path: root/lisp/dired-aux.el
diff options
authorRichard M. Stallman <>1992-06-24 02:14:18 +0000
committerRichard M. Stallman <>1992-06-24 02:14:18 +0000
commitdd87891b706d3ca0b0b319fb09c7df195321973b (patch)
tree34bedcdcead3212cde9dd01f1baad3f268bf2a52 /lisp/dired-aux.el
parent492d2437106fe6c55d7c643a51ec1ae532b2ea8a (diff)
Initial revision
Diffstat (limited to 'lisp/dired-aux.el')
1 files changed, 1772 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/dired-aux.el b/lisp/dired-aux.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..216321d2259
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/dired-aux.el
@@ -0,0 +1,1772 @@
+;; DIRED commands for Emacs. $Revision: 5.234 $
+;; Copyright (C) 1985, 1986, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+;; the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+;; Rewritten in 1990/1991 to add tree features, file marking and
+;; sorting by Sebastian Kremer <>.
+;; Finished up by rms in 1992.
+;;; 15K
+;;;###begin dired-cmd.el
+;; Diffing and compressing
+(defun dired-diff (file &optional switches)
+ "Compare file at point with file FILE using `diff'.
+FILE defaults to the file at the mark.
+The prompted-for file is the first file given to `diff'.
+Prefix arg lets you edit the diff switches. See the command `diff'."
+ (interactive
+ (let ((default (if (mark)
+ (save-excursion (goto-char (mark))
+ (dired-get-filename t t)))))
+ (list (read-file-name (format "Diff %s with: %s"
+ (dired-get-filename t)
+ (if default
+ (concat "(default " default ") ")
+ ""))
+ (dired-current-directory) default t)
+ (if (fboundp 'diff-read-switches)
+ (diff-read-switches "Options for diff: ")))))
+ (if switches ; Emacs 19's diff has but two
+ (diff file (dired-get-filename t) switches) ; args (yet ;-)
+ (diff file (dired-get-filename t))))
+(defun dired-backup-diff (&optional switches)
+ "Diff this file with its backup file or vice versa.
+Uses the latest backup, if there are several numerical backups.
+If this file is a backup, diff it with its original.
+The backup file is the first file given to `diff'.
+Prefix arg lets you edit the diff switches. See the command `diff'."
+ (interactive (list (if (fboundp 'diff-read-switches)
+ (diff-read-switches "Diff with switches: "))))
+ (let (bak ori (file (dired-get-filename)))
+ (if (backup-file-name-p file)
+ (setq bak file
+ ori (file-name-sans-versions file))
+ (setq bak (or (dired-latest-backup-file file)
+ (error "No backup found for %s" file))
+ ori file))
+ (if switches
+ (diff bak ori switches)
+ (diff bak ori))))
+(defun dired-latest-backup-file (fn) ; actually belongs into files.el
+ "Return the latest existing backup of FILE, or nil."
+ ;; First try simple backup, then the highest numbered of the
+ ;; numbered backups.
+ ;; Ignore the value of version-control because we look for existing
+ ;; backups, which maybe were made earlier or by another user with
+ ;; a different value of version-control.
+ (setq fn (expand-file-name fn))
+ (or
+ (let ((bak (make-backup-file-name fn)))
+ (if (file-exists-p bak) bak))
+ (let* ((dir (file-name-directory fn))
+ (base-versions (concat (file-name-nondirectory fn) ".~"))
+ (bv-length (length base-versions)))
+ (concat dir
+ (car (sort
+ (file-name-all-completions base-versions dir)
+ ;; bv-length is a fluid var for backup-extract-version:
+ (function
+ (lambda (fn1 fn2)
+ (> (backup-extract-version fn1)
+ (backup-extract-version fn2))))))))))
+(defun dired-do-chxxx (attribute-name program op-symbol arg)
+ ;; Change file attributes (mode, group, owner) of marked files and
+ ;; refresh their file lines.
+ ;; ATTRIBUTE-NAME is a string describing the attribute to the user.
+ ;; PROGRAM is the program used to change the attribute.
+ ;; OP-SYMBOL is the type of operation (for use in dired-mark-pop-up).
+ ;; ARG describes which files to use, as in dired-get-marked-files.
+ (let* ((files (dired-get-marked-files t arg))
+ (new-attribute
+ (dired-mark-read-string
+ (concat "Change " attribute-name " of %s to: ")
+ nil op-symbol arg files))
+ (operation (concat program " " new-attribute))
+ failures)
+ (setq failures
+ (dired-bunch-files 10000
+ (function dired-check-process)
+ (list operation program new-attribute)
+ files))
+ (dired-do-redisplay arg);; moves point if ARG is an integer
+ (if failures
+ (dired-log-summary
+ (format "%s: error" operation)
+ nil))))
+(defun dired-do-chmod (&optional arg)
+ "Change the mode of the marked (or next ARG) files.
+This calls chmod, thus symbolic modes like `g+w' are allowed."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (dired-do-chxxx "Mode" "chmod" 'chmod arg))
+(defun dired-do-chgrp (&optional arg)
+ "Change the group of the marked (or next ARG) files."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (dired-do-chxxx "Group" "chgrp" 'chgrp arg))
+(defun dired-do-chown (&optional arg)
+ "Change the owner of the marked (or next ARG) files."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (dired-do-chxxx "Owner" dired-chown-program 'chown arg))
+;; Process all the files in FILES in batches of a convenient size,
+;; by means of (FUNCALL FUNCTION ARGS... SOME-FILES...).
+;; Batches are chosen to need less than MAX chars for the file names,
+;; allowing 3 extra characters of separator per file name.
+(defun dired-bunch-files (max function args files)
+ (let (pending
+ (pending-length 0)
+ failures)
+ ;; Accumulate files as long as they fit in MAX chars,
+ ;; then process the ones accumulated so far.
+ (while files
+ (let* ((thisfile (car files))
+ (thislength (+ (length thisfile) 3))
+ (rest (cdr files)))
+ ;; If we have at least 1 pending file
+ ;; and this file won't fit in the length limit, process now.
+ (if (and pending (> (+ thislength pending-length) max))
+ (setq failures
+ (nconc (apply function (append args pending) pending)
+ failures)
+ pending nil
+ pending-length 0))
+ ;; Do (setq pending (cons thisfile pending))
+ ;; but reuse the cons that was in `files'.
+ (setcdr files pending)
+ (setq pending files)
+ (setq pending-length (+ thislength pending-length))
+ (setq files rest)))
+ (nconc (apply function (append args pending) pending)
+ failures)))
+(defun dired-do-print (&optional arg)
+ "Print the marked (or next ARG) files.
+Uses the shell command coming from variables `lpr-command' and
+`lpr-switches' as default."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let* ((file-list (dired-get-marked-files t arg))
+ (command (dired-mark-read-string
+ "Print %s with: "
+ (apply 'concat lpr-command " " lpr-switches)
+ 'print arg file-list)))
+ (dired-run-shell-command (dired-shell-stuff-it command file-list nil))))
+;; Read arguments for a marked-files command that wants a string
+;; that is not a file name,
+;; perhaps popping up the list of marked files.
+;; ARG is the prefix arg and indicates whether the files came from
+;; marks (ARG=nil) or a repeat factor (integerp ARG).
+;; If the current file was used, the list has but one element and ARG
+;; does not matter. (It is non-nil, non-integer in that case, namely '(4)).
+(defun dired-mark-read-string (prompt initial op-symbol arg files)
+ ;; PROMPT for a string, with INITIAL input.
+ ;; Other args are used to give user feedback and pop-up:
+ ;; OP-SYMBOL of command, prefix ARG, marked FILES.
+ (dired-mark-pop-up
+ nil op-symbol files
+ (function read-string)
+ (format prompt (dired-mark-prompt arg files)) initial))
+;;; Shell commands
+;;>>> install (move this function into simple.el)
+(defun dired-shell-quote (filename)
+ "Quote a file name for inferior shell (see variable `shell-file-name')."
+ ;; Quote everything except POSIX filename characters.
+ ;; This should be safe enough even for really wierd shells.
+ (let ((result "") (start 0) end)
+ (while (string-match "[^---0-9a-zA-Z_./]" filename start)
+ (setq end (match-beginning 0)
+ result (concat result (substring filename start end)
+ "\\" (substring filename end (1+ end)))
+ start (1+ end)))
+ (concat result (substring filename start))))
+(defun dired-read-shell-command (prompt arg files)
+;; "Read a dired shell command prompting with PROMPT (using read-string).
+;;ARG is the prefix arg and may be used to indicate in the prompt which
+;; files are affected.
+;;This is an extra function so that you can redefine it, e.g., to use gmhist."
+ (dired-mark-pop-up
+ nil 'shell files
+ (function read-string)
+ (format prompt (dired-mark-prompt arg files))))
+;; The in-background argument is only needed in Emacs 18 where
+;; shell-command doesn't understand an appended ampersand `&'.
+(defun dired-do-shell-command (&optional arg in-background)
+ "Run a shell command on the marked files.
+If there is output, it goes to a separate buffer.
+Normally the command is run on each file individually.
+However, if there is a `*' in the command then it is run
+just once with the entire file list substituted there.
+If no files are marked or a specific numeric prefix arg is given,
+the next ARG files are used. Just \\[universal-argument] means the current file.
+The prompt mentions the file(s) or the marker, as appropriate.
+No automatic redisplay is attempted, as the file names may have
+changed. Type \\[dired-do-redisplay] to redisplay the marked files.
+The shell command has the top level directory as working directory, so
+output files usually are created there instead of in a subdir."
+;;Functions dired-run-shell-command and dired-shell-stuff-it do the
+;;actual work and can be redefined for customization.
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let* ((on-each (not (string-match "\\*" command)))
+ (prompt (concat (if in-background "& on " "! on ")
+ (if on-each "each " "")
+ "%s: "))
+ (file-list (dired-get-marked-files t arg))
+ ;; Want to give feedback whether this file or marked files are used:
+ (command (dired-read-shell-command
+ prompt arg file-list)))
+ (if on-each
+ (dired-bunch-files
+ (- 10000 (length command))
+ (function (lambda (&rest files)
+ (dired-run-shell-command
+ (dired-shell-stuff-it command files t arg))
+ in-background))
+ nil
+ file-list)
+ ;; execute the shell command
+ (dired-run-shell-command
+ (dired-shell-stuff-it command file-list nil arg)
+ in-background))))
+;; Might use {,} for bash or csh:
+(defvar dired-mark-prefix ""
+ "Prepended to marked files in dired shell commands.")
+(defvar dired-mark-postfix ""
+ "Appended to marked files in dired shell commands.")
+(defvar dired-mark-separator " "
+ "Separates marked files in dired shell commands.")
+(defun dired-shell-stuff-it (command file-list on-each &optional raw-arg)
+;; "Make up a shell command line from COMMAND and FILE-LIST.
+;; If ON-EACH is t, COMMAND should be applied to each file, else
+;; simply concat all files and apply COMMAND to this.
+;; FILE-LIST's elements will be quoted for the shell."
+;; Might be redefined for smarter things and could then use RAW-ARG
+;; (coming from interactive P and currently ignored) to decide what to do.
+;; Smart would be a way to access basename or extension of file names.
+;; See dired-trns.el for an approach to this.
+ ;; Bug: There is no way to quote a *
+ ;; On the other hand, you can never accidentally get a * into your cmd.
+ (let ((stuff-it
+ (if (string-match "\\*" command)
+ (function (lambda (x)
+ (dired-replace-in-string "\\*" x command)))
+ (function (lambda (x) (concat command " " x))))))
+ (if on-each
+ (mapconcat stuff-it (mapcar 'dired-shell-quote file-list) ";")
+ (let ((fns (mapconcat 'dired-shell-quote
+ file-list dired-mark-separator)))
+ (if (> (length file-list) 1)
+ (setq fns (concat dired-mark-prefix fns dired-mark-postfix)))
+ (funcall stuff-it fns)))))
+;; This is an extra function so that it can be redefined by ange-ftp.
+(defun dired-run-shell-command (command &optional in-background)
+ (if (not in-background)
+ (shell-command command)
+ ;; We need this only in Emacs 18 (19's shell command has `&').
+ ;; comint::background is defined in emacs-19.el.
+ (comint::background command)))
+;; In Emacs 19 this will return program's exit status.
+;; This is a separate function so that ange-ftp can redefine it.
+(defun dired-call-process (program discard &rest arguments)
+; "Run PROGRAM with output to current buffer unless DISCARD is t.
+;Remaining arguments are strings passed as command arguments to PROGRAM."
+ (apply 'call-process program nil (not discard) nil arguments))
+(defun dired-check-process (msg program &rest arguments)
+; "Display MSG while running PROGRAM, and check for output.
+;Remaining arguments are strings passed as command arguments to PROGRAM.
+; On error, insert output
+; in a log buffer and return the offending ARGUMENTS or PROGRAM.
+; Caller can cons up a list of failed args.
+;Else returns nil for success."
+ (let (err-buffer err (dir default-directory))
+ (message "%s..." msg)
+ (save-excursion
+ ;; Get a clean buffer for error output:
+ (setq err-buffer (get-buffer-create " *dired-check-process output*"))
+ (set-buffer err-buffer)
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (setq default-directory dir ; caller's default-directory
+ err (/= 0
+ (apply (function dired-call-process) program nil arguments)))
+ (if err
+ (progn
+ (dired-log (concat program " " (prin1-to-string arguments) "\n"))
+ (dired-log err-buffer)
+ (or arguments program t))
+ (kill-buffer err-buffer)
+ (message "%s...done" msg)
+ nil))))
+;; Commands that delete or redisplay part of the dired buffer.
+(defun dired-kill-line-or-subdir (&optional arg)
+ "Kill this line (but don't delete its file).
+Optional prefix argument is a repeat factor.
+If file is displayed as in situ subdir, kill that as well.
+If on a subdir headerline, kill whole subdir."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (if (dired-get-subdir)
+ (dired-kill-subdir)
+ (dired-kill-line arg)))
+(defun dired-kill-line (&optional arg)
+ (interactive "P")
+ (setq arg (prefix-numeric-value arg))
+ (let (buffer-read-only file)
+ (while (/= 0 arg)
+ (setq file (dired-get-filename nil t))
+ (if (not file)
+ (error "Can only kill file lines.")
+ (save-excursion (and file
+ (dired-goto-subdir file)
+ (dired-kill-subdir)))
+ (delete-region (progn (beginning-of-line) (point))
+ (progn (forward-line 1) (point)))
+ (if (> arg 0)
+ (setq arg (1- arg))
+ (setq arg (1+ arg))
+ (forward-line -1))))
+ (dired-move-to-filename)))
+(defun dired-do-kill-lines (&optional arg fmt)
+ "Kill all marked lines (not the files).
+With a prefix arg, kill all lines not marked or flagged."
+ ;; Returns count of killed lines. FMT="" suppresses message.
+ (interactive "P")
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (let (buffer-read-only (count 0))
+ (if (not arg) ; kill marked lines
+ (let ((regexp (dired-marker-regexp)))
+ (while (and (not (eobp))
+ (re-search-forward regexp nil t))
+ (setq count (1+ count))
+ (delete-region (progn (beginning-of-line) (point))
+ (progn (forward-line 1) (point)))))
+ ;; else kill unmarked lines
+ (while (not (eobp))
+ (if (or (dired-between-files)
+ (not (looking-at "^ ")))
+ (forward-line 1)
+ (setq count (1+ count))
+ (delete-region (point) (save-excursion
+ (forward-line 1)
+ (point))))))
+ (or (equal "" fmt)
+ (message (or fmt "Killed %d line%s.") count (dired-plural-s count)))
+ count)))
+;;;###end dired-cmd.el
+;;; 30K
+;;;###begin dired-cp.el
+(defun dired-compress ()
+ ;; Compress or uncompress the current file.
+ ;; Return nil for success, offending filename else.
+ (let* (buffer-read-only
+ (from-file (dired-get-filename)))
+ (cond ((save-excursion (beginning-of-line)
+ (looking-at dired-re-sym))
+ (dired-log (concat "Attempt to compress a symbolic link:\n"
+ from-file))
+ (dired-make-relative from-file))
+ ((string-match "\\.Z$" from-file)
+ (if (dired-check-process (concat "Uncompressing " from-file)
+ "uncompress" from-file)
+ (dired-make-relative from-file)
+ (dired-update-file-line (substring from-file 0 -2))))
+ (t
+ (if (dired-check-process (concat "Compressing " from-file)
+ "compress" "-f" from-file)
+ ;; Errors from the process are already logged.
+ (dired-make-relative from-file)
+ (dired-update-file-line (concat from-file ".Z")))))
+ nil))
+(defun dired-mark-confirm (op-symbol arg)
+ ;; Request confirmation from the user that the operation described
+ ;; by OP-SYMBOL is to be performed on the marked files.
+ ;; Confirmation consists in a y-or-n question with a file list
+ ;; pop-up unless OP-SYMBOL is a member of `dired-no-confirm'.
+ ;; The files used are determined by ARG (as in dired-get-marked-files).
+ (or (memq op-symbol dired-no-confirm)
+ (let ((files (dired-get-marked-files t arg)))
+ (dired-mark-pop-up nil op-symbol files (function y-or-n-p)
+ (concat (capitalize (symbol-name op-symbol)) " "
+ (dired-mark-prompt arg files) "? ")))))
+(defun dired-map-over-marks-check (fun arg op-symbol &optional show-progress)
+; "Map FUN over marked files (with second ARG like in dired-map-over-marks)
+; and display failures.
+; FUN takes zero args. It returns non-nil (the offending object, e.g.
+; the short form of the filename) for a failure and probably logs a
+; detailed error explanation using function `dired-log'.
+; OP-SYMBOL is a symbol describing the operation performed (e.g.
+; `compress'). It is used with `dired-mark-pop-up' to prompt the user
+; (e.g. with `Compress * [2 files]? ') and to display errors (e.g.
+; `Failed to compress 1 of 2 files - type W to see why ("foo")')
+; SHOW-PROGRESS if non-nil means redisplay dired after each file."
+ (if (dired-mark-confirm op-symbol arg)
+ (let* ((total-list;; all of FUN's return values
+ (dired-map-over-marks (funcall fun) arg show-progress))
+ (total (length total-list))
+ (failures (delq nil total-list))
+ (count (length failures)))
+ (if (not failures)
+ (message "%s: %d file%s."
+ (capitalize (symbol-name op-symbol))
+ total (dired-plural-s total))
+ ;; end this bunch of errors:
+ (dired-log-summary
+ (format "Failed to %s %d of %d file%s"
+ (symbol-name op-symbol) count total (dired-plural-s total))
+ failures)))))
+(defvar dired-query-alist
+ '((?\y . y) (?\040 . y) ; `y' or SPC means accept once
+ (?n . n) (?\177 . n) ; `n' or DEL skips once
+ (?! . yes) ; `!' accepts rest
+ (?q. no) (?\e . no) ; `q' or ESC skips rest
+ ;; None of these keys quit - use C-g for that.
+ ))
+(defun dired-query (qs-var qs-prompt &rest qs-args)
+ ;; Query user and return nil or t.
+ ;; Store answer in symbol VAR (which must initially be bound to nil).
+ ;; Format PROMPT with ARGS.
+ ;; Binding variable help-form will help the user who types C-h.
+ (let* ((char (symbol-value qs-var))
+ (action (cdr (assoc char dired-query-alist))))
+ (cond ((eq 'yes action)
+ t) ; accept, and don't ask again
+ ((eq 'no action)
+ nil) ; skip, and don't ask again
+ (t;; no lasting effects from last time we asked - ask now
+ (let ((qprompt (concat qs-prompt
+ (if help-form
+ (format " [Type yn!q or %s] "
+ (key-description
+ (char-to-string help-char)))
+ " [Type y, n, q or !] ")))
+ result elt)
+ ;; Actually it looks nicer without cursor-in-echo-area - you can
+ ;; look at the dired buffer instead of at the prompt to decide.
+ (apply 'message qprompt qs-args)
+ (setq char (set qs-var (read-char)))
+ (while (not (setq elt (assoc char dired-query-alist)))
+ (message "Invalid char - type %c for help." help-char)
+ (ding)
+ (sit-for 1)
+ (apply 'message qprompt qs-args)
+ (setq char (set qs-var (read-char))))
+ (memq (cdr elt) '(t y yes)))))))
+(defun dired-do-compress (&optional arg)
+ "Compress or uncompress marked (or next ARG) files."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (dired-map-over-marks-check (function dired-compress) arg 'compress t))
+;; Commands for Emacs Lisp files - load and byte compile
+(defun dired-byte-compile ()
+ ;; Return nil for success, offending file name else.
+ (let* ((filename (dired-get-filename))
+ (elc-file
+ (if (eq system-type 'vax-vms)
+ (concat (substring filename 0 (string-match ";" filename)) "c")
+ (concat filename "c")))
+ buffer-read-only failure)
+ (condition-case err
+ (save-excursion (byte-compile-file filename))
+ (error
+ (setq failure err)))
+ (if failure
+ (progn
+ (dired-log "Byte compile error for %s:\n%s\n" filename failure)
+ (dired-make-relative filename))
+ (dired-remove-file elc-file)
+ (forward-line) ; insert .elc after its .el file
+ (dired-add-file elc-file)
+ nil)))
+(defun dired-do-byte-compile (&optional arg)
+ "Byte compile marked (or next ARG) Emacs Lisp files."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (dired-map-over-marks-check (function dired-byte-compile) arg 'byte-compile t))
+(defun dired-load ()
+ ;; Return nil for success, offending file name else.
+ (let ((file (dired-get-filename)) failure)
+ (condition-case err
+ (load file nil nil t)
+ (error (setq failure err)))
+ (if (not failure)
+ nil
+ (dired-log "Load error for %s:\n%s\n" file failure)
+ (dired-make-relative file))))
+(defun dired-do-load (&optional arg)
+ "Load the marked (or next ARG) Emacs Lisp files."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (dired-map-over-marks-check (function dired-load) arg 'load t))
+(defun dired-do-redisplay (&optional arg test-for-subdir)
+ "Redisplay all marked (or next ARG) files.
+If on a subdir line, redisplay that subdirectory. In that case,
+a prefix arg lets you edit the `ls' switches used for the new listing."
+ ;; Moves point if the next ARG files are redisplayed.
+ (interactive "P\np")
+ (if (and test-for-subdir (dired-get-subdir))
+ (dired-insert-subdir
+ (dired-get-subdir)
+ (if arg (read-string "Switches for listing: " dired-actual-switches)))
+ (message "Redisplaying...")
+ ;; message much faster than making dired-map-over-marks show progress
+ (dired-map-over-marks (let ((fname (dired-get-filename)))
+ (message "Redisplaying... %s" fname)
+ (dired-update-file-line fname))
+ arg)
+ (dired-move-to-filename)
+ (message "Redisplaying...done")))
+(defun dired-update-file-line (file)
+ ;; Delete the current line, and insert an entry for FILE.
+ ;; If FILE is nil, then just delete the current line.
+ ;; Keeps any marks that may be present in column one (doing this
+ ;; here is faster than with dired-add-entry's optional arg).
+ ;; Does not update other dired buffers. Use dired-relist-entry for that.
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (let ((char (following-char)) (opoint (point)))
+ (delete-region (point) (progn (forward-line 1) (point)))
+ (if file
+ (progn
+ (dired-add-entry file)
+ ;; Replace space by old marker without moving point.
+ ;; Faster than goto+insdel inside a save-excursion?
+ (subst-char-in-region opoint (1+ opoint) ?\040 char))))
+ (dired-move-to-filename))
+(defun dired-fun-in-all-buffers (directory fun &rest args)
+ ;; In all buffers dired'ing DIRECTORY, run FUN with ARGS.
+ ;; Return list of buffers where FUN succeeded (i.e., returned non-nil).
+ (let ((buf-list (dired-buffers-for-dir directory))
+ (obuf (current-buffer))
+ buf success-list)
+ (while buf-list
+ (setq buf (car buf-list)
+ buf-list (cdr buf-list))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ (set-buffer buf)
+ (if (apply fun args)
+ (setq success-list (cons (buffer-name buf) success-list))))
+ (set-buffer obuf)))
+ success-list))
+(defun dired-add-file (filename &optional marker-char)
+ (dired-fun-in-all-buffers
+ (file-name-directory filename)
+ (function dired-add-entry) filename marker-char))
+(defun dired-add-entry (filename &optional marker-char)
+ ;; Add a new entry for FILENAME, optionally marking it
+ ;; with MARKER-CHAR (a character, else dired-marker-char is used).
+ ;; Note that this adds the entry `out of order' if files sorted by
+ ;; time, etc.
+ ;; At least this version inserts in the right subdirectory (if present).
+ ;; And it skips "." or ".." (see `dired-trivial-filenames').
+ ;; Hidden subdirs are exposed if a file is added there.
+ (setq filename (directory-file-name filename))
+ ;; Entry is always for files, even if they happen to also be directories
+ (let ((opoint (point))
+ (cur-dir (dired-current-directory))
+ (directory (file-name-directory filename))
+ reason)
+ (setq filename (file-name-nondirectory filename)
+ reason
+ (catch 'not-found
+ (if (string= directory cur-dir)
+ (progn
+ (skip-chars-forward "^\r\n")
+ (if (eq (following-char) ?\r)
+ (dired-unhide-subdir))
+ ;; We are already where we should be, except when
+ ;; point is before the subdir line or its total line.
+ (let ((p (dired-after-subdir-garbage cur-dir)))
+ (if (< (point) p)
+ (goto-char p))))
+ ;; else try to find correct place to insert
+ (if (dired-goto-subdir directory)
+ (progn;; unhide if necessary
+ (if (looking-at "\r");; point is at end of subdir line
+ (dired-unhide-subdir))
+ ;; found - skip subdir and `total' line
+ ;; and uninteresting files like . and ..
+ ;; This better not moves into the next subdir!
+ (dired-goto-next-nontrivial-file))
+ ;; not found
+ (throw 'not-found "Subdir not found")))
+ ;; found and point is at The Right Place:
+ (let (buffer-read-only)
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (dired-add-entry-do-indentation marker-char)
+ (dired-ls (dired-make-absolute filename directory);; don't expand `.' !
+ (concat dired-actual-switches "d"))
+ (forward-line -1)
+ ;; We want to have the non-directory part, only:
+ (let* ((beg (dired-move-to-filename t)) ; error for strange output
+ (end (dired-move-to-end-of-filename)))
+ (setq filename (buffer-substring beg end))
+ (delete-region beg end)
+ (insert (file-name-nondirectory filename)))
+ (if dired-after-readin-hook;; the subdir-alist is not affected...
+ (save-excursion;; we can run it right now:
+ (save-restriction
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (narrow-to-region (point) (save-excursion
+ (forward-line 1) (point)))
+ (run-hooks 'dired-after-readin-hook))))
+ (dired-move-to-filename))
+ ;; return nil if all went well
+ nil))
+ (if reason ; don't move away on failure
+ (goto-char opoint))
+ (not reason))) ; return t on succes, nil else
+;; This is a separate function for the sake of nested dired format.
+(defun dired-add-entry-do-indentation (marker-char)
+ ;; two spaces or a marker plus a space:
+ (insert (if marker-char
+ (if (integerp marker-char) marker-char dired-marker-char)
+ ?\040)
+ ?\040))
+(defun dired-after-subdir-garbage (dir)
+ ;; Return pos of first file line of DIR, skipping header and total
+ ;; or wildcard lines.
+ ;; Important: never moves into the next subdir.
+ ;; DIR is assumed to be unhidden.
+ ;; Will probably be redefined for VMS etc.
+ (save-excursion
+ (or (dired-goto-subdir dir) (error "This cannot happen"))
+ (forward-line 1)
+ (while (and (not (eolp)) ; don't cross subdir boundary
+ (not (dired-move-to-filename)))
+ (forward-line 1))
+ (point)))
+(defun dired-remove-file (file)
+ (dired-fun-in-all-buffers
+ (file-name-directory file) (function dired-remove-entry) file))
+(defun dired-remove-entry (file)
+ (save-excursion
+ (and (dired-goto-file file)
+ (let (buffer-read-only)
+ (delete-region (progn (beginning-of-line) (point))
+ (save-excursion (forward-line 1) (point)))))))
+(defun dired-relist-file (file)
+ (dired-fun-in-all-buffers (file-name-directory file)
+ (function dired-relist-entry) file))
+(defun dired-relist-entry (file)
+ ;; Relist the line for FILE, or just add it if it did not exist.
+ ;; FILE must be an absolute pathname.
+ (let (buffer-read-only marker)
+ ;; If cursor is already on FILE's line delete-region will cause
+ ;; save-excursion to fail because of floating makers,
+ ;; moving point to beginning of line. Sigh.
+ (save-excursion
+ (and (dired-goto-file file)
+ (delete-region (progn (beginning-of-line)
+ (setq marker (following-char))
+ (point))
+ (save-excursion (forward-line 1) (point))))
+ (setq file (directory-file-name file))
+ (dired-add-entry file (if (eq ?\040 marker) nil marker)))))
+;;; Copy, move/rename, making hard and symbolic links
+(defvar dired-backup-overwrite nil
+ "*Non-nil if Dired should ask about making backups before overwriting files.
+Special value `always' suppresses confirmation.")
+(defun dired-handle-overwrite (to)
+ ;; Save old version of a to be overwritten file TO.
+ ;; `overwrite-confirmed' and `overwrite-backup-query' are fluid vars
+ ;; from dired-create-files.
+ (if (and dired-backup-overwrite
+ overwrite-confirmed
+ (or (eq 'always dired-backup-overwrite)
+ (dired-query 'overwrite-backup-query
+ (format "Make backup for existing file `%s'? " to))))
+ (let ((backup (car (find-backup-file-name to))))
+ (rename-file to backup 0) ; confirm overwrite of old backup
+ (dired-relist-entry backup))))
+(defun dired-copy-file (from to ok-flag)
+ (dired-handle-overwrite to)
+ (copy-file from to ok-flag dired-copy-preserve-time))
+(defun dired-rename-file (from to ok-flag)
+ (dired-handle-overwrite to)
+ (rename-file from to ok-flag) ; error is caught in -create-files
+ ;; Silently rename the visited file of any buffer visiting this file.
+ (and (get-file-buffer from)
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer (get-file-buffer from))
+ (let ((modflag (buffer-modified-p)))
+ (set-visited-file-name to)
+ (set-buffer-modified-p modflag))))
+ (dired-remove-file from)
+ ;; See if it's an inserted subdir, and rename that, too.
+ (dired-rename-subdir from to))
+(defun dired-rename-subdir (from-dir to-dir)
+ (setq from-dir (file-name-as-directory from-dir)
+ to-dir (file-name-as-directory to-dir))
+ (dired-fun-in-all-buffers from-dir
+ (function dired-rename-subdir-1) from-dir to-dir)
+ ;; Update visited file name of all affected buffers
+ (let ((blist (buffer-list)))
+ (while blist
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer (car blist))
+ (if (and buffer-file-name
+ (dired-in-this-tree buffer-file-name from-dir))
+ (let ((modflag (buffer-modified-p))
+ (to-file (dired-replace-in-string
+ (concat "^" (regexp-quote from-dir))
+ to-dir
+ buffer-file-name)))
+ (set-visited-file-name to-file)
+ (set-buffer-modified-p modflag))))
+ (setq blist (cdr blist)))))
+(defun dired-rename-subdir-1 (dir to)
+ ;; Rename DIR to TO in headerlines and dired-subdir-alist, if DIR or
+ ;; one of its subdirectories is expanded in this buffer.
+ (let ((alist dired-subdir-alist)
+ (elt nil))
+ (while alist
+ (setq elt (car alist)
+ alist (cdr alist))
+ (if (dired-in-this-tree (car elt) dir)
+ ;; ELT's subdir is affected by the rename
+ (dired-rename-subdir-2 elt dir to)))
+ (if (equal dir default-directory)
+ ;; if top level directory was renamed, lots of things have to be
+ ;; updated:
+ (progn
+ (dired-unadvertise dir) ; we no longer dired DIR...
+ (setq default-directory to
+ dired-directory (expand-file-name;; this is correct
+ ;; with and without wildcards
+ (file-name-nondirectory dired-directory)
+ to))
+ (let ((new-name (file-name-nondirectory
+ (directory-file-name dired-directory))))
+ ;; try to rename buffer, but just leave old name if new
+ ;; name would already exist (don't try appending "<%d>")
+ (or (get-buffer new-name)
+ (rename-buffer new-name)))
+ ;; ... we dired TO now:
+ (dired-advertise)))))
+(defun dired-rename-subdir-2 (elt dir to)
+ ;; Update the headerline and dired-subdir-alist element of directory
+ ;; described by alist-element ELT to reflect the moving of DIR to TO.
+ ;; Thus, ELT describes either DIR itself or a subdir of DIR.
+ (save-excursion
+ (let ((regexp (regexp-quote (directory-file-name dir)))
+ (newtext (directory-file-name to))
+ buffer-read-only)
+ (goto-char (dired-get-subdir-min elt))
+ ;; Update subdir headerline in buffer
+ (if (not (looking-at dired-subdir-regexp))
+ (error "%s not found where expected - dired-subdir-alist broken?"
+ dir)
+ (goto-char (match-beginning 1))
+ (if (re-search-forward regexp (match-end 1) t)
+ (replace-match newtext t t)
+ (error "Expected to find `%s' in headerline of %s" dir (car elt))))
+ ;; Update buffer-local dired-subdir-alist
+ (setcar elt
+ (dired-normalize-subdir
+ (dired-replace-in-string regexp newtext (car elt)))))))
+;; Cloning replace-match to work on strings instead of in buffer:
+;; The FIXEDCASE parameter of replace-match is not implemented.
+(defun dired-string-replace-match (regexp string newtext
+ &optional literal global)
+ "Replace first match of REGEXP in STRING with NEWTEXT.
+If it does not match, nil is returned instead of the new string.
+Optional arg LITERAL means to take NEWTEXT literally.
+Optional arg GLOBAL means to replace all matches."
+ (if global
+ (let ((result "") (start 0) mb me)
+ (while (string-match regexp string start)
+ (setq mb (match-beginning 0)
+ me (match-end 0)
+ result (concat result
+ (substring string start mb)
+ (if literal
+ newtext
+ (dired-expand-newtext string newtext)))
+ start me))
+ (if mb ; matched at least once
+ (concat result (substring string start))
+ nil))
+ ;; not GLOBAL
+ (if (not (string-match regexp string 0))
+ nil
+ (concat (substring string 0 (match-beginning 0))
+ (if literal newtext (dired-expand-newtext string newtext))
+ (substring string (match-end 0))))))
+(defun dired-expand-newtext (string newtext)
+ ;; Expand \& and \1..\9 (referring to STRING) in NEWTEXT, using match data.
+ ;; Note that in Emacs 18 match data are clipped to current buffer
+ ;; the buffer should better not be smaller than STRING.
+ (let ((pos 0)
+ (len (length newtext))
+ (expanded-newtext ""))
+ (while (< pos len)
+ (setq expanded-newtext
+ (concat expanded-newtext
+ (let ((c (aref newtext pos)))
+ (if (= ?\\ c)
+ (cond ((= ?\& (setq c
+ (aref newtext
+ (setq pos (1+ pos)))))
+ (substring string
+ (match-beginning 0)
+ (match-end 0)))
+ ((and (>= c ?1) (<= c ?9))
+ ;; return empty string if N'th
+ ;; sub-regexp did not match:
+ (let ((n (- c ?0)))
+ (if (match-beginning n)
+ (substring string
+ (match-beginning n)
+ (match-end n))
+ "")))
+ (t
+ (char-to-string c)))
+ (char-to-string c)))))
+ (setq pos (1+ pos)))
+ expanded-newtext))
+;; The basic function for half a dozen variations on cp/mv/ln/ln -s.
+(defun dired-create-files (file-creator operation fn-list name-constructor
+ &optional marker-char)
+;; Create a new file for each from a list of existing files. The user
+;; is queried, dired buffers are updated, and at the end a success or
+;; failure message is displayed
+;; FILE-CREATOR must accept three args: oldfile newfile ok-if-already-exists
+;; It is called for each file and must create newfile, the entry of
+;; which will be added. The user will be queried if the file already
+;; exists. If oldfile is removed by FILE-CREATOR (i.e, it is a
+;; rename), it is FILE-CREATOR's responsibility to update dired
+;; buffers. FILE-CREATOR must abort by signalling a file-error if it
+;; could not create newfile. The error is caught and logged.
+;; OPERATION (a capitalized string, e.g. `Copy') describes the
+;; operation performed. It is used for error logging.
+;; FN-LIST is the list of files to copy (full absolute pathnames).
+;; NAME-CONSTRUCTOR returns a newfile for every oldfile, or nil to
+;; skip. If it skips files for other reasons than a direct user
+;; query, it is supposed to tell why (using dired-log).
+;; Optional MARKER-CHAR is a character with which to mark every
+;; newfile's entry, or t to use the current marker character if the
+;; oldfile was marked.
+ (let (failures skipped (success-count 0) (total (length fn-list)))
+ (let (to overwrite-query
+ overwrite-backup-query) ; for dired-handle-overwrite
+ (mapcar
+ (function
+ (lambda (from)
+ (setq to (funcall name-constructor from))
+ (if (equal to from)
+ (progn
+ (setq to nil)
+ (dired-log "Cannot %s to same file: %s\n"
+ (downcase operation) from)))
+ (if (not to)
+ (setq skipped (cons (dired-make-relative from) skipped))
+ (let* ((overwrite (file-exists-p to))
+ (overwrite-confirmed ; for dired-handle-overwrite
+ (and overwrite
+ (let ((help-form '(format "\
+Type SPC or `y' to overwrite file `%s',
+DEL or `n' to skip to next,
+ESC or `q' to not overwrite any of the remaining files,
+`!' to overwrite all remaining files with no more questions." to)))
+ (dired-query 'overwrite-query
+ "Overwrite `%s'?" to))))
+ ;; must determine if FROM is marked before file-creator
+ ;; gets a chance to delete it (in case of a move).
+ (actual-marker-char
+ (cond ((integerp marker-char) marker-char)
+ (marker-char (dired-file-marker from)) ; slow
+ (t nil))))
+ (condition-case err
+ (progn
+ (funcall file-creator from to overwrite-confirmed)
+ (if overwrite
+ ;; If we get here, file-creator hasn't been aborted
+ ;; and the old entry (if any) has to be deleted
+ ;; before adding the new entry.
+ (dired-remove-file to))
+ (setq success-count (1+ success-count))
+ (message "%s: %d of %d" operation success-count total)
+ (dired-add-file to actual-marker-char))
+ (file-error ; FILE-CREATOR aborted
+ (progn
+ (setq failures (cons (dired-make-relative from) failures))
+ (dired-log "%s `%s' to `%s' failed:\n%s\n"
+ operation from to err))))))))
+ fn-list))
+ (cond
+ (failures
+ (dired-log-summary
+ (format "%s failed for %d of %d file%s"
+ operation (length failures) total
+ (dired-plural-s total))
+ failures))
+ (skipped
+ (dired-log-summary
+ (format "%s: %d of %d file%s skipped"
+ operation (length skipped) total
+ (dired-plural-s total))
+ skipped))
+ (t
+ (message "%s: %s file%s"
+ operation success-count (dired-plural-s success-count)))))
+ (dired-move-to-filename))
+(defun dired-do-create-files (op-symbol file-creator operation arg
+ &optional marker-char op1
+ how-to)
+ ;; Create a new file for each marked file.
+ ;; Prompts user for target, which is a directory in which to create
+ ;; the new files. Target may be a plain file if only one marked
+ ;; file exists.
+ ;; OP-SYMBOL is the symbol for the operation. Function `dired-mark-pop-up'
+ ;; will determine wether pop-ups are appropriate for this OP-SYMBOL.
+ ;; FILE-CREATOR and OPERATION as in dired-create-files.
+ ;; ARG as in dired-get-marked-files.
+ ;; Optional arg OP1 is an alternate form for OPERATION if there is
+ ;; only one file.
+ ;; Optional arg MARKER-CHAR as in dired-create-files.
+ ;; Optional arg HOW-TO determines how to treat target:
+ ;; If HOW-TO is not given (or nil), and target is a directory, the
+ ;; file(s) are created inside the target directory. If target
+ ;; is not a directory, there must be exactly one marked file,
+ ;; else error.
+ ;; If HOW-TO is t, then target is not modified. There must be
+ ;; exactly one marked file, else error.
+ ;; Else HOW-TO is assumed to be a function of one argument, target,
+ ;; that looks at target and returns a value for the into-dir
+ ;; variable. The function dired-into-dir-with-symlinks is provided
+ ;; for the case (common when creating symlinks) that symbolic
+ ;; links to directories are not to be considered as directories
+ ;; (as file-directory-p would if HOW-TO had been nil).
+ (or op1 (setq op1 operation))
+ (let* ((fn-list (dired-get-marked-files nil arg))
+ (fn-count (length fn-list))
+ (target (expand-file-name
+ (dired-mark-read-file-name
+ (concat (if (= 1 fn-count) op1 operation) " %s to: ")
+ (dired-dwim-target-directory)
+ op-symbol arg (mapcar (function dired-make-relative) fn-list))))
+ (into-dir (cond ((null how-to) (file-directory-p target))
+ ((eq how-to t) nil)
+ (t (funcall how-to target)))))
+ (if (and (> fn-count 1)
+ (not into-dir))
+ (error "Marked %s: target must be a directory: %s" operation target))
+ ;; rename-file bombs when moving directories unless we do this:
+ (or into-dir (setq target (directory-file-name target)))
+ (dired-create-files
+ file-creator operation fn-list
+ (if into-dir ; target is a directory
+ ;; This function uses fluid vars into-dir and target when called
+ ;; inside dired-create-files:
+ (function (lambda (from)
+ (expand-file-name (file-name-nondirectory from) target)))
+ (function (lambda (from) target)))
+ marker-char)))
+;; Read arguments for a marked-files command that wants a file name,
+;; perhaps popping up the list of marked files.
+;; ARG is the prefix arg and indicates whether the files came from
+;; marks (ARG=nil) or a repeat factor (integerp ARG).
+;; If the current file was used, the list has but one element and ARG
+;; does not matter. (It is non-nil, non-integer in that case, namely '(4)).
+(defun dired-mark-read-file-name (prompt dir op-symbol arg files)
+ (dired-mark-pop-up
+ nil op-symbol files
+ (function read-file-name)
+ (format prompt (dired-mark-prompt arg files)) dir))
+(defun dired-dwim-target-directory ()
+ ;; Try to guess which target directory the user may want.
+ ;; If there is a dired buffer displayed in the next window, use
+ ;; its current subdir, else use current subdir of this dired buffer.
+ (let ((this-dir (and (eq major-mode 'dired-mode)
+ (dired-current-directory))))
+ ;; non-dired buffer may want to profit from this function, e.g. vm-uudecode
+ (if dired-dwim-target
+ (let* ((other-buf (window-buffer (next-window)))
+ (other-dir (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer other-buf)
+ (and (eq major-mode 'dired-mode)
+ (dired-current-directory)))))
+ (or other-dir this-dir))
+ this-dir)))
+(defun dired-create-directory (directory)
+ "Create a directory called DIRECTORY."
+ (interactive
+ (list (read-file-name "Create directory: " (dired-current-directory))))
+ (let ((expanded (directory-file-name (expand-file-name directory))))
+ (make-directory expanded)
+ (dired-add-file expanded)
+ (dired-move-to-filename)))
+(defun dired-into-dir-with-symlinks (target)
+ (and (file-directory-p target)
+ (not (file-symlink-p target))))
+;; This may not always be what you want, especially if target is your
+;; home directory and it happens to be a symbolic link, as is often the
+;; case with NFS and automounters. Or if you want to make symlinks
+;; into directories that themselves are only symlinks, also quite
+;; common.
+;; So we don't use this function as value for HOW-TO in
+;; dired-do-symlink, which has the minor disadvantage of
+;; making links *into* a symlinked-dir, when you really wanted to
+;; *overwrite* that symlink. In that (rare, I guess) case, you'll
+;; just have to remove that symlink by hand before making your marked
+;; symlinks.
+(defun dired-do-copy (&optional arg)
+ "Copy all marked (or next ARG) files, or copy the current file.
+This normally preserves the last-modified date when copying.
+When operating on just the current file, you specify the new name.
+When operating on multiple or marked files, you specify a directory
+and new symbolic links are made in that directory
+with the same names that the files currently have."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (dired-do-create-files 'copy (function dired-copy-file)
+ (if dired-copy-preserve-time "Copy [-p]" "Copy")
+ arg dired-keep-marker-copy))
+(defun dired-do-symlink (&optional arg)
+ "Make symbolic links to current file or all marked (or next ARG) files.
+When operating on just the current file, you specify the new name.
+When operating on multiple or marked files, you specify a directory
+and new symbolic links are made in that directory
+with the same names that the files currently have."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (dired-do-create-files 'symlink (function make-symbolic-link)
+ "Symlink" arg dired-keep-marker-symlink))
+(defun dired-do-hardlink (&optional arg)
+ "Add names (hard links) current file or all marked (or next ARG) files.
+When operating on just the current file, you specify the new name.
+When operating on multiple or marked files, you specify a directory
+and new hard links are made in that directory
+with the same names that the files currently have."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (dired-do-create-files 'hardlink (function add-name-to-file)
+ "Hardlink" arg dired-keep-marker-hardlink))
+(defun dired-do-rename (&optional arg)
+ "Rename current file or all marked (or next ARG) files.
+When renaming just the current file, you specify the new name.
+When renaming multiple or marked files, you specify a directory."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (dired-do-create-files 'move (function dired-rename-file)
+ "Move" arg dired-keep-marker-rename "Rename"))
+;;;###end dired-cp.el
+;;; 5K
+;;;###begin dired-re.el
+(defun dired-do-create-files-regexp
+ (file-creator operation arg regexp newname &optional whole-path marker-char)
+ ;; Create a new file for each marked file using regexps.
+ ;; FILE-CREATOR and OPERATION as in dired-create-files.
+ ;; ARG as in dired-get-marked-files.
+ ;; Matches each marked file against REGEXP and constructs the new
+ ;; filename from NEWNAME (like in function replace-match).
+ ;; Optional arg WHOLE-PATH means match/replace the whole pathname
+ ;; instead of only the non-directory part of the file.
+ ;; Optional arg MARKER-CHAR as in dired-create-files.
+ (let* ((fn-list (dired-get-marked-files nil arg))
+ (fn-count (length fn-list))
+ (operation-prompt (concat operation " `%s' to `%s'?"))
+ (rename-regexp-help-form (format "\
+Type SPC or `y' to %s one match, DEL or `n' to skip to next,
+`!' to %s all remaining matches with no more questions."
+ (downcase operation)
+ (downcase operation)))
+ (regexp-name-constructor
+ ;; Function to construct new filename using REGEXP and NEWNAME:
+ (if whole-path ; easy (but rare) case
+ (function
+ (lambda (from)
+ (let ((to (dired-string-replace-match regexp from newname))
+ ;; must bind help-form directly around call to
+ ;; dired-query
+ (help-form rename-regexp-help-form))
+ (if to
+ (and (dired-query 'rename-regexp-query
+ operation-prompt
+ from
+ to)
+ to)
+ (dired-log "%s: %s did not match regexp %s\n"
+ operation from regexp)))))
+ ;; not whole-path, replace non-directory part only
+ (function
+ (lambda (from)
+ (let* ((new (dired-string-replace-match
+ regexp (file-name-nondirectory from) newname))
+ (to (and new ; nil means there was no match
+ (expand-file-name new
+ (file-name-directory from))))
+ (help-form rename-regexp-help-form))
+ (if to
+ (and (dired-query 'rename-regexp-query
+ operation-prompt
+ (dired-make-relative from)
+ (dired-make-relative to))
+ to)
+ (dired-log "%s: %s did not match regexp %s\n"
+ operation (file-name-nondirectory from) regexp)))))))
+ rename-regexp-query)
+ (dired-create-files
+ file-creator operation fn-list regexp-name-constructor marker-char)))
+(defun dired-mark-read-regexp (operation)
+ ;; Prompt user about performing OPERATION.
+ ;; Read and return list of: regexp newname arg whole-path.
+ (let* ((whole-path
+ (equal 0 (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg)))
+ (arg
+ (if whole-path nil current-prefix-arg))
+ (regexp
+ (dired-read-regexp
+ (concat (if whole-path "Path " "") operation " from (regexp): ")
+ dired-flagging-regexp))
+ (newname
+ (read-string
+ (concat (if whole-path "Path " "") operation " " regexp " to: "))))
+ (list regexp newname arg whole-path)))
+(defun dired-do-rename-regexp (regexp newname &optional arg whole-path)
+ "Rename marked files containing REGEXP to NEWNAME.
+As each match is found, the user must type a character saying
+ what to do with it. For directions, type \\[help-command] at that time.
+NEWNAME may contain \\=\\<n> or \\& as in `query-replace-regexp'.
+REGEXP defaults to the last regexp used.
+With a zero prefix arg, renaming by regexp affects the complete
+ pathname - usually only the non-directory part of file names is used
+ and changed."
+ (interactive (dired-mark-read-regexp "Rename"))
+ (dired-do-create-files-regexp
+ (function dired-rename-file)
+ "Rename" arg regexp newname whole-path dired-keep-marker-rename))
+(defun dired-do-copy-regexp (regexp newname &optional arg whole-path)
+ "Copy all marked files containing REGEXP to NEWNAME.
+See function `dired-rename-regexp' for more info."
+ (interactive (dired-mark-read-regexp "Copy"))
+ (dired-do-create-files-regexp
+ (function dired-copy-file)
+ (if dired-copy-preserve-time "Copy [-p]" "Copy")
+ arg regexp newname whole-path dired-keep-marker-copy))
+(defun dired-do-hardlink-regexp (regexp newname &optional arg whole-path)
+ "Hardlink all marked files containing REGEXP to NEWNAME.
+See function `dired-rename-regexp' for more info."
+ (interactive (dired-mark-read-regexp "HardLink"))
+ (dired-do-create-files-regexp
+ (function add-name-to-file)
+ "HardLink" arg regexp newname whole-path dired-keep-marker-hardlink))
+(defun dired-do-symlink-regexp (regexp newname &optional arg whole-path)
+ "Symlink all marked files containing REGEXP to NEWNAME.
+See function `dired-rename-regexp' for more info."
+ (interactive (dired-mark-read-regexp "SymLink"))
+ (dired-do-create-files-regexp
+ (function make-symbolic-link)
+ "SymLink" arg regexp newname whole-path dired-keep-marker-symlink))
+(defun dired-create-files-non-directory
+ (file-creator basename-constructor operation arg)
+ ;; Perform FILE-CREATOR on the non-directory part of marked files
+ ;; using function BASENAME-CONSTRUCTOR, with query for each file.
+ ;; OPERATION like in dired-create-files, ARG as in dired-get-marked-files.
+ (let (rename-non-directory-query)
+ (dired-create-files
+ file-creator
+ operation
+ (dired-get-marked-files nil arg)
+ (function
+ (lambda (from)
+ (let ((to (concat (file-name-directory from)
+ (funcall basename-constructor
+ (file-name-nondirectory from)))))
+ (and (let ((help-form (format "\
+Type SPC or `y' to %s one file, DEL or `n' to skip to next,
+`!' to %s all remaining matches with no more questions."
+ (downcase operation)
+ (downcase operation))))
+ (dired-query 'rename-non-directory-query
+ (concat operation " `%s' to `%s'")
+ (dired-make-relative from)
+ (dired-make-relative to)))
+ to))))
+ dired-keep-marker-rename)))
+(defun dired-rename-non-directory (basename-constructor operation arg)
+ (dired-create-files-non-directory
+ (function dired-rename-file)
+ basename-constructor operation arg))
+(defun dired-upcase (&optional arg)
+ "Rename all marked (or next ARG) files to upper case."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (dired-rename-non-directory (function upcase) "Rename upcase" arg))
+(defun dired-downcase (&optional arg)
+ "Rename all marked (or next ARG) files to lower case."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (dired-rename-non-directory (function downcase) "Rename downcase" arg))
+;;;###end dired-re.el
+;;; 13K
+;;;###begin dired-ins.el
+(defun dired-maybe-insert-subdir (dirname &optional
+ switches no-error-if-not-dir-p)
+ "Insert this subdirectory into the same dired buffer.
+If it is already present, just move to it (type \\[dired-do-redisplay] to refresh),
+ else inserts it at its natural place (as `ls -lR' would have done).
+With a prefix arg, you may edit the ls switches used for this listing.
+ You can add `R' to the switches to expand the whole tree starting at
+ this subdirectory.
+This function takes some pains to conform to `ls -lR' output."
+ (interactive
+ (list (dired-get-filename)
+ (if current-prefix-arg
+ (read-string "Switches for listing: " dired-actual-switches))))
+ (let ((opoint (point)))
+ ;; We don't need a marker for opoint as the subdir is always
+ ;; inserted *after* opoint.
+ (setq dirname (file-name-as-directory dirname))
+ (or (and (not switches)
+ (dired-goto-subdir dirname))
+ (dired-insert-subdir dirname switches no-error-if-not-dir-p))
+ ;; Push mark so that it's easy to find back. Do this after the
+ ;; insert message so that the user sees the `Mark set' message.
+ (push-mark opoint)))
+(defun dired-insert-subdir (dirname &optional switches no-error-if-not-dir-p)
+ "Insert this subdirectory into the same dired buffer.
+If it is already present, overwrites previous entry,
+ else inserts it at its natural place (as `ls -lR' would have done).
+With a prefix arg, you may edit the `ls' switches used for this listing.
+ You can add `R' to the switches to expand the whole tree starting at
+ this subdirectory.
+This function takes some pains to conform to `ls -lR' output."
+ ;; NO-ERROR-IF-NOT-DIR-P needed for special filesystems like
+ ;; Prospero where dired-ls does the right thing, but
+ ;; file-directory-p has not been redefined.
+ (interactive
+ (list (dired-get-filename)
+ (if current-prefix-arg
+ (read-string "Switches for listing: " dired-actual-switches))))
+ (setq dirname (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name dirname)))
+ (dired-insert-subdir-validate dirname switches)
+ (or no-error-if-not-dir-p
+ (file-directory-p dirname)
+ (error "Attempt to insert a non-directory: %s" dirname))
+ (let ((elt (assoc dirname dired-subdir-alist))
+ switches-have-R mark-alist case-fold-search buffer-read-only)
+ ;; case-fold-search is nil now, so we can test for capital `R':
+ (if (setq switches-have-R (and switches (string-match "R" switches)))
+ ;; avoid duplicated subdirs
+ (setq mark-alist (dired-kill-tree dirname t)))
+ (if elt
+ ;; If subdir is already present, remove it and remember its marks
+ (setq mark-alist (nconc (dired-insert-subdir-del elt) mark-alist))
+ (dired-insert-subdir-newpos dirname)) ; else compute new position
+ (dired-insert-subdir-doupdate
+ dirname elt (dired-insert-subdir-doinsert dirname switches))
+ (if switches-have-R (dired-build-subdir-alist))
+ (dired-initial-position dirname)
+ (save-excursion (dired-mark-remembered mark-alist))))
+;; This is a separate function for dired-vms.
+(defun dired-insert-subdir-validate (dirname &optional switches)
+ ;; Check that it is valid to insert DIRNAME with SWITCHES.
+ ;; Signal an error if invalid (e.g. user typed `i' on `..').
+ (or (dired-in-this-tree dirname default-directory)
+ (error "%s: not in this directory tree" dirname))
+ (if switches
+ (let (case-fold-search)
+ (mapcar
+ (function
+ (lambda (x)
+ (or (eq (null (string-match x switches))
+ (null (string-match x dired-actual-switches)))
+ (error "Can't have dirs with and without -%s switches together"
+ x))))
+ ;; all switches that make a difference to dired-get-filename:
+ '("F" "b")))))
+(defun dired-alist-add (dir new-marker)
+ ;; Add new DIR at NEW-MARKER. Sort alist.
+ (dired-alist-add-1 dir new-marker)
+ (dired-alist-sort))
+(defun dired-alist-sort ()
+ ;; Keep the alist sorted on buffer position.
+ (setq dired-subdir-alist
+ (sort dired-subdir-alist
+ (function (lambda (elt1 elt2)
+ (> (dired-get-subdir-min elt1)
+ (dired-get-subdir-min elt2)))))))
+(defun dired-kill-tree (dirname &optional remember-marks)
+ ;;"Kill all proper subdirs of DIRNAME, excluding DIRNAME itself.
+ ;; With optional arg REMEMBER-MARKS, return an alist of marked files."
+ (interactive "DKill tree below directory: ")
+ (let ((s-alist dired-subdir-alist) dir m-alist)
+ (while s-alist
+ (setq dir (car (car s-alist))
+ s-alist (cdr s-alist))
+ (if (and (not (string-equal dir dirname))
+ (dired-in-this-tree dir dirname)
+ (dired-goto-subdir dir))
+ (setq m-alist (nconc (dired-kill-subdir remember-marks) m-alist))))
+ m-alist))
+(defun dired-insert-subdir-newpos (new-dir)
+ ;; Find pos for new subdir, according to tree order.
+ ;;(goto-char (point-max))
+ (let ((alist dired-subdir-alist) elt dir pos new-pos)
+ (while alist
+ (setq elt (car alist)
+ alist (cdr alist)
+ dir (car elt)
+ pos (dired-get-subdir-min elt))
+ (if (dired-tree-lessp dir new-dir)
+ ;; Insert NEW-DIR after DIR
+ (setq new-pos (dired-get-subdir-max elt)
+ alist nil)))
+ (goto-char new-pos))
+ ;; want a separating newline between subdirs
+ (or (eobp)
+ (forward-line -1))
+ (insert "\n")
+ (point))
+(defun dired-insert-subdir-del (element)
+ ;; Erase an already present subdir (given by ELEMENT) from buffer.
+ ;; Move to that buffer position. Return a mark-alist.
+ (let ((begin-marker (dired-get-subdir-min element)))
+ (goto-char begin-marker)
+ ;; Are at beginning of subdir (and inside it!). Now determine its end:
+ (goto-char (dired-subdir-max))
+ (or (eobp);; want a separating newline _between_ subdirs:
+ (forward-char -1))
+ (prog1
+ (dired-remember-marks begin-marker (point))
+ (delete-region begin-marker (point)))))
+(defun dired-insert-subdir-doinsert (dirname switches)
+ ;; Insert ls output after point and put point on the correct
+ ;; position for the subdir alist.
+ ;; Return the boundary of the inserted text (as list of BEG and END).
+ (let ((begin (point)) end)
+ (message "Reading directory %s..." dirname)
+ (let ((dired-actual-switches
+ (or switches
+ (dired-replace-in-string "R" "" dired-actual-switches))))
+ (if (equal dirname (car (car (reverse dired-subdir-alist))))
+ ;; top level directory may contain wildcards:
+ (dired-readin-insert dired-directory)
+ (dired-ls dirname dired-actual-switches nil t)))
+ (message "Reading directory %s...done" dirname)
+ (setq end (point-marker))
+ (indent-rigidly begin end 2)
+ ;; call dired-insert-headerline afterwards, as under VMS dired-ls
+ ;; does insert the headerline itself and the insert function just
+ ;; moves point.
+ ;; Need a marker for END as this inserts text.
+ (goto-char begin)
+ (dired-insert-headerline dirname)
+ ;; point is now like in dired-build-subdir-alist
+ (prog1
+ (list begin (marker-position end))
+ (set-marker end nil))))
+(defun dired-insert-subdir-doupdate (dirname elt beg-end)
+ ;; Point is at the correct subdir alist position for ELT,
+ ;; BEG-END is the subdir-region (as list of begin and end).
+ (if elt ; subdir was already present
+ ;; update its position (should actually be unchanged)
+ (set-marker (dired-get-subdir-min elt) (point-marker))
+ (dired-alist-add dirname (point-marker)))
+ ;; The hook may depend on the subdir-alist containing the just
+ ;; inserted subdir, so run it after dired-alist-add:
+ (if dired-after-readin-hook
+ (save-excursion
+ (let ((begin (nth 0 beg-end))
+ (end (nth 1 beg-end)))
+ (goto-char begin)
+ (save-restriction
+ (narrow-to-region begin end)
+ ;; hook may add or delete lines, but the subdir boundary
+ ;; marker floats
+ (run-hooks 'dired-after-readin-hook))))))
+(defun dired-tree-lessp (dir1 dir2)
+ ;; Lexicographic order on pathname components, like `ls -lR':
+ ;; DIR1 < DIR2 iff DIR1 comes *before* DIR2 in an `ls -lR' listing,
+ ;; i.e., iff DIR1 is a (grand)parent dir of DIR2,
+ ;; or DIR1 and DIR2 are in the same parentdir and their last
+ ;; components are string-lessp.
+ ;; Thus ("/usr/" "/usr/bin") and ("/usr/a/" "/usr/b/") are tree-lessp.
+ ;; string-lessp could arguably be replaced by file-newer-than-file-p
+ ;; if dired-actual-switches contained `t'.
+ (setq dir1 (file-name-as-directory dir1)
+ dir2 (file-name-as-directory dir2))
+ (let ((components-1 (dired-split "/" dir1))
+ (components-2 (dired-split "/" dir2)))
+ (while (and components-1
+ components-2
+ (equal (car components-1) (car components-2)))
+ (setq components-1 (cdr components-1)
+ components-2 (cdr components-2)))
+ (let ((c1 (car components-1))
+ (c2 (car components-2)))
+ (cond ((and c1 c2)
+ (string-lessp c1 c2))
+ ((and (null c1) (null c2))
+ nil) ; they are equal, not lessp
+ ((null c1) ; c2 is a subdir of c1: c1<c2
+ t)
+ ((null c2) ; c1 is a subdir of c2: c1>c2
+ nil)
+ (t (error "This can't happen"))))))
+;; There should be a builtin split function - inverse to mapconcat.
+(defun dired-split (pat str &optional limit)
+ "Splitting on regexp PAT, turn string STR into a list of substrings.
+Optional third arg LIMIT (>= 1) is a limit to the length of the
+resulting list.
+Thus, if SEP is a regexp that only matches itself,
+ (mapconcat 'identity (dired-split SEP STRING) SEP)
+is always equal to STRING."
+ (let* ((start (string-match pat str))
+ (result (list (substring str 0 start)))
+ (count 1)
+ (end (if start (match-end 0))))
+ (if end ; else nothing left
+ (while (and (or (not (integerp limit))
+ (< count limit))
+ (string-match pat str end))
+ (setq start (match-beginning 0)
+ count (1+ count)
+ result (cons (substring str end start) result)
+ end (match-end 0)
+ start end)
+ ))
+ (if (and (or (not (integerp limit))
+ (< count limit))
+ end) ; else nothing left
+ (setq result
+ (cons (substring str end) result)))
+ (nreverse result)))
+;;; moving by subdirectories
+(defun dired-subdir-index (dir)
+ ;; Return an index into alist for use with nth
+ ;; for the sake of subdir moving commands.
+ (let (found (index 0) (alist dired-subdir-alist))
+ (while alist
+ (if (string= dir (car (car alist)))
+ (setq alist nil found t)
+ (setq alist (cdr alist) index (1+ index))))
+ (if found index nil)))
+(defun dired-next-subdir (arg &optional no-error-if-not-found no-skip)
+ "Go to next subdirectory, regardless of level."
+ ;; Use 0 arg to go to this directory's header line.
+ ;; NO-SKIP prevents moving to end of header line, returning whatever
+ ;; position was found in dired-subdir-alist.
+ (interactive "p")
+ (let ((this-dir (dired-current-directory))
+ pos index)
+ ;; nth with negative arg does not return nil but the first element
+ (setq index (- (dired-subdir-index this-dir) arg))
+ (setq pos (if (>= index 0)
+ (dired-get-subdir-min (nth index dired-subdir-alist))))
+ (if pos
+ (progn
+ (goto-char pos)
+ (or no-skip (skip-chars-forward "^\n\r"))
+ (point))
+ (if no-error-if-not-found
+ nil ; return nil if not found
+ (error "%s directory" (if (> arg 0) "Last" "First"))))))
+(defun dired-prev-subdir (arg &optional no-error-if-not-found no-skip)
+ "Go to previous subdirectory, regardless of level.
+When called interactively and not on a subdir line, go to this subdir's line."
+ ;;(interactive "p")
+ (interactive
+ (list (if current-prefix-arg
+ (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg)
+ ;; if on subdir start already, don't stay there!
+ (if (dired-get-subdir) 1 0))))
+ (dired-next-subdir (- arg) no-error-if-not-found no-skip))
+(defun dired-subdir-min ()
+ (save-excursion
+ (if (not (dired-prev-subdir 0 t t))
+ (error "Not in a subdir!")
+ (point))))
+(defun dired-goto-subdir (dir)
+ "Go to end of header line of DIR in this dired buffer.
+Return value of point on success, otherwise return nil.
+The next char is either \\n, or \\r if DIR is hidden."
+ (interactive
+ (prog1 ; let push-mark display its message
+ (list (expand-file-name
+ (completing-read "Goto in situ directory: " ; prompt
+ dired-subdir-alist ; table
+ nil ; predicate
+ t ; require-match
+ (dired-current-directory))))
+ (push-mark)))
+ (setq dir (file-name-as-directory dir))
+ (let ((elt (assoc dir dired-subdir-alist)))
+ (and elt
+ (goto-char (dired-get-subdir-min elt))
+ ;; dired-subdir-hidden-p and dired-add-entry depend on point being
+ ;; at either \r or \n after this function succeeds.
+ (progn (skip-chars-forward "^\r\n")
+ (point)))))
+(defun dired-mark-subdir-files ()
+ "Mark all files except `.' and `..'."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let ((p-min (dired-subdir-min)))
+ (dired-mark-files-in-region p-min (dired-subdir-max))))
+(defun dired-kill-subdir (&optional remember-marks)
+ "Remove all lines of current subdirectory.
+Lower levels are unaffected."
+ ;; With optional REMEMBER-MARKS, return a mark-alist.
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((beg (dired-subdir-min))
+ (end (dired-subdir-max))
+ buffer-read-only cur-dir)
+ (setq cur-dir (dired-current-directory))
+ (if (equal cur-dir default-directory)
+ (error "Attempt to kill top level directory"))
+ (prog1
+ (if remember-marks (dired-remember-marks beg end))
+ (delete-region beg end)
+ (if (eobp) ; don't leave final blank line
+ (delete-char -1))
+ (dired-unsubdir cur-dir))))
+(defun dired-unsubdir (dir)
+ ;; Remove DIR from the alist
+ (setq dired-subdir-alist
+ (delq (assoc dir dired-subdir-alist) dired-subdir-alist)))
+(defun dired-tree-up (arg)
+ "Go up ARG levels in the dired tree."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (let ((dir (dired-current-directory)))
+ (while (>= arg 1)
+ (setq arg (1- arg)
+ dir (file-name-directory (directory-file-name dir))))
+ ;;(setq dir (expand-file-name dir))
+ (or (dired-goto-subdir dir)
+ (error "Cannot go up to %s - not in this tree." dir))))
+(defun dired-tree-down ()
+ "Go down in the dired tree."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((dir (dired-current-directory)) ; has slash
+ pos case-fold-search) ; filenames are case sensitive
+ (let ((rest (reverse dired-subdir-alist)) elt)
+ (while rest
+ (setq elt (car rest)
+ rest (cdr rest))
+ (if (dired-in-this-tree (directory-file-name (car elt)) dir)
+ (setq rest nil
+ pos (dired-goto-subdir (car elt))))))
+ (if pos
+ (goto-char pos)
+ (error "At the bottom"))))
+;;; hiding
+(defun dired-unhide-subdir ()
+ (let (buffer-read-only)
+ (subst-char-in-region (dired-subdir-min) (dired-subdir-max) ?\r ?\n)))
+(defun dired-hide-check ()
+ (or selective-display
+ (error "selective-display must be t for subdir hiding to work!")))
+(defun dired-subdir-hidden-p (dir)
+ (and selective-display
+ (save-excursion
+ (dired-goto-subdir dir)
+ (looking-at "\r"))))
+(defun dired-hide-subdir (arg)
+ "Hide or unhide the current subdirectory and move to next directory.
+Optional prefix arg is a repeat factor.
+Use \\[dired-hide-all] to (un)hide all directories."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (dired-hide-check)
+ (while (>= (setq arg (1- arg)) 0)
+ (let* ((cur-dir (dired-current-directory))
+ (hidden-p (dired-subdir-hidden-p cur-dir))
+ (elt (assoc cur-dir dired-subdir-alist))
+ (end-pos (1- (dired-get-subdir-max elt)))
+ buffer-read-only)
+ ;; keep header line visible, hide rest
+ (goto-char (dired-get-subdir-min elt))
+ (skip-chars-forward "^\n\r")
+ (if hidden-p
+ (subst-char-in-region (point) end-pos ?\r ?\n)
+ (subst-char-in-region (point) end-pos ?\n ?\r)))
+ (dired-next-subdir 1 t)))
+(defun dired-hide-all (arg)
+ "Hide all subdirectories, leaving only their header lines.
+If there is already something hidden, make everything visible again.
+Use \\[dired-hide-subdir] to (un)hide a particular subdirectory."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (dired-hide-check)
+ (let (buffer-read-only)
+ (if (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (search-forward "\r" nil t))
+ ;; unhide - bombs on \r in filenames
+ (subst-char-in-region (point-min) (point-max) ?\r ?\n)
+ ;; hide
+ (let ((pos (point-max)) ; pos of end of last directory
+ (alist dired-subdir-alist))
+ (while alist ; while there are dirs before pos
+ (subst-char-in-region (dired-get-subdir-min (car alist)) ; pos of prev dir
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char pos) ; current dir
+ ;; we're somewhere on current dir's line
+ (forward-line -1)
+ (point))
+ ?\n ?\r)
+ (setq pos (dired-get-subdir-min (car alist))) ; prev dir gets current dir
+ (setq alist (cdr alist)))))))
+;;;###end dired-ins.el