diff options
authorSimon Steinbeiss <>2014-08-12 01:29:12 +0200
committerSimon Steinbeiss <>2014-08-12 01:29:12 +0200
commit47ccba3951c2caad101b744ddf3be87137e0fe4f (patch)
parente7eee6175ea312be11a0c61d0ab0ceaaf1f2eb30 (diff)
New icons for brightness notifications and power-manager panel-plugin
7 files changed, 387 insertions, 124 deletions
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#Directory list
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diff --git a/elementary-xfce-dark/panel/32/xfpm-brightness-lcd.svg b/elementary-xfce-dark/panel/32/xfpm-brightness-lcd.svg
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