path: root/etc/survival.tex
diff options
authorKenichi Handa <>2000-08-24 11:42:16 +0000
committerKenichi Handa <>2000-08-24 11:42:16 +0000
commit59f534e9b35ba1d32f5d3d942f6136e4ce519dec (patch)
tree98e32a541d80500e82701ddd6378cd2aebb66e04 /etc/survival.tex
parent85d6400cb7756e9cfc8374967293cb37a010055f (diff)
New file.
Diffstat (limited to 'etc/survival.tex')
1 files changed, 412 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/etc/survival.tex b/etc/survival.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d157eeb03ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/survival.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+% Title: GNU Emacs Survival Card
+% Author: Wlodek Bzyl <>
+% $Revision: 1.8 $
+% $Date: 2000/05/05 22:00:48 $
+%**start of header
+% User interface is `plain.tex' and macros described below
+% \title{CARD TITLE}{for version 21}
+% \section{NAME}
+% optional paragraphs separated with \askip amount of vertical space
+% \key{KEY-NAME} description of key or
+% \mkey{M-x LONG-LISP-NAME} description of Elisp function
+% \kbd{ARG} -- argument is typed literally
+ \errmessage{This file requires `plain' format to be typeset correctly}
+ \endinput
+% Copyright (c) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+% This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+% GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+% the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+% any later version.
+% GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+% along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+% the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+% Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ \vbox{\smallfont\baselineskip=0.8\baselineskip\raggedcenter
+ Copyright \year\ Free Software Foundation, Inc.\break
+ Version \versionnumber{} for GNU Emacs 21, April 2000\break
+ Project W{\l}odek Bzyl (
+ Permission is granted to make and distribute copies of
+ this card provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
+ are preserved on all copies.\par}}
+\hsize 3.2in
+\vsize 7.95in
+\font\titlefont=cmss10 scaled 1200
+\def\rm{\eightrm} \rm
+\newdimen\intercolumnskip % horizontal space between columns
+% The TeXbook, p. 257
+\let\lr=L \newbox\leftcolumn
+\output={\if L\lr
+ \global\setbox\leftcolumn\columnbox \global\let\lr=R
+ \else
+ \doubleformat \global\let\lr=L\fi}
+ \leftline{\box\leftcolumn\hskip\intercolumnskip\columnbox}
+ \makefootline}
+ \advancepageno}
+ \if R\lr \null\vfil\eject\fi
+ \end}
+\outer\def\title#1#2{{\titlefont\centerline{#1}}\vskip 1ex plus 0.5ex
+ \centerline{\ss#2}
+ \vskip2\baselineskip}
+ \bskip
+ \leftline{\headingfont #1}
+ \askip}
+\def\bskip{\vskip 2.5ex plus 0.25ex }
+\def\askip{\vskip 0.75ex plus 0.25ex}
+\newdimen\defwidth \defwidth=0.25\hsize
+\def\textindent#1{\noindent\llap{\hbox to \defwidth{\tt#1\hfil}}\ignorespaces}
+\def\kbd#{\bgroup\tt \let\next= }
+\newskip\raggedparfill \raggedparfill=0pt plus 1fil
+ {\hyphenpenalty10000\exhyphenpenalty10000\pretolerance10000}
+ {\spaceskip=0.3333em\relax
+ \xspaceskip=0.5em\relax}
+ {\raggedstretch=6em
+ \nohyphens
+ \rightskip=0pt plus \raggedstretch
+ \raggedspaces
+ \parfillskip=\raggedparfill
+ \relax}
+ {\raggedstretch=6em
+ \nohyphens
+ \rightskip=0pt plus \raggedstretch
+ \leftskip=\rightskip
+ \raggedspaces
+ \parfillskip=0pt
+ \relax}
+\parindent 0pt
+\hoffset -0.2in
+%\voffset 0.2in
+%**end of header
+\title{GNU\ \ Emacs\ \ Survival\ \ Card}{for version 21}
+In the following, \kbd{C-z} means hit the `\kbd{z}' key while
+holding down the {\it Ctrl}\ \ key. \kbd{M-z} means hit the
+`\kbd{z}' key while hitting the {\it Meta\/} (labeled {\it Alt\/}
+on some keyboards) or after hitting {\it Esc\/} key.
+\section{Running Emacs}
+To enter GNU Emacs, just type its name: \kbd{emacs}.
+Emacs divides the frame into several areas:
+ menu line,
+ buffer area with the edited text,
+ mode line describing the buffer in the window above it,
+ and a minibuffer/echo area in the last line.
+\key{C-x C-c} quit Emacs
+\key{C-x C-f} edit file; this command uses the minibuffer to read
+ the file name; use this to create new files by entering the name
+ of the new file
+\key{C-x C-s} save the file
+\key{C-x k} kill a buffer
+\key{C-g} in most context: cancel, stop, abort partially typed or
+ executing command
+\key{C-x u} undo
+\section{Moving About}
+\key{C-l} scroll current line to center of window
+\key{C-x b} switch to another buffer
+\key{M-<} move to beginning of buffer
+\key{M->} move to end of buffer
+\key{M-x goto-line} go to a given line number
+\section{Multiple Windows}
+\key{C-x 0} remove the current window from the display
+\key{C-x 1} make active window the only window
+\key{C-x 2} split window horizontally
+\key{C-x 3} split window vertically
+\key{C-x o} move to other window
+Emacs defines a `region' as the space between the {\it mark\/} and
+the {\it point}. A mark is set with \kbd{C-{\it space}}.
+The point is at the cursor position.
+\key{M-h} mark entire paragraph
+\key{C-x h} mark entire buffer
+\section{Killing and Copying}
+\key{C-w} kill region
+\key{M-w} copy region to kill-ring
+\key{C-k} kill from the cursor all the way to the end of the line
+\key{M-DEL} kill word
+\key{C-y} yank back the last kill (\kbd{C-w C-y} combination could be
+ used to move text around)
+\key{M-y} replace last yank with previous kill
+\key{C-s} search for a string
+\key{C-r} search for a string backwards
+\key{RET} quit searching
+\key{M-C-s} regular expression search
+\key{M-C-r} reverse regular expression search
+Use \kbd{C-s} or \kbd{C-r} again to repeat the search in either direction.
+Tags tables files record locations of function and
+procedure definitions, global variables, data types and anything
+else convenient. To create a tags table file, type
+`{\tt etags} {\it input\_files}' as a shell command.
+\key{M-.} find a definition
+\key{C-u M-.} find next occurrence of definition
+\key{M-*} pop back to where \kbd{M-.} was last invoked
+\mkey{M-x tags-query-replace} run query-replace on all files
+ recorded in tags table
+\key{M-,} continue last tags search or query-replace
+\key{M-x compile} compile code in active window
+\key{C-c C-c} go to the next compiler error, when in
+ the compile window or
+\key{C-x `} when in the window with source code
+\section{Dired, the Directory Editor}
+\key{C-x d} invoke Dired
+\key{d} flag this file for deletion
+\key{\~{}} flag all backup files for deletion
+\key{u} remove deletion flag
+\key{x} delete the files flagged for deletion
+\key{C} copy file
+\key{g} update the Dired buffer
+\key{f} visit the file described on the current line
+\key{s} switch between alphabetical date/time order
+\section{Reading and Sending Mail}
+\key{M-x rmail} start reading mail
+\key{q} quit reading mail
+\key{h} show headers
+\key{d} mark the current message for deletion
+\key{x} remove all messages marked for deletion
+\key{C-x m} begin composing a message
+\key{C-c C-c} send the message and switch to another buffer
+\key{C-c C-f C-c} move to the `CC' header field, creating one
+ if there is none
+\key{M-q} fill paragraph
+\key{M-/} expand previous word dynamically
+\key{C-z} iconify (suspend) Emacs when running it under X or
+ shell, respectively
+\mkey{M-x revert-buffer} replace the text being edited with the
+ text of the file on disk
+\section{Query Replace}
+\key{M-\%} interactively search and replace
+\key{M-C-\%} using regular expressions
+Valid responses in query-replace mode are
+\key{SPC} replace this one, go on to next
+\key{,} replace this one, don't move
+\key{DEL} skip to next without replacing
+\key{!} replace all remaining matches
+\key{\^{}} back up to the previous match
+\key{RET} exit query-replace
+\key{C-r} enter recursive edit (\kbd{M-C-c} to exit)
+\section{Regular Expressions}
+\key{. {\rm(dot)}} any single character except a newline
+\key{*} zero or more repeats
+\key{+} one or more repeats
+\key{?} zero or one repeat
+\key{[$\ldots$]} denotes a class of character to match
+\key{[\^{}$\ldots$]} negates the class
+\key{\\{\it c}} quote characters otherwise having a special
+ meaning in regular expressions
+\key{$\ldots$\\|$\ldots$\\|$\ldots$} matches one of
+ the alternatives (``or'')
+\key{\\( $\ldots$ \\)} groups a series of pattern elements to
+ a single element
+\key{\\{\it n}} same text as {\it n\/}th group
+\key{\^{}} matches at line beginning
+\key{\$} matches at line end
+\key{\\w} matches word-syntax character
+\key{\\W} matches non-word-syntax character
+\key{\\<} matches at word beginning
+\key{\\>} matches at word end
+\key{\\b} matches at word break
+\key{\\B} matches at non-word break
+\key{C-x r s} save region in register
+\key{C-x r i} insert register contents into buffer
+\key{C-x r SPC} save value of point in register
+\key{C-x r j} jump to point saved in register
+\key{C-x r r} copy rectangle to register
+\key{C-x r k} kill rectangle
+\key{C-x r y} yank rectangle
+\key{C-x r t} prefix each line with a string
+\key{C-x r o} open rectangle, shifting text right
+\key{C-x r c} blank out rectangle
+\key{M-x shell} start a shell within Emacs
+\key{M-!} execute a shell command
+\key{M-|} run a shell command on the region
+\key{C-u M-|} filter region through a shell command
+\section{Spelling Check}
+\key{M-\$} check spelling of word at the cursor
+\mkey{M-x ispell-region} check spelling of all words in region
+\mkey{M-x ispell-buffer} check spelling of entire buffer
+\section{International Character Sets}
+\key{C-x RET C-\\} select and activate input method for
+ the current buffer
+\key{C-\\} enable or disable input method
+\mkey{M-x list-input-methods} show all input methods
+\mkey{M-x set-language-environment} specify principal language
+\key{C-x RET c} set coding system for next command
+\mkey{M-x find-file-literally} visit file with no conversion
+ of any kind
+\mkey{M-x list-coding-systems} show all coding systems
+\mkey{M-x prefer-coding-system} choose preferred coding system
+\section{Keyboard Macros}
+\key{C-x (} start defining a keyboard macro
+\key{C-x )} end keyboard macro definition
+\key{C-x e} execute last-defined keyboard macro
+\key{C-u C-x (} append to last keyboard macro
+\mkey{M-x name-last-kbd-macro} name last keyboard macro
+\section{Simple Customization}
+\key{M-x customize} customize variables and faces
+\section{Getting Help}
+Emacs does command completion for you. Typing \kbd{M-x}
+{\it tab\/} or {\it space\/} gives a list of Emacs commands.
+\key{C-h} Emacs help
+\key{C-h t} run the Emacs tutorial
+\key{C-h i} enter Info, the documentation browser
+\key{C-h a} show commands matching a string (apropos)
+\key{C-h k} display documentation of the function invoked by
+ keystroke
+Emacs gets into different {\it modes}, each of which customizes
+Emacs for editing text of a particular sort. The mode line
+contains names of the current modes, in parentheses.
+\key{C-h m} get mode-specific information
+% Local variables:
+% compile-command: "tex survival"
+% End: