmethod semanticdb-find-tags-external-children-of-type-method
+ ((table semanticdb-table-emacs-lisp) type &optional tags)
+ "Find all nonterminals which are child elements of TYPE
+Optional argument TAGS is a list of tags to search.
+Return a list of tags."
+ (if tags (call-next-method)
+ ;; EIEIO is the only time this matters
+ (when (featurep 'eieio)
+ (let* ((class (intern-soft type))
+ (taglst (when class
+ (delq nil
+ (mapcar 'semanticdb-elisp-sym->tag
+ ;; Fancy eieio function that knows all about
+ ;; built in methods belonging to CLASS.
+ (eieio-all-generic-functions class)))))
+ )
+ taglst))))
+(provide 'semantic/db-el)
+;;; semantic/db-el.el ends here