diff options
authorRichard M. Stallman <>1994-12-10 09:15:58 +0000
committerRichard M. Stallman <>1994-12-10 09:15:58 +0000
commit85f697b9f688918833d49b63f8c967e441f1eebb (patch)
parent3198bbc662386e93023caecdd33ec491424ec598 (diff)
(vc-dir-all-files): New function.
(vc-directory): Show just one directory by default. Read dir name in minibuffer. (vc-directory-18): Deleted.
1 files changed, 37 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/vc.el b/lisp/vc.el
index f15bbdb927b..b80f632a413 100644
--- a/lisp/vc.el
+++ b/lisp/vc.el
@@ -1048,29 +1048,37 @@ on a buffer attached to the file named in the current Dired buffer line."
(replace-match (concat "\\1" rep "\\2") t)))
-;;; Note in Emacs 18 the following defun gets overridden
-;;; with the symbol 'vc-directory-18. See below.
-(defun vc-directory (verbose)
- "Show version-control status of all files under the current directory."
- (interactive "P")
- (let (nonempty
- (dl (length default-directory))
- (filelist nil) (userlist nil)
- dired-buf
- dired-buf-mod-count)
- (vc-file-tree-walk
- (function (lambda (f)
- (if (vc-registered f)
- (let ((user (vc-locking-user f)))
- (and (or verbose user)
- (setq filelist (cons (substring f dl) filelist))
- (setq userlist (cons user userlist))))))))
+(defun vc-directory (dir verbose &optional nested)
+ "Show version-control status of all files in the directory DIR.
+If the second argument VERBOSE is non-nil, show all files;
+otherwise show only files that current locked in the version control system.
+Interactively, supply a prefix arg to make VERBOSE non-nil.
+If the optional third argument NESTED is non-nil,
+scan the entire tree of subdirectories of the current directory."
+ (interactive "FVC status of directory: \nP")
+ (let* (nonempty
+ (dl (length dir))
+ (filelist nil) (userlist nil)
+ dired-buf
+ dired-buf-mod-count
+ (subfunction
+ (function (lambda (f)
+ (if (vc-registered f)
+ (let ((user (vc-locking-user f)))
+ (and (or verbose user)
+ (setq filelist (cons (substring f dl) filelist))
+ (setq userlist (cons user userlist)))))))))
+ (let ((default-directory dir))
+ (if nested
+ (vc-file-tree-walk subfunction)
+ (vc-dir-all-files subfunction)))
;; This uses a semi-documented feature of dired; giving a switch
;; argument forces the buffer to refresh each time.
- (cons default-directory (nreverse filelist))
+ (cons dir (nreverse filelist))
(setq dired-buf (current-buffer))
(setq nonempty (not (zerop (buffer-size)))))
@@ -1095,36 +1103,6 @@ on a buffer attached to the file named in the current Dired buffer line."
(if verbose "registered" "locked") default-directory))
-;; Emacs 18 version
-(defun vc-directory-18 (verbose)
- "Show version-control status of all files under the current directory."
- (interactive "P")
- (let (nonempty (dir default-directory))
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*vc-status*"))
- (erase-buffer)
- (cd dir)
- (vc-file-tree-walk
- (function (lambda (f)
- (if (vc-registered f)
- (let ((user (vc-locking-user f)))
- (if (or user verbose)
- (insert (format
- "%s %s\n"
- (concat user) f))))))))
- (setq nonempty (not (zerop (buffer-size)))))
- (if nonempty
- (progn
- (pop-to-buffer "*vc-status*" t)
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (shrink-window-if-larger-than-buffer)))
- (message "No files are currently %s under %s"
- (if verbose "registered" "locked") default-directory))
- )
-(or (boundp 'minor-mode-map-alist)
- (fset 'vc-directory 'vc-directory-18))
; Emacs 18 also lacks these.
(or (boundp 'compilation-old-error-list)
(setq compilation-old-error-list nil))
@@ -2069,6 +2047,17 @@ Invoke FUNC f ARGS on each non-directory file f underneath it."
(vc-file-tree-walk-internal dirf func args))))))
(directory-files dir)))))
+(defun vc-dir-all-files (func &rest args)
+ "Invoke FUNC f ARGS on each regular file f in default directory."
+ (let ((dir default-directory))
+ (message "Scanning directory %s..." dir)
+ (mapcar (function (lambda (f)
+ (let ((dirf (expand-file-name f dir)))
+ (if (file-regular-p dirf)
+ (apply func dirf args)))))
+ (directory-files dir))
+ (message "Scanning directory %s...done" dir)))
(provide 'vc)