diff options
authorPaul J. Davis <>2019-06-18 15:32:13 -0500
committerPaul J. Davis <>2019-07-31 11:55:30 -0500
commit40561bc83ac171f24cd9adace464112512ec08da (patch)
parent0c2d674d6aff8fe6d3458db65c14594dce5e48dc (diff)
Remove tests for deprecated features.
Neither partitioned databases or shard splitting will exist in a FoundationDB layer.
15 files changed, 0 insertions, 3148 deletions
diff --git a/test/elixir/test/partition_all_docs_test.exs b/test/elixir/test/partition_all_docs_test.exs
deleted file mode 100644
index 816a8d6ed..000000000
--- a/test/elixir/test/partition_all_docs_test.exs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-defmodule PartitionAllDocsTest do
- use CouchTestCase
- import PartitionHelpers
- @moduledoc """
- Test Partition functionality for for all_docs
- """
- setup_all do
- db_name = random_db_name()
- {:ok, _} = create_db(db_name, query: %{partitioned: true, q: 1})
- on_exit(fn -> delete_db(db_name) end)
- create_partition_docs(db_name)
- {:ok, [db_name: db_name]}
- end
- test "all_docs with partitioned:true returns partitioned fields", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_all_docs"
- resp = Couch.get(url)
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- partitions = get_partitions(resp)
- assert Enum.dedup(partitions) == ["foo"]
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/bar/_all_docs"
- resp = Couch.get(url)
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- partitions = get_partitions(resp)
- assert Enum.dedup(partitions) == ["bar"]
- end
- test "partition all_docs errors with incorrect partition supplied", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/_bar/_all_docs"
- resp = Couch.get(url)
- assert resp.status_code == 400
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition//_all_docs"
- resp = Couch.get(url)
- assert resp.status_code == 400
- end
- test "partitioned _all_docs works with startkey, endkey range", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_all_docs"
- resp = Couch.get(url, query: %{start_key: "\"foo:12\"", end_key: "\"foo:2\""})
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- partitions = get_partitions(resp)
- assert length(partitions) == 5
- assert Enum.dedup(partitions) == ["foo"]
- end
- test "partitioned _all_docs works with keys", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_all_docs"
- resp =, body: %{keys: ["foo:2", "foo:4", "foo:6"]})
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- ids = get_ids(resp)
- assert length(ids) == 3
- assert ids == ["foo:2", "foo:4", "foo:6"]
- end
- test "partition _all_docs works with limit", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_all_docs"
- resp = Couch.get(url, query: %{limit: 5})
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- partitions = get_partitions(resp)
- assert length(partitions) == 5
- assert Enum.dedup(partitions) == ["foo"]
- end
- test "partition _all_docs with descending", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_all_docs"
- resp = Couch.get(url, query: %{descending: true, limit: 5})
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- ids = get_ids(resp)
- assert length(ids) == 5
- assert ids == ["foo:98", "foo:96", "foo:94", "foo:92", "foo:90"]
- resp = Couch.get(url, query: %{descending: false, limit: 5})
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- ids = get_ids(resp)
- assert length(ids) == 5
- assert ids == ["foo:10", "foo:100", "foo:12", "foo:14", "foo:16"]
- end
- test "partition _all_docs with skip", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_all_docs"
- resp = Couch.get(url, query: %{skip: 5, limit: 5})
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- ids = get_ids(resp)
- assert length(ids) == 5
- assert ids == ["foo:18", "foo:2", "foo:20", "foo:22", "foo:24"]
- end
- test "partition _all_docs with key", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_all_docs"
- resp = Couch.get(url, query: %{key: "\"foo:22\""})
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- ids = get_ids(resp)
- assert length(ids) == 1
- assert ids == ["foo:22"]
- end
- test "partition all docs can set query limits", context do
- set_config({"query_server_config", "partition_query_limit", "2000"})
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- create_partition_docs(db_name)
- create_partition_ddoc(db_name)
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_all_docs"
- resp =
- Couch.get(
- url,
- query: %{
- limit: 20
- }
- )
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- ids = get_ids(resp)
- assert length(ids) == 20
- resp = Couch.get(url)
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- ids = get_ids(resp)
- assert length(ids) == 50
- resp =
- Couch.get(
- url,
- query: %{
- limit: 2000
- }
- )
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- ids = get_ids(resp)
- assert length(ids) == 50
- resp =
- Couch.get(
- url,
- query: %{
- limit: 2001
- }
- )
- assert resp.status_code == 400
- %{:body => %{"reason" => reason}} = resp
- assert Regex.match?(~r/Limit is too large/, reason)
- resp =
- Couch.get(
- url,
- query: %{
- limit: 2000,
- skip: 25
- }
- )
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- ids = get_ids(resp)
- assert length(ids) == 25
- end
- # This test is timing based so it could be a little flaky.
- # If that turns out to be the case we should probably just skip it
- @tag :pending
- test "partition _all_docs with timeout", context do
- set_config({"fabric", "partition_view_timeout", "1"})
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- create_partition_docs(db_name)
- retry_until(fn ->
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_all_docs"
- case Couch.get(url) do
- %{:body => %{"reason" => reason}} ->
- Regex.match?(~r/not be processed in a reasonable amount of time./, reason)
- _ ->
- false
- end
- end)
- end
diff --git a/test/elixir/test/partition_crud_test.exs b/test/elixir/test/partition_crud_test.exs
deleted file mode 100644
index aea8069f7..000000000
--- a/test/elixir/test/partition_crud_test.exs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,360 +0,0 @@
-defmodule PartitionCrudTest do
- use CouchTestCase
- @tag :with_partitioned_db
- test "Sets partition in db info", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- resp = Couch.get("/#{db_name}")
- %{body: body} = resp
- assert body["props"] == %{"partitioned" => true}
- end
- @tag :with_partitioned_db
- test "PUT and GET document", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- id = "my-partition:doc"
- url = "/#{db_name}/#{id}"
- resp = Couch.put(url, body: %{partitioned_doc: true})
- %{body: doc} = resp
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- assert doc["id"] == id
- resp = Couch.get(url)
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- %{body: doc} = resp
- assert doc["_id"] == id
- end
- @tag :with_partitioned_db
- test "PUT fails if a partition key is not supplied", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- id = "not-partitioned"
- url = "/#{db_name}/#{id}"
- resp = Couch.put(url, body: %{partitioned_doc: false})
- assert resp.status_code == 400
- error = %{
- "error" => "illegal_docid",
- "reason" => "Doc id must be of form partition:id"
- }
- assert Map.get(resp, :body) == error
- end
- @tag :with_partitioned_db
- test "PUT fails for partitions with _", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- id = "_bad:partitioned"
- url = "/#{db_name}/#{id}"
- resp = Couch.put(url, body: %{partitioned_doc: false})
- error = %{
- "error" => "illegal_docid",
- "reason" => "Only reserved document ids may start with underscore."
- }
- assert resp.status_code == 400
- assert Map.get(resp, :body) == error
- end
- @tag :with_partitioned_db
- test "PUT fails for bad partitions", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- id = "bad:"
- url = "/#{db_name}/#{id}"
- resp = Couch.put(url, body: %{partitioned_doc: false})
- error = %{
- "error" => "illegal_docid",
- "reason" => "Document id must not be empty"
- }
- assert resp.status_code == 400
- assert Map.get(resp, :body) == error
- end
- @tag :with_partitioned_db
- test "POST and GET document", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- id = "my-partition-post:doc"
- url = "/#{db_name}"
- resp =, body: %{_id: id, partitioned_doc: true})
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- resp = Couch.get("#{url}/#{id}")
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- %{body: doc} = resp
- assert doc["_id"] == id
- end
- @tag :with_partitioned_db
- test "POST and _bulk_get document", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- id = "my-partition-post:doc"
- url = "/#{db_name}"
- resp =, body: %{_id: id, partitioned_doc: true})
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- resp ="#{url}/_bulk_get", body: %{docs: [%{id: id}]})
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- %{body: body} = resp
- assert %{
- "results" => [
- %{
- "docs" => [
- %{
- "ok" => %{
- "_id" => "my-partition-post:doc",
- "_rev" => "1-43d86359741cb629c0953a2beb6e9d7a",
- "partitioned_doc" => true
- }
- }
- ],
- "id" => "my-partition-post:doc"
- }
- ]
- } == body
- end
- @tag :with_partitioned_db
- test "_bulk_get bad partitioned document", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- id = "my-partition-post"
- url = "/#{db_name}"
- resp ="#{url}/_bulk_get", body: %{docs: [%{id: id}]})
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- %{:body => body} = resp
- assert %{
- "results" => [
- %{
- "docs" => [
- %{
- "error" => %{
- "error" => "illegal_docid",
- "id" => "my-partition-post",
- "reason" => "Doc id must be of form partition:id",
- "rev" => :null
- }
- }
- ],
- "id" => "my-partition-post"
- }
- ]
- } == body
- end
- @tag :with_partitioned_db
- test "POST fails if a partition key is not supplied", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- id = "not-partitioned-post"
- url = "/#{db_name}"
- resp =, body: %{_id: id, partitited_doc: false})
- assert resp.status_code == 400
- end
- @tag :with_partitioned_db
- test "_bulk_docs saves docs with partition key", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- docs = [
- %{_id: "foo:1"},
- %{_id: "bar:1"}
- ]
- url = "/#{db_name}"
- resp ="#{url}/_bulk_docs", body: %{:docs => docs})
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- resp = Couch.get("#{url}/foo:1")
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- resp = Couch.get("#{url}/bar:1")
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- end
- @tag :with_partitioned_db
- test "_bulk_docs errors with missing partition key", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- docs = [
- %{_id: "foo1"}
- ]
- error = %{
- "error" => "illegal_docid",
- "reason" => "Doc id must be of form partition:id"
- }
- url = "/#{db_name}"
- resp ="#{url}/_bulk_docs", body: %{:docs => docs})
- assert resp.status_code == 400
- assert Map.get(resp, :body) == error
- end
- @tag :with_partitioned_db
- test "_bulk_docs errors with bad partition key", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- docs = [
- %{_id: "_foo:1"}
- ]
- error = %{
- "error" => "illegal_docid",
- "reason" => "Only reserved document ids may start with underscore."
- }
- url = "/#{db_name}"
- resp ="#{url}/_bulk_docs", body: %{:docs => docs})
- assert resp.status_code == 400
- assert Map.get(resp, :body) == error
- end
- @tag :with_partitioned_db
- test "_bulk_docs errors with bad doc key", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- docs = [
- %{_id: "foo:"}
- ]
- error = %{
- "error" => "illegal_docid",
- "reason" => "Document id must not be empty"
- }
- url = "/#{db_name}"
- resp ="#{url}/_bulk_docs", body: %{:docs => docs})
- assert resp.status_code == 400
- assert Map.get(resp, :body) == error
- end
- @tag :with_partitioned_db
- test "saves attachment with partitioned doc", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- id = "foo:doc-with-attachment"
- doc = %{
- _id: id,
- _attachments: %{
- "foo.txt": %{
- content_type: "text/plain",
- data: Base.encode64("This is a text document to save")
- }
- }
- }
- resp = Couch.put("/#{db_name}/#{id}", body: doc)
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- resp = Couch.get("/#{db_name}/#{id}")
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- body = Map.get(resp, :body)
- rev = Map.get(body, "_rev")
- assert body["_attachments"] == %{
- "foo.txt" => %{
- "content_type" => "text/plain",
- # "digest" => "md5-OW2BoZAtMqs1E+fAnLpNBw==",
- # Temp remove the digest part since the digest value
- # seems to be different on travis
- "digest" => body["_attachments"]["foo.txt"]["digest"],
- "length" => 31,
- "revpos" => 1,
- "stub" => true
- }
- }
- resp = Couch.get("/#{db_name}/#{id}/foo.txt")
- assert Map.get(resp, :body) == "This is a text document to save"
- resp =
- Couch.put(
- "/#{db_name}/#{id}/bar.txt?rev=#{rev}",
- headers: ["Content-Type": "text/plain"],
- body: "This is another document"
- )
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- %{:body => body} = resp
- assert body["ok"] == true
- assert body["id"] == id
- end
- @tag :with_partitioned_db
- test "can purge partitioned db docs", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- doc = %{
- _id: "foo:bar",
- value: "some value"
- }
- resp ="/#{db_name}", query: [w: 3], body: doc)
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- %{body: body} = resp
- rev = body["rev"]
- resp = Couch.get("/#{db_name}/foo:bar")
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- body = %{"foo:bar" => [rev]}
- resp ="/#{db_name}/_purge", query: [w: 3], body: body)
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- resp = Couch.get("/#{db_name}/foo:bar")
- assert resp.status_code == 404
- assert resp.body == %{"error" => "not_found", "reason" => "missing"}
- end
- @tag :with_partitioned_db
- test "purge rejects unpartitioned docid", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- body = %{"no_partition" => ["1-967a00dff5e02add41819138abb3284d"]}
- resp ="/#{db_name}/_purge", query: [w: 3], body: body)
- assert resp.status_code == 400
- %{body: body} = resp
- assert body["error"] == "illegal_docid"
- end
- test "create database with bad `partitioned` value", _context do
- resp = Couch.put("/bad-db?partitioned=tru")
- assert resp.status_code == 400
- assert Map.get(resp, :body) == %{
- "error" => "bad_request",
- "reason" => "Invalid `partitioned` parameter"
- }
- end
- test "can create unpartitioned system db", _context do
- Couch.delete("/_replicator")
- resp = Couch.put("/_replicator")
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- assert resp.body == %{"ok" => true}
- end
- test "cannot create partitioned system db", _context do
- Couch.delete("/_replicator")
- resp = Couch.put("/_replicator?partitioned=true")
- assert resp.status_code == 400
- %{:body => %{"reason" => reason}} = resp
- assert Regex.match?(~r/Cannot partition a system database/, reason)
- end
diff --git a/test/elixir/test/partition_ddoc_test.exs b/test/elixir/test/partition_ddoc_test.exs
deleted file mode 100644
index 92ecae2af..000000000
--- a/test/elixir/test/partition_ddoc_test.exs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-defmodule PartitionDDocTest do
- use CouchTestCase
- @moduledoc """
- Test partition design doc interactions
- """
- setup do
- db_name = random_db_name()
- {:ok, _} = create_db(db_name, query: %{partitioned: true, q: 1})
- on_exit(fn -> delete_db(db_name) end)
- {:ok, [db_name: db_name]}
- end
- test "PUT /dbname/_design/foo", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- resp = Couch.put("/#{db_name}/_design/foo", body: %{stuff: "here"})
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- end
- test "PUT /dbname/_design/foo to update", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- ddoc_id = "_design/foo"
- ddoc = %{
- _id: ddoc_id,
- stuff: "here"
- }
- resp = Couch.put("/#{db_name}/#{ddoc_id}", body: ddoc)
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- %{body: body} = resp
- ddoc = Map.put(ddoc, :_rev, body["rev"])
- ddoc = Map.put(ddoc, :other, "attribute")
- resp = Couch.put("/#{db_name}/#{ddoc_id}", body: ddoc)
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- end
- test "PUT /dbname/_design/foo/readme.txt", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- ddoc_id = "_design/foo"
- ddoc = %{
- _id: ddoc_id,
- stuff: "here"
- }
- resp = Couch.put("/#{db_name}/#{ddoc_id}", body: ddoc)
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- %{body: body} = resp
- att = "This is a readme.txt"
- opts = [
- headers: [{:"Content-Type", "text/plain"}],
- query: [rev: body["rev"]],
- body: att
- ]
- resp = Couch.put("/#{db_name}/#{ddoc_id}/readme.txt", opts)
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- end
- test "DELETE /dbname/_design/foo", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- ddoc_id = "_design/foo"
- ddoc = %{
- _id: ddoc_id,
- stuff: "here"
- }
- resp = Couch.put("/#{db_name}/#{ddoc_id}", body: ddoc)
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- %{body: body} = resp
- resp = Couch.delete("/#{db_name}/#{ddoc_id}", query: [rev: body["rev"]])
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- end
- test "POST /dbname with design doc", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- body = %{_id: "_design/foo", stuff: "here"}
- resp ="/#{db_name}", body: body)
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- end
- test "POST /dbname/_bulk_docs with design doc", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- body = %{:docs => [%{_id: "_design/foo", stuff: "here"}]}
- resp ="/#{db_name}/_bulk_docs", body: body)
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- end
- test "GET /dbname/_design/foo", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- resp = Couch.put("/#{db_name}/_design/foo", body: %{stuff: "here"})
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- resp = Couch.get("/#{db_name}/_design/foo")
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- end
- test "GET /dbname/_design/foo?rev=$rev", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- resp = Couch.put("/#{db_name}/_design/foo", body: %{stuff: "here"})
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- %{body: body} = resp
- resp = Couch.get("/#{db_name}/_design/foo", query: [rev: body["rev"]])
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- end
- test "GET /dbname/_bulk_get", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- resp = Couch.put("/#{db_name}/_design/foo", body: %{stuff: "here"})
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- body = %{docs: [%{id: "_design/foo"}]}
- resp ="/#{db_name}/_bulk_get", body: body)
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- %{body: body} = resp
- assert length(body["results"]) == 1
- %{"results" => [%{"id" => "_design/foo", "docs" => [%{"ok" => _}]}]} = body
- end
- test "GET /dbname/_bulk_get with rev", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- resp = Couch.put("/#{db_name}/_design/foo", body: %{stuff: "here"})
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- %{body: body} = resp
- body = %{docs: [%{id: "_design/foo", rev: body["rev"]}]}
- resp ="/#{db_name}/_bulk_get", body: body)
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- %{body: body} = resp
- assert length(body["results"]) == 1
- %{"results" => [%{"id" => "_design/foo", "docs" => [%{"ok" => _}]}]} = body
- end
- test "GET /dbname/_all_docs?key=$ddoc_id", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- resp = Couch.put("/#{db_name}/_design/foo", body: %{stuff: "here"}, query: [w: 3])
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- resp = Couch.get("/#{db_name}/_all_docs", query: [key: "\"_design/foo\""])
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- %{body: body} = resp
- assert length(body["rows"]) == 1
- assert %{"rows" => [%{"id" => "_design/foo"}]} = body
- end
- @tag :skip_on_jenkins
- test "GET /dbname/_design_docs", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- retry_until(
- fn ->
- resp = Couch.put("/#{db_name}/_design/foo", body: %{stuff: "here"})
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- resp = Couch.get("/#{db_name}/_design_docs")
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- %{body: body} = resp
- assert length(body["rows"]) == 1
- %{"rows" => [%{"id" => "_design/foo"}]} = body
- end,
- 500,
- 10_000
- )
- end
diff --git a/test/elixir/test/partition_design_docs_test.exs b/test/elixir/test/partition_design_docs_test.exs
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ccd63fe0..000000000
--- a/test/elixir/test/partition_design_docs_test.exs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-defmodule PartitionDesignDocsTest do
- use CouchTestCase
- @moduledoc """
- Test Partition functionality for partition design docs
- """
- @tag :with_partitioned_db
- test "/_partition/:pk/_design/doc 404", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/fakekey/_design/mrtest/_view/some"
- resp = Couch.get(url)
- assert resp.status_code == 404
- end
diff --git a/test/elixir/test/partition_helpers.exs b/test/elixir/test/partition_helpers.exs
deleted file mode 100644
index 6eac2b1a4..000000000
--- a/test/elixir/test/partition_helpers.exs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-defmodule PartitionHelpers do
- use ExUnit.Case
- def create_partition_docs(db_name, pk1 \\ "foo", pk2 \\ "bar") do
- docs =
- for i <- 1..100 do
- id =
- if rem(i, 2) == 0 do
- "#{pk1}:#{i}"
- else
- "#{pk2}:#{i}"
- end
- group =
- if rem(i, 3) == 0 do
- "one"
- else
- "two"
- end
- %{
- :_id => id,
- :value => i,
- :some => "field",
- :group => group
- }
- end
- resp ="/#{db_name}/_bulk_docs", body: %{:w => 3, :docs => docs})
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- end
- def create_partition_ddoc(db_name, opts \\ %{}) do
- map_fn = """
- function(doc) {
- if (doc.some) {
- emit(doc.value, doc.some);
- }
- }
- """
- default_ddoc = %{
- views: %{
- some: %{
- map: map_fn
- }
- }
- }
- ddoc = Enum.into(opts, default_ddoc)
- resp = Couch.put("/#{db_name}/_design/mrtest", body: ddoc)
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- assert Map.has_key?(resp.body, "ok") == true
- end
- def get_ids(resp) do
- %{:body => %{"rows" => rows}} = resp
-, fn row -> row["id"] end)
- end
- def get_partitions(resp) do
- %{:body => %{"rows" => rows}} = resp
-, fn row ->
- [partition, _] = String.split(row["id"], ":")
- partition
- end)
- end
- def assert_correct_partition(partitions, correct_partition) do
- assert Enum.all?(partitions, fn partition ->
- partition == correct_partition
- end)
- end
diff --git a/test/elixir/test/partition_mango_test.exs b/test/elixir/test/partition_mango_test.exs
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fd38d52b..000000000
--- a/test/elixir/test/partition_mango_test.exs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,663 +0,0 @@
-defmodule PartitionMangoTest do
- use CouchTestCase
- import PartitionHelpers, except: [get_partitions: 1]
- @moduledoc """
- Test Partition functionality for mango
- """
- def create_index(db_name, fields \\ ["some"], opts \\ %{}) do
- default_index = %{
- index: %{
- fields: fields
- }
- }
- index = Enum.into(opts, default_index)
- resp ="/#{db_name}/_index", body: index)
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- assert resp.body["result"] == "created"
- end
- def get_partitions(resp) do
- %{:body => %{"docs" => docs}} = resp
-, fn doc ->
- [partition, _] = String.split(doc["_id"], ":")
- partition
- end)
- end
- @tag :with_partitioned_db
- test "query using _id and partition works", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- create_partition_docs(db_name)
- create_index(db_name)
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_find"
- resp =
- url,
- body: %{
- selector: %{
- _id: %{
- "$gt": "foo:"
- }
- },
- limit: 20
- }
- )
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- partitions = get_partitions(resp)
- assert length(partitions) == 20
- assert_correct_partition(partitions, "foo")
- url = "/#{db_name}/_find"
- resp =
- url,
- body: %{
- selector: %{
- _id: %{
- "$lt": "foo:"
- }
- },
- limit: 20
- }
- )
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- partitions = get_partitions(resp)
- assert length(partitions) == 20
- assert_correct_partition(partitions, "bar")
- end
- @tag :with_partitioned_db
- test "query using _id works for global and local query", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- create_partition_docs(db_name)
- create_index(db_name)
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_find"
- resp =
- url,
- body: %{
- selector: %{
- _id: %{
- "$gt": 0
- }
- },
- limit: 20
- }
- )
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- partitions = get_partitions(resp)
- assert length(partitions) == 20
- assert_correct_partition(partitions, "foo")
- url = "/#{db_name}/_find"
- resp =
- url,
- body: %{
- selector: %{
- _id: %{
- "$gt": 0
- }
- },
- limit: 20
- }
- )
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- partitions = get_partitions(resp)
- assert length(partitions) == 20
- assert_correct_partition(partitions, "bar")
- end
- @tag :with_partitioned_db
- test "query with partitioned:true using index and $eq", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- create_partition_docs(db_name)
- create_index(db_name)
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_find"
- resp =
- url,
- body: %{
- selector: %{
- some: "field"
- },
- limit: 20
- }
- )
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- partitions = get_partitions(resp)
- assert length(partitions) == 20
- assert_correct_partition(partitions, "foo")
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/bar/_find"
- resp =
- url,
- body: %{
- selector: %{
- some: "field"
- },
- limit: 20
- }
- )
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- partitions = get_partitions(resp)
- assert length(partitions) == 20
- assert_correct_partition(partitions, "bar")
- end
- @tag :with_partitioned_db
- test "partitioned query using _all_docs with $eq", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- create_partition_docs(db_name)
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_find"
- resp =
- url,
- body: %{
- selector: %{
- some: "field"
- },
- limit: 20
- }
- )
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- partitions = get_partitions(resp)
- assert length(partitions) == 20
- assert_correct_partition(partitions, "foo")
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/bar/_find"
- resp =
- url,
- body: %{
- selector: %{
- some: "field"
- },
- limit: 20
- }
- )
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- partitions = get_partitions(resp)
- assert length(partitions) == 20
- assert_correct_partition(partitions, "bar")
- end
- @tag :with_db
- test "non-partitioned query using _all_docs and $eq", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- create_partition_docs(db_name)
- url = "/#{db_name}/_find"
- resp =
- url,
- body: %{
- selector: %{
- some: "field"
- },
- skip: 40,
- limit: 5
- }
- )
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- partitions = get_partitions(resp)
- assert length(partitions) == 5
- assert partitions == ["bar", "bar", "bar", "bar", "bar"]
- url = "/#{db_name}/_find"
- resp =
- url,
- body: %{
- selector: %{
- some: "field"
- },
- skip: 50,
- limit: 5
- }
- )
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- partitions = get_partitions(resp)
- assert length(partitions) == 5
- assert partitions == ["foo", "foo", "foo", "foo", "foo"]
- end
- @tag :with_partitioned_db
- test "partitioned query using index and range scan", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- create_partition_docs(db_name, "foo", "bar42")
- create_index(db_name, ["value"])
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_find"
- resp =
- url,
- body: %{
- selector: %{
- value: %{
- "$gte": 6,
- "$lt": 16
- }
- }
- }
- )
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- partitions = get_partitions(resp)
- assert length(partitions) == 5
- assert_correct_partition(partitions, "foo")
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/bar42/_find"
- resp =
- url,
- body: %{
- selector: %{
- value: %{
- "$gte": 6,
- "$lt": 16
- }
- }
- }
- )
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- partitions = get_partitions(resp)
- assert length(partitions) == 5
- assert_correct_partition(partitions, "bar42")
- end
- @tag :with_partitioned_db
- test "partitioned query using _all_docs and range scan", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- create_partition_docs(db_name)
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_find"
- resp =
- url,
- body: %{
- selector: %{
- value: %{
- "$gte": 6,
- "$lt": 16
- }
- }
- }
- )
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- partitions = get_partitions(resp)
- assert length(partitions) == 5
- assert_correct_partition(partitions, "foo")
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/bar/_find"
- resp =
- url,
- body: %{
- selector: %{
- value: %{
- "$gte": 6,
- "$lt": 16
- }
- }
- }
- )
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- partitions = get_partitions(resp)
- assert length(partitions) == 5
- assert_correct_partition(partitions, "bar")
- end
- @tag :with_partitioned_db
- test "partitioned query using _all_docs", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- create_partition_docs(db_name, "foo", "bar42")
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_find"
- resp =
- url,
- body: %{
- selector: %{
- value: %{
- "$gte": 6,
- "$lt": 16
- }
- }
- }
- )
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- partitions = get_partitions(resp)
- assert length(partitions) == 5
- assert_correct_partition(partitions, "foo")
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/bar42/_find"
- resp =
- url,
- body: %{
- selector: %{
- value: %{
- "$gte": 6,
- "$lt": 16
- }
- }
- }
- )
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- partitions = get_partitions(resp)
- assert length(partitions) == 5
- assert_correct_partition(partitions, "bar42")
- end
- @tag :with_partitioned_db
- test "explain works with partitions", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- create_partition_docs(db_name)
- create_index(db_name, ["some"])
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_explain"
- resp =
- url,
- body: %{
- selector: %{
- value: %{
- "$gte": 6,
- "$lt": 16
- }
- }
- }
- )
- %{:body => body} = resp
- assert body["index"]["name"] == "_all_docs"
- assert body["mrargs"]["partition"] == "foo"
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/bar/_explain"
- resp =
- url,
- body: %{
- selector: %{
- some: "field"
- }
- }
- )
- %{:body => body} = resp
- assert body["index"]["def"] == %{"fields" => [%{"some" => "asc"}]}
- assert body["mrargs"]["partition"] == "bar"
- end
- @tag :with_db
- test "explain works with non partitioned db", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- create_partition_docs(db_name)
- create_index(db_name, ["some"])
- url = "/#{db_name}/_explain"
- resp =
- url,
- body: %{
- selector: %{
- value: %{
- "$gte": 6,
- "$lt": 16
- }
- }
- }
- )
- %{:body => body} = resp
- assert body["index"]["name"] == "_all_docs"
- assert body["mrargs"]["partition"] == :null
- resp =
- url,
- body: %{
- selector: %{
- some: "field"
- }
- }
- )
- %{:body => body} = resp
- assert body["index"]["def"] == %{"fields" => [%{"some" => "asc"}]}
- assert body["mrargs"]["partition"] == :null
- end
- @tag :with_partitioned_db
- test "partitioned query using bookmarks", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- create_partition_docs(db_name)
- create_index(db_name, ["value"])
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_find"
- resp =
- url,
- body: %{
- selector: %{
- value: %{
- "$gte": 6,
- "$lt": 16
- }
- },
- limit: 3
- }
- )
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- partitions = get_partitions(resp)
- assert length(partitions) == 3
- assert_correct_partition(partitions, "foo")
- %{:body => %{"bookmark" => bookmark}} = resp
- resp =
- url,
- body: %{
- selector: %{
- value: %{
- "$gte": 6,
- "$lt": 16
- }
- },
- limit: 3,
- bookmark: bookmark
- }
- )
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- partitions = get_partitions(resp)
- assert length(partitions) == 2
- assert_correct_partition(partitions, "foo")
- end
- @tag :with_partitioned_db
- test "global query uses global index", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- create_partition_docs(db_name)
- create_index(db_name, ["some"], %{partitioned: false})
- url = "/#{db_name}/_explain"
- selector = %{
- selector: %{
- some: "field"
- },
- limit: 100
- }
- resp =, body: selector)
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- %{:body => body} = resp
- assert body["index"]["def"] == %{"fields" => [%{"some" => "asc"}]}
- url = "/#{db_name}/_find"
- resp =, body: selector)
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- partitions = get_partitions(resp)
- assert length(partitions) == 100
- end
- @tag :with_partitioned_db
- test "global query does not use partition index", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- create_partition_docs(db_name)
- create_index(db_name, ["some"])
- url = "/#{db_name}/_explain"
- selector = %{
- selector: %{
- some: "field"
- },
- limit: 100
- }
- resp =, body: selector)
- %{:body => body} = resp
- assert body["index"]["name"] == "_all_docs"
- url = "/#{db_name}/_find"
- resp =, body: selector)
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- partitions = get_partitions(resp)
- assert length(partitions) == 100
- end
- @tag :with_partitioned_db
- test "partitioned query does not use global index", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- create_partition_docs(db_name)
- create_index(db_name, ["some"], %{partitioned: false})
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_explain"
- selector = %{
- selector: %{
- some: "field"
- },
- limit: 50
- }
- resp =, body: selector)
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- %{:body => body} = resp
- assert body["index"]["name"] == "_all_docs"
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_find"
- resp =, body: selector)
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- partitions = get_partitions(resp)
- assert length(partitions) == 50
- assert_correct_partition(partitions, "foo")
- end
- @tag :with_partitioned_db
- test "partitioned _find and _explain with missing partition returns 400", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- selector = %{
- selector: %{
- some: "field"
- }
- }
- resp = Couch.get("/#{db_name}/_partition/_find", body: selector)
- validate_missing_partition(resp)
- resp = Couch.get("/#{db_name}/_partition/_explain", body: selector)
- validate_missing_partition(resp)
- end
- defp validate_missing_partition(resp) do
- assert resp.status_code == 400
- %{:body => %{"reason" => reason}} = resp
- assert Regex.match?(~r/Partition must not start/, reason)
- end
- @tag :with_partitioned_db
- test "partitioned query sends correct errors for sort errors", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- create_partition_docs(db_name)
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_find"
- selector = %{
- selector: %{
- some: "field"
- },
- sort: ["some"],
- limit: 50
- }
- resp =, body: selector)
- assert resp.status_code == 400
- %{:body => %{"reason" => reason}} = resp
- assert Regex.match?(~r/No partitioned index exists for this sort/, reason)
- url = "/#{db_name}/_find"
- resp =, body: selector)
- assert resp.status_code == 400
- %{:body => %{"reason" => reason}} = resp
- assert Regex.match?(~r/No global index exists for this sort/, reason)
- end
diff --git a/test/elixir/test/partition_size_limit_test.exs b/test/elixir/test/partition_size_limit_test.exs
deleted file mode 100644
index b4be6480e..000000000
--- a/test/elixir/test/partition_size_limit_test.exs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
-defmodule PartitionSizeLimitTest do
- use CouchTestCase
- @moduledoc """
- Test Partition size limit functionality
- """
- @max_size 10_240
- setup do
- db_name = random_db_name()
- {:ok, _} = create_db(db_name, query: %{partitioned: true, q: 1})
- on_exit(fn -> delete_db(db_name) end)
- set_config({"couchdb", "max_partition_size", Integer.to_string(@max_size)})
- {:ok, [db_name: db_name]}
- end
- defp get_db_info(dbname) do
- resp = Couch.get("/#{dbname}")
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- %{:body => body} = resp
- body
- end
- defp get_partition_info(dbname, partition) do
- resp = Couch.get("/#{dbname}/_partition/#{partition}")
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- %{:body => body} = resp
- body
- end
- defp open_doc(db_name, docid, status_assert \\ 200) do
- resp = Couch.get("/#{db_name}/#{docid}")
- assert resp.status_code == status_assert
- %{:body => body} = resp
- body
- end
- defp save_doc(db_name, doc, status_assert \\ 201) do
- resp ="/#{db_name}", query: [w: 3], body: doc)
- assert resp.status_code == status_assert
- %{:body => body} = resp
- body["rev"]
- end
- defp delete_doc(db_name, doc, status_assert \\ 200) do
- url = "/#{db_name}/#{doc["_id"]}"
- rev = doc["_rev"]
- resp = Couch.delete(url, query: [w: 3, rev: rev])
- assert resp.status_code == status_assert
- %{:body => body} = resp
- body["rev"]
- end
- defp fill_partition(db_name, partition \\ "foo") do
- docs =
- 1..15
- |> i ->
- id = i |> Integer.to_string() |> String.pad_leading(4, "0")
- docid = "#{partition}:#{id}"
- %{_id: docid, value: "0" |> String.pad_leading(1024)}
- end)
- body = %{:w => 3, :docs => docs}
- resp ="/#{db_name}/_bulk_docs", body: body)
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- end
- defp compact(db) do
- assert"/#{db}/_compact").status_code == 202
- retry_until(
- fn ->
- Couch.get("/#{db}").body["compact_running"] == false
- end,
- 200,
- 20_000
- )
- end
- test "fill partition manually", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- partition = "foo"
- resp =
- 1..1000
- |> Enum.find_value(0, fn i ->
- id = i |> Integer.to_string() |> String.pad_leading(4, "0")
- docid = "#{partition}:#{id}"
- doc = %{_id: docid, value: "0" |> String.pad_leading(1024)}
- resp ="/#{db_name}", query: [w: 3], body: doc)
- if resp.status_code == 201 do
- false
- else
- resp
- end
- end)
- assert resp.status_code == 403
- %{body: body} = resp
- assert body["error"] == "partition_overflow"
- info = get_partition_info(db_name, partition)
- assert info["sizes"]["external"] >= @max_size
- end
- test "full partitions reject POST /dbname", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- fill_partition(db_name)
- doc = %{_id: "foo:bar", value: "stuff"}
- resp ="/#{db_name}", query: [w: 3], body: doc)
- assert resp.status_code == 403
- %{body: body} = resp
- assert body["error"] == "partition_overflow"
- end
- test "full partitions reject PUT /dbname/docid", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- fill_partition(db_name)
- doc = %{value: "stuff"}
- resp = Couch.put("/#{db_name}/foo:bar", query: [w: 3], body: doc)
- assert resp.status_code == 403
- %{body: body} = resp
- assert body["error"] == "partition_overflow"
- end
- test "full partitions reject POST /dbname/_bulk_docs", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- fill_partition(db_name)
- body = %{w: 3, docs: [%{_id: "foo:bar"}]}
- resp ="/#{db_name}/_bulk_docs", query: [w: 3], body: body)
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- %{body: body} = resp
- doc_resp =, 0)
- assert doc_resp["error"] == "partition_overflow"
- end
- test "full partitions with mixed POST /dbname/_bulk_docs", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- fill_partition(db_name)
- body = %{w: 3, docs: [%{_id: "foo:bar"}, %{_id: "baz:bang"}]}
- resp ="/#{db_name}/_bulk_docs", query: [w: 3], body: body)
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- %{body: body} = resp
- doc_resp1 =, 0)
- assert doc_resp1["error"] == "partition_overflow"
- doc_resp2 =, 1)
- assert doc_resp2["ok"]
- end
- test "full partitions are still readable", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- fill_partition(db_name)
- open_doc(db_name, "foo:0001")
- end
- test "full partitions can accept deletes", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- fill_partition(db_name)
- doc = open_doc(db_name, "foo:0001")
- delete_doc(db_name, doc)
- end
- test "full partitions can accept updates that reduce size", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- fill_partition(db_name)
- doc = open_doc(db_name, "foo:0001")
- save_doc(db_name, %{doc | "value" => ""})
- end
- test "full partition does not affect other partitions", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- fill_partition(db_name)
- save_doc(db_name, %{_id: "bar:foo", value: "stuff"})
- end
- test "full partition does not affect design documents", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- fill_partition(db_name)
- rev1 = save_doc(db_name, %{_id: "_design/foo", value: "stuff"})
- save_doc(db_name, %{_id: "_design/foo", _rev: rev1, value: "hi"})
- doc = open_doc(db_name, "_design/foo")
- delete_doc(db_name, doc)
- end
- test "replication into a full partition works", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- fill_partition(db_name)
- save_doc(db_name, %{_id: "foo:bar", value: "stuff"}, 403)
- doc = %{
- _id: "foo:bar",
- _rev: <<"1-23202479633c2b380f79507a776743d5">>,
- value: "stuff"
- }
- url = "/#{db_name}/#{doc[:_id]}"
- query = [new_edits: false, w: 3]
- resp = Couch.put(url, query: query, body: doc)
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- end
- test "compacting a full partition works", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- db_info1 = get_db_info(db_name)
- fill_partition(db_name)
- compact(db_name)
- db_info2 = get_db_info(db_name)
- assert db_info2["sizes"]["file"] != db_info1["sizes"]["file"]
- end
- test "indexing a full partition works", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- fill_partition(db_name)
- ddoc = %{
- _id: "_design/foo",
- views: %{
- bar: %{
- map: "function(doc) {emit(, 1);}"
- }
- }
- }
- save_doc(db_name, ddoc)
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_design/foo/_view/bar"
- resp = Couch.get(url)
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- %{body: body} = resp
- assert length(body["rows"]) > 0
- end
- test "purging docs allows writes", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- fill_partition(db_name)
- info = get_partition_info(db_name, "foo")
- limit = info["doc_count"] - 1
- query = [
- start_key: "\"foo:0000\"",
- end_key: "\"foo:9999\"",
- limit: limit
- ]
- resp = Couch.get("/#{db_name}/_all_docs", query: query)
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- %{body: body} = resp
- pbody =
- body["rows"]
- |> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn row, acc ->
- Map.put(acc, row["id"], [row["value"]["rev"]])
- end)
- resp ="/#{db_name}/_purge", query: [w: 3], body: pbody)
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- save_doc(db_name, %{_id: "foo:bar", value: "some value"})
- end
- test "increasing partition size allows more writes", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- fill_partition(db_name)
- # We use set_config_raw so that we're not setting
- # on_exit handlers that might interfere with the original
- # config change done in setup of this test
- new_size = Integer.to_string(@max_size * 1000)
- set_config_raw("couchdb", "max_partition_size", new_size)
- save_doc(db_name, %{_id: "foo:bar", value: "stuff"})
- end
- test "decreasing partition size disables more writes", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- # We use set_config_raw so that we're not setting
- # on_exit handlers that might interfere with the original
- # config change done in setup of this test
- new_size = Integer.to_string(@max_size * 1000)
- set_config_raw("couchdb", "max_partition_size", new_size)
- fill_partition(db_name)
- save_doc(db_name, %{_id: "foo:bar", value: "stuff"})
- old_size = Integer.to_string(@max_size)
- set_config_raw("couchdb", "max_partition_size", old_size)
- save_doc(db_name, %{_id: "foo:baz", value: "stuff"}, 403)
- end
diff --git a/test/elixir/test/partition_size_test.exs b/test/elixir/test/partition_size_test.exs
deleted file mode 100644
index b292dc415..000000000
--- a/test/elixir/test/partition_size_test.exs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,361 +0,0 @@
-defmodule PartitionSizeTest do
- use CouchTestCase
- @moduledoc """
- Test Partition size functionality
- """
- setup do
- db_name = random_db_name()
- {:ok, _} = create_db(db_name, query: %{partitioned: true, q: 1})
- on_exit(fn -> delete_db(db_name) end)
- {:ok, [db_name: db_name]}
- end
- def get_db_info(dbname) do
- resp = Couch.get("/#{dbname}")
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- %{:body => body} = resp
- body
- end
- def get_partition_info(dbname, partition) do
- resp = Couch.get("/#{dbname}/_partition/#{partition}")
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- %{:body => body} = resp
- body
- end
- def mk_partition(i) do
- i |> rem(10) |> Integer.to_string() |> String.pad_leading(3, "0")
- end
- def mk_docid(i) do
- id = i |> Integer.to_string() |> String.pad_leading(4, "0")
- "#{mk_partition(i)}:#{id}"
- end
- def mk_docs(db_name) do
- docs =
- for i <- 1..1000 do
- group = Integer.to_string(rem(i, 3))
- %{
- :_id => mk_docid(i),
- :value => i,
- :some => "field",
- :group => group
- }
- end
- body = %{:w => 3, :docs => docs}
- retry_until(fn ->
- resp ="/#{db_name}/_bulk_docs", body: body)
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- end)
- end
- def save_doc(db_name, doc) do
- resp ="/#{db_name}", query: [w: 3], body: doc)
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- %{:body => body} = resp
- body["rev"]
- end
- test "get empty partition", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- partition = "non_existent_partition"
- info = get_partition_info(db_name, partition)
- assert info["doc_count"] == 0
- assert info["doc_del_count"] == 0
- assert info["partition"] == partition
- assert info["sizes"]["external"] == 0
- assert info["sizes"]["active"] == 0
- end
- test "unknown partition return's zero", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- mk_docs(db_name)
- info = get_partition_info(db_name, "unknown")
- assert info["doc_count"] == 0
- assert info["doc_del_count"] == 0
- assert info["sizes"]["external"] == 0
- assert info["sizes"]["active"] == 0
- end
- test "simple partition size", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- save_doc(db_name, %{_id: "foo:bar", val: 42})
- info = get_partition_info(db_name, "foo")
- assert info["doc_count"] == 1
- assert info["doc_del_count"] == 0
- assert info["sizes"]["external"] > 0
- assert info["sizes"]["active"] > 0
- end
- test "adding docs increases partition sizes", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- save_doc(db_name, %{_id: "foo:bar", val: 42})
- pre_info = get_partition_info(db_name, "foo")
- save_doc(db_name, %{_id: "foo:baz", val: 24})
- post_info = get_partition_info(db_name, "foo")
- assert post_info["doc_count"] == 2
- assert post_info["doc_del_count"] == 0
- assert post_info["sizes"]["external"] > pre_info["sizes"]["external"]
- assert post_info["sizes"]["active"] > pre_info["sizes"]["active"]
- end
- test "updating docs affects partition sizes", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- rev1 = save_doc(db_name, %{_id: "foo:bar", val: ""})
- info1 = get_partition_info(db_name, "foo")
- rev2 =
- save_doc(db_name, %{
- _id: "foo:bar",
- _rev: rev1,
- val: "this is a very long string that is so super long its beyond long"
- })
- info2 = get_partition_info(db_name, "foo")
- save_doc(db_name, %{
- _id: "foo:bar",
- _rev: rev2,
- val: "this string is shorter"
- })
- info3 = get_partition_info(db_name, "foo")
- assert info3["doc_count"] == 1
- assert info3["doc_del_count"] == 0
- assert info3["sizes"]["external"] > info1["sizes"]["external"]
- assert info2["sizes"]["external"] > info3["sizes"]["external"]
- end
- test "deleting a doc affects partition sizes", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- rev1 = save_doc(db_name, %{_id: "foo:bar", val: "some stuff here"})
- info1 = get_partition_info(db_name, "foo")
- save_doc(db_name, %{_id: "foo:bar", _rev: rev1, _deleted: true})
- info2 = get_partition_info(db_name, "foo")
- assert info1["doc_count"] == 1
- assert info1["doc_del_count"] == 0
- assert info2["doc_count"] == 0
- assert info2["doc_del_count"] == 1
- assert info2["sizes"]["external"] < info1["sizes"]["external"]
- end
- test "design docs do not affect partition sizes", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- mk_docs(db_name)
- pre_infos =
- 0..9
- |> i ->
- get_partition_info(db_name, mk_partition(i))
- end)
- 0..5
- |> i ->
- base = i |> Integer.to_string() |> String.pad_leading(5, "0")
- docid = "_design/#{base}"
- save_doc(db_name, %{_id: docid, value: "some stuff here"})
- end)
- post_infos =
- 0..9
- |> i ->
- get_partition_info(db_name, mk_partition(i))
- end)
- assert post_infos == pre_infos
- end
- @tag :skip_on_jenkins
- test "get all partition sizes", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- mk_docs(db_name)
- {esum, asum} =
- 0..9
- |> Enum.reduce({0, 0}, fn i, {esize, asize} ->
- partition = mk_partition(i)
- info = get_partition_info(db_name, partition)
- assert info["doc_count"] == 100
- assert info["doc_del_count"] == 0
- assert info["sizes"]["external"] > 0
- assert info["sizes"]["active"] > 0
- {esize + info["sizes"]["external"], asize + info["sizes"]["active"]}
- end)
- db_info = get_db_info(db_name)
- assert db_info["sizes"]["external"] >= esum
- assert db_info["sizes"]["active"] >= asum
- end
- test "get partition size with attachment", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- doc = %{
- _id: "foo:doc-with-attachment",
- _attachments: %{
- "foo.txt": %{
- content_type: "text/plain",
- data: Base.encode64("This is a text document to save")
- }
- }
- }
- save_doc(db_name, doc)
- db_info = get_db_info(db_name)
- foo_info = get_partition_info(db_name, "foo")
- assert foo_info["doc_count"] == 1
- assert foo_info["doc_del_count"] == 0
- assert foo_info["sizes"]["active"] > 0
- assert foo_info["sizes"]["external"] > 0
- assert foo_info["sizes"]["active"] <= db_info["sizes"]["active"]
- assert foo_info["sizes"]["external"] <= db_info["sizes"]["external"]
- end
- test "attachments don't affect other partitions", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- mk_docs(db_name)
- pre_infos =
- 0..9
- |> i ->
- get_partition_info(db_name, mk_partition(i))
- end)
- doc = %{
- _id: "foo:doc-with-attachment",
- _attachments: %{
- "foo.txt": %{
- content_type: "text/plain",
- data: Base.encode64("This is a text document to save")
- }
- }
- }
- save_doc(db_name, doc)
- att_info = get_partition_info(db_name, "foo")
- assert att_info["doc_count"] == 1
- assert att_info["sizes"]["external"] > 0
- post_infos =
- 0..9
- |> i ->
- get_partition_info(db_name, mk_partition(i))
- end)
- assert post_infos == pre_infos
- esize =
- ([att_info] ++ post_infos)
- |> Enum.reduce(0, fn info, acc ->
- info["sizes"]["external"] + acc
- end)
- db_info = get_db_info(db_name)
- assert esize == db_info["sizes"]["external"]
- end
- test "partition activity not affect other partition sizes", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- mk_docs(db_name)
- partition1 = "000"
- partition2 = "001"
- info2 = get_partition_info(db_name, partition2)
- doc_id = "#{partition1}:doc-with-attachment"
- doc = %{
- _id: doc_id,
- _attachments: %{
- "foo.txt": %{
- content_type: "text/plain",
- data: Base.encode64("This is a text document to save")
- }
- }
- }
- doc_rev = save_doc(db_name, doc)
- info2_attach = get_partition_info(db_name, partition2)
- assert info2_attach == info2
- doc =
- Enum.into(
- %{
- another: "add another field",
- _rev: doc_rev
- },
- doc
- )
- doc_rev = save_doc(db_name, doc)
- info2_update = get_partition_info(db_name, partition2)
- assert info2_update == info2
- resp = Couch.delete("/#{db_name}/#{doc_id}", query: %{rev: doc_rev})
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- info2_delete = get_partition_info(db_name, partition2)
- assert info2_delete == info2
- end
- test "purging docs decreases partition size", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- mk_docs(db_name)
- partition = "000"
- query = [
- start_key: "\"#{partition}:0000\"",
- end_key: "\"#{partition}:9999\"",
- limit: 50
- ]
- resp = Couch.get("/#{db_name}/_all_docs", query: query)
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- %{body: body} = resp
- pre_info = get_partition_info(db_name, partition)
- pbody =
- body["rows"]
- |> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn row, acc ->
- Map.put(acc, row["id"], [row["value"]["rev"]])
- end)
- resp ="/#{db_name}/_purge", query: [w: 3], body: pbody)
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- post_info = get_partition_info(db_name, partition)
- assert post_info["doc_count"] == pre_info["doc_count"] - 50
- assert post_info["doc_del_count"] == 0
- assert post_info["sizes"]["active"] < pre_info["sizes"]["active"]
- assert post_info["sizes"]["external"] < pre_info["sizes"]["external"]
- end
diff --git a/test/elixir/test/partition_view_test.exs b/test/elixir/test/partition_view_test.exs
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a55c2443..000000000
--- a/test/elixir/test/partition_view_test.exs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,374 +0,0 @@
-defmodule ViewPartitionTest do
- use CouchTestCase
- import PartitionHelpers
- @moduledoc """
- Test Partition functionality for views
- """
- setup_all do
- db_name = random_db_name()
- {:ok, _} = create_db(db_name, query: %{partitioned: true, q: 1})
- on_exit(fn -> delete_db(db_name) end)
- create_partition_docs(db_name)
- map_fun1 = """
- function(doc) {
- if (doc.some) {
- emit(doc.value, doc.some);
- }
- }
- """
- map_fun2 = """
- function(doc) {
- if ( {
- emit([doc.some,], 1);
- }
- }
- """
- query = %{:w => 3}
- body = %{
- :docs => [
- %{
- _id: "_design/map",
- views: %{some: %{map: map_fun1}}
- },
- %{
- _id: "_design/map_some",
- views: %{some: %{map: map_fun2}}
- },
- %{
- _id: "_design/partitioned_true",
- views: %{some: %{map: map_fun1}},
- options: %{partitioned: true}
- },
- %{
- _id: "_design/partitioned_false",
- views: %{some: %{map: map_fun1}},
- options: %{partitioned: false}
- },
- %{
- _id: "_design/reduce",
- views: %{some: %{map: map_fun2, reduce: "_count"}}
- },
- %{
- _id: "_design/include_ddocs",
- views: %{some: %{map: map_fun1}},
- options: %{include_design: true}
- }
- ]
- }
- resp ="/#{db_name}/_bulk_docs", query: query, body: body)
- Enum.each(resp.body, &assert(&1["ok"]))
- {:ok, [db_name: db_name]}
- end
- def get_reduce_result(resp) do
- %{:body => %{"rows" => rows}} = resp
- rows
- end
- test "query with partitioned:true returns partitioned fields", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_design/partitioned_true/_view/some"
- resp = Couch.get(url)
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- partitions = get_partitions(resp)
- assert Enum.dedup(partitions) == ["foo"]
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/bar/_design/partitioned_true/_view/some"
- resp = Couch.get(url)
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- partitions = get_partitions(resp)
- assert Enum.dedup(partitions) == ["bar"]
- end
- test "default view query returns partitioned fields", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_design/map/_view/some"
- resp = Couch.get(url)
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- partitions = get_partitions(resp)
- assert Enum.dedup(partitions) == ["foo"]
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/bar/_design/map/_view/some"
- resp = Couch.get(url)
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- partitions = get_partitions(resp)
- assert Enum.dedup(partitions) == ["bar"]
- end
- test "conflicting partitions in path and query string rejected", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_design/map/_view/some"
- resp = Couch.get(url, query: %{partition: "bar"})
- assert resp.status_code == 400
- %{:body => %{"reason" => reason}} = resp
- assert Regex.match?(~r/Conflicting value/, reason)
- end
- test "query will return zero results for wrong inputs", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_design/map/_view/some"
- resp = Couch.get(url, query: %{start_key: "\"foo:12\""})
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- assert Map.get(resp, :body)["rows"] == []
- end
- test "partitioned ddoc cannot be used in global query", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- url = "/#{db_name}/_design/map/_view/some"
- resp = Couch.get(url)
- %{:body => %{"reason" => reason}} = resp
- assert resp.status_code == 400
- assert Regex.match?(~r/mandatory for queries to this view./, reason)
- end
- test "partitioned query cannot be used with global ddoc", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_design/partitioned_false/_view/some"
- resp = Couch.get(url)
- %{:body => %{"reason" => reason}} = resp
- assert resp.status_code == 400
- assert Regex.match?(~r/is not supported in this design doc/, reason)
- end
- test "view query returns all docs for global query", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- url = "/#{db_name}/_design/partitioned_false/_view/some"
- resp = Couch.get(url)
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- ids = get_ids(resp)
- assert length(ids) == 100
- end
- test "partition query errors with incorrect partition supplied", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/_bar/_design/map/_view/some"
- resp = Couch.get(url)
- assert resp.status_code == 400
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition//_design/map/_view/some"
- resp = Couch.get(url)
- assert resp.status_code == 400
- end
- test "partitioned query works with startkey, endkey range", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_design/map/_view/some"
- resp = Couch.get(url, query: %{start_key: 12, end_key: 20})
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- partitions = get_partitions(resp)
- assert length(partitions) == 5
- assert Enum.dedup(partitions) == ["foo"]
- end
- test "partitioned query works with keys", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_design/map/_view/some"
- resp =, body: %{keys: [2, 4, 6]})
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- ids = get_ids(resp)
- assert length(ids) == 3
- assert ids == ["foo:2", "foo:4", "foo:6"]
- end
- test "global query works with keys", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- url = "/#{db_name}/_design/partitioned_false/_view/some"
- resp =, body: %{keys: [2, 4, 6]})
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- ids = get_ids(resp)
- assert length(ids) == 3
- assert ids == ["foo:2", "foo:4", "foo:6"]
- end
- test "partition query works with limit", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_design/map/_view/some"
- resp = Couch.get(url, query: %{limit: 5})
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- partitions = get_partitions(resp)
- assert length(partitions) == 5
- assert Enum.dedup(partitions) == ["foo"]
- end
- test "partition query with descending", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_design/map/_view/some"
- resp = Couch.get(url, query: %{descending: true, limit: 5})
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- ids = get_ids(resp)
- assert length(ids) == 5
- assert ids == ["foo:100", "foo:98", "foo:96", "foo:94", "foo:92"]
- resp = Couch.get(url, query: %{descending: false, limit: 5})
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- ids = get_ids(resp)
- assert length(ids) == 5
- assert ids == ["foo:2", "foo:4", "foo:6", "foo:8", "foo:10"]
- end
- test "partition query with skip", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_design/map/_view/some"
- resp = Couch.get(url, query: %{skip: 5, limit: 5})
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- ids = get_ids(resp)
- assert length(ids) == 5
- assert ids == ["foo:12", "foo:14", "foo:16", "foo:18", "foo:20"]
- end
- test "partition query with key", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_design/map/_view/some"
- resp = Couch.get(url, query: %{key: 22})
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- ids = get_ids(resp)
- assert length(ids) == 1
- assert ids == ["foo:22"]
- end
- test "partition query with startkey_docid and endkey_docid", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_design/map_some/_view/some"
- resp =
- Couch.get(
- url,
- query: %{
- startkey: "[\"field\",\"one\"]",
- endkey: "[\"field\",\"one\"]",
- startkey_docid: "foo:12",
- endkey_docid: "foo:30"
- }
- )
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- ids = get_ids(resp)
- assert ids == ["foo:12", "foo:18", "foo:24", "foo:30"]
- end
- test "query with reduce works", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_design/reduce/_view/some"
- resp = Couch.get(url, query: %{reduce: true, group_level: 1})
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- results = get_reduce_result(resp)
- assert results == [%{"key" => ["field"], "value" => 50}]
- resp = Couch.get(url, query: %{reduce: true, group_level: 2})
- results = get_reduce_result(resp)
- assert results == [
- %{"key" => ["field", "one"], "value" => 16},
- %{"key" => ["field", "two"], "value" => 34}
- ]
- resp = Couch.get(url, query: %{reduce: true, group: true})
- results = get_reduce_result(resp)
- assert results == [
- %{"key" => ["field", "one"], "value" => 16},
- %{"key" => ["field", "two"], "value" => 34}
- ]
- end
- test "partition query can set query limits", context do
- set_config({"query_server_config", "partition_query_limit", "2000"})
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- create_partition_docs(db_name)
- create_partition_ddoc(db_name)
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_design/mrtest/_view/some"
- resp =
- Couch.get(
- url,
- query: %{
- limit: 20
- }
- )
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- ids = get_ids(resp)
- assert length(ids) == 20
- resp = Couch.get(url)
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- ids = get_ids(resp)
- assert length(ids) == 50
- resp =
- Couch.get(
- url,
- query: %{
- limit: 2000
- }
- )
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- ids = get_ids(resp)
- assert length(ids) == 50
- resp =
- Couch.get(
- url,
- query: %{
- limit: 2001
- }
- )
- assert resp.status_code == 400
- %{:body => %{"reason" => reason}} = resp
- assert Regex.match?(~r/Limit is too large/, reason)
- resp =
- Couch.get(
- url,
- query: %{
- limit: 2000,
- skip: 25
- }
- )
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- ids = get_ids(resp)
- assert length(ids) == 25
- end
- test "include_design works correctly", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_design/include_ddocs/_view/some"
- resp = Couch.get(url)
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- partitions = get_partitions(resp)
- assert length(partitions) == 50
- assert Enum.dedup(partitions) == ["foo"]
- end
diff --git a/test/elixir/test/partition_view_update_test.exs b/test/elixir/test/partition_view_update_test.exs
deleted file mode 100644
index 63c626890..000000000
--- a/test/elixir/test/partition_view_update_test.exs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-defmodule PartitionViewUpdateTest do
- use CouchTestCase
- import PartitionHelpers
- @moduledoc """
- Test Partition view update functionality
- """
- @tag :with_partitioned_db
- test "view updates properly remove old keys", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- create_partition_docs(db_name, "foo", "bar")
- create_partition_ddoc(db_name)
- check_key = fn key, num_rows ->
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_design/mrtest/_view/some"
- resp = Couch.get(url, query: [key: key])
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- assert length(resp.body["rows"]) == num_rows
- end
- check_key.(2, 1)
- resp = Couch.get("/#{db_name}/foo:2")
- doc = Map.put(resp.body, "value", 4)
- resp = Couch.put("/#{db_name}/foo:2", query: [w: 3], body: doc)
- assert resp.status_code >= 201 and resp.status_code <= 202
- check_key.(4, 2)
- check_key.(2, 0)
- end
- @tag :skip_on_jenkins
- @tag :with_partitioned_db
- test "query with update=false works", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- create_partition_docs(db_name)
- create_partition_ddoc(db_name)
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_design/mrtest/_view/some"
- resp =
- Couch.get(
- url,
- query: %{
- update: "true",
- limit: 3
- }
- )
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- ids = get_ids(resp)
- assert ids == ["foo:2", "foo:4", "foo:6"]
- # Avoid race conditions by attempting to get a full response
- # from every shard before we do our update:false test
- for _ <- 1..12 do
- resp = Couch.get(url)
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- end
- Couch.put("/#{db_name}/foo:1", body: %{some: "field"})
- retry_until(fn ->
- resp =
- Couch.get(
- url,
- query: %{
- update: "false",
- limit: 3
- }
- )
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- ids = get_ids(resp)
- assert ids == ["foo:2", "foo:4", "foo:6"]
- end)
- end
- @tag :with_partitioned_db
- test "purge removes view rows", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- create_partition_docs(db_name)
- create_partition_ddoc(db_name)
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_design/mrtest/_view/some"
- resp = Couch.get(url)
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- %{body: body} = resp
- assert length(body["rows"]) == 50
- resp = Couch.get("/#{db_name}/foo:2")
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- %{body: body} = resp
- rev = body["_rev"]
- body = %{"foo:2" => [rev]}
- resp ="/#{db_name}/_purge", query: [w: 3], body: body)
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- resp = Couch.get(url)
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- %{body: body} = resp
- assert length(body["rows"]) == 49
- end
- @tag :with_partitioned_db
- test "purged conflict changes view rows", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- create_partition_docs(db_name)
- create_partition_ddoc(db_name)
- url = "/#{db_name}/_partition/foo/_design/mrtest/_view/some"
- resp = Couch.get(url)
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- %{body: body} = resp
- assert length(body["rows"]) == 50
- # Create a conflict on foo:2. Since the 4096
- # value is deeper than the conflict we can assert
- # that's in the view before the purge and assert
- # that 8192 is in the view after the purge.
- resp = Couch.get("/#{db_name}/foo:2")
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- %{body: body} = resp
- rev1 = body["_rev"]
- doc = %{_id: "foo:2", _rev: rev1, value: 4096, some: "field"}
- resp ="/#{db_name}", query: [w: 3], body: doc)
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- %{body: body} = resp
- rev2 = body["rev"]
- query = [w: 3, new_edits: false]
- conflict_rev = "1-4a75b4efa0804859b3dfd327cbc1c2f9"
- doc = %{_id: "foo:2", _rev: conflict_rev, value: 8192, some: "field"}
- resp = Couch.put("/#{db_name}/foo:2", query: query, body: doc)
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- # Check that our expected row exists
- resp = Couch.get(url, query: [key: 4096])
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- %{body: body} = resp
- [row] = body["rows"]
- assert row["id"] == "foo:2"
- # Remove the current row to be replaced with
- # a row from the conflict
- body = %{"foo:2" => [rev2]}
- resp ="/#{db_name}/_purge", query: [w: 3], body: body)
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- resp = Couch.get(url, query: [key: 8192])
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- %{body: body} = resp
- [row] = body["rows"]
- assert row["id"] == "foo:2"
- end
diff --git a/test/elixir/test/reshard_all_docs_test.exs b/test/elixir/test/reshard_all_docs_test.exs
deleted file mode 100644
index 62b6e372c..000000000
--- a/test/elixir/test/reshard_all_docs_test.exs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-defmodule ReshardAllDocsTest do
- use CouchTestCase
- import ReshardHelpers
- @moduledoc """
- Test _all_docs interaction with resharding
- """
- setup do
- db = random_db_name()
- {:ok, _} = create_db(db, query: %{q: 2})
- on_exit(fn ->
- reset_reshard_state()
- delete_db(db)
- end)
- {:ok, [db: db]}
- end
- test "all_docs after splitting all shards on node1", context do
- db = context[:db]
- node1 = get_first_node()
- docs = add_docs(1..100, db)
- before_split_all_docs = all_docs(db)
- assert docs == before_split_all_docs
- resp = post_job_node(db, node1)
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- jobid = hd(resp.body)["id"]
- wait_job_completed(jobid)
- assert before_split_all_docs == all_docs(db)
- assert remove_job(jobid).status_code == 200
- end
- test "all_docs after splitting the same range on all nodes", context do
- db = context[:db]
- docs = add_docs(1..100, db)
- before_split_all_docs = all_docs(db)
- assert docs == before_split_all_docs
- resp = post_job_range(db, "00000000-7fffffff")
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- resp.body
- |> j -> j["id"] end)
- |> Enum.each(fn id -> wait_job_completed(id) end)
- assert before_split_all_docs == all_docs(db)
- get_jobs()
- |> j -> j["id"] end)
- |> Enum.each(fn id -> remove_job(id) end)
- end
- defp add_docs(range, db) do
- docs = create_docs(range)
- w3 = %{:w => 3}
- resp ="/#{db}/_bulk_docs", body: %{docs: docs}, query: w3)
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- assert length(resp.body) == length(docs)
- docs
- |> rev(resp.body)
- |> Enum.into(%{}, fn %{:_id => id, :_rev => rev} -> {id, rev} end)
- end
- defp all_docs(db, query \\ %{}) do
- resp = Couch.get("/#{db}/_all_docs", query: query)
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- resp.body["rows"]
- |> Enum.into(%{}, fn %{"id" => id, "value" => v} -> {id, v["rev"]} end)
- end
diff --git a/test/elixir/test/reshard_basic_test.exs b/test/elixir/test/reshard_basic_test.exs
deleted file mode 100644
index 211dd6bf7..000000000
--- a/test/elixir/test/reshard_basic_test.exs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-defmodule ReshardBasicTest do
- use CouchTestCase
- import ReshardHelpers
- @moduledoc """
- Test resharding basic functionality
- """
- setup_all do
- db1 = random_db_name()
- {:ok, _} = create_db(db1, query: %{q: 1})
- db2 = random_db_name()
- {:ok, _} = create_db(db2, query: %{q: 2})
- on_exit(fn ->
- reset_reshard_state()
- delete_db(db1)
- delete_db(db2)
- end)
- {:ok, [db1: db1, db2: db2]}
- end
- test "basic api querying, no jobs present" do
- summary = get_summary()
- assert summary["state"] == "running"
- assert summary["state_reason"] == :null
- assert summary["total"] == 0
- assert summary["completed"] == 0
- assert summary["failed"] == 0
- assert summary["stopped"] == 0
- assert get_state() == %{"state" => "running", "reason" => :null}
- assert get_jobs() == []
- end
- test "check validation of invalid parameters", context do
- db1 = context[:db1]
- node1 = get_first_node()
- resp = post_job_node(db1, "badnode")
- assert resp.status_code == 400
- resp = post_job_node("badresharddb", node1)
- assert resp.status_code == 400
- resp = post_job_db("badresharddb")
- assert resp.status_code == 400
- resp = post_job_range("badresharddb", "randomgarbage")
- assert resp.status_code == 400
- resp = get_job("badjobid")
- assert resp.status_code == 404
- resp = remove_job("badjobid")
- assert resp.status_code == 404
- end
- test "toggle global state" do
- assert get_state() == %{"state" => "running", "reason" => :null}
- put_state_stopped("xyz")
- assert get_state() == %{"state" => "stopped", "reason" => "xyz"}
- put_state_running()
- assert get_state() == %{"state" => "running", "reason" => :null}
- end
- test "split q=1 db shards on node1 (1 job)", context do
- db = context[:db1]
- node1 = get_first_node()
- resp = post_job_node(db, node1)
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- body = resp.body
- assert is_list(body)
- assert length(body) == 1
- [job] = body
- id = job["id"]
- assert is_binary(id)
- node = job["node"]
- assert is_binary(node)
- assert node == node1
- assert job["ok"] == true
- shard = job["shard"]
- assert is_binary(shard)
- resp = get_job(id)
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- body = resp.body
- assert body["type"] == "split"
- assert body["id"] == id
- assert body["source"] == shard
- assert is_list(body["history"])
- assert body["job_state"] in ["new", "running", "completed"]
- assert is_list(body["target"])
- assert length(body["target"]) == 2
- wait_job_completed(id)
- resp = get_job(id)
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- body = resp.body
- assert body["job_state"] == "completed"
- assert body["split_state"] == "completed"
- resp = Couch.get("/#{db}/_shards")
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- shards = resp.body["shards"]
- assert node1 not in shards["00000000-ffffffff"]
- assert shards["00000000-7fffffff"] == [node1]
- assert shards["80000000-ffffffff"] == [node1]
- summary = get_summary()
- assert summary["total"] == 1
- assert summary["completed"] == 1
- resp = remove_job(id)
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- assert get_jobs() == []
- summary = get_summary()
- assert summary["total"] == 0
- assert summary["completed"] == 0
- end
- test "split q=2 shards on node1 (2 jobs)", context do
- db = context[:db2]
- node1 = get_first_node()
- resp = post_job_node(db, node1)
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- body = resp.body
- assert is_list(body)
- assert length(body) == 2
- [job1, job2] = Enum.sort(body)
- {id1, id2} = {job1["id"], job2["id"]}
- assert get_job(id1).body["id"] == id1
- assert get_job(id2).body["id"] == id2
- summary = get_summary()
- assert summary["total"] == 2
- wait_job_completed(id1)
- wait_job_completed(id2)
- summary = get_summary()
- assert summary["completed"] == 2
- resp = Couch.get("/#{db}/_shards")
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- shards = resp.body["shards"]
- assert node1 not in shards["00000000-7fffffff"]
- assert node1 not in shards["80000000-ffffffff"]
- assert shards["00000000-3fffffff"] == [node1]
- assert shards["40000000-7fffffff"] == [node1]
- assert shards["80000000-bfffffff"] == [node1]
- assert shards["c0000000-ffffffff"] == [node1]
- # deleting the source db should remove the jobs
- delete_db(db)
- wait_job_removed(id1)
- wait_job_removed(id2)
- summary = get_summary()
- assert summary["total"] == 0
- end
diff --git a/test/elixir/test/reshard_changes_feed.exs b/test/elixir/test/reshard_changes_feed.exs
deleted file mode 100644
index a4a39fec1..000000000
--- a/test/elixir/test/reshard_changes_feed.exs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-defmodule ReshardChangesFeedTest do
- use CouchTestCase
- import ReshardHelpers
- @moduledoc """
- Test _changes interaction with resharding
- """
- setup do
- db = random_db_name()
- {:ok, _} = create_db(db, query: %{q: 2})
- on_exit(fn ->
- reset_reshard_state()
- delete_db(db)
- end)
- {:ok, [db: db]}
- end
- test "all_docs after splitting all shards on node1", context do
- db = context[:db]
- add_docs(1..3, db)
- all_before = changes(db)
- first_seq = hd(all_before["results"])["seq"]
- last_seq = all_before["last_seq"]
- since_1_before = docset(changes(db, %{:since => first_seq}))
- since_last_before = docset(changes(db, %{:since => last_seq}))
- resp = post_job_range(db, "00000000-7fffffff")
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- resp.body
- |> j -> j["id"] end)
- |> Enum.each(fn id -> wait_job_completed(id) end)
- all_after = changes(db)
- since_1_after = docset(changes(db, %{:since => first_seq}))
- since_last_after = docset(changes(db, %{:since => last_seq}))
- assert docset(all_before) == docset(all_after)
- assert MapSet.subset?(since_1_before, since_1_after)
- assert MapSet.subset?(since_last_before, since_last_after)
- get_jobs()
- |> j -> j["id"] end)
- |> Enum.each(fn id -> remove_job(id) end)
- end
- defp docset(changes) do
- changes["results"]
- |> %{"id" => id} -> id end)
- |>
- end
- defp changes(db, query \\ %{}) do
- resp = Couch.get("/#{db}/_changes", query: query)
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- resp.body
- end
- defp add_docs(range, db) do
- docs = create_docs(range)
- w3 = %{:w => 3}
- resp ="/#{db}/_bulk_docs", body: %{docs: docs}, query: w3)
- assert resp.status_code == 201
- assert length(resp.body) == length(docs)
- docs
- |> rev(resp.body)
- |> Enum.into(%{}, fn %{:_id => id, :_rev => rev} -> {id, rev} end)
- end
- # (Keep for debugging)
- # defp unpack_seq(seq) when is_binary(seq) do
- # [_, opaque] = String.split(seq, "-")
- # {:ok, binblob} = Base.url_decode64(opaque, padding: false)
- # :erlang.binary_to_term(binblob)
- # end
diff --git a/test/elixir/test/reshard_helpers.exs b/test/elixir/test/reshard_helpers.exs
deleted file mode 100644
index 52ce301df..000000000
--- a/test/elixir/test/reshard_helpers.exs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-defmodule ReshardHelpers do
- use CouchTestCase
- def get_summary do
- resp = Couch.get("/_reshard")
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- resp.body
- end
- def get_state do
- resp = Couch.get("/_reshard/state")
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- resp.body
- end
- def put_state_running do
- resp = Couch.put("/_reshard/state", body: %{:state => "running"})
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- resp
- end
- def put_state_stopped(reason \\ "") do
- body = %{:state => "stopped", :reason => reason}
- resp = Couch.put("/_reshard/state", body: body)
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- resp
- end
- def get_jobs do
- resp = Couch.get("/_reshard/jobs")
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- resp.body["jobs"]
- end
- def post_job_db(db) do
- body = %{:type => :split, :db => db}
-"/_reshard/jobs", body: body)
- end
- def post_job_node(db, node) do
- body = %{:type => :split, :db => db, :node => node}
-"/_reshard/jobs", body: body)
- end
- def post_job_range(db, range) do
- body = %{:type => :split, :db => db, :range => range}
-"/_reshard/jobs", body: body)
- end
- def post_job_node_and_range(db, node, range) do
- body = %{:type => :split, :db => db, :node => node, :range => range}
-"/_reshard/jobs", body: body)
- end
- def get_job(id) when is_binary(id) do
- Couch.get("/_reshard/jobs/#{id}")
- end
- def remove_job(id) when is_binary(id) do
- Couch.delete("/_reshard/jobs/#{id}")
- end
- def get_job_state(id) when is_binary(id) do
- resp = Couch.get("/_reshard/jobs/#{id}/state")
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- resp.body["state"]
- end
- def stop_job(id, reason \\ "") when is_binary(id) do
- body = %{:state => "stopped", :reason => reason}
-"/_reshard/jobs/#{id}/state", body: body)
- end
- def resume_job(id) when is_binary(id) do
- body = %{:state => "running"}
-"/_reshard/jobs/#{id}/state", body: body)
- end
- def job_ids(jobs) do
- job -> job["id"] end, jobs)
- end
- def get_first_node do
- mresp = Couch.get("/_membership")
- assert mresp.status_code == 200
- all_nodes = mresp.body["all_nodes"]
- mresp.body["cluster_nodes"]
- |> Enum.filter(fn n -> n in all_nodes end)
- |> Enum.sort()
- |> hd()
- end
- def wait_job_removed(id) do
- retry_until(fn -> get_job(id).status_code == 404 end, 200, 10_000)
- end
- def wait_job_completed(id) do
- wait_job_state(id, "completed")
- end
- def wait_job_state(id, state) do
- retry_until(fn -> get_job_state(id) == state end, 200, 10_000)
- end
- def reset_reshard_state do
- get_jobs()
- |> j -> j["id"] end)
- |> Enum.each(fn id -> remove_job(id) end)
- assert get_jobs() == []
- put_state_running()
- end
diff --git a/test/elixir/test/test_helper.exs b/test/elixir/test/test_helper.exs
index 4bf65bcf6..6311fca44 100644
--- a/test/elixir/test/test_helper.exs
+++ b/test/elixir/test/test_helper.exs
@@ -14,5 +14,3 @@ ExUnit.configure(
-Code.require_file("partition_helpers.exs", __DIR__)
-Code.require_file("reshard_helpers.exs", __DIR__)