path: root/man/back.texi
diff options
authorDave Love <>1999-10-03 12:39:42 +0000
committerDave Love <>1999-10-03 12:39:42 +0000
commita933dad155af89ff3e97634c07aa09f9df0fb2b3 (patch)
tree43be918d0d87dc41c6051df657247209b1736c82 /man/back.texi
parenta7bfd66f45c12ca1b8c158b44c57dc56de13654c (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'man/back.texi')
1 files changed, 68 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/man/back.texi b/man/back.texi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c3372d30c71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/back.texi
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+\input rotate
+\font\title=ptmb at20pt
+\font\body=ptmr at12pt
+\font\price=ptmr at10pt
+\hbox to7in{%
+ \vbox to9.25in{
+ \hsize=6in
+ \leftskip=.75in
+ \rightskip=.25in
+ \vskip2in
+ \title
+ \hfil GNU Emacs\hfil
+ \body
+ Most of the GNU Emacs text editor is written in the programming
+ language called Emacs Lisp. You can write new code in Emacs Lisp and
+ install it as an extension to the editor. However, Emacs Lisp is more
+ than a mere ``extension language''; it is a full computer programming
+ language in its own right. You can use it as you would any other
+ programming language.
+ Because Emacs Lisp is designed for use in an editor, it has special
+ features for scanning and parsing text as well as features for handling
+ files, buffers, displays, subprocesses, and so on. Emacs Lisp is
+ closely integrated with the editing facilities; thus, editing commands
+ are functions that can also conveniently be called from Lisp programs,
+ and parameters for customization are ordinary Lisp variables.
+ This manual describes Emacs Lisp. Generally speaking, the earlier
+ chapters describe features of Emacs Lisp that have counterparts in
+ many programming languages, and later chapters describe features that
+ are peculiar to Emacs Lisp or relate specifically to editing.
+ \vfil
+ \leftskip=0pt
+ \rightskip=0pt
+ \parfillskip=0pt\hfil%
+ ISBN-1-882114-04-3
+ \vskip.5in
+ }%
+ \setbox0=\vbox to1in{
+ \vfil\hskip.5in
+ {\price FSF $\bullet$ US\$25.00 $\bullet$ Printed in USA}
+ \vskip.5in
+ }%
+ \rotl0%