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@@ -1,3 +1,100 @@
+## 2.1.0.pre.1
+One of the biggest changes in bundler 2.1.0 is that deprecations for upcoming
+breaking changes in bundler 3 will be turned out by default. We do this to grab
+feedback and comunicate early to our users to kind of changes we're intending to
+make in bundler 3. See [#6965](
+Another important improvement is a better coexistence between bundler
+installations and the default copy of bundler that comes with ruby installed as
+a default gem. Since bundler is shipped as a default gem with ruby, a number of
+users have been affected by issues where bundler ends up failing due to version
+mismatches, because at some point of the execution, bundler switches to run the
+default copy instead of the expected version. A number of PRs have been focused
+on minimizing (hopefully eliminating) this, such as
+ * See the [the upgrading document]( for a detailed explanation of
+ the deprecations that are getting enabled in bundler 2.1, and the future
+ breaking changes in bundler 3.
+ - Reimplement `config` command using subcommands ([#5981](
+ - Add `bundle plugin list` command ([#6120](
+ - Introduce a `bundle lock --gemfile` flag ([#6748](
+ - Add local git repository source option (`--local_git`) to plugin installation ([#6749](
+ - Add `quiet` flag to inline bundler ([#6828](
+ - Introduce a `prefer_patch` configuration that makes `bundle update` behave like `bundle update --patch` ([#6931](
+ - Introduce `Bundler.original_system` and `Bundler.original_exec` to shell out or exec to external programs using the original environment before bundler was loaded ([#7052](
+ - Add feature parity to `bundle info GEM` with respect to the old deprecated command `bundle show GEM` [#7026](
+ - `bundle list` is introduced to list groups of gems in your Gemfile. This command was actually documented, but was just working as an alias to `bundle show` so this could also be considered a bug fix :) [#7072](
+ - Introduce `bundle outdated --filter-strict` as an alias to `bundle outdated --strict` [#6030](
+ - Add `:git` and `:branch` options to `bundle add` ([#7127](
+ - Add `:ruby_26` as a valid value to the `:platform(s)` dsl ([#7155](
+ - `bundle cache` now includes all features provided by `bundle package` ([#7249](
+ - Several improvements on new gem templates ([#6924](, [#6968](, [#7209](, [#7222](, [#7238](
+ - Add `--[no-]git` option to `bundle gem` to generate non source control gems. Useful for monorepos, for example ([#7263](
+ - Raise when the same gem is available in multiple sources, and show a suggestion to solve it ([#5985](
+ - Validate that bundler has permissions to write to the tmp directory, and raise with a meaningful error otherwise ([#5954](
+ - Remove downloaded `.gem` file from the cache if it's corrupted ([#6010](
+ - Fix generated README in new gems to explicitly suggest running `bundle install`, so that the outcome is independent from the major version of bundler being run ([#6068](
+ - Fix `bundle outdated --group NAME` when the group is listed second in the Gemfile ([#6116](
+ - Improve conflict resolution messages by not calling "ruby" a gem when conflict happens in the required_ruby_version, and by filtering out requirements that didn't contribute to the conflict ([#6647](
+ - Avoid fetching and rebuilding git gems whenever any gem is changed in the Gemfile ([#6711](
+ - Include the exact bundler version in the lock file in the suggested command when bundler warnings about version mismatches of itself [#6971](
+ - Fix plugins being installed every time a command is run #[#6978](
+ - Fallback to sequentially fetching specs on 429s [#6728](
+ - Make `bundle clean` also clean native extensions for gems with a git source [#7058](
+ - Fix `bundle info bundler` to show the correct path to the bundler gem [#7026](
+ - Fix `bundle config build.<gem>` not sending multiple parameters to `extconf.rb` correctly [#7023](
+ - Fix bad error message on Gemfile errors under ruby 2.7 (still unreleased, but it's a bugfix for beta testers after all) [#7038](
+ - Warn about situations where multiple gems provide the same executable ([#7075](
+ - Ignore `frozen` setting in inline mode ([#7125](
+ - Fix incorrect "bundler attempted to update GEM but version stayed the same" when updating git sourced gems ([#6325](
+ - Don't check for existance of a writable home directory if `BUNDLE_USER_HOME` is set ([#6885](
+ - Fix error message when server would respond to a bad username/password requiest with a 401 ([#6928](
+ - Fix `bundle outdated` pluralization when multiple groups are requested ([#7063](
+ - Fix `bundle install` not updating conservatively when gemspec is changed ([#7143](
+ - Fix `bundle exec` not respecting custom process titles inside scripts ([#7140](
+ - Fix `bundle update` message about exclude groups saying "installed" instead of "updated" ([#7150](
+ - Fix `bundle licenses` not show correct information about bundler itself ([#7147](
+ - Fix installation path not including ruby scope when `BUNDLE_PATH` was set ([#7163](
+ - Fix `bundle clean` incorrectly removing git depedencies present in the Gemfile when rubygems 3.0+ was used and path involved a symlink ([#7211](
+ - Fix platform specific gems always being re-resolved when bundler was not running under that platform ([#7212](
+ - Fix `bundle package --all-platforms` causing `bundle install` to ignore `--with` and `--without` ([#6113](
+ - Fix `MissingRevision` git errors to include the specific `git` command that failed under the hood ([#7225](
+ - Fix using gemspec & `force_ruby_platform` on Windows ([#6809](
+ - bundler's binstub checks on bundler version are now consisten with rubygems `BundlerVersionFinder` ([#7259](
+ - Fix `bundle install` and `bundle update` generating different lockfiles when `path:` gems with relative paths starting with "./" were used ([#7264](
+ - Give a proper error when user tries to `bundle open` a default gem ([#7288](
+ - Fix `bundle doctor` command ([#7309](
+ - Fix bundler giving an unclear recommendation when duplicated gems are found in the Gemfile ([#7302](
+ - Fix typo on a file extension in `bundle.ronn` [#7146](
+ - Fix incorrect default value for `cache_path` configuration ([#7229](
+ - Binstubs documentation has been improved ([#5889](
+ - Fix incorrect sections when explaining `:git`, `:branch`, and `:ref` options ([#7265](
+ - Fix mentions to remembered options in docs to explain the current state ([#7242](
+Internally, there's also been a bunch of improvements in our development
+environment, test suite, policies, contributing docs, and a bunch of cleanups of
+old compatibility code.
## 2.0.2 (2019-06-13)
@@ -63,8 +160,8 @@ Note: To upgrade your Gemfile to Bundler 2 you will need to run `bundle update -
Breaking Changes:
- - Dropped support for versions of Ruby < 2.3
- - Dropped support for version of RubyGems < 2.5
+ - Dropped support for versions of Ruby under 2.3
+ - Dropped support for version of RubyGems under 2.5
- Moved error messages from STDOUT to STDERR
Note: To upgrade your Gemfile to Bundler 2 you will need to run `bundle update --bundler`
@@ -2812,7 +2909,7 @@ isolation.
- Fixes an obscure bug where switching the source of a gem could fail to correctly
change the source of its dependencies
- Support multiple version dependencies in the Gemfile
- (gem "rails", ">= 3.0.0.beta1", "<= 3.0.0")
+ (`gem "rails", ">= 3.0.0.beta1", "<= 3.0.0"`)
- Raise an exception for ambiguous uses of multiple declarations of the same gem
(for instance, with different versions or sources).
- Fix cases where the same dependency appeared several times in the Gemfile.lock
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+# Upgrading
+## Bundler 3
+The following is a summary of the changes that we plan to introduce in Bundler
+3, why we will be making those changes, and what the deprecation process will
+look like. All these deprecations will be printed by default in the upcoming
+Bundler 2.1 release.
+If you don't want to deal with deprecations right now and want to toggle them
+off, you can do it through configuration. Set the `BUNDLE_SILENCE_DEPRECATIONS`
+environment variable to "true", or configure it through `bundle config` either
+globally through `bundle config set silence_deprecations true` command, or
+locally through `bundle config set --local silence_deprecations true`. From now
+on in this document we will assume that all three of these configuration options
+are available, but will only mention `bundle config set <option> <value>`.
+As a general note, these changes are intended to improve the experience using
+bundler for _new_ users, who have no existing usage routines nor possibly biased
+opinions about how the tool should work based on how it has historically worked.
+We do understand that changing behaviour that have been existing for years can
+be annoying for old users, that's why we intend to make this process as smooth
+as possible for everyone.
+I'll be dividing the deprecations into three groups: CLI deprecations, DSL
+deprecations, and misc deprecations. Let's dive into each of them.
+#### CLI deprecations
+The CLI defines a set of commands and options that can be used by our users to
+create command lines that bundler can understand. There's a number of changes
+that we plan to make to this set of commands and options.
+* Flags passed to `bundle install` that relied on being remembered across invokations have been deprecated.
+ In particular, the `--clean`, `--deployment`, `--frozen`, `--no-cache`,
+ `--no-prune`, `--path`, `--shebang`, `--system`, `--without`, and `--with`
+ options to `bundle install`.
+ Remembering CLI options has been a source of historical confusion and bug
+ reports, not only for beginners but also for experienced users. A CLI tool
+ should not behave differently accross exactly the same invokations _unless_
+ explicitly configured to do so. This is what configuration is about after all,
+ and things should never be silently configured without the user knowing about
+ it.
+ The problem with changing this behavior is that very common workflows are
+ relying on it. For example, when you run `bundle install --without
+ development:test` in production, those flags are persisted in the app's
+ configuration file and further `bundle` invokations will happily ignore
+ development and test gems. This magic will disappear from bundler 3, and
+ you will explicitly need to configure it, either through environment
+ variables, application configuration, or machine configuration. For example,
+ with `bundle config set without development test`.
+* The `--force` flag to `bundle install` and `bundle update` has been renamed to `--redownload`.
+ This is just a simple renaming of the flag, to make more apparent what it
+ actually does. This flag forces redownloading every gem, it doesn't "force"
+ anything else.
+* `bundle viz` will be removed and extracted to a plugin.
+ This is the only bundler command requiring external dependencies, both an OS
+ dependency (the `graphviz` package) a gem dependency (the `ruby-graphviz`
+ gem). Removing these dependencies will make development easier and it was also
+ seen by the bundler team as an opportunity to develop a [bundler plugin] that
+ it's officially maintained by the bundler team, and that users can take as a
+ reference to develop their own plugins. The plugin contains the same code as
+ the old core command, the only difference being that the command is now
+ implemented as `bundle graph` which is much easier to understand. Have a look
+ at for more information about how to
+ install and use the new plugin.
+* The `bundle console` will be removed and replaced with `bin/console`.
+ Over time we found `bundle console` hard to maintain because every user would
+ want to add her own specific tweaks to it. In order to ease maintainance and
+ reduce bikeshedding discussions, we're removing the `bundle console` command
+ in favor of a `bin/console` script created by `bundle gem` on gem generation
+ that users can tweak to their needs.
+ [NOTE: Should we provide an easy way to add `bin/console` to an existing gem?]
+* The `bundle update` command will no longer update all gems, you'll need to pass `--all` to it.
+ [NOTE: I'm not elaborating on this change yet because I have hesitations about
+ it which I've mentioned in After
+ reading up on it a bit more and seeing that it all starts with "many people
+ think that they should run bundle update after git pull", I wonder even more.
+ Why is this? Isn't this a documentation issue that shouldn't make us change
+ bundler?]
+* The `bundle install` command will no longer accept a `--binstubs` flag.
+ [NOTE: I'm not sure if I got the rationale for this one right, and I couln't
+ find any related Github discussion other than an upgrading document in the
+ 2-0-stable flag that mentions it. Please double check this]
+ The `--binstubs` option has been removed from `bundle install` and replaced
+ with the `bundle binstubs` command. The `--binstubs` flag would create
+ binstubs for all executables present inside the gems in the project. This was
+ hardly useful since most users will only use a subset of all the binstubs
+ available to them. Also, it would force the introduction of a bunch of most
+ likely unused files into source control. Because of this, binstubs now must
+ must be created and checked into version control individually.
+* The `bundle config` command has a new subcommand-based interface.
+ We believe the old interface where the kind of operation was guessed from the
+ combination of flags and number of arguments being passed to the command was
+ confusing. Instead we have introduced a compulsory subcommand argument that
+ can be either `list`, `get`, `set` or `unset`. We believe this will make the
+ `config` command much easier to interact with. The old interface is
+ deprecated, but we are giving suggestions about the new commands that should
+ be used along with the deprecation messages.
+* The `bundle inject` command is deprecated and replaced with `bundle add`.
+ We believe the new command fits the user's mental model better and it supports
+ a wider set of use cases. The interface supported by `bundle inject` works
+ exactly the same in `bundle add`, so it should be easy to migrate to the new
+ command.
+#### Helper deprecations
+* `Bundler.clean_env`, `Bundler.with_clean_env`, `Bundler.clean_system`, and `Bundler.clean_exec` are deprecated.
+ All of these helpers ultimately use `Bundler.clean_env` under the hood, which
+ makes sure all bundler-related environment are removed inside the block it
+ yields.
+ After quite a lot user reports, we noticed that users don't usually want this
+ but instead want the bundler environment as it was before the current process
+ was started. Thus, `Bundler.with_original_env`, `Bundler.original_system`, and
+ `Bundler.original_exec` were born. They all use the new `Bundler.original_env`
+ under the hood.
+ There's however some specific cases where the good old `Bundler.clean_env`
+ behavior can be useful. For example, when testing Rails generators, you really
+ want an environment where `bundler` is out of the picture. This is why we
+ decided to keep the old behavior under a new more clear name, because we
+ figured the word "clean" was too ambiguous. So we have introduced
+ `Bundler.unbundled_env`, `Bundler.with_unbundled_env`,
+ `Bundler.unbundled_system`, and `Bundler.unbundled_exec`.
+* `Bundler.environment` is deprecated in favor of `Bundler.load`.
+ We're not sure how people might be using this directly but we have removed the
+ `Bundler::Environment` class which was instantiated by `Bundler.environment`
+ since we realized the `Bundler::Runtime` class was the same thing. During the
+ transition `Bundler.environment` will delegate to `Bundler.load`, which holds
+ the reference to the `Bundler::Environment`.
+#### DSL deprecations
+The following deprecations in bundler's DSL are meant to prepare for the strict
+source pinning in bundler 3, where the source for every dependency will be
+unambiguously defined.
+* Multiple global Gemfile sources will no longer be supported.
+ Instead of something like this:
+ ```ruby
+ source "https://main_source"
+ source "https://another_source"
+ gem "dependency1"
+ gem "dependency2"
+ ```
+ do something like this:
+ ```ruby
+ source "https://main_source"
+ gem "dependency1"
+ source "https://another_source" do
+ gem "dependency2"
+ end
+ ```
+* Global `path` and `git` sources will no longer be supported.
+ Instead of something like this:
+ ```ruby
+ path "/my/path/with/gems"
+ git "https://my_git_repo_with_gems"
+ gem "dependency1"
+ gem "dependency2"
+ ```
+ do something like this:
+ ```ruby
+ gem "dependency1", path: "/my/path/with/gems"
+ gem "dependency2", git: "https://my_git_repo_with_gems"
+ ```
+ or use the block forms:
+ ```ruby
+ path "/my/path/with/gems" do
+ # gem "dependency1"
+ # ...
+ # gem "dependencyn"
+ end
+ git "https://my_git_repo_with_gems" do
+ # gem "dependency1"
+ # ...
+ # gem "dependencyn"
+ end
+ ```
+ if you have multiple gems for each source and you want to be a bit DRYer.
+#### Misc deprecations
+* Deployment helpers for `vlad` and `capistrano` are being removed.
+ These are natural deprecations since the `vlad` tool has had no activity for
+ years whereas `capistrano` 3 has built-in Bundler integration in the form of
+ the `capistrano-bundler` gem, and everyone using Capistrano 3 should be
+ already using that instead. If for some reason, you are still using Capistrano
+ 2, feel free to copy the Capistrano tasks out of the Bundler 2 file
+ `bundler/deployment.rb` and put them into your app.
+ In general, we don't want to maintain integrations for every deployment system
+ out there, so that's why we are removing these.