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+# URL syntax and their use in curl
+## Specifications
+The official "URL syntax" is primarily defined in these two different
+ - [RFC 3986]( (although URL is called "URI" in there)
+ - [The WHATWG URL Specification](
+RFC 3986 is the earlier one, and curl has always tried to adhere to that one
+(since it shipped in January 2005).
+The WHATWG URL spec was written later, is incompatible with the RFC 3986 and
+changes over time.
+## Variations
+URL parsers as implemented in browsers, libraries and tools usually opt to
+support one of the mentioned specifications. Bugs, differences in
+interpretations and the moving nature of the WHATWG spec does however make it
+very unlikely that multiple parsers treat URLs the exact same way!
+## Security
+Due to the inherent differences between URL parser implementations, it is
+considered a security risk to mix different implementations and assume the
+same behavior!
+For example, if you use one parser to check if a URL uses a good host name or
+the correct auth field, and then pass on that same URL to a *second* parser,
+there will always be a risk it treats the same URL differently. There is no
+right and wrong in URL land, only differences of opinions.
+libcurl offers a separate API to its URL parser for among others, this reason.
+Applications may at times find it convenient to allow users to specify URLs
+for various purposes and that string would then end up fed to curl. Getting a
+URL from an external untrusted party and using it with curl brings several
+security concerns:
+1. If you have an application that runs as or in a server application, getting
+ an unfiltered URL can trick your application to access a local resource
+ instead of a remote. Protecting yourself against localhost accesses is very
+ hard when accepting user provided URLs.
+2. Such custom URLs can access other ports than you planned as port numbers
+ are part of the regular URL format. The combination of a local host and a
+ custom port number can allow external users to play tricks with your local
+ services.
+3. Such a URL might use other schemes than you thought of or planned for.
+## "RFC3986 plus"
+curl recognizes a URL syntax that we call "RFC 3986 plus". It is grounded on
+the well established RFC 3986 to make sure previously written command lines and
+curl using scripts will remain working.
+curl's URL parser allows a few deviations from the spec in order to
+inter-operate better with URLs that appear in the wild.
+### spaces
+In particular `Location:` headers that indicate to the client where a resource
+has been redirected to, sometimes contain spaces. This is a violation of RFC
+3986 but is fine in the WHATWG spec. curl handles these by re-encoding them to
+### non-ASCII
+Byte values in a provided URL that are outside of the printable ASCII range
+are percent-encoded by curl.
+### multiple slashes
+An absolute URL always starts with a "scheme" followed by a colon. For all the
+schemes curl supports, the colon must be followed by two slashes according to
+RFC 3986 but not according to the WHATWG spec - which allows one to infinity
+curl allows one, two or three slashes after the colon to still be considered a
+valid URL.
+### "scheme-less"
+curl supports "URLs" that do not start with a scheme. This is not supported by
+any of the specifications. This is a shortcut to entering URLs that was
+supported by browsers early on and has been mimicked by curl.
+Based on what the host name starts with, curl will "guess" what protocol to
+ - `ftp.` means FTP
+ - `dict.` means DICT
+ - `ldap.` means LDAP
+ - `imap.` means IMAP
+ - `smtp.` means SMTP
+ - `pop3.` means POP3
+ - all other means HTTP
+### globbing letters
+The curl command line tool supports "globbing" of URLs. It means that you can
+create ranges and lists using `[N-M]` and `{one,two,three}` sequences. The
+letters used for this (`[]{}`) are reserved in RFC 3986 and can therefore not
+legitimately be part of such a URL.
+They are however not reserved or special in the WHATWG specification, so
+globbing can mess up such URLs. Globbing can be turned off for such occasions
+(using `--globoff`).
+# URL syntax details
+A URL may consist of the following components - many of them are optional:
+ [scheme][divider][userinfo][hostname][port number][path][query][fragment]
+Each component is separated from the following component with a divider
+character or string.
+Which in an example could look like
+## Scheme
+The scheme specifies the protocol to use. A curl build can support a few or
+many different schemes. You can limit what schemes curl should acccept.
+## Userinfo
+The userinfo field can be used to set user name and password for this
+authentication purposes in this transfer. The use of this field is discouraged
+since it often means passing around the password in plain text and is thus a
+security risk.
+URLs for IMAP, POP3 and SMTP also support *login options* as part of the
+userinfo field. They're provided as a semicolon after the password and then
+the options.
+## Hostname
+The hostname part of the URL contains the address of the server that you want
+to connect to. This can be the fully qualified domain name of the server, the
+local network name of the machine on your network or the IP address of the
+server or machine represented by either an IPv4 or IPv6 address (within
+brackets). For example:
+ http://hostname/
+ http://[2001:1890:1112:1::20]/
+If curl was built with International Domain Name (IDN) support, it can also
+handle host names using non-ASCII characters.
+## Port number
+If there's a colon after the hostname, that should be followed by the port
+number to use. 1 - 65535. curl also supports a blank port number field - but
+only if the URL starts with a scheme.
+# Scheme specific behaviors
+## FTP
+The path part of an FTP request specifies the file to retrieve and from what
+directory. If the file part is omitted then libcurl downloads the directory
+listing for the directory specified. If the directory is omitted then the
+directory listing for the root / home directory will be returned.
+FTP servers typically put the user in its "home directory" after login, which
+then differs between users. To explicitly specify the root directory of an FTP
+server start the path with double slash `//` or `/%2f` (2F is the hexadecimal
+value of the ascii code for the slash).
+## FILE
+When a `FILE://` URL is accessed on Windows systems, it can be crafted in a
+way so that Windows attempts to connect to a (remote) machine when curl wants
+to read or write such a path.
+curl only allows the hostname part of a FILE URL to be one out of these three
+alternatives: `localhost`, `` or blank ("", zero characters).
+Anything else will make curl fail to parse the URL.
+On Windows, curl accepts that the FILE URL's path starts with a "drive
+letter". That's a single letter `a` to `z` followed by a colon or a pipe
+character (`|`).
+## IMAP
+The path part of an IMAP request not only specifies the mailbox to list or
+select, but can also be used to check the `UIDVALIDITY` of the mailbox, to
+specify the `UID`, `SECTION` and `PARTIAL` octets of the message to fetch and
+to specify what messages to search for.
+A top level folder list:
+ imap://
+A folder list on the user's inbox:
+ imap://
+Select the user's inbox and fetch message with uid = 1:
+ imap://;UID=1
+Select the user's inbox and fetch the first message in the mail box:
+ imap://;MAILINDEX=1
+Select the user's inbox, check the `UIDVALIDITY` of the mailbox is 50 and
+fetch message 2 if it is:
+ imap://;UIDVALIDITY=50/;UID=2
+Select the user's inbox and fetch the text portion of message 3:
+ imap://;UID=3/;SECTION=TEXT
+Select the user's inbox and fetch the first 1024 octets of message 4:
+ imap://;UID=4/;PARTIAL=0.1024
+Select the user's inbox and check for NEW messages:
+ imap://
+Select the user's inbox and search for messages containing "shadows" in the
+subject line:
+ imap://
+For more information about the individual components of an IMAP URL please see
+RFC 5092.
+## LDAP
+The path part of a LDAP request can be used to specify the: Distinguished
+Name, Attributes, Scope, Filter and Extension for a LDAP search. Each field is
+separated by a question mark and when that field is not required an empty
+string with the question mark separator should be included.
+Search for the DN as `My Organisation`:
+ ldap://
+the same search but will only return postalAddress attributes:
+ ldap://
+Seearch for an empty DN and request information about the
+`rootDomainNamingContext` attribute for an Active Directory server:
+ ldap://
+For more information about the individual components of a LDAP URL please
+see RFC4516.
+## POP3
+The path part of a POP3 request specifies the message ID to retrieve. If the
+ID is not specified then a list of waiting messages is returned instead.
+## SCP
+The path part of an SCP URL specifies the path and file to retrieve or
+upload. The file is taken as an absolute path from the root directory on the
+To specify a path relative to the user's home directory on the server, prepend
+`~/` to the path portion.
+## SFTP
+The path part of an SFTP URL specifies the file to retrieve or upload. If the
+path ends with a slash (`/`) then a directory listing is returned instead of a
+file. If the path is omitted entirely then the directory listing for the root
+/ home directory will be returned.
+## SMB
+The path part of a SMB request specifies the file to retrieve and from what
+share and directory or the share to upload to and as such, may not be omitted.
+If the user name is embedded in the URL then it must contain the domain name
+and as such, the backslash must be URL encoded as %2f.
+curl supports SMB version 1 (only)
+## SMTP
+The path part of a SMTP request specifies the host name to present during
+communication with the mail server. If the path is omitted then libcurl will
+attempt to resolve the local computer's host name. However, this may not
+return the fully qualified domain name that is required by some mail servers
+and specifying this path allows you to set an alternative name, such as your
+machine's fully qualified domain name, which you might have obtained from an
+external function such as gethostname or getaddrinfo.
+## RTMP
+There's no official URL spec for RTMP so libcurl uses the URL syntax supported
+by the underlying librtmp library. It has a syntax where it wants a
+traditional URL, followed by a space and a series of space-separated
+`name=value` pairs.
+While space is not typically a "legal" letter, libcurl accepts them. When a
+user wants to pass in a `#` (hash) character it will be treated as a fragment
+and get cut off by libcurl if provided literally. You will instead have to
+escape it by providing it as backslash and its ASCII value in hexadecimal: