path: root/projects/generate.bat
diff options
authorSteve Holme <>2015-08-09 17:59:31 +0100
committerSteve Holme <>2015-08-09 18:02:53 +0100
commitcde447217f2d63a911cbfeb347da76546db84f5d (patch)
tree9b369528a0fbbf494b8c02e4378aa1db0a333784 /projects/generate.bat
parent9d29afdfe34691605387763ed64bf8f38b77cff6 (diff)
generate.bat: Use buildconf.bat for prerequisite file generation
Diffstat (limited to 'projects/generate.bat')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 86 deletions
diff --git a/projects/generate.bat b/projects/generate.bat
index 01e62a53c..3091e72c9 100644
--- a/projects/generate.bat
+++ b/projects/generate.bat
@@ -46,18 +46,6 @@ rem If you need to set the errorlevel do this instead: CALL :seterr [#]
rem Check we are running from a curl git repository
if not exist ..\GIT-INFO goto norepo
- rem Detect programs. HAVE_<PROGNAME>
- rem When not found the variable is set undefined. The undefined pattern
- rem allows for statements like "if not defined HAVE_PERL (command)"
- groff --version <NUL 1>NUL 2>&1
- if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 0 (set HAVE_GROFF=Y) else (set HAVE_GROFF=)
- nroff --version <NUL 1>NUL 2>&1
- if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 0 (set HAVE_NROFF=Y) else (set HAVE_NROFF=)
- perl --version <NUL 1>NUL 2>&1
- if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 0 (set HAVE_PERL=Y) else (set HAVE_PERL=)
- gzip --version <NUL 1>NUL 2>&1
- if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 0 (set HAVE_GZIP=Y) else (set HAVE_GZIP=)
if "%~1" == "" goto start
@@ -90,16 +78,14 @@ rem If you need to set the errorlevel do this instead: CALL :seterr [#]
) else (
goto unknown
shift & goto parseArgs
if "%MODE%" == "GENERATE" (
- echo.
- echo Generating prerequisite files
- call :gen_curlbuild
- if errorlevel 1 goto nogencurlbuild
- call :gen_hugehelp
- if errorlevel 1 goto nogenhugehelp
+ call ..\buildconf
+ ) else if "%VERSION%" == "PRE" (
+ call ..\buildconf -clean
) else if "%VERSION%" == "ALL" (
call ..\buildconf -clean
@@ -394,64 +380,6 @@ rem
exit /B
-rem CALL this function to generate ..\src\tool_hugehelp.c
-rem Returns exit code 0 on success or 1 on failure.
- setlocal
- set LC_ALL=C
- set ROFFCMD=
- if defined HAVE_PERL (
- if defined HAVE_GROFF (
- set ROFFCMD=groff -mtty-char -Tascii -P-c -man
- ) else if defined HAVE_NROFF (
- set ROFFCMD=nroff -c -Tascii -man
- )
- )
- echo * %CD%\..\src\tool_hugehelp.c
- echo #include "tool_setup.h"> ..\src\tool_hugehelp.c
- echo #include "tool_hugehelp.h">> ..\src\tool_hugehelp.c
- if defined ROFFCMD (
- if defined HAVE_GZIP (
- echo #ifndef HAVE_LIBZ>> ..\src\tool_hugehelp.c
- )
- %ROFFCMD% ..\docs\curl.1 2>NUL | perl ..\src\ ..\docs\MANUAL >> ..\src\tool_hugehelp.c
- if defined HAVE_GZIP (
- echo #else>> ..\src\tool_hugehelp.c
- %ROFFCMD% ..\docs\curl.1 2>NUL | perl ..\src\ -c ..\docs\MANUAL >> ..\src\tool_hugehelp.c
- echo #endif /^* HAVE_LIBZ ^*/>> ..\src\tool_hugehelp.c
- )
- ) else (
- echo.
- echo Warning: The curl manual could not be integrated in the source. This means when
- echo you build curl the manual will not be available (curl --man^). Integration of
- echo the manual is not required and a summary of the options will still be available
- echo (curl --help^). To integrate the manual your PATH is required to have
- echo groff/nroff, perl and optionally gzip for compression.
- echo.
- echo void hugehelp(void^)>> ..\src\tool_hugehelp.c
- echo #ifdef USE_MANUAL>> ..\src\tool_hugehelp.c
- echo { fputs("built-in manual not included\n", stdout^); }>> ..\src\tool_hugehelp.c
- echo #else>> ..\src\tool_hugehelp.c
- echo {}>> ..\src\tool_hugehelp.c
- echo #endif>> ..\src\tool_hugehelp.c
- )
- findstr "/C:void hugehelp(void)" ..\src\tool_hugehelp.c 1>NUL 2>&1
- if %ERRORLEVEL% neq 0 (
- exit /B 1
- )
- exit /B 0
-rem CALL this function to generate ..\include\curl\curlbuild.h
-rem Returns exit code 0 on success or 1 on failure.
- setlocal
- echo * %CD%\..\include\curl\curlbuild.h
- copy /y ..\include\curl\curlbuild.h.dist ..\include\curl\curlbuild.h 1>NUL
- if %ERRORLEVEL% neq 0 (
- exit /B 1
- )
- exit /B 0
rem Display the help
@@ -492,16 +420,6 @@ rem Returns exit code 0 on success or 1 on failure.
echo Error: This batch file should only be used from a curl git repository
goto error
- echo.
- echo Error: Unable to generate ..\include\curl\curlbuild.h
- goto error
- echo.
- echo Error: Unable to generate ..\src\tool_hugehelp.c
- goto error
rem Set the caller's errorlevel.
rem %1[opt]: Errorlevel as integer.