path: root/src/buildstream/node.pyx
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1 files changed, 53 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/src/buildstream/node.pyx b/src/buildstream/node.pyx
index b76d88bb5..aa1ff609d 100644
--- a/src/buildstream/node.pyx
+++ b/src/buildstream/node.pyx
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ cdef class ScalarNode(Node):
cpdef bint as_bool(self) except *:
"""Get the value of the node as a boolean.
.. note:: BuildStream treats the values 'True' and 'true' as True,
and the values 'False' and 'false' as False. Any other
string values (such as the valid YAML 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ cdef class ScalarNode(Node):
:class:`buildstream._exceptions.LoadError`: if the value cannot be coerced to
a bool correctly.
:class:`bool`: the value contained in the node, as a boolean
@@ -325,11 +325,11 @@ cdef class ScalarNode(Node):
cpdef int as_int(self) except *:
"""Get the value of the node as an integer.
:class:`buildstream._exceptions.LoadError`: if the value cannot be coerced to
an integer correctly.
:class:`int`: the value contained in the node, as a integer
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ cdef class ScalarNode(Node):
cpdef str as_str(self):
"""Get the value of the node as a string.
:class:`str`: the value contained in the node, as a string, or `None` if the content
is `None`.
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ cdef class ScalarNode(Node):
cpdef bint is_none(self):
"""Determine whether the current scalar is `None`.
:class:`bool`: `True` if the value of the scalar is `None`, else `False`
@@ -481,18 +481,18 @@ cdef class MappingNode(Node):
"""get_bool(key, default=sentinel)
Get the value of the node for `key` as a boolean.
This is equivalent to: :code:`mapping.get_scalar(my_key, my_default).as_bool()`.
key (str): key for which to get the value
default (bool): default value to return if `key` is not in the mapping
- :class:`buildstream._exceptions.LoadError`: if the value at `key` is not a
+ :class:`buildstream._exceptions.LoadError`: if the value at `key` is not a
:class:`.ScalarNode` or isn't a
valid `boolean`
:class:`bool`: the value at `key` or the default
@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ cdef class MappingNode(Node):
"""get_int(key, default=sentinel)
Get the value of the node for `key` as an integer.
This is equivalent to: :code:`mapping.get_scalar(my_key, my_default).as_int()`.
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ cdef class MappingNode(Node):
default (int): default value to return if `key` is not in the mapping
- :class:`buildstream._exceptions.LoadError`: if the value at `key` is not a
+ :class:`buildstream._exceptions.LoadError`: if the value at `key` is not a
:class:`.ScalarNode` or isn't a
valid `integer`
@@ -525,16 +525,16 @@ cdef class MappingNode(Node):
"""get_mapping(key, default=sentinel)
Get the value of the node for `key` as a :class:`.MappingNode`.
key (str): key for which to get the value
default (dict): default value to return if `key` is not in the mapping. It will be converted
to a :class:`.MappingNode` before being returned
- :class:`buildstream._exceptions.LoadError`: if the value at `key` is not a
+ :class:`buildstream._exceptions.LoadError`: if the value at `key` is not a
:class:`.MappingNode`: the value at `key` or the default
@@ -552,13 +552,13 @@ cdef class MappingNode(Node):
"""get_node(key, allowed_types=None, allow_none=False)
Get the value of the node for `key` as a :class:`.Node`.
This is useful if you have configuration that can be either a :class:`.ScalarNode` or
a :class:`.MappingNode` for example.
This method will validate that the value is indeed exactly one of those types (not a subclass)
and raise an exception accordingly.
key (str): key for which to get the value
allowed_types (list): list of valid subtypes of :class:`.Node` that are valid return values.
@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ cdef class MappingNode(Node):
:class:`buildstream._exceptions.LoadError`: if the value at `key` is not one
of the expected types or if it doesn't
:class:`.Node`: the value at `key` or `None`
@@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ cdef class MappingNode(Node):
"""get_scalar(key, default=sentinel)
Get the value of the node for `key` as a :class:`.ScalarNode`.
key (str): key for which to get the value
default (str, int, bool, None): default value to return if `key` is not in the mapping.
@@ -611,9 +611,9 @@ cdef class MappingNode(Node):
- :class:`buildstream._exceptions.LoadError`: if the value at `key` is not a
+ :class:`buildstream._exceptions.LoadError`: if the value at `key` is not a
:class:`.ScalarNode`: the value at `key` or the default
@@ -634,16 +634,16 @@ cdef class MappingNode(Node):
"""get_sequence(key, default=sentinel)
Get the value of the node for `key` as a :class:`.SequenceNode`.
key (str): key for which to get the value
default (list): default value to return if `key` is not in the mapping. It will be converted
to a :class:`.SequenceNode` before being returned
- :class:`buildstream._exceptions.LoadError`: if the value at `key` is not a
+ :class:`buildstream._exceptions.LoadError`: if the value at `key` is not a
:class:`.SequenceNode`: the value at `key` or the default
@@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ cdef class MappingNode(Node):
"""get_str(key, default=sentinel)
Get the value of the node for `key` as an string.
This is equivalent to: :code:`mapping.get_scalar(my_key, my_default).as_str()`.
@@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ cdef class MappingNode(Node):
default (str): default value to return if `key` is not in the mapping
- :class:`buildstream._exceptions.LoadError`: if the value at `key` is not a
+ :class:`buildstream._exceptions.LoadError`: if the value at `key` is not a
:class:`.ScalarNode` or isn't a
valid `str`
@@ -683,7 +683,7 @@ cdef class MappingNode(Node):
"""Get a new view of the mapping items ((key, value) pairs).
This is equivalent to running :code:`my_dict.item()` on a `dict`.
:class:`dict_items`: a view on the underlying dictionary
@@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ cdef class MappingNode(Node):
"""Get the list of all keys in the mapping.
This is equivalent to running :code:`my_dict.keys()` on a `dict`.
:class:`list`: a list of all keys in the mapping
@@ -703,10 +703,10 @@ cdef class MappingNode(Node):
Remove the entry at `key` in the dictionary if it exists.
This method is a safe equivalent to :code:`del mapping[key]`, that doesn't
throw anything if the key doesn't exist.
key (str): key to remove from the mapping
@@ -716,11 +716,11 @@ cdef class MappingNode(Node):
Validate that the node doesn't contain extra keys
This validates the node so as to ensure the user has not specified
any keys which are unrecognized by BuildStream (usually this
means a typo which would otherwise not trigger an error).
valid_keys (list): A list of valid keys for the specified node
@@ -743,7 +743,7 @@ cdef class MappingNode(Node):
"""Get the values in the mapping.
This is equivalent to running :code:`my_dict.values()` on a `dict`.
:class:`dict_values`: a list of all values in the mapping
@@ -1094,17 +1094,17 @@ cdef class SequenceNode(Node):
cpdef void append(self, object value):
Append the given object to the sequence.
value (object): the value to append to the list. This can either be:
- a :class:`Node`
- a :class:`int`, :class:`bool`, :class:`str`, :class:`None`,
:class:`dict` or :class:`list`. In which case, this will be
converted into a :class:`Node` beforehand
:class:`TypeError`: when the value cannot be converted to a :class:`Node`
@@ -1116,11 +1116,11 @@ cdef class SequenceNode(Node):
cpdef list as_str_list(self):
"""Get the values of the sequence as a list of strings.
:class:`buildstream._exceptions.LoadError`: if the sequence contains more than
:class:`list`: the content of the sequence as a list of strings
@@ -1130,15 +1130,15 @@ cdef class SequenceNode(Node):
Retrieve the entry at `index` as a :class:`.MappingNode`.
index (int): index for which to get the value
- :class:`buildstream._exceptions.LoadError`: if the value at `key` is not a
+ :class:`buildstream._exceptions.LoadError`: if the value at `key` is not a
:class:`IndexError`: if no value exists at this index
:class:`.MappingNode`: the value at `index`
@@ -1156,13 +1156,13 @@ cdef class SequenceNode(Node):
"""node_at(index, allowed_types=None)
Retrieve the entry at `index` as a :class:`.Node`.
This is useful if you have configuration that can be either a :class:`.ScalarNode` or
a :class:`.MappingNode` for example.
This method will validate that the value is indeed exactly one of those types (not a subclass)
and raise an exception accordingly.
index (int): index for which to get the value
allowed_types (list): list of valid subtypes of :class:`.Node` that are valid return values.
@@ -1172,7 +1172,7 @@ cdef class SequenceNode(Node):
:class:`buildstream._exceptions.LoadError`: if the value at `index` is not of one of the
expected types
:class:`IndexError`: if no value exists at this index
:class:`.Node`: the value at `index`
@@ -1190,15 +1190,15 @@ cdef class SequenceNode(Node):
Retrieve the entry at `index` as a :class:`.ScalarNode`.
index (int): index for which to get the value
- :class:`buildstream._exceptions.LoadError`: if the value at `key` is not a
+ :class:`buildstream._exceptions.LoadError`: if the value at `key` is not a
:class:`IndexError`: if no value exists at this index
:class:`.ScalarNode`: the value at `index`
@@ -1216,15 +1216,15 @@ cdef class SequenceNode(Node):
Retrieve the entry at `index` as a :class:`.SequenceNode`.
index (int): index for which to get the value
- :class:`buildstream._exceptions.LoadError`: if the value at `key` is not a
+ :class:`buildstream._exceptions.LoadError`: if the value at `key` is not a
:class:`IndexError`: if no value exists at this index
:class:`.SequenceNode`: the value at `index`