path: root/src/general.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/general.c')
1 files changed, 402 insertions, 402 deletions
diff --git a/src/general.c b/src/general.c
index 1e23812..861c289 100644
--- a/src/general.c
+++ b/src/general.c
@@ -34,442 +34,442 @@ static int initializeCountG = 0;
S3Status S3_initialize(const char *userAgentInfo, int flags)
- if (initializeCountG++) {
- return S3StatusOK;
- }
+ if (initializeCountG++) {
+ return S3StatusOK;
+ }
- return request_api_initialize(userAgentInfo, flags);
+ return request_api_initialize(userAgentInfo, flags);
void S3_deinitialize()
- if (--initializeCountG) {
- return;
- }
+ if (--initializeCountG) {
+ return;
+ }
- request_api_deinitialize();
+ request_api_deinitialize();
const char *S3_get_status_name(S3Status status)
- switch (status) {
-#define handlecase(s) \
- case S3Status##s: \
- return #s
- handlecase(OK);
- handlecase(InternalError);
- handlecase(OutOfMemory);
- handlecase(Interrupted);
- handlecase(InvalidBucketNameTooLong);
- handlecase(InvalidBucketNameFirstCharacter);
- handlecase(InvalidBucketNameCharacter);
- handlecase(InvalidBucketNameCharacterSequence);
- handlecase(InvalidBucketNameTooShort);
- handlecase(InvalidBucketNameDotQuadNotation);
- handlecase(QueryParamsTooLong);
- handlecase(FailedToInitializeRequest);
- handlecase(MetaDataHeadersTooLong);
- handlecase(BadMetaData);
- handlecase(BadContentType);
- handlecase(ContentTypeTooLong);
- handlecase(BadMD5);
- handlecase(MD5TooLong);
- handlecase(BadCacheControl);
- handlecase(CacheControlTooLong);
- handlecase(BadContentDispositionFilename);
- handlecase(ContentDispositionFilenameTooLong);
- handlecase(BadContentEncoding);
- handlecase(ContentEncodingTooLong);
- handlecase(BadIfMatchETag);
- handlecase(IfMatchETagTooLong);
- handlecase(BadIfNotMatchETag);
- handlecase(IfNotMatchETagTooLong);
- handlecase(HeadersTooLong);
- handlecase(KeyTooLong);
- handlecase(UriTooLong);
- handlecase(XmlParseFailure);
- handlecase(EmailAddressTooLong);
- handlecase(UserIdTooLong);
- handlecase(UserDisplayNameTooLong);
- handlecase(GroupUriTooLong);
- handlecase(PermissionTooLong);
- handlecase(TargetBucketTooLong);
- handlecase(TargetPrefixTooLong);
- handlecase(TooManyGrants);
- handlecase(BadGrantee);
- handlecase(BadPermission);
- handlecase(XmlDocumentTooLarge);
- handlecase(NameLookupError);
- handlecase(FailedToConnect);
- handlecase(ServerFailedVerification);
- handlecase(ConnectionFailed);
- handlecase(AbortedByCallback);
- handlecase(ErrorAccessDenied);
- handlecase(ErrorAccountProblem);
- handlecase(ErrorAmbiguousGrantByEmailAddress);
- handlecase(ErrorBadDigest);
- handlecase(ErrorBucketAlreadyExists);
- handlecase(ErrorBucketAlreadyOwnedByYou);
- handlecase(ErrorBucketNotEmpty);
- handlecase(ErrorCredentialsNotSupported);
- handlecase(ErrorCrossLocationLoggingProhibited);
- handlecase(ErrorEntityTooSmall);
- handlecase(ErrorEntityTooLarge);
- handlecase(ErrorExpiredToken);
- handlecase(ErrorIncompleteBody);
- handlecase(ErrorIncorrectNumberOfFilesInPostRequest);
- handlecase(ErrorInlineDataTooLarge);
- handlecase(ErrorInternalError);
- handlecase(ErrorInvalidAccessKeyId);
- handlecase(ErrorInvalidAddressingHeader);
- handlecase(ErrorInvalidArgument);
- handlecase(ErrorInvalidBucketName);
- handlecase(ErrorInvalidDigest);
- handlecase(ErrorInvalidLocationConstraint);
- handlecase(ErrorInvalidPayer);
- handlecase(ErrorInvalidPolicyDocument);
- handlecase(ErrorInvalidRange);
- handlecase(ErrorInvalidSecurity);
- handlecase(ErrorInvalidSOAPRequest);
- handlecase(ErrorInvalidStorageClass);
- handlecase(ErrorInvalidTargetBucketForLogging);
- handlecase(ErrorInvalidToken);
- handlecase(ErrorInvalidURI);
- handlecase(ErrorKeyTooLong);
- handlecase(ErrorMalformedACLError);
- handlecase(ErrorMalformedXML);
- handlecase(ErrorMaxMessageLengthExceeded);
- handlecase(ErrorMaxPostPreDataLengthExceededError);
- handlecase(ErrorMetadataTooLarge);
- handlecase(ErrorMethodNotAllowed);
- handlecase(ErrorMissingAttachment);
- handlecase(ErrorMissingContentLength);
- handlecase(ErrorMissingSecurityElement);
- handlecase(ErrorMissingSecurityHeader);
- handlecase(ErrorNoLoggingStatusForKey);
- handlecase(ErrorNoSuchBucket);
- handlecase(ErrorNoSuchKey);
- handlecase(ErrorNotImplemented);
- handlecase(ErrorNotSignedUp);
- handlecase(ErrorOperationAborted);
- handlecase(ErrorPermanentRedirect);
- handlecase(ErrorPreconditionFailed);
- handlecase(ErrorRedirect);
- handlecase(ErrorRequestIsNotMultiPartContent);
- handlecase(ErrorRequestTimeout);
- handlecase(ErrorRequestTimeTooSkewed);
- handlecase(ErrorRequestTorrentOfBucketError);
- handlecase(ErrorSignatureDoesNotMatch);
- handlecase(ErrorSlowDown);
- handlecase(ErrorTemporaryRedirect);
- handlecase(ErrorTokenRefreshRequired);
- handlecase(ErrorTooManyBuckets);
- handlecase(ErrorUnexpectedContent);
- handlecase(ErrorUnresolvableGrantByEmailAddress);
- handlecase(ErrorUserKeyMustBeSpecified);
- handlecase(ErrorUnknown);
- handlecase(HttpErrorMovedTemporarily);
- handlecase(HttpErrorBadRequest);
- handlecase(HttpErrorForbidden);
- handlecase(HttpErrorNotFound);
- handlecase(HttpErrorConflict);
- handlecase(HttpErrorUnknown);
- }
- return "Unknown";
+ switch (status) {
+#define handlecase(s) \
+ case S3Status##s: \
+ return #s
+ handlecase(OK);
+ handlecase(InternalError);
+ handlecase(OutOfMemory);
+ handlecase(Interrupted);
+ handlecase(InvalidBucketNameTooLong);
+ handlecase(InvalidBucketNameFirstCharacter);
+ handlecase(InvalidBucketNameCharacter);
+ handlecase(InvalidBucketNameCharacterSequence);
+ handlecase(InvalidBucketNameTooShort);
+ handlecase(InvalidBucketNameDotQuadNotation);
+ handlecase(QueryParamsTooLong);
+ handlecase(FailedToInitializeRequest);
+ handlecase(MetaDataHeadersTooLong);
+ handlecase(BadMetaData);
+ handlecase(BadContentType);
+ handlecase(ContentTypeTooLong);
+ handlecase(BadMD5);
+ handlecase(MD5TooLong);
+ handlecase(BadCacheControl);
+ handlecase(CacheControlTooLong);
+ handlecase(BadContentDispositionFilename);
+ handlecase(ContentDispositionFilenameTooLong);
+ handlecase(BadContentEncoding);
+ handlecase(ContentEncodingTooLong);
+ handlecase(BadIfMatchETag);
+ handlecase(IfMatchETagTooLong);
+ handlecase(BadIfNotMatchETag);
+ handlecase(IfNotMatchETagTooLong);
+ handlecase(HeadersTooLong);
+ handlecase(KeyTooLong);
+ handlecase(UriTooLong);
+ handlecase(XmlParseFailure);
+ handlecase(EmailAddressTooLong);
+ handlecase(UserIdTooLong);
+ handlecase(UserDisplayNameTooLong);
+ handlecase(GroupUriTooLong);
+ handlecase(PermissionTooLong);
+ handlecase(TargetBucketTooLong);
+ handlecase(TargetPrefixTooLong);
+ handlecase(TooManyGrants);
+ handlecase(BadGrantee);
+ handlecase(BadPermission);
+ handlecase(XmlDocumentTooLarge);
+ handlecase(NameLookupError);
+ handlecase(FailedToConnect);
+ handlecase(ServerFailedVerification);
+ handlecase(ConnectionFailed);
+ handlecase(AbortedByCallback);
+ handlecase(ErrorAccessDenied);
+ handlecase(ErrorAccountProblem);
+ handlecase(ErrorAmbiguousGrantByEmailAddress);
+ handlecase(ErrorBadDigest);
+ handlecase(ErrorBucketAlreadyExists);
+ handlecase(ErrorBucketAlreadyOwnedByYou);
+ handlecase(ErrorBucketNotEmpty);
+ handlecase(ErrorCredentialsNotSupported);
+ handlecase(ErrorCrossLocationLoggingProhibited);
+ handlecase(ErrorEntityTooSmall);
+ handlecase(ErrorEntityTooLarge);
+ handlecase(ErrorExpiredToken);
+ handlecase(ErrorIncompleteBody);
+ handlecase(ErrorIncorrectNumberOfFilesInPostRequest);
+ handlecase(ErrorInlineDataTooLarge);
+ handlecase(ErrorInternalError);
+ handlecase(ErrorInvalidAccessKeyId);
+ handlecase(ErrorInvalidAddressingHeader);
+ handlecase(ErrorInvalidArgument);
+ handlecase(ErrorInvalidBucketName);
+ handlecase(ErrorInvalidDigest);
+ handlecase(ErrorInvalidLocationConstraint);
+ handlecase(ErrorInvalidPayer);
+ handlecase(ErrorInvalidPolicyDocument);
+ handlecase(ErrorInvalidRange);
+ handlecase(ErrorInvalidSecurity);
+ handlecase(ErrorInvalidSOAPRequest);
+ handlecase(ErrorInvalidStorageClass);
+ handlecase(ErrorInvalidTargetBucketForLogging);
+ handlecase(ErrorInvalidToken);
+ handlecase(ErrorInvalidURI);
+ handlecase(ErrorKeyTooLong);
+ handlecase(ErrorMalformedACLError);
+ handlecase(ErrorMalformedXML);
+ handlecase(ErrorMaxMessageLengthExceeded);
+ handlecase(ErrorMaxPostPreDataLengthExceededError);
+ handlecase(ErrorMetadataTooLarge);
+ handlecase(ErrorMethodNotAllowed);
+ handlecase(ErrorMissingAttachment);
+ handlecase(ErrorMissingContentLength);
+ handlecase(ErrorMissingSecurityElement);
+ handlecase(ErrorMissingSecurityHeader);
+ handlecase(ErrorNoLoggingStatusForKey);
+ handlecase(ErrorNoSuchBucket);
+ handlecase(ErrorNoSuchKey);
+ handlecase(ErrorNotImplemented);
+ handlecase(ErrorNotSignedUp);
+ handlecase(ErrorOperationAborted);
+ handlecase(ErrorPermanentRedirect);
+ handlecase(ErrorPreconditionFailed);
+ handlecase(ErrorRedirect);
+ handlecase(ErrorRequestIsNotMultiPartContent);
+ handlecase(ErrorRequestTimeout);
+ handlecase(ErrorRequestTimeTooSkewed);
+ handlecase(ErrorRequestTorrentOfBucketError);
+ handlecase(ErrorSignatureDoesNotMatch);
+ handlecase(ErrorSlowDown);
+ handlecase(ErrorTemporaryRedirect);
+ handlecase(ErrorTokenRefreshRequired);
+ handlecase(ErrorTooManyBuckets);
+ handlecase(ErrorUnexpectedContent);
+ handlecase(ErrorUnresolvableGrantByEmailAddress);
+ handlecase(ErrorUserKeyMustBeSpecified);
+ handlecase(ErrorUnknown);
+ handlecase(HttpErrorMovedTemporarily);
+ handlecase(HttpErrorBadRequest);
+ handlecase(HttpErrorForbidden);
+ handlecase(HttpErrorNotFound);
+ handlecase(HttpErrorConflict);
+ handlecase(HttpErrorUnknown);
+ }
+ return "Unknown";
S3Status S3_validate_bucket_name(const char *bucketName, S3UriStyle uriStyle)
- int virtualHostStyle = (uriStyle == S3UriStyleVirtualHost);
- int len = 0, maxlen = virtualHostStyle ? 63 : 255;
- const char *b = bucketName;
- int hasDot = 0;
- int hasNonDigit = 0;
- while (*b) {
- if (len == maxlen) {
- return S3StatusInvalidBucketNameTooLong;
- }
- else if (isalpha(*b)) {
- len++, b++;
- hasNonDigit = 1;
- }
- else if (isdigit(*b)) {
- len++, b++;
- }
- else if (len == 0) {
- return S3StatusInvalidBucketNameFirstCharacter;
- }
- else if (*b == '_') {
- /* Virtual host style bucket names cannot have underscores */
- if (virtualHostStyle) {
- return S3StatusInvalidBucketNameCharacter;
- }
- len++, b++;
- hasNonDigit = 1;
- }
- else if (*b == '-') {
- /* Virtual host style bucket names cannot have .- */
- if (virtualHostStyle && (b > bucketName) && (*(b - 1) == '.')) {
- return S3StatusInvalidBucketNameCharacterSequence;
- }
- len++, b++;
- hasNonDigit = 1;
- }
- else if (*b == '.') {
- /* Virtual host style bucket names cannot have -. */
- if (virtualHostStyle && (b > bucketName) && (*(b - 1) == '-')) {
- return S3StatusInvalidBucketNameCharacterSequence;
- }
- len++, b++;
- hasDot = 1;
- }
- else {
- return S3StatusInvalidBucketNameCharacter;
- }
- }
- if (len < 3) {
- return S3StatusInvalidBucketNameTooShort;
- }
- /* It's not clear from Amazon's documentation exactly what 'IP address
- style' means. In its strictest sense, it could mean 'could be a valid
- IP address', which would mean that would be invalid,
- wherase would be valid. Or it could mean 'has 4 sets
- of digits separated by dots'. Who knows. Let's just be really
- conservative here: if it has any dots, and no non-digit characters,
- then we reject it */
- if (hasDot && !hasNonDigit) {
- return S3StatusInvalidBucketNameDotQuadNotation;
- }
- return S3StatusOK;
+ int virtualHostStyle = (uriStyle == S3UriStyleVirtualHost);
+ int len = 0, maxlen = virtualHostStyle ? 63 : 255;
+ const char *b = bucketName;
+ int hasDot = 0;
+ int hasNonDigit = 0;
+ while (*b) {
+ if (len == maxlen) {
+ return S3StatusInvalidBucketNameTooLong;
+ }
+ else if (isalpha(*b)) {
+ len++, b++;
+ hasNonDigit = 1;
+ }
+ else if (isdigit(*b)) {
+ len++, b++;
+ }
+ else if (len == 0) {
+ return S3StatusInvalidBucketNameFirstCharacter;
+ }
+ else if (*b == '_') {
+ /* Virtual host style bucket names cannot have underscores */
+ if (virtualHostStyle) {
+ return S3StatusInvalidBucketNameCharacter;
+ }
+ len++, b++;
+ hasNonDigit = 1;
+ }
+ else if (*b == '-') {
+ /* Virtual host style bucket names cannot have .- */
+ if (virtualHostStyle && (b > bucketName) && (*(b - 1) == '.')) {
+ return S3StatusInvalidBucketNameCharacterSequence;
+ }
+ len++, b++;
+ hasNonDigit = 1;
+ }
+ else if (*b == '.') {
+ /* Virtual host style bucket names cannot have -. */
+ if (virtualHostStyle && (b > bucketName) && (*(b - 1) == '-')) {
+ return S3StatusInvalidBucketNameCharacterSequence;
+ }
+ len++, b++;
+ hasDot = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ return S3StatusInvalidBucketNameCharacter;
+ }
+ }
+ if (len < 3) {
+ return S3StatusInvalidBucketNameTooShort;
+ }
+ /* It's not clear from Amazon's documentation exactly what 'IP address
+ style' means. In its strictest sense, it could mean 'could be a valid
+ IP address', which would mean that would be invalid,
+ wherase would be valid. Or it could mean 'has 4 sets
+ of digits separated by dots'. Who knows. Let's just be really
+ conservative here: if it has any dots, and no non-digit characters,
+ then we reject it */
+ if (hasDot && !hasNonDigit) {
+ return S3StatusInvalidBucketNameDotQuadNotation;
+ }
+ return S3StatusOK;
typedef struct ConvertAclData
- char *ownerId;
- int ownerIdLen;
- char *ownerDisplayName;
- int ownerDisplayNameLen;
- int *aclGrantCountReturn;
- S3AclGrant *aclGrants;
- string_buffer(emailAddress, S3_MAX_GRANTEE_EMAIL_ADDRESS_SIZE);
- string_buffer(userId, S3_MAX_GRANTEE_USER_ID_SIZE);
- string_buffer(userDisplayName, S3_MAX_GRANTEE_DISPLAY_NAME_SIZE);
- string_buffer(groupUri, 128);
- string_buffer(permission, 32);
+ char *ownerId;
+ int ownerIdLen;
+ char *ownerDisplayName;
+ int ownerDisplayNameLen;
+ int *aclGrantCountReturn;
+ S3AclGrant *aclGrants;
+ string_buffer(emailAddress, S3_MAX_GRANTEE_EMAIL_ADDRESS_SIZE);
+ string_buffer(userId, S3_MAX_GRANTEE_USER_ID_SIZE);
+ string_buffer(userDisplayName, S3_MAX_GRANTEE_DISPLAY_NAME_SIZE);
+ string_buffer(groupUri, 128);
+ string_buffer(permission, 32);
} ConvertAclData;
static S3Status convertAclXmlCallback(const char *elementPath,
- const char *data, int dataLen,
- void *callbackData)
+ const char *data, int dataLen,
+ void *callbackData)
- ConvertAclData *caData = (ConvertAclData *) callbackData;
- int fit;
- if (data) {
- if (!strcmp(elementPath, "AccessControlPolicy/Owner/ID")) {
- caData->ownerIdLen +=
- snprintf(&(caData->ownerId[caData->ownerIdLen]),
- S3_MAX_GRANTEE_USER_ID_SIZE - caData->ownerIdLen - 1,
- "%.*s", dataLen, data);
- if (caData->ownerIdLen >= S3_MAX_GRANTEE_USER_ID_SIZE) {
- return S3StatusUserIdTooLong;
- }
- }
- else if (!strcmp(elementPath, "AccessControlPolicy/Owner/"
- "DisplayName")) {
- caData->ownerDisplayNameLen +=
- snprintf(&(caData->ownerDisplayName
- [caData->ownerDisplayNameLen]),
- caData->ownerDisplayNameLen - 1,
- "%.*s", dataLen, data);
- if (caData->ownerDisplayNameLen >=
- return S3StatusUserDisplayNameTooLong;
- }
- }
- else if (!strcmp(elementPath,
- "AccessControlPolicy/AccessControlList/Grant/"
- "Grantee/EmailAddress")) {
- // AmazonCustomerByEmail
- string_buffer_append(caData->emailAddress, data, dataLen, fit);
- if (!fit) {
- return S3StatusEmailAddressTooLong;
- }
- }
- else if (!strcmp(elementPath,
- "AccessControlPolicy/AccessControlList/Grant/"
- "Grantee/ID")) {
- // CanonicalUser
- string_buffer_append(caData->userId, data, dataLen, fit);
- if (!fit) {
- return S3StatusUserIdTooLong;
- }
- }
- else if (!strcmp(elementPath,
- "AccessControlPolicy/AccessControlList/Grant/"
- "Grantee/DisplayName")) {
- // CanonicalUser
- string_buffer_append(caData->userDisplayName, data, dataLen, fit);
- if (!fit) {
- return S3StatusUserDisplayNameTooLong;
- }
- }
- else if (!strcmp(elementPath,
- "AccessControlPolicy/AccessControlList/Grant/"
- "Grantee/URI")) {
- // Group
- string_buffer_append(caData->groupUri, data, dataLen, fit);
- if (!fit) {
- return S3StatusGroupUriTooLong;
- }
- }
- else if (!strcmp(elementPath,
- "AccessControlPolicy/AccessControlList/Grant/"
- "Permission")) {
- // Permission
- string_buffer_append(caData->permission, data, dataLen, fit);
- if (!fit) {
- return S3StatusPermissionTooLong;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- if (!strcmp(elementPath, "AccessControlPolicy/AccessControlList/"
- "Grant")) {
- // A grant has just been completed; so add the next S3AclGrant
- // based on the values read
- if (*(caData->aclGrantCountReturn) == S3_MAX_ACL_GRANT_COUNT) {
- return S3StatusTooManyGrants;
- }
- S3AclGrant *grant = &(caData->aclGrants
- [*(caData->aclGrantCountReturn)]);
- if (caData->emailAddress[0]) {
- grant->granteeType = S3GranteeTypeAmazonCustomerByEmail;
- strcpy(grant->grantee.amazonCustomerByEmail.emailAddress,
- caData->emailAddress);
- }
- else if (caData->userId[0] && caData->userDisplayName[0]) {
- grant->granteeType = S3GranteeTypeCanonicalUser;
- strcpy(grant->, caData->userId);
- strcpy(grant->grantee.canonicalUser.displayName,
- caData->userDisplayName);
- }
- else if (caData->groupUri[0]) {
- if (!strcmp(caData->groupUri,
- ""
- "AuthenticatedUsers")) {
- grant->granteeType = S3GranteeTypeAllAwsUsers;
- }
- else if (!strcmp(caData->groupUri,
- ""
- "AllUsers")) {
- grant->granteeType = S3GranteeTypeAllUsers;
- }
- else if (!strcmp(caData->groupUri,
- ""
- "LogDelivery")) {
- grant->granteeType = S3GranteeTypeLogDelivery;
- }
- else {
- return S3StatusBadGrantee;
- }
- }
- else {
- return S3StatusBadGrantee;
- }
- if (!strcmp(caData->permission, "READ")) {
- grant->permission = S3PermissionRead;
- }
- else if (!strcmp(caData->permission, "WRITE")) {
- grant->permission = S3PermissionWrite;
- }
- else if (!strcmp(caData->permission, "READ_ACP")) {
- grant->permission = S3PermissionReadACP;
- }
- else if (!strcmp(caData->permission, "WRITE_ACP")) {
- grant->permission = S3PermissionWriteACP;
- }
- else if (!strcmp(caData->permission, "FULL_CONTROL")) {
- grant->permission = S3PermissionFullControl;
- }
- else {
- return S3StatusBadPermission;
- }
- (*(caData->aclGrantCountReturn))++;
- string_buffer_initialize(caData->emailAddress);
- string_buffer_initialize(caData->userId);
- string_buffer_initialize(caData->userDisplayName);
- string_buffer_initialize(caData->groupUri);
- string_buffer_initialize(caData->permission);
- }
- }
- return S3StatusOK;
+ ConvertAclData *caData = (ConvertAclData *) callbackData;
+ int fit;
+ if (data) {
+ if (!strcmp(elementPath, "AccessControlPolicy/Owner/ID")) {
+ caData->ownerIdLen +=
+ snprintf(&(caData->ownerId[caData->ownerIdLen]),
+ S3_MAX_GRANTEE_USER_ID_SIZE - caData->ownerIdLen - 1,
+ "%.*s", dataLen, data);
+ if (caData->ownerIdLen >= S3_MAX_GRANTEE_USER_ID_SIZE) {
+ return S3StatusUserIdTooLong;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(elementPath, "AccessControlPolicy/Owner/"
+ "DisplayName")) {
+ caData->ownerDisplayNameLen +=
+ snprintf(&(caData->ownerDisplayName
+ [caData->ownerDisplayNameLen]),
+ caData->ownerDisplayNameLen - 1,
+ "%.*s", dataLen, data);
+ if (caData->ownerDisplayNameLen >=
+ return S3StatusUserDisplayNameTooLong;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(elementPath,
+ "AccessControlPolicy/AccessControlList/Grant/"
+ "Grantee/EmailAddress")) {
+ // AmazonCustomerByEmail
+ string_buffer_append(caData->emailAddress, data, dataLen, fit);
+ if (!fit) {
+ return S3StatusEmailAddressTooLong;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(elementPath,
+ "AccessControlPolicy/AccessControlList/Grant/"
+ "Grantee/ID")) {
+ // CanonicalUser
+ string_buffer_append(caData->userId, data, dataLen, fit);
+ if (!fit) {
+ return S3StatusUserIdTooLong;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(elementPath,
+ "AccessControlPolicy/AccessControlList/Grant/"
+ "Grantee/DisplayName")) {
+ // CanonicalUser
+ string_buffer_append(caData->userDisplayName, data, dataLen, fit);
+ if (!fit) {
+ return S3StatusUserDisplayNameTooLong;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(elementPath,
+ "AccessControlPolicy/AccessControlList/Grant/"
+ "Grantee/URI")) {
+ // Group
+ string_buffer_append(caData->groupUri, data, dataLen, fit);
+ if (!fit) {
+ return S3StatusGroupUriTooLong;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(elementPath,
+ "AccessControlPolicy/AccessControlList/Grant/"
+ "Permission")) {
+ // Permission
+ string_buffer_append(caData->permission, data, dataLen, fit);
+ if (!fit) {
+ return S3StatusPermissionTooLong;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!strcmp(elementPath, "AccessControlPolicy/AccessControlList/"
+ "Grant")) {
+ // A grant has just been completed; so add the next S3AclGrant
+ // based on the values read
+ if (*(caData->aclGrantCountReturn) == S3_MAX_ACL_GRANT_COUNT) {
+ return S3StatusTooManyGrants;
+ }
+ S3AclGrant *grant = &(caData->aclGrants
+ [*(caData->aclGrantCountReturn)]);
+ if (caData->emailAddress[0]) {
+ grant->granteeType = S3GranteeTypeAmazonCustomerByEmail;
+ strcpy(grant->grantee.amazonCustomerByEmail.emailAddress,
+ caData->emailAddress);
+ }
+ else if (caData->userId[0] && caData->userDisplayName[0]) {
+ grant->granteeType = S3GranteeTypeCanonicalUser;
+ strcpy(grant->, caData->userId);
+ strcpy(grant->grantee.canonicalUser.displayName,
+ caData->userDisplayName);
+ }
+ else if (caData->groupUri[0]) {
+ if (!strcmp(caData->groupUri,
+ ""
+ "AuthenticatedUsers")) {
+ grant->granteeType = S3GranteeTypeAllAwsUsers;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(caData->groupUri,
+ ""
+ "AllUsers")) {
+ grant->granteeType = S3GranteeTypeAllUsers;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(caData->groupUri,
+ ""
+ "LogDelivery")) {
+ grant->granteeType = S3GranteeTypeLogDelivery;
+ }
+ else {
+ return S3StatusBadGrantee;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return S3StatusBadGrantee;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(caData->permission, "READ")) {
+ grant->permission = S3PermissionRead;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(caData->permission, "WRITE")) {
+ grant->permission = S3PermissionWrite;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(caData->permission, "READ_ACP")) {
+ grant->permission = S3PermissionReadACP;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(caData->permission, "WRITE_ACP")) {
+ grant->permission = S3PermissionWriteACP;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(caData->permission, "FULL_CONTROL")) {
+ grant->permission = S3PermissionFullControl;
+ }
+ else {
+ return S3StatusBadPermission;
+ }
+ (*(caData->aclGrantCountReturn))++;
+ string_buffer_initialize(caData->emailAddress);
+ string_buffer_initialize(caData->userId);
+ string_buffer_initialize(caData->userDisplayName);
+ string_buffer_initialize(caData->groupUri);
+ string_buffer_initialize(caData->permission);
+ }
+ }
+ return S3StatusOK;
S3Status S3_convert_acl(char *aclXml, char *ownerId, char *ownerDisplayName,
- int *aclGrantCountReturn, S3AclGrant *aclGrants)
+ int *aclGrantCountReturn, S3AclGrant *aclGrants)
- ConvertAclData data;
- data.ownerId = ownerId;
- data.ownerIdLen = 0;
- data.ownerId[0] = 0;
- data.ownerDisplayName = ownerDisplayName;
- data.ownerDisplayNameLen = 0;
- data.ownerDisplayName[0] = 0;
- data.aclGrantCountReturn = aclGrantCountReturn;
- data.aclGrants = aclGrants;
- *aclGrantCountReturn = 0;
- string_buffer_initialize(data.emailAddress);
- string_buffer_initialize(data.userId);
- string_buffer_initialize(data.userDisplayName);
- string_buffer_initialize(data.groupUri);
- string_buffer_initialize(data.permission);
- // Use a simplexml parser
- SimpleXml simpleXml;
- simplexml_initialize(&simpleXml, &convertAclXmlCallback, &data);
- S3Status status = simplexml_add(&simpleXml, aclXml, strlen(aclXml));
- simplexml_deinitialize(&simpleXml);
- return status;
+ ConvertAclData data;
+ data.ownerId = ownerId;
+ data.ownerIdLen = 0;
+ data.ownerId[0] = 0;
+ data.ownerDisplayName = ownerDisplayName;
+ data.ownerDisplayNameLen = 0;
+ data.ownerDisplayName[0] = 0;
+ data.aclGrantCountReturn = aclGrantCountReturn;
+ data.aclGrants = aclGrants;
+ *aclGrantCountReturn = 0;
+ string_buffer_initialize(data.emailAddress);
+ string_buffer_initialize(data.userId);
+ string_buffer_initialize(data.userDisplayName);
+ string_buffer_initialize(data.groupUri);
+ string_buffer_initialize(data.permission);
+ // Use a simplexml parser
+ SimpleXml simpleXml;
+ simplexml_initialize(&simpleXml, &convertAclXmlCallback, &data);
+ S3Status status = simplexml_add(&simpleXml, aclXml, strlen(aclXml));
+ simplexml_deinitialize(&simpleXml);
+ return status;
int S3_status_is_retryable(S3Status status)
- switch (status) {
- case S3StatusNameLookupError:
- case S3StatusFailedToConnect:
- case S3StatusConnectionFailed:
- case S3StatusErrorInternalError:
- case S3StatusErrorOperationAborted:
- case S3StatusErrorRequestTimeout:
- return 1;
- default:
- return 0;
- }
+ switch (status) {
+ case S3StatusNameLookupError:
+ case S3StatusFailedToConnect:
+ case S3StatusConnectionFailed:
+ case S3StatusErrorInternalError:
+ case S3StatusErrorOperationAborted:
+ case S3StatusErrorRequestTimeout:
+ return 1;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }