path: root/lisp/international/ogonek.el
diff options
authorRichard M. Stallman <>1997-06-15 21:00:32 +0000
committerRichard M. Stallman <>1997-06-15 21:00:32 +0000
commit123658267ca8737a31d5f8c36ed27b7f0eaf54a8 (patch)
tree99204443172c9e237fb0788e579c3c0e5b47d272 /lisp/international/ogonek.el
parent00049484b80ab7b651910f7bb1f9aa14b6ab3a72 (diff)
Initial revision
Diffstat (limited to 'lisp/international/ogonek.el')
1 files changed, 489 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/international/ogonek.el b/lisp/international/ogonek.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..044012d392a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/international/ogonek.el
@@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
+;;; ogonek.el --- basic editing commands for Emacs
+;; Copyright (C) 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: W{\l}odek Bzyl, Ryszard Kubiak
+;; Maintainer: (Ryszard Kubiak)
+;; Keywords: i18n
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; To use this library load it using
+;; M-x load-library [enter] ogonek
+;; Then, you may get a short info by calling one of
+;; M-x ogonek-jak -- in Polish
+;; M-x ogonek-how -- in English "
+(defconst ogonek-name-encoding-alist
+ '(("ascii" . (?A ?C ?E ?L ?N ?O ?S ?Z ?Z
+ ?a ?c ?e ?l ?n ?o ?s ?z ?z))
+ ("iso8859-2" . (161 198 202 163 209 211 166 172 175
+ 177 230 234 179 241 243 182 188 191))
+ ("mazovia" . (143 149 144 156 165 163 152 160 161
+ 134 141 145 146 164 162 158 166 167))
+ ("windows-EE" . (165 198 202 163 209 211 140 143 175
+ 185 230 234 179 241 243 156 159 191))
+ ("windows-PL" . (165 198 202 163 209 211 140 143 175
+ 185 230 234 179 241 243 156 159 191))
+ ("latin-2" . (164 143 168 157 227 224 151 141 189
+ 165 134 169 136 228 162 152 171 190))
+ ("CP852" . (164 143 168 157 227 224 151 141 189
+ 165 134 169 136 228 162 152 171 190))
+ ("MeX" . (129 130 134 138 139 211 145 153 155
+ 161 162 166 170 171 243 177 185 187))
+ ("CorelDraw" . (197 242 201 163 209 211 255 225 237
+ 229 236 230 198 241 243 165 170 186))
+ ("Amiga" . (194 202 203 206 207 211 212 218 219
+ 226 234 235 238 239 243 244 250 251))
+ ("Mac" . (132 140 162 252 193 238 229 143 251
+ 136 141 171 184 196 151 230 144 253))
+ )
+ "The constant `ogonek-name-encoding-alist' is a list of (NAME.LIST) pairs.
+Each LIST contains codes for 18 Polish diacritic characters.
+The codes are given in the following order:
+ Aogonek Cacute Eogonek Lslash Nacute Oacute Sacute Zacute Zdotaccent
+ aogonek cacute eogonek lslash nacute oacute sacute zacute zdotaccent.")
+; ------ A Little Info in Polish ---------------
+(defconst ogonek-informacja
+Je/sli czytasz ten tekst, to albo przegl/adasz plik /zr/od/lowy
+biblioteki `ogonek.el', albo wywo/la/le/s polecenie `ogonek-jak'.
+W drugim przypadku mo/zesz usun/a/c tekst z ekranu, stosuj/ac
+polecenie `M-x kill-buffer'.
+Niniejsza bibliteka dostarcza funkcji do zmiany kodowania polskich
+znak/ow diakrytycznych. Funkcje te mo/zna pogrupowa/c nast/epuj/aco.
+ 1. Funkcje `ogonek-recode-region' oraz `ogonek-recode-buffer'
+ przekodowu/j/a zaznaczony fragment wzgl/ednie ca/ly buffor.
+ Po wywo/laniu interakcyjnym funkcji zadawane s/a
+ pytania o parametry przekodowania, czyli o nazw/e kodowania
+ w tek/scie /zr/od/lowym i nazw/e kodowania docelowego.
+ Poni/zsze przyk/lady pokazuj/a, jakich parametr/ow
+ oczekuj/a wymienione funkcje:
+ (ogonek-recode-region (poczatek) (koniec)
+ nazwa-kodowania-w-tekscie-zrodlowym nazwa-kodowania-docelowa)
+ (ogonek-recode-buffer
+ nazwa-kodowania-w-tekscie-zrodlowym nazwa-kodowania-docelowa)
+ 2. Funkcje `ogonek-prefixify-region' oraz `ogonek-prefixify-buffer'
+ do wprowadzania notacji prefiksowej.
+ (ogonek-prefixify-region (poczatek) (koniec)
+ nazwa-kodowania-w-tekscie-zrodlowym znak-prefiksu)
+ (ogonek-prefixify-buffer
+ nazwa-kodowania-w-tekscie-zrodlowym znak-prefiksu)
+ 3. Funkcje `ogonek-deprefixify-region' oraz `ogonek-deprefixify-buffer'
+ do usuwania notacji prefiksowej.
+ (ogonek-deprefixify-region (poczatek) (koniec)
+ znak-prefiksu nazwa-kodowania-docelowa)
+ (ogonek-prefixify-buffer
+ znak-prefiksu nazwa-kodowania-docelowa)
+ U/zycie klawisza TAB w trybie interakcyjnym powoduje wy/swietlenie
+ listy dopuszczalnych nazw kod/ow, odczytywanych ze sta/lej
+ `ogonek-name-encoding-alist'.
+ Funkcje biblioteki odwo/luj/a si/e do pi/eciu zmiennych, kt/ore
+ przechowuj/a podpowiedzi do zadawanych pyta/n. Nazwy tych zmiennych
+ oraz ich warto/sci domy/slne s/a nast/epuj/ace:
+ ogonek-from-encoding iso8859-2
+ ogonek-to-encoding mazovia
+ ogonek-prefix-char /
+ ogonek-prefix-from-encoding iso8859-2
+ ogonek-prefix-to-encoding iso8859-2
+ Powy/zsze warto/sci domy/slne mo/zna zmieni/c przez umieszczenie w pliku
+ konfiguracyjnym `~/.emacs' odpowiednich przypisa/n, na przyk/lad:
+ (setq ogonek-prefix-char ?/)
+ (setq ogonek-prefix-to-encoding \"iso8859-2\")
+ Zamiast wczytywania ca/lej biblioteki `ogonek.el' mo/zna w pliku
+ `~/.emacs' za/z/ada/c wczytania wybranych funkcji i to dopiero w
+ chwili ich wywo/lania:
+ (autoload 'ogonek-jak \"ogonek\")
+ (autoload 'ogonek-recode-region \"ogonek\")
+ (autoload 'ogonek-prefixify-region \"ogonek\")
+ (autoload 'ogonek-deprefixify-region \"ogonek\")
+ Cz/esto wyst/epuj/ace kombinacje wywo/la/n funkcji mo/zna dla wygody
+ skr/oci/c i przypisa/c klawiszom. Oto praktyczne przyk/lady:
+ (defun deprefixify-iso8859-2-region ()
+ (interactive \"*\")
+ (ogonek-deprefixify-region
+ (region-beginning) (region-end) ?/ \"iso8859-2\"))
+ (global-set-key \"\\C-cd\" 'deprefixify-iso8859-2-region) ; ctrl-c d
+ (defun mazovia-to-iso8859-2 ()
+ (interactive \"*\")
+ (ogonek-recode-region \"mazovia\" \"iso8859-2\"))
+ (global-set-key \"\\C-cr\" 'mazovia-to-iso8859-2) ; ctrl-c r
+ (defun prefixify-iso8859-2-region ()
+ (interactive \"*\")
+ (ogonek-prefixify-region
+ (region-beginning) (region-end) \"iso8859-2\" ?/))
+ (global-set-key \"\\C-cp\" 'prefixify-iso8859-2-region) ; ctrl-c p
+ Ka/zd/a operacj/e przekodowania mo/zna w ca/lo/sci odwo/la/c
+ przez wykonanie polecenia `undo'.")
+(defun ogonek-jak ()
+ "Display the string constant `ogonek-informacja'
+by inserting it into an auxiliary *ogonek-jak* buffer."
+ (interactive)
+ (set-buffer (get-buffer-create " *ogonek-jak*"))
+ (insert ogonek-informacja)
+ (switch-to-buffer " *ogonek-jak*")
+ (beginning-of-buffer))
+; ------ A Little Info in English --------
+(defconst ogonek-information
+If you read this text then you are either looking at the library's
+source text or you have called the `ogonek-howto' command. In the
+latter case you may remove this text using `M-x kill-buffer'.
+The library provides functions for changing the encoding of Polish
+diacritic characters, the ones with an `ogonek' below or above them.
+The functions come in the following gropus.
+ 1. Functions `ogonek-recode-region' and `ogonek-recode-buffer' to
+ change between one-character encodings, such as `iso-8859-2',
+ `mazovia', plain `ascii' or `TeX'. As the names suggest you may
+ recode either the entire current buffer or just a marked region
+ of it. You may use these functions interactively as commands. Once
+ you call a command you will be asked about the code used in
+ the source text and the target encoding, the one you want to get.
+ The following examples show a non-interactive use of the functions
+ in a program. They also illustrtate what parameters the functions
+ expect:
+ (ogonek-recode-region (region-beginning) (region-end)
+ from-code-name to-code-name)
+ (ogonek-recode-buffer from-code-name to-code-name)
+ 2. Functions `ogonek-prefixify-region' and `ogonek-prefixify-buffer'.
+ for introducing prefix notation:
+ (ogonek-prefixify-region (region-beginning) (region-end)
+ from-code-name prefix-char)
+ (ogonek-prefixify-buffer from-code-name prefix-char)
+ 3. Functions `ogonek-deprefixify-region' and `ogonek-deprefixify-buffer'
+ for removing prefix notation:
+ (ogonek-deprefixify-region (region-beginning) (region-end)
+ prefix-char to-code-name)
+ (ogonek-prefixify-buffer prefix-char to-code-name)
+ The use of the TAB character in interactive makes `emacs' display
+ the list of encodings recognized by the library - the code names
+ are stored in the constant `ogonek-name-encoding-alist'
+ The functions of the library refer to five variables that keep
+ hints to the questions asked. The names of those variables as well
+ as their default values are:
+ ogonek-from-encoding iso8859-2
+ ogonek-to-encoding mazovia
+ ogonek-prefix-char /
+ ogonek-prefix-from-encoding iso8859-2
+ ogonek-prefix-to-encoding iso8859-2
+ The above default values can be changed by placing appropriate settings
+ in the '~/.emacs' file:
+ (setq ogonek-prefix-char ?/)
+ (setq ogonek-prefix-to-encoding \"iso8859-2\")
+ Instead of loading the whole library `ogonek.el' it may be better to
+ autoload chosen functions in `~/.emacs':
+ (autoload 'ogonek-jak \"ogonek\")
+ (autoload 'ogonek-recode-region \"ogonek\")
+ (autoload 'ogonek-prefixify-region \"ogonek\")
+ (autoload 'ogonek-deprefixify-region \"ogonek\")
+ The most frequent function calls can be abbreviated and assigned to
+ keyboard keys. Here are a few practical examples:
+ (setq ogonek-from-code-name \"iso8859-2\")
+ (setq ogonek-to-code-name \"mazovia\")
+ (setq ogonek-prefix-char ?/)
+ (setq ogonek-prefix-from-code-name \"iso8859-2\")
+ (setq ogonek-prefix-to-code-name \"iso8859-2\")
+ (defun deprefixify-iso8859-2-region ()
+ (interactive \"*\")
+ (ogonek-deprefixify-region
+ (region-beginning) (region-end) ?/ \"iso8859-2\"))
+ (global-set-key \"\\C-cd\" 'deprefixify-iso8859-2-region) ; ctrl-c d
+ (defun mazovia-to-iso8859-2 ()
+ (interactive \"*\")
+ (ogonek-recode-region \"mazovia\" \"iso8859-2\"))
+ (global-set-key \"\\C-cr\" 'mazovia-to-iso8859-2) ; ctrl-c r
+ (defun prefixify-iso8859-2-region ()
+ (interactive \"*\")
+ (ogonek-prefixify-region
+ (region-beginning) (region-end) \"iso8859-2\" ?/))
+ (global-set-key \"\\C-cp\" 'prefixify-iso8859-2-region) ; ctrl-c p
+ Each recoding opertation can be called off by executing the `undo'
+ command.")
+(defun ogonek-how ()
+ "Display the string constant `ogonek-information'
+by inserting it into an auxiliary *recode-help* buffer."
+ (interactive "*")
+ (set-buffer (get-buffer-create " *ogonek-help*"))
+ (insert ogonek-information)
+ (switch-to-buffer " *ogonek-help*")
+ (beginning-of-buffer))
+;; ------ Variables for keeping hints to the questions ---------
+(defvar ogonek-from-encoding "iso8859-2"
+ "*Encoding in the source file of recoding.")
+(defvar ogonek-to-encoding "ascii"
+ "*Encoding in the target file of recoding.")
+(defvar ogonek-prefix-char ?/
+ "*Prefix character for prefix encodings.")
+(defvar ogonek-prefix-from-encoding "iso8859-2"
+ "*Encoding in the source file subject to prefixifation.")
+(defvar ogonek-prefix-to-encoding "iso8859-2"
+ "*Encoding in the target file subject to deprefixifation.")
+;; ------- Utilities for reading function parameters -------------
+(defun ogonek-read-encoding (prompt default-name-var)
+ "Change with completion based on alist `ogonek-name-encoding-alist'."
+ (let ((encoding
+ (completing-read
+ (format "%s (default %s): " prompt (eval default-name-var))
+ ogonek-name-encoding-alist nil t)))
+ ; set the new default name to be the one just read
+ (set default-name-var
+ (if (string= encoding "") (eval default-name-var) encoding))
+ ; return the new default as the name you read
+ (eval default-name-var)))
+(defun ogonek-read-prefix (prompt default-prefix-var)
+ "Change prefix."
+ (let ((prefix-string
+ (read-string
+ (format "%s (default %s): " prompt
+ (char-to-string (eval default-prefix-var))))))
+ (if (> (length prefix-string) 1)
+ (error "! Only one character expected.")
+ ; set the default prefix character to the one just read
+ (set default-prefix-var
+ (if (string= prefix-string "")
+ (eval default-prefix-var)
+ (string-to-char prefix-string)))
+ ; return the new default prefix as the code you read)
+ (eval default-prefix-var))))
+(defun ogonek-lookup-encoding (encoding)
+ "Pick up an association for `encoding' in `ogonek-name-encoding-alist'.
+Before returning a result test whether it has been properly set
+which should be true if the encoding is one of those in
+ (let ((code-list (assoc encoding ogonek-name-encoding-alist)))
+ (if (null code-list)
+ (error "! Name `%s' not known in `ogonek-name-encoding-alist'."
+ encoding)
+ (cdr code-list))))
+; ------- A utility for zipping two lists -----------
+(defun ogonek-zip-lists (xs ys)
+ "Build a list of pairs with elements from lists `xs' and `ys'.
+We assume that `xs' and `ys' are of the same length."
+ (let ((pairs nil))
+ (while xs
+ (setq pairs (cons (cons (car xs) (car ys)) pairs))
+ (setq xs (cdr xs))
+ (setq ys (cdr ys)))
+; `pairs' are the function's result
+ pairs))
+; -------- Dealing with one-character cencodings -------
+(defun ogonek-build-table (recoding-pairs)
+ "Build a table nedeed by emacs's `translate-region' function.
+The `recoding-pairs' argument is a list of pairs of characters.
+By using the built-in `translate-region' function
+we gain better performance compared to converting characters
+by a hand-written routine as it is done for prefix encodings."
+ (let ((table (make-string 256 0))
+ (i 0))
+ (while (< i 256)
+ (aset table i i)
+ (setq i (1+ i)))
+ ; make changes in `table' according to `recoding-pairs'
+ (while recoding-pairs
+ (aset table (car (car recoding-pairs)) (cdr (car recoding-pairs)))
+ (setq recoding-pairs (cdr recoding-pairs)))
+ ; return the table just built
+ table))
+(defun ogonek-recode-region (start end from-encoding to-encoding)
+ "This function recodes text in a region delineated by the current-mark
+and the current point according to the defaults set by the variables
+`ogonek-from-encoding' and `ogonek-to-encoding'."
+ (interactive (progn (barf-if-buffer-read-only)
+ (list
+ (region-beginning)
+ (region-end)
+ (ogonek-read-encoding "From code" 'ogonek-from-encoding)
+ (ogonek-read-encoding "To code" 'ogonek-to-encoding))))
+ (save-excursion
+ (translate-region
+ start end
+ (ogonek-build-table
+ (ogonek-zip-lists
+ (ogonek-lookup-encoding from-encoding)
+ (ogonek-lookup-encoding to-encoding))))))
+(defun ogonek-recode-buffer (from-encoding to-encoding)
+ "Call `ogonek-region' on the entire buffer."
+ (interactive (progn (barf-if-buffer-read-only)
+ (list
+ (ogonek-read-encoding "From code" 'ogonek-from-encoding)
+ (ogonek-read-encoding "To code" 'ogonek-to-encoding))))
+ (ogonek-recode-region
+ (point-min) (point-max) from-encoding to-encoding))
+; --------------------------------
+; Recoding with prefix notation
+; --------------------------------
+(defconst prefix-code '(?A ?C ?E ?L ?N ?O ?S ?X ?Z
+ ?a ?c ?e ?l ?n ?o ?s ?x ?z))
+(defun ogonek-prefixify-region (start end from-encoding prefix-char)
+ "Replace -- in the region delineated by the current-mark
+and the point -- each character from `ogonek-from-encoding'
+by two characters: `ogonek-prefix-char' and the corresponding
+character from the `prefix' list. Double the character
+ (interactive (progn (barf-if-buffer-read-only)
+ (list
+ (region-beginning)
+ (region-end)
+ (ogonek-read-encoding "From code" 'ogonek-prefix-from-encoding)
+ (ogonek-read-prefix "Prefix character" 'ogonek-prefix-char))))
+ (let*
+ ((from-code (ogonek-lookup-encoding from-encoding))
+ (to-code prefix-code)
+ (recoding-pairs ; we add `ogonek-prefix-char' for doubling
+ (ogonek-zip-lists
+ (cons prefix-char from-code)
+ (cons prefix-char to-code))))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char start)
+ (while (< (point) end)
+ (let ((pair (assoc (following-char) recoding-pairs)))
+ (if (null pair)
+ ; not a Polish character -- skip it
+ (forward-char 1)
+ ; Polish character -- replace it by a two characters
+ (delete-char 1)
+ (insert ogonek-prefix-char)
+ (insert (cdr pair))
+ ; the region is now one character longer
+ (setq end (1+ end))))))))
+(defun ogonek-prefixify-buffer (from-encoding prefix-char)
+ "Call `ogonek-prefixify-region' on the entire buffer."
+ (interactive (progn (barf-if-buffer-read-only)
+ (list
+ (ogonek-read-encoding "From code" 'ogonek-prefix-from-encoding)
+ (ogonek-read-prefix "Prefix character" 'ogonek-prefix-char))))
+ (ogonek-prefixify-region
+ (point-min) (point-max) from-encoding prefix-char))
+(defun ogonek-deprefixify-region (start end prefix-char to-encoding)
+ "Replace `ogonek-prefix-char' followed by a character from
+the `prefix' list or another `ogonek-prefix-char' by
+the corresponding character from `ogonek-from-encoding'
+or by one `ogonek-prefix-char'."
+ (interactive (progn (barf-if-buffer-read-only)
+ (list (region-beginning)
+ (region-end)
+ (ogonek-read-prefix
+ "Prefix character" 'ogonek-prefix-char)
+ (ogonek-read-encoding
+ "To code" 'ogonek-prefix-to-encoding))))
+ (let*
+ ((from-code prefix-code)
+ (to-code (ogonek-lookup-encoding to-encoding))
+ (recoding-pairs
+ (ogonek-zip-lists
+ (cons prefix-char from-code)
+ (cons prefix-char to-code))))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char start)
+ (while (< (point) end)
+ (forward-char 1)
+ (if (or (not (= (preceding-char) prefix-char)) (= (point) end))
+ ; non-prefix character or the end-of-region -- do nothing
+ ()
+ ; now, we can check the next character
+ (let ((pair (assoc (following-char) recoding-pairs)))
+ (if (null pair)
+ ; `following-char' is not a Polish character nor it is
+ ; `prefix-char' since the one is among `recoding-pairs'
+ (forward-char 1)
+ ; else prefix followed by a Polish character has been found
+ ; replace it by the corresponding Polish character
+ (backward-char 1)
+ (delete-char 2)
+ (insert (cdr pair))
+ ; the region got shorter by one character
+ (setq end (1- end)))))))))
+(defun ogonek-deprefixify-buffer (prefix-char to-encoding)
+ "Call `ogonek-deprefixify-region' on the entire buffer."
+ (interactive (progn (barf-if-buffer-read-only)
+ (list
+ (ogonek-read-prefix "Prefix character" 'ogonek-prefix-char)
+ (ogonek-read-encoding "To code" 'ogonek-prefix-to-encoding))))
+ (ogonek-deprefixify-region
+ (point-min) (point-max) prefix-char to-encoding))
+(provide 'ogonek)
+;;; ogonek.el ends here