diff options
authorStefan Monnier <>2017-12-26 00:08:48 -0500
committerStefan Monnier <>2017-12-26 00:08:48 -0500
commit23ecd63ba498aa616e2a768090bca360e6d32309 (patch)
parent336932aaca77537bf0cf9d6d254827957166d6e9 (diff)
* lisp/mail/footnote.el: Reduce redundancy in roman&hebrew defs
(footnote-roman-lower-regexp, footnote-roman-upper-regexp) (footnote-roman-upper-list): Auto-generate from footnote-roman-lower-list. (footnote-hebrew-numeric-regex): Auto-generate from footnote-hebrew-numeric. (footnote--hebrew-numeric): Simplify. (footnote-hebrew-symbolic-regex): Generate from footnote-hebrew-symbolic.
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/mail/footnote.el b/lisp/mail/footnote.el
index 2448211a238..121e771c550 100644
--- a/lisp/mail/footnote.el
+++ b/lisp/mail/footnote.el
@@ -245,7 +245,8 @@ Wrapping around the alphabet implies successive repetitions of letters."
(50 . "l") (100 . "c") (500 . "d") (1000 . "m"))
"List of roman numerals with their values.")
-(defconst footnote-roman-lower-regexp "[ivxlcdm]+"
+(defconst footnote-roman-lower-regexp
+ (concat "[" (mapconcat #'cdr footnote-roman-lower-list "") "]+")
"Regexp of roman numerals.")
(defun footnote--roman-lower (n)
@@ -254,11 +255,11 @@ Wrapping around the alphabet implies successive repetitions of letters."
(defconst footnote-roman-upper-list
- '((1 . "I") (5 . "V") (10 . "X")
- (50 . "L") (100 . "C") (500 . "D") (1000 . "M"))
+ (mapcar (lambda (x) (cons (car x) (upcase (cdr x))))
+ footnote-roman-lower-list)
"List of roman numerals with their values.")
-(defconst footnote-roman-upper-regexp "[IVXLCDM]+"
+(defconst footnote-roman-upper-regexp (upcase footnote-roman-lower-regexp)
"Regexp of roman numerals. Not complete")
(defun footnote--roman-upper (n)
@@ -355,14 +356,15 @@ Use Unicode characters for footnoting."
;; Hebrew
-(defconst footnote-hebrew-numeric-regex "[אבגדהוזחטיכלמנסעפצקרשת']+")
-; (defconst footnote-hebrew-numeric-regex "\\([אבגדהוזחט]'\\)?\\(ת\\)?\\(ת\\)?\\([קרשת]\\)?\\([טיכלמנסעפצ]\\)?\\([אבגדהוזחט]\\)?")
(defconst footnote-hebrew-numeric
("א" "ב" "ג" "ד" "ה" "ו" "ז" "ח" "ט")
("י" "כ" "ל" "מ" "נ" "ס" "ע" "פ" "צ")
- ("ק" "ר" "ש" "ת" "תק" "תר"" תש" "תת" "תתק")))
+ ("ק" "ר" "ש" "ת" "תק" "תר" "תש" "תת" "תתק")))
+(defconst footnote-hebrew-numeric-regex
+ (concat "[" (apply #'concat (apply #'append footnote-hebrew-numeric)) "']+"))
+;; (defconst footnote-hebrew-numeric-regex "\\([אבגדהוזחט]'\\)?\\(ת\\)?\\(ת\\)?\\([קרשת]\\)?\\([טיכלמנסעפצ]\\)?\\([אבגדהוזחט]\\)?")
(defun footnote--hebrew-numeric (n)
"Supports 9999 footnotes, then rolls over."
@@ -371,25 +373,27 @@ Use Unicode characters for footnoting."
(hundreds (/ (mod n 1000) 100))
(tens (/ (mod n 100) 10))
(units (mod n 10))
- (special (if (not (= tens 1)) nil
- (or (when (= units 5) "טו")
- (when (= units 6) "טז")))))
+ (special (cond
+ ((not (= tens 1)) nil)
+ ((= units 5) "טו")
+ ((= units 6) "טז"))))
(when (/= 0 thousands)
(concat (nth (1- thousands) (nth 0 footnote-hebrew-numeric)) "'"))
(when (/= 0 hundreds)
(nth (1- hundreds) (nth 2 footnote-hebrew-numeric)))
- (if special special
- (concat
- (when (/= 0 tens) (nth (1- tens) (nth 1 footnote-hebrew-numeric)))
- (when (/= 0 units) (nth (1- units) (nth 0 footnote-hebrew-numeric))))))))
-(defconst footnote-hebrew-symbolic-regex "[אבגדהוזחטיכלמנסעפצקרשת]")
+ (or special
+ (concat
+ (when (/= 0 tens) (nth (1- tens) (nth 1 footnote-hebrew-numeric)))
+ (when (/= 0 units) (nth (1- units) (nth 0 footnote-hebrew-numeric))))))))
(defconst footnote-hebrew-symbolic
"א" "ב" "ג" "ד" "ה" "ו" "ז" "ח" "ט" "י" "כ" "ל" "מ" "נ" "ס" "ע" "פ" "צ" "ק" "ר" "ש" "ת"))
+(defconst footnote-hebrew-symbolic-regex
+ (concat "[" (apply #'concat footnote-hebrew-symbolic) "]"))
(defun footnote--hebrew-symbolic (n)
"Only 22 elements, per the style of eg. 'פירוש שפתי חכמים על רש״י'.
Proceeds from `י' to `כ', from `צ' to `ק'. After `ת', rolls over to `א'."
@@ -409,7 +413,11 @@ Proceeds from `י' to `כ', from `צ' to `ק'. After `ת', rolls over to `א'."
"Styles of footnote tags available.
By default, Arabic numbers, English letters, Roman Numerals,
Latin and Unicode superscript characters, and Hebrew numerals
-are available.")
+are available.
+Each element of the list should be of the form (NAME FUNCTION REGEXP)
+where NAME is a symbol, FUNCTION takes a footnote number and
+returns the corresponding representation in that style as a string,
+and REGEXP should be a regexp that matches any output of FUNCTION.")
(defcustom footnote-style 'numeric
"Default style used for footnoting.