path: root/etc/gnus-refcard.tex
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-% Previously we had five input LaTeX files (booklet.tex bk-lt.tex bk-a4.tex
-% refcard.tex gnusref.tex) and two logo files (gnuslogo-refcard.eps and
-% gnuslogo-booklet.eps).
-% From this LaTeX file (gnus-refcard.tex) plus a single logo (gnus-logo.eps),
-% we can generate the refcard and the booklet version. This simplifies to
-% distribute the refcard with Emacs. Appropriate Makefile rules were added in
-% gnus/texi/Makefile.
-% For Emacs, we may use the following commands (w/o) using Gnus' Makefile:
-% latex gnus-refcard.tex &&
-% dvips -t letter -f gnus-refcard.dvi >
-% latex '\def\booklettrue{}\def\letterpapertrue{}\input{gnus-refcard}' &&
-% mv gnus-refcard.dvi gnus-booklet.dvi &&
-% dvips -t letter -f gnus-booklet.dvi >
- \typeout{Creating reference card...}
- \typeout{Creating reference booklet...}}
-\newlength{\logowidth} \setlength{\logowidth} {6.861in}
-\newlength{\logoheight} \setlength{\logoheight}{7.013in}
-\ifthenelse{\isundefined{\booklettrue}}{% ifcard %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % Reference Card
- \def\Guide{Card}\def\guide{card}
- \def\logoscale{0.25}
- % Page setup for the refcard:
- % \setlength{\textwidth}{7.26in} \setlength{\textheight}{10in}
- % \setlength{\topmargin}{-1.0in}
- % % the same settings work for A4, although there is a bit of space at the
- % % top and bottom of the page.
- % \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-0.5in} \setlength{\evensidemargin}{-0.5in}
- \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\letterpapertrue}}{
- \geometry{a4paper,hmargin=10mm,tmargin=10mm,bmargin=35mm}
- }{
- \geometry{hmargin=20mm,tmargin=10mm,bmargin=12mm}
- }
-}{ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % Reference Booklet
- \def\Guide{Booklet}\def\guide{booklet}
- \def\logoscale{0.5}% FIXME: too large for 2up printing? --rsteib
- \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\letterpapertrue}}{
- \geometry{a5paper,hmargin=10mm,tmargin=10mm,bmargin=4mm}
- }{
- \geometry{a5paper,hmargin=20mm,tmargin=10mm,bmargin=4mm}
- }
- \def\sec{\section}
- \def\subsec{\subsection}
- \def\subsubsec{\subsubsection}
- \def\blankpage{\vspace*{\fill}\par
- %\centerline{(This page intentionally left blank.)}
- \par\vspace*{\fill}\pagebreak}
-}%ifbooklet% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-% \input{gnusref} % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
-%% include file for the Gnus refcard and booklet
-\def\progver{5.11} % program version
-% \def\refver{5.10-2} % refcard version (not used)
-\def\date{April, 2006}
-\def\author{Gnus Bugfixing Girls + Boys $<$$>$}
-\newenvironment{keys}[1]% #1 is the widest key
- \settowidth{\keycolwidth}{#1}%
- \addtolength{\keycolwidth}{\tabcolsep}%
- \addtolength{\keycolwidth}{-\columnwidth}%
- \begin{supertabular}{@{}l@{\hspace{\tabcolsep}}p{-\keycolwidth}@{}}}%
- {\end{supertabular}\\}
-%% uncomment the first definition if you do not want pagebreaks in maps
-\newcommand*{\B}[1]{{\bf#1})} % bold l)etter
- \begin{center}
- {\bf\LARGE Gnus \progver\ Reference \Guide\\}
- %{\normalsize \Guide\ version \refver}
- \end{center}
- }
-% \newcommand*{\LogoOLD}[1]{\centerline{%
-% \makebox[\logoscale\logowidth][l]{\vbox to \logoscale\logoheight
-% {\vfill\epsfig{figure=gnuslogo-#1}}\vspace{-\baselineskip}}}}
- \includegraphics[width=\logoscale\logowidth]{gnus-logo}}}
-%% Contributions by:
-%% 1995 Vladimir Alexiev <>
-%% 2000 Felix Natter <>
-%% 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005 \author.
-%% Original Gnus manual 1994 Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen
-%% Some material from Emacs Help Bindings feature (C-h b).
-%% Gnus logo by Luis Fernandes.
- \begin{center}
- Copyright \copyright\ 1995, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004,
- 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- \end{center}
- Permission is granted to make and distribute copies of this reference
- \guide{} provided the copyright notice and this permission are preserved on
- all copies. Please send corrections, additions and suggestions to the
- current maintainer's email address. \Guide{} last edited on \date.
- }
- \subsection*{Notes}
- {\esamepage
- Gnus is complex. Currently it has some 876 interactive (user-callable)
- functions. Of these 618 are in the two major modes (Group and
- Summary/Article). Many of these functions have more than one binding, some
- have 3 or even 4 bindings. The total number of keybindings is 677. So in
- order to save 40\% space, every function is listed only once on this
- \guide, under the ``more logical'' binding. Alternative bindings are given
- in parentheses in the beginning of the description.
- Many Gnus commands are affected by the numeric prefix. Normally you enter a
- prefix by holding the Meta key and typing a number, but in most Gnus modes
- you don't need to use Meta since the digits are not self-inserting. The
- prefixed behavior of commands is given in [brackets]. Often the prefix is
- used to specify:
- \quad [distance] How many objects to move the point over.
- \quad [scope] How many objects to operate on (including the current one).
- \quad [p/p] The ``Process/Prefix Convention'': If a prefix is given then it
- determines how many objects to operate on. Else if there are some objects
- marked with the process mark \#, these are operated on. Else only the
- current object is affected.
- \quad [level] A group subscribedness level. Only groups with a lower or
- equal level will be affected by the operation. If no prefix is given,
- `gnus-group-default-list-level' is used. If
- `gnus-group-use-permanent-levels', then a prefix to the `g' and `l'
- commands will also set the default level.
- \quad [score] An article score. If no prefix is given,
- `gnus-summary-default-score' is used. \\*[\baselineskip]
- % some keys
- Gnus startup-commands:\\*
- \begin{keys}{M-x gnus-unplugged}
- M-x gnus & start Gnus. \\
- M-x gnus-no-server & start Gnus without connecting to server
- (i.e. to read mail). \\
- \end{keys}
- Additionally, there are the two commands \texttt{gnus-plugged} and
- \texttt{gnus-unplugged}, which are only used if you want to download
- news and/or read previously downloaded news offline (see C-c C-i g Gnus
- Unplugged RET). Note: \texttt{gnus-no-server} ignores the stuff in
- \texttt{gnus-agent-directory}, and thus does not allow you to use Gnus
- Unplugged.
- %
- \begin{keys}{C-c C-i}
- C-c C-i & Go to the Gnus online {\bf info}.\\
- C-c C-b & Send a Gnus {\bf bug} report.\\
- \end{keys}
- }}
- The table below assumes that you use the default Gnus levels.
- Fill your user-specific levels in the blank cells.\\[1\baselineskip]
- \begin{tabular}{|c|l|l|}
- \hline
- Level & Groups & Status \\
- \hline
- 1 & draft/mail groups & \\
- 2 & mail groups & \\
- 3 & & subscribed \\
- 4 & & \\
- 5 & default list level & \\
- \hline
- 6 & & unsubscribed \\
- 7 & & \\
- \hline
- 8 & & zombies \\
- \hline
- 9 & & killed \\
- \hline
- \end{tabular}}
- {\esamepage If a command directly sets a mark, it is shown in parentheses.\\*
- \newlength{\markcolwidth}
- \settowidth{\markcolwidth}{` '}% widest character
- \addtolength{\markcolwidth}{4\tabcolsep}
- \addtolength{\markcolwidth}{-\columnwidth}
- \newlength{\markdblcolwidth}
- \setlength{\markdblcolwidth}{\columnwidth}
- \addtolength{\markdblcolwidth}{-2\tabcolsep}
- \begin{tabular}{|c|p{-\markcolwidth}|}
- \hline
- \multicolumn{2}{|p{\markdblcolwidth}|}{{\bf ``Read'' Marks.}
- All these marks appear in the first column of the summary line, and so
- are mutually exclusive.}\\
- \hline
- ` ' & (M-u, M SPC, M c) Not read.\\
- ! & (!, M !, M t) Ticked (interesting).\\
- ? & (?, M ?) Dormant (only followups are interesting).\\
- E & (E, M e, M x) {\bf Expirable}. Only has effect in mail groups.\\
- G & (C, B DEL) Canceled article (or deleted in mailgroups).\\
- \$ & (M-d, M s x, S x). Marked as spam.\\
- \hline\hline
- \multicolumn{2}{|p{\markdblcolwidth}|}
- {The marks below mean that the article
- is read (killed, uninteresting), and have more or less the same effect.
- Some commands however explicitly differentiate between them (e.g.\ M
- M-C-r, adaptive scoring).}\\
- \hline
- r & (d, M d, M r) Deleted (marked as {\bf read}).\\
- C & (M C; M C-c; M H; c, Z c; Z n; Z C) Killed by {\bf catch-up}.\\
- F & SOUPed article. See the manual.\\
- O & {\bf Old} (read in a previous session).\\
- K & (k, M k; C-k, M K) {\bf Killed}.\\
- M & Article marked as read by duplicate suppression.\\
- Q & Article is part of a sparse thread (see ``Threading''
- in the manual).\\
- R & {\bf Read} (viewed in actuality).\\
- X & Killed by a kill file.\\
- Y & Killed due to low score.\\
- \hline\multicolumn{2}{c}{\vspace{1ex}}\\\hline
- \multicolumn{2}{|p{\markdblcolwidth}|}
- {{\bf Marks not affecting visibility}}\\
- \hline
- \# & (\#, M \#, M P p) Processable (will be affected by the next operation).
- [2]\\
- A & {\bf Answered} (followed-up or replied). [2]\\
- F & Forwarded. [2]\\
- $\ast$ & Cached. [2]\\
- S & Saved. [2]\\
- N & Recently arrived. [2]\\
- . & Unseen. [2]\\
- + & Over default score. [3]\\
- $-$ & Under default score. [3]\\
- $=$ & Has children (thread underneath it). Add `\%e' to
- `gnus-summary-line-format'. [3]\\
- \hline
- \end{tabular}
- }}
- \begin{keys}{C-c M-C-x}
- RET & (=) Enter this group. [Prefix: how many (read) articles to fetch.
- Positive: newest articles, negative: oldest ones; non-numerical:
- view all articles, not just unread]\\
- M-RET & Enter group quickly.\\
- M-SPC & Same as RET but does not expunge and hide dormants.\\
- M-C-RET & Enter group without any processing, changes will not be permanent.\\
- SPC & Select this group and display the first (unread) article. [Same
- prefix as above.]\\
- ? & Give a very short help message.\\
- $<$ & Go to the beginning of the Group buffer.\\
- $>$ & Go to the end of the Group buffer.\\
- , & Jump to the lowest-level group with unread articles.\\
- . & Jump to the first group with unread articles.\\
- \^{} & Enter the Server buffer mode.\\
- a & Post an {\bf article} to a group
- [Prefix: use group under point to find posting-style].\\
- b & Find {\bf bogus} groups and delete them.\\
- c & Mark all unticked articles in this group as read ({\bf catch-up}).
- [p/p]\\
- g & Check the server for new articles ({\bf get}). [level]\\
- M-g & Check the server for new articles in this group ({\bf get}). [p/p]\\
- j & {\bf Jump} to a group.\\
- m & {\bf Mail} a message to someone
- [Prefix: use group under point to find posting-style].\\
- n & Go to the {\bf next} group with unread articles. [distance]\\
- M-n & Go to the {\bf next} group on the same or lower level.
- [distance]\\
- p & (DEL) Go to the {\bf previous} group with unread articles.
- [distance]\\
- M-p & Go to the {\bf previous} group on the same or lower level. [distance]\\
- q & {\bf Quit} Gnus.\\
- r & Re-read the init file ({\bf reset}).\\
- s & {\bf Save} the `.newsrc.eld' file (and `.newsrc' if
- `gnus-save-newsrc-file').\\
- z & Suspend (kill all buffers of) Gnus.\\
- B & {\bf Browse} a foreign server.\\
- C & Mark all articles in this group as read ({\bf Catch-up}). [p/p]\\
- F & {\bf Find} new groups and process them.\\
- N & Go to the {\bf next} group. [distance]\\
- P & Go to the {\bf previous} group. [distance]\\
- Q & {\bf Quit} Gnus without saving any startup (.newsrc) files.\\
- R & {\bf Restart} Gnus.\\
- Z & Clear the dribble buffer.\\
- M-c & Clear data from group (marks and list of read articles). \\
- C-c C-s & {\bf Sort} the groups by name, number of unread articles, or level
- (depending on `gnus-group-sort-function').\\
- C-c C-x & Run all expirable articles in this group through the {\bf expiry}
- process.\\
- C-c M-C-x & Run all articles in all groups through the {\bf expiry} process.\\
- C-c M-g & Activate all {\bf groups}.\\
- C-c C-i & Gnus online-manual ({\bf info}).\\
- C-x C-t & {\bf Transpose} two groups.\\
- H f & Fetch this group's {\bf FAQ} (using ange-ftp).\\
- H c & Display this group's {\bf charter}. [Prefix: query for group]\\
- H C & Display this group's {\bf control message} (using
- ange-ftp). [Prefix: query for group]\\
- H v & (V) Display the Gnus {\bf version} number.\\
- H d & (C-c C-d) Show the {\bf description} of this group
- [Prefix: re-read from server].\\
- M-d & {\bf Describe} all groups. [Prefix: re-read from server]\\
- D g & Regenerate a Sieve script from group parameters.\\
- D u & Regenerate Sieve script and {\bf upload} to server.\\
- \end{keys}
- }
- {\esamepage
- \begin{keys}{A M}
- A d & (C-c C-M-a) List all groups whose names or {\bf descriptions} match a regexp.\\
- A k & (C-c C-l) List all {\bf killed} groups.
- [Prefix: look at active-file from server]\\
- A l & List all groups on a specific level.
- [Prefix: also list groups with no unread articles]\\
- A a & (C-c C-a) List all groups whose names match a regexp
- ({\bf apropos}).\\
- A A & List the server's active-file.\\
- A M & List groups that {\bf match} a regexp.\\
- A m & List groups that {\bf match} a regexp and have unread articles.
- [level]\\
- A s & (l) List all {\bf subscribed} groups with unread articles.
- [level; 5 and lower is the default]\\
- A u & (L) List all groups (including read and {\bf unsubscribed}).
- [level; 7 and lower is the default]\\
- A z & List all {\bf zombie} groups.\\
- A c & List all groups with cached articles. [level]\\
- A ? & List all groups with dormant articles. [level]\\
- \end{keys}
- }
- \newcommand{\CreateEditGroups}{%
- {\esamepage
- The select methods are indicated in parentheses.\\*
- \begin{keys}{G DEL}
- G a & Make the Gnus list {\bf archive} group. (nndir over ange-ftp)\\
- G c & {\bf Customize} this group's parameters.\\
- G d & Make a {\bf directory} group (every file must be a posting and files
- must have numeric names). (nndir)\\
- G D & Enter a {\bf directory} as a (temporary) group.
- (nneething without recording articles read)\\
- G e & (M-e) {\bf Edit} this group's select method.\\
- G E & {\bf Edit} this group's info (select method, articles read, etc).\\
- G f & Make a group based on a {\bf file}. (nndoc)\\
- G h & Make the Gnus {\bf help} (documentation) group. (nndoc)\\
- G k & Make a {\bf kiboze} group. (nnkiboze)\\
- G m & {\bf Make} a new group.\\
- G p & Edit this group's {\bf parameters}.\\
- G r & Rename this group (does not work with read-only groups!).\\
- G u & Create one of the groups mentioned in gnus-{\bf useful}-groups.\\
- G v & Add this group to a {\bf virtual} group. [p/p]\\
- G V & Make a new empty {\bf virtual} group. (nnvirtual)\\
- G w & Create ephemeral group based on web-search. [Prefix: make solid group
- instead]\\
- G R & Make an {\bf RSS} group.\\
- G DEL & {\bf Delete} group [Prefix: delete all articles as well].\\
- G x & Expunge all deleted articles in an nnimap mailbox.\\
- G l & Edit ACL (Access Control {\bf List}) for an nnimap mailbox.\\
- \end{keys}
- You can also create mail-groups and read your mail with Gnus (very useful
- if you are subscribed to mailing lists), using one of the methods
- nnmbox, nnbabyl, nnml, nnmh, or nnfolder. Read about it in the online info
- (C-c C-i g Reading Mail RET).
- }}
- % TODO:
- \newcommand{\SoupCommands}{%
- \begin{keys}{G s w}
- G s b & gnus-group-brew-soup: not documented.\\
- G s p & gnus-soup-pack-packet: not documented.\\
- G s r & nnsoup-pack-replies: not documented.\\
- G s s & gnus-soup-send-replies: not documented.\\
- G s w & gnus-soup-save-areas: not documented.\\
- \end{keys}}
- \newcommand{\MarkGroups}{%
- \begin{keys}{M m}
- M m & (\#) Set the process {\bf mark} on this group. [scope]\\
- M r & Mark all groups matching regular expression.\\
- M u & (M-\#) Remove the process mark from this group ({\bf unmark}).
- [scope]\\
- M U & Remove the process mark from all groups (\textbf{umark all}).\\
- M w & Mark all groups in the current region. [prefix: unmark]\\
- M b & Mark all groups in the {\bf buffer}. [prefix: unmark]\\
- \end{keys}}
- \newcommand{\GroupTopicsGeneral}{%
- {\esamepage
- Topics are ``categories'' for groups. Press t in the group-buffer to
- toggle gnus-topic-mode (C-c C-i g Group Topics RET).\\*
- \begin{keys}{C-c C-x}
- T n & Prompt for topic {\bf name} and create it.\\
- T m & {\bf Move} the current group to some other topic [p/p].\\
- T j & {\bf Jump} to a topic.\\
- T c & {\bf Copy} the current group to some other topic [p/p].\\
- T D & Remove (not delete) the current group [p/p].\\
- T M & {\bf Move} all groups matching a regexp to a topic.\\
- T C & {\bf Copy} all groups matching a regexp to a topic.\\
- T H & Toggle {\bf hiding} of empty topics.\\
- T r & {\bf Rename} a topic.\\
- T DEL & Delete an empty topic.\\
- T \# & Mark all groups in the current topic with the process-mark.\\
- T M-\# & Remove the process-mark from all groups in the current topic.\\
- T TAB & (TAB) Indent current topic [Prefix: unindent].\\
- M-TAB & Unindent the current topic.\\
- RET & (SPC) Either unfold topic or enter group [level].\\
- T s & {\bf Show} the current topic. [Prefix: show permanently]\\
- T h & {\bf Hide} the current topic. [Prefix: hide permanently]\\
- C-c C-x & Expire all articles in current group or topic.\\
- C-k & {\bf Kill} a group or topic.\\
- C-y & {\bf Yank} a group or topic.\\
- A T & List active-file using {\bf topics}.\\
- G p & Edit topic-{\bf parameters}.\\
- T M-n & Go to {\bf next} topic. [distance]\\
- T M-p & Go to {\bf previous} topic. [distance]\\
- \end{keys}
- }
- }
- \newcommand{\TopicSorting}{%
- {\esamepage
- \begin{keys}{T S m}
- T S a & Sort {\bf alphabetically}.\\
- T S u & Sort by number of {\bf unread} articles.\\
- T S l & Sort by group {\bf level}.\\
- T S v & Sort by group score ({\bf value}).\\
- T S r & Sort by group {\bf rank}.\\
- T S m & Sort by {\bf method}.\\
- T S e & Sort by {\bf server} name.\\
- T S s & Sort according to `gnus-group-sort-function'.\\
- \end{keys}
- With a prefix these commands will sort in reverse order.
- }
- }
- \newcommand{\SubscribeKillYankGroups}{%
- {\esamepage
- \begin{keys}{S C-k}
- S k & (C-k) {\bf Kill} this group.\\
- S l & Set the {\bf level} of this group. [p/p]\\
- S s & (U) Prompt for a group and toggle its {\bf subscription}.\\
- S t & (u) {\bf Toggle} subscription to this group. [p/p]\\
- S w & (C-w) Kill all groups in the region.\\
- S y & (C-y) {\bf Yank} the last killed group.\\
- S z & Kill all {\bf zombie} groups.\\
- S C-k & Kill all groups on a certain level.\\
- \end{keys}
- }
- }
- \newcommand{\SummaryModeGeneral}{%
- {\esamepage
- \begin{keys}{M-RET}
- SPC & (A SPC, A n) Select an article, scroll it one page, move to the
- next one.\\
- DEL & (A DEL, A p, b) Scroll this article one page back. [distance]\\
- RET & (A RET) Scroll this article one line forward. [distance]\\
- M-RET & (A M-RET) Scroll this article one line backward. [distance]\\
- = & Expand the Summary window (fullsize).
- [Prefix: shrink to display article window]\\
- %
- \& & Execute a command on all articles whose header matches a regexp.
- [Prefix: move backwards]\\
- M-\& & Execute a command on all articles having the process mark.\\
- %
- M-n & (G M-n) Go to the {\bf next} summary line of an unread article.
- [distance]\\
- M-p & (G M-p) Go to the {\bf previous} summary line of an unread article.
- [distance]\\
- M-s & {\bf Search} through all subsequent articles for a regexp.\\
- M-r & Search through all previous articles for a regexp.\\
- %
- A P & {\bf Postscript}-print current buffer.\\
- %
- M-k & Edit this group's {\bf kill} file.\\
- M-K & Edit the general {\bf kill} file.\\
- %
- C-t & Toggle {\bf truncation} of summary lines.\\
- Y g & Regenerate the summary-buffer.\\
- Y c & Insert all cached articles into the summary-buffer.\\
- %
- M-C-e & {\bf Edit} the group-parameters.\\
- M-C-a & Customize the group-parameters.\\
- %
- % article handling
- %
- A $<$ & ($<$, A b) Scroll to the beginning of this article.\\
- A $>$ & ($>$, A e) Scroll to the end of this article.\\
- A s & (s) Perform an i{\bf search} in the article buffer.\\
- %
- A D & (C-d) Un{\bf digestify} this article into a separate group.
- [Prefix: force digest]\\
- M-C-d & Like C-d, but open several documents in nndoc-groups, wrapped
- in an nnvirtual group [p/p]\\
- %
- A g & (g) (Re)fetch this article ({\bf get}). [Prefix: get raw version]\\
- A r & (\^{}, A \^{}) Fetch the parent(s) of this article.
- [Prefix: if positive fetch \textit{n} ancestors;
- negative: fetch only the \textit{n}th ancestor]\\
- A t & {\bf Translate} this article.\\
- A R & Fetch all articles mentioned in the {\bf References}-header.\\
- A T & Fetch full \textbf{thread} in which the current article appears.\\
- M-\^{} & Fetch the article with a given Message-ID.\\
- S y & {\bf Yank} the current article into an existing message-buffer.
- [p/p]\\
- A M & Setup group parameters for {\bf mailing} lists from
- headers. [Prefix: replace old settings]\\
- \end{keys}
- }
- }
- \newcommand{\MIMESummary}{%
- {\esamepage
- For the commands operating on one MIME part (a subset of gnus-article-*), a
- prefix selects which part to operate on. If the point is placed over a
- MIME button in the article buffer, use the corresponding bindings for the
- article buffer instead.
- \begin{keys}{W M w}
- K v & (b, W M b) {\bf View} the MIME-part.\\
- K o & {\bf Save} the MIME part.\\
- K c & {\bf Copy} the MIME part.\\
- K e & View the MIME part {\bf externally}.\\
- K i & View the MIME part {\bf internally}.\\
- K $\mid$ & Pipe the MIME part to an external command.\\
- K b & Make all the MIME parts have buttons in front of them.\\
- K m & Try to repair {\bf multipart-headers}.\\
- K C & View the MIME part using a different {\bf charset}.\\
- X m & Save all parts matching a MIME type to a directory. [p/p]\\
- M-t & Toggle the buttonized display of the article buffer.\\
- W M w & Decode RFC2047-encoded words in the article headers.\\
- W M c & Decode encoded article bodies. [Prefix: prompt for charset]\\
- W M v & View all MIME parts in the current article.\\
- \end{keys}
- }
- }
- \newcommand{\SortSummary}{%
- {\esamepage
- \begin{keys}{C-c C-s C-a}
- C-c C-s C-a & Sort the summary-buffer by {\bf author}.\\
- % C-c C-s C-t & Sort the summary-buffer by {\bf recipient}.\\ % No Gnus
- C-c C-s C-d & Sort the summary-buffer by {\bf date}.\\
- C-c C-s C-i & Sort the summary-buffer by article score.\\
- C-c C-s C-l & Sort the summary-buffer by amount of {\bf lines}.\\
- C-c C-s C-c & Sort the summary-buffer by length.\\
- C-c C-s C-n & Sort the summary-buffer by article {\bf number}.\\
- C-c C-s C-s & Sort the summary-buffer by {\bf subject}.\\
- C-c C-s C-r & Sort the summary-buffer {\bf randomly}.\\
- C-c C-s C-o & Sort the summary-buffer using the default method.\\
- \end{keys}
- With a prefix these functions sort in reverse order.
- }
- }
- \newcommand{\MailGroups}{% formerly \Bsubmap
- {\esamepage
- These commands (except `B c') are only valid in a mail group.\\*
- \begin{keys}{B M-C-e}
- B DEL & (B backspace, B delete) {\bf Delete} the mail article from disk (!).
- [p/p]\\
- B B & Crosspost this article to another group.\\
- B c & {\bf Copy} this article from any group to a mail group. [p/p]\\
- B e & {\bf Expire} all expirable articles in this group. [p/p]\\
- B i & {\bf Import} a random file into this group.\\
- B I & Create an empty article in this group.\\
- B m & {\bf Move} the article from one mail group to another. [p/p]\\
- B p & Query whether the article was {\bf posted} as well.\\
- B q & {\bf Query} where the article will end up after fancy splitting\\
- B r & {\bf Respool} this mail article. [p/p]\\
- B t & {\bf Trace} the fancy splitting patterns applied to this article.\\
- B w & (e) Edit this article.\\
- B M-C-e & {\bf Expunge} (delete from disk) all expirable articles in this group
- (!). [p/p]\\
- K E & {\bf Encrypt} article body. [p/p]\\
- \end{keys}
- }
- }
- \newcommand{\DraftGroup}{% formerly \Dsubmap
- {\esamepage
- The ``drafts''-group contains messages that have been saved but not sent
- and rejected articles. \\*
- \begin{keys}{B DEL}
- D e & \textbf{edit} message.\\
- D s & \textbf{Send} message. [p/p]\\
- D S & \textbf{Send} all messages.\\
- D t & \textbf{Toggle} sending (mark as unsendable).\\
- B DEL & \textbf{Delete} message (like in mailgroup).\\
- \end{keys}
- }
- }
- \newcommand{\SelectArticles}{% formerly \Gsubmap
- {\esamepage
- These commands select the target article. They do not understand the prefix.\\*
- \begin{keys}{G C-n}
- h & Enter article-buffer.\\
- G b & (,) Go to the {\bf best} article (the one with highest score).\\
- G f & (.) Go to the {\bf first} unread article.\\
- G n & (n) Go to the {\bf next} unread article.\\
- G p & (p) Go to the {\bf previous} unread article.\\
- %
- G N & (N) Go to {\bf the} next article.\\
- G P & (P) Go to the {\bf previous} article.\\
- %
- G C-n & (M-C-n) Go to the {\bf next} article with the same subject.\\
- G C-p & (M-C-p) Go to the {\bf previous} article with the same subject.\\
- %
- G l & (l) Go to the previously read article ({\bf last-read-article}).\\
- G o & Pop an article off the summary history and go to it.\\
- %
- G g & Search an article via subject.\\
- G j & (j) Search an article via Message-Id or subject.\\
- \end{keys}
- }
- }
- \newcommand{\ArticleModeGeneral}{%
- {\esamepage
- The normal navigation keys work in Article mode. Some additional keys are:\\
- \begin{keys}{C-c RET}
- C-c \^{} & Get the article with the Message-ID near point.\\
- C-c RET & Send reply to address near point.\\
- h & Go to the \textbf{header}-line of the article in the
- summary-buffer.\\
- s & Go to \textbf{summary}-buffer.\\
- RET & (middle mouse button) Activate the button at point to follow
- an URL or Message-ID.\\
- TAB & Move the point to the next button.\\
- M-TAB & Move point to previous button.\\
- \end{keys}
- }
- }
- \newcommand{\WashArticle}{% formerly \Wsubmap
- {\esamepage
- \begin{keys}{W W H}
- W 6 & Translate a base64 article.\\
- W a & Strip certain {\bf headers} from body.\\
- W b & Make Message-IDs and URLs in the article mouse-clickable
- {\bf buttons}.\\
- W c & Translate CRLF-pairs to LF and then the remaining CR's to LF's.\\
- W d & Treat {\bf dumbquotes}.\\
- W e & Treat {\bf emphasized} text.\\
- W h & Treat {\bf HTML}.\\
- W l & (w) Remove page breaks ({\bf\^{}L}) from the article.\\
- W m & {\bf Morse} decode article.\\
- W o & Treat {\bf overstrike} or underline (\^{}H\_) in the article.\\
- W p & Verify X-{\bf PGP}-Sig header.\\
- W q & Treat {\bf quoted}-printable in the article.\\
- W r & (C-c C-r) Do a Caesar {\bf rotate} (rot13) on the article.\\
- W s & Verify (and decrypt) a {\bf signed} message.\\
- W t & (t) {\bf Toggle} display of all headers.\\
- W u & {\bf Unsplit} broken URLs.\\
- W v & (v) Toggle permanent {\bf verbose} displaying of all headers.\\
- W w & Do word {\bf wrap} in the article.\\
- W B & Add clickable {\bf buttons} to the article headers.\\
- W C & {\bf Capitalize} first word in each sentence.\\
- W Q & Fill long lines.\\
- W Z & Translate a HZ-encoded article.\\
- %
- W G u & {\bf Unfold} folded header lines.\\
- W G f & {\bf Fold} all header lines.\\
- W G n & Unfold {\bf Newsgroups:} and Follow-Up-To:.\\
- %
- W Y c & Repair broken {\bf citations}.\\
- W Y a & Repair broken {\bf attribution} lines.\\
- W Y u & {\bf Unwrap} broken citation lines.\\
- W Y f & Do a {\bf full} deuglification (W Y c, W Y a, W Y u).\\
- \end{keys}
- }
- }
- \newcommand{\BlankAndWhitespace}{%
- {\esamepage
- \begin{keys}{W E w}
- W E l & Strip blank {\bf lines} from the beginning of the article.\\
- W E m & Replace blank lines with empty lines and remove {\bf multiple}
- blank lines.\\
- W E t & Remove {\bf trailing} blank lines.\\
- W E a & Strip blank lines at the beginning and the end
- (W E l, W E m and W E t).\\
- W E A & Strip {\bf all} blank lines.\\
- W E s & Strip leading blank lines from the article body.\\
- W E e & Strip trailing blank lines from the article body.\\
- W E w & Remove leading {\bf whitespace} from all headers.\\
- \end{keys}
- }
- }
- \newcommand{\Picons}{%
- {\esamepage
- \begin{keys}{W D D}
- W D s & (W g) Display {\bf smilies}.\\
- W D x & (W f) Look for and display any X-{\bf Face} headers.\\
- W D d & Display any Face headers.\\
- W D n & Toggle picons in {\bf Newsgroups} and Followup-To.\\
- W D m & Toggle picons in {\bf mail} headers (To and Cc).\\
- W D f & Toggle picons in {\bf From}.\\
- W D D & Remove all images from the article buffer.\\
- \end{keys}
- }
- }
- \newcommand{\TimeAndDate}{%
- {\esamepage
- \begin{keys}{W T u}
- W T u & (W T z) Display the article timestamp in GMT ({\bf UT, ZULU}).\\
- W T i & Display the article timestamp in {\bf ISO} 8601.\\
- W T l & Display the article timestamp in the {\bf local} timezone.\\
- W T s & Display according to `gnus-article-time-format'.\\
- W T e & Display the time {\bf elapsed} since it was sent.\\
- W T o & Display the {\bf original} timestamp.\\
- W T p & Display the date in format that's {\bf
- pronounceable} in English.\\
- \end{keys}
- }
- }
- \newcommand{\HideHighlightArticle}{%
- {\esamepage
- \begin{keys}{W W C-c}
- W W a & Hide {\bf all} unwanted parts. Calls W W h, W W s, W W C-c.\\
- W W h & Hide article {\bf headers}.\\
- W W b & Hide {\bf boring} headers.\\
- W W s & Hide {\bf signature}.\\
- W W l & Hide {\bf list} identifiers in subject-header.\\
- W W P & Hide {\bf PEM} (privacy enhanced messages).\\
- W W B & Hide banner specified by group parameter.\\
- W W c & Hide {\bf citation}.\\
- W W C-c & Hide {\bf citation} using a more intelligent algorithm.\\
- W W C & Hide cited text in articles that aren't roots.\\
- W H a & Highlight {\bf all} parts. Calls W b, W H c, W H h, W H s.\\
- W H c & Highlight article {\bf citations}.\\
- W H h & Highlight article {\bf headers}.\\
- W H s & Highlight article {\bf signature}.\\
- \end{keys}
- For all hiding-commands: A positive prefix always hides, and a negative
- prefix will show what was previously hidden.
- }}
- \newcommand{\MIMEArticleMode}{%
- {\esamepage
- \begin{keys}{RET}
- RET & (BUTTON-2) Toggle display of the MIME object.\\
- v & Prompt for a method and then view object using this method.\\
- o & Prompt for a filename and save the MIME object.\\
- C-o & Prompt for a filename to save the MIME object to and remove it.\\
- d & {\bf Delete} the MIME object.\\
- c & {\bf Copy} the MIME object to a new buffer and display this buffer.\\
- i & Display the MIME object in this buffer.\\
- C & Copy the MIME object to a new buffer and display this buffer using {\bf Charset} \\
- E & View internally. \\
- e & View {\bf externally}. \\
- t & View the MIME object as a different {\bf type}.\\
- p & {\bf Print} the MIME object.\\
- $\mid$ & Pipe the MIME object to a process.\\
- . & Take action on the MIME object.\\
- \end{keys}
- }
- }
- %% end of article mode for reading ..........................................
- \newcommand{\MarkArticlesGeneral}{% formerly \Msubmap
- {\esamepage
- \begin{keys}{M M-C-r}
- d & (M d, M r) Mark this article as read and move to the next one.
- [scope]\\
- D & Mark this article as read and move to the previous one. [scope]\\
- ! & (u, M !, M t) Tick this article (mark it as interesting) and move
- to the next one. [scope]\\
- U & Tick this article and move to the previous one. [scope]\\
- M ? & (?) Mark this article as dormant (only followups are
- interesting). [scope]\\
- M D & Show all {\bf dormant} articles (normally they are hidden unless they
- have any followups).\\
- M M-D & Hide all {\bf dormant} articles.\\
- C-w & Mark all articles between point and mark as read.\\
- M-u & (M SPC, M c) Clear all marks from this article and move to the next
- one. [scope]\\
- M-U & Clear all marks from this article and move to the previous one.
- [scope]\\
- %
- M e & (E, M x) Mark this article as {\bf expirable}. [scope]\\
- %
- M k & (k) {\bf Kill} all articles with the same subject then select the
- next unread one.\\
- M K & (C-k) {\bf Kill} all articles with the same subject as this one.\\
- %
- M C & {\bf Catch-up} the articles that are not ticked and not dormant.\\
- M C-c & {\bf Catch-up} all articles in this group.\\
- M H & {\bf Catch-up} (mark read) this group to point (to-{\bf here}).\\
- %
- M b & Set a {\bf bookmark} in this article.\\
- M B & Remove the {\bf bookmark} from this article.\\
- %
- M M-r & (x) Expunge all {\bf read} articles from this group.\\
- M M-C-r & Expunge all articles having a given mark.\\
- M S & (C-c M-C-s) {\bf Show} all expunged articles.\\
- M M C-h & Displays some more keys doing ticking slightly differently.\\
- \end{keys}
- The variable `gnus-summary-goto-unread' controls what happens after a mark
- has been set (C-x C-i g Setting Marks RET)
- }}
- \newcommand{\MarkByScore}{%
- \begin{keys}{M V m}
- M V c & {\bf Clear} all marks from all high-scored articles. [score]\\
- M V k & {\bf Kill} all low-scored articles. [score]\\
- M V m & Mark all high-scored articles with a given {\bf mark}. [score]\\
- M V u & Mark all high-scored articles as interesting (tick them). [score]\\
- \end{keys}
- }
- }
- {\esamepage
- These commands set and remove the process mark (\#). You only need to use
- it if the set of articles you want to operate on is non-contiguous. Else
- use a numeric prefix.\\*
- \begin{keys}{M P R}
- M P p & (\#, M \#) Mark this article.\\
- M P u & (M-\#, M M-\#) \textbf{unmark} this article.\\
- M P b & Mark all articles in {\bf buffer}.\\
- M P r & Mark all articles in the {\bf region}.\\
- M P g & Unmark all articles in the region.\\
- M P R & Mark all articles matching a {\bf regexp}.\\
- M P G & Unmark all articles matching a regexp.\\
- M P t & Mark all articles in this (sub){\bf thread}.\\
- M P T & Unmark all articles in this (sub){\bf thread}.\\
- M P s & Mark all articles in the current {\bf series}.\\
- M P S & Mark all {\bf series} that already contain a marked article.\\
- M P a & Mark {\bf all} articles (in series order).\\
- M P U & \textbf{unmark} all articles.\\
- M P i & {\bf Invert} the list of process-marked articles.\\
- M P k & Push the current process-mark set onto stack and unmark
- all articles.\\
- M P y & Pop process-mark set from stack and restore it.\\
- M P w & Push process-mark set on the stack.\\
- M P v & Mark all articles with score over the default score. [Prefix: score]\\
- \end{keys}
- }
- }
- {\esamepage
- \begin{keys}{/M}
- // & (/s) Limit the summary-buffer to articles matching {\bf subject}.\\
- /a & Limit the summary-buffer to articles matching {\bf author}.\\
- /x & Limit depending on ``extra'' headers.\\
- /u & (x) Limit to {\bf unread} articles.
- [Prefix: also exclude ticked and dormant articles]\\
- /. & Limit to unseen articles.\\
- /m & Limit to articles marked with specified {\bf mark}.\\
- /t & Ask for a number and exclude articles younger than that many days.
- [Prefix: exclude older articles]\\
- /n & Limit to current article. [p/p]\\
- /w & Pop the previous limit off the stack and restore it.
- [Prefix: pop all limits]\\
- /v & Limit to score. [score]\\
- /E & (M S) Include all expunged articles in the limit.\\
- /D & Include all dormant articles in the limit.\\
- /* & Limit to cached articles.\\
- Y C & Include all cached articles in the limit.\\
- /d & Exclude all dormant articles from the limit.\\
- /M & Exclude all marked articles.\\
- /T & Include all articles from the current thread in the limit.\\
- /c & Exclude all dormant articles that have no children from the limit.\\
- /C & Mark all excluded unread articles as read.
- [Prefix: also mark ticked and dormant articles]\\
- /o & Insert all {\bf old} articles. [Prefix: how many]\\
- /N & Insert all {\bf new} articles.\\
- /p & Limit to articles {\bf predicated} in the `display' group parameter.\\
- % /r & Limit to {\bf replied} articles. [Prefix: unreplied]\\ % No Gnus
- \end{keys}
- }
- }
-\newcommand{\OutputArticles}{% formerly \Osubmap
- {\esamepage
- \begin{keys}{O m}
- O o & (o, C-o) Save this article using the default article saver. [p/p]\\
- O b & Save this article's {\bf body} in plain file format [p/p]\\
- O f & Save this article in plain {\bf file} format. [p/p]\\
- O F & like O f, but overwrite file's contents. [p/p]\\
- O h & Save this article in {\bf mh} folder format. [p/p]\\
- O m & Save this article in {\bf mail} format. [p/p]\\
- O r & Save this article in {\bf rmail} format. [p/p]\\
- O v & Save this article in {\bf vm} format. [p/p]\\
- O p & ($\mid$) {\bf Pipe} this article to a shell command. [p/p]\\
- O P & \textbf{Print} this article using Muttprint. [p/p]\\
- \end{keys}
- }
- }
-\newcommand{\PostReplyetc}{% formerly \Ssubmap
- {\esamepage
- These commands put you in a separate news or mail buffer. See the section
- about composing messages for more information.\\*
- %After
- %editing the article, send it by pressing C-c C-c. If you are in a
- %foreign group and want to post the article using the foreign server, give
- %a prefix to C-c C-c.\\*
- \begin{keys}{S O m}
- S p & (a) {\bf Post} an article to this group.\\
- S f & (f) Post a {\bf followup} to this article.\\
- S F & (F) Post a {\bf followup} and include the original. [p/p]\\
- S o p & Forward this article as a {\bf post} to a newsgroup.\\
- S M-c & Send a complaint about excessive crossposting to the author of this
- article. [p/p]\\
- %
- S m & (m) Send a {\bf mail} to some other person.\\
- S r & (r) Mail a {\bf reply} to the author of this article.\\
- S R & (R) Mail a {\bf reply} and include the original. [p/p]\\
- S B r & Like S r but ignore the Reply-To: header.\\
- S B R & Like S R but ignore the Reply-To: header.\\
- S w & Mail a {\bf wide} reply to this article.\\
- S W & Mail a {\bf wide} reply to this article and include
- the original.\\
- S v & Mail a {\bf very} wide reply to this article.\\
- S V & Mail a {\bf very} wide reply to this article and include the original.\\
- S o m & (C-c C-f) Forward this article by {\bf mail} to a person.\\
- S D b & Resend {\bf bounced} mail.\\
- S D r & {\bf Resend} mail to a different person.\\
- S D e & {\bf Edit} and resend.\\
- %
- S n & Post a followup via {\bf news} even if you got the message
- through mail.\\
- S N & Post a followup via {\bf news} and include the original mail.
- [p/p]\\
- %
- S c & (C) {\bf Cancel} this article (only works if it is
- your own). [p/p]\\
- S s & {\bf Supersede} this article with a new one (only for own
- articles).\\
- %
- S O m & Digest these series and forward by {\bf mail}. [p/p]\\
- S O p & Digest these series and forward as a {\bf post} to a newsgroup.
- [p/p]\\
- %
- S u & {\bf Uuencode} a file and post it as a series.\\
- \end{keys}
- If you want to cancel or supersede an article you just posted (before it
- has appeared on the server), go to the *post-news* buffer, change
- `Message-ID' to `Cancel' or `Supersedes' and send it again with C-c C-c.
- }}
-\newcommand{\Threading}{% formerly \Tsubmap
- {\esamepage
- \begin{keys}{T M-\#}
- T \# & Mark this thread with the process mark.\\
- T M-\# & Remove process-marks from this thread.\\
- %
- T t & Re-{\bf thread} the current article's thread.\\
- T \^{} & Make the current article child of the marked (or previous) article.\\
- % movement
- T n & (M-C-f, M-down) Go to the {\bf next} thread. [distance]\\
- T p & (M-C-b, M-up) Go to the {\bf previous} thread. [distance]\\
- T d & {\bf Descend} this thread. [distance]\\
- T u & Ascend this thread ({\bf up}-thread). [distance]\\
- T o & Go to the top of this thread.\\
- %
- T s & {\bf Show} the thread hidden under this article.\\
- T h & {\bf Hide} this (sub)thread.\\
- %
- T i & {\bf Increase} the score of this thread.\\
- T l & (M-C-l) {\bf Lower} the score of this thread.\\
- %
- T k & (M-C-k) {\bf Kill} the current (sub)thread. [Negative prefix:
- tick it, positive prefix: unmark it.]\\
- %
- T H & {\bf Hide} all threads.\\
- T S & {\bf Show} all hidden threads.\\
- T T & (M-C-t) {\bf Toggle} threading.\\
- \end{keys}
- }
- }
-\newcommand{\Scoring}{% formerly \Vsubmap
- {\esamepage
- Read about Adaptive Scoring in the online info.\\*
- \begin{keys}{\bf A p m l}
- V a & {\bf Add} a new score entry, specifying all elements.\\
- V c & Specify a new score file as {\bf current}.\\
- V e & {\bf Edit} the current score alist.\\
- V f & Edit a score {\bf file} and make it the current one.\\
- V m & {\bf Mark} all articles below a given score as read.\\
- V s & Set the {\bf score} of this article.\\
- V t & Display all score rules applied to this article ({\bf track}).\\
- W w & List {\bf words} used in scoring.\\
- V x & {\bf Expunge} all low-scored articles. [score]\\
- V C & {\bf Customize} the current score file through a user-friendly
- interface.\\
- V F & {\bf Flush} the cache of score files.\\
- V R & {\bf Re-score} the summary buffer.\\
- V S & Display the {\bf score} of this article.\\
- \bf A p m l& Make a scoring entry based on this article.\\
- \end{keys}
- The four letters stand for:\\*
- \quad \B{A}ction: I)ncrease, L)ower;\\*
- \quad \B{p}art: a)uthor (from), s)ubject, x)refs (cross-posting), d)ate, l)ines,
- message-i)d, t)references (parent), f)ollowup, b)ody, h)ead (all headers);\\*
- \quad \B{m}atch type:\\*
- \qquad string: s)ubstring, e)xact, r)egexp, f)uzzy,\\*
- \qquad date: b)efore, a)t, n)this,\\*
- \qquad number: $<$, =, $>$;\\*
- \quad \B{l}ifetime: t)emporary, p)ermanent, i)mmediate.
- If you type the second letter in uppercase, the remaining two are assumed
- to be s)ubstring and t)emporary.
- If you type the third letter in uppercase, the last one is assumed to be
- t)emporary.
- \quad Extra keys for manual editing of a score file:\\*
- \begin{keys}{C-c C-c}
- C-c C-c & Finish editing the score file.\\
- C-c C-d & Insert the current {\bf date} as number of days.\\
- \end{keys}
- }
- }
-\newcommand{\ExtractSeries}{% formerly \Xsubmap
- {\esamepage
- Gnus recognizes if the current article is part of a series (multipart
- posting whose parts are identified by numbers in their subjects, e.g.{}
- 1/10\dots10/10) and processes the series accordingly. You can mark and
- process more than one series at a time. If the posting contains any
- archives, they are expanded and gathered in a new group.\\*
- \begin{keys}{X p}
- X b & Un-{\bf binhex} these series. [p/p]\\
- X o & Simply {\bf output} these series (no decoding). [p/p]\\
- X p & Unpack these {\bf postscript} series. [p/p]\\
- X s & Un-{\bf shar} these series. [p/p]\\
- X u & {\bf Uudecode} these series. [p/p]\\
- \end{keys}
- Each one of these commands has four variants:\\*
- \begin{keys}{X v \bf Z}
- X \bf z & Decode these series. [p/p]\\
- X \bf Z & Decode and save these series. [p/p]\\
- X v \bf z & Decode and view these series. [p/p]\\
- X v \bf Z & Decode, save and view these series. [p/p]\\
- \end{keys}
- where {\bf z} or {\bf Z} identifies the decoding method (b, o, p, s, u).
- An alternative binding for the most-often used of these commands is\\*
- \begin{keys}{C-c C-v C-v}
- C-c C-v C-v & (X v u) Uudecode and view these series. [p/p]\\
- \end{keys}
- }}
-\newcommand{\ExitSummary}{% formerly \Zsubmap
- {\esamepage
- \begin{keys}{Z G}
- Z Z & (q, Z Q) Exit this group.\\
- Z E & (Q) {\bf Exit} without updating the group information.\\
- %
- Z c & (c) Mark all unticked articles as read ({\bf catch-up}) and exit.\\
- Z C & Mark all articles as read ({\bf catch-up}) and exit.\\
- %
- Z n & Mark all articles as read and go to the {\bf next} group.\\
- Z N & Exit and go to {\bf the} next group.\\
- Z P & Exit and go to the {\bf previous} group.\\
- %
- Z G & (M-g) Check for new articles in this group ({\bf get}).\\
- Z R & (C-x C-s) Exit this group, and then enter it again ({\bf reenter}).
- [Prefix: select all articles, read and unread.]\\
- Z s & Update and save the dribble buffer. [Prefix: save .newsrc* as well]\\
- \end{keys}
- }
- }
- Press C-c ? in the composition-buffer to get this information.\\*
- {\esamepage
- \begin{keys}{C-c C-m}
- % sending
- C-c C-c & Send message and exit. [Prefix: send via foreign server]\\
- C-c C-s & Send message. [Prefix: send via foreign server]\\
- C-c C-d & Don't send message (save as \textbf{draft}).\\
- C-c C-k & \textbf{Kill} message-buffer.\\
- C-c C-m & {\bf Mail} reply to the address near point.
- [Prefix: include the original]\\
- % modify headers/body
- C-c C-o & Sort headers.\\
- C-c C-e & \textbf{Elide} region.\\
- C-c C-v & Kill everything outside region.\\
- C-c C-r & Do a \textbf{Rot-13} on the body.\\
- C-c C-w & Insert signature (from `message-signature-file').\\
- C-c C-z & Kill everything up to signature.\\
- C-c C-y & \textbf{Yank} original message.\\
- C-c C-q & Fill the yanked message.\\
- C-c M-C-y & \textbf{Yank} a buffer and quote it.\\
- M-RET & Insert four newlines and format quoted text. [Prefix:
- justify as well]\\
- C-c M-r & \textbf{Rename} message buffer. [Prefix: ask for new name]\\
- \end{keys}
- }
- }
- The following functions create the header-field if necessary.\\*
- {\esamepage
- \begin{keys}{C-c C-f C-u}
- C-c TAB & Move to \textbf{signature}.\\
- C-c C-b & Move to \textbf{body}.\\
- C-c C-f C-t & (C-c C-t) Move to \textbf{To:}.\\
- C-c C-f C-c & Move to \textbf{Cc:}.\\
- C-c C-f C-b & Move to \textbf{Bcc:}.\\
- C-c C-f C-w & Move to \textbf{Fcc:}.\\
- C-c C-f C-s & Move to \textbf{Subject:}.\\
- C-c C-f C-r & Move to \textbf{Reply-To:}.\\
- C-c C-f C-f & Move to \textbf{Followup-To:}.\\
- C-c C-f C-n & (C-c C-n) Move to \textbf{Newsgroups:}.\\
- C-c C-f C-u & Move to \textbf{Summary:}.\\
- C-c C-f C-k & Move to \textbf{Keywords:}.\\
- C-c C-f C-d & Move to \textbf{Distribution:}.\\
- C-c C-f C-m & Move to \textbf{Mail-Followup-To:}.\\
- C-c C-f C-o & Move to \textbf{From:}.\\
- C-c C-f C-a & Insert a reasonable \textbf{Mail-Followup-To:} for
- an unsubscribed list. [Prefix: include addresses in \textbf{Cc:}]\\
- C-c C-f TAB & (C-c C-u) Move to \textbf{Importance:}.\\
- C-c M-n & Insert \textbf{Disposition-Notification-To:}
- (request receipt).\\
- \end{keys}
- }
- }
- {\esamepage
- \begin{keys}{C-c C-m P}
- C-c C-m f & (C-c C-a) Attach \textbf{file}.\\
- C-c C-m b & Attach contents of \textbf{buffer}.\\
- C-c C-m e & Attach \textbf{external} file (ftp..).\\
- C-c C-m P & Create MIME-\textbf{preview} (new
- buffer). [Prefix: show raw MIME preview]\\
- C-c C-m v & \textbf{Validate} article.\\
- C-c C-m p & Insert \textbf{part}.\\
- C-c C-m m & Insert \textbf{multi}-part.\\
- C-c C-m q & \textbf{Quote} region.\\
- C-c C-m c s & Encrypt message using \textbf{S/MIME}.\\
- C-c C-m c o & Encrypt message using PGP.\\
- C-c C-m c p & Encrypt message using \textbf{PGP/MIME}.\\
- C-c C-m s s & Sign message using \textbf{S/MIME}.\\
- C-c C-m s o & Sign message using PGP.\\
- C-c C-m s p & Sign message using \textbf{PGP/MIME}.\\
- C-c C-m C-n & Remove security related MML tags from message.\\
- % TODO: narrow headers (C-c C-m n) ?
- \end{keys}
- }
- }
-%% TODO:
- {\esamepage
- To enter this mode, press \^{} while in Group mode.\\*
- \begin{keys}{SPC}
- SPC & (RET) Browse this server.\\
- a & {\bf Add} a new server.\\
- c & {\bf Copy} this server.\\
- e & {\bf Edit} a server.\\
- k & {\bf Kill} this server. [scope]\\
- l & {\bf List} all servers.\\
- q & Return to the group buffer ({\bf quit}).\\
- s & Request that the server scan its sources for new articles.\\
- g & Request that the server regenerate its data.\\
- y & {\bf Yank} the previously killed server.\\
- O & Try to {\bf open} a connection to this server.\\
- C & {\bf Close} connection to this server.\\
- D & Mark this server as unreachable ({\bf deny}).\\
- M-o & {\bf Open} the connection to all servers.\\
- M-c & {\bf Close} the connection to all servers.\\
- R & Make all denied servers into closed servers.\\
- L & Set server status to offline.\\
- \end{keys}
- }
- }
- {\esamepage
- To enter this mode, press `B' while in Group mode.\\*
- \begin{keys}{RET}
- RET & Enter the current group.\\
- SPC & Enter the current group and display the first article.\\
- ? & Give a very short help message.\\
- n & Go to the {\bf next} group. [distance]\\
- p & Go to the {\bf previous} group. [distance]\\
- q & (l) {\bf Quit} browse mode.\\
- u & Subscribe to the current group. [scope]\\
- \end{keys}
- }
- }
- {\esamepage
- \begin{keys}{J S}
- J j & Toggle plugged-state.\\
- J s & Fetch articles from all groups for offline-reading.\\
- J u & Fetch all eligible articles from this group.\\
- J S & \textbf{Send} all sendable messages in the drafts group.\\
- %
- J c & Enter \textbf{category} buffer.\\
- J a & \textbf{Add} this group to an Agent category [p/p].\\
- J r & \textbf{Remove} this group from its Agent category [p/p].\\
- J Y & Synchronize flags changed while unplugged with remote server.\\
- \end{keys}
- }
- }
- {\esamepage
- \begin{keys}{J M-\#}
- J \# & \textbf{Mark} the article for downloading.\\
- J M-\# & \textbf{Unmark} the article for downloading.\\
- @ & \textbf{Toggle} whether to download the article.\\
- J c & Mark all undownloaded articles as read (\textbf{catch-up}).\\
- J u & Download all downloadable articles from group.\\
- \end{keys}
- }
- }
- {\esamepage
- \begin{keys}{J a}
- J a & \textbf{Add} the current server to the list of servers covered
- by the agent.\\
- J r & \textbf{Remove} the current server from the list of servers covered
- by the agent.\\
- \end{keys}
- }
- }
-% end {gnusref} % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
-% o some things might not be updated: scoring and server modes, maybe more
-% o Gnus Unplugged category-buffer commands need to be written
-\ifthenelse{\isundefined{\booklettrue}}{ % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \raggedbottom\raggedright
- \twocolumn
- % use \tiny to shrink it to 4 pages (needs a high-resolution printer though)
- % \tiny
- \scriptsize
- \pagestyle{plain}
- \Title
- \par
- \Logo{refcard}
- \setcounter{page}{0}
- \thispagestyle{empty}
- \vspace*{\fill}
- \Title
- \vspace{0.4in}
- \Logo{booklet}
- \vspace*{\fill}
- \pagebreak
-}%ifbooklet% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-% TODO: how does this work ?
- \subsection*{Group Subscribedness-Levels}
- \GroupLevels
- \subsection*{List Groups}
- \ListGroups
- \subsection*{Create/Edit Foreign Groups}
- \CreateEditGroups
- \subsection*{Unsubscribe, Kill and Yank Groups}
- \SubscribeKillYankGroups
- \subsection*{Mark Groups}
- \MarkGroups
- \subsection*{Group-Unplugged}
- \GroupUnplugged
-% topics in group-mode
- \subsection*{Group Topics}
- \GroupTopicsGeneral
- \subsubsection*{Topic Sorting}
- \TopicSorting
-% \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\booklettrue}}{}{\pagebreak}
-% summary-mode
-\section*{Summary Mode}
- \subsection*{Select Articles}
- \SelectArticles
- \subsection*{Threading}
- \Threading
- \subsection*{Limiting}
- \Limiting
- \subsection*{Sort the Summary-Buffer}
- \SortSummary
- \subsection*{Score (Value) Commands}
- \Scoring
-\ifthenelse{\isundefined{\booklettrue}}{% ifcard %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \subsection*{Output Articles}
- \OutputArticles
- \subsection*{Extract Series (Uudecode etc)}
- \ExtractSeries
-}{}%ifcard% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \subsection*{MIME operations from the Summary-Buffer}
- \MIMESummary
-\ifthenelse{\isundefined{\booklettrue}}{}{% ifbooklet %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \subsection*{Extract Series (Uudecode etc)}
- \ExtractSeries
- \subsection*{Output Articles}
- \OutputArticles
-}%ifbooklet% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \subsection*{Post, Followup, Reply, Forward, Cancel}
- \PostReplyetc
-\ifthenelse{\isundefined{\booklettrue}}{\newpage}{}% newpage ifcard
- \subsection*{Message Composition}
- \MsgCompositionGeneral
- \subsubsection*{Jumping in message-buffer}
- \MsgCompositionMovementArticle
- \subsubsection*{Attachments/MML}
- \MsgCompositionMML
-% marking articles
- \subsection*{Mark Articles}
- \MarkArticlesGeneral
- \subsubsection*{Mark Based on Score}
- \MarkByScore
- \subsubsection*{The Process Mark}
- \ProcessMark
- \subsubsection*{Mark Indication-Characters}
- \MarkCharacters
- \subsection*{Summary-Unplugged}
- \SummaryUnplugged
- \subsection*{Mail-Group Commands}
- \MailGroups
- \subsection*{Draft-Group Commands}
- \DraftGroup
-% exiting
- \subsection*{Exit the Summary-Buffer}
- \ExitSummary
-\section*{Article Mode (reading)}
- \subsection*{Wash the Article-Buffer}
- \WashArticle
- \subsubsection*{Blank Lines and Whitespace}
- \BlankAndWhitespace
- \subsubsection*{Picons, X-faces, Smileys}
- \Picons
- \subsubsection*{Time and Date}
- \TimeAndDate
- \subsection*{Hide/Highlight Parts of the Article}
- \HideHighlightArticle
- \subsection*{MIME operations from the Article-Buffer (reading)}
- \MIMEArticleMode
-\section*{Server Mode}
- \subsection*{Unplugged-Server}
- \ServerUnplugged
-\section*{Browse Server Mode}
-%%% Local Variables:
-%%% mode: latex
-%%% TeX-master: t
-%%% End:
-% arch-tag: be438b0e-6832-4afb-8c56-5f84743e5cd1