path: root/v1.2/man/bundle-update.1.html
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+ <a href="#NAME">NAME</a>
+ <a href="#SYNOPSIS">SYNOPSIS</a>
+ <a href="#OPTIONS">OPTIONS</a>
+ </div>
+ <ol class='man-decor man-head man head'>
+ <li class='tl'>bundle-update(1)</li>
+ <li class='tc'></li>
+ <li class='tr'>bundle-update(1)</li>
+ </ol>
+ <h2 id="NAME">NAME</h2>
+<p class="man-name">
+ <code>bundle-update</code> - <span class="man-whatis">Update your gems to the latest available versions</span>
+<h2 id="SYNOPSIS">SYNOPSIS</h2>
+<p><code>bundle update</code> <var>*gems</var> [--source=NAME]</p>
+<p>Update the gems specified (all gems, if none are specified), ignoring
+the previously installed gems specified in the <code>Gemfile.lock</code>. In
+general, you should use <a href="bundle-install.1.html">bundle install(1)</a> to install the same exact
+gems and versions across machines.</p>
+<p>You would use <code>bundle update</code> to explicitly update the version of a
+<h2 id="OPTIONS">OPTIONS</h2>
+<dt><code>--source=&lt;name></code></dt><dd>The name of a <code>:git</code> or <code>:path</code> source used in the <a class="man-ref" href="gemfile.5.html">Gemfile<span class="s">(5)</span></a>. For
+instance, with a <code>:git</code> source of <code></code>,
+you would call <code>bundle update --source rails</code></dd>
+<p>If you run <code>bundle update</code> with no parameters, bundler will ignore
+any previously installed gems and resolve all dependencies again
+based on the latest versions of all gems available in the sources.</p>
+<p>Consider the following <a class="man-ref" href="gemfile.5.html">Gemfile<span class="s">(5)</span></a>:</p>
+<pre><code>source ""
+gem "rails", "3.0.0.rc"
+gem "nokogiri"
+<p>When you run <a href="bundle-install.1.html">bundle install(1)</a> the first time, bundler will resolve
+all of the dependencies, all the way down, and install what you need:</p>
+<pre><code>Fetching source index for
+Installing rake (10.0.2)
+Installing abstract (1.0.0)
+Installing activesupport (3.0.0.rc)
+Installing builder (2.1.2)
+Installing i18n (0.4.1)
+Installing activemodel (3.0.0.rc)
+Installing erubis (2.6.6)
+Installing rack (1.2.1)
+Installing rack-mount (0.6.9)
+Installing rack-test (0.5.4)
+Installing tzinfo (0.3.22)
+Installing actionpack (3.0.0.rc)
+Installing mime-types (1.16)
+Installing polyglot (0.3.1)
+Installing treetop (1.4.8)
+Installing mail (2.2.5)
+Installing actionmailer (3.0.0.rc)
+Installing arel (0.4.0)
+Installing activerecord (3.0.0.rc)
+Installing activeresource (3.0.0.rc)
+Installing bundler (1.0.0.rc.3)
+Installing nokogiri ( with native extensions
+Installing thor (0.14.0)
+Installing railties (3.0.0.rc)
+Installing rails (3.0.0.rc)
+Your bundle is complete! Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
+<p>As you can see, even though you have just two gems in the <a class="man-ref" href="gemfile.5.html">Gemfile<span class="s">(5)</span></a>, your application
+actually needs 25 different gems in order to run. Bundler remembers the exact versions
+it installed in <code>Gemfile.lock</code>. The next time you run <a href="bundle-install.1.html">bundle install(1)</a>, bundler skips
+the dependency resolution and installs the same gems as it installed last time.</p>
+<p>After checking in the <code>Gemfile.lock</code> into version control and cloning it on another
+machine, running <a href="bundle-install.1.html">bundle install(1)</a> will <em>still</em> install the gems that you installed
+last time. You don't need to worry that a new release of <code>erubis</code> or <code>mail</code> changes
+the gems you use.</p>
+<p>However, from time to time, you might want to update the gems you are using to the
+newest versions that still match the gems in your <a class="man-ref" href="gemfile.5.html">Gemfile<span class="s">(5)</span></a>.</p>
+<p>To do this, run <code>bundle update</code>, which will ignore the <code>Gemfile.lock</code>, and resolve
+all the dependencies again. Keep in mind that this process can result in a significantly
+different set of the 25 gems, based on the requirements of new gems that the gem
+authors released since the last time you ran <code>bundle update</code>.</p>
+<p>Sometimes, you want to update a single gem in the <a class="man-ref" href="gemfile.5.html">Gemfile<span class="s">(5)</span></a>, and leave the rest of the
+gems that you specified locked to the versions in the <code>Gemfile.lock</code>.</p>
+<p>For instance, in the scenario above, imagine that <code>nokogiri</code> releases version <code>1.4.4</code>, and
+you want to update it <em>without</em> updating Rails and all of its dependencies. To do this,
+run <code>bundle update nokogiri</code>.</p>
+<p>Bundler will update <code>nokogiri</code> and any of its dependencies, but leave alone Rails and
+its dependencies.</p>
+<p>Sometimes, multiple gems declared in your <a class="man-ref" href="gemfile.5.html">Gemfile<span class="s">(5)</span></a> are satisfied by the same
+second-level dependency. For instance, consider the case of <code>thin</code> and
+<pre><code>source ""
+gem "thin"
+gem "rack-perftools-profiler"
+<p>The <code>thin</code> gem depends on <code>rack &gt;= 1.0</code>, while <code>rack-perftools-profiler</code> depends
+on <code>rack ~&gt; 1.0</code>. If you run bundle install, you get:</p>
+<pre><code>Fetching source index for
+Installing daemons (1.1.0)
+Installing eventmachine (0.12.10) with native extensions
+Installing open4 (1.0.1)
+Installing perftools.rb (0.4.7) with native extensions
+Installing rack (1.2.1)
+Installing rack-perftools_profiler (0.0.2)
+Installing thin (1.2.7) with native extensions
+Using bundler (1.0.0.rc.3)
+<p>In this case, the two gems have their own set of dependencies, but they share
+<code>rack</code> in common. If you run <code>bundle update thin</code>, bundler will update <code>daemons</code>,
+<code>eventmachine</code> and <code>rack</code>, which are dependencies of <code>thin</code>, but not <code>open4</code> or
+<code>perftools.rb</code>, which are dependencies of <code>rack-perftools_profiler</code>. Note that
+<code>bundle update thin</code> will update <code>rack</code> even though it's <em>also</em> a dependency of
+<p><code>In short</code>, when you update a gem using <code>bundle update</code>, bundler will update all
+dependencies of that gem, including those that are also dependencies of another gem.</p>
+<p>In this scenario, updating the <code>thin</code> version manually in the <a class="man-ref" href="gemfile.5.html">Gemfile<span class="s">(5)</span></a>,
+and then running <a href="bundle-install.1.html">bundle install(1)</a> will only update <code>daemons</code> and <code>eventmachine</code>,
+but not <code>rack</code>. For more information, see the <code>CONSERVATIVE UPDATING</code> section
+of <a href="bundle-install.1.html">bundle install(1)</a>.</p>
+<p>In general, when working with an application managed with bundler, you should
+use the following workflow:</p>
+<li><p>After you create your <a class="man-ref" href="gemfile.5.html">Gemfile<span class="s">(5)</span></a> for the first time, run</p>
+<p> $ bundle install</p></li>
+<li><p>Check the resulting <code>Gemfile.lock</code> into version control</p>
+<p> $ git add Gemfile.lock</p></li>
+<li><p>When checking out this repository on another development machine, run</p>
+<p> $ bundle install</p></li>
+<li><p>When checking out this repository on a deployment machine, run</p>
+<p> $ bundle install --deployment</p></li>
+<li><p>After changing the <a class="man-ref" href="gemfile.5.html">Gemfile<span class="s">(5)</span></a> to reflect a new or update dependency, run</p>
+<p> $ bundle install</p></li>
+<li><p>Make sure to check the updated <code>Gemfile.lock</code> into version control</p>
+<p> $ git add Gemfile.lock</p></li>
+<li><p>If <a href="bundle-install.1.html">bundle install(1)</a> reports a conflict, manually update the specific
+gems that you changed in the <a class="man-ref" href="gemfile.5.html">Gemfile<span class="s">(5)</span></a></p>
+<p> $ bundle update rails thin</p></li>
+<li><p>If you want to update all the gems to the latest possible versions that
+still match the gems listed in the <a class="man-ref" href="gemfile.5.html">Gemfile<span class="s">(5)</span></a>, run</p>
+<p> $ bundle update</p></li>
+ <ol class='man-decor man-foot man foot'>
+ <li class='tl'></li>
+ <li class='tc'>March 2013</li>
+ <li class='tr'>bundle-update(1)</li>
+ </ol>
+ </div>