path: root/doc/rtd/reference/base_config_reference.rst
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+.. _base_config_reference:
+Base configuration
+.. warning::
+ This documentation is intended for custom image creators, such as distros
+ and cloud providers, not end users. Modifying the base configuration
+ should not be necessary for end users and can result in a system that may
+ be unreachable or may no longer boot.
+``Cloud-init`` base config is primarily defined in two places:
+* :file:`/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg`
+* :file:`/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/*.cfg`
+See the :ref:`configuration sources explanation<configuration>` for more
+information on how these files get sourced and combined with other
+:file:`cloud.cfg` isn't present in any of ``cloud-init``'s source files. The
+`configuration is templated`_ and customised for each
+distribution supported by ``cloud-init``.
+Base configuration keys
+Module keys
+Modules are grouped into the following keys:
+* ``cloud_init_modules``: Modules run during :ref:`network<boot-Network>`
+ timeframe.
+* ``cloud_config_modules``: Modules run during :ref:`config<boot-Config>`
+ timeframe.
+* ``cloud_final_modules``: Modules run during :ref:`final<boot-Final>`
+ timeframe.
+Each ``module`` definition contains an array of strings, where each string
+is the name of the module. Each name is taken directly from the module
+filename, with the ``cc_`` prefix and ``.py`` suffix removed, and with ``-``
+and ``_`` being interchangeable.
+Alternatively, in place of the module name, an array of
+``<name>, <frequency>[, <args>]`` args may be specified. See
+:ref:`the module creation guidelines<module_creation-Guidelines>` for
+more information on ``frequency`` and ``args``.
+.. note::
+ Most modules won't run at all if they're not triggered via a
+ respective user data key, so removing modules or changing the run
+ frequency is **not** a recommended way to reduce instance boot time.
+To specify that only ``_ run during final timeframe:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ cloud_final_modules:
+ - final_message
+To change the frequency from the default of ``ALWAYS`` to ``ONCE``:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ cloud_final_modules:
+ - [final_message, once]
+To include default arguments to the module (that may be overridden by
+user data):
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ cloud_final_modules:
+ - [final_message, once, "my final message"]
+.. _base_config-Datasource:
+Datasource keys
+Many datasources allow configuration of the datasource for use in
+querying the datasource for metadata using the ``datasource`` key.
+This configuration is datasource dependent and can be found under
+each datasource's respective :ref:`documentation<datasources>`. It will
+generally take the form of:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ datasource:
+ <datasource_name>:
+ ...
+System info keys
+These keys are used for setup of ``cloud-init`` itself, or the datasource
+or distro. Anything under ``system_info`` cannot be overridden by vendor data,
+user data, or any other handlers or transforms. In some cases there may be a
+``system_info`` key used for the distro, while the same key is used outside of
+``system_info`` for a user data module.
+Both keys will be processed independently.
+* ``system_info``: Top-level key.
+ - ``paths``: Definitions of common paths used by ``cloud-init``.
+ + ``cloud_dir``: Defaults to :file:`/var/lib/cloud`.
+ + ``templates_dir``: Defaults to :file:`/etc/cloud/templates`.
+ - ``distro``: Name of distro being used.
+ - ``default_user``: Defines the default user for the system using the same
+ user configuration as :ref:`Users and Groups<mod-users_groups>`. Note that
+ this CAN be overridden if a ``users`` configuration
+ is specified without a ``- default`` entry.
+ - ``ntp_client``: The default NTP client for the distro. Takes the same
+ form as ``ntp_client`` defined in :ref:`NTP<mod-ntp>`.
+ - ``package_mirrors``: Defines the package mirror info for apt.
+ - ``ssh_svcname``: The SSH service name. For most distros this will be
+ either ``ssh`` or ``sshd``.
+ - ``network``: Top-level key for distro-specific networking configuration.
+ + ``renderers``: Prioritised list of networking configurations to try
+ on this system. The first valid entry found will be used.
+ Options are:
+ * ``eni``: For :file:`/etc/network/interfaces`.
+ * ``network-manager``
+ * ``netplan``
+ * ``networkd``: For ``systemd-networkd``.
+ * ``freebsd``
+ * ``netbsd``
+ * ``openbsd``
+ + ``activators``: Prioritised list of networking tools to try to activate
+ network on this system. The first valid entry found will be used.
+ Options are:
+ * ``eni``: For ``ifup``/``ifdown``.
+ * ``netplan``: For ``netplan generate``/``netplan apply``.
+ * ``network-manager``: For ``nmcli connection load``/
+ ``nmcli connection up``.
+ * ``networkd``: For ``ip link set up``/``ip link set down``.
+Logging keys
+See :ref:`the logging explanation<logging>` for a comprehensive
+logging explanation. Note that ``cloud-init`` has a default logging
+definition that shouldn't need to be altered. It is defined in this
+instance at :file:`/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/05_logging.cfg`.
+The logging keys used in the base configuration are as follows:
+A standard python `fileConfig`_ formatted log configuration.
+This is the primary logging configuration key and will take precedence over
+``log_cfgs`` or ``log_basic`` keys.
+A list of logging configs in `fileConfig`_ format to apply
+when running ``cloud-init``. Note that ``log_cfgs`` is used in
+Boolean value to determine if ``cloud-init`` should apply a
+basic default logging configuration if none has been provided. Defaults
+to ``true`` but only takes effect if ``logcfg`` or ``log_cfgs`` hasn't
+been defined.
+If and how to redirect ``stdout``/``stderr``. Defined in
+:file:`/etc/cloud.cfg.d/05_logging.cfg` and explained in
+:ref:`the logging explanation<logging_command_output>`.
+Takes a list of ``<owner:group>`` strings and will set the owner of
+``def_log_file`` accordingly.
+Only used in conjunction with ``syslog_fix_perms``.
+Specifies the filename to be used for setting permissions. Defaults
+to :file:`/var/log/cloud-init.log`.
+Other keys
+The :ref:`network configuration<network_config>` to be applied to this
+Prioritised list of python packages to search when finding a datasource.
+Automatically includes ``cloudinit.sources``.
+Prioritised list of datasources that ``cloud-init`` will attempt to find on
+boot. By default, this will be defined in :file:`/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d`. There
+are two primary use cases for modifying the ``datasource_list``:
+1. Remove known invalid datasources. This may avoid long timeouts when
+ attempting to detect datasources on any system without a systemd-generator
+ hook that invokes ``ds-identify``.
+2. Override default datasource ordering to discover a different datasource
+ type than would typically be prioritised.
+If ``datasource_list`` has only a single entry (or a single entry + ``None``),
+:ref:`cloud-init's generator script<boot-Generator>` will automatically assume
+and use this datasource without attempting detection.
+Allows the user to disable ``vendor_data`` or ``vendor_data2`` along with
+providing a prefix for any executed scripts.
+Format is a dict with ``enabled`` and ``prefix`` keys:
+* ``enabled``: A boolean indicating whether to enable or disable the
+ ``vendor_data``.
+* ``prefix``: A path to prepend to any ``vendor_data``-provided script.
+On an Ubuntu system, :file:`/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg` should look similar to:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ # The top level settings are used as module and base configuration.
+ # A set of users which may be applied and/or used by various modules
+ # when a 'default' entry is found it will reference the 'default_user'
+ # from the distro configuration specified below
+ users:
+ - default
+ # If this is set, 'root' will not be able to ssh in and they
+ # will get a message to login instead as the default $user
+ disable_root: true
+ # This will cause the set+update hostname module to not operate (if true)
+ preserve_hostname: false
+ # If you use datasource_list array, keep array items in a single line.
+ # If you use multi line array, ds-identify script won't read array items.
+ # Example datasource config
+ # datasource:
+ # Ec2:
+ # metadata_urls: [ '' ]
+ # timeout: 5 # (defaults to 50 seconds)
+ # max_wait: 10 # (defaults to 120 seconds)
+ # The modules that run in the 'init' stage
+ cloud_init_modules:
+ - migrator
+ - seed_random
+ - bootcmd
+ - write-files
+ - growpart
+ - resizefs
+ - disk_setup
+ - mounts
+ - set_hostname
+ - update_hostname
+ - update_etc_hosts
+ - ca-certs
+ - rsyslog
+ - users-groups
+ - ssh
+ # The modules that run in the 'config' stage
+ cloud_config_modules:
+ - snap
+ - ssh-import-id
+ - keyboard
+ - locale
+ - set-passwords
+ - grub-dpkg
+ - apt-pipelining
+ - apt-configure
+ - ubuntu-advantage
+ - ntp
+ - timezone
+ - disable-ec2-metadata
+ - runcmd
+ - byobu
+ # The modules that run in the 'final' stage
+ cloud_final_modules:
+ - package-update-upgrade-install
+ - fan
+ - landscape
+ - lxd
+ - ubuntu-drivers
+ - write-files-deferred
+ - puppet
+ - chef
+ - mcollective
+ - salt-minion
+ - reset_rmc
+ - refresh_rmc_and_interface
+ - rightscale_userdata
+ - scripts-vendor
+ - scripts-per-once
+ - scripts-per-boot
+ - scripts-per-instance
+ - scripts-user
+ - ssh-authkey-fingerprints
+ - keys-to-console
+ - install-hotplug
+ - phone-home
+ - final-message
+ - power-state-change
+ # System and/or distro specific settings
+ # (not accessible to handlers/transforms)
+ system_info:
+ # This will affect which distro class gets used
+ distro: ubuntu
+ # Default user name + that default users groups (if added/used)
+ default_user:
+ name: ubuntu
+ lock_passwd: True
+ gecos: Ubuntu
+ groups: [adm, audio, cdrom, dialout, dip, floppy, lxd, netdev, plugdev, sudo, video]
+ sudo: ["ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL"]
+ shell: /bin/bash
+ network:
+ renderers: ['netplan', 'eni', 'sysconfig']
+ # Automatically discover the best ntp_client
+ ntp_client: auto
+ # Other config here will be given to the distro class and/or path classes
+ paths:
+ cloud_dir: /var/lib/cloud/
+ templates_dir: /etc/cloud/templates/
+ package_mirrors:
+ - arches: [i386, amd64]
+ failsafe:
+ primary:
+ security:
+ search:
+ primary:
+ - http://%(ec2_region)
+ - http://%(availability_zone)
+ - http://%(region)
+ security: []
+ - arches: [arm64, armel, armhf]
+ failsafe:
+ primary:
+ security:
+ search:
+ primary:
+ - http://%(ec2_region)
+ - http://%(availability_zone)
+ - http://%(region)
+ security: []
+ - arches: [default]
+ failsafe:
+ primary:
+ security:
+ ssh_svcname: ssh
+.. _configuration is templated:
+.. _fileConfig: